An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...

Page created by Clarence Mack
An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
An Incomplete and Unauthorized
History of Women at IU

An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
1502                    1608                1742              1777             1809
  Lady Margaret         Juliana Morell law   Bethlehem Female   All states pass   Mary Kies, first
Professor of Divinity   doctorate in Spain       Seminary        laws prohibit     patent for a
   (Cambridge)                                                  women’s voting       woman
An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
1816              1820             1828              1833               1838
State of Indiana   Indiana State   Renamed Indiana   Oberlin College   Renamed Indiana
   Founded           Seminary          College          founded           University
An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
1820s                 1835             1800s            1848             1851
Lizzie Breckenridge    Monroe County    Boarding House    Seneca Falls   1st women’s rights
first staff member?   Female Seminary   mothers in town    Convention       convention in
                         founded                                               Indiana
An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
An Incomplete and Unauthorized History of Women at IU - INDIANA UNIVERSITY BICENTENNIAL - Indiana ...
1852                 1853             1853             1855                 1855

MCFS adopted as       Beginning of      Daniel Read    U Iowa first state   Building Campaign
Normal Department   Coeducation at IU    lectures     school admissions
1865                     1866                     1867                    1868                 1871
Maria Mitchell, 1st   Sarah Jane Woodson, 1st      First Women           First known IU staff    First Full-Time
female faculty at     African-American woman      Enroll directly at   member, Robert Gamble,   Women Graduates
     Vassar            professor at Wilberforce          IU                     janitor
1880               1882               1883               1888            1891

   Maria Brace      Mary Kimble,   Katharine Graydon,     3 women on      First Course in
teaches Elocution   Professor of   Assistant in Latin &   library staff         Indy
                     Elocution           Greek
1890                    1894                 1895                     1899                 1902

  Harriet Colburn        Mabel Banta,        Louise Goodbody,     Rebecca Rogers George,      Mary Bidwell
Saunderson, director   instructor in Latin    first president’s   lecturer on physiology &    Breed named
women’s gymnasium           & Greek               secretary                hygiene           Dean of Women
Keller asked in 1910 whether the Executive
                                   Committee had dismissed her
                                   because she was a woman: “Is it possible there
                                   is not a man on that committee big or broad
                                   enough to permit a woman to be the head of a
                                   department, however small that department
                                   might be? Alternatively, is it just ‘friends’ that
                                   were retained?”

     1900               1902-1920s               1900s                 1908                  1910

35 women graduated      Geneva Jacobs,          Growth of     Amelia Keller, Associate      98 women
     from IU         Black staff member to      “Assistant     Professor of Medicine     graduated from IU
                        president WLB          Instructors”
1910s                  1911               1914                 1915             1919-1933

  Edith Elizabeth      Edna Henry, Dean   School of Nursing   825 women enrolled    Edna Shover,
Anderson staff roles    of Social Work      established                            Principal, Herron
                                                                                      Art School
1918                1919         1920s         1920-1930         1920-1965

Vestie Burks begins   Agnes Wells   Ruth McNutt    Flora Anderson,   Alice McDonald
    staff tenure      named Dean     president’s     Professor of      Nelson runs
                       of Women       secretary        Botany            housing
1920            1908-1946           1919-1923        1920-1948         1937-1972
School of Business    Sarah Kirby,      Blanche Wean,   Lulu Westenhaver,    Esther Bray,
    founded          secretary to the     first woman        instructor       Associate
                          dean              admitted                          Professor
1922                1924            1925            1926              1926
Berry and Maxwell     Nellie Showers   1650 women      Josephine          Gertrude
  “first” full-time    Teter elected     enrolled   Ketchum Piercy      Heberlein, Indy
       faculty            Trustee                   begins in English      pioneer
1930s                 1932                1930s               1930s               1930s
Gladys Frith, IUSB   Elizabeth Bridwell,    Mary Harman,      Mabel Wellman,     Florence Busse-Smith,
                            IUK            Geological Field   director of home     home management
                                               Station           economics              lecturer
IUS: Alma Lewis, Margaret Ruck, and Mabel Vogel

                                   IUK: Terry Agnes Francois and Maureen Shriver

                                   “…And these two girls are as much responsible for
                                   the growth of the Kokomo campus as I was…” –
                                   Virgil Hunt, director/chancellor 1945-1956

    1941            1940s-1960s               1941               1942          1945-1956

 Lyda Radford,      Lewis, Ruck,          IU’s First Tenure   IU Careers for   Francais and
First IUS Student   Vogel at IUS           Policy Adopted     Women booklet    Shriver at IUK
“I attended the Owen class. It was
better than Fox’s Burlesque. Miss
Owen is about 5 feet 5 1/2 inches tall,
weighs around 130 pounds and wears
her hair high in a pompadour and
flowing tresses to the back of her neck.
She wore a tight-fitting sweater, which
left little for my, or in fact, any one
else’s imagination. She wore sport
shoes, and a short suit skirt which did
reach almost to her knees. To top it all,
except when she wrote on the black
board, she sat on the corner of the
desk, facing the class with her legs
crossed.” 1945 Chamber of Commerce
Report sent to Herman Wells.
1950s              1950               1954                 1956              1958
 Kate Hevner         Rebekah Fisk     Ingeborg Schmidt    Jeannette Morrow   Clare Assue, first
Mueller, Dean of    founded dental   joins IU Optometry     Matthew joins    female professor
   Women           hygiene at IUSD                             IUPUI           of psychiatry
Your Daughter at IU (1953)
1954              1950s            1950s            1960             1963
                Anna Strickland,   Downtown Indy
Ivy Chamness,                                      FDA Approves     Congress passes
                Ball Residence       operators
     editor                                         Birth Control    Equal Pay Act
Camilla Williams at March on Washington,
                                            1963 (Wazee Digital)
      1960s             1960s-1980s             1960                  1963             1964
 Engle, Schaeffer,      Ruth Nelson, IUN   Claudia Crump, IUS    Camilla Williams   Civil Rights Act
Birky, and Long first    staff member      Center for Cultural   sings March on
  computing staff                              Resources           Washington
1965                 1967          1964-1975                1970                1971

Goldie Ivory, first   Lenora Kepfer,   Girl Friday Club   Women of IU-Indy        Naomi Osborne,
Black woman on        IUS bookstore                       first 150th donation   IUE staff member
  IUSB faculty          manager
Gloria Kaufman’s one-liners:

   Q: “How come you’re not
   A: “Sheer Luck!”

   Q: “If you’re so liberated when
   are you going to take me out?”
   A: “When I take home your
    1970                1970               1971               1973         Early 1970s

IUSB women’s       Martha Dawson,     Lola Lohse, Dean     IUB women’s     Title IX and Roe v
studies courses   first Black woman       of PETM        studies program          Wade
1974               1975               1978                 1980                1992
IUPUI Continuing   IU East Women’s   Alma Eikerman,      Elaine Sloan, first   Dean of Women’s
  Ed Center for       conference       artist, retires    woman dean of        office vandalized
    Women                                                     libraries
1984                     1986                   1987                 2000            2003
  Peggy Gordon           Judith Palmer, first   Polly McClure, first   Astrid Merget,   Lauren Robel,
 Elliott Miller, first      woman vice           woman in charge       Dean of SPEA     Dean of Maurer
woman chancellor              president                of IT                                 Law
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