TAD: Trigger Approximation based Black-box Trojan Detection for AI
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TAD: Trigger Approximation based Black-box Trojan Detection for AI Xinqiao Zhang1∗ , Huili Chen1 and Farinaz Koushanfar1 1 UC San Digeo {x5zhang, huc044, fkoushanfar}@ucsd.edu arXiv:2102.01815v3 [cs.CR] 20 Apr 2021 Abstract AI also brings the potential risk with the application. Tro- jan attacks, also called backdoor attacks, aim to modify the An emerging amount of intelligent applications input of the data by adding a specific trigger to make the AI have been developed with the surge of Machine output the incorrect response [5]. The trigger data is very Learning (ML). Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) rare in the dataset so that usually it is impossible to be aware have demonstrated unprecedented performance of. Once the trigger has been applied to the input data, the across various fields such as medical diagnosis and output result will be totally different than the result that was autonomous driving. While DNNs are widely em- supposed to be, which will cause big security issues. No one ployed in security-sensitive fields, they are identi- wants these issues to happen when in a self-driving car. The fied to be vulnerable to Neural Trojan (NT) attacks emerging concerns of security have brought dramatic atten- that are controlled and activated by the stealthy trig- tion to the research domain. Therefore, a fast and accurate ger. We call this vulnerable model as adversarial detection method needs to be introduced to detect if a given artificial intelligence (AI). In this paper, we target model has been trojaned or backdoored by a hacker. These to design a robust Trojan detection scheme that in- concerns lead us to the idea of this paper. We introduce a spects whether a pre-trained AI model has been novel method to detect two popular backdoor trigger attacks– Trojaned before its deployment. Prior works are polygon attacks and Instagram filter attacks. oblivious of the intrinsic property of trigger dis- tribution and try to reconstruct the trigger pattern Polygon attacks are the most popular and most investigated using simple heuristics, i.e., stimulating the given attacks. Adversaries typically add a polygon image of a cer- model to incorrect outputs. As a result, their detec- tain shape on top of many input images and use these per- tion time and effectiveness are limited. We lever- turbed images during the training stage, aiming to mislead age the observation that the pixel trigger typically the model to produce incorrect responses [6]. A model is poi- features spatial dependency and propose TAD, the soned or trojaned if it yields unexpected results when the in- first trigger approximation based Trojan detection put images contain the pre-trained polygon trigger. Typically, framework that enables fast and scalable search of the poisoned images take a small percentage (20% or less) of the trigger in the input space. Furthermore, TAD the full training data. Another Trojan attack, Instagram filter can also detect Trojans embedded in the feature attacks, applies an Instagram filter to a given image and the space where certain filter transformations are used output will be completely different from the original class. to activate the Trojan. We perform extensive exper- Compared to polygon triggers that directly replace the pix- iments to investigate the performance of the TAD els of a certain region, the Instagram filter triggers transform across various datasets and ML models. Empirical the whole image (i.e., change the color value of every pixel) results show that TAD achieves a ROC-AUC score based on the filter type to produce the poisoned images [7]. of 0.91 on the public TrojAI dataset 1 and the aver- Prior works focus on different ways of detection, either age detection time per model is 7.1 minutes. black-box detection DeepInspect (DI) [8] or white-box de- tection Neural Cleans (NC) [6]. DI learns the probability 1 Introduction distribution of potential triggers from the queried model us- ing a conditional generative model. The good side is that it Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely investigated and does not require a benign dataset to assist backdoor detec- offers tremendous help in different fields such as image clas- tion, the drawback is that the running time is very long. NC sification, speech recognition, and data forecasting [1]. With is one of the first robust and generalizable method that targets the help of AI, some applications such as self-driving cars [2], backdoor detection and mitigation. The proposed method can spam filter [3] and face recognition [4] offer many conve- identify the backdoored model and reconstruct possible trig- niences in human’s lives. gers from the given model. However, the limitation is that the ∗ Contact Author scalability is not very good and their technique only applies 1 https://pages.nist.gov/trojai/docs/data.html to a single model and a single dataset. Also, it takes time
to fine-tune the hyper-parameters when switching to another exists in the input image. It brings a very big risk for some model and dataset. In real life, we usually have a number of applications like self-driving cars and it may cause an unde- models with different architectures running at the same time sirable consequence. Therefore, data poisoning attacks are an for different jobs. Given this information, the Neural Cleans emerging issue nowadays. needs to be improved. Another work TABOR [9] proposes (i) Targeted attacks vs untargeted attacks. Trojan attacks an accurate approach to inspect Trojan backdoors. The paper can be categorized into two types based on the attack objec- introduces a metric to quantify the probability that the given tive. On the one hand, targeted attack aims to mislead the model contains the Trojan. TABOR achieves a feasible per- model to predict a pre-specified class when input data has formance but the method is evaluated on a limited number certain properties [11]. Basically, data poisoning attacks do of datasets and DNN architectures. Moreover, the trigger is not assign a specific class to the poisoned data. An attacker attached at a pre-known location before detection. As such, can use a random class or let the neural network choose the TABOR is limited for practical application. closest target class for the triggered data. Targeted attacks To the best of our knowledge, TAD is the first Trigger Ap- are powerful since they enforce neural networks to produce proximation based Black-box Trojan Detection method for a pre-defined target class while preserving high accuracy on DNN security assurance. TAD takes a given model as a the normal data [11]. On the other hand, untargeted Trojan black-box oracle and characterizes the Trojan trigger by sev- attack aims to degrade the task accuracy of the model on all eral key factors to detect if the model is poisoned or not. It classes [12]. combines the advantages of both DI and NC while alleviating (ii) Universal attacks vs constrained attacks. Trojan at- their drawbacks. Our method achieves a high detection per- tacks can also be categorized by their impact range on the formance, robustness, and low runtime overhead. Moreover, input data. (i) Universal attacks [13] refer to universal(image- the proposed method can detect random triggers attached to agnostic) perturbation that applies to the whole image and all any location in the foreground image for DNN models across source classes of the model, which leads to the misconceiv- a large variety of architectures, which is a big improvement ing of one model. Let’s assume we have a single small image compared to TABOR [9]. perturbation that can let the latest DNNs yield incorrect re- In summary, our contributions are shown as follows: sponses, and the small image perturbation can be a vector, a • Presenting the first robust and fast method for ran- filter or something else. Usually, once a universal perturba- dom trigger Backdoor detection. Our approximate tion is added to an image, the target class will always be the trigger reconstruction method facilitates efficient explo- same one. This kind of perturbation has been investigated in ration of a given model, thus is more robust and fast [13] and the paper [13] introduces an algorithm to find such compared to the existing approach. perturbations. Usually, a very small perturbation can cause • Enabling both polygon trigger detection and Insta- an image to be misclassified with a very high probability. gram filter detection. TAD provisions the capability of The basic idea is to use a systematic algorithm for computing detecting the most common used triggers and yielding universal perturbations. They find that these universal per- an estimation of poison probability. turbations generalize very well across neural networks, bring potential security breaches. • Investigating the performance of TAD on diverse Constrained attacks refer to the trigger that is only valid for datasets and model architectures. We perform an ex- the pre-defined source classes. It leads to a poisoned model tensive assessment of TAD and show its superior effec- that has source classes which are a subset of all classes. In tiveness, efficiency, and scalability. this case, only images in source classes are poisoned during 2 Background the training process. (iii) Polygon triggers and Instagram filter triggers There 2.1 Backdoor Attacks are two types of Trojan triggers based on their insertion space: Backdoor attacks are typically implemented by data poison- polygon triggers and Instagram filter triggers. (i) Polygon ing and may have different objectives, e.g. targeted attacks, triggers are inserted in the input space, superimposed directly untargeted attacks, universal attacks and constrained attacks. on the original benign images. More specifically, the poly- The source class is the class that clean image comes from. gon trigger has a specific shape (also called trigger mask) Generally, a backdoored image consists of a clean image and and color, added to the image at one location. The color a trigger. A trigger can be an image block or a filter trans- of a polygon can be any value from 0 to 255 for each chan- formation that is added to the clean image. The attack target nel. (ii) Instagram triggers refer to combinations of image class is the output class of the poisoned model on the back- transformations that are applied on the clean images. Note doored image. The target class can be any class other than that both polygon and Instagram triggers can be used for tar- the source class of the image. In this paper, we assume a geted/untargeted and universal/constrained attacks. poisoned model has a single target class. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the example of triggers being Data poisoning attacks are where users use false data dur- implemented into clean images. Generally, for polygon trig- ing the training process, leading to the corruption of a learned ger, a clean image consists of one foreground object image model [10]. This kind of attack is very popular and com- and one background image while the poison image is made monly used for backdoor attacks. Usually, it is not clear to from a clean image by adding a scaled trigger image at a find a model has been attacked or not because the corrupt- specific location. The Instagram filter trigger applies to the ing response of a model shows only when partial false data complete image.
increasing because sweeping each neuron requires to pick a step size carefully. Thus it is not guaranteed to have a good performance for large AI such as densenet121. For data-level detection, CLEANN [15] is a first end-to- end framework and very lightweight methodology which re- covers the ground-truth class of poison samples without the requirement for labeled data, model retraining, or prior as- sumptions on the trigger or the attacks. By applying sparse recovery and outlier detection, it can detect the attack at the data-level. However, it can only detect specific types of trig- gers e.g, square, Firefox and watermark. Figure 1: Example of clean image and polygon trigger [7] 3 Overview In this section, we present the overview of our paper. The following part talks about the method we proposed, and then we discuss the threat model. After that, we give detailed in- formation about our algorithms. Then, we list our experiment results and analysis. 3.1 Threat model Our method examines the susceptibility of the given AI with Figure 2: Example of clean image and Instagram filter trigger very limited assumptions. We assume we have no access to 2.2 Backdoor Detection the clean image that used for training. Also, we consider Prior works apply different methods for backdoor detection. two types of triggers, polygon triggers and Instagram filter Generally, model-level detection and data-level detection are triggers. The potential candidates of Instagram filters are two common kinds of detection. Neural Cleanse(NC) [6] ex- given. For polygon triggers, we do not assume prior knowl- plores model-level detection, NC treats a given label as a po- edge about the trigger information e.g, trigger location, trig- tential victim class of a targeted backdoor attack. Then NC ger size, trigger sides and shape, trigger color. Trigger loca- designs an optimization scheme to find the minimal trigger tion can be any location inside of the foreground image and required to misclassify all samples from source classes into size ranges from 0 to 0.25. Trigger sides, shape and color are the victim class. After several rounds, NC finds some po- all random. tential triggers. During the experiment, an outlier detection method is used to choose the smallest trigger among all po- 3.2 TAD Global Flow tential triggers. A significant outlier represents a real trigger and victim class is the target label of the backdoor attack. The drawback is that NC only takes some certain trigger candi- dates into consideration and it does not work well for random polygon triggers. DeepInspect(DI) [8] is another model-level detection method. DI is the first black-box Trojan detection solution with limited prior knowledge of the model. DI first learns the probability distribution of potential triggers from the given models using a conditional generative model and retrieves the footprint of backdoor insertion. DI has a good detection performance and a smaller running time compared to prior work. The downside of DI is that the runtime increases much for large models, which probably exceeds the timing require- ments. ABS [14] is also a model-level detection method. ABS Figure 3: Flow of Trojaned AI detection method. uses a technique to scan neural network based AI models to determine if a given model is poisoned. ABS analyzes in- Figure 3 shows the overall flow of our method, Our detec- ner neuron behaviors by determining how output activations tion method has two sequential stages. Given an unknown change when we introduce different levels of stimulation to model, we first check if it is backdoored by polygon Trojans a neuron. A substantially elevating the activation of a spe- (S1). If the detection result of this stage is benign, we then cific output label in a neuron regardless of the input is consid- check if the model is backdoored by Instagram filter Trojans ered potentially poisoned. Then a reverse engineering method (S2). Only models that pass both detection stages are con- is applied to verify that the model is truly poisoned. Even sidered benign models. The order of two stages is important though ABS performs extensive experiments, the accuracy is because we find out that some Instagram poisoned models a big issue when the number of neurons of a certain layer is can be triggered by a polygon image as well.
(S1) To detect polygon poisoned models, we recover the trigger will be always detected by these convolutional neu- trigger for each source class. We try different trigger param- rons and output incorrect response. eters and see if the predictions of the model have a high bias Observation 2: Trigger shape has a very limited influ- towards a specific class. If this prediction bias is observed, ence for Trojan Activation Rate Some trigger shapes can be then the model is determined as Trojaned. shared with other models. (S2) To detect Instagram filter poisoned models, we search Observation 3: Trigger size is very important. Trigger for each (source, target) class pair and apply each of the five sizes play an important role to determine if the victim class filter types individually. If the images in the source class have can be found or not. The size should be the exact value in the a high probability to be predicted as the target class after ap- correct size range. plying a certain filter, then the model is decided as Trojaned. Observation 4: More than one trigger colors share the same Trojan Activation Rate as the correct trigger color offers For trigger color, we find that random color has over 4 Methodology 50% chance to induce a fair amount of poison response, 4.1 Preliminary Experiments and Observations which is good enough to set up a threshold to classify clean Trigger Characterization. Our preliminary experiments ex- and poisoned models. plore the impacts of different trigger parameters of polygon For trigger parameter selection, based on the above obser- triggers. In our experiment, we mainly use four trigger pa- vations, we search over trigger color and trigger size to rameters which are trigger location, trigger shape, trigger perform our further experiment and Table 1 shows the de- color and trigger size. Trigger location is the center location tailed information about the trigger parameter selection ap- that trigger is attached to a clean image and trigger shape in- proach. The correct mark means it changes the value of cludes the shape of the trigger and the number of sides, note the column name while fixing the other values as the cor- that the the length of each side is a random number. Trigger rect value. For example, the second row represents it it- color is a 3 channel RGB value ranging from 0 to 255, e.g. erates all possible trigger locations and at the same time [200, 0, 255]. A trigger mask is a full size of trigger without keep trigger shape, color, size as ground-truth value, then the RGB value and trigger size is the scaling parameter from 0.01 T rojan Activation Rate is always 1. to 0.25 applied to a trigger mask. First we define a generic Trigger Trigger Trigger Trigger Trojan form of polygon trigger injection: location shape color size activation rate ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ 1 T (X, l, v) = Xeb , (1) ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ 0.8-1 ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ 0-1 where T (·) represents the function that attaches an array of ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓ 0-1 trigger value v to the clean image. v is a 3D matrix of pixel Table 1: Metric for different trigger parameters, ✓= Change and ✗= color value that shares the same dimension of the input im- Not change. age such as height, width, and color channels. l is a 2D matrix called trigger mask location. Trigger mask location is the lo- 4.2 Polygon Trojan Detection cation that the trigger will overwrite the clean image and its Since trigger shape does not play a much important role in value is either 0 or 1. Xe b is a trigger embedded image de- finding the trigger to activate the poisoned model, we try to fined as: find a most common shape and make it work on as many poi- soned models as possible. We finally approximate the poly- v(i,j,k) + s ∗ X(i,j,k) if li,j = 1 gon trigger as a square bounding box from around 1000 pos- Xeb(i,j,k) = (2) X(i,j,k) Otherwise sible trigger images. For trigger location, we use the center For a specific pixel location i, j in a image, if li,j = 1, point of the image as the pre-defined location. then the value of the pixel will be overwritten to Xeb(i,j,k) = Algorithm 1 shows our basic flow of our method. First, v(i,j,k) + s ∗ X(i,j,k) , while when li,j = 0, it will keep the we need to initialize two counters, trigger counter and original value Xeb(i,j,k) = X(i,j,k) . Note that for polygon round counter. The trigger counter records the num- trigger, the value of mask location l is 0 or 1 and s is 0. For ber of triggers that can activate the model from the source Instagram filter trigger the value s is continuous from 0 to 1 class to the possible victim class In each round, we randomly based on the filter configuration. choose one combination of RGB values as the trigger color. First, to get the overall idea of how the polygon trigger Round Counter records the total times that different random impacts the output of a model, we investigate different trig- colors are used. Then, given a random color, image genera- ger characterization factors(trigger parameters) individually tor function ImgGen uses random RGB color, pre-defined and get the output. Trojan Activation Rate represents the fre- center location and possible trigger sizes to generate differ- quency that an image gets an incorrect response. Then we ent sizes trigger images I. After that, since the total classes have the following observations for polygon triggers: of each model is not given, we calculate the total number of Observation 1: Given the other correct trigger param- classes T by feeding in a random image. Next, we iterate eters, trigger location does not impact the Trojan Activa- each class of the model and apply all the generated trigger tion Rate. We find that a Trojan model will get a constant image in I to each clean image Img. response when applying the trigger to anywhere on the clean If the output class is not the original source class, the image while keeping other trigger parameters correct. We be- trigger counter will increment by 1. Once the trigger lieve it is the 2D convolution layer inside of the model and the counter reaches the max number to inspect the polygon model
(P Omax ), the model will be classified as a poisoned model. Otherwise, our method uses another trigger color to repeat the process. The max number to initialize trigger color is COmax and if TAD cannot find a trigger color that flips one image more than P Omax times, then the model will not be flagged as a poisoned model. TAD then performs Instagram model detection method. Algorithm 1 Polygon Model Detection. Input: Model file (IDn ) which includes both topology and Figure 4: Example trigger generation in Algorithm 1. weights; Clean images for each output class (Img); . Parameter: Threshold value to classify polygon model (T h), Max count to classify polygon model (P Omax ); Max rounds after applying a certain filter, then the model is probably de- to initialize trigger color (COmax ). Pre-defined trigger center cided as Trojaned. location (lx , ly ), possible trigger sizes (S) Output: A single probability that the model was poisoned Algorithm 2 Instagram Model Detection. (P1 = high probability, P2 = low probability). 1: Load model: IDn . Input: Model file(IDn ); Clean images for each input class 2: Initialize trigger counter: T rigger Counter (Img). 3: Initialize round counter: Round Counter Parameter: Threshold value to classify Instagram model 4: Initialize trigger color: C1 ← (R1 , G1 , B1 ) (T h), Threshold count number (T c), all the possible filter 5: Generate trigger image: I ← ImgGen(Img, lx , ly , S). candidates (Sf ilters ). 6: Calculate total classes: T ← Calclass(Img). Output: A single probability that the model was poisoned 7: for Each class n in T do (P1 = high probability, P2 = low probability). 8: Reset T rigger Counter 1: Load model: IDn . 9: for Each trigger in I do 2: Initialize trigger counter: Counter 10: Attach trigger:Imga = Combine(Imgn , trigger) 3: Calculate total classes: T ← Calclass(Img). 11: Calculate the highest output value Mmax and the 4: Calculate total images of each class: Timg ← corresponding class number target class. Calnumber(Img). 12: if Mmax < T h then 5: for Each class n in T do 13: continue 6: Reset counter 14: end if 7: for Each image Imgk in source class n do 15: if target class ! = n then 8: for Each Instagram filter type s in all possible filter 16: increment T rigger Counter candidates Sf ilter do 17: end if 9: Obtain filtered image:I ← ImgGen(Imgk , s). 18: if counter > P Omax then 10: Calculate the highest output value Mmax and the 19: return: P1 corresponding class number target class. 20: end if 11: if Mmax < T h then 21: end for 12: continue 22: end for 13: end if 23: Initialize trigger color: C1 ← (R1 , G1 , B1 ) 14: if target class ! = n then 24: Increment RoundCounter 15: increment Counter 25: if RoundCounter < COmax then 16: end if 26: Go to step 6 17: if counter >= Timg ∗ T c then 27: end if 18: return: P1 28: return P2 19: end if 20: end for Figure 4 shows the process to generate a trigger and Imga 21: end for in Algorithm 1 with all possible trigger sizes. Given a trig- 22: end for ger mask, we multiply it with trigger size, and then apply 23: return: P2 trigger color to the trigger. TAD uses trigger location and obtains Imga by attaching the trigger on top of Img. Algorithm 2 shows the Instagram model detection method. 4.3 Instagram Trojan Detection The basic idea is to apple every candidate of filter type and To detect Instagram filter poisoned models, given the type check if the class has been changed. The threshold count of all used filters, we search each (source, target) class pair number of this method is 1(100%). If all candidates from and apply each of the five filter types individually. These one image flip their output class after applying a specific In- types are GothamF ilter, N ashvilleF ilter, KelvinF ilter, stagram filter, the model is poisoned. Note that some clean LomoF ilter and T oasterF ilter. If the images in the source images from benign models jump as well after applying an class have a high probability to be predicted as the target class Instagram filter but not all of the images will jump. There- fore the threshold count number should be 1.
5 Evaluations Experimental Setup. Since the idea of this work comes from TrojAI [7] Project and we use the data given by the competition to perform our preliminary experiment. Table 2 shows a brief summary about the data. All of the models are trained by two different Adversarial Training approaches– Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) and Fast is Better than Free (FBF) [16]. Note that we do not have access to the test (a) (b) data and holdout data. The performance is evaluated by up- Figure 5: Trigger distribution.(a) poisoned model, (b)clean model. loading a container to a server and the server will evaluate the We evaluate our method on the self-generated CIFAR, VG- test data and holdout data by itself. The real-time result is GFace dateset and the TrojAI round-3 train, test and holdout posted on the TrojAI website. For train data, it is available to dataset. The CrossEntropyLoss(CE − Loss) is defined as: download form [7]. A detailed configuration of each model is shown in Table 2. We need to note that for each dataset, CrossEntropyLoss = −(y·log(p)+(1−y)·log(1−p) (3) half of the models are poisoned. Polygon models and Insta- gram models take 50% each of all poisoned models. 23 ar- Table 4 shows the result of both train data and test data. We chitectures are resnet, wide resnet, densenet, googlenet, can see consistent performance without overfitting problem. inceptionv3, squeezenetv, shuf f lenet and vggs with dif- After that, we further evaluate our method for holdout data. ferent number of layers. The configureation of polygon trig- Table 5 shows the evaluation results. Note that we find out ger is shwon in Table 2. All candidates for Instagram trig- false prediction are mostly false positives and half of the false gers are GothamF ilter, N ashvilleF ilter, KelvinF ilter, positives are detected as Polygon model while the other half T oaster, LomoF ilter. are detected as Ins model. This is a very interesting situa- # of models # of model Trigger type tion and we need to deal with the model individually. There- architectures fore We have been trying different methods to minimize these CIFAR 10 1 Polygon & Instagarm VGGface 10 1 Polygon & Instagarm false positives. The method is very tricky because the false Train data 1008 23 Polygon & Instagarm plosives have almost identical responses comparing with Tro- Test data 144 23 Polygon & Instagarm janed models. We suspect these models are ”fake” clean mod- Holdout data 288 23 Polygon & Instagarm els and we still need to dig into it to find the hidden difference Table 2: TrojAI dataset. between real Trojaned models and ”fake” clean models. Polygon model Instagram model Models CE-Loss ROC-AUC Runtime(s) detection detection CIFAR 0.00 1.00 47.4 VGGFace 0.00 1.00 119.6 Th 0.999 0.999 Train Models P Omax 3 \ Id-00000000-099 0.3464 0.890 64696 COmax 5 \ Id-00000100-199 0.3254 0.900 112574 100 Random models 0.3254 0.900 40688 Tc \ 1 Test Models Sf ilters \ 5 types 144 Test models 0.3113 0.906 122400 Table 3: Parameter Configuration for model defections Table 4: Evaluation on different data. Table 3 shows the configuration for both detection meth- Models CE-Loss ROC-AUC ods. The left column is for Polygon model detection and it 144 clean models 0.3647 0.8819 has 3 parameters, the right column shows the parameters for 72 Polygon models 0.3495 0.8889 Instagram model detection method. 72 Instagram models 0.2884 0.9167 Figure 5 shows the trigger size distribution of the clean Total 288 models 0.3419 0.8924 model and poisoned model. The x-axis represents the number Table 5: Evaluation on holdout data. of effective trigger sizes. There are total 9 trigger sizes and Even though our method enables very high performance, it the poisoned model has a higher chance to have big number. still has some drawbacks. For example, there is a very small We can see that the distribution is kind of difference between 0.02 difference of ROC-AUC because of the randomness of clean models and poisoned models. A threshold of 3 trigger color initialization, which is acceptable. Our future direction sizes can offer best classification accuracy. The probability focus on improving the consistent output accuracy and run- for detecting a poisoned model with a single random color time. We will also introduce text trigger into our method. is 54.14%. Cumulative probability measures the chance that one single catch happens during multiple independent events. 6 Conclusion In this case, We leverage the cumulative probability for dif- In this paper, We propose the first trigger approximation ferent numbers of independent trigger colors. The error rate based Trojan detection framework TAD. It enables a fast and is defined as a model is falsely classified. We find that as scalable search of the trigger in the input space. Also, TAD the number of random trigger colors increases, the error rate can also detect Trojans embedded in the feature space where for poisoned model decreases and the error rate for the clean certain filter transformations are used to activate the Trojan. model increase a little. Therefore, we set the number 4 to Empirical results show that TAD achieves a superior perfor- balance the total error rate. mance.
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