Crestview High School Cheerleading By-Laws

Page created by Christina Long
Crestview High School Cheerleading By-Laws

• To create spirit, pride and loyalty, to promote interest in school activities, to develop a sense of good
  sportsmanship, to improve relations among schools during athletic events, to develop responsibility, teach
  self-respect, encourage honesty, strive for perfection, and develop character, and to teach teamwork and
  pride in a quality performance while maintaining high standards.
•   Being under a behavior contract will make an individual ineligible to try out for the CHS Cheer team.
•   Cheerleaders must pass ALL classes and maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher.
•   While a failing grade may not affect eligibility, it might require disciplinary actions.
•   No outstanding fees or fines due to Crestview High School
•   Proof of Insurance
•   Physical Exam paperwork
• The Varsity squad shall be composed of the top scoring students selected during tryouts. The varsity
  squad will include up to 16 members and the JV squad will include up to 12 members.
• Members will tryout each year regardless of years on previous CHS teams.
• We do not want there to be an absenteeism problem with the Crestview High School cheerleaders.
• In order to cheer at a game, the cheerleader must be present at school for at least one-half of the school
  day on the day of a game per Okaloosa District School Board Policy.
• A cheerleader cannot attend practices when absent from school unless preapproved by the sponsor. An
  unexcused absence from school means an unexcused absence from practice as well. All excuses must be
  brought to the sponsor upon return to school/practice.
          o Members must bring a note from home/doctor explaining the absence. A doctor’s excuse, a
              death in the family, or personal extenuating circumstances will be the only acceptable excuses.
              This is left to the discretion of the sponsor.
          o Members who are absent the day of a game or any other mandatory cheerleader activity must
              have a doctor’s excuse.
• Members are expected to attend the summer camp. Vacation and job responsibilities are not acceptable
  excuses for not attending camp as dates will be given in advance allowing you to make proper
  arrangements for attendance. Any member not attending camp will be immediately dismissed from the
  squad and any deposit fees will not be returned. Exact camp dates will be announced after tryouts.
• Employment or employment interviews are not acceptable excuses for missing practice or leaving practice
  early. There will be no exceptions to this policy even if practice runs later than the expected time for
  dismissal. Failure to comply with this rule can result in dismissal from the squad. It is EXTREMELY difficult
  to conduct a practice successfully when all members are not present to practice a routine, stunt, or dance.
• When you agree to become a Crestview High School cheerleader, you must put the needs and priorities of
  the squad above your personal wants. If you are not prepared to agree to this stipulation, DO NOT
• Cheerleaders may participate in other extracurricular activities BUT must understand that there may be
  some conflicts between the two. Cheerleaders and their parents must also expect financial obligations for
  both activities and those must be met in order to participate in either sport. We expect 100% commitment
  from each member. If a cheerleader chooses to miss practice or to leave early in order to participate in
  other activities, demerits will be given accordingly. If this behavior becomes frequent, then the sponsors
  reserve the right to dismiss the cheerleader from the squad. The sponsors will discuss scheduling of
  practices with the respected coaches of dual sports.
• Cheerleaders will be allowed to participate in Homecoming court, but they must participate in all other
  homecoming activities involving the cheerleading squad and practices.
• After-school detentions and individual make-up assignments given by individual teachers are not
  acceptable excuses for arriving late for practice. This will result in demerits being assigned.
• If any cheerleader misses a practice that is vital to the upcoming performance(s), then she may be pulled
  from that performance under coach’s discretion.
• The Crestview High Varsity Cheerleading squad will be supervised by a sponsor(s) with the assistance of
  1 captain and 1-2 co-captains. Captain selection will be carried out by the cheerleading sponsor(s)/admin.
• The Crestview High School Cheerleading squad will be supervised and directed by a sponsor(s) at all
• If captains are selected, the following criteria would be a portion of the selection process:
          o Clean discipline record and must maintain “good standing” status.
          o Leadership, responsibility, cooperation, and enthusiasm previously shown during
• The main responsibility of captains would be to call cheers/chants at games/events. Other minor
  responsibilities could be assigned by the sponsor(s).
• Captains will serve at the discretion of the coach. Unacceptable actions that do not display proper Captain
  etiquette will be cause for being relieved as a Captain.
• The coach will handle all administration, finances, school rule enforcement, and overall squad
• The coach (or appropriate substitute) will attend all practices, games, and performances.
• The coach will be the contact for teachers and cheerleading parents. (includes parent questions, concerns,
  and squad absences).
• The coach will handle and maintain all records regarding demerits and discipline.
• Coach will issue uniforms, equipment, and purchase supplies.
• Cheerleaders experiencing problems should talk with the sponsor and work with them in finding suitable
  solutions at the appropriate times.
• Any questions or problems concerning the squad should be directed to the sponsor(s) during school hours.
  The sponsor(s) will return phone calls and/or emails at their earliest opportunity, but not more than 24-
  hours from contact. Issues should not be addressed during practices, games, or other school events. The
  sponsor(s) need to fully supervise the squad while at these events.
• There is a proper chain of command, starting with the sponsor, assistant principal, principal, and
  finally school board. In fairness to all parties involved, please follow the chain of command.
• Teaching duties of the coach/sponsor take precedence over cheerleading responsibilities.
• Cheerleaders shall conduct themselves in an appropriate respectful manner at ALL times remembering
  they are representatives of Crestview High School.
• Cheerleaders will NOT display bad habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, use of illicit substances,
  or the use of improper or inappropriate language / conduct (IN OR OUT OF THE CRESTVIEW HIGH
  UNIFORM / SCHOOL PROPERTY). These actions may warrant dismissal from the squad. Improper
  language or conduct will also include, but not limited to, any texting, online webpages, or social
  networking such as Facebook or any other internet site(s).
• Any continuous reports of misconduct or disrespect involving teachers or students after selection may
  result in dismissal from the squad. This decision is left to the discretion of the sponsor. Classroom
  conduct should set the example for all students to follow.
• Each cheerleader shall attend all games and functions unless the sponsor, prior to the scheduled event,
  excuses it. This includes illness and other extenuating circumstances. The decision is left to the discretion
  of the sponsor. Every effort of the squad member must be made to attend all events.
• Any decisions concerning cheerleader activities shall be determined by the sponsors and school
• Serious disrespect directed towards the sponsor(s) or any other squad member will result in immediate
  dismissal from the squad. The sponsor reserves the right to determine which circumstances that may
• All cheerleaders must have a CURRENT phone number/email address on file with the sponsor(s).
• Each cheerleader is responsible for checking emails/App as updated information including practice times,
  notes, reminders, and events may be sent out daily. It is necessary to check your email/App the night
  before a game/event to receive important messages from the sponsor(s). If a message (text, email/App,
  phone voicemail) is sent out and the cheerleader does not attend, come properly dressed, or whatever the
  message is pertaining to then the cheerleader WILL be given demerits for the action described.
• Each cheerleader MUST have a binder or folder (one will be provided to each cheerleader). This is to hold
  all information that is necessary for events throughout the year.
• Each cheerleader must have all required forms with CURRENT information on file with the sponsors prior
  to tryouts. Please be sure to update any information as needed during the school year.
• Any and all stunting must be supervised by a sponsor at all times.
• Any cheerleader in violation of this constitution is subject to conferencing, benching, or dismissal.
• You are a Crestview High School cheerleader AT ALL TIMES and are responsible for acting on behalf of
  the school.
• Demerits are assigned as part of the disciplinary process. They shall be administered for violation of squad
  and / or school rules. The demerit system shall be strictly enforced. The demerit system begins
  immediately following selection and will be recorded and determined by the sponsors.
• There will be a demerit sheet kept for each cheerleader that will include the dates, reasons, and how many
  demerits issued for each infraction. Each cheerleader will sign off on the sheet when they receive a
• There will be situations that arise that are not covered by the By-Laws. These cases will be handled with
  the discretion of the sponsors in cooperation with the athletic director and school administration.
• The following action will take place for demerit accumulation with notification to parents and to the member
  by the sponsors. It is the MEMBER’S responsibility to check with the sponsor after practice on demerit
• Out of school suspension will result in immediate dismissal from the squad. There will be NO exceptions.
  In-school suspension could result in dismissal from the squad or 10 demerits (depending on severity and a
  discussion between the sponsor and the athletic director/administration).
• During a suspension timeframe, any behavior by the student that results in disciplinary action by a teacher,
  sponsor, or administrator will result in dismissal from the squad. This action supersedes our demerit
  system and will be under the discretion of the sponsor/admin.
• If a cheerleader is suspended for ANY reason, then he/she will still be required to dress in appropriate
  outfit and attend all cheer practices, games, performances, or events and be benched.
• Also, if a student quits the team or is dismissed from the team, he/she will not be eligible to try out the
  following year. Demerits start on the day after tryouts and ends on the day before tryouts the following
  year. Demerits may be worked off with community service hours pre-approved by the coach or admin.
  Cheerleaders will be asked to sign a demerit acknowledgement form. Demerits are given by the coach and
  are not negotiable. If a cheerleader is removed from the team, he/she will not be allowed to tryout the
  following year. These may be discussed on a case by case basis with coach & administrator.
   A. Demerit Log
   No cheerleader is permitted more than 20 demerits per school year. After 10 demerits are earned, then a
   parent conference will be requested. Once 20 demerits have been reached, permanent
   suspension/removal from the cheer squad will take place. The coach/sponsor or administration will be the
   only individuals to give demerits. A list of demerits is listed below. However, this list is NOT inclusive.
   When a situation arises that is not listed below, the sponsors will deal with it accordingly.
   B. Demerits

    Death in the family                                            0
    Missed Practice with doctor’s note - (Contagious illness or
    severe injury)                                                 0
    Missed Practice with doctor’s note (non-contagious)            0
    Missed Event or Game with doctor’s note (i.e. injury, non-
    contagious)                                                    0
    Missed Practice without a doctor’s note (parent/guardian
    note)                                                          1
    After First Missed Practice without a doctor’s note
    (parent/guardian note)                                         2
    Missed Practice without notifying coach                        2 and no participation in next event
    Tardy to any practice, event/game, or fundraiser               2
    First Missed Game without doctor’s note (parent/guardian
    note, not school related)                                      2
    Missing the initial parent/cheerleader meeting at the
    beginning of the season                                        5
    After First Missed Game without a doctor’s note
    (parent/guardian note, not school related)                     5
Missing all or part of correct uniform or incorrect hair at a
 game                                                              5 and no participation in next event
 Uniform Violations (gum, jewelry, forgot poms, megaphone,
 etc.)                                                             5 and no participation in next event
 One F on report card                                              5 and sit out until grade improves
 Two F’s on report card                                            10 and suspension from squad
 Inappropriate behavior in or out of school (including social
 media)                                                            coach/admin discretion
 Disrespecting or Treating ANYONE ie. coach, teachers,
 teammates or students, ANYONE in a way that is hurtful or
 disrespectful (gossip, twitter, belittling, profanity, yelling,
 threatening, bullying, etc.)                                      coach/admin discretion
 Any referral to Discipline                                        5
 Referral to Discipline resulting in STP                           10
 Referral to Discipline resulting in BEA                           dismissal from squad
 Out of school suspension                                          dismissal from squad
 Missed Fundraiser for General Account (w/o opt out of $50)
 Or prior notification                                             10
 Missed Game without notifying coach                               10 and no participation in next event

                                               Demerit System

                                               5-9 demerits
                                  Loss of a cheer event (such as a game)

                                            10-15 demerits
                                  Suspension from the squad for 1 week

                                            16-19 demerits
                                  Suspension from the squad for 2 weeks

                                             20 demerits
                              Permanent suspension/dismissal from the squad

C. SUSPENSION REQUIREMENTS – A cheerleader who is suspended from a game or event must attend
the game or event in uniform and remain with the sponsor for the entire length of game or event. This is a
punishment, not free time and will be cell-phone free time as well.
A squad member will be AUTOMATICALLY DIMISSED for the following reasons:
1. absences from mandatory summer camp
   2. non-compliance with monetary obligations (Every effort will be made to help the cheerleader raise funds
   to defray the cost.)
   3. failure to abide by the decisions of the sponsor, school officials, etc, or serious disrespect in any form to
   the sponsor or other school officials, etc.
   4. smoking, drinking alcohol, inappropriate use of the internet or using illegal drugs while IN OR OUT OF
   THE UNIFORM / or at any event in which you represent the school.
   5. out of school suspension
• All cheerleaders must make their first initial payment of $250.00 at the first parent meeting. Parents will
  receive a monthly account statement at the beginning of each month starting in June. Payments are due
  by the 1st of each month. If a cheerleader is removed from the team, all financial responsibilities incurred
  will remain. This includes deposits and total balances if amounts are non- refundable. Cheerleaders who
  fall more than 1 month behind on payments may be suspended from the squad until dues are made
  current. Cheerleaders who do not pay their accounts in full will not be allowed to try out
  the following year, and will have a hold placed on their school account.
• Fundraising will begin immediately following Tryouts. While the funds raised from these activities will
  cover a portion of the expenses, the estimated out of pocket expense could still range from $1500.00-
• Cheerleading can be time consuming and expensive. The cheerleader’s parents must pay for all practice
  uniforms, the upkeep and laundering of the cheerleading uniforms, and all necessary supplies related to
       o NOTE: If, for any reason, you lose or damage a uniform, you will be responsible for the
           replacement cost.
• If a payment becomes more than one month behind, the cheerleader will be benched until the account is
  current or payment arrangements have been made. If, for serious reasons, you can’t meet the financial
  responsibilities of cheerleading, we will make every effort to help find solutions. A monthly installment
  breakdown will be included in the try-out packet. The first payment must be paid at the parent
  meeting. This payment will cover the camp fee. Additional payments will be made on a monthly
  basis due on the 5th of each month starting in June until the cheerleader’s bill has reached a
  balance of $0. All cheer bills must be paid in full by January.
• Other expenses will arise during the year for which the cheerleader will be responsible, such as meals
  before/after games.
• If you owe fees at the end of the year for any reason, you will not be allowed to tryout again until they are
• If a student is dismissed or resigns from the squad, ALL financial obligations must be met. NO REFUNDS
  will be given.
• All members are expected to participate equally in all fundraising activities. All members must meet a
  minimum quota that is determined by the sponsor at the start of the fundraiser. Failure to participate will
  result in having to pay out of pocket for monies not raised.
• The sponsor will serve as the facilitator for the fundraiser events.
• Parental support and volunteers are necessary for ALL fundraisers in order to be successful.
• There will be a summer cheer camp, t-shirt sales, a cheer clinic, as well as any other event scheduled
  during the year. There will also be opportunities to fundraise for all of your individual expenses.
  HOWEVER, if a certain individual raises a surplus and has met her total obligation, she will not be
  credited. That money will be deposited into the general operating account. ALL general account
  fundraisers are mandatory, unless there is an excuse/extenuating circumstance. The more money that is
  generated from the fundraisers, means less out of pocket expenses.
• A $50.00 fee per fundraiser may be paid to opt out of a fundraiser if you are unable to participate.
  Cheerleaders who do not fully participate in mandatory fundraisers for the general account, and do not opt
  out, will receive demerits.
• Fundraising for personal cheerleader accounts is optional. Cheerleaders may opt out of any of these
  fundraising projects without penalty. Money earned is applied to individual accounts to help alleviate out of
  pocket expenses.
• A GPA of 2.0 cumulative and non-cumulative must be maintained through the entire cheer season. Any
  member whose GPA falls below 2.0 will be temporarily suspended from the team until their grades can be
  improved or completely dismissed from The team for failure to maintain or improve their grades. The
  student will be required to attend events in full uniform and sit with the coach even if they have been
  temporarily suspended from the cheer squad due to non-compliance of grades. If a student is maintaining
  a 2.0 GPA, but makes a D or F on his/her report card, he/she will sit with coach in full uniform until the
  grade rises. If the student makes two or more F’s on his/her report card, he/she will be dismissed from the
  CHS Cheerleading Team. Any cheerleader with a GPA below 2.5 during the season will attend mandatory
  tutoring provided by the school.

 • Cheerleaders are expected to attend ALL scheduled practices and games. There will be at least one day
    each week when there is no after school practice. Please reserve the designated “off day” as the time to
    schedule Medical/Dental appointments or college classes. If a member misses the practice before an
    event, then that member will not be allowed to perform at the event. Based on the reason for absence,
    demerits will be given. If you are not contagious or you do not have a serious illness/injury that requires
    bed rest, you are still expected to attend (watch) practice. If the school board cancels school due to
    unforeseen circumstances, practice will not be held.
         o You must be in attendance for ½ of the school day in order to practice or cheer at games.
         o If you are unable to attend a practice or game, you MUST notify the coach or it will be considered
           an unexcused absence.
         o Cheerleaders must be picked up within 15 minutes after said practice or game is over or demerits
           will be documented.
         o Unexcused absences the day before a game will result in not being able to cheer for that game
           but must be present in uniform.
         o If the cheerleader is involved in another activity that conflicts with the practice schedule/game
           schedule, you must split your time evenly.
         o Cheerleaders may not practice or cheer at games if they are absent from school.
• Appropriate athletic attire that conforms to the school dress code is required for all practices. Summer
   camp wear will be practice wear after camp.
• Tardiness will result in demerits or other appropriate punishment.
• During games, cheerleaders will not leave the cheering section unless it’s an emergency.
• Breaks during football games will only occur during half-time. Cheerleaders must be back in the
  designated area at 3 minutes prior to the start of the 3rd quarter or period.
• Cheerleaders must travel to and from an away game with the school transportation unless a parent is
  present at the game and signs the cheerleader out with the sponsor or a Power of Attorney is on file with
  the sponsor.
• Cheerleaders must attend a summer camp (TBD).
• The squad will practice 1-3 days a week over the summer break to prepare for the upcoming season.
  Summer practices will be made available after tryouts. A calendar will be provided after tryouts of these
  dates. There will be several weeks during the summer when we will not practice to allow for vacationing.
  Practice will typically last 2-3 hours.
• The squad will practice various days of the week. Each cheerleader will be given a schedule of days,
  times, and locations. Each cheerleader is expected to be prompt and ready for the event. Practice days
  may vary from the schedule due to scheduling conflict, games, etc.
• A cheerleader should arrive performance ready at the designated time.
       o Camp and Summer Practice: Summer Camp attendance at the expense of the cheer squad
           member is required and must be paid in full prior to participation. Because the majority of cheer,
           chant and dance routines for the year are taught at camp, failure to attend summer camp can result
           in the cheerleader being removed from the formation or stunt. Summer practice is required and
           cheer squad members will receive demerits for missed practice days. All cheerleaders are required
           to be at summer practices and workouts. Attendance at these practices is vital for our teams to be
• Varsity will cheer for:
  o Football
           o All home games (usually a Friday night) and possibly away play-off games.
  o Basketball
           o All home games and possibly away play-off games.
• The squad will be given a calendar of events in ample time to prepare. Because of the hectic basketball
  schedule, there could be some circumstances in which the squad may be split up into two teams and
  cheer for different games. Currently, all Varsity cheerleaders will attend all home games and will possibly
  travel to all District and Okaloosa County (non-district) girls and boys JV and V basketball games.
  Transportation to and from home games, events in Crestview High, and practices are the responsibility of
  the cheerleader/parent.
• A monthly calendar will be provided so cheerleaders can plan around cheer dates.
• All practices and games will be supervised by the sponsor(s) or a designated school official.
• If away games are attended, transportation will be arranged by the sponsor.
• JV will cheer for:
       o Football
                ▪ Freshmen and J.V. home games. (usually Monday, Tuesday and/or Thursday nights)
       o Basketball
                ▪ All home Freshmen/JV games
• Each cheer squad will most likely cheer 2-3 nights per week. The squad will cheer for home games.
• A monthly calendar will be provided so cheerleaders can plan around cheer dates.
• Transportation will be provided for the cheerleaders to all games needing attendance except for the
  following: home games, events in Crestview High and practices. Cheerleaders must return with the squad
  from out of town activities unless there is a PARENT present at the activity and requests permission to
  transport their child or the cheerleader has a Power of Attorney on file with the sponsor. Parents must sign
  their child out with the sponsor or school official.
• The sponsor will not transport any member of the squad in her private vehicle due to insurance stipulations
  and the consideration of your child unless approved by administration and a Power of Attorney is on file.
• During all games and practices cheerleaders should be ready to cheer at all times. There will be no jewelry
  worn at any time. Grooming, gum chewing, eating (except during half- time), cell phone usage or texting,
  socializing with each other, talking to friends in the crowd or on the field will not be tolerated. In the case of
  emergency, the sponsor will notify necessary individuals.
• Cheerleaders must maintain an acceptable appearance at all times per Okaloosa County School Board
  Policy; body piercing is limited to the earlobe. Any additional body art is limited to temporary school spirit
  related items. No tattoos should be visible when in uniform; no jewelry should be worn at all. If a
  cheerleader is in violation of either of these rules, then she is out of uniform and will be asked to sit out.
• No male or female spectators are allowed at practices.
• Cheerleaders should always cheer in a positive manner. It is inappropriate to cheer against the other team
  or to cheer in response to an opposing player’s mistake.
• No actions by the cheerleaders should be made to purposely distract the players.
• Opposing players, officials, and fans should be treated with respect and dignity.
• Cheerleaders should stand quietly at attention in their formation when the National Anthem is being played
  and when the opposing team is having line-up.
• It is the responsibility of the member to meet at the scheduled times for home and away purposes. Failure
  to meet transportation requirements will be counted as an unexcused absence and given demerits when
• Transportation via school bus will be provided for any away games required. Each cheerleader MUST ride
  the bus to the game and back to the school. However, the cheerleader may ride home with their parents if
  the parent is in attendance and signs them out with the sponsor.
• Transportation will be provided for the cheerleaders to all games needing attendance except for the
  following: home games, events in Crestview High and practices. Cheerleaders must return with the squad
  from out of town activities unless there is a PARENT present at the activity and requests permission to
  transport their child. Parents must sign their child out with the sponsor or school official.
• Potential cheerleaders shall be required to participate in a pre-tryout clinic, at which time, he/she will be
  taught a cheer, chant and a dance routine to be evaluated by a panel of 3 independent judges.
• Students will be required to submit an evaluation form to 4 current teachers of their core classes (Math,
  Language, Science and Social Studies).
          a. The forms will be returned directly to the sponsor from the individual teacher.
          b. Candidates are not allowed to view the evaluations.
c. If these forms are tampered with or not returned, you will not receive these points.
• Candidates must have a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian to tryout and participate. This
  permission slip will release the school and sponsors of liability in case of injury.
• The student MUST have all appropriate paperwork (including a sports physical) on file at the office before
  the tryout begins.
• Candidates must attend all days of the clinic/workshop and pay the tryout fee in order to be eligible for the
  tryouts. The fee will be set at not more than $40.00.
• On the day of tryouts, the student will be advised of report time.
• Candidates will try-out in the try-out shirt and shorts provided to them. Hair will be pulled up with
  a bow. Candidates are not allowed to wear any apparel item, including shoes, uniform shirts and
  shorts, or socks, that will distinguish them as a member of a particular cheerleading team. If they
  do so, they will not be allowed to participate in tryouts.
• The gym will be closed to all spectators during cheerleading tryouts and workshops. The sponsors will not
  answer any questions regarding team selection on the day of tryouts or prior to tryouts. Score sheets
  become the property of Crestview High School, and all judges’ decisions are final.
• Tumbling: A standing BHS and Round Off BHS is encouraged but not required at tryouts. Each
  cheerleader will be expected to continue to throw their highest tumbling pass thrown at tryouts throughout
  the year. Each cheerleader must also be enrolled in a tumbling class at the gym of their choice, unless
  arrangements are made with a gym to come to Crestview High School once weekly.
 Each cheerleader is responsible for the equipment and uniforms checked out to him/her at the beginning of
 the year. No uniform swapping will be permitted unless granted by the sponsor. The cheerleader must pay in
 full for rental articles that are damaged or lost. All uniform articles are only to be worn during cheerleading
 functions and not loaned out to anyone who is not on the team.
• Equipment and uniforms are to be returned CLEAN and in good condition not more than two weeks
     after the season has ended or one week after a cheerleader has been dismissed from the team.
     Failure to do so will result in a fine equal to the amount of a professional dry cleaning or complete
     replacement, whichever is deemed necessary.
• Cheerleaders are responsible for purchasing the following: camp fee, camp wear, briefs, socks, tennis
     shoes, body suit, warm-up, megaphone, uniform, pom poms, and cheer bag. These items will be ordered
     after tryouts.
• Uniforms must not be altered in any way without the permission of the coach.
• Athletes must have cheer shoes on at all practices and games. If not then they are considered out
     of uniform and will receive the appropriate punishment.
• All cheerleaders must be in proper uniform at all times. This means wearing the correct ribbon, correct foot
     attire, poms with them, etc. If not then they are considered out of uniform and will receive the
     appropriate punishment.
• Uniformity is very important in order to maintain an organized and elite status while performing. This
     includes games as well as pep rallies or any other events that may arise throughout the year. While
     performing all members must adhere to the guidance from the team captain(s) or co-captain. This can be
     something as minor as wearing or not wearing a jacket. The cheerleader will be asked to sit out until he or
     she complies.
• Make up should be tasteful and lipstick should match our uniform. Cheerleaders will keep their fingernails
     short so they cannot be seen if looking at the palm side of the hand. Hair will be off the shoulder, pulled
     back and out of the face. Artificial nails are not appropriate. Red Nail polish or French manicure is allowed.
     Long nails are prohibited. Lack of uniform conformity will result in non-participation.

                       CONSTITUTION (By-Laws) AGREEMENT

I, ___________________________, have read the entire Crestview High
School Cheerleader By-Laws and understand all the rules and regulations
set forth in it. I understand that I will be held accountable and responsible
for all of the information listed in it. I also understand that if I do not follow
the rules and regulations, I am subject to the appropriate disciplinary action.
I further understand that Crestview High School cheerleaders are held to the
highest standards possible, and if I am selected, I will respect and honor the
privilege given to me to represent Crestview High School in the best manner

___________________________                                        _________
Cheerleader signature                                              Date

___________________________                                        _________
Parent signature                                                   Date
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