AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ...

Page created by Pauline Harrison
AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ...
       Board of Directors
ACL is governed by a board of
four independent non-executive
directors, directors nominated by
our members and two executive

Meet our Board
AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ...
I n dep en dent Di rec to r       I n dep en dent D i re c to r

                                                                   Ailsa Beaton OBE                  Catherine Brown

                                                                     ABOUT AILSA                   A B O U T C AT H E R I N E
                                                                Appointed      1 October 2018     Appointed       31 October 2017

                                                              Ailsa Beaton OBE was a            Alongside a career that
                      Chair                                   Management Board member           included senior roles in the
                                                              at the Metropolitan Police        public and private sector,
              Lesley Cowley OBE                               Service, the Chief Information    Catherine      has   extensive
                                                              Officer at ICL plc and a Senior   experience as a non-executive
                                                              Partner at PA Consulting          Board Member. As a qualified
                                                              Group. She started her career     accountant and an ex member
                                                              as an accountant before           of the senior civil service,
                                                              moving       into   information   Catherine brings to the board
                 ABOUT LESLEY
                                                              technology with General           a focus on governance and
    Appointed                 1 January 2020                  Electric (USA).                   strategy and an awareness
                                                              She now has a portfolio of        of     effective    regulation
                                                              non-executive roles. These        gained in her previous role
Lesley is a portfolio non-executive director and              include being a non-executive     as Chief Executive of the
independent Chair. Her experience includes chairing the       director on the board of the      Food Standards Agency, the
boards of the DVLA, The National Archives and Companies       Information Commissioner’s        regulator for the UK food
House. She was previously CEO of Nominet, the .uk domain      Office, being a governor of the   industry.
name registry, a role she held from 2004 to 2014. She         Legal Education Foundation
has a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA),        and sitting as a magistrate in
awarded with distinction in 1997 from the Bristol Business    London. Ailsa was formerly an
School, University of the West of England. In 2015, she was   independent non-executive
awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Technology by        director in the UK payments
the University of the West of England. Lesley was made an     industry.
OBE for services to the Internet and e-commerce in 2011. In
October 2019, she was named as Non-Executive Director of
the year in the Institute of Directors (IoD) Awards.
AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ...
Ind epe n d e nt D i re c tor      Nominated Director               Nominated Director                 Nominated Director

   Valerie Gordon-Walker                  Ian Chambers                  Julian Homerstone                    David Lawrence

     A B O U T VA L E R I E                 ABOUT Ian                     ABOUT JULIAN                        A B O U T DAV I D
  Appointed       1 October 2018     Appointed    26 May 2021         Appointed     16 December 2016     Appointed     3 May 2018

Named by Cranfield’s FTSE          Ian is the Digital Director at   Julian has been General            David has worked in the
Board Report as one of             easyJet & easyJet holidays.      Counsel at Virgin Atlantic         aviation industry for more
the 100 Senior Women to            He is a senior leader with       since 2014. At Virgin Atlantic,    than 30 years, at British
Watch, Valerie is a former         extensive marketing, digital,    he has responsibility for legal    Airways, Malaysia Airlines
Managing Director, Executive       e-commerce        and    brand   affairs, company secretariat,      and Tui Airways, and bring a
Committee Member and               building experience in the       risk and insurance and the         wide range of commercial,
Group Head of People. Valerie      travel industry. Ian has many    data protection/compliance         operational and regulatory
has a strong non- executive        years’ experience in the         functions. Julian is also a        experience. His current role
portfolio career in the private    aviation    industry    having   member of Virgin Atlantic’s        is General Manager Aviation
and public sector. She is a        previously worked in high-       senior leadership group and        Planning at Tui.
Non- Executive Director at         level digital and marketing      acts as principal advisor on
Tokio Marine Kiln Ltd., Lloyd’s    positions at TUI and Monarch     a broad spectrum of legal
Managing Agents and a Board        airlines.                        issues.
member and Chair of the
Remuneration Committee for                                          Julian was highlighted as one
BPDTS Ltd. (at the DWP).                                            of the most influential in-house
Valerie    has     been      an                                     lawyers in business by the
Independent Senior Advisor                                          Legal 500 in its UK GC Power
to the Financial Conduct                                            list in 2016 and in 2020 he was
Authority and the Prudential                                        recognised by the Legal 500
Regulation Authority at the                                         as its In-house Counsel of the
Bank of England and remains a                                       Year (Transport).
Board Advisor to multinational
corporations focusing on
strategy, governance and
culture, board and executive
AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ...
Nominated Director              Nominated Director                        ACL CEO                      AC L F i n a n c e D i re c to r

        Chris Groom                     Gavin Molloy                       Neil Garwood                           Jo Clarke

       ABOUT CHRIS                     ABOUT Gavin                          ABOUT Neil                           ABOUT JO
  Appointed    29 July 2020       Appointed     1 March 2021         Appointed      1 February 2021      Appointed        1 October 2014

Chris is the General Manager    ‘Gavin Molloy is Head of           Neil was appointed as the           Jo has been the Finance
in Commercial Planning at       Infrastructure and Airport         CEO of Airport Coordination         Director at Airport Coordination and Jet2holidays.      Development         at   British   Limited in March 2021 and           Limited. since 2011. Jo is a
Chris has worked for Jet2 for   Airways (BA). Gavin also           is the first ACL CEO with           qualified accountant with over
nearly ten years developing     serves as the Chair of the         an airport management               30 years of airline industry
a wealth of experience in       London Airport Consultative        background.        Neil      was    experience. Her background
commercial planning and         Committee         where       he   formerly Managing Director          includes commercial, financial
market development. He          leads     airline    community     of Southampton Airport,             and engineering roles. Jo
has a first-class Masters in    engagement with Heathrow.          where he had been for ten           started her career as an
Aeronautical and Aerospace      Before joining BA, Gavin           years, having risen through         aircraft engineer. She has a
engineering gained from the     worked for United Airlines as      the ranks after initially joining   Masters degree in Business
University of Leeds.            vice president of corporate        them as Terminal Operations         Administration from Lancaster
                                real estate and environmental      Manager in 2010. Neil was           University and a BEng in Air
                                affairs and as managing            promoted across several             Transport Engineering.
                                director of strategic sourcing     roles     at    Southampton
                                at United Airlines. While there,   Airport including Head
                                Gavin served as founding           of Customer Service and
                                President of EQUAL– a group        then Head of Operations
                                for the LGBTQ+ community–          before becoming Managing
                                and was recognised as one          Director.
                                of Chicago’s most influential
                                LGBTQ+ executives in 2018 by
                                Crain’s Chicago.
                                Gavin has spent his career in
                                aviation including time at City
                                Jet and Amadeus and Virgin
                                Atlantic Airways,’
AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ... AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ... AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ... AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ... AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ... AIRPORT COORDINATION LIMITED - Board of Directors ACL is governed by a board of four independent non-executive directors, directors nominated by ...
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