The State of Salesforce - Conga

Page created by Isaac Riley
The          State             of   Salesforce

Annual Report                      2017–2018             How the Best Companies
                The State of Salesforce                  Use Salesforce           1
Also Featuring

                                     The Future Now Awards               The Future Now Awards winners
                                     celebrates companies that           are recognized as creative
                                     are leading the innovation          leaders who go above and beyond
                                     of customer and employee
                                     experiences with Salesforce.
                                                                         their customers’ expectations.
                                                                         They are leading the future now     Inside                       Executive Summary              5
                                     Selected from hundreds of           as inspirational examples of
                                     submissions, the three winners      the success that’s possible for                                  Top Trends                     7
                                     were chosen by a panel of           companies of all sizes to achieve
                                     Salesforce innovation experts       with Salesforce.                                                 Insights From the C-Suite      15
                                     based on their approach and
                                     associated business results.                                                                         Insights From Sales            19

                                                                                                                                          Insights From Service          27

                                                                                                                                          Insights From Marketing        35

                                                                                                                                          Insights From IT               43

Sales of                             Service of                          Marketing of                                                     Lightning Insights             49
The Future Now                       The Future Now                      The Future Now
                                                                                                                                          Global Insights                53

Your sales goals go beyond hitting   Your customer service is            You’ve discovered the right
                                                                                                                                          The AppExchange                57
quotas. You take the time to         personalized and consistent         channels to reach your
understand prospects as people,      across all channels–in a word,      customers with the content
                                                                                                                                          Creating This Report with AI   61
and continuously work to improve     customer-obsessed–making            they want, and you’ve got the
employees’ day-to-day workflows.     more than just an impression,       measurable KPIs to prove it.
                                     you’ve earned customers for life.

Winner                               Winner                              Winner
Verimatrix                           Nextep                              Warner Music Group
B2B | 301–500 Employees              B2B | 150–200 Employees             B2C | 3,500–5,000 Employees
U.S.                                 U.S.                                50+ Countries

2                                                                           The State of Salesforce             The State of Salesforce                 What's Inside     3
Exe            e            Su     ry

        cut        e            Su        y                                              Herbie Hancock, the jazz great,
                                                                                         once said, “Jazz is about being
                                                                                         in the moment. It’s not exclusive,
                                                                                         it’s inclusive.”
    E      t       e                 mar

    Exec      ive                 mm ry                          Businesses today have to be the         But, despite the widespread              The goal of every The State of
                                                                 best listeners: How can they be         enthusiasm and anticipation              Salesforce report is to inspire
                                                                 in tune with every click, call, tap,    surrounding AI, about half of all        innovation with information. This
                                                                 and share? It’s a cacophony of          businesses aren’t prepared to            year’s report provides a deep look
    Execu          e            Summ                             information that can overwhelm          adopt it. The global strategic           into how businesses are thinking
                                                                 companies of all sizes. As we           partnership between Salesforce           about, investing in, and using
                                                                 uncovered in this year’s report,        and IBM is proof positive of how         AI, analytics, and transformation
                                                                 finding and accessing customer          AI is becoming more accessible           initiatives on the Salesforce
    Exe          ve             Su     ry                        data from different sources is          to everyone—and evidence that            platform. Use these insights to
                                                                 the most common operational             businesses need to seriously plan        tune your Salesforce investment
                                                                 challenge across Sales, Service,        for AI now. Salesforce built the         to the soundtrack of your business.
                                                                 Marketing, and IT. But if you’re        world’s #1 CRM and developed its         I hope you enjoy Bluewolf’s sixth-
    Executive                   Summary                          able to listen closely, to pick up
                                                                 on the tones and full range of
                                                                                                         Einstein AI capabilities to facilitate
                                                                                                         more personalized, one-to-one
                                                                                                                                                  annual The State of Salesforce.

                                                                 both structured and unstructured        relationships between businesses
                                                                                                                                                  Eric Berridge
                                                                 data—good and bad—you can               and their customers. IBM built
                                                                                                                                                  CEO & Co-Founder
                                                                 hear the rhythm of your customers,      the world’s most advanced
                                                                                                                                                  Bluewolf, an IBM Company
                                                                 the sound of every note they            machine learning system for better
                                                                 produce, and use that data to stay      relationships between people
                                                                 agile and relevant.                     and technology. Together, the
                                                                                                         combined AI capabilities of IBM
                                                                 Augmented Intelligence (AI) is the      Watson and Salesforce Einstein
                                                                 vehicle that can allow businesses       can connect us more deeply
                                                                 to use data at scale to connect         than ever before, leading to real
                                                                 more deeply than ever before.           business outcomes.

4           Executive Summary          The State of Salesforce                 The State of Salesforce                      Executive Summary                                      5
                                                            AI Means Business Now

                                                                                                Companies are realizing growth with AI for CRM
                                                                                                as Salesforce Einstein presents unprecedented
                                                                                                opportunities for customers. The anticipation for
                                                                                                how AI can transform business processes is driving
                                                                                                investment for early adopters and experimentation.
                                                                                                77% of Salesforce customers who already use AI expect
    To               Tr       s                                                                 to increase their investment in AI or platforms that have
                                                                                                embedded AI capabilities, within the next 12 months.

         p           T     ds
     op                  en                                 CX Goes Mainstream

    T p                  ends                                                                   A strategic focus on customer experience (CX) is now
                                                                                                table-stakes. In the digital business era, IT and
                                                                                                business stakeholders are equally responsible for
                                                                                                delivering valuable customer experiences. With IT
    T                Tre                                                                        becoming customer-obsessed alongside business
                                                                                                stakeholders, the best companies are optimizing their
                                                                                                CX strategy with IT as a strategic partner to not only
                                                                                                manage customer-facing tech but to transform it.
    T p              T e      s                                                                 88% of IT professionals say the top two reasons their
                                                                                                organization uses Salesforce is for customer acquisition
                                                                                                and retention, above all other business goals.

    Top              Trends                                                            3
                                                            Analytics For Everyone,
                                                            If You Have The Data

                                                                                                A data-first culture is driving superior employee
                                                                                                experiences. Analysis of dark data, like customer
                                                                                                sentiment or email correspondence, has become
                                                                                                too important to ignore. Analytics is transforming
                                                                                                how employees use technology, enhancing their
                                                                                                capabilities, and boosting their performance by
                                                                                                favoring insights over intuition. 71% of Salesforce
                                                                                                customers are increasing their investment in
                                                                                                actionable analytics.

6       Top Trends                The State of Salesforce             The State of Salesforce                             Top Trends                        7
Of companies
                                                                                      currently using AI

                                                                                                                                         Companies already using
                                                                                                                                         AI within Salesforce are
                                                                                                                                         sending a powerful signal
                                                                                                                                         to the marketplace that
                                                                                                                                         AI is living up to its
                                                                                                                                         expectations for measurable

1                                                                                                                                        business impact.

AI Means
Business Now

          The anticipation that surrounds AI
          is driving a surge of early adoption
                                                 into Salesforce across the entire
                                                 organization. Companies that         77%    plan to increase their
                                                                                             investment in AI
          and experimentation. 38% of            already use AI are experiencing
          Salesforce customers expect to         a return on intelligence:
          invest in AI within the next 12        77% expect to increase their
          months. The best companies are         investment in AI or platforms that
          embracing the increasing necessity     have embedded AI capabilities,
          for smarter, faster decision-making    within the next 12 months.           Of companies not
          by embedding AI capabilities                                                currently using AI

                                                                                      20%    plan to increase their
                                                                                             investment in AI

8          Top Trends                               The State of Salesforce                       The State of Salesforce   Top Trends                              9
Is IT responsible for your                                      In companies of all sizes,
                                                                              Salesforce instance?                                            IT has become a critical
                                                                                                                                              component of delivering
                                                                                                                                              quality customer and
                                                                                                                                              employee experiences.

CX Goes Mainstream                                                                                                                                 36%




          The role of IT has evolved beyond solely taking
          care of an organization’s technical infrastructure,
          to align with business stakeholders. Technology-                                                                                    37%
          driven changes in customer preferences for
          personalized, digital, anytime and anywhere
          engagement has put pressure across the entire
          organization, including IT, to deliver customer
          experience. As the designated owner of the
          Salesforce platform for over a third of Salesforce
          organizations, IT is now front and center to enable
          business transformations that enhance the
          customer experience.

                                                                              Number of Employees

                                                                                   10,000+                          501–3,500

                                                                                   5,001–10,000                     101–500

                                                                                   3,501–5,000                      1–100

10         Top Trends                               The State of Salesforce               The State of Salesforce               Top Trends                               11
Contextual                              Prescriptive                             Discovery
                                                                                                         detects the impact of                   uses optimization and simulation         searches data for patterns to
                                                                                                         environmental and circumstantial        algorithms to answer:                    reveal previously unknown
                                                                                                         factors, like weather, to answer:       “What should we do?”                     data relationships to answer:
                                                                                                         “Does this affect what happens?”                                                 “Could this happen?”

                                                                                                         Predictive                              Descriptive                              Diagnostic
                                                                                                         applies statistical models              aggregates and mines data                examines data to identify
                                                                                                         and forecasting techniques              to provide a summary of                  the likely cause to answer:
                                                                                                         to data that answer:                    historical data that answers:            “Why did this happen?”

Analytics For Everyone,
                                                                                                         “What is likely to happen?”             “What has happened?”

If You Have The Data                                                                                  The demand for advanced
                                                                                                      analytics now spans the entire                                                   Percentage of investment in
                                                                                                      spectrum of company sizes.                                                       six categories of analytics.


                                                                                                         24%                 24%                24%                                                           24%
                                                                                                         23%                 23%
                                                                                                              21%            21%                21%                                                           21%
The flexibility of Salesforce allows   in descriptive analytics as the                                                                          19%
for data-based decision-making         entry point to more advanced                                                                                                                                           18%
                                                                                                                                                17%                                                           17%
to happen at any scale. Within         capabilities. SMBs are expanding
                                                                                                                                                16%                                                              16%
the next 12 months, 71% of             their investments, just as mid-
organizations will increase their      level companies are increasing
investment in making analytics         investment in more sophisticated
actionable. Analysis of dark data,     capabilities. We expect that                                                                                                  11%                        11%
such as customer sentiment             this trend will continue to move                                                                                                                   10%
or email correspondence, has           downstream to a broader spectrum                                                                                              9%
                                                                                                                                                                     8%                   8%
become too important to ignore.        of small- and medium-sized                                                                                                            7%           7%
More companies are realizing the       businesses as Salesforce Einstein
need to meet customers where           functionality continues to mature.
they are, increasing investment

                                                                                                      1–100              101–500              501–3,500          3,501–5,000           5,001–10,000       10,000+

                                                                                                      Number of Employees

12                                      Top Trends                          The State of Salesforce                 The State of Salesforce                               Top Trends                                      13
                                                                                                                      CEOs Place
                                                                                    2%                                Big CX Bets

                                                                                    7%                                On AI
                                                                      10%                                             The C-suite recognizes AI as a leadership
                                                                                                                      opportunity for differentiating the customer
     Insi   ts                  m       e     C           ite                                                         experience. In the next 12 months, 59% of C-level
                                                                                                                      executives expect to purchase AI or platforms that
                                                                                                                      have embedded AI capabilities, and have a keen eye
                                                                                     11%                              for enhancing the central hub of direct customer
     I    ights     F               Th        C-S                e                                                    interaction: customer service and support.
                                                                                                                      Their vision of faster, smarter decision-making
                                                                                                                      capabilities extends to self-service that empowers
                                                                                                                      customers and employees equally.
     I       s      Fro             T               Su           e    63%

     Insi   ts      Fr m             he                uite
                                                                                                      63% of C-level executives
                                                                                                      are counting on AI to improve
                                                                                                      the customer experience.
     In   ghts          rom             h        C-S

     Insi   ts      Fr m             he                uite                                           Within your organization,
                                                                                                      where do you expect AI to have
                                                                                                      the greatest impact?

     Insights       From            The      C-Suite

                                                                                                           Performance in New Channels

                                                                                                           Cost & Safety

                                                                                                           Reputation Building


                                                                                                           Overall Effectiveness

                                                                                                           Opportunity Qualification

                                                                                                           Customer Care/Satisfaction

14                The C-Suite               The State of Salesforce         The State of Salesforce                          The C-Suite                               15
For 46% of the C-Suite,
the most important factor
when implementing a new
Salesforce initiative is
implementation time.
                                                                         Time Is Money

                                                                                                       60% of C-level executives              new initiatives based on both
                                                                     %                                 report that the top reason their       impact and time-to-value. A cost-
                                                                                                       company uses Salesforce is to          benefit analysis should make the
                                                                                                       grow revenue. However, just            distinction between short-term and
                                                                                                       36% measure the ROI of their           long-term ROI—activities you can
                                                                                                       Salesforce investment. The             track on an ongoing basis—as well
                                                                                                       leadership role of the C-suite         as YoY performance. Quantifying
                                                                                                       comes with an urgency to               the business impact of Salesforce
                                                                                                       demonstrate ongoing progress           within a set period of time can
                                                                                                       and continuous innovation.             ensure strategic initiatives align to
                                                                                                       Speed counts as a measure of           business goals and measurable ROI.
                                                                                                       value. The best companies are
          6%                                                                                           aligning Salesforce to prioritize


                                                                                                            “With AI, our global distribution
                                                                                                             efforts are enhanced with
                                                                                                             precision around both who and
                                                                                                             how to engage to better serve
                                            Implementation Time
                                                                                                             our investors and prospects.”
                                            Impact on Employees

                                            Stay Within Budget

                                            Expected Business Value                                                                           Kurt MacAlpine
                                                                                                                                              Executive Vice President
                                            Confidence in Quality                                                                             Head of Global Distribution

16                          The C-Suite   The State of Salesforce            The State of Salesforce                            The C-Suite                                    17
Ins     s       Fr m     Sa           s            Over half of Sales leaders agree: Having a 360º view
                                                        of the customer is the most critical factor to driving
                                                        Sales effectiveness. But less than half of salespeople
                                                        believe they actually have a full customer view.
     I      ts            m   Sa                        By connecting back-end systems to create a unified
                                                        view of the customer, the best-performing sales
                                                        teams are able to leverage data from across the
     Ins             F    m             es              enterprise to improve decision-making, qualify sales
                                                        leads faster, manage opportunities with greater
                                                        personalization, and deliver the kind of customer
     I     hts           om   S         es              experience that generates repeat business.

     In    hts       F        S         e

     In     ts       Fro                   s

     Insights        From     Sales

                                                                                            “I make sure in advance that the sales
                                                                                             people are in those early stages,
                                                                                             where they have a chance to input and
                                                                                             agree on the required data and fields,
                                                                                             before implementation. Having a
                                                                                             typical user present in the planning
                                                                                             stages helps with adoption.”

                                                                                                                   Gwyn Reich
                                                                                                                   Director, Sales and
                                                                                                                   Marketing Operations
                                                                                                                   Harvard Business Publishing

18           Sales            The State of Salesforce             The State of Salesforce                  Sales                             19
incomplete customer
                                                                                                                    The Search Is Over:
     Companies with an

     disparate systems

                                                                                                                    Guided Selling Is On
     view reporting

                                                                                                                    The Rise
                                               No surprise, sales

                                               organizations with a
                                               360º customer view are
                                               3x less likely to have
                                               disparate systems.                                                   Sales teams are looking for signals and insights
                                                                                                                    to augment their day-to-day selling activities.
                                                                                                                    With data analytics, the search is over. 58% of
                                                                                                                    sales organizations will increase their investment
                                                                                                                    in actionable analytics, which reveal new
                                                                                                                    opportunities to connect with customers and
                                                                                                                    prospects, within the next 12 months.

                                               The Path To A Single                                                                                                      In which type

                                               Customer View Is                                                                                                          of analytics is
                                                                                                                                                                         Sales investing?

                                               Paved With Data
                                                                                                                    53% Predictive                                       49% Descriptive
                                                                                                                    applies statistical models and                        aggregates and mines data to provide
                                                                                                                    forecasting techniques to data that                   a summary of historical data that
                                                                                                                    answer: “What is likely to happen?”                   answers: “What has happened?”

                                                             Sales Cloud adoption grew 13% over last year*,
                                                             and adoption is expected to accelerate with Sales
                                                             Cloud Einstein, which enables faster, smarter, data-   48% Discovery                                        38% Diagnostic
                                                             based decision-making. However, organizations           searches data for patterns to                        examines data to identify the
                                                             that have built their sales processes and tech stack    reveal previously unknown data                       likely cause to answer:
                                                             on an ad hoc basis with technologies outside of         relationships to answer:                            “Why did this happen?”
                                                             Salesforce are now overwhelmed by dark data.
                           complete customer

                           disparate systems

                                                                                                                    “Could this happen?”
                           Companies with a

                                                             To take full advantage of Sales Cloud Einstein,
                           view reporting

                                                             data needs to be unified across sources. The best
                                                             companies are consolidating disparate systems and
                                                             making data more readily accessible at every stage
                                                                                                                    32% Prescriptive                                      8% Contextual
                                                             of the funnel, shortening sales cycles and enabling    uses optimization and simulation                      detects the impact of environmental
                                                             sales teams to focus more time on selling.             algorithms to answer:                                 and circumstantial factors, such as
                                                                                                                    “What should we do?”                                  weather, to answer:
                                                                                                                                                                         “Does this affect what happens?”

                                                             *Salesforce Investor Relations report, 2017

20                                              Sales                                 The State of Salesforce                     The State of Salesforce                            Sales                       21
Nurture Data Like You
         Nurture Opportunities
Number of Employees

                                                                                                                                For smaller

                                                                                                                                companies, more data

                                                                                                                                means more problems.

                                                                                                                                72% of salespeople
                                                                                                                                from SMBs report data
                                                                                                                                inconsistencies as
                                                                                                                                the No. 1 cause of

                                                                                                                                their incomplete view
                                                                                                                                of the customer.




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of Sales organizations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         investing in AI within

                                                                                                                                                                    Supercharge Your                                                     the next 12 months
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         expect it will have

                                                                                                                                                                    Sales Funnel                                                         the most impact on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         qualifying leads.
                                                                                                             Throughout the sales funnel, from the initial
                                                                                                             awareness phase through to purchasing, sales
Percentage Reporting Data Inconsistencies

                                                                                                             teams of all sizes experience data inconsistencies.
                                                                                                             Salespeople are having to look for information
                                                                                                             and data in places they haven’t had to look before,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  For Sales, faster filtering means a    53% of salespeople already using
                                                                                                             in order to meet the needs of customers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  faster funnel, and an easier time      AI or platforms with embedded
                                                                                                             prospects with relevant, high-touch interactions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  focusing only on the deals that        AI capabilities in their business
                                                                                                             Our research found a 66% YoY increase in the

                                                                                                                                                                                                  will count. The best companies         expect to reinvest within 12
                                                                                                             number of salespeople who report that accessing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  are reinforcing pipeline accuracy      months. Simultaneously, the
                                                                                                             data is the most challenging task they face. To
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and enhanced forecasting by            percentage of salespeople using
                                                                                                             ensure consistent data, sales teams are prioritizing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  augmenting the sales funnel with       AI is expected to increase by 17%
                                                                                                             integration with back-office systems, allowing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  AI-powered apps, like Einstein         during that time.
                                                                                                             updates to be made quickly and often, and are
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Opportunity Insights and Einstein
                                                                                                             also enriching account, contact, and lead data
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lead Scoring.
                                                                                                             with automation.

      22                                                                      Sales                                                The State of Salesforce              The State of Salesforce                                  Sales                                  23
Sales of The
                                                       Future Now

                                                       Saving A Bundle
                                                       With Product
                                                       Bundling Capabilities

                                                       Salesforce Products
                                                       Sales Cloud, Service Cloud,
                                                       Community Cloud,
                                                       Einstein Analytics, CPQ

                                                                                               Already an innovator in its own right, Verimatrix is a
                                                                                               California-based company that offers the only platform
                                                                                               for securing and increasing revenue for multi-network,
                                                                                               multi-screen digital TV services around the globe. Its
                                                                                               sales team had been using Excel spreadsheets to track
                                                                                               quotes, orders, and revenue recognition, but was quick
                                                                                               to notice how their manual sales process was prone to
                                                                                               errors and inconsistencies.

                                                       INSIGHT                                 IDEA                                 IMPACT
                                                       Product bundling should benefit         Automate and centralize Sales        Closing deals globally
                                                       sellers and customers.

       “Salesforce removes friction in our             The transition to a new                 A Configure Price Quote (CPQ)        What used to take a week now
        business and without it,                       quote-to-cash system needed to          tool combined with Salesforce        takes only a few hours, and
        we couldn’t sell new product lines             happen at scale for Verimatrix’s        Community Cloud for Verimatrix’s     Verimatrix creates a price quote
                                                       network of resellers, and Sales         sales partners created custom        with assured accuracy and
        on a global scale.”
                                                       and Service needed to be kept           contracted pricing, so now           traceability. By shortening the
                                                       in the loop throughout the              resellers of its products receive    time between quotes and order
                                                       replacement process.                    a discount for selling particular    submissions, Verimatrix has the
                                                                                               product groupings. Overall,          internal sales team efficiency
                                                                                               Verimatrix can bundle products       to sell its new product line on a
                          Brittany Tankhim                                                     and logic to make it easier for      global scale.
                          Director                                                             salespeople to quote commonly
                          Enterprise Applications                                              sold systems together with ease
                          Verimatrix                                                           and speed.

24   Sales                   The State of Salesforce                 The State of Salesforce                                Sales                                       25
Ins     s         Fr m     Se               e            The demand for anytime, anywhere, personalized
                                                              customer service is quickly giving rise to AI-enhanced
                                                              self-service capabilities that take the form of real-
                                                              time conversations facilitated by chatbots. As a type
     I      ts              m          vice                   of conversational app, chatbots have Natural Language
                                                              Processing (NLP) capabilities to respond to questions
                                                              from customers, augment knowledge management
     Ins               F    m   Se        ice                 for contact-center agents, and automatically escalate
                                                              cases to a live agent when necessary. 26% of Service
                                                              professionals expect to invest in AI capabilities within
     I     hts             om   Serv             e            12 months to enhance their service and support
                                                              centers with conversation capabilities that improve
                                                              call deflection and increase first contact resolution
                                                              without compromising quality of service.
     In    hts         F        S                e

     In     ts         Fro          rvic

     Insights          From     Service

                                                                                                  “To realize agents’ full value, look
                                                                                                   beyond immediate outcome measurements
                                                                                                   and invest in long-view initiatives by
                                                                                                   committing to predictive service.”

                                                                                                          Bob Furniss
                                                                                                          VP, Global Service Cloud Practice
                                                                                                          Bluewolf, an IBM Company
                                                                                                          International Customer Management Institute
                                                                                                          (ICMI) Lifetime Achievement Award recipient

26           Service                The State of Salesforce             The State of Salesforce                  Service                            27
Field Service Gets
59% of Service
professionals expect
AI to have the
greatest impact on
customer experience.
                                                                                                       Personal With IoT


     Customer Experience

     Overall Effectiveness

     Opportunity Qualification

     Reputation Building

                                                                                                                                     of organizations plan

Service Wants To
                                            When it comes to customer service, a seamless
                                                                                                                                     to invest in IoT Cloud
                                            experience means self-service. Technology-driven
                                                                                                                                     in the next 12 months.
                                            changes in customer preferences are demanding 24/7

Solve Problems,                             support that goes beyond Salesforce Community Cloud
                                            and customer portals. Real-time messaging is already
                                            a standard of digital engagement for customer service

Not Search For                              agents using Service Cloud Einstein and Lightning
                                            Snap-ins to integrate in-app chats across mobile and
                                                                                                                                     Service technicians are
                                                                                                                                     undergoing a retooling of their
                                                                                                                                     capabilities with wearable devices
                                                                                                                                                                           an emerging trend in the early
                                                                                                                                                                           stages of mass-adoption: 14%
                                                                                                                                                                           of service organizations have

                                            web experiences. 15% of service organizations have                                       and AI-powered field apps.            either transitioned to Field Service
                                            invested in AI self-service capabilities as they look to                                 Field service professionals are       Lightning or plan to in the next
                                            add a conversational interface that can automatically                                    now able to further differentiate     12 months, as a requisite step
                                            retrieve insights from Salesforce data; anticipate                                       the customer experience through       for adopting IoT Cloud. The best
                                            needs by customer history, context, preferences,                                         connected data. Field service         companies are combining their
                                            and search history; and deliver proactive alerts and                                     organizations on Field Service        Salesforce data with IoT to increase
                                            relevant offers, and escalate issues to a live agent                                     Lightning can be proactive and        the connectivity of their field
                                            when necessary. For Service professionals, AI provides                                   predict a need for maintenance,       service operations and deliver
                                                                                                                                     optimize scheduling of repairs,       personalized service with precision.
                                            valuable context to delivering quality customer
                                                                                                                                     and detect a signal for help.
                                            experiences across all channels.
                                                                                                                                     IoT for Service and Support is

28                                Service                          The State of Salesforce                 The State of Salesforce                               Service                                    29
Employee Community
                                                                                                            Who is investing in
                                                                                        Types of            predictive analytics?

Supports A 360º                                                                                  Employee
                                                                                                                    B2B Companies                B2C Companies                  B2B2C Companies

Customer View


                                                                                                                       43%                          26%                              31%


We are investing in Customer Communities within 12 months.                                                  B2B companies
                                                                                                            investing in predictive
                                                                                                            analytics have greater

The best companies
                                                                                                            accountability across
                                                                                                            the entire organization
                                                                                                                                                       Can’t Wait To
are looking to future
investment in Customer
                                                                                                            to track end-to-end
                                                                                                            visibility of the
Communities to expand the                                                                                   customer lifecycle.
reach of their brand’s                                                                                                                                 Contact channels are expanding rapidly, producing
digital experience.                                                                                                                                    more data—both structured and unstructured—than
                                                                                                                                                       service organizations can put to use with actionable
                                                                                                                                                       insights. Just 10% of Service professionals report
                                                                                                                                                       that their company analyzes dark data, which
                               Customer service communities         fostering a data-driven culture,
                                                                                                                                                       includes unstructured data, such as text messages,
                               were the initial marquis use cases   the best companies are looking
                                                                                                                                                       documents, email, video, audio, and images.
                               for communities. However, this has   to build on their investment in
                                                                                                                                                       53% of Service organizations are increasing their
                               quickly expanded beyond Service      employee communities to provide
                                                                                                                                                       analytics investment within the next 12 months.
                               to other parts of the business,      useful insight into members’
                                                                                                                                                       However, the best companies are investing in more
                               supporting employees, customers,     behavior. Using analytics to
                                                                                                                                                       forward-looking Service Cloud Einstein Analytics
                               and partners. Historically,          examine community interactions
                                                                                                                                                       capabilities, including Contextual data, such as
                               employee communities were            can reveal additional context that
                                                                                                                                                       weather, which enables agents to anticipate
                               easier to own and manage,            can be added to the profiles of
                                                                                                                                                       customers’ needs before issues arise.
                               so it’s no surprise that today 59%   prospects and customers.
                               of Community Cloud deployments
                               are focused on helping employees
                               work more effectively. As part of

30                              Service                                The State of Salesforce                         The State of Salesforce                   Service                                  31
Service of The
                                                       Future Now

                                                       Redesigning Human
                                                       Resources With Data

                                                       Salesforce Products                                        Among the first Professional Employer Organization
                                                       Service Cloud, Sales Cloud, Community Cloud,               (PEO)s certified by the IRS, Nextep has grown into a
                                                       Marketing Cloud, Pardot, and Wave Analytics                100+ employee company that covers administrative
                                                       for Community Cloud                                        services, such as human resources, benefits, payroll,
                                                                                                                  and risk & compliance, for small- to medium-sized
                                                                                                                  businesses. Like many small businesses, Nextep’s
                                                                                                                  customers struggled to access data about their
                                                                                                                  workforce in a meaningful and simple way. As a
                                                                                                                  service designed to simplify HR, Nextep worked
                                                                                                                  quickly to address this need and to be first to market
                                                                                                                  in its industry with a leading-edge analytics product.

                                                       INSIGHT                                  IDEA                                 IMPACT
                                                       No two reporting needs                   Customer care that comes             Human Resources with
                                                       are exactly alike                        with customization                   a human touch

                                                       For Nextep customers to obtain           By identifying its customers’         Nextep’s employee engagement
                                                       basic but meaningful data, such          primary pain points through           dashboards enable customers
                                                       as their total labor costs, they were    continuous feedback, Nextep now       to foster more meaningful
                                                       having to run multiple reports,          has three primary dashboards:         relationships with their staff.
                                                       download those reports, and then         Employee Engagement, Pay              Customer retention is up, and
       “We’ve seen an overwhelmingly positive          combine them together in                 Allocation, and Benefits Enrollment. the company’s Net Promoter
        response from clients. Some who have           Excel—not an uncommon                    Customers can quickly and easily      Score (NPS) among client
        considered leaving have renewed their          experience for most small                get meaningful insights from          administrators and key decision
        contracts based solely on their new            businesses. Overall, accessing           the dashboard or slice and dice       makers is at an all-time high
        access to our interactive dashboards           data to surface insights required        data to create custom reports.        of 89. With its new interactive
        and decision-making tools.”                    too much time and effort.                By integrating Wave Analytics         dashboards and data analytics,
                                                                                                for Salesforce Community Cloud,       Nextep is fulfilling its why:
                                                                                                Nextep customers can access          “Elevating  the employment
                                                                                                insights about their workforce,       experience & enriching
                                                                                                labor expenses, and benefits          people’s lives.”
                          Adam Graham                                                           participation, using data that had
                          Chief of Sales & Marketing                                            previously been dark.
                          Nextep, Inc.

32   Service                 The State of Salesforce                  The State of Salesforce                              Service                                      33
In     hts        F     m   Mar         i g                 No longer just brand stewards, marketers now have
                                                                 the dual responsibility of proving ROI and designing
                                                                 multichannel campaigns that generate demand. The
                                                                 best companies realize that their unique data is their
     I       ts             om   Mar et             g            greatest competitive advantage to delivering the
                                                                 experiences customers expect in real-time. Investing
                                                                 in collaborative initiatives with Sales and IT is now a
     In    gh          Fr        Ma    et           g            part of a marketing strategy that focuses more tightly
                                                                 on customer experience and retention, extending
                                                                 the impact of marketing through the entire customer
     In     h s        F         Ma          ing                 lifecycle. Because marketing complexity is at an
                                                                 all-time high, with nearly 4,000 tools available, just
                                                                 17% of marketers can measure Marketing influence
                                                                 and prove ROI. The necessity for simplifying tech stacks
     Ins    hts        Fr m      Mar      ting                   is now driving data-driven and technology-supported
                                                                 marketing strategies throughout the customer journey.

     Ins     ts              m    a    e ing

     Insights          From      Marketing

                                                                                                     “There is no excuse for not knowing
                                                                                                      your customer, and your customers
                                                                                                      know it. The opportunity to use
                                                                                                      insights to serve them is bigger
                                                                                                      than ever and unmissable.”

                                                                                                                             Corinne Sklar
                                                                                                                             Global Chief Marketing Officer
                                                                                                                             Bluewolf, an IBM Company

34              Marketing              The State of Salesforce             The State of Salesforce               Marketing                              35
33                       %
Know Your Data To
Know Your Customer
56% of companies that are using                                           26% of companies not using                                                                                  of Marketing organizations that are
Salesforce to manage campaigns                                            Salesforce to manage campaigns                                                                              increasing their investment in AI within
have a complete customer view                                             have a complete customer view
                                                                                                                                                                                      the next 12 months expect AI to have the
                                                                                                                                                                                      greatest impact on qualifying prospects.
Complete   Incomplete     Complete   Incomplete   Complete    Complete    Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete

Complete Incomplete Complete Complete Incomplete Incomplete               Complete Incomplete Incomplete Complete Incomplete Incomplete

Incomplete Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Complete               Incomplete Complete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Complete

Complete     Complete    Complete    Complete     Complete     Complete   Incomplete   Incomplete     Incomplete     Complete    Incomplete

                                                                                                                                              The New Marketing
Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete Incomplete             Incomplete Complete Incomplete Incomplete Complete Incomplete

Complete   Incomplete     Complete   Incomplete   Complete    Complete    Incomplete Complete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Complete

Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete               Incomplete   Incomplete     Incomplete     Complete    Incomplete

                                                                                                                                              Power Couple ABM & AI
Incomplete Incomplete Complete Complete Incomplete Complete               Incomplete Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete

Complete   Complete     Incomplete   Complete   Complete     Incomplete   Complete Complete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Complete

Complete   Complete     Incomplete   Incomplete   Complete    Complete    Incomplete Complete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Complete

Incomplete     Incomplete     Complete     Incomplete        Incomplete   Incomplete Complete Incomplete Incomplete Complete Incomplete

Complete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Complete             Incomplete Complete Complete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete

Incomplete Complete Complete Complete Incomplete Incomplete               Incomplete   Complete     Incomplete     Incomplete    Incomplete
                                                                                                                                              The buying cycle is more complex        Account-Based Marketing
Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Complete Incomplete               Incomplete   Incomplete    Incomplete     Incomplete     Complete
                                                                                                                                              than ever before. Customers             (ABM) with AI can serve as a
Complete   Incomplete     Complete   Incomplete   Complete    Complete    Incomplete   Incomplete   Incomplete     Incomplete    Incomplete
                                                                                                                                              are doing their own discovery           recommendation engine to
Incomplete    Incomplete    Complete   Complete   Complete    Complete    Incomplete   Complete     Incomplete     Incomplete    Incomplete
                                                                                                                                              and search, making it harder for        engage with the right person at
Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Complete Incomplete               Incomplete   Incomplete    Incomplete      Complete    Incomplete   marketers to distinguish between        the right time throughout the
                                                                                                                                              intent to buy and general curiosity.    buying cycle. To create a relevant
                                                                                                                                              More and more, marketers                customer experience, rather
                                                                                                                                              are realizing the advantage             than a path to purchase, 24% of
                                                                                                                                              of enhancing their marketing            marketing organizations plan to
                                                                                                                                              technology stacks with AI.              integrate AI capabilities within the
Clean data is the key to                          systems comes nonreportable,                    Companies that use                                                                  next 12 months.
personalized customer                             nonactionable data siloed                       Salesforce to manage their
engagement. Every customer                        between platforms. When                         campaign performance are
touch point is a data point, and                  marketers have access to insights
                                                                                                  over 2x more likely to
yet data inconsistencies pose the                 across the customer lifecycle,
biggest challenge to Marketing                    they’re empowered to optimize
                                                                                                  have a complete view of                                                                  “If you’re going to make an investment
organizations that are striving                   campaigns and prove ROI. The                    their customer.                                                                           in Salesforce, you should use all
to measure their influence and                    best marketing organizations                                                                                                              that it brings to the table and take
prove ROI. With so many ways to                   are beginning to bring Data                                                                                                               the opportunity to develop standards
engage with a brand, it’s become                  Management Platforms (DMP)                                                                                                                across your entire organization.
increasingly difficult for marketers              in-house to separate signal                                                                                                               You’re going to have to build a
to understand who they are                        from noise, unify data within                                                                                                             culture around it, which will take
without a marketing strategy that                 and outside of Salesforce, and                                                                                                            time, but it’s totally worth it.”
prioritizes data governance and                   serve up relevant content at the
Salesforce integration. In fact, just             right time to personalize the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Leslie Cocco Alore
29% of Marketers have a complete                  customer experience.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Director of Global Marketing
view of their customers. Why?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Operations and Automation
48% say disparate systems are to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Iron Mountain
blame—and with disparate

36                                                  Marketing                                        The State of Salesforce                                The State of Salesforce                              Marketing                               37
Every Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                               organization is increasing

Lead With                                                                                                                                                                      its analytics investment
                                                                                                                                                                               in predictive capabilities

Better Leads
                                                                                                                                                                               within the next 12 months.
                                                                                                             Use Salesforce to
                                                                                                      75%    predict and automate
                           With traditional rules-based          combined the capability of one or
                           lead-scoring approaches               more Salesforce Clouds, to draw
                           MQL might as well stand for           from a more robust data set. The
                           “mysterious qualified leads.”         best companies are optimizing
                                                                                                                                                                                      Use Salesforce
                                                                                                                                                                                        to anticipate
                           Today, marketers have all the tools   the Marketing-to-Sales lead
                           they need at their fingertips to      handoff by providing data-rich
                           acquire new customers and use         profiles that offer Sales more                     Use Salesforce to provide
                           what they’ve learned to optimize      than just a snapshot of a lead. By         66%     historical data
                           campaigns. And yet, just 16% of       combining marketing data with
                           marketers surveyed use Salesforce     sales opportunity data, Marketing
                           capabilities to manage the funnel,    can improve its lead-scoring                                                                                     Use Salesforce
                           identify priority accounts, and       model with full visibility into                                                                                     to sync data       56%
                           measure influence and prove           engagements with prospects.
                           ROI. To generate Sales-ready
                           leads, 24% of marketers have
                                                                                                                                          Don’t use
                                                                                                                             38%          Salesforce
Marketers who integrate                                                                                                                                                        Percentage of marketers
marketing and                                                                                                                                                                  investing in predictive
transactional data are                                                                                                                                                         analytics based on how
                                                                                                                                                                               they use Salesforce
40% more likely to be
able to prove ROI.

Marketing can
prove ROI
                                                                                                      Optimize The Moments
                                                                                                      That Matter
                                                                                                                                          The customer journey is              an insights-driven customer
 23%                                                                                                                                      fragmented. Customers expect         engagement strategy and
                                                                                                                                          a seamless brand experience          anticipate blind spots.
                                                                                                                                          as they move between physical        Whether Marketing is
                                                                                              14%                                         and digital channels. The biggest    merely syncing data with
                                                                                                                                          challenge of omnichannel             Salesforce—31%—or using
                                                                                                                                          marketing is designing and           Marketing Cloud with Einstein
                                                                                                                                          delivering 1:1 customer journeys     capabilities to predict and
                                                                                                                                          while optimizing media spend—        automate the next, best
                                                                                                                                          using the right insights at the      action—4%—every Marketing
                                                                                                                                          right time. High-performing B2C      organization is increasing
                                                                                                                                          companies recognize Salesforce       its analytics investment in
                                                                                                                                          Marketing Cloud Journey Builder,     predictive capabilities within
     Companies that have
                                                                                                                                          coupled with Einstein Analytics,     the next 12 months.
     combined clouds
                                                                                                                                          as their best ally to execute

     Companies that have
     not combined clouds

38                          Marketing                               The State of Salesforce                     The State of Salesforce                            Marketing                                    39
Marketing of
                                                           The Future Now                          Setting The Stage
                                                                                                   With Programmatic
                                                           Salesforce Products
                                                           Marketing Cloud

                                                                                                                      Warner Music Group (WMG) is the only American
                                                                                                                      music conglomerate worldwide and the third-largest
                                                                                                                      recording company in the global music industry. Its
                                                                                                                      CRM team supports 40 offices and territories and
                                                                                                                      oversees 12 marketing technology platforms among
                                                                                                                      1,000 business units and across over 1,000 brands.
                                                                                                                      The WMG CRM team set out to increase engagement
                                                                                                                      by making sure fans know whenever their favorite
                                                                                                                      artists are in town.

                                                           INSIGHT                                 IDEA                                   IMPACT
                                                           When bands go on tour, their            Make your fan base                     Open rates that feel like
                                                           fans can be nurtured into               fit to scale                           an opening night
                                                           digital groupies

                                                           In response to the disruption of        To build a fully scalable automated    WMG has rolled out its targeted
                                                           streaming services and digital          email program, WMG developed a         fan emails for over 40 complete
                                                           download, live-touring is now           set of APIs to help route, cleanse,    North American tours. Since
                                                           the most significant source of          and validate fans’ data, as well       launching, WMG artist fans are
                                                           revenue for artists and labels,         as trigger and customize email         engaging with their favorite bands
                                                           happening with every new album          campaigns. With its contextual         and are tuned into when artists
                                                           cycle and averaging 30 live dates.      marketing product partner,             will be playing nearby. Email opens
                                                           WMG’s email production team             StoryPorts, WMG also overlaid the      have doubled, and click-through
                                                           handles hundreds of email builds        Bandsintown Event Widget API           rates have tripled. Hundreds of
                                                           every month for WMG labels and          onto its Salesforce Marketing Cloud    production and QA hours are
                                                           artists, who all have their own         accounts. StoryPorts content radar     saved, allowing the CRM team to
       “Marketing Cloud made it possible to                branded templates. Producing and        listens to the BandsInTown API         scale other programs even more.
        deliver on our value proposition                   qualifying thousands of emails          for particular artists and initiates   WMG’s innovative email program
       to fans by effectively reaching many                that include specific details about     an email build. The emails include     delivers a personalized experience
        audiences in a personalized way                    upcoming shows in a fan’s area          concert ticket links, venue names,     that is authentic to the artists and
        with relevant information from their               required hundreds of production         and show dates and locations,          fosters fan loyalty.
       favorite artists”                                   hours. The segmenting, approval         which are pulled from the API.
                                                           process, and sending needed to          The system identifies the market
                                                           be programmatic to be relevant.         of the concert and subsequently
                                                                                                   creates a geo-targeted segment
                          Itay Rahat
                                                                                                   of the artist’s fan list, via a
                          Sr. Director, Fan Engagement
                                                                                                   programmatically updated filter
                          & Consumer Marketing Platforms
                                                                                                   in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
                          Warner Music Group

40   Marketing               The State of Salesforce                     The State of Salesforce                             Marketing                                     41
In        hts       F                      T            The growing significance of AI as a market
                                                             differentiator means that a business transformation
                                                             involves a data transformation too. For IT, creating
                                                             a roadmap that prioritizes data governance and
     I si        s            m                 T            management is now a part of their role as a cross-
                                                             functional innovation partner. While they own the
                                                             technical aspects of their organization’s Salesforce
     Ins        t            rom             I               Platform, they also serve as an internal catalyst for
                                                             business transformation and strategy. Over a third of
                                                             organizations report that IT is ultimately responsible
      nsi           s         om                 T           for their Customer Success Platform. More tightly
                                                             aligning its tech stacks to business goals, IT is
                                                             integrating emerging technologies across business
                                                             units that foster the competitive advantage of
     I     i    ts       Fr                  I               advanced analytics and AI capabilities.

     Insigh              F om                I

     Insights            From                IT

                                                                                                  “An end-to-end business transformation
                                                                                                   begins with understanding how
                                                                                                   technology can support your people,
                                                                                                   not the other way around.”

                                                                                                                           Cindy Breshears
                                                                                                                           Chief Transformation Officer
                                                                                                                           Bluewolf, an IBM Company

42                  IT             The State of Salesforce              The State of Salesforce                       IT                              43
When IT Leads,
                                          IT can more effectively
                                          foster a company culture
                                          that embraces AI’s emerging

AI Thrives                                capabilities when it also
                                          has a greater share of
                                          platform responsibility.

Who understands the
benefits of AI?

                       39%                                             28%
                  Companies where IT                            Companies where IT
                    owns Saleforce                            does not own Saleforce

                                                                                                                                                                        If IT owns Salesforce,
                                                                                                                                                                        then an organization’s use
                                                                                                                                                                        of the platform is 3x more
                                                                                                                                                                        likely to be optimized for
                                          A reactive approach to innovation is a losing                                                                                 ongoing innovation.
                                          strategy to keep pace with customers’ expectations
                                          in the digital business era. Today, IT is facilitating
                                          business transformation as an internal innovation
                                          partner to foster better customer experiences with

                                                                                                   In IT We
                                                                                                                                 IT has a new responsibility to         coordinated process improvement
                                          data-driven insights. Business units are increasingly
                                                                                                                                 achieve outcomes based on              and cost optimization,
                                          relying on IT to integrate speed, agility, and the
                                                                                                                                 what Sales cares about with            is associated with more platform

                                          competitive advantage of AI-powered capabilities
                                                                                                                                 some degree of balance between         responsibility in the hands of IT
                                          into how they deliver customer experiences. 16%
                                                                                                                                 the two roles; otherwise, it’ll        than Sales. An organization that
                                          more employees understand the opportunity for
                                                                                                                                 revert back to business as             can sustain a predictable use of
                                          AI to benefit their business if IT is at the helm of
                                                                                                                                 usual. An equal percentage of          Salesforce can further advance its
                                          their Salesforce org. While much of IT’s work goes
                                                                                                                                 organizations—33%—designate            use of the platform by transferring
                                          unseen, they’re now at the forefront of driving
                                                                                                                                 the responsibility of Salesforce to    a greater share of ownership to IT
                                          customer interaction through tech-based initiatives,
                                                                                                                                 either Sales or IT. However, greater   than Sales.
                                          such as improving data management capabilities
                                                                                                                                 Salesforce platform maturity, in
                                          for proactive customer engagement and leveraging
                                                                                                                                 which there is continuous and
                                          Salesforce data through advanced analytics.

44                                   IT                          The State of Salesforce               The State of Salesforce                                     IT                                    45
Stop Saving Data                                            The sheer volume of data available     Organizations investing
                                                            for analysis has exploded,             in the Salesforce
                                                            so it’s hardly surprising that many    Platform are over 2x

For A Rainy Day                                             organizations are concerned
                                                            about how dark data will affect
                                                                                                   more likely to also be
                                                                                                   investing in AI.
                                                            their futures. The best companies
                                                            are looking to shape customer
                                                            and employee experiences with
                                                            dark data analysis and a more
Is your organization investing                              complete database for their
in Dark Data Analytics?                                     advanced analytics. However,
                                                            only one-fifth of organizations
                                                            are analyzing dark data, with an
                                                            additional 27% looking to invest
                                                            within five years. It’s human nature
21%                                                         to hold on to things “just in case,”
                                                            and data is no exception. Many
                                                                                                                                                                    of organizations not using
                                                            organizations will store data just
                                                            because they don’t know what
                                                            else to do with it, but the best
                                                                                                                                53%                                   The Salesforce Platform
                                                                                                                                                                         are investing in AI
                                                                                                                      of organizations using
                                                            companies are taking care of their
                                                                                                                      The Salesforce Platform
                                                            dark data as a necessary first step
Yes, we are                                                                                                             are investing in AI
                                                            of their organization’s journey to
                                                            adopting and making the most of
in dark data                                                AI capabilities.

               No, but we
               expect to
               invest within
               the next
               12 months.
                                 No, but we
                                 expect to
                                 invest in
                                 the next
                                 1–5 years.

                                                                                                   The Salesforce
While over half of
companies are in the
                                                                                                   Platform Finds                               35% of IT professionals expect to purchase AI or
early stages of dark data
analytics investment,
                                                                                                   A Friend in AI                               platforms that have embedded AI capabilities within
                                                                                                                                                the next 12 months, with the biggest opportunity for
                                                                                                                                                multichannel innovation being AI. The best companies
many are unable to
                                                                                                                                                are enhancing both employee-facing and customer-
justify priority in dark                                                                                                                        facing applications with intelligence capabilities
data analysis—either                                                                                                                            that can surface insights using Salesforce data to
because they lack the                                                                                                                           automate tasks, augment knowledge, and deliver more
skills and maturity, or                                                                                                                         personalized experiences and timely, relevant offers to
                                              No, we are                                                                                        customers. Investment in the Salesforce Platform
they are simply too busy
                                              not looking                                                                                       is increasing in step with AI.
keeping the lights on.
                                              into it.

46                                IT                           The State of Salesforce                       The State of Salesforce                          IT                                    47
                                                                                                                   92% of employees believe they can use Salesforce
                                                                                                                   to drive innovation in their business if their company
                                                                                                                   has transitioned or plans to transition to Salesforce

                                                         Lightning                                                 Lightning—compared with 76% in companies that
                                                                                                                   have not or don’t plan to. The best companies are
                                                                                                                   prioritizing the transition from Classic to Lightning,

                                                         Breeds                                                    not only for the immediate benefit to the employee
                                                                                                                   experience with an enhanced UI, but also to enable

                                                                                                                   the business as a whole with capabilities that support
                                                                                                                   ongoing innovation. 68% of respondents report that
                                                                                                                   their company’s transition took less than 12 months.

     Lig       ng       Ins       ts

     Li    tning        I si      ts                     67% of Lightning users
                                                         experience greater ease
                                                         and speed in updating
                                                         and accessing information
     L      nin         In     hts                       they need to complete                               12%
                                                         their day-to-day tasks.                                         1%

     Li      ing        I     gh s                                                                7%

                                                         With Salesforce
                                                         Lightning, which
     Li     ni               igh s                       task is now
                                                         easiest for you?
                                                                                           3 %

          htn ng        I      hts                                                           4%

     Lightning          Insights


                                                              Finding Information                      Collaborating

                                                              Accessing Information                    Sharing Information

                                                              Managing Relationships                   Updating Information

                                                              Creating Content                         Resolving Exceptions

48          Lightning          The State of Salesforce                 The State of Salesforce                            Lightning                                    49
Lightning Sparks
                                                                                            Organizations with Salesforce
                                                                                            Lightning are 3x more likely
                                                                                            to be investing in AI within

                        AI Investment                                                       the next 12 months.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Use Lightning and are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              investing in AI
                                                                                                                                                            Don’t use Lightning and aren’t
                                                                                                                                                                                             investing in AI
                        More than a refreshed UI, Lightning is the future
                        of Salesforce and necessary for businesses to
                        use Salesforce Einstein capabilities. 60% of
                        organizations that have or expect to transition
                        to Lightning within the next 12 months also plan
                        to invest in Einstein Analytics. While moving to
                        Lightning may not be an immediate transition
                        for every organization, the best companies view
                        Lightning as a long-term investment in accelerating
                        the adoption of AI capabilities across their business.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Use Lightning and aren’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 investing in AI

                                                                                                      Don’t use Lightning and are
                                                                                                                                    investing in AI
     “Never underestimate the value of the
      employee experience. An internal
      transformation defines the quality
      of an external one.”

                        Lou Fox
                        Chief Technology Officer
                        Bluewolf, an IBM Company

50                       Lightning                                The State of Salesforce                           The State of Salesforce                                                                     Lightning                                                                                          51
Simplify Orgs To
                                                      Jumpstart AI                                            Either through growth, M&A, or the nature of
                                                                                                              the business, it is common that organizations
                                                                                                              have multiple instances of Salesforce. Among
                                                                                                              organizations with a multi-org footprint, 60% plan
                                                                                                              to “rationalize” (consolidate) their current Salesforce
                                                                                                              orgs in the next 12 months. The rising importance
                                                                                                              of centralized data and the ability to cross-sell
                                                                                                              and service customers across multiple channels is
                                                                                                              causing organizations to reconsider their Salesforce
     G     al        In     hts                                                                               footprint. Specifically, AI is spurring a trend toward
                                                                                                              consolidation and recentralization of CRM data,
                                                                                                              enabling valuable intelligence to be extracted from
                                                                                                              a complete set of customer data.
     G    bal        Ins       ts

     G      l        Ins           s

     Glo    l        Insi      ts
                                                                                            64% of the companies
                                                      64%                                   that are consolidating
     G     al        Ins       ts                                                           their Salesforce orgs in
                                                                                            the next 12 months are
                                                                                            also planning to invest

     Gl    al        In     h s                                                             in AI capabilities.

     Global          Insights

                                                                                             Not investing
                                                                                             in AI


                                                      in AI                                  Don’t know yet

52          Global          The State of Salesforce               The State of Salesforce                               Global                                     53
Why Wait? Eliminate
                                                                                        As the size of Salesforce data
                                                                                        footprints continue to grow,
                                                                                        it’ll become increasingly important

The Cross-Border                                                                        to ensure your orgs are secure.

Data Risk
                                                                                        No Awareness                    56%                                          Aware and


           Trust is a key tenet of the           to ensure the privacy and
           Salesforce platform, but as           confidentiality of that data to meet
                                                                                              44%                                               64%                  35%                     17%
           more organizations expand             both regulatory and internal data
           their Salesforce investment           compliance policies.                   55%                                                                                27%

           across several countries, 62%         Certain countries and regions
           are unaware of data residency         also have specific provisions for
           mandates and without a strategy       cross-border data transfers, and                                                                                                      27%
           to ensure compliance. For             all Salesforce customers should be
           customers who use Salesforce to       aware of potential implications.
           store PII, sensitive, confidential,
           or proprietary data, they need


                                                                                        Aware and                               Aware and
                                                                                        Seeking             15%                 Action Taken
                                                                                        Guidance                                                      9%

               “We are charged with providing depth                                                 15%           15%                          7%          4%

                and fidelity in solutions so our                                                      10%                                      8%
                clients can grow. There are subtle                                                                                                    13%
                decisions around data residency that
                can help us optimize the approach.”

                                                                                                                                     UK                                      IND,SP,NZ,FR,GER
                                                 Glen Stoffel
                                                                                                                                     AUS                                     US
                                                 General Manager, Europe
                                                 Bluewolf, an IBM Company

54          Global                                  The State of Salesforce                           The State of Salesforce                               Global                                 55
Better Together
                                                                                                        The AppExchange

     T e              App            nge                        More than just a place where apps can be bought and sold, the
                                                                Salesforce AppExchange is at the center of an ecosystem built around
                                                                the Salesforce platform. The newly established Salesforce AppExchange

      he              A              nge
                                                                Partner Program and Salesforce Platform Fund accelerate the virtuous
                                                                cycle of best-in-breed app development. If you don’t already know
                                                                what you’re looking for to suit your needs, you may be overwhelmed
                                                                by the more than 3,000 apps available to choose from. Exploring the
                                                                AppExchange is a part of your Salesforce journey, so here are some tips
      h               AppEx           ge                        for how you can take advantage of it.

     T                A             ange
                                                                                                        Build better apps. Developers can          Salesforce evangelists within a
                                                                                                        choose among hundreds of free              company, such as administrators or

         e            A        Ex    nge                                                                applications that are distributed as       IT, can look to the AppExchange for
                                                                                                        unmanaged packages. With full access       solutions that extend and reinforce
                                                                                                        to source code, you can modify or extend   company-wide platform adoption.
                                                                                                        apps as needed, instead of building        See what products are available to
     T e              App            nge                                                                them from scratch. You can also            improve employee experience and
                                                                                                        augment Salesforce or create new           encourage employees to stay in the
                                                                                                        applications with Lightning Components,    platform. The AppExchange is useful as
                                                                                                        using the Lightning App Builder.           a first stop to see what could help.
     The              AppExchange
                                                                                                        Be mindful of platform compatibility.      ISVs and Salesforce have their
                                                                                                        Many of the products on the                own annual release schedules that
                                                                                                        AppExchange are plug-n-play or             present new possibilities and add
                                                                                                        out-of-the-box, but know that set-up       new capabilities. It’s helpful to have
                                                                                                        isn’t always as straightforward if you     a trusted consulting partner who can
                                                                                                        have a highly customized Salesforce org.   identify the best-in-class solutions
                                                                                                        Understand what you’re investing in,       that are the right fit for your company’s
                                                                                                        and be sure components are compatible      platform requirements and knows
                                                                                                        to what you already have.                  which capabilities to seek out for
                                                                                                                                                   specific use-cases.

56           The AppExchange          The State of Salesforce                 The State of Salesforce                          The AppExchange                                              57
AppExchange Customer
Choice Awards                This year, we asked Salesforce customers to name
                             their top AppExchange partners. The top two ranking
                             solutions represent the speed and ease that comes
                             with digital–progressing past paper-pushing and
                             onto seamless, automated experiences for employees
                             and customers alike.

          Conga made its AppExchange          Salesforce-native contract                                     DocuSign debuted on the             users in 188 countries to sign,
          debut more than a decade ago        lifecycle management (CLM)                                     AppExchange in 2010 and has         send, and manage documents
          with its document generation        product that is designed to                                    since become the most popular       anytime, anywhere, on any device,
          app, Conga Composer. Since then,    work with Salesforce CPQ.                                      eSignature app. With a native       with confidence. Almost 65% of
          Conga has become a Platinum         With industry-recognized                                       Salesforce1 app and a solution      documents are completed within
          ISV Partner and added Conga         products and support, Conga                                    that’s suited for all Salesforce    one hour, and over 80% within
          ActionGrid, Conga Novatus, and      is extending the capabilities of                               Clouds, DocuSign is changing        one day, driving huge time and
          Conga Contracts to its solutions.   Salesforce for more than 615,000                               how business gets done by           cost savings.
          The most recent addition, Conga     users in 45+ countries.                                        empowering over 300,000
          Contracts is an enterprise-grade                                                                   companies and 200 million

                                                                                                                  We’re in the business of simplifying
                                                                                                                  business for more than 300,000 companies
                                                                                                                  around the world, and delivering
                                                                                                                  targeted value for those who use
              “We’re proud of the community                                                                       Salesforce makes that feel exciting each
               we’ve been able to build within                                                                    and every time.
               the Salesforce ecosystem.”

                                              Bob DeSantis                                                                                       Mark Register
                                              COO                                                                                                SVP Business Development
                                              Conga                                                                                              Docusign

58         The AppExchange                        The State of Salesforce          The State of Salesforce                     The AppExchange                                 59
How We Created This                                                                     Insights From
Report With IBM Watson                                                                  Watson Discovery
And Salesforce Einstein                                                                 Services
                                                                                                                                       Watson Discovery Services help                 tagged as positive, neutral, and
                                                                                                                                       gather insights from large amounts             negative by sentiment analysis.
                                                                                                                                       of data, like our State of Salesforce          In creating this year’s report,
                                                                                                                                       survey responses. Discovery also               we used Watson Discovery to
                                                                                                                                       comes with a Watson News data                  validate top trends through the
                                                                                                                                       set, a public data set that is pre-            sentiments insights associated
                                                                                                                                       enriched with insights, including              with them.
                                                                                                                                       the percentage of documents

           With the announcement of the           size, and industry, and to            Augmented Intelligence                         Innovation                                     Actionable Insights
           IBM-Salesforce landmark global         quickly capture trends among
           strategic partnership comes            Sales, Service, Marketing and         Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

           unprecedented CRM capabilities         IT respondents.                       Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Negative Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

           and a new frontier of innovation                                             Positive Positive Positive Positive Negative   Neutral Positive Positive Positive Negative    Positive Positive Positive Positive Negative
           opportunities with Salesforce.         Simultaneously, IBM Watson
                                                                                        Positive Negative Positive Positive Positive   Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive   Positive Negative Positive Positive Positive
           This year, Bluewolf combined the       Discovery scanned news sources,
                                                                                        Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive
           intelligence of IBM Watson,            attaching a sentiment rating to the
                                                                                        Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Negative Positive Positive Negative   Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive
           the leading AI platform for            top trends we identified by using
                                                                                        Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Negative Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive
           business, with Salesforce Einstein,    Einstein Data Discovery.
                                                                                        Positive Positive Negative Positive Positive   Negative Positive Negative Positive Positive   Positive Positive Negative Positive Positive
           AI that powers the world’s #1 CRM,     These analytics enabled us to
           to develop insights for this report.   validate insights from the data.      Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

                                                                                        Positive Negative Positive Positive Positive   Positive Negative Positive Negative Neutral    Positive Negative Positive Positive Positive

           For creating The State of              Our sixth-annual State of             Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

           Salesforce, we asked Einstein          Salesforce Report demonstrates a      Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive   Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive   Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive

           to analyze specific data sets:         real-world use case for combining     Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Negative Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

           to discover patterns based             the intelligence capabilities of      Positive Positive Negative Positive Positive   Positive Positive Negative Positive Negative   Positive Positive Negative Positive Positive

           on demographic information,            Watson and Einstein for data-         Neutral Positive Positive Positive Positive    Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Negative Positive Positive Positive Positive

           including region, role, company        driven decision making.               Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Negative Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

                                                                                        Positive Negative Positive Positive Negative   Positive Negative Positive Positive Negative   Positive Negative Positive Positive Negative

                                                                                        Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Negative Negative Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

                                                                                        Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive   Negative Positive Positive Negative Positive   Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive

               “We’re at this inflection point, where                                   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive   Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

                AI is able to answer customers with
                solutions–and how those solutions can
                directly impact business outcomes.”                                     90% Positive                                   74% Positive                                   89% Positive
                                                                                        9% Negative                                    24% Negative                                   11% Negative
                                                                                        1% Neutral                                     2% Neutral

                                                  Adam Bataran
                                                  Managing Director
                                                  Global Platforms
                                                  Bluewolf, an IBM Company

60          Watson                                   The State of Salesforce                              The State of Salesforce                                         Watson                                               61
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