Adventure Awaits 2021-2022

Page created by Allan Maxwell
Adventure Awaits 2021-2022
                          Facilitator’s Guide for
          Area, County and/or Club Officer and Chairman Training

The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA) is a volunteer organization
dedicated to improving the quality of life for families and communities through education,
leadership development, and volunteer service. The year 2022 marks 90 years since the
organization was formed to focus on these tenets. Embracing a rich history, KEHA continues to
look forward to seeing what Adventure Awaits!

As the KEHA year begins, consider the theme “Adventure Awaits”.
   • Are your programs and activities planned to embrace a sense of adventure?
   • How can your club/county make the most of community opportunities?
   • What can you do to ensure you are ready for today, tomorrow, and the future that

A collection of resources has been developed incorporating the theme “Adventure Awaits”.
These materials are designed for use at kick-off meetings and officer trainings at all levels
within the organization. Each item in the collection is described below with suggestions for
use. Consider the materials available as you make plans to begin a new KEHA year.

Adventure Awaits Resources:
The theme and logo developed for the 2021 KEHA State Meeting is available for use
throughout the 2021-2022 KEHA year. The graphic file is available on the KEHA website in the
“Member Resources” section as part of the 2021 KEHA Officer Training Materials.

Installation Ceremony:
An installation ceremony outline/script has been developed incorporating the theme
“Adventure Awaits”. Most good adventures are fueled by snacks to enjoy along the
journey. The installation scripting connects each office/position with a specific snack by
describing unique connections between the snack item and the duties of the position. This
installation ceremony was designed for use by clubs, counties, or areas as desired through
June 2022.
Adventure Awaits 2021-2022
Thought for the Day:
One or more of the quotes below can be shared as the thought for the day at the beginning of
a training or meeting:
    “Explore the world with an open mind, a sturdy carry-on, and clothes that don’t wrinkle.”
        –Madeline Albright
    “Adventure isn’t hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude
        that we must apply to the day-to-day obstacles in life.” -John Amatt
    “If happiness is the goal – and it should be – then adventures should be top priority.”
        –Richard Branson
    “Life was meant for good friends and great adventures.” -Unknown

Roll Call:
What is one adventure you have enjoyed in KEHA?

Icebreaker Activity:
Where is your adventure?
   1. At the beginning of the program, divide the participants into pairs.
   2. Once the pairs are together and spaced out around the room, ask each person to
      silently think of one place they would like to go on a grand adventure.
   3. Instruct one person in each pair to provide three clues about the place they have in
      mind to their partner. The partner will then try to guess the location.
   4. The second person will then share three clues about the place they have in mind and
      the first person will try to guess.
   5. Once all guesses are complete, go around the room asking each person to introduce
      their partner and share that person’s adventure location.

Alternative for a virtual program:
If you are presenting your program via Zoom, divide the participants into breakout rooms with
2-4 participants. The activity can be conducted similar to the outline above where each person
would think of a location for an adventure, then the group would rotate individually sharing
clues and allowing the other participants a chance to guess the location. With virtual delivery
and a larger group, it may be most time effective to skip the individual introductions once the
group is back together in the main session.

An “Adventure Awaits” overview presentation has been developed for use at kickoff
meetings or leadership trainings. The presentation may be adapted as best fits your agenda.
The slides can be printed and used as handout materials to either supplement a presentation
or in place of displaying the slides on-screen. The presentation consists of 32 slides, and
talking points are included in the ‘notes page’ view in PowerPoint. An outline of the
presentation content follows.
• Slides 2-5 – General information about the KEHA mission and the three-part focus on
   leadership, service and education.
 • Slides 6 – Theme for 2021-2022.
 • Slide 7 – KEHA President’s focus for 2019-2022.
 • Slide 8-9 – Membership drive and challenge information.
 • Slide 10 – Points to consider when developing a club or county program of work.
 • Slides 11-18 – One slide per educational chairmanship showcasing the program focus for
 • Slides 19-23 – Report highlights from 2019-2020 and basic information about the use of
 • Slides 24-30 – Dates to remember for 2021-2022.
 • Slides 31-32 – Concluding slides with information about staying informed regarding KEHA
   activities, the KEHA Facebook page, and a note of encouragement for all members.

A second PowerPoint formatted using the “Adventure Awaits” template provides
information regarding roles and responsibilities. The two presentations can be
edited/combined as best fits your needs.

Wrap-Up Activity:
  1. Place a sheet of flipchart paper on the wall.
  2. Provide each participant with a sticky note. Ask each person to write one adventure
     they plan to complete through KEHA this year. Example could include participating in a
     field trip, teaching a club lesson, seeking a new office or position, attending the area or
     state meeting for the first time, etc.
  3. Once the participants each have their sticky note ready, invite them to place it on the
     large sheet of paper. Time permitting, each person could read their note as they add it
     to the large sheet.
  4. Optional follow-up: At a meeting 4-6 months later, pull out the large sheet of paper
     and/or sticky note and ask each person to share the status of their adventure.

Alternative for a virtual program:
If your session is conducted via Zoom or another remote platform, consider these alternate
    1. Ask each person to come up with an adventure they plan to complete through KEHA
        this year. Examples could include participating in a field trip, teaching a club lesson,
        seeking a new office or position, attending the area or state meeting for the first time,
    2. Using a roll call approach, ask each person individually to share their one planned
        adventure or have each person answer in the chat box.

3. Option for follow-up: Make note of each person’s planned adventure as they share. At a
      meeting 4-6 months later, review the list and ask each person to share an update on

2021-2022 KEHA Dates to Remember:
This document provides general and year-specific dates for the KEHA deadlines, activities and

An end of program evaluation form is available for use at the conclusion of the training
session. This evaluation is also available as a Qualtrics survey The “county” field in the online
survey is required to enable the data to be sorted and returned to each county.

Written by Kim Henken, M.S., KEHA State Advisor, University of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences
June 2021

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