Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe

Page created by Sean Harrison
Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
Anatomy of a Mission
                   New Horizons
                      From Idea
                  To Launch Pad

Glen H. Fountain
Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
After Voyager at Neptune – What’s Next?
             AGU – Baltimore

 Anatomy of a Mission                     27 September 2021   2
Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
After Voyager at Neptune – What’s Next?
                                Pluto Workshop,
             AGU – Baltimore
                               Lowell Observatory

 Anatomy of a Mission                               27 September 2021   3
Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
An Abbreviated Pluto Mission Chronology
  • 1989 – 1990: Farquhar et al. Pluto 350 Mission Study
  • 1991 – 1992: Pluto 350 v. Mariner Mark II Trade Study
  • 1993 – 1995: Pluto Fast Flyby (PFF) Study
  • 1996 – 1997: Pluto Express (PE) Study
  • 1998 – 2000: Pluto-Kuiper Express (PKE) Study
  • Sept. 2000: PKE Cancelled. “Pluto is Over. Done. Dead.”
  • Dec. 2000: NASA responds to Community pressure, Requests Competed Proposals

                           •   None of these efforts ever
                               emerged from study phase.
                           •   None resulted in any flight
                               hardware build.

 Anatomy of a Mission                                                      27 September 2021   4
Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
It Sometimes Takes More Than A Successful Proposal

 Anatomy of a Mission                         27 September 2021   5
Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
It Sometimes Takes More Than A Successful Proposal

 Anatomy of a Mission                         27 September 2021   6
Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
Who Made It Happen?
  • Several thousand individuals from
    over 50 organizations made New
    Horizons Possible

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Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
Anatomy of a Mission   27 September 2021   8
Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
Larson, Wiley J., and James Richard Wertz. Space
                                                     mission analysis and design. No. DOE/NE/32145-T1.
                                                     Torrance, CA (United States); Microcosm, Inc., 1992.

4th Annual Interstellar Probe Exploration Workshop                                           30 September 2021   9
Anatomy of a Mission New Horizons From Idea To Launch Pad - Glen H. Fountain Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Interstellar Probe
Anatomy of a Mission   27 September 2021   10
What Does a PI (Principal Investigator) Do?
Ralph L. McNutt, Jr.
Pragmatic Interstellar Probe Mission Study Principal Investigator
Role of Principal Investigator
§   Definition for NASA Missions
    §    The PI is the sole Point of Contact (POC) for a grant or contact issued by NASA
          § Grant – Competitive award typically for one to five years for ~$100,000 up to ~$!,000,000
               § “Best effort basis” with no required “deliverables”, i.e., anything from paper reports to prototype
          § Contract – Usually, bot not always, competitive award for a “few” up to ~10 years with renewal options
               § Required deliverable items – hardware, software, and specified reports and reporting forms

§   The PI is “in charge”
    §    Per the accepted proposal and issued contract, the PI is enabled to carry out the work proposed for the
         contract value and in a time period as negotiated under the terms of the contract

§   The PI is responsible for performance – ESPECIALLY when there are problems in
    executing the contact
    §    This can include up to the termination of the project with no further funding, no additional time, and no (real)

    4th Interstellar Probe Exploration Workshop - Student Program                                          27 September 2021   12
Why Would Anyone Want to Be PI?
§   RHIP – “Rank Hath Its Privileges”
    §     The PI has the opportunity to move science forward
    §     The PI has the opportunity to learn really new things – new to everyone in the world
    §     The PI stands to be recognized for these accomplishments

§   RHIR – “Rank Hath Its Responsibilities”
    §     The PI has an implicit responsibility to contribute significantly to – if not lead – the advancement of
          science and knowledge
    §     The PI is an empowered agent of change using means put at her/his disposal by the government
    §     The PI will be recognized for failures, and so has an implicit responsibility not to fail in the undertaking at

§ Do you want to lead, or do you want to follow?
    § For better or worse, PIs help make the future … for everyone

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Anatomy of a Mission   27 September 2021   14
Interstellar Probe (Quick) Overview
Ralph L. McNutt, Jr.
Pragmatic Interstellar Probe Mission Study Principal Investigator
A “Pragmatic” Interstellar Probe: Study

§ The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
  Laboratory was tasked by the NASA Heliophysics
  Division to study the mission
  § Phase 1: 13 June 2018 – 12 June 2019
  § Phase 2 “Next Phase Concept Development”:                      25
    July 2019 – 30 April 2022
§ On schedule for Mission Concept Report to be
  delivered early December 2021 for input to next
  Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey

   4th Interstellar Probe Exploration Workshop - Student Program        27 September 2021   16
Interstellar Probe Science Goal and Opportunities
Through Our Habitable Astrosphere and In To The Unknown

          Primary Goal                                                                                  Astrophysics Opportunity
    Our Habitable Astrosphere and The                                Sol                               Formation of Early Galaxies and Stars
     Unexplored Interstellar Medium                G2V Main Sequence                                              Extragalactic Background Light
                                                      Star System

                                                                                                      Planetary Science Opportunity
                                                       Status:                                            Evolution of Planetary Systems

                                                      Habitable                                         KBOs         Dwarf Planets            Dust Disk
                  27 September 2021   4th Interstellar Probe Exploration Workshop - Student Program                                                17
Purpose of the Study
§    Determine the accessible region of the box below given the Technology Horizon:
     Could be ready to launch by 2030
§    “Estimate” the corresponding inclusivity of the identified “Compelling Science”


                D ow n                           g e v i ty
                           l i nk            Lon

    4th Interstellar Probe Exploration Workshop - Student Program           27 September 2021   18
One (of many possible) scenarios
KSC Launch Complex 39 Pad B: 28 August 2036…

  4th Interstellar Probe Exploration Workshop - Student Program   27 September 2021
Anatomy of a Mission   27 September 2021   20
Interstellar Probe
Explaining the MCR

Jim Kinnison
Interstellar Probe Concept Study System Engineer
What is an MCR?
(Engineering Perspective)
    • Scientists have defined a great set of goals and objectives. Now how do we implement that?
            - Science traceability matrix should ultimately lead to a set of mission requirements.
            - The engineering team defines how we meet those through a set of trade studies.
            - For Interstellar Probe, this is a point design demonstrating that such a mission can be done.

    • Parts of a Mission Concept
            -   Where are we going?
            -   How are we going to get there?
            -   What will we do there?
            -   What is the flight system?
            -   How do we operate it to get the data?

    • Ultimate goal is to convince the reader that the mission is well-understood, can be performed
      with reasonable risk, and fits within the schedule and budget available.

  4th Interstellar Probe Workshop                                                                             27 September 2021   22
Where are we going?
How do we get there?

                                            9.9 m
                                   331 m3
 4th Interstellar Probe Workshop     27 September 2021   23
What will we do there?
Event                         Time Period            Mission Time

Launch and Checkout           2 months               2 Months

Cruise to Jupiter             7 months               9 Months

JGA                           –5 weeks to +3 weeks   0.92 year

Wire Antenna                  1 month                1 year
Inner Heliosphere             11.86 years            12.86 years

Heliosheath                   4.12 years             16.98 years

Interstellar Phase            33.02 years            50 years

Extended Mission              92.51                  142.5 years
(1000 AU)

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What does the flight system look like?

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How do we get the data?

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Anatomy of a Mission   27 September 2021   27
Baseline Goal: Understand Our Habitable Astrosphere and its Home in the Galaxy
           Science                Specific
                                                                    Measurement Objectives                         Measurements                          Mission Requiremets
          Objectives             Questions
                          Global Structure; Force         In-situ spectra, composition, flows, densities,    MAG, PLS, PUI, EPS, CRS,          Spinning; ENA imaging from ~250 AU
                          Balance                         temps and fields across HS and into LISM,          ENA, PWS, LYA
                                                          flows; Remote wave, Ly-a and ENA imaging.
                          Ribbon/Belt                     ENA imaging; In-situ within ribbon.                ENA, PLS, PUI, EPS, MAG           Spinning; through ribbon to ~300 AU
        Processes and
                          ACRs, shocks,                   Fields, e/ion composition plasma to ACRs           MAG, PLS, PUI, EPS, CRS,          Spinning; through HP ~130 AU; spend
                          reconnection, TS, HP            across TS, HS; Fields, waves, particle spectra,    PWS                               sufficient time in HS
        Manifestation                                     composition for HP instabilities
                          Neutrals in the                 LOS velocity, temperature, density of H            LYA, NMS                          Through HP ~130 AU
                          Solar Wind Effects on the       In-situ variations in HS;                          MAG, PLS, PUI, EPS, ENA           Spinning; spend sufficient time in HS
                          Boundary                        ENA variations remotely
        Dynamics and      Shock Propagation and           Fields, e/ion plasma to GCR anisotropies; fields   MAG, PLS, PUI, EPS, CRS,          Spinning; sufficient time beyond HP out to
          Evolution       Turbulence                      turbulent spectra Earth to LISM                    PWS                               ~400 AU
                          GCR                             GCR e/ion composition, fields out to LISM          MAG, CRS                          Spinning; sufficient time beyond HP out to
                          Modulation/Shielding                                                                                                 ~400 AU
                          Nature of Bow                   In-situ fields, plasma                             MAG, PLS                          Spinning; ≤300 AU

       Properties of the Hydrogen Wall                    LOS H; In-situ H and composition                   LYA, NMS                          ≥300 AU
         Unexplored      Neutrals/Dust Filtration         In-situ elemental and isotopic out to LISM         PLS, PUI, PWS, NMS, IDA           ~400 AU
           VLISM         LISM gas and plasma              Density, temp., composition, ionization            MAG, PLS, PWS, NMS                Spinning; ~400 AU
                          LISM Inhomogeneities            Variability of properties on 100’s AU              PLS, PWS, NMS, IDA                Spinning; ~400 AU
                          Origin of GCRs                  Elemental/isotopic abundances, spectra             CRS                               Spinning; sufficient time beyond HP
MAG    Magnetometer            PUI      Pick-Up Ions                          CRS     Cosmic Ray System             ENA    Energetic Neutral Atoms               NMS     Neutral Mass Spectrometer
PLS    Plasma System           EPS      Energetic Particle System             PWS     Plasma Wave System            IDA    Interstellar Dust Analyzer            LYA        Ly-Alpha Spectrograph

                                                                                                                                                                   Alice Cocoros 28
Example Model Payloads
                                                           Instrument                                                                         Mission
                                                                                      Measurement Requirements                                                   Science Driver
                                                            (Heritage)                                                                      Requirements
      Baseline                              Magnetometer (MAG)                 0.01 - 100 nT; 0.01 nT                       ≤ 60 s;                              LISM
           87.4 kg                          (MMS/DFG)                          (10-8 nT2/Hz turb.)                          (100 Hz)
                                                                                                                                            Two FG, 10m boom
           86.7 W
                                            Plasma Waves (PWS)                 ~1 Hz – 5 MHz; ∆f/f ≤ 4%                     ≤ 60 s          4x50 m wire;         LISM ne, Te (QTN),
       Charged Particles                    (Van Allen/EFW)                    ≤ 0.7 µV/m @ 3 kHz                           (≤ 4 s at TS)   spin plane           turbulence
       Fields and Waves                     Plasma Subsystem (PLS)             < 3 eV/e to 20 keV/e                                                              Flows, ne, Te, ni, Ti
                                                                                                                            ~4π; ≤ 60 s     Spinning
       ENA Imaging                                                              e, H+, He+, He++, C+, N-O+                                                       Force balance
                                                                               0.5-78 keV/e
       Dust                                 Pick-up Ions (PUI)                                                              iFOV ≥                               Interstellar, inner PUI
                                                                               H, 2H, 3He, 4He, 6Li, 12C, 14N, 16O, 20Ne,                   Spinning
                                            (Ulysses/SWICS)                    22                                           90°x15°                              Force balance
       Neutrals                                                                   Ne, Mg, Si, Ar, Fe, charge states
       Ly-alpha                             Energetic Particles (EPS)          20 keV – 20 MeV                                                                   S/W, HS and ACRs
                                                                                                                            ~4π; ≤ 60 s     Spinning
                                            (PSP/EPI-Lo)                       H, 3He, 4He, C, O, Ne, Mg, Si, Ar, Fe                                             Force balance
                                                                               H to Sn;10 MeV/nuc - 1 GeV/nuc;
                                            Cosmic Rays (CRS)                                                               3 directions;                        ACRs, GCRs
                                                                               m/∆m ≥ 10                                                    Spinning
      14%                                   (PSP/EPI-Hi, new development)                                                   hours                                LiBeB cosmic story
                                                                               electrons; 1-10 MeV

                           30%              Interstellar Dust Analyzer (IDA)   10-19 to 10-14 g, 1-500 amu;                                 Ram direction        ISDs, galactic heavy ion
                                            (IMAP/IDEX, new development)
                                                                                                                            iFOV ≥ 90˚
                                                                               m/Δm ≥ 200                                                   Co-boresighted NMS   composition
                                            Neutral Mass Spectrometer (NMS)    H, 3He, 4He, 14N, 16O, 20Ne, 22Ne, 36Ar,     iFOV ≥ 10˚;     Ram direction
                                            (LunaResurs/NGMS, JUICE/NMS)       38                                                                                LISM composition
                                                                                  Ar, m/Δm ≥ 100                            weekly          Co-boresighted IDA
12%                                         ENA (ENA)                                                                                                            Shape, force balance,
                                            (IMAP/Ultra, new development)
                                                                               ~1-100 keV H                                 iFOV: ≥ 170°    Spinning, 2 heads
       14%                                  Lyman-Alpha Spectrograph (LYA)     ±100 km/s doppler range,                     iFOV: ≤ 5˚;
                                                                                                                                         Spinning                LISM and heliosheath H
                                            (MAVEN/IUVS, new development)
Baseline Spacecraft Accommodation

                                    Alice Cocoros 30
Potential Planetary and Astrophysics Objectives on Interstellar Probe
      Augmented Option: Goals 2 and 3 Only

                                                  Science                                                                                                                  Measurement              Mission
         Goal                                                                      Questions                               Measurement Objectives
                                                 Objectives                                                                                                                     s                 Requirements
                                                                   State and evolution of dwarf planets, KBOs        Landforms, composition, thermal;
                                                                                                                                                                           VIR, IRM, MAG,
       2. Origin and Evolution of Planetary

                                                                                                                     Magnetic field strength and direction;                                 3-axis, ≤104 km flyby
                                                                                                                     atmospheres and rings
                                                                   Collisional, orbital, geological history          Rotation and phase curves of distant bodies
                                                Planets, dwarf                                                                                                             VIR, IRM         3-axis, 106 km
                                                                                                                     Atmospheres, rings, nightside temperatures
                                              planets and KBOs Compositional state of Kuiper Belt                    PUI distribution and composition                      PUI, MAG, IDA,
                                                                                                                                                                                            ≤100 AU
                                                                                                                     Dust composition and distribution                     NMS, VIR, IRM

                                                                   Interstellar Space Weathering                     Panchromatic distant observations                     VIR, EPS, CRS    3-axis, 106 km
                                                                   Solar System as Exoplanetary Analogues            Planetary rotation and phase curves                   VIR              3-axis, look back @10’s AU
                                                                   Dust disk total mass                              In-situ/Visible-FIR observations of dust              IDA, NMS, IRM
                                                                                                                                                                                            ≤0.1 RPM, ≤100 AU
                                              Circum-solar Dust Interplanetary dust grain production                 In-situ dust mass distribution                        IDA, IDC, NMS    ≤100 AU
                                                   Cloud        Solar nebula chemical processing                     In-situ dust composition; spectral features           IDA, NMS, IRM    ≤0.1 RPM, ≤100 AU
                                                                   Large-scale processes due to solid bodies         In-situ/remote correlation with bodies; IR dust
                                                                                                                                                                           IDA, NMS, IRM    ≤0.1 RPM, ≤250 AU
                                                                   and solar activity; comparables to exodisks       extinction during CME passages; In-toto IR
                                                 Nearby and        Properties of distant ISM dust                    NIR diffuse and FIR galactic emissions                IRM              ≤0.1 RPM, >150 AU
      and Stellar
      3. Galactic

                                                 Distant ISM

                                                                   Properties of VLISM dust                          In-situ ISD                                           IDA, NMS         ≤0.1 RPM, ≥120 AU
                                                                   Nucleosynthesis and star formation                Diffuse spectrum in optical/NIR/FIR                   IRM              ≤0.1 RPM, ≥10 AU
                                                                   Emissivity budget of galaxy formation             Decompose NIR/FIR spectra                             IRM              ≤0.1 RPM, ≥10 AU
                                              Nucleosynthesis      Evidence for recent nucleosynthesis               Isotopic gas and dust ratios in the VLISM             NMS, IDA, PLS    Spinning, ≤400 AU
MAG        Magnetometer                                      PUI    Pick-Up Ions                              CRS   Cosmic Ray System                 IDA   Interstellar Dust Analyzer      VIR     Visible/Near-IR   v6.0

PLS        Plasma System                                     EPS    Energetic Particle System                 PWS   Plasma Wave System                NMS   Neutral Mass Spectrometer       IRM     IR Mapper

                                                                                                                                                                                             Alice Cocoros 31
Example Model Payloads

                         89.1 kg
                         90.2 W
                       Charged Particles
                       Fields and Waves
                       ENA Imaging
                       Flyby Imaging

             Instrument                                                                                Mission
                                                    Measurement Requirements                                              Science Driver
            11%(Heritage)                                                                            Requirements
Visible-Near-IR (VIR)                           0.4-4 µm; ≥ 5 ch. ≤0.975 µm;   iFOV: 5-20 µrad       3-axis
(New Horizons/Ralph)                            >240 ch. >0.975 µm             FOV: 2.3°- 5.7°       Co-boresighted IRM
                                                                                                                          distant KBOs, astro
Visible-IR Mapper (IRM)                 17% 0.5-15 µm                          NIR: 0.075 mrad/1˚ 3-axis; perp. to spin   Dust Disk, surface
(New Horizons/LEISA, CIBER-2, in development)   30-100 µm                      FIR: 3 mrad/0.2˚   Co-boresighted VIR      comp., ISM dust, CBL

                                                                                                                                                  Alice Cocoros 32
Anatomy of a Mission   27 September 2021   33
Interstellar Probe Study Next Steps and
Future Planning
Elena Provornikova
Heliophysics Science Lead
Preparing for the upcoming Heliophysics Decadal Survey
  §    >30 White Papers in preparation

  §    Zoom discussion on Outer Heliosphere and Interstellar Medium Science and White papers.
       Join in!
       § Oct 6th ”Heliospheric Tail” Erik Powell and Merav Opher
       § Oct 20th “The Interaction of Interstellar Dust with Our Heliosphere” Jamey Szalay
       § Nov 3rd “Supernova Explosion near the heliosphere” Brian Fields and Jesse Miller
       § Nov 17th “Solar wind turbulence from 1 to 45 AU” Charles Smith
       § Dec 1st “Theoretical analysis of the interstellar dust distribution in the heliosphere and heliospheric interface”
          Egor Godenko

  §    Publications in peer-reviewed journals
  §    Interstellar Probe Book

                                                                                                              26 September 2021   35
AGU Fall Meeting
13-17 December 2021 New Orleans, LA and Online Everywhere

   session SH018 - Interstellar Probe: a mission through
   the heliosphere edge into the local interstellar space
   Invited Talks
   §   Alice Cocoros, JHU APL “Goldilocks and the Many
       Science Instruments: Optimizing Example Payloads to
       Maximize Science on an Interstellar Probe”
   §   Pawel Swaczyna, Princeton “Interstellar Neutral Atom
       Observations from 1 au to the Very Local Interstellar

                                                               26 September 2021   36
Anatomy of a Mission   27 September 2021   37
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