Page created by Heather Page
     JANUARY – MAY 2023

                                   ETIQUETTE REMINDERS
      A DU LT S                    TO FOLLOW AT THE GYM:

2     Clinical Services                           Wash your hands
 3    Cycling Studio                              Avoid touching your face
4     Studio A                                    Practice social distancing
6     Studio B                                    Stay at home if you’re sick
 8    Zonefit and Xtreme Sweat                    Remember to follow these gym rules
                                                  so we can all stay safe and healthy.
                                   SIX FEET

9     Pilates Equipment Studio
10    Upcoming Events             For additional information on COVID-19 safety
11    Open Pool and Family Swim   precautions, please visit

12    Group Exercise Pool
13    Lap Pool
14    Additional Services
16    Fitness Trainers
17    Kids Zone Activities
18    Kids Learn2Swim
19    From The Director

                                              5353 East 68th Street South | Tulsa, OK 74136 | 918-494-1671 |


        Get more out of your Health Zone membership by participating in the member experience program. From fitness assessments to orientations,
        our services can help you determine the best programming and equipment to meet your goals.

        FITNESS ASSESSMENT                                 PROGRESS CHECKS                                  PROGRESS ORIENTATION
        A fitness assessment appointment is quick and      There is no better motivator than to see your    Our staff is always available to help you update
        informative and can help you determine your        efforts are working. Schedule progress checks    your exercise program. Just let the Member
        fitness level and set a plan of action. Included   to see your improvement. A progress report       Services Desk know you would like a progress
        in your appointment is the InBody composition      will compare your two most recent fitness        orientation and reserve your appointment.
        analysis, cholesterol screening, vital numbers     assessment results and show you where you
        such as blood pressure, flexibility, endurance     have improved and areas that still may need
        and strength training.                             improvement. Our clinical staff will review
                                                           your results and make suggestions to help
                                                                                                                        Aquatic, strength and
        ORIENTATION SESSION                                you change up your program to improve
                                                                                                                      yoga orientations are also
        Review the results of your fitness assessment,     your program.
                                                                                                                      available. Speak with our
        create a plan to achieve your goals and learn                                                                   Member Services Desk
        about our exercise equipment. By the end of                                                                    to get more information
        your appointment, you should have a basic                                                                         on these sessions.
        exercise program and information about
        other programming you may enjoy.


        This simple test provides a comprehensive report of your body composition including weight,
        body fat, body mass index (BMI), a segmental fat analysis, intra- and extra-cellular water
                                                                                                           Health Zone Clinical Services is pleased to
        readings and a results consultation with our staff. An InBody composition analysis is
                                                                                                           announce we are now using WELLD HEALTH
        complimentary with your fitness assessment or rechecks. For more information or to
                                                                                                           to administer our clinical programs. Schedule
        schedule an appointment, visit the Member Services Desk.
                                                                                                           a fitness assessment appointment to reboot
                                                                                                           your fitness program and receive your
                                                                                                           MYWELLD invitation.

                                                                                                           One place to track all your fitness progress:
                                                                                                             - Fitness progress reports
                                                                                                             - Join challenges
                                                                                                             - Connect your fitness device
                                                                                                             - More fitness tests offered

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INDOOR CYCLING CLASS SCHEDULE                                                                               CLASS DESCRIPTION

                                                                                                          Indoor Cycling (Strong): This group
                                                                                                          cycling class provides a simulated ride
6:00 a.m.                                                                                                 on flat roads, rough hills or races against
8:00 a.m.                                                                                                 others. It’s an incredible cardiovascular
5:30 p.m.                                                                                                 workout that is available year-round. The
                                                                                                          benefits of cycling can be both physical
                                                                                                          and mental. Once you experience this
TUESDAY:                                                                                                  invigorating workout, you’ll be hooked!
9:00 a.m.

6:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.

9:00 a.m.

6:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

2:00 p.m.

All indoor cycling classes
are 45 minutes.

  Benefits of Indoor Cycling

    •   Weight loss                        •   Better quality of sleep                        •   Relief from stress and anxiety
    •	 Increased   energy                •   Improved bone density                            Increased
                                                                                              •	           confidence
    •   Stronger heart and lungs           •   Improved cholesterol and triglyceride levels   •   Improved ability to focus on goals
    •   Decreased risk for heart disease

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        STUDIO A                                                                                                                                   ADD A CLASS
                                                                                                                                               TO YOUR CALEND
                                                                                                                                                using our m   AR
                                                                                                                                                           obile app.

        MONDAY:                                                        WEDNESDAY:
        6:00 a.m.          Soul Strength                               6:00 a.m.          Mobility & Movement
                                                                                                                                      6:00 a.m.          Mobility & Movement*
        8:15 a.m.          Bench 50/50                                 8:15 a.m.          Bench Sculpt
                                                                                                                                      8:15 a.m.          Piloxing Barre †*
        9:30 a.m.          RUMBLE                                      9:30 a.m.          Soul Strength
                                                                                                                                      9:30 a.m.          RIPPED †
        Noon               RIPPED †*                                   Noon               RUMBLE*
                                                                                                                                      Noon               Soul Strength
        5:30 p.m.          Zumba                                       5:30 p.m.          Soul Strength
        6:30 p.m.          Body Crush*
        TUESDAY:                                                                                                                      7:30 a.m.          Body Crush*
                                                                       6:00 a.m.          Body Flex
                                                                                                                                      8:30 a.m.          Body Flex
        6:00 a.m.          Body Flex                                   8:15 a.m.          Body Flex
                                                                                                                                      9:45 a.m.          RUMBLE
        8:15 a.m.          Body Flex                                   9:30 a.m.          Zumba
        9:30 a.m.          Piloxing Barre*                             Noon               Body Crush*
        Noon               Body Flex*                                  5:30 p.m.          Body Flex
        5:30 p.m.          Body Flex                                                                                                  1:00 p.m.          Body Crush*
        6:30 p.m.          RUMBLE                                                                                                     2:00 p.m.          Zumba
                                                                                                                                      3:00 p.m.          Ripped

         * These classes are 45 minutes.
         † HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training: an enhanced form of interval training with alternating periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods.


        Bench 50/50 (Moderate): A one-hour class                      Mobility & Movement (Moderate): 45-minute                      RUMBLE (Strong): An authentic, yet simple to
        based on the stair climbing concept. The first                class that offers a more comprehensive                         master cardio mixed martial arts class adapted
        half is cardio training and the second half is                workout as we will utilize articulation, strength,             for group exercise. No MMA experience required,
        full-body strength and balance training. All                  flexibility and mobility, all without the use of               just be ready to sweat.
        fitness levels welcome.                                       any weights. We put together this class for
                                                                      people of all ages and ability levels to help                  Soul Strength (Strong): This full-body workout
        Body Flex (Moderate): This class utilizes a                   teach your body to move.                                       takes your metabolic conditioning to the next
        weighted bar system for a complete strength                                                                                  level whether you are a yogi, novice, HIIT
        training/fat burning workout.                                 † Piloxing Barre (Moderate/Strong): Piloxing                   fanatic, weight lifter or endurance athlete.
                                                                      Barre is high energy, focused and powerful. In                 Equipment recommended: light to medium
        Body Crush (Moderate/Strong): This class is                   this 45-minute cardio program, you lengthen,                   dumbbells and a mat.
        formatted using dumbbells, a step and a                       strengthen, box and sweat. It leads to achieving
        mat. Working through alternating round of                     better body balance, initiating deeper muscle                  Zumba (Moderate): Dance your way to fitness!
        upper body and lower body strength training                   engagement – to stronger, healthier joints.                    Zumba is a high energy, fat-burning and body-
        will continue to keep your heart rate elevated                                                                               sculpting workout that combines unique Latin
        throughout the 45-minute class. This class is                 † RIPPED (Resistance, Interval, Power,                         and international dance rhythms.
        for all participants of all fitness levels.                   Plyometrics, Endurance, Diet) (Strong): RIPPED
                                                                      is a 60-minute, high intensity training class.
                                                                      You will use free weights, body weight and
                                                                      resistance training while being motivated
                                                                      by fun music. RIPPED is effective, tough and
                                                                      attainable for all fitness levels.

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      MONDAY:                                           WEDNESDAY:                                         FRIDAY:
      6:00 a.m.        Sunrise Flow Yoga                8:30 a.m.        Facets of Fitness                 8:30 a.m.       Facets of Fitness
      8:30 a.m.        Facets of Fitness                9:45 a.m.        Pilates Lite                      9:45 a.m.       Pilates Lite
      9:45 a.m.        Pilates Lite                     11:45 a.m.       Buff Bones                        1:00 p.m.       Joint Efforts
      1:00 p.m.        Joint Efforts                    1:00 p.m.        Joint Efforts
      4:30 p.m.        Thematic Yoga                    6:00 p.m.        Hatha Yoga*                       SATURDAY:
      6:00 p.m.        Hatha Yoga                                                                          9:15 a.m.       Pilates Mat
                                                        THURSDAY:                                          10:30 a.m.      Thematic Yoga
      TUESDAY:                                          8:30 a.m.        Flex & Back Care
      6:00 a.m.        Pilates Mat                      9:45 a.m.        Hatha Yoga                        SUNDAY:
      7:15 a.m.        Yoga Muscle*                     10:45 a.m.       Pilates mat                       3:00 p.m.       Basic Yoga
      8:30 a.m.        Flex & Back Care                 Noon             Chair Yoga
      9:45 a.m.        Hatha Yoga
                                                                                                           * classes are 1 hour.
      10:45 a.m.       Pilates Mat Plus
      Noon             Chair Yoga
      5:30 p.m.        Hatha Yoga*


      PILATES:                                          YOGA:                                              OTHER:
      Pilates Lite (Gentle): For those new to Pilates   Basic Yoga (Gentle): A slower-paced class          Facets of Fitness (Moderate): This class
      Mat or looking for a gentle mat.                  that focuses on breath, balance, and mobility.     incorporates an aerobic workout with flexibility,
      Pilates Mat (Moderate): This class incorporates   Perfect for beginner to intermediate levels.       balance training, strength and coordination
      a system of exercises designed to increase        Chair Yoga (Gentle): Designed for anyone who       exercises. This class is appropriate for older
      flexibility and improve posture, balance and      wants to improve strength, mobility, and Range     adults.
      coordination, as well as strengthen the core.     of Motion. Postures are done either sitting in a   Flex and Back Care (Moderate): Utilizes
      Pilates Mat Plus (Moderate): This Pilates Mat     chair or with the assistance of a chair.           resistance equipment for a complete strength
      class focuses on strength, endurance, precision   Hatha Yoga (Moderate): This class incorporates     training workout. A combination of dynamic and
      and flow of movement. A variety of small          physical postures, breathing practices and         static stretching are used to help strengthen
      equipment, modalities, and props may be used.     relaxation to harmonize body, mind and spirit.     the lower back and increase flexibility.

      Buff Bones (Gentle): A medically endorsed         For all ages and fitness levels.                   Joint Efforts (Gentle): Designed for people
      full body workout for bone strengthening and      Yoga Muscle (Moderate): Yoga asanas are            with arthritis, the gentle exercises performed
      balance, using Pilates, strength training,        incorporated with light weight exercises to tone   in this class increase joint flexibility, range
      functional movement, and rehabilitive             and strengthen muscle.                             of motion and maintain muscle strength.
      exercises.                                                                                           Participants must be able to get in and out of
                                                        Thematic Yoga (Moderate): This class is based      a chair independently. This class incorporates
                                                        on themes, from working with the chakras           relaxation and health education.
                                                        to hip openers, glandular system to back bends.
                                                        4-8 weeks are spent on each theme.
                                                        Sunrise Flow Yoga (Moderate): A traditional
                                                        medium-paced flow class for all levels.
                                                        Focuses on strength, posture and balance.

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                                UNLIMITED MONTHLY PLAN: $99.00
                                WALK-IN SESSION: $15.00
                                3-MONTH UNLIMITED PLAN: $240.00

                                Update your workout with ZoneFit small
                                group training. ZoneFit is designed to
                                maximize your potential and help you
                                reach new heights in your fitness level.
                                ZoneFit works for any fitness level and
                                its numerous sessions can accommodate
                                almost any schedule.

                                                              WATCH FOR S
                                                             TIMES POSTE ULED
                                                                         D OUTS
                                                              THE EXTREME IDE
                                                           ONLINE AND
                                                                      IN THE APP.
                                 XTREME SWEAT

                                 WALK-IN SESSION: $15.00

                                 Small Group Personal Training in a
                                 private studio setting. Xtreme Sweat is
                                 an intense interval training program.

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PILATES EQUIPMENT STUDIO                                                                                                        YOUR SPOT
                                                                                                                                   Sign up
                                                                                                                                 Member at the
PRIVATE AND SMALL GROUP TRAINING                                                                                                      Desk.

                                                      Full studio private sessions with an instructor      SCHEDULED GROUP SESSION PACKAGES:
  OUR PILATES STUDIO                                  are priced (per session) as follows:                 $88.00: 4 sessions (members only)
                                                      1 PERSON SESSION                                     $160.00: 8 sessions (members only)
  Pilates is appropriate for a wide range of          $70.00 Member            $85.00 Non-member
  members – from elite athletes, to those                                                                  NEWCOMER PRIVATE PILATES PACKAGE:
  who are deconditioned or have joint issues.         2 PERSON SESSION                                     $140.00: available to new clients only and
                                                      $85.00 Member            $105.00 Non-member          includes three sessions.
  Health Zone at Saint Francis offers a
                                                      ($42.50 each)            ($52.50 each)
  complete Pilates equipment program
  which includes:                                                                                          FREE PILATES REFORMER GROUP ORIENTATION
                                                      3 PERSON SESSION
   • fi
      ve    Allegro II reformers                                                                          Orientations can be scheduled weekly. Visit
                                                      $95.00 Member            $125.00 Non-member
                                                                                                           the Member Services Desk or contact a Pilates
       (one with a tower attachment);                 ($31.67 each)            ($41.67 each)
                                                                                                           instructor to schedule.
   •   o ne Cadillac/trapeze table;
   •   o ne studio reformer;                         4-6 PERSON SESSION
                                                                                                           RESERVATION POLICY
   •   o ne Core Align;                              $25.00 Member            $40.00 Non-member           Our Pilates staff strives to create a schedule
   •   o ne ladder barrel;                                                                                that will accommodate as many members
   •   t wo combo chairs; and                        Ask your class instructor about package              as possible. If you need to cancel your
   •   o ne foot corrector.                          pricing for private Pilates sessions.                scheduled session, we ask that you do so
                                                                                                           before 5:00 p.m. on the day prior to your
                                                                                                           scheduled appointment time. If you are
                                                                                                           unable to cancel in advance, there will be
                                                                                                           a reservation fee equal to 50% of the session
                                                                                                           fee charged.

                                                                                                           All Pilates packages are non-refundable
                                                                                                           and non-transferable.

Pilates stretches, strengthens and aligns your body all                          Please see posted schedule or visit the Member Services Desk
at the same time. It complements other fitness activities                        for the current group class schedule
and prepares your body to move through everyday activities.


  Start classes: For those new to Pilates reformer.                               Level 3: T his level is for participants who need little to no
  Level 1:	Uses all of the Pilates principles and the unique spring system                 modifications and are capable of performing intermediate
            of the Allegro Reformer. This level is for participants who need                to advanced level exercises.
            various modifications in body position and a slower pace.             Jump Board and More: Incorporate cardio in your traditional Pilates
  Level 2:	Reformer exercises are performed seated, standing, on all                      Reformer workout with this fun plyometric inspired class.
            fours, supine or prone. This level is for more experienced
            participants who know when to make their own modifications
            and are capable of performing intermediate level exercises.

                                                                                                                              Z O N E A DVA N TAG E         |   9
UPCOMING EVENTS                                                                                               Watch for
                                                                                                                      classes ad pop up
                                                                                                                                   vertised in
                                                                                                                    the club, o
                                                                                                                                n the app
                                                                                                                      through in           and
                                                                                                                   Follow sain

                                                                                                      HEALTH ZONE
                                                                                                      HEALTH EXPO

                                                                                                      JANUARY 14
                                                                                                        • Skin Cancer Screening
                                                                                                        • Cholesterol Screening
                                                                                                        • Health and Wellness Speakers
                                                                                                        • Wellness Vendor Fair

                                                                                                      EASTER EGG HUNT

                                                                                                      SATURDAY, APRIL 1
                                                                                                      9:30 TO 11:00 A.M.
                                                                                                      Join us for a hoppin’ good time. Inflatable,
                                                                                                      games, snacks and egg hunting. Egg
                                                                                                      hunt starts at 10:00 a.m. This is a free
                                                                                                      event for all children active on the family
                                                                                                      membership plan, but limited spaces are
                                                                                                      availalble. There is a $10.00 fee for guest
                                                                                                      children. Egg hunt is at the Laureate
                                                                                                      Park, just west of our building. Check-in
                                                                                                      will be at the Health Zone. Please bring
                                                                                                      a basket.

         MARCH 13 - 17
         9:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
          Week long camp for kids ages 5 to 12. Activities include swimming, sports, games, crafts,
          outdoor fun and a special event.
          Campers will need to bring a lunch each day.
          Before care in the classroom from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Aftercare provided by the Kids Zone
          activity center. There may be an additional cost depending on your membership status.

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MONDAY                   FRIDAY                   Family swim is available in the Health Zone group exercise pool to
                                                  members and their immediate family members during designated times:
5:00 – 8:00 a.m.         5:00 – 8:00 a.m.           •	Fridays:   5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.         2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
6:35 – 9:00 p.m.         4:20 – 5:30 p.m.           •   Saturdays: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
                                                    •   Sundays: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
TUESDAY                  SATURDAY
                                                  Family changing rooms are located in the lap pool area for your convenience.
5:00 – 9:15 a.m.         7:00 – 8:45 a.m.
11:20 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.   10:50 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
1:50 – 4:45 p.m.         5:00 – 7:00 p.m.         WATER WATCHERS REQUIRED
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
                                                  Each family group must designate a Water Watcher over the age of 18 to
WEDNESDAY                10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.   be responsible for children using the pool. There is no lifeguard on duty.
5:00 – 8:00 a.m.         5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
10:05 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.                            Water Watcher Guidelines:
4:20 – 5:45 p.m.                                  • Each Water Watcher may be responsible for no more than three children
7:30 – 9:00 p.m.                                     under the age of 12.
                                                  • Water Watchers must remain in the pool area at all times and agree
THURSDAY                                             to be active watchers.
5:00 – 9:15 a.m.                                  • Cell phone usage is not allowed in order to enable Water Watchers
11:20 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.                               to keep a vigilant watch on pool activities.
1:50 – 4:45 p.m.
                                                  • Water Watchers ensure all swimmers return equipment to the proper
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
                                                     storage area.

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        MONDAY:                                              WEDNESDAY:                                         SATURDAY:
        8:00 a.m. Aqua Motion Plus                           8:00 a.m.      Aqua Motion Plus                    8:45 a.m. Aqua Motion
        9:15 a.m. Aqua Motion                                9:15 a.m.      Aqua Motion                         9:45 a.m. Aqua Zone-ba
        10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Physical Therapy              3:30 p.m.      Aqua Motion                         2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Family Swim
        3:30 p.m. Aqua Motion                                5:45 p.m.      Aqua Strength
        4:40 p.m. Learn2Swim $                               6:45 p.m.      Adult Learn2Swim $                  SUNDAY:
        5:45 p.m. Aqua Strength                                                                                 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Family Swim
        TUESDAY:                                             9:15 a.m. Aqua Motion
        9:15 a.m. Aqua Motion                                10:30 a.m. Joint Efforts Aquatics
        10:30 a.m. Joint Efforts Aquatics                   1:00 p.m. Basic Aquatics
        1:00 p.m. Basic Aquatics                            4:45 p.m. Aqua Boot Camp
        4:45 p.m. Aqua Boot Camp                             5:40 – 7:00 p.m. Learn2Swim $
        5:40 – 7:00 p.m. Learn2Swim $
                                                             FRIDAY:                                                              The pool is
                                                             8:00 a.m. Aqua Motion Plus                                       individuals open to
                                                                                                                                           when clas
                                                             9:15 a.m. Aqua Motion                                           are not in               ses
                                                                                                                                         session. P
                                                             10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Physical Therapy                        be mindfu               lease
                                                                                                                                       l of others
                                                             3:30 p.m. Aqua Motion                                             the pool at         using
                                                             5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Family Swim                                                  this time.

        CLASS DESCRIPTION                        (These classes are moderate unless stated specifically)

        Aqua Boot Camp: This class utilizes intervals of     Aqua Zone-ba: A water workout combining            Learn2Swim: Group swim lessons for children
        higher intensity exercises with cardiovascular       dance and fitness movements with Latin             ages six month and up and adults.
        endurance segments.                                  music flair.
                                                                                                                Group Exercise Pool
        Aqua Motion: This class targets cardio fitness,      Basic Aquatics (Gentle): Enjoy gentle,              •W
                                                                                                                   arm   water is maintained at around 87
        strength, endurance and flexibility in a stress-     non-jarring sessions performed in the comfort        to 89 degrees.
        free, low-impact environment. This class is          of warm water. Participants must be able            •P
                                                                                                                   ool is available for free swim any time
        appropriate for older adults.                        to enter and exit pool independently.                there is not a class posted.
                                                                                                                   quatic orientations are available.
        Aqua Motion Plus: A variety of equipment             Family Swim: Information on our Water
                                                                                                                  Please visit the Member Services Desk
        and / or Yoga & Pilates based exercises              Watchers family swim program is available
                                                                                                                  for appointment times.
        are incorporated in this total body                  on page 8.
        conditioning class.
                                                             Joint Efforts Aquatics (Gentle): This class
        Aqua Strength: This class utilizes alternating       meets the needs of people living with arthritis
        segments of strength training and cardio             by helping to reduce pain and stiffness and
        endurance. The resistance of the water               increase joint mobility, strength and endurance.    Appropriate for oncology patients with
        provides a toning effect with or without using       Participants must be able to enter and exit          physician approval.
        equipment.                                           pool independently.                                $ Fee for service program, registration required

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AQUA JOGGER                                                                      AQUA STAND UP

MONDAY – FRIDAY:                                                                 WEDNESDAY:                                    FRIDAY:
8:45 a.m.        Aqua Jogger                                                     4:45 pm                                       10:30 a.m.
Aqua Jogger (Moderate): Buoyancy belts enable class participants to
                                                                                 Aqua Stand Up                                 Aqua Stand Up Yoga
enjoy suspended exercises that allow you to work at higher intensities           $ Fee for service program, registration required
without impact. Working in a suspended environment creates a
challenging workout. Appropriate for any fitness level.                          Aqua Stand Up Rates:
                                                                                 Walk-in session:                              Packages (members only):
LAP SWIMMING                                                                     $15.00 Member                                 4 sessions for $50.00,
                                                                                 $25.00 Non-member                             8 sessions for $80.00
• Lap Pool length: - 25 yards / 75 feet, 1 lap = 150 feet., 35.2 laps = 1 mile
                                                                                 Aqua Stand Up packages are non-refundable and non-transferable.
• When the pool is busy, swim lanes will be shared.
• Circle swimming will accommodate more swimmers in the pool.

• Swim in counter-clockwise direction.
                                                                                 PADDLE YOUR WAY THROUGH A FULL-BODY WORKOUT!
• Select a lane compatible with your preferred swimming speed.                   Aqua Stand Up: A small group aquatic program choreographed to music
• If you are joining a lane that already has people in it, please communicate
                                                                                 and inspired by stand up paddle boarding. It is a safe, fun and efficient
                                                                                 workout accessible to all ages. Principles such as HIIT, Pilates, Yoga and
  clearly to all swimmers that you are joining the lane for circle swimming.     muscular conditioning are used. Sign up at the Member Services Desk or
  If you need to pass another swimmer, pass to the left-hand side.
•	                                                                              on the Health Zone mobile app. Space is limited.
• If you need to stop, stand in the corner of the lane.
                                                                                 Paddle boards are tethered for safety. Participants should be comfortable
                                                                                 in water over their heads.

PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS AND                                                         Aqua Stand Up Yoga: A small group training program inspired by Yoga
AQUATIC PERSONAL TRAINING                                                        postures, stretching and relaxation on the water. Perfect workout to
                                                                                 connect mind and body.

Health Zone at Saint Francis offers private and semi-private lessons
for clients of all ages who are learning to swim or who want to improve
their technique.                                                                 ADULT LEARN TO SWIM
                                                                                 GROUP SWIM LESSONS
Aquatic Personal Training: An aquatic trainer will work with you to
develop a water workout specific to your needs.
For a list of trainers, please contact Janet Crockett at 918-494-8289
                                                                                 ALL LEVELS
                                                                                 WEDNESDAYS 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM                                  LEARN2SWIM
                                                                                                                                               group les
or email                                            WINTER SESSIONS 6 WEEKS / 1CLASS PER WEEK                              sons info
                                                                                                                                                     on page
For more information on our group Learn2Swim program for children                S1 January 2 – February 8
ages six months and up, please see Kids Learn2Swim information                   S2 February 13 – March 29
listed on page 19.                                                               Rate: Member - $65.00, Nonmember - $80.00
1 Hour Session           $60.00 Member, $70.00 Non-member                        S1 April 3 – 27
1/2 Hour Session         $35.00 Member, $45.00 Non-member                        S2 May 1 – 25
DUO SWIM LESSONS/AQUATIC PERSONAL TRAINING:                                      Rate: Member - $43.33, Nonmember - $53.33
1 Hour Session           $75.00 Member
1/2 Hour Session         $50.00 Member
Non member pricing available, please speak with your instructor.

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                                           FREE TO ALL MEMBERS
       Health Zone Pickleball Court
       8:00 a.m. to noon (open play)

       2:00 to 4:00 p.m. (advanced play)

       8:00 a.m. to noon (advanced play)

       2:00 to 4:00 p.m. (open play)

       4:00 to 6:00 p.m. (open play)

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SPA SERVICES                                                                               WELLNESS PROGRAMMING

CONTACT OUR MEMBER SERVICES DESK AT                                                        CESSATION PROGRAM AT HEALTH ZONE
918-494-1671.                                                                              One session weekly, Thursday evening
Member specials are available throughout the year.                                          • Six-week  tobacco cessation program
                                                                                            • Led by a trained tobacco cessation facilitator
    60-MINUTE MASSAGE (most types)                                                          • Group support, motivational tools, stress, exercise and

    $60.00 Member    $70.00 Non-member                                                         weight management
    30-MINUTE MASSAGE (most types)                                                         Classes for Winter 2023 – Health Zone Classroom
    $40.00 Member    $50.00 Non-member                                                      •T
                                                                                              hursday,   January 19 – February 23 at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                              hursday,   March 2 – April 6 at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                              hursday,   April 13 – May 18 at 6:30 p.m.
      •	                                                                                   •T
                                                                                              hursday,   May 25 – June 29 at 6:30 p.m.
      •	    tissue
      • Sports massage                                                                      A registration fee of $25.00 will be returned upon completion of the
                                                                                            program. Classes are open to the public. For more information or
        Specialized medical and athletic massage
                                                                                            to enroll, please contact Jennifer Daley at
                                                                                            or 918-494-8263.
        Chair massage


     See our website or the member services desk for our full menu                                                                 E D U C AT
       •   Custom Signature Facial
                                                                                                                           Educational         MMING
       •   Firming Peptide Facial                                                                                                        programmin
                                                                                                                          in the class                  g is listed
       •   Cocoa Oxygen Facial                                                                                                          schedule in
                                                                                                                            app and onli              our moible
       •   SWiCH Treatment                                                                                                                ne portal. W
           Procell Microchanneling                                                                                       advertise in                    e also
                                                                                                                                      club on our
       •   Showerless Body Treatments                                                                                      wall near th            in formation
                                                                                                                                        e exercise flo
       •   Waxing                                                                                                       through our                     or and
                                                                                                                                     email comm
                                                                                                                        Please watc               u  n ic ations.
     MEMBER SERVICES start at $75.00                                                                                                 h for these in
     GUEST SERVICES  start at $85.00                                                                                            eduction pro        formative
Reservation policy: If you need to cancel your appointment, we ask that you do so before
5:00 p.m. on the day prior to your scheduled appointment time. If you are unable to
cancel in advance, we charge a partial $25.00 fee for the time you reserved.

                                                                                                                                        Z O N E A DVA N TAG E         |   15


                   DENA GREEN                                                             WADE BIETZ
                   918-633-2926                                                           918-812-0325
                      CE  certified personal trainer                                      •N
                                                                                             ational Council on Strength and Fitness
                      0+  years of experience                                             •2
                                                                                             5 years of experience
                      orks with seniors and general population                            •W
                                                                                             orks with the general population, seniors
                      vailable Monday, Wednesday and Friday                                and those with health conditions.
                     (hours vary)                                                          •A
                                                                                             vailable Monday through Friday,

                                                                                            5:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

                   ANNE TRINCA PHILPOTT
                   918-260-2633                                             PILATES TRAINERS
                      ooper Institute certified personal trainer
                      ed Cross water safety instructor
                      0+ years of experience                                              JANICE BAMFORD
                      orks with the general population and seniors                        607-425-5029
                      vailable Monday through Friday (hours vary)                          •P
                                                                                              hysical  Mind Institute Mat and Equipment certified
                                                                                              ASI  Pilates Pro Bridge training
                                                                                            •C ore Align Certified

                    TOLISE SEXTON                                                           • BUFF BONES© Instructor Training

                       achelor of Science in exercise and sports science                  KENDALL BASS
                       0+  years of experience including cardiac and                      805-907-2646
                      pulmonary rehab, physical therapy and personal
                                                                                               ASI  Pilates Teacher Training Program
                                                                                               ASI  Shoulder Mechanics Workshop
                       orks with the general population, seniors and
                                                                                               ilates Unlimited Cueing for Success
                      those with health conditions
                       vailable Monday through Friday,

                      5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                           ANETTE MCDOUGAL
                    RODNEY WILEY                                                             •P
                                                                                               olestarPilates Full Studio Certificate
                    817-300-6899                                                             •P
                                                                                               hysicalMind Pilates Mat certified
                                                                                               OV training
                       achelor of Science in sports medicine,
                                                                                               onnector Training
                      Oklahoma State University
                       ational Council on Strength and Fitness
                       5+ years of experience
                                                                                           AUDREY TUCKER
                       orks with the general population, teens and
                      young adult athletes
                                                                                               alanced  Body Pilates Mat
                       vailable Monday, Wednesday and Thursday,
                                                                                               alanced  Body Reformer certified
                      10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Tuesday,
                                                                                               alanced Body equipment certified
                      4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
                                                                                               arre trained

        FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT:                                      PRIVATE TRAINING COORDINATOR
                                                                            Bryan Dowler 918-494-8253

16   | Z O N E A DVA N TAG E
The Kids Zone Activity Center is designed for                   KIDS ZONE HOURS
free play. We have creative centers for imaginative
play, as well as educational games and art projects.            MONDAY – SATURDAY
                                                                8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
There are fun activities for the older kids too.
When the weather is nice, we open the doors to                  EVENING HOURS
 the courtyard for outside play.                                MONDAY – THURSDAY
                                                                4:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Parents, don’t worry about your workout being                   SUNDAY
interrupted – our staff is here to take care of                 Closed

your child. Just bring supplies like diapers and                The Kids Zone Activity Center is a place where kids can have fun.
snacks and leave the child care to us. There is                 It’s available to kids ages six weeks to 12 years, with activities
                                                                appropriate for all age levels.
a daily two-hour maximum time limit.

PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT                                         KIDS COOKING CLASSES

5:30 – 9:00 p.m.                                           AGES 5-12, CLASS STARTS AT 5:30 P.M.
Join us for a night of fun, crafts and games.              MEMBER: $10.00 PER CHILD
A meal and snack are included; by reservation only.        NON-MEMBER: $15.00 PER CHILD
Enrollment closes the Wednesday before the event.
                                                            Your young chef is invited to our kitchen to learn how to make
January 20         Night at the Circus!
                                                            some easy and fun recipes.
February 17        Winter Wonderland
March 17           Disco Fever                              Fee is due at time of sign up. Refunds for non-attendance
April 21           Spring into Fun                          are not granted due to limited number of spots available.
May19              Rock n Roll
                                                           HEALTH ZONE DEMONSTRATION KITCHEN:
 • $10.00   per child with the family membership package    •   ENCANTO
 • $15.00   per non-member child                                Thursday, January 12

                                                            •   HEARTY BREAKFAST
                                                                Thursday, February 9

                                                            •   EVERYTHING GREEN FOR ST. PATTY’S DAY
                                                                Thursday, March 9

                                                            •   KABOBS
                                                                Thursday, April 13

                                                            •   STAR WARS
                                                                Thursday, May 11

                                                           For more information or to enroll, please call Jennifer Daley at
                                                           918-494-8263 or email

                                                                                                         Z O N E A DVA N TAG E       |   17
          GROUP SWIM LESSONS                          PRIVATE LESSONS:

          WINTER SESSIONS:                            PRIVATE AND SEMI-PRIVATE

          Session 1: January 2 – February 8           STARTING RATE
          Session 2: February 13 – March 29               • Membership: $35.00 / 30 Minutes
                                                          • Non-member: $45.00 / 30 Minutes
              • 4:40 – 5:20 p.m. Monday
              • 5:40 – 6:20 p.m. Tuesday
              • 6:30 – 7:00 p.m. Tuesday

            • Family membership: $65.00 per session
              • Non-member: $80.00 per session

          *Payment due upon enrollment
                                                      CLASS DESCRIPTION

                                                         Parent or guardian works with their child to learn basic water
          SPRING SESSIONS                                skills and comfort in the water. For ages 6 months up to 4 years
                                                         old new to swim lessons.
          4 WEEK SESSIONS / 1 LESSON PER WEEK         Preschool – ages 3 up to 5 years
          Session 1: April 3 - 27                     	Water Frog: For young children new to swim lessons or a
                                                        graduate of parent/child. Must be able to follow direction
          Session 2: May 1 - 25
                                                        and be independent in a group setting.
          PRESCHOOL AND SCHOOL AGE                    	Water Dolphin: Able to perform basic water skills with
                                                        assistance. Is comfortable gettinng face wet.
              • 4:40 – 5:20 p.m. Monday
                                                      	Water Shark: Able to perform some basic water skills
              • 5:40 – 6:20 p.m. Tuesday                independently. Able to swim 3 body lengths unassisted.
              • 5:40 – 6:20 p.m. Thursday
                                                      School Age – age 5 to 14 years
                                                      	Level 1: For older children new to swim lessons or a graduate of
              • 6:30 – 7 p.m. Tuesday                   water frog/water dolphin.
              • 6:30 – 7 p.m. Thursday                	Level 2: Able to perform some basic water skills independently.
                                                        Able to fully submerge. May be able to swim 3 body lengths
         SESSION RATE                                   unassisted.
            • Family: $43.33                          	Level 3: Able to perform the front crawl and the back crawl
              • Non-member: $53.33                      with face/head in the water for 5 body lengths. Must be able
                                                        to demonstrated all skills in lower levels.
         *Payment due upon enrollment
                                                      	Level 4: Able to perform the front crawl with minimal head lift on
                                                        the rotary breathing. Able to demonstrate all skills in lower levels.

18   |   Z O N E A DVA N TAG E
    Graydon H. Yohe
    Director, Health Zone at Saint Francis

    Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary!
    I am trusting everyone had a safe and happy holiday season! I must
    admit my caloric count ran more in the surplus column rather than my
    intended “maintain” plan. Needless to say, you will see me paying the
    price on the exercise floor soon!
    I am happy to announce Health Zone will be celebrating its 40th
    anniversary in 2023. From our humble beginning in the William Medical
    Building in 1983 operating under the Physical Performance Center to
    our current location operating as Health Zone, it has been a wonderful
    40 years living our motto of improving quality of life through exercise.
    Through your continued patronage and support, Health Zone has enjoyed
    many years of success, and I applaud your commitment to exercise.
    Thank you for choosing Health Zone as your place to continue your
    wellness journey.
    Health Zone will have many special events throughout the year to mark
    this milestone, starting off with our Community Health and Fitness Expo
    on Saturday, January 14. Please continue to check your email and look
    for ongoing signage that announces opportunities to engage and
    celebrate our anniversary.

                                                                               Z O N E A DVA N TAG E   |   19
5353 East 68th Street South
                                                                     Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136

        Facility                         Holidays                Kids Zone
HOURS   Monday – Thursday                NEW YEAR’S EVE          Monday – Saturday
        5:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.            Saturday, December 31   8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
                                         7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
        Friday                                                   EVENING
        5:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.            NEW YEAR’S DAY          Monday – Thursday
                                                                 4:00 – 7:30 p.m.
                                         Sunday, January 1
        Saturday                         Closed
        7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.                                    Sunday
                                         Sunday, April 9
        10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
                                         Closed                  Water
                                         MEMORIAL DAY
                                         Monday, May 29
                                                                 Family Swim
                                                                 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

                                                                 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.

                                                                 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.

                    Access your account through the mobile app. Quick and easy!
                    View class schedules, check in with your barcode, update your
                    account and much more.

                    Online member services is available though our website.

                   Search for CSI Spectrum in your app store. Access code: healthzone

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