AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."

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AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."
The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife   Issue 2 • April 2022

“The Deloitte energy stays with us even
when we leave, and people recognise that.”
Director in Tax & Legal at Deloitte
AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."
AlumniMatters | Edition 2                                                                                                                             AlumniMatters | Edition 2


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A P R I L 2 0 2 2 , N O. 2
Published by Deloitte Belgium.

Publication director
Marc De Maeyer

Editorial address                    DELOIT TE INSPIRES                          BRE AKING BRE AD WITH OLIVIER DE               FOLLOWING THE GREEN THREAD WITH                        COMING FULL CIRCLE WITH ELLEN                        G L O B E : J U S T B E YO U R S E L F
Marketing & Communications                                                       CARTIER, CEO OF BELGIAN BAKERY                 S TA N Y VA E S , M A N A G I N G D I R E C T O R AT   G L A Z E M A K E R S , D I R E C T O R I N TA X &
Deloitte Gateway Building                                                        C O M PA N Y C O PA I N S .G R O U P           DENUO                                                  L E G A L AT D E L O I T T E
Luchthaven Brussel Nationaal 1 J
1930 Zaventem
                                     Former triathlete Marc Herremans inspired
For questions about this issue       Deloitters and explained how we can         Learn why sustainability is a no-brainer for   Discover why Stany believes the business               Ellen tells us what brought her back to the          Inclusion is not a stand-alone programme
or ideas for the next issue please   expand our boundaries by focusing on        Olivier and why purpose and profit need to     world holds the key to unlocking today’s               firm and what makes her most proud to be             but a shift in culture
contact        the positive.                               co-exist.                                      sustainability challenges.                             a Deloitter.

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AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."
AlumniMatters | Edition 2                            AlumniMatters | Edition 2

                                                                   THAT CONNECT
                                                                   P I E T VA N D E N D R I E S S C H E
                                                                   C E O D E L O I T T E B E LG I U M

                                                                   One of the reasons we started AlumniMatters was to offer a way
                                                                   to connect with you, our #colleaguesforlife, through stories that shine
                                                                   a light on the present and that speak to how we are collectively shaping
                                                                   our future. A chance for us all to be inspired and to inspire.

                                                                   Sharing our stories is a crucial part of what        communities near and far. And how
                                                                   makes us human; they can unite us. We’re             Deloitte’s WorldClimate programme
                                                                   delighted to be sharing such a rich tapestry         unites colleagues across the world in
                                                                   of interviews, articles and insights with            working towards shared sustainability
                                                                   you in this second edition and we invite             commitments.
                                                                   you to sit back, and join us on a journey of
                                                                   discovery.                                           Nurturing connections has always played
                                                                                                                        an important role in everything we do,
                                                                   Read the inspiring stories of three of our           and our alumni programme is a perfect

“Nurturing connections has                                         alumni and one boomerang who each
                                                                   in their own way are making an impact
                                                                   that matters – from sustainable baking,

                                                                                                                        To you, and all our alumni, thank you for

always played an important role                                    and heping shape the future of waste
                                                                   management to raising the bar for how
                                                                                                                        being part of our story and for letting us be
                                                                                                                        part of yours!

in everything we do.”
                                                                   Belgian companies operate.

                                                                   Discover how initiatives like our holiday-
P I E T VA N D E N D R I E S S C H E                               season Digital Shoebox Donation
C E O D E L O I T T E B E LG I U M                                 Drive allow us to collectively support

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AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."
AlumniMatters | Edition 2                    AlumniMatters | Edition 2


There’s a powerful connection between how and what we think and the
people we surround ourselves with. Aimed to inspire all Deloitters, our
Deloitte Inspires programme invites speakers from diverse backgrounds,
areas of expertise, and life experiences to share their stories of impact and
spark inspiration.

“We’re given two hands – one to help
yourself and one to lift up someone else.”

We all know that being able to adapt to changing situations is key
to success, and former triathlete Marc Herremans’ journey is the
perfect case in point.

Four years after suffering a training accident that left him
paralysed from the chest down, Marc achieved his dream of
winning the 2006 World Champion Ironman title. He went on
to found the charity To Walk Again, become a sports coach,
travel the world, and – achieving one of his life goals – start a
                                                                                          MARC HERREMANS

In September 2021, Marc joined us for a hybrid Deloitte
Inspires session where he spoke about the lessons he’s learned
following his life-altering accident, how setbacks stimulate
creativity, and how we can expand our boundaries by focusing
on the positive.

This unforgettable session saw Marc compare moments of his
life to a deck of cards as a powerful illustration of perseverance,
hope and strength in the face of adversity.

   Deloitte Inspires for alumni – stay tuned!
   As an alumnus, you will soon be able to register for the
   Deloitte Inspires sessions.

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AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."
AlumniMatters | Edition 2                                                             AlumniMatters | Edition 2

                                                          BREAD WITH…
                                                          O LIVIE R DE C A R TIE R

                                                          Olivier de Cartier, CEO of Belgian bakery company Copains.Group explains why
                                                          focusing on sustainability is a no-brainer for him, why purpose and profit need to
                                                          co-exist, how his Deloitte background opens doors, and the secret to helping people
                                                          make more sustainable choices.

                                                          You started your career as            “Even now, I regularly think      We started out with just 12
                                                          a tax consultant at Deloitte.                                           people, and now we’re over 100
                                                          What attracted you to the             of the role models I had          full-time equivalents, with 15
                                                          firm?                                 at Deloitte. They showed
        “Doing good in the world, both on an
                                                                                                                                  times the turnover.
                                                          Towards the end of my law
                                                          studies, I applied to a few
                                                                                                me what it is to be good          What inspired you to shift
        environmental and societal level, and being       different companies. While I          at work and good for              your focus to creating a

        profitable are becoming more and more
                                                          was on Erasmus in Ljubljana
                                                                                                people at the same time.”         sustainable bakery?
                                                          in Slovenia, a friend working at                                        From the start of the Copains
                                                          Deloitte convinced me to apply
        intertwined. In ten years from now, companies
                                                                                                                                  adventure, craftsmanship
                                                          there. At that stage you have         You left Deloitte in 2015 for     and local production were
                                                          no idea what really sets one          an exciting new project that
        will have no choice but to place sustainability
                                                                                                                                  key elements of our DNA.
                                                          company apart from another,           would set the tone for your       And not just because of
                                                                                                career to date. Tell us more.
        firmly at the heart of what they do.”
                                                          but he was so enthusiastic                                              market demand. To me, and
                                                          about his own experience that         My departure from Deloitte        much of my generation, it’s
                                                          I decided to go for it. And it was    was very abrupt, and a real       just common sense. We built
        Olivier de Cartier                                a decision I never regretted.         leap into the unknown. I had      partnerships with local farmers
        CEO of Belgian bakery company Copains.Group                                             the opportunity to take over a    and put a strong focus on the
                                                          What did you most value               small bakery near Mons that       way wheat is produced. It’s not
                                                          about your time at Deloitte?          was close to bankruptcy. I        rocket science, but when you
                                                          At the time, my colleagues. We        knew the demand for quality       see that only 10% of bread in
                                                          were like a ‘gang’, in the best       bread was there, and I wanted     Belgium is made with Belgian
                                                          possible sense. We had the            to take on this entrepreneurial   wheat, you realise that there’s
                                                          stimulation of our work with          challenge, but things had to      something wrong with the
                                                          Deloitte, and all kinds of extra      go very fast. So I explained      system. At Copains, 90% of our
                                                          events that bonded us even            the situation to my Deloitte      wheat is Belgian, and all our
                                                          more. Now, looking back, what I       partner, and he told me to        flour comes from a family mill
                                                          value most is the huge amount         go for it. I left Deloitte on a   less than 50km from our atelier.
                                                          of learning. Not in a technical       Tuesday, and started in my        There are so many ways we
                                                          sense, but learning to work in a      new role the next day! My         can use our business as a force
                                                          team, to manage a project, and        Deloitte background gave me       for good, and that’s part of the
                                                          learning from the partners. I         huge credibility, and the trust   reason we’re in the process
                                                          had the chance to work closely        that was placed in me paid off    of becoming ‘B Corp’ certified,
                                                          with a few partners and they          – after just a few months, we     which is all about balancing
                                                          became absolute role models           broke even, and the business      purpose and profits.
                                                          to me.                                went from strength to strength.

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AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."
AlumniMatters | Edition 2                                                                                                          AlumniMatters | Edition 2

Changing people’s                   What are the biggest                      internal processes to make sure      “At, we’re
behaviour isn’t easy. What’s        professional challenges                   it’s the right people who are
                                                                                                                   not perfect. And we’re not
your approach?                      you’re facing?                            deciding. For example, teams
As consumers, we’re paying          Today, the biggest challenge              are actively involved in hiring      afraid to say that. But for
more attention to the origin        is handling the huge growth               new members, because the             every decision we make
and quality of the products we      we’re experiencing – and                  attitude and fit of a newcomer
buy, but we’re lazy. We don’t       the forecasts are staggering!             is even more important than          we ask ourselves how
want to change our shopping         Another is keeping our                    their competencies. We’ve            we can do better for the
habits. So our mission              independence, while at the                managed to create a really
was to bring these local,           same time being able to                   special culture, and people
                                                                                                                   planet and for people.”
quality products to the big         support our societal values.              appreciate that. In fact, we’ve
supermarkets. And that’s what       But I’m confident that we’ll be           never had anyone leave the
we’ve done. As a company,           able to find the right financial          company, which I think says a
you need to adapt yourself          partners that will allow us to            lot.
to your customers. Many             stay true to what we believe in.
companies forget to focus on                                                  Where do you see yourself
the consumer. They make it all      The name Copains is great                 in 5 years?
about themselves and their          word play, but what else                  Hopefully still involved in
values, and how ‘green’ they        does it signify?                          multiple entrepreneurial
are. If you do that, maybe you’ll   We’ve put people at the heart             projects, because it’s what
convince people to buy your         of our bread-baking business              I love to do. And as always,
product once, but unless the        from the very beginning, so               combining that with a positive
product stands out, they won’t      the play on ‘pain’ (bread) and            societal impact – I want to go to
keep buying it. Make great          ‘copains’ (friends) is really apt.        sleep at night knowing that I’m
products that people want to        At Copains, we have a flat                doing work that is meaningful,
buy, or offer an outstanding        hierarchy, where we encourage             that has purpose.
service that brings real value.     people to be as autonomous
That’s the foundation of a          as possible. Why? Because
profitable company.                 people who are trusted and
                                    empowered are happier and do
                                    better work. That doesn’t mean                                                                                 UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH OLIVIER
                                    we don’t have leaders, but
                                    for many decisions, we have

                                                                                                                                                        Age                                                     Home town


                                                                                        Copains.Group is a 100% Belgian bakery company
                                                                                        that co-creates innovative breads with local partners,
                                                                                        and supplies retail chains like Delhaize, Carrefour,            Favorite series                                         Favourite dish
                                                                                        Délitraiteur, Mestdagh, Cora, Intermarché, and                  Peaky Blinders                                          A smashed burger from
                                                                                        others partners. They also provide quality bread to                                                                     Rambo (Ixelles). Explosive.
                                                                                        community services like hospitals and retirement

                                                                                                                                                        Nr 1 on your bucket list                                Favourite quote:
                                                                                        B CORP CERTIFICATION                                            Write a novel                                           “If you can’t have fun,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                there’s no sense in doing it”.
                                                                                        B Corp Certification is a designation that a business is
                                                                                        meeting high standards of social and environmental
                                                                                        performance, accountability, and transparency on
                                                                                        factors from employee benefits and charitable giving
                                                                                        to supply chain practices and input materials.                  Best advice someone ever                                 The song that always makes you
                                                                                                                                                        gave you (and who):                                      get up and dance:
                                                                                                                                                        You don’t make wrong career choices                     Fistful Of Love – Anthony and the Johnsons
                                                                                                                                                        before 30.
                                                                                                                                                        University professor from Zurich.

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AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."
AlumniMatters | Edition 2                                              AlumniMatters | Edition 2

FUTURE TOGETHER                                                                                              Empowering our employees
                                                                                                             We’ve introduced several programmes and incentives to make it easier for our
                                                                                                             employees to transition to sustainable transport alternatives that suit their
                                                                                                             lifestyle and our planet. We’ve also teamed up with food waste warriors Too
H OW WO R LD CLIM AT E IS IN S PIRING AC TIO N E V E RY DAY                                                  Good To Go so our people can buy delicious leftovers from our restaurant.

Launched globally in September 2020, WorldClimate outlines Deloitte’s commitments
in four key areas: achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, ensuring
‘green’ operations across our organisation, empowering Deloitters to become climate
action ambassadors, and contributing to a broader ecosystem that facilitates the
transition to a low-carbon economy.
                                                                                                                                                       Contributing to engaging ecosystems
                                                                                                                                                       We worked with VOKA and Agoria to map out how
                                                                                                                                                       the Flemish economy can transition away from our
                                                                                                                                                       energy-intensive economy in an ecologically and
                                                                                                                                                       economically sound way, while collaborations with
                                                                                                                                                       non-profit associations like Brussels-based CAPITAL
                                                                                                                                                       help us engage with the next generation of talent and
                                                                                                                                                       inspire them to help build our future together.

               Reaching net-zero emissions by 2030
    Deloitte Belgium embarked on its own sustainability
     journey in 2017, and since then, we’ve achieved an
             overall reduction of CO2 emissions by 65%.

                                                             Greening our operations
                                                                                          WHAT’S YOUR PERSONAL CLIMATE IMPACT?
                   We’re working on eco-friendly initiatives focused around three main
              areas: waste reduction, sustainable procurement and green certification.
                                                                                          In every aspect of our lives, the choices we make have an impact – from the food we eat, to what
               We’re cutting down on waste by reducing paper consumption, replacing
                                                                                          we buy and how we travel. Take our climate impact quiz to learn more and discover actions you
                    plastic bottles with reusable ones, and introducing EcoSmart waste
                                                                                          can take to live more sustainably.
                    separation and collection. Our gold EcoVadis’ rating recognises our
                                          sustainable procurement practices since 2017.

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AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."
AlumniMatters | Edition 2                              AlumniMatters | Edition 2

                                                                              FOLLOWING THE
                                                                              GREEN THREAD WITH…
                                                                              S TA N Y VA E S

                                                                              Stany Vaes, Managing Director at industry association Denuo shares why he applied
                                                                              for a job at Deloitte Legal even though he wasn’t sure he wanted it, how sustainability
                                                                              has been a common thread throughout his career, and how the business world holds
                                                                              the key to unlocking today’s sustainability challenges.

                                                                              What initially attracted you         people, all fully engaged in this   Belgian industry association
                                                                              to join Deloitte Legal?              multidisciplinary approach. It      for the retail sector. After a
                                                                              By the time I did my first           was the perfect environment         few years there, I realised that
                                                                              interview with Deloitte Legal        for exchanging ideas, gaining       if I really wanted to excel as a
                                                                              (which was known as Laga             new insights. There was always      public affairs professional, I
                                                                              until January 2020), I was           a real ‘can do’ mentality, and      needed more communications
                                                                              convinced I wanted to give up        a huge amount of trust. I felt      experience, so I joined a
                                                                              law completely. I’d worked in        empowered to push myself,           strategic communication
                                                                              classic law firms for a few years,   to create something. Linked         consultancy firm, Whyte
                                                                              was fed up with litigation and       to that, I found the coaching       Corporate Affairs. That
“Ambitious regulations are important, but                                     wanted to do something more          culture invaluable. There were      gave me the opportunity
                                                                              constructive. A good friend who      so many opportunities to learn      to do client work on public
alone they cannot resolve all the sustainability                              was working for Deloitte told        from others, and help others        affairs, lobbying, and also get
                                                                              me they needed someone with          learn. It’s something I’ve never    familiar with various kinds of
challenges we have today. I’ve always                                         my profile, so I did the interview   experienced in the same way         communication, from crisis
                                                                              more as a favour to him. The         outside Deloitte. And I’ve made     communication around
strongly believed that the key to finding                                     recruiter knew I was hesitant,       sure to incorporate elements of     product recalls, communication
                                                                              but in the end, understanding        that coaching culture at Denuo,     around restructuring, to multi-
solutions lies within the business world.”                                    my passion for sustainability,       even though we’re a small           stakeholder dialogues related
                                                                              managed to convince me that          organisation with a headcount       to building permit applications.
                                                                              I’d be able to make the impact       of 12.
STANY VAES                                                                    I was seeking. Deloitte had                                              You are now general
Managing Director at industry association Denuo                               started its ‘Greening the Green      What has your career path           manager of Denuo. What
                                                                              Dot’ project the previous year,      been since you left Deloitte?       does Denuo do? And how did
                                                                              and sustainability-related client    When I left Deloitte, I wanted      that move come about?
                                                                              services were getting off the        to take this multidisciplinary      Denuo is the Belgian industry
                                                                              ground, so it felt like the right    approach one step further,          association for private-sector
                                                                              move after all.                      so I joined an engineering          companies that are active in
                                                                                                                   consultancy firm where I            waste management solutions
                                                                              What did you value most              advised on environmental law        or recycling. We have about
                                                                              about your time at Deloitte?         issues. But after a year or so,     300 member companies,
                                                                              For me, it all came down to          I felt it was time to completely    from small niche players and
                                                                              people, attitude and culture.        redirect. And that’s when the       family-owned businesses, right
                                                                              Being surrounded by so               public affairs chapter of my        the way up to big companies
                                                                              many driven, highly skilled          career began, at Comeos, the        that are active across the

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AlumniMatters The magazine made for Deloitte #colleaguesforlife - "The Deloitte energy stays with us even when we leave, and people recognise that."
AlumniMatters | Edition 2                                                                                                                    AlumniMatters | Edition 2

whole value chain, like Suez. I      How important is the role of             focus on circularity, which I’m     world ready to embrace
saw Denuo’s job ad for a new         the business community in                particularly happy about as I’m     eco-design or designing with
general manager on LinkedIn          tackling the sustainability              working with waste streams          recycling in mind? Or use
by chance. I hesitated to apply      challenges we face today?                and material flows. I also see      more recycled materials to
at first, but then I realised that   Throughout my career,                    a lot of policy work around         make new products? There
the role brought together the        sustainability has been a                sustainability, like the work for   are huge advantages to be
three different parts of my          common thread. And I’ve                  VOKA and Agoria (respectively       gained, including building a
career: understanding the legal      seen first-hand the need for,            the Flemish business                stronger local economy that’s
framework and the challenges         and benefits of ambitious                association and the federation      less dependent on resources
the business community faces         regulations. But regulations             for the technology industry)        from other countries. Within
around sustainability; knowing       alone cannot resolve                     where Deloitte mapped out           our own industry, one of our
how an industry association          everything. Since day one,               how the Flemish economy             biggest challenges is to ensure
works and how to best                I’ve strongly believed that the          can transition away from our        more transparency around
manage those relationships           key to finding solutions to              energy-intensive economy in an      waste streams. With more
between stakeholders;                sustainability challenges lies           ecologically and economically       traceability in what we do with
and understanding the                within the business world. I’ve          sound way.                          waste, where it ends up, there
public affairs side, where           seen a lot of innovation, with                                               can be more accountability.
I knew I could help Denuo            companies going faster and               What are the biggest
communicate better and               further than what regulations            challenges your industry is         Where do you see yourself
increase their visibility.           imposed, or even calling for             facing?                             in five years?
                                     stricter regulations. So I really        There are three big, inter-         I work with an amazing team
                                     believe that the business world          related challenges. The first is    of people, in an industry that
“As an industry association,
                                                                                                                                                        UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH STANY
                                     can drive change.                        whether or not we, as a society,    makes sense and that brings
we unite the entire chain                                                     are ready to pay the right          real value to society, and in a
                                     Would you say Deloitte                   price for waste management.         role that is policy focused. So
of materials and its players         has the right focus on                   It’s a tough one, because by        in all likelihood, I’ll still be at
so we can shape ideas                sustainability?                          its very nature, ‘waste’ is no      Denuo in five years. There are
                                     Deloitte’s service offering              longer valuable to us. But if       still many exciting challenges             Age                                                           Home town
around the use and reuse             around sustainability has                we don’t change our logic,          ahead and Denuo can
of those materials.”                 deepened over the years,                 we’ll continue exporting our        evolve into an even stronger
                                     and it’s become embedded                 waste, and not treating it          association, with an even bigger
                                     throughout the whole                     locally ourselves in Europe.        impact.
                                     organisation. I see a strong             Secondly, is the business
                                                                                                                                                             Favorite series                                               Favourite dish
                                                                                                                                                             Cheyenne & Lola, The Mandalorian,                             Any dish from the Lebanese cuisine
                                                                                                                                                             Absolutely Fabulous, Les Revenants,
                                                                                                                                                             La Trêve, Unité 42, Endeavour, …

                                                                                                       Denuo is the Belgian industry
                                                                                                       association for private waste
                                                                                                       management and recycling companies.
                                                                                                       In a world where raw materials are                    Nr 1 on your bucket list                                      Favourite quote:
                                                                                                       becoming scarcer and companies                        Tour of Congo                                                 “Do or do not. There is no try.”
                                                                                                       want to produce sustainably, its                                                                                    Yoda

                                                                                                       300 members are the essential link
                                                                                                       between used materials and reuse,
                                                                                                       recycling and final processing. Between
                                                                                                       them, they employ around 15,000
                                                                                                       people, accounting for an annual
                                                                                                                                                             Best advice someone ever                                       The song that always makes you
                                                                                                       turnover of EUR 5 billion.                            gave you (and who):                                            get up and dance:
                                                                                                                                                             An industry association must be                               I have a very eclectic music taste, from classical music
                                                                                                                                   progressive. Raise its members to a                           to techno, from Dalida to Rammstein.
                                                                                                                                                             higher level. As an industry association,                     For the moment I crank up the volume each time
                                                                                                                                                             you must always be one step ahead of                          “Love Tonight” from Shouse plays.
                                                                                                                                                             your members. But being two steps
                                                                                                                                                             ahead is also impossible. Your members
                                                                                                                                                             must still be able to follow you.
                                                                                                                                                             Dominique Michel, CEO Comeos

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AlumniMatters | Edition 2                         AlumniMatters | Edition 2


2021 was a special year for the UCI Road World Championships. Not only did the event celebrate its 100th
anniversary here in Belgium, but the UCI partnered with Flanders and Deloitte to carry out the first-ever
in-depth analysis of the environmental and social impact of such a large-scale event.

Thanks to the creation and implementation of an                                                                    Reason for celebration
ambitious sustainability plan, the centenary edition of the                                                        Dealing responsibly with the planet is central to our strategy at
UCI Road World Championships was the greenest and                                                                  Deloitte, and this translates into what we do, how we behave and how
most inclusive edition ever. By capturing the achievements                                                         we treat people and the environment with respect. Supporting our
of the 2021 races, and identifying key learnings and                                                               clients in making strategically greener choices, as in the case of our
recommendations, the resulting UCI Road World                                                                      partnership with the UCI, amplifies the impact we can have.
Championships 2021 Sustainability Report provides a
framework that can benefit future events worldwide.                                                                Being part of this ground-breaking initiative not only gave us the
                                                                                                                   privilege of helping shape the future of major cycling events, but it also
                                                                                                                   offered us the perfect occasion to proudly fly the Deloitte flag during
                                                                                                                   the event itself – from VIP areas, fan booths, and a Cyclo Tour of the
                                                                                                                   Leuven race circuit, to complementary bike servicing and a virtual
                                                                                                                   race, we were able to share our passion and purpose with clients and
                                                                                                                   Deloitters (past, present, and future) alike!

                                                                                                                   “This report will act as a catalyst for change,
                                                                                                                   providing future event organisers with valuable
                                                                                                                   feedback, data and benchmarks to reduce the
                                                                                                                   environmental impact – and at the same time
                                                                                                                   enhance the social impact – of their events.”
                                                                                                                   DAVID LAPPARTIENT
                                                                                                                   UCI President

                                                                                                                     UCI SUSTAINABILITY

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AlumniMatters | Edition 2                                                                                                  AlumniMatters | Edition 2


Contributing to society is a core element of our Purpose. Through various projects and activities, and
via the Deloitte Foundation, we put our energy and efforts to good use as we strive to make a positive,
enduring impact. Here are some initiatives we’ve been involved in since the previous edition of Alumni Matters.

                                                                                                                                    Unlocking opportunity with CAPITAL
                                                                                                                                    We’re proud to collaborate with non-
                                                                                                                                    profit association CAPITAL, a ‘one-stop
                                                                                                                                    source’ for young people in Brussels
                                                                                                                                    who want to explore or strengthen their
                                                                                                                                    opportunities on the labour market.
                                                                                                                                    Sharing CAPITAL’s belief in the power of a
                                                                                                                                    fair, inclusive society, we are committed to
                                                                                                                                    empowering young people to build their
                                                                                                                                    own futures.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Digital Shoebox Drive
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Because everybody deserves a holiday gift, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                            teamed up with Colruyt in December 2021 to
                                                                                                                                                                                                            provide boxes of food, drinks, healthcare items
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and festive surprises to the underprivileged
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and homeless across Belgium. Thanks to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            generosity of our network, we were able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                            offer over 1,000 shoeboxes – representing over
                                                                                                                                                                                                            €36,000 – for those in need!

                                                                                                                                    Virtual Walk & Run
  Internet Safe & Fun                                                Community clean-up                                             Our virtual Walk & Run was a real win-win! Not
  As part of our focus on Digital Inclusion, the Deloitte            In the summer of 2021, catastrophic flooding devastated        only did our Deloitters benefit from the exercise
  Foundation recently teamed up with the charity Child               communities, households and nature in Belgium’s Walloon        and fresh air, we also raised funds for five great
  Focus to help teach 10-12 year-olds about how to use the           region, leaving behind a trail of waste. To bring solidarity   local causes, and planted one tree in our new
  internet safely. Colleagues from business units across the         and helping hands to impacted areas, our Consulting,           Deloitte Forest for every participant. A great
  firm volunteered their time and held Internet Safe & Fun           Financial Advisory and Tax & Legal teams organised a           example of how working together – even virtually
  workshops at various schools throughout Belgium.                   series of community clean-up events.                           – brings our purpose to life!

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AlumniMatters | Edition 2                              AlumniMatters | Edition 2

                                                      COMING FULL
                                                      CIRCLE WITH …
                                                      E LLE N G L A Z E M A K E R S , B OO M E R A NG IN T H E S P OT LIG H T

                                                      Director in Tax & Legal at Deloitte, Ellen Glazemakers tells us what brought her back to
                                                      the firm after an absence of seven years. She also gives us insights on her role in the
                                                      Best Managed Companies programme.

                                                      After spending the first                                                   something that continues
                                                      15 years of your career at           “Our wealth of expertise,             to make me proud. Not to
                                                      Deloitte, you decided to             and our ability to deliver            mention the ‘can do’ attitude
                                                      pursue other challenges.                                                   that you find throughout the
                                                      What brought you back?
                                                                                           outstanding service is                whole company. When I get a
                                                      There’s something unique             something that continues              tough question from a client,
                                                      about working in a consultancy       to make me proud.”                    I never say “no, we can’t.” I say
                                                      environment, as I’m sure every                                             “we can, just give me a day.”
                                                      Deloitte alumni will agree. It’s                                           Which is why clients have such
                                                      challenging and rewarding in         in many ways.                         trust in us; they know we’ll find
                                                      equal measure, and many are          Which is to be expected, as           a way. That Deloitte mentality
                                                      ‘bitten by the bug’. Deloitte’s      it’s always been a dynamic            and energy stays with us even
                                                      innovative environment, the          environment. I discovered             when we leave, and people
                                                      breadth of projects, and being       a much more diverse                   recognise that.
                                                      surrounded by diverse and            workforce, not only in terms
                                                      passionate colleagues and            of competencies, but also in
                                                                                                                                 “Sometimes it’s good to
“In an organisation like Deloitte,                    clients were definitely among
                                                      the aspects that drew me back.
                                                                                           terms of personality. And that’s
                                                                                           something I find very positive        leave and discover new
                                                      Also, my time outside Deloitte       as ultimately it helps us better
there are always opportunities                        had broadened my skillset and        serve our clients. The firm had       horizons. At the same time,
                                                      deepened my understanding            also evolved hugely in terms          in a big organisation like
for new roles.”                                       of servicing clients, and I had
                                                      the opportunity to integrate
                                                                                           of technology, both in the way
                                                                                           we had transformed ourselves
                                                                                                                                 Deloitte, there are always
                                                      that newfound expertise in           digitally, and also in our offering   opportunities for new roles.”
                                                      a new role at Deloitte: within       to clients. Lastly, the increased
ELLEN GLAZEMAKERS                                     Deloitte Private I am focusing       focus on sustainability stood
Director in Tax & Legal at Deloitte                   on bringing the wealth of our        out, and of course that focus
                                                      expertise to strong private          has continued to grow in recent
                                                      companies.                           years.

                                                      Seven years is quite a long          What are some of the things
                                                      time to be gone. How did             that make you most proud
                                                      Deloitte evolve in your              to be a Deloitter?
                                                      absence?                             Our wealth of expertise,
                                                      By the time I re-joined Deloitte     and our ability to deliver
                                                      in 2018, the firm had changed        outstanding service is

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Alongside your role as             What role does                        and long-term durability.           framework, and striving to
Director in Tax & Legal,           sustainability play in the            Companies can of course be at       achieve – and retain – the
you’re also a Best Managed         programme?                            different maturities in their ESG   label, companies are pushing
Companies coach. What’s            Sustainability is high on             journeys, so we’re looking for      themselves to do better, and be
the programme all about?           every company’s agenda,               commitment and effort rather        better.
The Best Managed Companies         and rightly so. Beyond                than a fixed measurement.
programme was established to       being ‘the right thing to                                                 Where do you see yourself
recognise private companies        do’, customer preferences             What does being a Best              five years from now?
operating at the highest levels    are shifting towards more             Managed Companies coach             In some ways, that’s an
of business performance. It        sustainable products,                 involve? And why is the             easy question. Based on my
started about 30 years ago in      employee expectations around          coaching aspect of the              track record, and on what’s
Canada and was launched in         sustainability are increasing,        programme so valued?                important to me, I’m pretty
Belgium in 2017. Companies         governments are imposing              The coach plays a key role          sure that I’ll be in a challenging
that want to obtain the            stricter environmental                in guiding and supporting           environment where technical
Best Managed Companies             regulations, etc. To be a Best        companies through the               expertise is valued, where
label are evaluated by an          Managed Companies laureate,           application process. We make        chances are given, where the
independent jury on the four       sustainability needs to be an         sure they fully understand          ESG focus is fully embraced,
key domains we believe set         integral part of the overall          the framework and together          and where I’m surrounded by
high-performing companies          corporate strategy, meaning           with their management team,         amazing people – because I
apart: strategy, capabilities,     there should be a focus on            we go through their practices       truly believe that teamwork
commitment and financials.         sustainability to unlock new          to see how they align with          makes the dream work.
It’s a rigorous process based      opportunities for growth              that framework. We share
on a global framework,                                                   our insights, reflections and
so being a Best Managed                                                  constructive criticisms. And
Companies laureate really          “We share our insights,               I’m always impressed at how
says a lot about a company.        reflections and constructive          receptive companies generally
But it’s more than just a label;                                         are to our feedback. For some
the programme also has a
                                   criticisms. And I’m always            companies, coaching helps
community aspect that fosters      impressed at how receptive            them see that they’re not there
ties and encourages cross-
fertilisation between these
                                   companies generally
                                   are to our feedback.”
                                                                         yet. And that can be really
                                                                         positive too. By leveraging the                                          UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH ELLEN
high-performing companies.                                               Best Managed Companies

                                                                                                                                                       Age                                                     Home town
                                                                                                                                                       That’s for me to know and                               Gent
                                                                                                                                                       for you to find out ;-)

                                                                                                                                                       Favorite series                                         Favourite dish
                                                                                                                                                       Borgen, Suits                                           Shrimp tomato

                                                                                                                                                       Nr 1 on your bucket list                                Favourite quote:
                                                                                                                                                       Cycling tour in Scotland                                “If you can dream it, you can do it!”

                                                                                                                                                       Best advice someone ever                                 The song that always makes you
                                                                                                                                                       gave you (and who):                                      get up and dance:
                                                                                                                                                       Do what you love, love what you do.                     Sing Hallelujah!
                                                                                                                                                       (family & friends)

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                 BUSINESS SUCCESS

Every year since 2017, Deloitte has awarded the ‘Best Managed Companies’ label to private Belgian-owned
companies that are operating at the highest levels of business performance. Discover what makes this
programme unique, why sustainability is becoming an increasingly important element, and how the benefits
of obtaining and maintaining the label go far beyond the award ceremony.                                                                                                                                                 Nikolaas Tahon, Best Managed Companies Lead, Virginie Claes, our host,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and Françoise Chombar, Best Managed Companies jury chairwoman.

Established in Canada in 1993, the Best Managed
Companies programme is now active in 38 countries. It                    NEWLY AWARDED BEST MANAGED COMPANIES 2021
applies a global framework to challenge and recognise the
overall strength of successful private companies, while                  These five new laureates have achieved the Best managed
coaching and recognising their leadership teams.                         companies mark of excellence for the first time.

                                                                         • Aertssen Group             • Locinox
Companies undergo a rigorous application process, and
                                                                         • Belgian Pork Group         • VK Architects & Engineers
are judged on core business criteria across four pillars –
                                                                         • Elneo
strategy, capabilities, commitment, and financials – by an
independent jury of academics and entrepreneurs.

Connecting the best, attracting the best                                 GOLD BEST MANAGED COMPANIES 2021
In a competitive market, obtaining an independent
and credible quality label sends a clear signal to clients               The Gold label has been awarded to the six Best Managed
and employees alike – both current and future – that a                   Companies that have successfully retained their title for four
company is committed to its performance and growth. As                   consecutive years.
well as strengthening their standing and position, laureates
                                                                         • CE+T Group                 • LVD Group
also become part of the Best Managed community, a local
                                                                         • EASI                       • Vandersanden Group
and global network of companies that have achieved this
                                                                         • E.D&A.                     • Vanbreda Risk & Benefits          The six Best Managed Companies that received the Gold label.
mark of business success.

Members have access to year-round events such as CEO                     BEST MANAGED COMPANIES REQUALIFIERS 2021
roundtables, webinars, summits and networking events, as
well as the exclusive Best Managed Companies Convention                  Thirteen companies retain their Best Managed Companies title
and Gala, which is the premier business awards event                     after being recognised two or three consecutive years.
honouring and celebrating the achievements of the entire
company.                                                                 •   Easyfairs                • Soudal Group
                                                                         •   EXKi                     • Stadsbader                                                       •   Golazo                   • Thomas & Piron
                                                                         •   PROVAN                   • Vandenbussche
                                                                         •   Quality by Design        • Vanheede Environment
                                                                         •   Sack Zelfbouw              Group
                                                                         •   Saey                     • Zuidnatie

                                                                                                                                          Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium                                   Best Managed Companies 2021 laureates connect during the welcome drink event

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AlumniMatters | Edition 2

                                                                         At Deloitte, inclusion is not a stand-alone

                                                                         programme but a shift in culture. Everyone
                                                                         is responsible for nurturing an inclusive
                                                                         culture. We are proud to be moving forward
                                                                         towards a bright, diverse and inclusive
                                                                         future… and that’s worth celebrating.

                                                                         In August 2021, a group of GLOBE members teamed
                                                                         up with our long-time partner Antwerp Pride via
                                                                         its ‘Roller skating under the rainbow’ initiative for
                                                                         their 2021 event. Whether people were reliving
                                                                         their glory days or it was their first time on skates,
                                                                         it was a great way for family and friends to roll
               IN C LU SIVIT Y IN M O R E IM PAC T FU L WAYS             to the beats while soaking in the good vibes.

                                                                         Deloitte’s LGBT+ network GLOBE was first
                                                                         formed in 2007, and officially launched in Deloitte
                                                                         Belgium in 2019. GLOBE supports our overall
                                                                         goal of building an environment in which all our
                                                                         people feel valued and accepted, whether they
                                                                         identify as LGBT+ or as a supporting ally.

GLOBE, Antwerp 2021

“We want everyone to feel able to be their authentic self at
work - to have a voice, be respected, and achieve, regardless of
ethnicity, gender, sexuality or any other characteristic.”

Managing Partner Talent

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                                                                    W H AT A R E W E DOING FO R SUS TAIN A BILIT Y ?

                                                              We’re committed to ensuring a greener future for our people and our planet.
                                              Since 2017, Deloitte Belgium has been pioneering a path to a more environmentally-friendly future by setting
                                            ambitious goals centred on four key impact areas: Mobility, International Travel, Infrastructure and Green Our Firm.
                                                    With the ultimate goal to be net zero by 2030, we created an action plan to minimise our footprint
                                                                               in each impact area through green initiatives.

                                                    OU R 2021 SUS TAIN A BILIT Y R E SU LT S
                                                            CO2 emissions                                      Fleet emissions

                                                                                                               CO2 produced
                                                            Reduced by                                         by company cars

                                                            65%                                                -54%
                                                            Car fleet                                           Mobility packages

                                                            Electric and                                       Employees that opted
                                                            hybrid vehicles                                    for a non-traditional
                                                                                                               mobility package
                                                                                                               55%                        Traditional

                                                            International travel                               Rail travel

                                                            Cutting back                                       Business trips within
                                                            on business trips                                  a 500 km radius

                                                            -99.6%                                             87%
                                                            Building emissions                                 Paper consumption

                                                            CO2 produced                                       Paper reduction
                                                            by buildings                                       in our offices

 021 Belgian Sustainability Report                          -65%                                               -91%
    2021 Belgian Sustainability Report
We’re pioneering a green path forward
                                                            Residual waste

    We’re pioneering a green path forward                   Reduction of
                                                            nonrecyclable waste

                                                            -40%                                               Results for FY21 compared to FY17 baseline.
    Scan the QR code to read more

    © 2022 Deloitte Belgium
AlumniMatters | Edition 2                                                                                                        AlumniMatters | Edition 2

S TAY IN F O R M E D, S TAY A H E A D                                                                                                DATA PRIVACY: WHAT CONSUMERS THINK VS WHAT THEY DO

                                                                                                                                     Although most people express concern about how their personal data is used, research suggests that this is not yet driving
                                                                                                                                     consumer behaviour. With more data being shared, how can businesses act now to retain trust in the future?
Deloitte Insights brings you thought-provoking insights, analysis and perspectives on the topics that matter
most to you and your business. With articles, in-depth reports, videos, podcasts and more, generated by
Deloitte professionals that have their finger on the global pulse, it’s the ideal way to stay one step ahead.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Consumers are opting for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     convenience over caution
TECH TRENDS 2022 REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                              and expect businesses to act
Deloitte’s 13th annual Tech Trends report provides insights into the seven key trends that are disrupting and reshaping our                                                                                                          To read the full article, scan
business and digital landscape for the better.                                                                                                                                                                                       the QR code or check out the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Deloitte Insights app.

                                                                              Want to explore the trends in detail and
                                                                              engineer your tech-forward future?
                                                                              To read the full report, scan the QR code or
                                                                              download the Deloitte Insights app.                    THE GREAT RETHINK: HOW THE PANDEMIC IS RESHAPING PRIORITIES

                                                                                                                                     Beyond the temporary lifestyle shifts imposed by the pandemic, people’s priorities have changed in meaningful ways that are
                                                                                                                                     influencing how they spend their time and money.

                                                BEYOND THE JOB: DEVELOPING NEW WORK MODELS
                                                                                                                                             Want to understand the shifting priorities
                                                                                                                                             in more depth, or access global insights
                                                To adapt to a changing world, we need to rethink the concept of the ‘job’ and find
                                                                                                                                             across 23 countries?
                                                new ways to mobilise and coordinate human effort.
                                                                                                                                             To read the full article, scan the QR code
                                                                                                                                             or download the Deloitte Insights app.
   Deloitte Insights App
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We’re interested in hearing your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      thoughts on our insights and
   Download the Deloitte Insights
   App to get updates on a variety
   of topics to stay informed, stay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Post how you’re experiencing
   connected, and make smart
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      these shifts via our Deloitte alumni
   business decisions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LinkedIn page and share your best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      practices on navigating these trends.

                                                      Curious how your business can embrace
                                                      the future of work?
                                                      To read the full article, scan the QR code or
                                                      download the Deloitte Insights app.

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AlumniMatters | Edition 2

                                        TWAIN TALKS
                                B RINGING PEO PLE A N D IN SIG H T S TOG E T H E R

  Twain Talks are executive breakfast sessions organised
  and hosted by Deloitte and Econopolis. While they used
  to be held at Deloitte’s Gateway building, more recently
  they have been organised virtually. But the impact

  Each Twain Talk features a distinguished keynote speaker
  who shares their honest insights into a burning topic, as well
  as an economic update. A debate and Q&A give CEOs and
  leaders the opportunity to connect and share their views with
  the speakers and their peers, and actively participate in the

  In September 2021, we addressed the devastating effects of
  cyber viruses. Our keynote speaker, Miguel De Bruycker, Head
  of the Belgian Center for Cyber Security, and former Head
  of the Belgian Defence Unit against Cyber Threats, shared
  detailed examples and little-known events and facts from his
  daily experience as a cybercrime fighter. While at our Twain
  Talks in December 2021, we put the spotlight on inflation with
  our eminent guest Geert Langenus, Macroeconomist at the
  National Bank of Belgium.

               Why Twain Talks?
               Mark Twain, whose real name was Samuel
               Langhorne Clemens, was a prolific writer and
               lecturer who was known to speak his mind.

If you’re interested to participate in a future session, please send
us a mail at

                                                                                         2021 Belgian Impact Report
                                                                                         A year of connection, action and impact
                                                                                         Scan the QR code to read our stories of impact.

                                                                                         © 2022 Deloitte Belgium
LinkedIn group                                             Alumni page                                               Insights App

   Be sure to join our Deloitte Belgium alumni                Stay up to date! Keep abreast of what’s                   Leverage the latest business reports, trends
   group on LinkedIn and expect more news                                                                               and predictions, and in-depth industry
   on events happening in 2021 and beyond.                    customer-centric solutions, in-house                      news. Reach out to ‘colleagues for life’ to dig
   Become part of our extended community                      developments, encouraging alumni stories                  deeper into insights. Be part of a network of
   and continue supporting and inspiring each                 and job postings.                                         experts inspiring each other about the most
   other as game changers.                                                                                              challenging issues facing our planet.

   Access our LinkedIn                                        Visit our alumni                                          Download the Deloitte
   alumni group here.                                         page here.                                                Insights App here.

This publication is only for distribution and use among the alumni of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member firms.
and their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte Network’’). None of the Deloitte Network shall be responsible for any loss
whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on this publication.

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limted, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its
network of member firms. each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see about
detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. In Belgium, the
law firm Deloitte Legal (Deloitte Legal - Lawyers CVBA) and Deloitte Belastingconsulenten CVBA entered into a privileged
multidisciplinary cost-sharing agreement.
                                                                                                                                                               Certificate Number

© April 2022, Deloitte Belgium                                                                                                                     
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