Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021 - gov.wales

Welsh Government
Taking Wales Forward

Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                 2


Foreword by the First Minister of Wales   3

Prosperous and Secure                     4

Healthy and Active                        7

Ambitious and Learning                    9

United and Connected                      12

Shared Challenges and Opportunities       15

Driving Forward Delivery                  15
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                          3

Taking Wales Forward sets out how this                  uncertain times and deliver the promise of the
Government will deliver more and better jobs            Future Generations Act.
through a stronger, fairer economy, improve and         Our work must be guided by financial
reform our public services, and build a united,         responsibility and realism. Austerity imposed
connected and sustainable Wales.                        by the UK Government continues, and every
A critical five years lie ahead. The UK withdrawal      objective analysis of the potential impact
from the European Union creates some                    of Brexit says we should be prepared for a
uncertainty and challenges, but our mandate is          shrinking economy. So now, more than ever
clear. The Welsh Government’s relentless focus          being in Government means choices and we
will be on driving improvement in our economy           will face tough ones. Where we start new
and public services, which are together the             programmes to fulfil our pledges, we must stop
bedrock of people’s daily lives.                        something else to pay for it. That is the new
                                                        reality for this Assembly, and every party must
This document outlines our key priorities
                                                        adapt to this if they are to play a serious role in
for delivering those improvements. They are
                                                        Wales’ future.
ambitious measures aimed at making a
difference for everyone, at every stage in              The promises made by the Leave campaign
their lives.                                            in the European Referendum have already
                                                        been consigned to the scrapheap, and so it is
Wales in the 21st century is diverse and
                                                        for the Welsh Government to prove doubters
complex and our programmes need to reflect
                                                        wrong and show once again that our policies
that. We need to support people when they
                                                        can deliver, even in changed and more difficult
need it most, and equip services to respond
to challenges, such as an ageing population,
a changing climate, new technologies and                Good leadership listens. No one has a
globalisation. A future outside the European            monopoly on good ideas. Ours will be an open
Union asks additional questions of what kind of         government, receptive to new ideas and willing
country we want to be. To provide stability we          to work with others.
will continue our commitment to get the right           Together we can build a Wales that is more
settlement for the people of Wales. We must             confident, more equal, better skilled and more
work together, to take the whole country                resilient. As a country we have punched above
forward and contribute to delivering goals that         our weight on the international stage, and
we share.                                               now we are ready to do more. I want to see a
The issues we face can only be tackled through          Wales which is prosperous and secure, healthy
new ways of working, including joined up                and active, ambitious and learning, united and
programmes which reinforce and build on                 connected.
what people and communities are doing for               This is the Wales we are determined to build
themselves. Taking Wales Forward sets out how           over the coming five years.
we will work across traditional boundaries to
deliver our priorities. Four cross-cutting strategies   Carwyn Jones
will help us to maximise our impact in these            First Minister of Wales
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                                4

Prosperous                                            We will provide the support that people need
                                                      to access those jobs. Better schools and better

and Secure                                            skills have never been so important for our
                                                      young people and the future of the economy.
                                                      Through better education and providing skills
Prosperity brings security to individuals, families   for life we can help to break the cycle of
and communities. Our aim is better jobs,              disadvantage and inequality over the longer
closer to home. We want work and secure               term. Our commitment is to offer the skills and
housing for all, supported by sustainable             experiences people need to thrive and prosper
growth in our businesses.                             in our times.

Our ambitions will be shaped by the challenges        Getting people into employment and sustaining
we face. These include ongoing austerity,             jobs is not just about increasing skills. We will
UK withdrawal from the EU, globalisation,             improve workforce health, including mental ill
technological innovation, climate change and          health, through ensuring that health services
an ageing population. This Government will            support people throughout their working life.
focus on effective interventions which deliver        We are offering a better deal on childcare
greater financial security for businesses and         to remove barriers to secure employment.
individuals to build growth and prosperity.           We want to help those who want to work,
We will foster the conditions needed to allow         or start a business, but are currently constrained
businesses to thrive and to create and retain         by childcare pressures.
high quality jobs in Wales. We will promote           We will make significant investment in
manufacturing as a key sector for growth in           transport right around Wales to ensure that
the Welsh economy. We will reduce burdens on          people can travel easily to jobs and so that
business and stimulate innovation and growth,         businesses can trade smoothly.
working with our universities and colleges.
We will build infrastructure to keep Wales
                                                      Supporting Business
moving and connect people with jobs, housing
and leisure.                                          • Deliver a tax cut, meaning smaller bills for
                                                        70,000 businesses and reducing business
Over recent years Wales has raised its profile          rates bills to zero for half of all eligible firms.
globally as a first-class place to invest,
                                                      • Create a Wales Development Bank.
do business, visit, study, and to live. We have
built a global reputation for sustainable             • Drive forward inward investment, innovation
development. Building on record levels of               and the creation of new jobs through a
inward investment we will constantly seek new           Business Accelerator Scheme for home-
markets and investors from around the world,            grown businesses with global potential
and promote Wales as an active international            designed to improve marketing, advertising,
partner.                                                networking and skills investment.
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                       5

• Promote tech hubs, especially in towns          • Establish a Ministerial Taskforce for
  and cities where there are colleges and           the valleys.
  universities.                                   • Deliver the Cardiff City Region Deal
• Provide tailored support for co-operatives        and develop a similar deal for Swansea,
  and mutuals.                                      and Growth Deal for North Wales.
• Promote Green Growth to create sustainable      • Carry forward our work on financial
  jobs for the future.                              inclusion, including support for advice
• Support the development of our successful         services and credit unions.
  Creative Industries and Tourism businesses
  and build on our record of success in hosting   Housing
  major cultural, sporting, business and other    • Work in partnership to deliver an extra
  events.                                           20,000 affordable homes in the next term,
• Promote Wales for investment from within          including supporting construction of more
  the UK and around the world, while helping        than 6,000 homes through the Help to
  to stimulate exports to new and existing          Buy scheme.
  markets.                                        • Introduce a new ‘Rent to Own’ housing
Childcare                                         • Explore options to end land banking.
• Create the most generous childcare offer        • Continue long term collaboration with house
  anywhere in the UK: 30 hours free childcare       builders to deliver accelerated rates of house
  a week for working parents of three and           building.
  four year olds, 48 weeks of the year.
                                                  Successful, Sustainable Rural
Prosperity for All                                Communities
• Create a minimum of 100,000 high quality all    • Work with partners to secure a prosperous
  age apprenticeships.                              future for Welsh agriculture, building on
• Reshape employability support for job‑ready       our early engagement following the EU
  individuals, and those furthest from the          referendum.
  labour market, to acquire the skills and        • Support Welsh agriculture by introducing
  experience to gain and maintain sustainable       a small grants scheme in the rural
  employment.                                       development plan.
• Pilot a Better Jobs Closer to Home project,     • Support the work of the Agricultural Advisory
  designed to create employment and training        Panel for Wales to ensure a decently paid,
  hubs in areas of high economic deprivation.       committed and well-trained workforce.
• Continue to improve our procurement policy      • Support community-led projects,
  to bring economic, social and community           promote skills development, job creation,
  benefits to Wales.                                entrepreneurship, community energy,
                                                    rural transport and broadband access.
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                    6

• Safeguard social housing in rural              Environment
  communities by ending Right to Buy and         • Make progress towards our goal of reducing
  continuing to support the work of Rural          our greenhouse emissions by at least 80% by
  Housing Enablers.                                2050 and continue our work to protect and
                                                   enhance biodiversity and local ecosystems.
Community Safety and Tackling
                                                 • Further our lead over other nations in
                                                   recycling and minimising landfill.
• Build on the provisions of our Violence
                                                 • Support the development of more renewable
  against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual
                                                   energy projects, including tidal lagoons and
  Violence Act (VAWDASV).
                                                   community energy schemes.
• Work with our Police & Crime Commissioners
                                                 • Invest in the skills required for the green
  and other partners on issues including
                                                   economy, and promote green growth and
  VAWDASV and cyber security and crime.
• Work with UK Government to tackle
                                                 • Continue to invest in flood defence work and
  extremism, and with partners across Wales to
                                                   take further action to better manage water in
  help combat extremism and ensure security.
                                                   our environment.
• Encourage closer joint working between
                                                 • Continue our opposition to fracking,
  emergency services.
                                                   based on evidence.
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                        7

Healthy                                              We aim to help children and young people
                                                     to develop healthy behaviours through their

and Active                                           formative years. Education is our greatest
                                                     longer term lever for improving the life
                                                     chances of young people. Ensuring young
                                                     people reach key developmental milestones
Good health underpins all of our ambitions
                                                     is fundamental not only to attainment and
for Wales. We are committed to helping
                                                     occupational outcomes, but wider adult health
improve health and well-being for all. Living
                                                     and well‑being.
healthy lives allows us to fulfil our potential,
meet our educational aspirations and play a          We will promote healthy lifestyles and choices
full part in the economy and society of Wales.       through interventions on preventing ill health
Our ambition is to embed healthy living              and encouraging more activity for general
throughout our programmes and to place a             well‑being throughout life. We will tackle
focus on health at the heart of everything that      obesity. We will help develop stronger support
we do.                                               for mental illness.
An ageing, growing and changing population           Through supporting people into sustainable
is increasing demand and costs of healthcare.        employment and tackling mental ill health in
There is still too big a gap between the health      the workplace we are broadening the impacts
of the richest and poorest in our communities.       of jobs and growth to offer the support
These challenges require a range of responses        people need.
from birth through to old age maximising
                                                     We take a positive view of the vital contribution
health and well-being throughout life.
                                                     older people make to society, including the
We remain committed to the founding                  provision of care. As people live longer we will
principles of the NHS, healthcare free and           work with communities to support the ageing
accessible to all at the point of need. We will      population to stay well into later life.
protect and improve the Welsh NHS over the
next five years and ensure it develops effectively
                                                     Improving our Healthcare Services
to meet future needs.
                                                     • Introduce a New Treatment Fund to give
However, the NHS needs to reflect the needs of         people in Wales fast access to new and
our modern society, with closer links between          innovative treatments and work to end the
health and social services, strengthened               postcode lottery for drugs and treatments
community provision and better organisation            not routinely available on the NHS.
of general hospital and specialised services.
                                                     • Continue to improve access to GP surgeries,
We will move more care and services from
                                                       making it easier to get an appointment.
hospitals into communities, supported by
integrated and sustainable Health and Care           • Invest in community pharmacies to take
Services capable of meeting current demand             pressure off our GP surgeries.
and future need. We will deliver timely care and
treatment to patients when they need it.
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                       8

• Seek to establish a Parliamentary Review into    • Continue to promote exercise and good
  the long-term future of Health and Social          nutrition, reduce excessive alcohol
  Care in Wales.                                     consumption and cut smoking rates in Wales
• Increase investment in facilities to reduce        to 16% by 2020.
  waiting times and exploit digital technologies   • Introduce a new Wales Well-being Bond
  to help speed up the diagnosis of illness.         aimed at improving mental and physical
• Invest in a new generation of integrated           health and to reduce sedentary lifestyles, poor
  health and social services centres alongside       nutrition and excessive alcohol consumption.
  the transformation of our hospital estate.
                                                   Mental Health and Well-being
Our Healthcare Staff                               • Prioritise mental health treatment, support,
• Take action to attract and train more GPs,         prevention and de-escalation, including a pilot
  nurses and other health professionals              Social Prescription scheme and increase access
  across Wales.                                      to talking therapies.

• Ensure more nurses, in more settings,            • Work with schools, employers and other
  through an extended nurse staffing                 partners to improve well-being and promote
  levels law.                                        better emotional health.

• Invest in training NHS staff and create a        • Work to ensure that mental health
  single body to commission and provide              discrimination is ended.
  training and education for all healthcare
  professionals, especially the primary care       Care and Older People
  workforce to support the work of GPs.            • More than double the capital people can keep
• Work to ensure good industrial relations in        when entering residential care to £50,000.
  the interests of staff and patients.             • Ensure our ground-breaking social services
                                                     legislation is fully implemented and all the
Healthy and Active                                   benefits are realised.
• Introduce a new public health bill.              • Retain the Intermediate Care Fund.
• Implement the Healthy Child Wales                • Take further action to make Wales a dementia
  programme to ensure consistent delivery of         friendly country through developing and
  universal health services up to age seven.         implementing a new national dementia plan.
• Work with schools to promote children and        • Develop a nationwide and cross-government
  young people’s activity and awareness of the       strategy to address loneliness and isolation.
  importance of healthy lifestyle choices.
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                      9

Ambitious and                                      A vibrant further and higher education sector
                                                   is vital to our vision – educating people and

Learning                                           supporting businesses and universities in
                                                   their pursuit of innovation. Our universities,
                                                   now more than ever, have opportunities
Our future prosperity and stability depends on     and responsibilities as local, national and
the skills and values of the people of Wales.      international institutions.
Education has a fundamental role to play in        Underpinning all of our work is a belief that
personal fulfilment, community development         someone’s ability to benefit from education
and wealth creation. Everyone deserves the         should not be determined by where they live or
opportunity to achieve their potential and we      what their income is. We will continue our drive
believe that education changes lives and drives    to reduce inequalities and remove barriers to
economic growth. It will build the workforce       education.
that we need to deliver the public services that
are at the heart of our ambitions for Wales and
                                                   Best Start for Children
help us to break the cycle of disadvantage and
inequality over the longer term.                   • Continue and develop our positive parenting
We want to create conditions to give every
                                                   • Support families and parents to reduce
child the best start in life. We recognise the
                                                     adverse childhood experiences which can
vital importance of the first 1,000 days in
                                                     have lifelong effects.
every child’s life, including a safe, warm home,
a foundation for reading skills and good health.   • Continue our innovative Flying Start
                                                     intervention programme.
Our education reforms focus on raising
                                                   • Maintain our commitment to the
standards, closing the attainment gap
                                                     Foundation Phase.
between the poorest pupils and their peers,
and promoting strong leadership and                • Ensure every child gets the best start in life
co‑operation.                                        through an extended Pupil Deprivation Grant.
                                                   • Seek cross party support for legislation to end
We will continue to transform the education
                                                     the defence of “Reasonable Punishment”.
and skills sector through supporting, and
expecting, teachers and educators to develop
their skills and improving buildings in which
children and students learn. In partnership,
we will work with parents, teachers, students
and education institutions to embrace the
challenges ahead. We are ambitious in our
shared commitment to a dynamic future for all
of our youngest citizens.
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                       10

Looked After Children                             Schools’ Workforce
• Examine ways of ensuring children in care       • Incentivise, recognise and promote teaching
  enjoy the same life chances as other children     excellence so that we raise standards
  and if necessary reform the way they are          across the board, and develop training and
  looked after.                                     opportunities for teachers and the broader
• Work to reduce unnecessary use of care,           education workforce.
  building on the work of the Integrated Family   • Develop a new model for the employment
  Support Service to work with and support          and development of supply teachers
  the most vulnerable children and families         in Wales.
  in Wales.                                       • Review the impact of current policy on
                                                    surplus school places, with emphasis on rural
Standards in Schools                                schools, to better take account of future
• Invest an additional £100 million to drive up     growth trends.
  school standards over the next term.            • Reshape Welsh teaching in our schools to
• Extend the Pupil Offer developed in our           enable young people to utilise their Welsh
  Challenge Schools to continue to close the        language skills in wider society.
  attainment gap.
• Continue to develop a new curriculum            Digital Inclusion
  to ensure young people have the skills,         • Prioritise schools’ access to super-fast
  knowledge and experiences they need to            broadband within the national programme.
  help develop the creativity and broader         • Support the roll-out of digital competence in
  understanding of the world needed to be           our schools and develop coding skills in our
  confident, rounded and outward looking.           young people.
• Reduce infant class sizes.
• Invest nearly £2 billion in new and             Further and Higher Education
  refurbished schools, community schools and      • Prioritise support for enhanced links between
  college buildings by 2024.                        education and industry, enabling innovation
• Pilot a new model of Community Learning           and entrepreneurship across our public and
  Centres providing extended services with          private sectors in collaboration with our
  childcare, parenting support, family learning     universities and colleges.
  and community access to facilities built        • Promote and enhance both academic
  around the school day.                            and vocational routes into and through
• Legislate for a new system of Additional          further and higher education, and the
  Learning Needs support.                           national, international and civic roles of our
                                                    educational institutions. This includes both
                                                    full and part-time opportunities that will
                                                    benefit learners of all ages, employers and
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                     11

• Develop closer links between universities and    • Offer the best package of student
  schools to strengthen our widening access          support available in the UK based on the
  work and support more of our looked after          recommendations of the Diamond Review,
  children to get into university.                   with a view to early implementation where
• Better utilise our existing relationships with     appropriate, and without negative effect on
  Welsh universities to help sell Wales to the       the higher education budget.
  world following the Brexit vote – and work       • Explore potential expansion of the remit of
  with the sector to ensure protection for           the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to include
  students, and important research grants.           further education.
• Consult further on the specific                  • Maintain the successful Wales Union
  recommendations of the Hazelkorn review,           Learning Fund.
  including the funding, regulation and
  governance arrangements for further and
  higher education.
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                     12

United and                                           We need to go digital-first in our delivery of
                                                     government services. We will lead by example,

Connected                                            by challenging the health service and education
                                                     sector to utilise every opportunity the digital
                                                     age presents.
Wales is engaged and connected to the wider          Our ambition for unity is framed by cultural
world. We contribute to that world and are           and democratic structures. We want to see the
in turn shaped and influenced by it. The UK          Welsh language used more extensively and for
withdrawal from the European Union means             the numbers who speak it to grow. Culture is
we must work harder and more actively to give        the soul of Wales and we aim to help nourish
substance to our outward-looking character.          and support it. International links are key to
We have seen significant technological               promoting tourism and culture.
advances over the last decade, which provide us      Wales’ reach goes far beyond our borders.
with more opportunities than ever to connect         This Government is outward facing and will
within and beyond Wales. These cannot replace        help position Wales as an internationally
the importance of strong communities and             focussed, ambitious country. We will seek
transport connections, but they do provide us        investment and trade opportunities around the
with additional opportunities to deliver a united    globe. Where Wales has a voice on issues that
Wales and to extend our reach.                       concern us, we will use it. We will continue
We will continue to build a united and               to foster international links in higher and
connected society, where everyone is respected       further education and to promote and share
and valued. Our people will be supported by          international best practice in healthcare.
sustainable services which meet the needs of
today while preparing to face the challenges         National Infrastructure Commission
of the future. We will continue to invest in         • Establish a National Infrastructure
infrastructure to boost the economy and                Commission to provide increased certainty
communities of Wales and to connect all parts          and sustainability for investment in
of Wales.                                              the future.
We will support people and communities from          • Work alongside the UK National
birth through to old age. We are committed to          Infrastructure Commission to ensure key
delivering the reforms needed to ensure that           investment decisions recognise the needs
our public services are resilient and meet future      of Wales.
needs. Our education reforms will change lives
and drive economic growth. We will focus on
economic interventions which deliver greater
financial security for businesses and individuals.
We will build a social model of health and
social care which better matches local needs
and services.
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                        13

Transport                                            • Reform local government funding to make
• Deliver an M4 relief road, and improvements          councils more sustainable and self-sufficient
  to the A55, the A40 in West Wales and other          using the findings of the independent
  trunk roads.                                         commission on local government finance and
                                                       Welsh Government’s Finance Futures Panel.
• Create a South Wales Metro and advance the
  development of a North Wales Metro system.         • Work with local government to review
                                                       council tax to make it fairer so that people
• Develop a new, not-for-profit, rail franchise
                                                       with low and moderately valued properties
  and deliver a more effective network of bus
                                                       pay less than they do now.
  services once powers have been devolved.
• Ensure seamless ticketing arrangements and         Community Assets
  improved marketing as part of the new travel
                                                     • Develop a 'Made in Wales' approach
  arrangements for Wales.
                                                       reflecting Welsh needs and aspirations.
• Ensure better access to active travel for all.
                                                     • Work with communities to protect local
                                                       facilities that bring people together, including
Digital Connectivity
                                                       pubs, libraries, museums, arts centres and
• Bring people together digitally by offering          leisure centres.
  fast reliable broadband to every property
                                                     • Maintain a policy of free access to the
  in Wales.
                                                       National Museums.
• Aim to help 95% of people gain at least the
                                                     • Introduce measures to prevent unnecessary
  basic digital skills needed for the 21st century
                                                       closures and to help communities take
  by 2021.
                                                       ownership of community assets where
Local Government
• Build a shared understanding of the                A Fair Society
  challenges facing local government and
                                                     • Repeal sections of the UK Government’s
  wider public services, and on the need for
                                                       Trades Union legislation in devolved areas.
  innovation, to develop a wider conversation
  about the reform needed, the models and            • Take further action on the living wage,
  pace of delivery and the pace of change.             limit the use of zero hours contracts and
                                                       tackle other rogue and bad practices.
• Change the relationship between
  Welsh Government, WLGA and local                   • Implement the two-tier code
  government, slash numbers of performance             comprehensively.
  indicators we collect, cut guidance and            • Continue our work with all protected
  reform external audit and inspection.                groups to counter discrimination and ensure
• Provide funding to put in place a floor for          opportunities for all.
  future local government settlements.
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                  14

• Work to ensure that membership of our           Armed Forces
  democratic bodies better reflect the whole of   • Provide support and services in line with our
  society and improve equal representation on       Armed Forces Covenant.
  elected bodies and public sector boards.
                                                  • Work with key partners in Wales to promote
• Support votes at 16, take action to maximise      best practice in identifying the Armed Forces
  voter registration and explore how digital        Community, whilst improving sign-posting
  technology can enhance voter participation.       and take-up of services.
• Provide the funding to deliver the refreshed    • Ensure our veterans continue to receive
  Autistic Spectrum Action Plan, including an       healthcare that meets their needs and
  all-age autism service for Wales.                 maintain the valuable national Veterans
                                                    NHS Wales service, which provides access to
Welsh Language                                      evidence-based treatments for veterans with
• Work towards one million people speaking          mental health problems.
  the Welsh language by 2050.
• Continue to invest in encouraging more          Volunteering & Third Sector
  people to use and speak Welsh in their          • Work with partners across all sectors to
  everyday lives.                                   identify more opportunities for people to
• Amend the Welsh Language Measure so that          volunteer.
  business and others can invest in promoting     • Renew our relationship with the Third Sector
  the use of the Welsh language and establish       in order to generate maximum potential for
  a Language Usage Fund.                            volunteering.
                                                  • Work with lottery distributors to investigate
                                                    the creation of a large scale sustainability
                                                    fund for voluntary organisations to grow and
Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021                                                                      15

Shared                                              Our four cross-cutting strategies will set out in
                                                    more detail the interdependent actions we will

Challenges and                                      take to shape future economic opportunities,
                                                    strengthen communities, enable people to

Opportunities                                       develop new skills and live healthy and fulfilling
                                                    lives, improve access to housing and increase
                                                    the quality and resilience of our natural
Our Future Generations Act has enshrined in         environment. Just as we do not have the
law our commitment to develop policy and            monopoly on good ideas, we cannot deliver our
make decisions in ways that will maximise our       agenda alone. We will work across the public
impact on the long-term good of our country.        sector and with communities to deliver the
This document sets out the steps that will          Wales we want.
help us move towards a prosperous, resilient,
healthier and more equal future. A Wales that
will be globally responsible, with cohesive
communities, a vibrant culture and a thriving
Welsh language.

Driving Forward                                     The challenges that we face as a nation are
                                                    complicated and inter-related and require

Delivery                                            us all to play our part. It is only through
                                                    embracing a more inclusive way of working
                                                    that we can hope to deliver our ambitions for
We are embracing an ambitious agenda for            Wales. The Future Generations Act presents
Wales. There are many achievements on               an opportunity to work differently and engage
which to build, however the clear message is        with others to develop innovative solutions to
that we want to deliver more and better jobs,       the challenges that we face.
we want to support people to take up these          We already punch above our weight in the
opportunities, to live healthy, fulfilling lives.   world, and the UK’s withdrawal from the EU
Our agenda can only be delivered through a          only means that we must work still harder and
relentless focus on driving improvement in our      do even more. We know that major challenges
economy and public services.                        lie ahead and Taking Wales Forward gives
Taking Wales Forward sets out the four areas        us a framework for tackling the future with
where we can have the biggest impact and            confidence, energy and clarity.
the headline actions we will take. This is the
beginning of our work over the next five years.
Our forthcoming Budget will align resources to
our priorities. Our four strategies will consider
how we can maximise the impact of everything
that we do.
Mae’r ddogfen yma hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg.
This document is also available in Welsh.
   © Crown Copyright 2016, Welsh Government WG29234
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