Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy

Page created by Josephine Ruiz
Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy
Albion Academy
Handbook for new students 2021
Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy

Dear Parent/Carer,

A very warm welcome to The Albion Academy and to our induction
booklet. This is a guide for parents/carers to help you support your child in their
transition to secondary school and their time with us for the next five years.

We are delighted that you will be joining The Albion Academy. We want
the same things that you do for your child: for them to be well-educated,
have the opportunity to be successful and to live a happy and fulfilled life.
We very much look forward to working with you towards these goals.

We have three simple values of Ready, Respectful and Safe. If your child is
prepared for school then they are ready to learn. This means that they will wear the
correct uniform, arrive to school on time, attend their lessons on time and carry the
correct equipment. We are a respectful school and place great importance on
treating each other with kindness and respect at all times. We will always ensure
that school is a safe environment for students to thrive in and we expect students to
demonstrate safe behaviour at all times.

We have high expectations and expect all of our students to meet our expectations.
We are also warm and kind at all times and the climate of the school is always
positive. We work very closely with parents/carers and a high degree of trust exists
between staff, students and parents because we know that this close partnership
enables students to achieve their best.

We look forward to working with you.
Very best wishes,

Mr J. Roberts
Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy

Uniform   ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

PE Kit Requirements ……………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Personal Appearance      ……………………………………………………………………….…6

Equipment       …………………………………………………………………….……………….. 7

Book Presentation Standards    …………………………………………………………………... 8

Mobile Phones ………….………………………………………………………………………..… 9

Behaviour Expectations   …………………………………………………………………….……10

Praise and Rewards …………………………………………………………………….….……… 11

Times of School Day …………………………………………………………………….…………. 12

Subjects at the Albion   ………………………………………………………..…….…………. 13

Example Pupil Timetable …………………………………………………..………….…………. 14

Extra-Curricular Activities ………………………………………………….………………………15

School Lunch    …………………………………………………………….………………….……. 16

School Map—Ground Floor        ………………………………………………………………..…. 17

School Map—First Floor   ………………………………………………………………………….18

Frequently Asked Questions—Year 6………………………………………………………….….19

Transition Year Experiences    …….………………………………………………………….…. 20

Useful Hints and Suggestions   ……………………………………………………………...…… 21

Useful Information   …………………………………………………………………………..…… 22

Mobile Phone Agreement …..………………………………………………………………..…… 23
Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy
Albion Academy Uniform

Wearing the full Albion Academy uniform is expected. It is an important part of the Academy
ethos which promotes positive attitudes, high standards and a sense of personal pride.

Students are expected to look neat, tidy and professional at all times. We welcome parental
support in ensuring that students adhere to this expectation. Boys and girls wear the same

All students wear a black school blazer with school logo; this is compulsory for all students.
Blazers should be clean and tidy and in good repair. All students are expected to wear their
blazers as they come into school in the morning and throughout the day. Sweatshirts, hats,
scarves and hoodies are not allowed; they will be removed and placed in Student Services
or with a pastoral member of staff until the end of the day.


    Academy blazer
    White shirt with long or short sleeves
    Academy tie—all year 7 will be provided with one
    Plain black school trousers (jeans/chinos/lycra trousers are not allowed)
    Plain black skirt
    Plain black/white tights or socks
    Black shoes (Shoes with coloured soles/stripes or white soles are not accepta-
     ble, this includes Vans and Kicker boots)
    A suitable school bag that is big enough to hold books and an outdoor coat (not
     a plastic drawstring bag)
    Plain outdoor coat or jacket (not to be worn inside)
    A school jumper—not compulsory

What does this
mean for me?                 We want you to take pride in the way you
                            look so wear the correct uniform everyday.
                            Make sure your tie is fastened correctly and
                                that your shirt is always tucked in.

                             Everyone wears the same uniform so you
                                 will look professional and smart!

Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy
PE Kit Requirements

 Here at the Albion Academy we recognise PE as a key area of learning within the National
 Curriculum. Physical activity is fundamental to the health of our young people and therefore
 a suitable PE kit is essential in ensuring that pupils access the PE National Curriculum to its
 potential. It is also essential to ensure that they are able to participate safely and comfortably
 in physical activity at The Albion Academy. We believe that a uniform kit encourages our
 children to have a sense of belonging to The Albion Academy community and promotes a
 feeling of pride and equality.


    Albion Academy badged black polo shirt
    Performance training and team wear (quick dry) shorts
    Black or white tennis/ankle style sports socks
    Trainers suitable for use on the sand based AstroTurf

  Students are permitted to wear the following items in cold
weather (please note that this applies to the autumn and spring
    terms only and does not apply in the summer term)

    Plain black jogging bottoms.
    Black base layer style/thermal leggings worn under-
     neath black dry-fit style shorts.
    Plain black jumper or hoodie.

    PE Additional Information
 •     Fashion trainers / pumps are not suitable for PE.
 •     All PE kit must be clearly named.
 •     Students will be expected to take personal responsibility for collecting items
       which have been left in changing rooms.
 •     Un-named / unmarked items will be put into lost property in Student Services
       and retained until the end of the term.
 •     Students excused from PE with a note from a medical professional MUST bring
       suitable kit to allow them to participate as officials, coaches or sports leaders.
 •     Students with long hair are required to tie their hair back for health and safety

Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy
PE Kit Requirements
Please note that students are permitted to wear the correct Albion Academy PE kit only. We
ask that you arrange the purchase of the full Albion Academy PE kit from either Mal’s or
Whittaker's ready to start the term in September 2020.

It can be purchased online from or by appointment
only from Whittaker's in Swinton (telephone: 0161 794 1396 to book an appointment).

We are hoping to be able to sell replacement PE kits from school soon.

Students in years 10 and 11 only are allowed the privilege of additional flexibility with their
PE kit. They are permitted to wear a suitable plain black sports t-shirt or polo shirt and plain
                         back shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings.

What does this
mean for me?                  Just like in classrooms we want you to take
                             pride in the way you look so wear the correct
                                     PE uniform in every PE lesson.

                             Everyone wears the same PE uniform so you
                                  will look like a professional team!

Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy
Personal Appearance

Extreme hairstyles are not permitted, this will be at the Academy’s discretion, If you would
like any more information please contact your child’s head of year. The following hairstyles
are not permitted;

x    Hair which as been dyed an extreme colour such as pink
x    Styles where lines and / or shapes are cut into the hair

Hair should be clean, well brushed neat and of a natural colour. Hair should not cover the
face. Any hair accessories must be discreet, either black or white and professional looking.

Jewellery & Make-Up
A wristwatch may be worn; students are not allowed to wear any other jewellery including
earrings, rings, necklaces and/or bracelets.

x    Students wearing make-up will be asked to remove it.

Religious Observance
Students whose religion requires them to cover their heads with a scarf or cap are permitted
to do so, as long as it is in plain black or white.

What does this
mean for me?                 All this means is we want you to look as
                              professional and as smart as you can.

                           If you can do this in secondary school then
                            this helps prepare you for when you leave
                           school as you may have to dress smartly in
                                       the jobs you choose.

Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy

It is a requirement that all pupils at The Albion Academy come prepared for their lessons.
All pupils must have the following equipment with them every day.

                                                                         (All students will be pro-
                                                                         vided with a planner)

What does this
mean for me?
                                It’s really important that you are able to
                                complete the work to the best possible
                                          presentation standards.

                             To do this you will need the right equipment
                                  every day in all of your lessons!

Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy
Book Presentation Standards

The following poster is displayed in all classrooms across The Albion Academy. Excellent
presentation and a sense of pride when working is expected from all of our pupils.

 You must write in
                                                            Your teachers will
 blue or black ink
                                                            mark work in red
 using a ballpoint
     pen only.
  You must self-                                             You must draw
 assess your work                                          shapes, graphs and
   in green ink                                             diagrams in pencil

                                                    Always write the title and date

                                                 Underline title and date using a ruler

                                                 Underline subheadings with a ruler

word                Place a neat line through any mistakes

                         Always take pride in your work

Albion Academy Handbook for new students 2021 - The Albion Academy
Mobile Phones

The Albion Academy has a strict mobile phone policy. Pupil’s do not need a mobile phone in
school. We understand that a mobile phone adds a level of security and comfort if children
are making their own way to and from the Academy. If they do have a mobile phone then it
must be turned off during the school day and kept in a school bag.

If a pupil is seen with a mobile phone at any point then it will be confiscated until Friday at

 All mobile devices that are brought into school are the pupil’s responsibility .

                                                                     See it

                                                                     Hear it

                                                                     Take it

What does this
mean for me?                   Mobile phones distract you from learning so
                              you must keep them away at all times so you
                                    get the best out of your lessons.

                                If your parents need you they can ring the
                              school and the teachers can let you know. All
                                   our classrooms have a phone in them.

Behaviour Expectations

The Albion Academy has three main principles at the core of behaviour expectations and
they are that all pupils must be.

                      Ready / Respectful / Safe
Children learn best in safe environments that support teaching and learning, and these
three very simple words ensure that pupils arrive to all lessons ready to learn and that the
environment inside the classroom will support the teacher in helping all pupils make the
very best progress during the lesson.

It is an expectation that all pupils at The Albion Academy

Are Punctual for lessons and ready to learn
   Bring correct equipment to lesson
   Contribute in lessons in a positive manner
   Listen to and respect the views of others

Are Calm and respectful
   Have respect for self
   Have respect for others
   Have respect for the environment

Are Polite and well mannered
   Say please and thank you
   Keep left on corridors

We recognise that pupils may not always get it right and there are systems in place to sup-
port children in ensuring that they are aware of how to adjust and adapt as they continue
their journey through school with us.

All instances of poor behaviour are recorded electronically and saved on file right up
                                    until Year 11.

What does this
mean for me?
                             This might sound like a lot of rules but all we
                             ask is that you are ready to learn and show
                                your teacher and other pupils respect.

                            This way everyone can focus on being the best
                               they can be and make the best progress.

Praise and Rewards

At The Albion Academy we believe that rewarding and praising pupils is integral to creating
and maintaining a positive learning environment.

Our daily reward system uses ACE awards to reward pupils who show excellent work, effort
or attitude in lessons. ACE stands for;

  A     Achievement                         ACE awards form healthy competition between
                                            form groups to win half termly prizes. There are
  C     Commitment                          many other rewards throughout the year.

  E     Excellence

      Postcards of                    Departmental                       Head of Year
        praise                         certificates                       certificates

        Bronze, Silver and Gold                            100% Attendance
          ACE award badges                                    certificates

                                 Six termly attendance
      End of year
      reward trips                                                       Recognition
                                                                        boards in class
                                   Positive phone calls

What does this
mean for me?                We love to reward pupils who show excellent
                            skills in lesson or just work very hard every

                            If you do what is asked then you can earn lots
                            of certificates, badges, prizes or even a brand
                                                new bike!

Times of the school day

The Albion Academy follows the same structure for key stage 3 every day.

  8:10am                  School Opens (Free Breakfast is served)

  8:30am                  Breakfast Ends

  8:40am                  ALL STUDENTS TO BE IN SCHOOL

  8:45am                  Form Time / Assembly

  9:15am                  Period 1

  10:15am—10:30am         Break

  10:30am                 Period 2

  11:30am                 Period 3

  12:30pm                 Lunch Time

  1:00pm                  Period 4

  2:00pm                  Period 5

  3:00pm                  Lessons end for the day

  3:00pm—4:00pm           Extra curricular activities

What does this
mean for me?
                           We have a busy day with 5 lessons. You will
                             have to go to five different classrooms.

                           There is no need to worry as teachers will be
                                       on hand to help you!

Subjects at the Albion

The Albion Academy offers a wide range of subjects in specialist classrooms. They include;

            English                                       Mathematics

            Science                                       P.E

            French                                       Spanish

           Geography                                     History

           Music                                         ICT

           Art                                           Drama

           RE                                            Technology
                       plus our extra-curricular clubs!
What does this
mean for me?
                            You have specially trained teachers in each
                            lesson. They are all experts in their subject

                             This means you get the best education you

Example Pupil Timetable

Each and every pupil at the Albion Academy will have a printed timetable of all their les-
sons. It will include which teacher they have and the room the lesson will take place in.

See the example below

The timetable above has one row for each day. There are columns for each lesson of the
day which includes form time, break time and lunch time.

•    The subject and class code are the top two lines.
•    The third line is the room number which begins with either a G (ground floor) or
     an F (first floor)
•    The last line is the teacher who will deliver the lesson.

What does this
mean for me?                  Don’t worry if you think it looks complicated!
                              The timetable is here to help you get to the
                                    right classroom at the right time!

                              If you’re feeling a little lost there are always
                             teachers on corridors to help point you in the
                                              right direction!

Extra-Curricular at the Albion

 The Albion Academy offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities across all of our busy
 and vibrant subject departments. Here are just a selection! There are many more!


Salford Athletics

UK Maths Club
 What does this
 mean for me?
                             Albion Academy teachers are passionate about
                             their subjects are always looking to offer more.

                             You will be able to ask about joining any of the
                                  extra-curricular activities we offer!

School Lunch

  The Albion Academy has excellent dining room facilities with experienced and talented
  chefs who provide all pupils and staff with healthy and nutritional meals, including halal and
  vegetarian dishes.

  See the existing school lunch menu.

      MONDAY                  TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                 FRIDAY

Chicken Masala with      Chicken Fajitas with   Roast Turkey, Boiled                            Battered Fish and
                                                                       Lasagne with Garlic
Pilau Rice and Naan      Paprika Wedges and       New Potatoes,                                 Chips or Chicken
                                                                        Bread and Salad
       Bread                    Salad            Carrots and Peas                               Burger with Chips

                                                                       Vegetable Fajita with
Southern Fried Quorn                            Southern Fried Quorn                           Quorn Dippers with
                          Macaroni Cheese                              Potato Wedges and
Sweet Chilli with Rice                               Escalope                                        Chips

 Jacket Potato with       Jacket Potato with     Jacket Potato with     Jacket Potato with     Jacket Potato with
 Beans, Cheese or         Beans, Cheese or       Beans, Cheese or       Beans, Cheese or       Beans, Cheese or
       Tuna                     Tuna                   Tuna                   Tuna                   Tuna

                                                                                                 Southern Fried
Pulled BBQ Chicken     Piri Piri Butterflied      Jamaican Jerk          Piri Piri Chicken
                                                                                               Chicken Burger with
Flatbread with Potato Chicken with Savoury       Chicken with Rice     Strips Baguette with
                                                                                                 Chips or Potato
       Wedges            Rice and Salad              and Peas            Potato Wedges

  What does this
  mean for me?
                                    There is a lot of choice at the Albion Academy!

                                      If you don’t fancy anything from the school
                                     lunch menu then you can still bring a packed
                                                  lunch if you want to!

School Map (Ground Floor)

The following is a map which shows the layout of the ground floor which includes all room
numbers and subject areas.

                                          Quad Area
                                      Outdoor space for Year 7

School Map (First Floor)

The following is a map which shows the layout of the first floor which includes all room
numbers and subject areas.

                                        First Floor

Your questions answered!

We are often asked the following questions; What if?

                                       You will. Everyone is new and eager to make new
   I don’t make any friends?

                                        There are many students and lots of staff to help
   I get lost and do not know
                                       you. Remember, you can always ask anyone who
           where to go?
                                                          is around

                                        If you miss your bus home you can phone home
     I miss my bus home?
                                            from reception in school or find a teacher.

  Something happens which                Speak to your form tutor, head of year or any
  worries me or upsets me?                     teacher! They are there to help!

                                        You must tell a teacher. If you are too ill to go to
   I am in school but start to        lessons we will contact your parents or emergency
             feel ill?                  contact and arrange for you to go home. We are
                                            not allowed to give you any medicines.

                                       We ask parents to let us know why you are not in
                                      school as early as possible by ringing the school on
                                      0161 359 5100. If you do not let the school know by
          I am absent?                 10:00am we will ring home. You must bring a note
                                      or appointment card to give to your form tutor, they
                                      will arrange a pass to leave school. You must nev-
                                               er leave school without permission!

                                       We ask parents to avoid arranging family holidays
 My family is going on holiday          during term time. However, if this is not possible
        in term time?                  you should contact the school who will give you a
                                          form which your parent or carer must fill in.

Transition Year Experiences

We asked the current year seven pupils about their experiences during their first year at the
Albion Academy:

                                     “I was worried that I would
   “I was really worried my          find the work too hard but
friends from primary school             the teachers are really          “The P.E lessons
 wouldn’t be in my classes,           good at explaining things          are really fun, we
    but it didn’t matter as I        and don’t mind me asking             get to try lots of
  made lots of new friends”                   questions”                 different sports”

                              “ I was scared about the
                            older kids being around but
“My favourite lesson         they have been really kind          “There are lots of clubs to
 is Science because            and helpful, especially             go to at dinner time and
 you can use lots of        when I couldn’t find one of          after school, this is where I
scientific apparatus               my classrooms”                 made lots of new friends
   for experiments”                                                 as well as having fun”

                                                                “My form teacher really
   “I’m really excited for our day trip to Blackpool         helped me when I started at
    Pleasure Beach which was awarded to pupils                the Albion, they explained
       who had good attendance and got ACE                      my timetable to me and
                        awards”                              made sure I felt okay about
                                                                   finding classes”

Useful hints and suggestions

Some easy ways to help you adjust to life at the Albion Academy include;

     Use your planner

     You will receive a planner on your first day. You must carry this with you at all times, in
     your bag. Make sure you write anything down that you need to remember, especially
     any homework you might get.

     Planners must also be placed on the desk in every lesson.

     Get your things ready the night before

     Check that you have all your books and equipment in your bag ready for school the
     next day. If you’re not sure of your lessons, look at your timetable.

     Have breakfast before you come to school or come along and enjoy our free
     breakfast from 8:10am

     Lunch is not until 12.30pm so it is quite a long time until lunch.

     Always ask someone if you are lost

     Everyone is willing to help and you will soon learn your way around the building.

     Tell someone if you have a problem

     It is important that you feel safe and happy in school so tell a teacher or member of
     staff straight away and we will help you.

What does this
mean for me?              We want you to feel safe at the Albion Academy.
                          It might look like we have lots of rules and a very
                                    big building but we are a team.

                                       We are here to help you!

                                  You have nothing to worry about!

Useful information

Contact Details
If you would like any more information or if you would like to arrange a meeting or visit the
Albion Academy before September 2020 then please do not hesitate to contact the Albion
Academy Inclusion team using the details below;

Albion Academy
1 London Street
M6 6QT

Tel: 0161 359 5100


Further information and contact details for Senior Leaders, Heads of Year and Form
Tutors are available on request or via the Albion Academy website.

Home/School Agreement

    The Albion Academy will:            As a parent/carer I will            As a student, I will:

     Ensure that every child           Ensure that my child has       Be an outstanding mem-
      will receive the best edu-         excellent attendance and        ber of the school inside
      cation                             punctuality                     and in the community
     Have high expectations,           Attend all parent              Attend The Albion Acade-
      set high standards and             meetings and parents            my every day in correct
      consistently reinforce             evenings                        uniform, be on time and
      these                             Support the school in           have the correct equip-
     Provide a positive, safe           maintaining our high ex-        ment
      and inspiring environment          pectations and standards       Be respectful and kind to
     Deliver an excellent cur-         Accept the school behav-        everyone
      riculum and provide quali-         iour policy                    Follow the school behav-
      ty teaching and learning          Check that my child has         iour policy without argu-
     Keep parents informed              the correct uniform and         ment
      about pupil progress               equipment each day             Complete all classwork
     Offer opportunities for                                            and homework to the
      students to learn outside                                          best of my ability and take
      the classroom and devel-                                           pride in it
      op their skills, confidence                                       Keep the school safe by
      and interests                                                      following the rules in
                                                                         class, on corridors and at
                                                                         social times
Signed school:                      Signed parent/carer:            Signed student:

Date:                               Date:                           Date:

Mobile Phone Agreement

In order to ensure the best learning environment for students The Albion Academy operates
a strict ‘No mobile phone’ policy. This means that the use of mobile phones is not permit-
ted in any part of the Academy; either in lessons or during social times such as break or
lunch time.

Pupils seen using a mobile phone will have their device confiscated until a parent or carer
collects it from school. As this agreement is linked to the Academy’s behaviour policy the
incident will be logged in the pupil behaviour section of the Academy’s information system.

By signing this document you agree to the policy regarding the use of mobile phones and
fully support The Albion Academy in ensuring that there is no mobile phone usage on site at
any time, guaranteeing the best possible learning environment for students.

Pupil Name:

Parent / Carer name



         See it                         Hear it                           Take it

ICT Agreement

Please read the ICT acceptable use agreement enclosed in the envelope and sign below


I understand and will abide by the provisions and conditions of this agreement. I under-
stand that any violations of the above provisions may result in disciplinary action and the
removal of my privileges. I also agree to report any misuse of the system to a staff mem-
ber. Misuse may come in many forms but may be viewed as any messages sent or re-
ceived that indicate or suggest pornography, unethical or illegal activities, racism, sexism,
inappropriate language, any act likely to cause offence or other issues described above.

Pupil name:




Albion Academy students must also have the signature of a parent or carer who has
read this agreement.

As the parent or Carer, I have read this agreement and understand that access to elec-
tronic information services is designed for educational purposes. I understand that, whilst
the Internet Service Provider operates a filtered service, it is impossible for Albion Acade-
my to restrict access to all controversial materials and will not hold the college responsible
for materials acquired on the network. I also agree to report any misuse of the system to
the college.

I hereby give my permission to Albion Academy to permit my child access to electronic
information services and I certify that the information given on this form is correct.

Parent/carer name:



Biometrics Agreement

The use of Biometrics in school

The Albion Academy uses a biometric data system (based upon fingerprint recognition technology) for its cashless cater-
ing services. This works by taking measurements of the fingerprint but does not capture a complete image meaning that
the original fingerprint cannot be reconstructed from the data.

The Academy requires the written consent of a Parent/Guardian before we may collect and process the biometric data
of any student. A suitable alternative will be provided to any student where consent is not given.

Please tick one of the two boxes below:

    I hereby give consent for the collection and processing of biometric data for the student detailed above
        for use with school systems

    I would like my son/daughter to be provided with a suitable alternative instead of using their fingerprint

Pupil Name:

Parent / Carer name



Digital/Video Images Agreement

Use of Digital / Video Images
To comply with Data Protection law (including the GDPR and associated legislation), we are required to
obtain your consent so that we may take and use photographs and video recordings of your child.

Photography and videography may be used at the Albion Academy for the purposes set out below. Only
images of children in suitable dress will be recorded and shared. Staff are not allowed to take photographs or
videos on their personal equipment.

Permission Form
We would like your consent to take photos and videos of your child and use them in the ways described
below. If you are not happy for us to do this, we will accommodate your preferences.

I am happy for the academy to take photographs/videos of my child

I am happy for photos/videos of my child to be used on the School website

I am happy for photos/videos of my child to be used in the academy newsletters

I am happy for photos/videos of my child to be used on the academy’s internal displays

I am happy for photos/videos of my child to be used on promotional materials (i.e. posters, banners, etc.)

I am happy for photos/videos of my child to be used on social media sites (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, etc.)

I am happy for photos/videos of my child to be used in local newspapers/magazines

Pupil Name:

Parent / Carer name



You can also read