An Exploration of Hot-Spots in Locimetric Passwords - arXiv
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An Exploration of Hot-Spots in Locimetric Passwords Antonios Saravanos Dongnanzi Zheng New York University Columbia University Stavros Zervoudakis Donatella Delfino New York University New York University Laura Hynes-Keller LHK Communications, LLC Abstract Persuasive Cued Click-Points [6]. Yet, none of these imple- Locimetric authentication is a form of graphical authentica- mentations enjoy the level of diffusion as Microsoft’s Picture tion where users validate their identity by selecting predeter- Password, which is installed by default on any machine run- mined points on a predetermined image. Its primary ad- ning the Windows 8 operating system or higher. In actuality, vantage over the ubiquitous text-based approach stems from Picture Password is a combination of two schemes, locimet- users' superior ability to remember visual information over ric and drawmetric, with the user empowered to select how textual information, coupled with the authentication process much of each method they prefer to use. Thus, the password being transformed to one requiring recognition (instead of re- that is created could be fully locimetric, fully drawmetric, or call). Ideally, these differentiations enable users to create a combination of both schemes. Drawmetric authentication is more complex passwords, which theoretically are more se- a form of graphical authentication which validates users by cure. Yet, locimetric authentication has one significant weak- requiring them “to draw a preset outline figure, either on top ness, hot-spots, that is, areas in an image that users gravitate of an image or on a grid” [9]. Given the prominence of the towards and consequently have a higher probability of being Windows operating system, especially in the desktop market, selected. This paper investigates whether the hot-spot prob- insight into the potential weaknesses inherent with locimetric lem persists with high-resolution images, as well as whether authentication is valuable. In this paper, we focus on one of user characteristics and password length play a role. Our find- these weaknesses: the users’ propensity to select the same ings confirm the presence of hot-spots in high-resolution im- point on images to form their passwords, known colloquially ages, thus influencing the locimetric authentication scheme's as hot-spots [8] (or sometimes as click-point clustering [23]). effectiveness. Furthermore, we find that neither user charac- 1.1 Understanding the Hot-Spot Problem teristics (such as age, gender, and income) nor password The existence of hot-spots was initially speculated by length radically influence their extent. We conclude by pro- Wiedenbeck et al. [31], who wrote, “logically, it seems that posing strategies to mitigate the hot-spot phenomenon. many users may be attracted to incongruous or unexpected 1 Introduction elements in an image”. Indeed, while theoretically, locimetric Locimetric authentication (also known as click-based authen- authentication has the potential to be superior to text-based tication) is a graphical mechanism that verifies users’ identity authentication, as illustrated by Wiedenbeck et al. [31], if us- through their selection of a series of predetermined points on ers only select from specific regions, the effectiveness of the an image in a particular order. Originally described by scheme drops. Blonder [5] in his patent filing (US5559961A), it serves as Several authors have reported the presence of hot-spots when the first form of graphical authentication. Over the years, sev- studying the usability of locimetric authentication. eral other implementations of the scheme have been devel- Wiedenbeck et al. [29] investigated using the ClickPoints im- oped, such as PassPoints [31], Cued Click Points [8], and plementation relying on images with a resolution of 451 by 331 pixels. When their study [29] was conducted in 2005, the resolution could be described as adequate. At the time of this writing, it is considered a particularly low-resolution. To ac- . count for backward compatibility, later studies retained the low-resolution specification. This includes other evaluations using PassPoints [30], web-based simulations inspired by PassPoints [24], Java-based simulations inspired by PassPoints [10], and Persuasive Cued Click-Points [7].
This presence of hot-spots on previously studied images used Table 1. Images used for the experiment. for authentication hypothetically could be attributed to their Id Image / Title / Reference Sample low-resolution. Accordingly, increasing the resolution should Size then resolve the hot-spot problem. Indeed, as the resolution 1 118 increases, there would be more points for users to click on. We were able to find one paper that examines high-resolution images within the context of the Picture Password mecha- nism. Gao et al. [11] undertook a holistic evaluation of the usability of Microsoft’s Picture Password. Simulating the Windows 8 operating system, the authors do not explicitly state the size of the images that they used, but they do disclose that they used “a PC with a 19-inch screen and 1024 x 1280 screen resolution”. The authors go on to report the presence of hot-spots in the three images that they studied. Our re- Home Interior [15] search builds on Gao et al.’s [11] efforts, focusing exclusively on the locimetric aspects of Picture Password, looking at a 2 117 greater spectrum of images, to determine if: (1) Evidence of clustering can be observed with high- resolution images, thereby influencing the effective- ness of the scheme. (2) Increasing the points for passwords (e.g., from 3 points to 5 points) affects the presence of clustering. (3) User demographics (in particular, gender, age, and income) are related to the quality of locimetric pass- Vegetables [16] words that are established. 3 119 2 Methodology To evaluate the effect that usability plays on the security of locimetric authentication, a series of web-based experiments were held. Participants were asked to generate a series of lo- cimetric passwords using software designed to simulate the password setup phase to generate a series of locimetric pass- words based upon preselected images (which can be seen in Table 1). Participants were asked to create a total of 7 pass- Landscape [17] words, each comprised of five-points, and then reinput each password for verification. Participants were required to open 4 117 the locimetric authentication simulator to a resolution of 1280 by 720 pixels (or higher) in order to participate. Vehicle [18]
5 116 (70.74%) reporting that they had earned at least an associate degree. In comparison, 24 (19.51%) had some college educa- tion in their backgrounds, but no degree. These characteris- tics are outlined in greater detail in Table 2. Table 2. Participants’ Profile Factor Category N % Gender Male 69 56.10% Spices [19] Female 53 43.09% Non-Binary 1 0.81% 6 118 Income $10,000 - $19,999 8 6.50% $20,000 - $29,999 15 12.20% $30,000 - $39,999 13 10.57% $40,000 - $49,999 15 12.20% $50,000 - $59,999 20 16.26% $60,000 - $69,999 13 10.57% $70,000 - $79,999 7 5.69% $80,000 - $89,999 5 4.07% $90,000 - $99,999 4 3.25% $100,000 - $149,999 11 8.94% Hot Air Balloons [20] $150,000 or more 5 4.07% Prefer not to answer 1 0.81% 7 119 Age 18-25 15 12.20% 26-30 21 17.07% 31-35 32 26.02% 36-45 30 24.39% 46-55 16 13.01% 56 or older 9 7.32% Race Asian 6 4.88% Black or African American 23 18.70% Other 4 3.25% White 90 73.17% Drawing Tools [21] Education High school graduate 10 8.13% Some college - no degree 24 19.51% Associate's degree 7 5.69% 2.1 Participant Profile and Characteristics Bachelor's degree 62 50.41% We recruited participants using Amazon Mechanical Turk Master's degree 16 13.01% (also known as MTurk), which has become quite popular for Professional degree 2 1.63% computing experiments [13]. Indeed, a cursory search of the No response 2 1.63% term ‘MTurk’ on the Association of Computing Machinery’s digital library (as of January 1st, 2020) yielded 1,430 records. 3 Analysis and Results Our sample was comprised of a total of 123 participants from the United States who were all properly compensated, well The mean number of passwords that were created for each above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 / hour for partici- default image was 117.71 (with a standard deviation of 1.11). pating in the experiment [26]. From these, 69 (56.10%) of To identify whether clustering was present, we first generated them identified as male, 53 (43.09%) as female, and 1 scatterplots (see Figure 1) to visualize where each of the pass- (0.81%) as non-binary. The majority (26.02%) of participants word points were located on each of the images, using the were aged between 31 and 35 years, followed by 36 and 45 seaborn visualization package (version 0.11.1) [27]. We then years (24.39%). Slightly over two-thirds of our participants proceeded to inspect those scatterplots and found clear evi- (73.17%) were white. Concerning income, participants re- dence of clustering. To further support this initial finding, we ported a wide range, which included values that were less conducted two tests designed explicitly to identify spatial than $10,000 to more than $150,000. Most of the participants randomness. The first was the Clark-Evans test, and the sec- (61.79%) had an income from $20,000 to $69,999, with 87 ond was the Hopkins-Skellam test. For both tests, we relied
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Figure 1. Scatterplot of points that users selected to form their locimetric password.
on the R language and software environment for statistical 7 0.49463 0.02851 computing (version 4.0.3) [1,3,22] using the spatstat package Note: For all values, p < 0.01 † [2]. According to Petrere [14], one can interpret the results of Donnelly edge correction ‡ Monte Carlo simulation the Clark-Evans test by examining the R index: indeed, Petrere states that “when R = 0, there is a limit situation of In addition, we investigated whether users were likely to se- complete aggregation” and then “when R = 1 the pattern of lect points with approximately the same x-coordinate (and re- distribution of individuals is random” [14]. The results for spectively, y-coordinate) and within a 10-pixel threshold. In both of the Clark-Evans tests (with and without the Donnelly other words, participants would pick points within the same correction) support the conclusion that clustering was present column or row of the image. We discovered that very few in all of the high-resolution images tested, as the R values participants reuse the same points, ranging between 6 to 12, were all between 0 and 1 and were statistically significant. depending on the image. However, there was a greater ten- Similarly, the Hopkins-Skellam Test values were all below 1 dency to pick points within a specific dimension. This result and statistically significant, again indicating the presence of was dependent on the image, from 10 users in one instance to clustering. 95 in another. The results can be seen in Table 5. Further- more, we visualized the links between the different points, which illustrate the path that a representative sample of users Table 3. Spatial Randomness by Image take when setting up their locimetric passwords, in Figure 2. Clark-Evans Test Hopkins-Skellam Test Image R R† A A‡ 1 0.43358 0.42580 0.02623 0.02637 Table 5. Number of Users who Repeat Points 2 0.42951 0.42179 0.01723 0.01557 Image x-Dimension y-Dimension Both Dimensions 3 0.38903 0.38210 0.01980 0.02202 1 65/118 80/118 6/118 4 0.37447 0.36773 0.01667 0.01768 2 19/117 67/117 6/117 5 0.52127 0.51186 0.02951 0.02715 3 50/119 41/119 7/119 6 0.35613 0.34975 0.02715 0.02893 4 26/117 53/117 12/117 7 0.51364 0.50449 0.02061 0.02015 5 10/116 95/116 6/116 Note: Clustering for 5-points locimetric password. 6 29/118 56/118 10/118 For all values, p < 0.01 † 7 32/119 41/119 6/119 Donnelly edge correction ‡ Monte Carlo simulation Note: Within 10 pixels. 3.1 Does Length of Password Influence Strength? 3.2 Do Demographics Reflect Password Strength? We also examined whether requiring more points for a lo- We also wanted to ascertain whether demographics (gender, cimetric password would lead to the reuse of the same age, and income) affect randomness. We applied Clark Evans point(s) multiple times. To make that determination, we com- (with Donnelly edge correction) and Hopkins-Skellam tests pared the presence of clustering when passwords used the (with Monte Carlo simulation) amongst different demo- first three points selected by users as part of their passwords graphic groups. The test results with 5-point passwords as to when all five points formed their password. Therefore, we compared between males (56.10% of the sample size) and fe- conclude that increasing the points for passwords from 3- males (43.09%) presented in Table 6 revealed that gender points to 5-points does not make the randomness stronger. No doesn’t affect randomness. The test results with 5 point pass- clear pattern to provide evidence that would indicate reuse words between people in the age group over 35 (44.72%) and was found. those in the age group of 35 (55.28%) and below, shown in Table 7, revealed that age doesn’t affect randomness. The test results with 5-point passwords between people with an in- Table 4. Clustering for 3-Point Locimetric Passwords come larger than and equal to $50K (52.85%) and people Image Clark-Evans Test Hopkins-Skellam Test with smaller than $50K (46.34%), shown in Table 8, revealed R† A‡ that income doesn’t affect randomness. 1 0.42127 0.02924 2 0.41877 0.02774 3 0.41407 0.04008 4 0.36013 0.01779 5 0.50530 0.03257 6 0.36154 0.03581
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Figure 2. Sample paths of users’ password selected points, superimposed.
Table 6. Clustering with Respect to Gender 4 Discussion and Conclusions Male Female The locimetric scheme is presented as an alternative to tradi- Clark- Hopkins- Clark- Hopkins- tional forms of authentication (i.e., the ubiquitous text-based Evans Skellam Evans Skellam approach). Its advantage stems from users’ superior ability to Test Test Test Test work with visual information (over textual information, see Image R† A‡ R† A‡ picture superiority effect [28]). Moreover, the locimetric 1 0.44549 0.04509 0.47393 0.04884 scheme is lighter in terms of cognitive demands on users, as 2 0.38146 0.02206 0.47604 0.02068 it transforms the authentication process from one of recall to 3 0.41286 0.04011 0.46859 0.05453 one of recognition. Theoretically, these advantages should 4 0.36848 0.03348 0.41173 0.03792 empower users to generate stronger passwords. However, 5 0.52598 0.04007 0.45563 0.03808 one well-known weakness of the scheme is that users are at- 6 0.31102 0.03071 0.38364 0.02510 tracted to hot-spots. These are regions in images that users 7 0.55421 0.04618 0.50748 0.04367 are drawn to and, therefore, more likely to contain user pass- Note: As only one participant reported a gender of non-bi- word points, lowering the effective password space. In this nary, we did not have sufficient data to evaluate the possibil- paper, we examined whether the presence of hot-spots per- ity of clustering for that specific category. For all values, p < sists with high-resolution images, building on the work of 0.01 Gao et al. [11]. Additionally, we studied whether user char- † Donnelly edge correction ‡ Monte Carlo simulation acteristics (i.e., age, income, and gender), as well as the length of the password, influence the existence of hot-spots. Table 7. Clustering with Respect to Age Our findings reveal that hot-spots are present even in high- 35 resolution images irrespective of the length of the locimetric Clark- Hopkins- Clark- Hopkins- password. Of particular interest was the realization that im- Evans Skellam Evans Skellam age content appeared to influence the level of clustering. We Test Test Test Test speculate this is a consequence of users trying to form pass- Image R† A‡ R† A‡ words by clicking particular objects or colors within each im- 1 0.43146 0.03391 0.47517 0.05385 age that they find to be eye-catching and would hence be eas- 2 0.42910 0.02650 0.45899 0.03256 ier to remember. For example, Images 4 (vehicle) and 7 3 0.41125 0.03940 0.35985 0.02882 (drawing tools) have less clustering, therefore were better 4 0.35954 0.02098 0.37828 0.04030 suited for use with locimetric authentication. We speculate 5 0.49269 0.03429 0.51534 0.04928 that this is a consequence of there being a plethora of similar 6 0.37370 0.06929 0.36986 0.05180 objects in Image 5 (spices), which are distributed more 7 0.53087 0.03718 0.54044 0.04532 evenly throughout the image. Thus, it provides multiple areas Note: For all values, p < 0.01 for users to find and mark placement. With respect to Image † Donnelly edge correction ‡ Monte Carlo simulation 7 (drawing tools), there are again a great number of similar objects in the image for users to select. Additionally, there are Table 8. Clustering with Respect to Income several varying colors in close proximity to each other. This is in contrast, for example, to Image 4 (vehicle), where there =50k are a limited number of large objects (e.g., the wheel and in- Clark- Hopkins- Clark- Hopkins- strument board) without any particular colors (e.g., mostly Evans Skellam Evans Skellam Test Test Test Test blue with a bit of chrome) that stand out. Thus, the majority Image R† A‡ R† A‡ of users focus their attention on those (limited) objects where 1 0.46363 0.05326 0.43471 0.03153 the clustering occurs. Another example of a poor image 2 0.43403 0.03141 0.41517 0.01536 choice for use with locimetric authentication is that of Image 3 0.42185 0.04741 0.36020 0.02401 3 (landscape), where even though there are no specific ob- 4 0.41166 0.03711 0.37291 0.03150 jects that explicitly stand out from each other, there are a lim- 5 0.55946 0.06000 0.50922 0.05535 ited number of eye-catching colors (e.g., blue and yellow), 6 0.31172 0.01907 0.38351 0.04824 which attract the users and are the source of the clustering. 7 0.51595 0.02800 0.53149 0.04127 This opens up the possibility that certain images might be bet- Note: For all values, p < 0.01 ter suited for users to create stronger locimetric passwords, † Donnelly edge correction ‡ Monte Carlo simulation and this question should be examined in future research. For the purpose of better understanding where user attention is concentrated while selecting points on a given image, we
computed the attention probability for all pixels in that image. which individuals interact with images. Begley’s [4] work This was done using bivariate distributions coupled with the highlights those differences, “westerners pay attention to the utilization of kernel density estimation, a non-parametric focal object, while Asians attend more broadly— to the over- model that combines clustering and density estimators (spe- all surroundings and to the relations between the object and cifically, Gaussian Mixture models) for each point (i.e., the field.” Consequently, future studies may be directed to- pixel) on the respective image. This approach creates layers wards investigating diverse cultural approaches to the crea- that contain similar probability values, which indicate that a tion of locimetric passwords and whether any cultural differ- user will select specific pixel areas for their password, given ences influence the effectiveness of the scheme with respect all points previously selected by the users in our study. Fur- to system entry and security. thermore, it combines the probability distributions, centered Furthermore, we sought to determine whether user character- at the pixels with the highest probabilities, and creates planes istics (i.e., age, income, and gender) influence the formation of similar probabilities using smoothing techniques. Corre- of the hot-spots that were observed. The benefit of finding sponding probabilities, ranging from higher to lower, are rep- such a pattern would inform the allocation of resources (such resented by colors and visible in the respective legends, as training) exclusively to those users. However, no such a which are illustrated in Figure 3 as overlayed heatmaps. This relationship was found; irrespectively, users generally appear is a relative measure and the values are based on the total to gravitate towards hot-spots equally. Of course, we would number of observations for each specific sample. be remiss not to recognize that as technology advances and We can make the following three observations. First, in all resolutions continue to increase, at some point the hot-spot images, for the most part, users are more likely to select problem may dissipate on its own. In the short term, however, points away from the edges, rather than focusing on higher increasing image size to solve the hot-spot problem is not a saliency points (i.e., the main focus areas of the image (i.e., solution. the points of interest or principal points of focus). Second, as There are several practical implications that result from our the images that we used had non-singular focus areas, we ob- work. From the user and system administrator perspective, served multiple cluster centers, which hint at varying visual the presence of hot-spots, even in high-resolution images, ne- ‘tastes’ by different individuals. This indicates that such im- cessitates that the issue be addressed. To overcome the hot- ages may result in stronger locimetric passwords and, there- spot phenomenon we propose user training, an idea that is not fore, should be preferred by systems that employ this authen- in itself a novel within the field of security [12,25,32]. There tication technique. Third, areas in an image that are of the are many forms of training; we suggest three forms as exem- same color and contain no objects have the lowest probability plars: of being selected. This is expected, as those points would be harder to remember, a conclusion that is confirmed by the 1. Training users through guidelines on how to select scatterplots (see Figure 1). images to use for their passwords which would be better suited for this scheme because they naturally Our observations hint at the importance of enforcing what lead to fewer hot-spots. For example, images with would be considered as ‘strong image’ passwords, which a plethora of objects and colors, as they offer mul- could serve as a basis for system security aimed at the pre- tiple focal points instead of a singular focus. vention of unauthorized system entry and cybersecurity breach. Strong images can be classified as those that are high- 2. Training users through guidelines on how to avoid resolution, employ multiple focal points, have a large number selecting popular points which are within hot-spot of edges, utilize multiple color schemes and have various ob- areas, but instead selecting password points outside jects throughout the image (for instance, there are no large of those areas. sections with blue skies, sea, or an object with the same color 3. A simulator with a strength meter offering users the occupying a large section of the image). Further studies are opportunity to practice the creation of locimetric required to quantify the minimum requirements that a high- passwords through trial and error. resolution image needs to have in order to be accepted as a ‘strong image’ for use by the authenticator program. This be- These approaches should lead to stronger locimetric pass- comes especially important for a system that allows users to words and minimize the hot-spot phenomenon. Should the upload their images and then select points for password cre- hot-spot problem be overcome, the locimetric scheme has ation. considerable potential to serve as a viable alternative to tra- ditional forms of authentication. Another area that should be explored is that of culture, as our study focused exclusively on the United States. Certainly, it is a consideration to be taken into account, as it has been demonstrated that cultural differences influence the way by
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Figure 3. Heatmaps indicating areas with similar probability for user passwords.
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