Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association

Page created by Ken Guerrero
Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association
Annual Review 2019
Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association
Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association

                Item                                                             Page

                Chairman’s Report                                                4-5

                Chief Executive Report                                           6-7

                Finance Report                                                   8

                Communications Report                                            9

                Highlights from 2019                                             10 - 11

                North Wales Regional Report                                      12 - 13

                South Wales Regional Report                                      14 - 15

                West Wales Regional Report                                       16 - 17

                 Performance Programme Report                                    18 - 19

                Awards                                                           20 - 21

Photo Credits

RYA, RYA Cymru Wales, Alistair McKay, Paul Wyeth, Kelly Ford, Wheelyboat Trust

Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association
Since my last report, there have been                   We had certain posts vacant, and some are on
enormous developments at RYA Cymru                      hold until funding clarifies itself, as we have
Wales, which will affect the future feel and            been on a falling budget, and it is now starting
direction of the organisation.                          to bite. Our successful expansion of “All Afloat”
                                                        has had financial implications for us in staffing
This year was tinged with sadness as the
organisation was rocked by the untimely and
sudden death of our CEO, Phil Braden. The               All Afloat has had a good year with multiple
whole boating community came together to                centres and especially the expansion of
support the organisation, staff and his family at       activity in Rhyl where three new Hansa
such a sad time.                                        dinghies have been deployed.
This left us unexpectedly with no CEO, and              A review of the costs and activities of All Afloat
the Board authorised me to take over on an              will be considered by the CEO, Board and the
interim basis for a period of time until a new          Charity trustees to map a way forward,
CEO was appointed. I have to say that                   retaining hopefully this excellent activity in the
working on the other side of the desk gave a            mainstream of RYA Cymru Wales activities
different insight into the operation which will         and possible funding. Note: Two Board
hold me in good stead for the future.                   members are Trustees.
Gerwyn Owen was appointed as our new CEO                This is my third year now in the Chair of the
after a rigorous appointment process, joining           organisation, and as mentioned we have seen
us from a sports background and previously              challenges. At your last AGM, I was appointed
having been with Disability Sport Wales. He is          for four years, so I will be continuing to work
familiar with the interactions with Sport Wales         with the organisation, the CEO and the Board.
(our funding body) and will have experience in          We are working towards a diverse skills-based
how to apply for our grant aid.                         board which represents the needs of the

Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association

boating community. We have a skills-based              consider personal membership of the RYA.
appointment process, and we are identifying            There are a number of club schemes where
the skills we require before considering               clubs are able to get a benefit from
additions to the Board. Some posts are Board           membership if they are a registered as a
appointed and some are subject to outsider             Joining Point. RYA itself, when talking to
recruitment to ensure anyone can apply, even           government, is listened to because of the
non-sailors    as   we    welcome     outside          number of personal members it represents so
experience.                                            membership is very important.
I referred last year to the Marine Plan for            Good Boating Next Year.
Wales; the basic text is agreed and is now with        Mike Butterfield
Welsh and UK Government for approval.
Hopefully it will be signed off before Christmas       Chair RYA Cymru Wales
this year. This plan will balance the
environment,       conflicting    uses,     when
development is proposed and setting out a
framework for this. This should give us some
protection from future potential adverse
developments, and I would like to thank RYA
centrally for the staff time and resource they
have put into assisting us in Wales.
We get assistance from RYA on a whole host
of matters, but their willingness to assist
sometimes depends on how many personal
RYA Members we have in Wales. The
numbers are small, and I ask all of you to

Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association
I am in the very privileged position in writing         launch of the accessible Wheelyboat, which
this, as your new Chief Executive. Having been          through various funding partners including
based in my previous employment for Disability          Wheelyboat Trust, All Afloat, Outdoor
Sport Wales in Plas Menai, I have a strong              Partnership, Sport Wales and RYA Cymru
affiliation to RYA Cymru Wales, held the                Wales, has been acquired by the North Wales
organisation in high regard on its impact in the        Sailability group at the Conway Centre. The
sports sector as well as knowing most of the            group decided to name the boat ‘Phil Braden’ in
team personally.                                        honour of the work our ex-CEO had done in his
                                                        time at RYA Cymru Wales for inclusive sailing. I
Having been in the organisation a few weeks
                                                        was privileged to be at the launch, which saw
my interaction and learning has not only
                                                        Phil’s wife, Deb Braden, name and launch the
confirmed my understanding but it has been
expanded by the huge commitment and desire
the team, which includes the board, staff,              I am still in listening mode currently, trying to up
coaches, participants, volunteers and parents           -skill, learn and identify every aspect of the
have for the sport. I am truly honoured to have         organisation. I welcome the opportunity to
joined the team, and I look forward to working          come and visit as many of you as possible to
with you in the future.                                 hear your stories, your thoughts, your
                                                        frustrations but also your successes. I want to
However, it is tinged with sadness, as we all
know my only reason being in the post is the            celebrate what’s good about our boating
                                                        community, not only to ourselves but to our
sad passing of Phil Braden. For the short time I
                                                        funders, partners and identify potential new
knew him I know how passionate he was about
                                                        opportunities to widen our reach.
boating and the benefit it gives to everyone.
This was shown in his passion to establish the          We are currently mid-term in our Strategic Plan
charity All Afloat that is there to transform the       (2017 – 2021) and I’m currently ploughing
lives of people. I have seen first-hand the             through all our plans, operational plans, targets
impact it is having and I want to make sure that        and financial position. This allows me to review
the stories that we create from this is shared          our current position, understanding the state of
with everyone. This was identified clearly at the       play, identifying what our partners needs are

Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association
but keeping a focus on the needs of the boating      You might have seen on our social media and
community.                                           webpage we are starting to share stories of the
2018/2019 has been a stable but tough year           impact of the sport on people and I welcome
                                                     you to share your own stories with us on how
financially, as you will see from our financial
                                                     you have benefited from the sport. By telling a
report, we have reduced income from one of
                                                     story, and a good story at that, we will be able
our main partners. However we have managed
                                                     to engage more people in our sport.
to maintain the business and in some areas
enhanced. The forecast from Sport Wales is to        I hope you get something from our Annual
expect a further 5% to 10% cut, and we’re            Review and in coming years I’d like to change
working hard to identify areas of saving that will   the focus of the Review, making sure we
not impact on our programmes. We will be             identify the great work that is going on in our
supported by Dave Vickery, our Financial             sport, but also providing some insight that can
Consultant, who I’ve negotiated additional time      be shared with others. Again I’d welcome your
with over the coming year to further develop our     input.
financial reporting, financial risk management
                                                     RYA Cymru Wales is here to promote and
and forecasting.                                     protect safe, successful and rewarding boating
A new Governance & Leadership Framework              in Wales, striving to grow participation in the
programme is being rolled out through Sport          sport and ensuring that everyone reaches their
Wales and Welsh Sports Association to further        potential.
support the work of National Governing Bodies.       Can I finish off by thanking the team at RYA
As a new CEO, RYA Cymru Wales will be                Cymru Wales, they should be applauded for
reviewed over the winter on its Governance           their handling of the last year, it was truly a
position, but I’m comfortable that the work the      horrendous period for the organisation. I truly
team has done over recent years will identify        believe that it has united everyone together to
that we are in a strong position.                    provide the best environment for boating activity
 Our highlights package on pages 10 and 11 will      in Wales
identify some of the outcomes of RYA Cymru           Gerwyn Owen
Wales and I hope moving forward we will be
able to maintain and enhance on these.               Chief Executive Officer
Whether it’s more participants enjoying ‘Push
the Boat Out’ sessions, joining our clubs,
making our squads or becoming an Olympic
athlete, there is something for everyone. We
can identify though our work that this sport can
be enjoyed throughout your life and we should
celebrate and promote this more.
2020 will be a key year for us, where will be
able to support our athletes at the Tokyo 2020
Olympic Games, I was delighted to see the first
athletes named for Team GB included Hannah
Mills and Chris Grube, hopefully other names
will follow. We must remember that they came
through the Welsh squad system and for any
aspiring sailor please take inspiration from our
GB athletes.

Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association
The 2018-2019 financial year saw income fall           Wales maintains adequate resources to
to £496k, which was largely due to the                 indemnify against financial risk and enable the
decrease in Sport Wales funding, which as              continuation of programmes should the
reported to the 2018 AGM, had been                     funding cuts become a reality.
anticipated in the region of a 5% cut.                 The Board continues to monitor and assess
Total expenditure decreased to £490k in                the investment of resources into RYA Cymru
comparison with the 2018 figure of £507k to            Wales’s activities to ensure we attain our
mirror, in part, the cut in funding whilst still       strategic objectives.
maintaining the core programmes.
                                                       Ceri Yeomans
The year produced an overall surplus of
£6,526 in comparison with the 2018 surplus of          Office Manager
£37,860.      In accordance with historical
accounting practices, the proceeds from the
sale of boats (in this case £16,170) is then
invested into the fixed asset fund designed for
the purchase of new RIB(s) in the foreseeable
The net current assets as at 31st March 2019
stands at a healthy £223k which is considered
as being the company’s financial reserves. In
the increasingly uncertain financial climate,
and given Sport Wales’ warning of further,
possibly substantial, grant reductions it is
important to ensure now that RYA Cymru

Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association
Continuous improvement of communications             We are committed to providing a clear and
with stakeholders is a key objective for RYA         easy to use format to display information on
Cymru Wales. RYA Cymru Wales has a part-             racing, courses and events across Wales. At
time Communications Officer in addition to a         the start of the year we implemented an
RYA funded Regional Communicator.                    events calendar displaying open events,
                                                     courses and workshops across Wales. We
The Communications Officer’s role is to
                                                     will continue to make changes and improve
manage and grow RYA Cymru Wales’ social
                                                     the site as the year goes on.
media channels, improving engagement with
existing RYA members and increasing brand            In early 2019 we identified the need to
awareness of RYA Cymru Wales and Sport               provide a bi-lingual service on our websites.
Wales backed programmes.                             We are currently reviewing our English
                                                     language content and site structure, with the
The Regional Communicator role, replicated
                                                     aim of providing Welsh translations where
in all the RYA nations and regions, is to
produce editorial content for regional and
national press, publicise the work of RYA            For the remainder of 2019 and heading into
Cymru Wales and highlight the best stories.          2020 we will be focusing on more human
This can be as simple as a video taken when          interest stories that highlight the advantages
a school of dolphins joined Tenby                    of sailing. We want to showcase our
schoolchildren on a club training night. That        wonderful sport and highlight the life skills
fun film, showing some of the benefits of            and well-being that sailing promotes.
sailing in Wales, had more than half a million       Kieran John    Hamish Stuart
hits on the BBC alone.
                                                     Communications Team
In 2019 RYA Cymru Wales began a content
and structure review of the events website.

Annual Review 2019 - Royal Yachting Association

Events                                                 Governance
    14 Club Youth Racing Circuit (CYRCs)                     Intermediate Level of Equality Standard
     events were held across Wales, including
                                                              Level 3 Safeguarding Standards in
     Training Days run by our National Coaches
                                                               association with NSPCC/CPSU Wales
    RYACW delivered 4 National Events
                                                              insport Silver award from Disability
          2 OnBoard Festivals at Bala Sailing                  Sport Wales
          Club & Acorn Llangorse
                                                              Chwarae Teg Exemplar Employer
          Welsh Youth & Junior at Plas Heli
                                                               Award – Leading level
          British Regional Youth & Junior in
                                                              Disability Confident Employer
          Mumbles SC

Sailability                                                Training
    Increased offer to 10 sites in Wales, 2                   1918 instructors in Wales
     pending affiliation.
                                                               87 Recognised Training Centres for
    960 participants, with 415 regular sailors                 Dinghy, Windsurfing, PWC, Sail or
    2 Open Days at Conway Centre and                           Motor Cruising
     Clywedog Sailing Club                                     45 attended the RYA Instructor Training
    All Afloat project developed an accessi-                   Day in Wales
     ble pontoon, purchase of hoist, funding                   48 attended the Affiliated Conferences
     for 3 new Hansa 303 dinghies                               in Wales


Push the Boat Out                                 Performance
       19 venues provided Push the Boat Out          124 youth & junior sailors In Welsh
        activity throughout May, an increase           National or Regional Squads in 2018 -
        from 11                                        2019
       100% Push The Boat Out venues re-             15% GBR squad representation at Youth
        ported data back to RYACW                      Level
       93 memberships gained through PTBO.           11% GBR squad representation at Junior
        100 took part in follow-on activities          Level
                                                      22 Medals or podium positions won at
                                                       International & National events

    OnBoard                                       All Afloat

        27 OnBoard venues engaged with the           7 venues delivered 377 participant
         OnBoard programme                             sessions

        6522 new participants                        1851 Trust & Rebels programme at
                                                       Cardiff Sailing Centre delivered 350
        3 new OnBoard Tutor Trainers
                                                       participant sessions
        OnBoard resources produced in Welsh
                                                      Rhyl YC at Marine Lake delivered 380
                                                       sessions for disadvantaged children
        95 sailors attended OnBoard Festivals
                                                      21 Young Carers attended taster
                                                       sessions at Llangorse

Our local clubs have continued to open their          successful. Through grant funding from Rhyl
doors and some have hosted many national              Community Partnership fund, Gwynt y Môr,
championships, including South Caernarfon-            Steve Morgan Foundation and Waterloo
shire Yacht Club hosting the Dragon Edinburgh         Foundation we have been able to install a new
Cup, Pwllheli SC the IRC Nationals, Llandudno         accessible pontoon, ramp and hoist on the lake,
SC the Scorpion’s to name but a few. Royal An-        three Hansa 303’s and sailing sessions for
glesey Yacht Club hosted the Menai Strait Re-         children from disadvantaged backgrounds and
gatta which is such a firm favourite with the         those with disabilities. Rhyl YC has been
Classic boats.                                        instrumental in the project, setting up again as
                                                      an RTC, using their boats and equipment and
Female participation in sailing has been an
                                                      providing some great instructors. It has
area that we are keen to support and this year
                                                      changed lives and long may it continue.
Dovey YC signed up to the Only Girls Afloat
programme. They hosted an open day in May             Sailability has continued to grow in the region,
with 40 women and girls of all ages getting out       Shotwick Lake SC have been using their Hansa
on the water including one of their octogenarian      303’s on a regular basis and the Conway centre
female members taking women out for a taster          were awarded a Sport Wales development
in her GP14. RAYC hosted a day of female only         grant to help in the purchase of a ‘Wheely
race training run by the Magenta project and it       Boat’, a fully accessible powerboat which has
has inspired more women to get involved with          been named the ‘Phil Braden’.
club racing.                                          It hasn't been the easiest of years with Phil's
Our youth sailors have been attending the             illness. It goes without saying he will be missed.
CYRCs, the young sailors do enjoy travelling to       More than once when clubs appealed for
different clubs and it is a good stepping stone to    assistance with safety boat cover Phil
travelling further afield. Despite challenging        responded. He wasn't frightened about getting
conditions the OnBoard Festival at Bala Lake          his hands dirty as well as leading from the front.
SC was well attending and thanks must go to           This spirit of co-operation manifested itself
them and the other clubs for hosting our youth        within the North Wales Club committee. We
events this season.                                   have held 4 very positive committee meetings
                                                      and many clubs have contributed and
All Afloat has continued to flourish in the region
                                                      volunteered at events throughout the region
with projects taking place in Colwyn Bay,
Llandudno and Rhyl. The project in Rhyl has           Our clubs rely on volunteers so thank you to all
been our biggest project to date and extremely        of you who keep our clubs running so that
                                                      everyone can enjoy the benefits of our sport.
                                                      Finally I would like to thank the staff for their
                                                      continued support at RYA CW HQ and in
                                                      particular Mike Butterfield, who took over the
                                                      reins after Phil's illness.
                                                      Ken Newing
                                                      North Wales Regional Chairman
                                                      Rosy Hearn
                                                      North Wales Club Development Officer


In the region, we’ve seen the South Wales
CYRC series concluding at Tata SC with five
clubs taking part and over 60 sailors. The
South & West OB Acorn Llangorse Regatta
had great sailing conditions. A big thank you to
Llangorse SC and Acorn Adventure for their
continuing support, plus all the skilled
volunteers that make the event run smoothly.
This year the British Youth     Sailing Welsh
Regional Championships 2019     were hosted by
Mumbles Yacht Club and          despite some
weather related challenges      were a great
                                                        Trust activity in Cardiff. Providing opportunities
Disability sailing in South Wales is proving a          for a wide range of young people to get out on
success with 5 clubs and centres now RYA                the water who may not otherwise have had the
Sailabilty recognised organisations and three           chance.
signed up for “Insport”.
                                                        Another success story has been to combine
Llangorse SC and Cardiff YC are also actively           club regattas series creating an overall event,
encouraging more inclusive club activity and            encouraging sailors to compete in club
supporting of the 2.4M class.                           regattas around the region. Including CBYC,
                                                        CYC, Penarth YC, Sully SC and Barry YC
                                                        Overall, a good year for South Wales and
                                                        thanks go to the volunteers and club members
                                                        across the region for their efforts, time and
                                                        enthusiasm for the sport.

                                                        Sian Reynolds
                                                        South Regional Chair

                                                        Pete Muskett
                                                        South Wales Club Development Officer

Push The Boat Out proved as popular as ever
and has become a regular part of the sailing
programme. It has proved to be an important
tool for clubs to attract new membership.
Three more organisations have affiliated to the
RYA in the region this year.
All Afloat sessions have been run at
Llandegfedd, Cardiff and Swansea, plus 1851


2019 has seen the West Region having
another active year, continuing its work
towards      increased      participation    and
accessibility to the sport of sailing and boating
in West Wales.
The clubs and centres who engage with us
continue to provide an active and vibrant
network across the region of similar minded
enthusiastic sailors, helping and supporting
each other’s endeavours.
Clubs and centres continue to respond to a
demand for a diverse range of courses. This
undoubtedly contributes to a continuing
growth in the numbers of young instructors
and coaches. Without these young instructors
the quantity and quality of coaching could not
have been achieved, either within clubs or at
events and indeed within the projects we                 It is therefore no surprise that both Welsh
support such as Get Out and Get Active and               National and Regional squads in the Laser,
All Afloat. We are perhaps beginning to see a            Topper and Optimist classes have chosen to
new generation of great role models who may              have training camps in our region.
challenge the established stereotype of the              The following are some of the highlights of the
yacht club, increasing diversification and               year:
                                                         The region was host to the Welsh Laser Open
It is always worth reminding ourselves that in           Championship, held at Fishguard Bay Yacht
West Wales we have some of the best sailing              Club; the Laser 2000 National Championships
environments in the UK, providing conditions             at Tenby Sailing Club; the F18 Catamaran
which prepare and enable Welsh sailors to                Nationals at Tresaith; and another very
perform and compete at the highest and most              successful Coppet Week at Saundersfoot
challenging level.                                       Sailing Club.
                                                         There have been a number of extra
                                                         opportunities in the region including two Race
                                                         Coaching Level 2 courses, the first in some
                                                         years, a Laser coaching weekend, including a
                                                         foiling taster day in Lasers and RS Aeros
                                                         together with some advanced Powerboating
                                                         night navigation workshops.
                                                         Push the Boat Out and Barts Bash at opposite
                                                         ends of the season again drew in new
                                                         interested participants to the clubs. Neyland
                                                         YC played host to the Magenta Project and


had tailored race coaching with the aim of              None of this activity would be possible without
giving female sailors the encouragement to              the hard work and commitment of our
take that next step to continue to race within          Regional Development Officer, Hester Walker,
the clubs. Similarly the “Only Girls Afloat”            and the support of clubs and volunteers
programme in Cardigan Bay Watersports has               across the region. We would like to thank
had great success feeding their dinghy sailors          everyone involved across the region.
into club cruiser activity with many joining the
New Quay Regatta. We hope to build and
support more clubs to recognise the benefits            Mick Renny
of offering gender specific opportunities for           West Wales Regional Chairman
women to build confidence and ability and
                                                        Hester Walker
become regular participants.
                                                        West Wales Club Development Officer
Windsurfing activity has seen quite a revival
thanks to West Wales Watersports, with club
members increasing encouragingly.
CYRCs and coaching days were held at
Tenby SC, Dale YC, Neyland YC, and
Pembrokeshire YC, providing young sailors
with opportunities to develop their skills and
experience in racing, as well as the
opportunity to meet up and have fun.


The RYA Youth Nationals held at WPNSA in               Hannah Mills, a Welsh Optimist & 420 Squad
early April gave us some good results with             Graduate, won the Gold Medal and became
Elodie Edwards (Pwllheli SC) / Hannah Morris           the 470 Female World Champion at the World
finishing 2nd in the 29er Girls and Jamie Cook/        Championships held at the Olympic venue in
Will Martin finishing 2nd in the 420 Boys. Kai         Enoshima, Japan and followed that up by
Wolgram finished 2nd U17 in the Laser Radial           gaining a Silver Medal at the Olympic Test
Boys fleet. Wales had consistent results               Event a week later. Previously she had won
across the other fleets as can be seen below:-         Gold at Trofeo de Palma, Silver at the
                                                       Europeans and Silver at the World Cup Sailing
Rhys Lewis (CBYC) 4th 420 Boys
                                                       Finals in Aarhus. Finally she has just been
Catrin Williams (Port Dinorwic SC) 4th Bic             selected to be the Womans 470 representative
Techno Girls                                           at the Olympics one of the first GB Athletes to
Tom Renny (Teifi BC/Fishguard Bay) 5th Laser           have that honour.
Standard                                               Chris Grube has also been selected for the
Chris Jones (Pwllheli SC) 7 Laser Standard             Men’s 470 Representative at the Tokyo 2020
                                                       Olympics. “Twiggy” as he’s known also came
Mila Monaghan (CBYC) 8th, Laser Radial
                                                       through the Welsh Squad system and this will
Youth Girls
                                                       be his 2nd Olympics as he sailed with helm
Catrin Williams (Port Dinorwic SC) 8th Bic             Luke Patience at the Rio 2016 Olympic
Techno                                                 Games.

In the Optimists, Arwen Fflur (Llandudno SC)             Of course, all of this achievement is the result
successfully defended her Optimist Senior                of the activity that is supported by all of Wales’
National Girls title at the Optimist National            clubs, coaches, parents and volunteers. I
Championships at WPNSA in August. She                    hope you recognise some of the names within
was also 1st Girl at the End of Season                   this report as having started sailing at your
Championships and has podiumed at every                  club or a club near you. As ever, we thank
UK National event this year!                             everyone involved, especially those who
                                                         volunteer, to help support the programme. We
Ellie Creighton (CBYC) finished 2nd to Arwen
                                                         couldn’t do it without you!
at the Optimist Nationals. She was also 3rd Girl
at the Late Summers Championship in August.              On a personal note this is the last Annual
                                                         Review Report from me as the RYA Cymru
In the Toppers, Honor Procter (CBYC) came
                                                         Wales HPM as I’m retiring in May 2020. I’ve
2nd Girl in the Irish Toppers and 3rd Girl in one
                                                         had a brilliant time working for RYA Cymru
of the National Series Events held in Carsing-
                                                         Wales and I wish RYA Cymru Wales and my
                                                         successor all of the very best in the future and
In the RS Tera Sport Jac Bailey (Port Dinorwic           thanks for all the memories.
Sailing SC) won the World Title in Sweden.
Whilst RYA Cymru Wales are currently not
                                                         Paul Simes
supporting the RS Tera Sport Class, I felt it is
                                                         High Performance Manager
important to celebrate any Welsh Youth &
Junior success especially at a world level.
So as you can see a lot to report and we
haven’t mentioned Micky Beckett (Solva YC)
who came through the Welsh Squad System
via Toppers and Lasers and who is still in the
running to be selected for the GBR Sailing
Team to attend the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in
Japan sailing a Laser Standard. Fingers
crossed for Micky!


                                   Congratulations to Royal Anglesey
                                    Yacht Club for winning the Welsh
                                   nomination for the Club of the Year
                                   2020, they will battle it out against
                                  another 9 clubs for the UK title, keep
                                   an eye out for the voting details in
                                     December 2019/January 2020

 #MoreThanSailing Award to
the Conway Centre, Anglesey
 at the RYA Sailability Awards
 Ceremony in February 2019

                                 Congratulations to David Hemingway
                                    Llangorse Sailing Club winning
                                   Lifetime Commitment Award and
                                  Caroline Tebbutt, Royal Anglesey
                                   Yacht Club winning Outstanding
                                          Contribution Award


Head Office / Prif Swyddfa: 8, Llys-Y-Mor, Plas Menai,
  Llanfairisgaer, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1UE.

                Tel: 01248 670814

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