Evaluation results of combined labelling of dwellings located in different countries
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E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 Evaluation results of combined labelling of dwellings located in different countries Zoltan Magyar1*, Gabor Nemeth1, Peter op‘t Veld2, Simona D’Oca2, Ana Sanchis Huertas3, Davide Prati4 1 Comfort Consulting Ltd, Deak Ferenc u. 2. fszt. 3., Szigetszentmiklos 2310, Hungary 2 Huygen Installatie Adviseurs Parkweg 22b, Maastricht 6200AM, Netherlands 3 Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación, Avenida tres Forques 98, Valencia 46018, Spain 4 University of Bologna, Via Zamboni 33, Bologna 40126, Italy Abstract. In the TripleA-reno project, a new combined labelling scheme was developed for dwellings. The combined labelling includes the evaluation of the energy performance, indoor environmental quality and well-being of occupants in dwellings. In this paper, the method of the TripleA-reno combined labelling scheme, the necessary calculations and measurements and the labelling process are introduced. In the TripleA-reno project, the developed combined labelling was successfully applied to different demonstration cases. The main results and experiences of the combined labelling for four demonstration cases located in Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy are presented. * Corresponding author, magyar.zoltan@comfortconsulting.hu © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 1 Introduction et al. [4] presents the problem of the Dutch non-profit housing sector, wherein have been many renovation The TripleA-reno project has received funding improvements applied in the recent years, but these are from the European Union’s H2020 Framework too small to attain the ambitious national goal of the programme for coordination and support action under energy performance. The combined labelling can grant agreement no 784972. The overall project goal is provide precise, evidence-based data on energy to increase acceptance of - and facilitate decision performance, indoor environmental quality and well- making on - deep and nZEB renovation for consumers being, which could help decision making and and end-users of residential buildings. To this end, the increasing the number of deep renovation projects. project is developing a user-centred platform that helps The essential indicators were gathered for users in the decision-making, implementation, and combined labelling after studying the most widespread even in-use phase of the renovation. As part of the among the existing certification schemes, the Level(s) project, the aim was to develop a combined labelling reporting framework and several EU projects. The scheme for dwellings, which includes energy obvious purpose was to develop a certification that performance, indoor environmental and well-being focuses especially on dwellings and its characteristics indicators. These combined labelling indicators focus and make the scheme as simplified as possible to mainly on energy performance and comfort features of ensure widespread support and easy usability. dwellings that can be changed by renovation. As a result of the assessment, there is not an already available combined labelling scheme developed especially for dwellings, which presents the energy 2 Why is the combined labelling performance, indoor environmental quality and well- scheme necessary? being indicators altogether. As for energy performance indicators, both the calculated and the measured energy There are different demo cases in the project in consumption is worth to be presented in the combined several countries: condominium in Hungary, labelling, which usually does not appear altogether in multifamily building in Spain, Slovenia and Italy, the existing certification schemes; however, there is single-family dwellings in the Netherlands and a some exception, for example, the ALDREN [5], but student house in Greece. In all cases, a thorough this project is developed especially for offices and ethnography research [1] was carried out aimed at hotels. The labelling of the qualitative parameters that collecting user demands before starting any influence the indoor environmental quality and well- development. Currently, the lack of knowledge is a being is also a novel evaluation, which has not been significant barrier to implement renovation projects. included in the existing schemes or partially appeared Occupants explained they do not have information on (e.g. evaluation of the temperature control strategy in renovated buildings and they are interested in the the BREEAM certification scheme [6]). As for the energy savings, the experiences of the operation and labelling of well-being, the WELL building standard the comfort. During a focus group interview, the [7, 8, 9] obviously focuses on well-being aspects, but it representative of a building renovation company does not label the energy performance of buildings. explained they made many renovation projects, but M.A. Ortiz et al. studied [10] the well-being and the they neither have accurate data on the achieved energy interaction between influencing factors and concludes saving, nor the enhanced comfort in the renovated the energy use is a consequence of trying to attain buildings. This circumstance substantiated the need for homeostasis (comfort, neutral state, lack of stress). the combined labelling scheme including energy, This means that people use energy to satisfy their indoor environmental and well-being indicators, which needs and to achieve well-being. In line with this can label dwellings, even before and after a renovation result, the TripleA-reno combined labelling focuses on project. The approaches to establish a labelling scheme end-users and informs them about the energy for residential buildings were already studied in 2011 performance and well-being aspects of their homes. by Franzitta et al. [2], but finally that Eco-label The well-being and IEQ indicators label the technical labelling scheme for residential buildings has not been building systems’ capabilities from well-being and IEQ implemented. point of view. However, in order to know what figures The renovation of building stock plays a major role are realised in the analysed residential building or in meeting the energy efficiency targets set in the EU apartment, a series of on-site measurement of Member States. The speed at which the building stock parameters that influence IEQ and well-being is also improves its energy performance can be expressed as necessary. As Y. Al horr et al. [11] concludes, the the annual reduction of the total building stock’s building designs do not automatically guarantee the primary energy consumption. This weighted energy building will be comfortable and ensure occupant well- renovation rate is calculated to be about 1%. If this rate being. Monitoring the building and occupant persists, the building sector will clearly and performance during its operations is, therefore also significantly fail to deliver its share of the overall need necessary. With regards to the metering equipment, for primary energy reduction and, consequently, reduce significant developments have been made in the recent greenhouse gas emissions [3]. The low renovation rate past on miniaturisation, accuracy, robustness, data of the building sector is a problem in most of the storage, ability to connect using multiple Member States, for example, the article by Filippidou communication protocols, and the integration with the 2
E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 cloud, resulting in a range of available solutions [12], residential buildings or building units is compared, which helps the monitoring of buildings. because there can be many differences between one and another dwellings’ household appliances and their operation. However, from the end-user point of view, the calculated total primary energy consumption may 3 TripleA-reno combined labelling: be too difficult to understand; furthermore, there are energy performance, indoor significant differences among primary energy factors environmental quality, well-being of different energy sources. Therefore, it makes sense to show the delivered energy use besides the total The methodology used in the main existing primary energy use. certification schemes was reviewed, including Regarding the delivered energy use, both the regulations and standards, in order to determine the calculated and the measured delivered energy use are relevant indicators and requirements. As a result of the included in the TripleA-reno labelling. The calculated assessment, the TripleA-reno combined labelling delivered energy use is an objective way of evaluation scheme was developed, which includes the following of energy performance. However, the measured indicators: delivered energy is a very useful indicator, especially Table 1. Combined labelling indicators and main features when somebody would like to monitor the energy consumption before and after a deep renovation or any kind of intervention, or if one needs to evaluate the Indicators Main features occupant behaviour. The occupant behaviour has a significant effect on the energy consumption and even Energy performance Both calculated and measured on the comfort, and therefore the measured energy indicators energy uses are presented. consumption (and the measured comfort parameters) Indoor environmental and IEQ and well-being capability cannot be left out from the evaluation. Results obtained of the building and technical by Rouleau et al. [14] show great variability of energy well-being indicators building systems. consumption and thermal comfort for a given dwelling Based on measured figures, when different occupants are living in it, with a range Measured indoor of approximately 50%. The energy consumption related to the specific dwelling environmental and well- and depend on occupant monitoring can be implemented based on being indicators habits. measurements from the power and gas meters (gas and electricity) and thermal flow meter for district The labelling includes the most important energy heating/cooling or consumption bills (e.g. oil, performance, indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and biomass). well-being indicators for existing dwellings, so it does There are several types of building structures with not examine other indicators that may hide the result. different thermal transmittances (U-values) within a The first proposal of the TripleA-reno combined building, e.g. wall, roof, window. The area-weighted labelling scheme was presented in the 50th International averaging is a simple mathematical technique for HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition in Belgrade [13]. combining different amounts of various components Then the combined labelling scheme was successfully into a single number. The area-weighted average applied to 14 demo cases in several European thermal transmittance is included as an energy countries, and the scheme was improved according to performance indicator in the TripleA-reno combined the feedback of the demo case experts. labelling because it is useful when comparing building structures before and after the renovation, or when one compares the energy characteristics of building 3.1 Energy performance indicators structures of different buildings. The area-weighted average thermal transmittance regards only the above- The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) has ground structures. In most cases, the renovation been introduced in EU countries according to the includes the insulation of those building structures and requirements of the EPBD. The EPC shows the not the floor insulation because the latter is very characteristics of the building envelope and the HVAC expensive in existing buildings. systems and demonstrates the primary energy use of The EPBD recast defines the nearly zero energy the building. The EPC is an objective assessment that building, which means a building that has a very high helps end-users get information on energy efficiency; energy performance, and the nearly zero or very low therefore, it makes sense to use energy efficiency class amount of energy required should be covered to a very from national EPC as an energy performance indicator. significant extent from renewable sources, including The calculated total primary energy use is included sources produced on-site or nearby [15]. The share of in the TripleA-reno labelling scheme. According to the renewable energy use in the total primary energy use is EPBD, the primary energy consumption for dwellings essential information for occupants and also for takes into account only the energy consumption of experts, and therefore it is included in the TripleA-reno heating, cooling, domestic hot water and ventilation. combined labelling. This indicator is very clear and can Household electricity (plug load) is not considered motivate end-users to use more renewable energy and when primary energy consumption of different protect the environment. 3
E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 Table 2. Features of the energy performance indicators of 3.2 Well-being and IEQ indicators TripleA-reno combined labelling The well-being and indoor environmental quality Reference/ very much depend on the features of the technical Nr. Name, unit Source description building systems. The applied method, such as Energy Align with national labelling qualitative parameters, is also used in the 1.1 efficiency energy performance EPBD reviewed DGNB, the SRI, and the Openhouse rating class [-] certification (EPBD). system. In the developed TripleA-reno combined Calculated Align with EN 15603 labelling, the well-being and IEQ indicators focus on total primary and EN ISO 13790, or the most critical features of the technical building 1.2 Level(s) energy use, EN ISO 52000 systems, which on the one hand influence IEQ and [kWh/m²a] standard series. occupant well-being in residential buildings, and on the Calculated Align with EN 15603 other hand these can be improved by renovation. delivered and EN ISO 13790, or The first indicator is control of the heating system, 1.3.1 energy use Level(s) EN ISO 52000 and the second is control of the cooling system. The (fuel), standard series. heating/cooling systems’ appropriate control is very [kWh/m²a] Calculated important for achieving thermal comfort and increasing Align with EN 15603 delivered occupant satisfaction. Occupants should be able to and EN ISO 13790, or 1.3.2 energy use Level(s) control the heating/cooling system in their homes in EN ISO 52000 (electricity), order to set the indoor temperature to the desired value. standard series. [kWh/m²a] The room temperature control is better than an Calculated apartment or the whole building temperature control, delivered Align with EN 15603 energy use and EN ISO 13790, or because in the case of room temperature control, the 1.3.3 Level(s) occupants can set the indoor temperature according to (district EN ISO 52000 energy), standard series. their specific needs. In the case of central building [kWh/m²a] control, the occupants only have limited influence on Calculated setting the indoor temperature. Besides the thermal delivered Sum of all calculated comfort, occupant satisfaction and well-being are 1.3 Level(s) energy use, delivered energy use. higher if the occupants can regulate the temperature in [kWh/m²a] their home. Measured Based on The third indicator is an essential indicator, which delivered measurement or is supply air flow per person in the case of mechanical 1.4.1 energy use energy bills. Energy - (fuel), consumption without ventilation. Inadequate ventilation is a well-known [kWh/m²a] any correction. potential factor for sick building syndrome. If the air Measured Based on change rate is inadequate, the concentration of indoor delivered measurement or contaminants, such as CO2 and VOC, will increase, 1.4.2 energy use energy bills. Energy - which reduces the indoor air quality and occupants’ (electricity), consumption without well-being and there are negative health implications. [kWh/m²a] any correction. The evaluation of the fresh air flow rate is part of every Measured reviewed labelling scheme and, of course, it is part of Based on delivered TripleA-reno combined labelling. In the case of natural measurement or energy use 1.4.3 (district energy bills. Energy - ventilation, air change depends on the size and position consumption without of openings, which is part of designing a new building. energy), any correction. Since TripleA-reno project focuses on existing [kWh/m²a] Measured buildings, where there is limited opportunity to change delivered Sum of all measured the size and position of windows, natural ventilation is 1.4 - energy use, energy use. not in the TripleA-reno labelling scope. [kWh/m²a] The fourth indicator is the air-tightness of windows Renewable primary and doors, which is not directly included in the Share of energy use divided by reviewed labelling schemes. The low air-tightness of renewable total primary energy windows can cause local discomfort for occupants, 1.5 use: REHVA energy especially during winter when draft can occur close to sources, [%] ∑ = the openings, furthermore, low air-tightness increases ∑ infiltration, which results in higher heating and cooling Area weighted Regarding the above- average energy consumption. ground structures: The exterior shading is the fifth indicator of the 1.6 thermal ∑ ∗ - transmittance, = TripleA-reno combined labelling. The exterior shading [W/m2K] ∑ can provide better thermal comfort, since the temperature of indoor spaces and the glass of windows will be limited, and on the other hand the same indoor temperature can be kept with lower energy use in the cooling season when using exterior shading. 4
E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 Furthermore, the occupants are not so exposed to the reno combined labelling provides information to the weather conditions, and therefore the user satisfaction occupant about the radiant heating/cooling systems, and well-being will be better. whether radiant systems operate in rooms at least 50% of the conditioned floor area. Table 3. Well-being and IEQ indicator of TripleA-reno combined labelling The evaluation of the radiant temperature asymmetry is included in most of the reviewed Reference/ labelling scheme. The ISO 7730 standard defines the Nr. Name, unit Source requirements of three different categories, from which categories 1. No heating system category B is selected for TripleA-reno combined 2. No control labelling because it is appropriate for existing 3. Central (building) buildings. Control of the temperature control 2.1 - heating system 4. Apartment temperature control 3.3 Measured well-being and IEQ indicators 5. Room temperature control The well-being and IEQ indicators presented in 1. No cooling system Section 3.2 provide feedback to the end-user about the 2. No control technical building systems and its capabilities from 3. Central (building) well-being and IEQ point of view but does not provide Control of the temperature control information on what figures are realised in the analysed 2.2 - cooling system 4. Apartment dwelling. Therefore on-site measurements are needed temperature control to evaluate the realised condition and provide 5. Room temperature information to the occupants on which parameters are control good and which one should be improved. Supply air flow TripleA-reno focuses on motivating the renovation per person (in EN 16798-1 category case of I, II, III fresh air flow of residential buildings; therefore, those essential 2.3 Level(s) parameters have been collected that significantly affect mechanical per number of ventilation) occupants occupant well-being and IEQ in residential buildings [l/s, pers] and can thus be improved by renovation. The operative 1.Poor air-tightness: temperature, the relative humidity and the CO2 warped, poorly fitted concentration are the most important parameters that or unsealed windows people are sensitive about. The measurement of these and doors. parameters is mandatory. The operative temperature 2.Medium air- and the CO2 have to be compared to the categories of tightness: windows Air-tightness of standard EN 16798-1. That category shall be selected and doors with well- 2.4 windows and - from the standard for the labelling, where 85% of the fitted sealings. doors measured data meets the category requirement. The 3.Good air-tightness: factory-fitted shaped relative humidity has to be in the comfort range, which sealing profiles or is between 25 and 70 %RH. certification document The most common air contaminants, such as TVOC according to EN and formaldehyde, are taken into account in the 12207 Class 4 TripleA-reno labelling. Building materials, furnishings, Percentage of the fabrics, cleaning products, personal care products and windows with exterior air fresheners can all emit volatile organic compounds Exterior shading shading. Windows are 2.5 [%] taken into account - (VOCs) into the indoor environment. Owing to VOCs’ only from East to complexity, both the individual health effects on the West. human body can be different and vary greatly in certain Radiant heating cases. Long-term exposure to even low TVOC and/or cooling system concentrations can lead to unspecific symptoms and Radiant heating 2.6 and/or cooling (floor, wall, ceiling) WELL reactions including perception unpleasant odours and operates in rooms at tastes, runny nose and watery eyes, irritation of system [%] least 50% of the eyes/nose/throat, dry skin and itching, increased conditioned floor area sensitivity to infections of the respiratory tract, Radiant temperature neurotoxic symptoms (fatigue, headaches, reduced Radiant asymmetry meets ISO ISO 2.7 temperature 7730 Category B 7730 mental performance). asymmetry Formaldehyde (HCHO) can be released from the requirement plastics, furniture, and adhesives in homes, which can The radiant heating and cooling systems have the be further concentrated in the living space during the potential to provide better thermal comfort than winter. Formaldehyde is a colourless aldehyde gas and, conventional systems. The rating of the radiant heating similar to TVOC, even small quantities of and cooling system is adopted from the WELL formaldehyde in the room air may affect human health. labelling scheme. The sixth indicator of the TripleA- The symptoms include concentration disorders, 5
E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 nervousness, headaches, dizziness, but also nausea, 3.4 Required measurements swelling of the mucosa, conjunctival irritations and lacrimation [16]. The requirements of the measurements are In the TripleA-reno labelling, the allowed summarised shortly in this section. The measurement concentration of TVOC as well-being limit was taken place is the living room. The operative temperature, the from WELL [7] and LEED [17] labelling schemes, and relative humidity and the CO2 concentration of indoor it is 500 μg/m³. However, the costly and complex air should be measured for at least one week by 5- laboratory analysis (ISO 16000-6) is not a requirement minute time series. The measured data of indoor because the TVOC measurement is informative. The temperature and CO2 concentration has to be compared allowed concentration of formaldehyde was taken from to the ranges of EN 16798-1 standard, while the WHO, and it is 100 μg/m³. The laboratory analysis relative humidity has to be compared to the comfort (ISO 16000-3) is not a requirement because the range that is from 25 to 70 %RH. The TVOC and the formaldehyde measurement is informative. The formaldehyde measurements should be completed two allowed concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 was taken times on the spot, at the beginning and the end of one from WELL labelling scheme: PM2.5 = 15 μg/m³, week measurements of temperature, relative humidity PM10 = 50 μg/m3. The measurement can be and CO2 concentration. The measurement of PM2.5 implemented with a light-scattering airborne particle and PM10 should also be completed two times on the counter according to ISO 21501-4. spot, but it requires at least 30 minute-long measurements, at the beginning and the end of one Table 4. Measured well-being and IEQ indicators of week measurements of temperature, relative humidity TripleA-reno combined labelling scheme and CO2 concentration. During the evaluation of the Reference/ measured figures, the category satisfied by at least 85% Nr. Name, unit Source of the measured figures must be chosen. categories Measured data Operative compared to EN 3.5 Labelling 3.1 temperature – 16798-1 - heating* [°C] temperature The energy performance indicators express the ranges. energy characteristic of the building, which contains Measured data the energy efficiency class, the calculated and the Operative compared to EN measured energy use, which are displayed to the end- 3.2 temperature – 16798-1 - user one by one. The energy efficiency class (A+, A, B, cooling* [°C] temperature C, ...) of the analysed dwelling clearly conveys the ranges. energy efficiency of the current condition. The Relative humidity of calculated figures, such as total primary energy use, Measured data delivered energy use per energy sources, measured indoor air is 3.3 compared to 25 to - energy use per energy sources, the share of RES and between 25 % 70 %RH. the area-weighted average thermal transmittance and 70 % [%RH] provide information on the main energy characteristics Measured data of the analysed dwelling. CO₂ compared to EN Concerning the joint assessment of well-being and 3.4 concentration - 16798-1 IEQ, the labelling output is one class to ensure easy [ppm] categories. understanding. However, the labelling presents not Well-being Measured data only the result (the achieved class) but all of the TVOC limit adapted 3.5 compared to the indicators with its gained and theoretical maximum [μg/m³] from WELL, limit (500 μg/m³) points, which details the result and provides LEED Measured data information on what should be improved. The steps of Formaldehyde the labelling of the well-being and IEQ indicators are 3.6 compared to the WHO [ppb] limit (100 μg/m³) as follows: Measured data Well-being 1. Score calculating: the relevant well-being and PM2,5 3.7 compared to the limit adapted IEQ indicators gain points according to Table 5 and [μg/m³] limit (15 μg/m³) from WELL Table 6 below. Measured data Well-being 2. Sum the gained scores of the relevant indicators. 3.8 PM10 [μg/m³] compared to the limit adapted 3. Sum the theoretical maximum scores of the limit (50 μg/m³) from WELL relevant indicators. These include maximum points for *During the site survey operative temperature in the heating season or the cooling season has to be measured according to all the relevant indicators. For example, if there is no the actual season. cooling system or mechanical ventilation system in the building, those will not be concerned when calculating maximum points that can be achieved. 4. Calculate the percentage of total gained points / total theoretical maximum points. 6
E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 5. Labelling based on the calculated percentage of Table 6. Scoring of the measured well-being and IEQ total and theoretical maximum points according to indicators Table 7 below. Table 5 below demonstrates the well-being and IEQ Nr. Name Scores indicators scoring, Table 6 introduces the measured well-being and IEQ indicators, and Table 7 shows the 30 points - EN 16798-1 labelling. Category II Operative temperature 15 points - EN 16798-1 3.1 Table 5. Scoring of the well-being and IEQ indicators – heating Category III 0 point - EN 16798-1 Category IV Nr. Name Scores 15 points - EN 16798-1 Room temperature control: 20 Category II points Operative temperature 8 points - EN 16798-1 3.2 Apartment temperature – cooling Category III Control of the 0 point - EN 16798-1 2.1 control: 10 points heating system Category IV Central (building) temperature control: 5 points Relative humidity of 5 points if RH is between No control: 0 point 3.3 indoor air is between 25 and 70 %RH Room temperature control: 20 25 % and 70 % points 20 points - EN 16798-1 Apartment temperature Category II Control of the 10 points - EN 16798-1 2.2 control: 10 points 3.4 CO₂ concentration cooling system Category III Central (building) temperature control: 5 points 0 point - EN 16798-1 No control: 0 point Category IV Fresh air flow per number of 10 points - TVOC is occupants meets EN 16798-1 under 500 μg/m³ 3.5 TVOC Supply air flow per category I, II: 20 points 0 point - TVOC is 500 person (in case of Fresh air flow per number of μg/m³ or more 2.3 10 points - Formaldehyde mechanical occupants meets EN 16798-1 ventilation) category III: 10 points is under 100 μg/m³ 3.6 Formaldehyde Less than EN 16798-1 0 point - Formaldehyde is category III: 0 points 100 μg/m³ or more Good air-tightness: 10 points 5 points if PM2.5 is under Air-tightness of 15 μg/m³ 2.4 Medium air-tightness: 5 points 3.7 PM2,5 windows and doors 0 point if PM2.5 is 15 Poor air-tightness: 0 point 10 points for 100% of windows μg/m³ or more from East to West have 5 points if PM10 is under exterior shading 50 μg/m³ 3.8 PM10 9 points for 90%-99% 0 point if PM10 is 50 8 points for 80-89% μg/m³ or more 7 points for 70-79% Table 7. Labelling results in the TripleA-reno combined 2.5 Exterior shading 6 points for 60-69% labelling 5 points for 50-59% 4 points for 40-49% Calculated 3 points for 30-39% percentage of total Labelling 2 points for 20-29% and theoretical 1 point for 10-19% maximum points 0 point for 0-9% Radiant heating and/or cooling 90-100% Excellent Radiant heating system operates in rooms at and/or cooling least 50% of the conditioned system operates in floor area: 10 points 80-89% Good 2.6 rooms at least 50% Radiant heating and/or cooling of the conditioned system operates in rooms less 60-79% Acceptable floor area than 50% of the conditioned floor area: 0 points Radiant temperature 50-59% Weak asymmetry meets ISO 7730 Radiant Category A or B: 10 points 2.7 temperature Radiant temperature 0-49% Very weak asymmetry asymmetry meets ISO 7730 Category C or worse: 0 points 7
E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 3.6 Demonstration buildings thermal comfort in all apartments. Typically, when the indoor temperature is good in apartments at the edge of Validation of the developed combined labelling the building, there can be overheating in the scheme on energy performance, IEQ and well-being intermediate apartments without apartment or room was executed with real data of the TripleA-Reno control. The features mentioned above of the technical project’s demonstration buildings. The combined building system can trigger comfort complaints. labelling template was applied to 14 dwellings in The measured well-being and IEQ indicator is several European countries. The proposed combined acceptable for “apartment 2” and very weak for labelling scheme was developed during the validation “apartment 1” and “apartment 3”. During the procedure according to the feedback from experts measurement executed in the heating season, in responsible for demonstration buildings. In the “apartment 2” the measured operative temperature following sections, the main labelling results and meets EN 16798-1 category II, however in “apartment experiences are presented for case studies located in 1” and “apartment 3” – which are on the edge of the Hungary, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. building – it meets Category IV or worse. The temperature measurement was also executed in the 3.6.1 Case study, Hungary apartments in the cooling season, and the indoor temperature of each apartment met the EN 16798-1 The Hungarian demo building is located in category III requirement. The measured CO2 Szigetszentmiklos, 30 km far from Budapest. The concentration was Category II in “apartment 1” and building was built in 1982 with prefabricated concrete category III in the others. All these apartments have panel construction technology. The building has a total natural ventilation, which means the CO2 concentration of 60 apartments. The walls and the roof have a poor depends on how regularly and how much time the thermal characteristic. Most of the windows were occupants open the windows. The relative humidity replaced to new PVC framed windows. The building is was out of the comfort range (25-70% RH) in each connected to the district heating system, which apartment. The TVOC was also measured in the provides thermal energy for heating and domestic hot apartments, and it did not fulfil the 500 μg/m³ limit. water purposes. Within the building there is a 1-pipe The measured formaldehyde figures were well below heating system, the heating appliances are radiators the WHO limit (100 μg/m³), except in “apartment 1”. equipped with a manual valve. PM2.5 and PM10 figures were measured as well: in The energy efficiency class is “F” for two “apartment 2” the PM2.5 was under the limit, while examined apartments, and “D” is for one analysed PM10 was over the limit; in “apartment 1” and apartments. The wall and the roof of the building have “apartment 3” neither PM2.5 nor PM10 was under the very weak thermal insulation; therefore the area- limit. weighted average thermal transmittance (1.09-1.23 Based on the combined labelling, the thermal W/m2K), the delivered energy use (150-234 kWh/m2a) insulation of the walls and the roof is recommended, and the primary energy consumption (159-243 which results in less heating energy use and improves kWh/m2a) are high in the analysed dwellings. The IEQ (operative temperature: indicator 3.1 and 3.2). renewable energy ratio is almost zero in the current Installing thermostatic valves on the radiators is condition. The building has central heating control recommended, ensuring room control of the heating which often results in overheating in some apartments, system, reducing heating energy use, and improving and the indoor temperature was even out of category thermal comfort (no more overheating) and well-being III of the EN 16798-1 standard. (automatic operation). Installing a thermal solar The well-being and IEQ indicators of the technical collector system for the whole building is suggested, building systems were evaluated, and the result is weak which reduces the energy use of domestic hot water for “apartment 1” and “apartment 2”, and acceptable production and increases renewable energy ratio. There for “apartment 3”. The main reason for the low level of is natural ventilation in the building; therefore when well-being and IEQ performance of the technical the outdoor PM is high (vehicle traffic is stronger, building systems is the central building temperature traffic jam, solid fuel heating happens in the control in the heating system; thus, the occupants neighbourhood), the windows’ opening should be cannot control the indoor temperature according to avoided if possible. their specific needs. The better well-being and IEQ indicator in “apartment 3” is due to a local air 3.6.2 Case study, Italy conditioning system (split unit) in the living room, which has room temperature control; therefore, the The Italian demo building is located in Concordia occupant in this apartment is at least able to control the Sagittaria, which is 60 km far from Venezia. The indoor temperature in the cooling season. The pilot building was built between 1977 and 1978, and it is building is an old building; therefore, there is no owned by ATER Venezia and hosts 21 apartments on radiant heating or cooling system. These characteristics four floors above ground. The external walls are made of the analysed dwellings provide little chance for the of a double layer of hollow bricks with thin thermal occupants to achieve well-being and create good insulation. The heating system and the domestic hot indoor environmental quality in their homes. The water production are centralised: there is an oil-fired central building control cannot provide adequate 8
E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 heating boiler, which provides thermal energy for the implementation of independent energy heating and domestic hot water. The apartments have consumption accounting. The renovation project low performing window glasses and frames, and there definitely improves both energy performance and is neither room thermostat, nor thermostatic radiator comfort indicators. valves to control the indoor temperature. The energy efficiency class is “F” or “G” for all the analysed apartments. The primary energy consumption 3.6.3 Case study, Spain (209-294 kWh/m2a), the delivered energy use (123-173 kWh/m2a) and the average thermal transmittance (1.12- The Spanish demo case is located in Almoradí, a 1.66 W/m2K) are significantly high. The reason for medium-sized town close to the Alicante variable calculated figures is the different apartment’s Mediterranean shore (Costa Blanca). The demo case position inside the building. The measured delivered involves five multifamily buildings built in 1982, and it energy consumption is 20-25% higher than the is owned by the Regional Social Housing Company calculated delivered energy use. This gap could be EVHA. The walls have poor energy performance. The reasonably due to the central heating control that apartments were initially constructed with wooden causes overheating in the apartments. Furthermore, the framed windows with single glass. There is electric absence of thermostatic valves combined with the low heating in the rooms and air conditioning unit for energy performance of walls and windows increases heating and cooling in the living rooms. The passage of this problem. The renewable energy ratio is zero in the time, the lack of maintenance and the few economic current condition. resources of its inhabitants have resulted in a degraded In all the surveyed dwellings the well-being IEQ building complex, with an unattractive and outdated indicators of the technical building systems highlighted image. a very weak performance, only the exterior shading The energy efficiency class is “G” for the three indicator reaches the maximum score. The heating examined apartments. The building walls have very system has central temperature control; therefore, weak thermal insulation; the original wood-frame occupants cannot control the indoor temperature. This windows also have poor energy efficiency; therefore, is one of the most frequent complaints reported by the area-weighted average thermal transmittance (1.09- residents. Windows and doors have really poor air- 2.08 W/m2K), and the primary energy consumption tightness resulting in draughts and infiltrations, which (284-301 kWh/m2a) are high in the analysed dwellings. caused evident plaster blooming and mould presence The renewable energy ratio is zero in the current on the external walls. Finally, the Concordia building is condition. The measured delivered energy consumption an old building; therefore, there is no radiant floor, is lower than the calculated delivered energy wall or ceiling heating/cooling system. These consumption. The reason of this gap clearly turned out characteristics provide little chance for the occupants during the on-site visit and measurement, because the to achieve well-being and create good indoor indoor temperature was even out of category IV of the environmental quality. EN 16798-1 standard in two apartments, i.e. the Operative temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 temperature and the occupant behaviour is significantly concentration were measured in four apartments in different from the standard user profile. winter and summer. The operative temperature reaches The well-being and IEQ indicators of the technical only category III of EN-16798-1 standard in three building systems were evaluated, and the results are apartments due to the central temperature control. The acceptable. Indicators 2.1, 2.2 (control of heating, relative humidity was in the 25-70 %RH comfort range cooling system) and 2.5 (exterior shading) got the in three apartments, and it was out of the comfort range maximum scores, but for the 2.2, is to be noted that in one apartment. There is natural ventilation in the occupants installed local air conditioning split units building; the measured CO2 concentration was only in their living rooms; therefore occupants can category II in two apartments and category III in the control the living room’s indoor temperature in the other two apartments. The windows’ appropriate and cooling season. In all apartments, 100% of windows regular opening results in better indoor air quality, from East to West orientation have exterior shading, which provides better labelling outcome. but the windows and the doors are old and neglected The tender of the energy renovation project for the and have very poor air-tightness. The building is old, Concordia building is in progress; the design and there is no radiant heating or cooling system. specifications are in line with the combined labelling These characteristics provide an acceptable chance for assessment recommendations. The renovation includes the occupants to achieve well-being and create good the thermal insulation of the walls and the roof, which indoor environmental quality in their living rooms, but reduces energy use and improves thermal comfort. All none in the rest of their homes. windows and doors will be replaced with thermal break The measured well-being and IEQ indicators were frames and low emission glasses. The oil boiler will be assessed, and the labelling result is acceptable (61- replaced to condensing gas boiler, improving the 64%) for all the apartments. In “apartment 1” the energy efficiency. The energy production will be measured operative temperature meets EN 16798-1 supplemented by installing a photovoltaic system on category III, while in “apartment 2” and “apartment 3” the roof with 10 kW peak power. Thermostatic valves it meets category IV. All the apartments have and will be installed in the apartments in combination with 9
E3S Web of Conferences 246, 13002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 properly use, natural ventilation, resulting in adequate relative humidity was in the comfort range; however, CO2 concentration levels (EN 16798-1 category II). the CO2 concentration meets only category III of The relative humidity was most of the time within the standard 16798-1. In contrast, the relative humidity in comfort range. The TVOC was also measured in the dwelling-2 was out the comfort range, but the CO2 apartments and exceeded the 500 μg/m³ limit in all of concentration was category II of standard 16798-1. them. On the contrary, the measured formaldehyde The measured temperature, CO2 concentration and figures were well below the WHO limit (100 μg/m³). relative humidity values provide “very weak” result in PM2.5 and PM10 figures were measured as well and dwelling-1 and “weak” result in dwelling-2, which were under the limits for “apartment 2” and “apartment means occupants may have issues to ensure good 3”, while in “apartment 1” were over the limit, which indoor environmental quality in their homes. can be explained due to the position of the apartment Based on the combined labelling assessment, the on the ground floor with a façade facing to a strong thermal insulation of walls and changing windows are vehicle traffic road. recommended, which reduces heating and cooling The thermal insulation of the walls and changing energy use and improves comfort. windows are recommended, which results in less In dwelling-1, it is recommended to install a CO2 cooling (and heating) energy use and will improve IEQ sensor and adapt the user behaviour by more often (Indicator 3.1 and 3.2, operative temperature). Sealing open windows to reduce the CO2 concentration when shutter boxes and perimeter of the windows will the room is occupied by more than one person. In improve air-tightness. It is recommended that the home dwelling-1, the relative humidity should be reduced by user have information on the indoor/outdoor conditions installing an exhaust fan in the bathroom. to make sound decisions regarding the on/off of their air conditioning equipment or open/close windows. 3.7 Conclusion Installing a thermal solar collector system for the whole building is suggested, which reduces the energy The TripleA-reno combined labelling scheme can use of domestic hot water production and increases inform people about the energy performance, IEQ and renewable energy ratio. well-being of their homes. The energy performance indicators are essential to motivate occupants to 3.6.4 Case study, Netherlands renovate their homes. It has to be stressed out that, besides that calculated primary energy use, both Two dwellings are assessed in the Netherlands, calculated and measured delivered energy use are which are located in Eindhoven. Dwelling-1 is a presented. The calculated delivered energy use is typical Dutch style, 2-storeys, semi-detached house practical for objective comparison of different reflecting the architectural style of the 1930s, which is dwellings, while the measured delivered energy the era of its construction. The dwelling-2 is the second consumption is capable of presenting the realised dwelling of a row house. energy performance especially before and after a The energy efficiency class is “G” for dwelling-1, renovation project and can also be useful to evaluate the calculated primary energy use is 413 kWh/m2a, and occupant behaviour. the area-weighted average thermal transmittance is Beyond the energy performance assessment, the 1.48 W/m2K, due to weak thermal insulation evaluation of technical building systems in terms of performance of walls and windows. The building well-being and IEQ can indicate which improvements structures of dwelling-2 have a bit better thermal are necessary to achieve better IEQ. If the rating of the performance that results in lower area-weighted technical building system provides a bad result, it does average thermal transmittance (1.28 W/m2K), while the not always mean the actual indoor environmental primary energy consumption (145 kWh/m2a) is much quality is poor, but in such conditions, it is expected to lower compared to dwelling-1 because heated be much more challenging to maintain good indoor dwellings surround it on two sides. environmental quality and well-being. The actual The well-being and IEQ indicators of the technical condition can be assessed with on-site measurements building systems were evaluated, and the results are including temperature, relative humidity and indoor air weak for both surveyed dwellings. The main reasons pollutants. The TripleA-reno combined labelling is for the low level of well-being and IEQ indicator are suitable for highlighting areas that need to be addressed the heating system’s central control, the low air- to ensure better indoor environmental quality and well- tightness of windows and doors and the lack of exterior being. shading. The excel template of the combined labelling can Operative temperature, relative humidity and CO2 be downloaded via this link: https://triplea-reno.eu/wp- concentration were measured both in winter and content/uploads/2020/09/Annex-1-TripleA- summer period. The operative temperature reaches reno_Combined-labelling-template_v2.xlsx. category III of EN-16798-1 standard in both dwellings The TripleA-reno project team is developing the in the heating season due to the central temperature combined labelling web tool, which will be available control. The operative temperature in the summer also on the project website at https://triplea-reno.eu. period got the worst result, i.e. category IV of EN- This paper’s authors hope the combined labelling will 16798-1 standard in both dwellings. In dwelling-1, the be successfully applied by building engineers, home 10
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