Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022

Page created by Carlos Harmon
Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022
Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota   Spring 2022
Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022
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Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022

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Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022
Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022

                                                                                                                                                                   Food Indus
                                                                                                                                                                             try of Minn
                                                                                                                                                                                        esota         Spring 2022

Sales and Advertising                                                        Industry moves full steam
Karly Ackerman,                                                              ahead as it makes adjustments
  Minnesota Grocers Association
Editor                                                                       and navigates the future.
Jamie Pfuhl, Minnesota Grocers Association

Ideal Printers Inc.
                                                                                                                    Spring 2022
                                                                                                                                           d 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                 9:02 AM

MGA Board of Directors
Doug Winsor, Jerry’s Enterprises, Inc.
Past Chair                                                     F EATURES
Kris Kowalski Christiansen, Kowalski’s
  Companies, Inc.
Vice Chairs
                                                              8	COVID-19 Opportunities
Brian Audette, UNFI
                                                                   The last two years have completely transformed the food industry
Mark Collier, Superfair Foods                                      and what consumers expect of their local grocer. Retail food industry
Greg Kurr, KEMPS                                                   consultant Michael Sansolo examines how we can successfully open the
Jaime Mackenthun, Mackenthun’s Fine Foods                          door to an entirely new future of the whole industry.
Patrick Miner, Miner’s, Inc.
Chris Quisberg, S & R Quisberg, Inc.
Paul Radermacher, Radermacher Holdings, Inc.                  14	What is Next for Vaccine Mandates?
Andrea Teal, Teal’s Management                                     Susan Fitzke of Littler Mendelson P.C. details the outcomes of the
Craig Thorvig, Chris’ Food Center                                  Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine-or-test
   (MGA Foundation Chair)                                          emergency temporary standard for large employers. She outlines what
Directors                                                          the recent ruling means to employers and proactive next steps for your
Jim Almsted, Almsted Enterprises                                   organization.
Darren Caudill, Cub Foods
Greg Cross, SpartanNash
Mary Fuhrman, Hy-Vee Food Store                               18	Retail Forecast 2022 – Choppy Waters; Favorable Winds
Curtis Funk, Lund Food Holdings, Inc.                              Retailers should expect a deceleration of sales activity in 2022 as
Mike Hajlo, Pepsi Beverages Company                                shoppers shift a growing portion of their disposable income to services.
Dan Kueppers, Reyes Coca-Cola
   (MGA Council Chair)
                                                                   A generally robust economy, however, should help buoy revenues.
Matt Lilla, ALDI Inc.                                              The beneficial effects of aggressive housing activity, high employment,
Kristi Magnuson Nelson,                                            growing wages, and Federal infrastructure initiatives should more than
   Hugo’s/Valley Markets, Inc.                                     makeup for the costs of crippled supply chains and pandemic-related
Paul Martin, Willie’s Super Valu
Dave Meyer, Coborn’s, Inc.
                                                                   labor shortages.
Tom Reinhart, Kwik Trip, Inc.
Reade Sievert,                                                22	Celebrating 125 Years - Conversations With The MGA
   Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc.                              In honor of celebrating our 125 years of advancing the food industry
Brandon Smith, Holiday Stationstores, Inc.                         of Minnesota, the MGA will take a walk down memory lane, visit
Lauri Youngquist, Knowlan’s Super Markets, Inc.
                                                                   with the MGA Team, and talk to our members. Read more about your
                                                                   membership and the importance of participation from Karly Ackerman,
Minnesota Grocer covers the Minnesota food                         MGA Membership/Communications Manager.
industry: supermarkets, superstores, convenience
stores, specialty grocers, wholesalers, sales agents
and manufacturers. Minnesota Grocer, published
quarterly, is the official publication of the Minnesota
Grocers Association. Subscription price is included
                                                               DEPAR TMENTS
with membership. Reprints available.
In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and to support    6 From the President                         30 Advertisers
Minnesota Business, MGA prints this magazine on Flo
coated papers. Flo is made and manufactured in Cloquet,       24 People, Stores, & Companies
Minnesota. It is FSC certified (meaning more trees are
planted by the paper industry in these forests than are cut
down to be used for making paper) and is made up of at
least 10% recycled fiber.
                                                               MG A T EA M
Minnesota Grocers Association                                 Jamie Pfuhl, President
1360 Energy Park Drive, #110                         
St. Paul, MN 55108
651-228-0973 (metro area)                                     Karly Ackerman, Membership/Communications Manager
1-800-966-8352 (outstate)                            
651-228-1949 (fax)                                            Steve Barthel, Government and Community Relations Manager                                    

                                                                                                                                     Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022 5
Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022
From the President

             Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
                                                                                              Albert Einstein

        appy 2022 - here’s hoping       Imagination to action. These two             Make sure that you mark
        2020 really is hindsight!       young men envisioned a rocket              your calendars to attend and
        Again, this year is starting    ship from a basic shopping cart.           consider adding your name
        with a heaviness. At the        And, with a little ingenuity – they        to the sponsoring companies
beginning of the COVID-19               were off. The look of joy and a little     (see page 11). One feature you
pandemic, there was fear and            surprise is inspiring. That is our task,   will see in the magazine is the
uncertainty, but there was also hope.   as a service industry, to imagine          “Conversations with the MGA”,
If we just work together, do what is    the future, to inspire, and to act.        (see pages 22-23), this is a fun
asked of us, we will get to the other   Yes, the challenges still exist, but       way to talk a walk down memory
side of this crisis. Fast forward to    let’s focus 2022 on using our talents      lane. Reach out to us with your
2021, this year found us awaiting       to add some surprise and joy.              stories – it is great to hear about
the “new normal”. Everyone was            The MGA has experienced                  our history from your perspective.
anxious to build back a sense of        disruptors as well, and the core             Over the decades, our collective
normalcy – a glimpse of life as we      competencies of the association            work has created a solid foundation
knew it. Now staring down 2022,         have been challenged. The MGA is           for success. As we move from
we know there really is no new          looking forward to delivering some         imagination to action, we are
normal. Patience is thin, the fatigue   surprise and joy this year as we           committed to being a part of
is palpable, and hope is waning.        celebrate 125 years of advancing           the greater conversations as our
  As an industry we praise the          industry. We are one of the oldest         communities grapple with some
astounding spirit of our team           trade associations in the state, and       very complex issues. The list of
members, we are proud of our            this honor makes us incredibly             conversations around labor, supply
resiliency and our unwavering           proud. What the association has            chain, sustainability, health, and
capacity to get the job done. We        accomplished over the years is an          commerce are endless – and
have never stopped leading in           inspiration for all. There are so many     everyone wants industry at the
our community, getting food             tangible successes. The leadership         table. This is a testament to our
to our neighbors, and being             and representation over the years          reputation, built on decades of
an active participant in the            are impressive and our imagination         leadership, and your engagement.
concerns for the greater good.          for the future is endless.                   We need and appreciate your
Nothing short of amazing!                 We know how important face-              support of the MGA. Our team
  Yet, disruptors continue at every     to-face connections are and we             stands ready to assist you, our
turn - supply chain issues are          are committed to bringing more             members, just let us know how
real, labor shortages are a fact,       opportunities in 2022. Our annual          we can help. Thank you for your
and inflation is affecting every        conference celebration will be             commitment to the association.
Minnesota basket. The question          a not-to-miss event this year as           P.S. 22 is my lucky
can no longer start with a “when” it    we showcase our 125 years.                 number– just imagine!
must start with a“how”. That is why
we were drawn to our cover image.

6 Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022
Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022
Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022
By Michael Sansolo
Written Exclusively for the Minnesota Grocers Association

   ’m not sure I can name a single        The most obvious is how the                aren’t as hard as they thought. That’s
   song from my life that I dislike     pandemic has essentially provided            where industry has the opportunity
   more than “Celebrate Good            the food retail industry with an             to jump into partner with shoppers
Times”by Cool and the Gang. And         unheard-of second chance to                  to help guide them and reinforce
it’s highly likely that there is no     connect with shopper needs and               the benefits of home cooking.
more inappropriate song for the         regain dominance in mealtime.                   As always, that’s not a simple
start of COVID-19’s third year of         Think about it, for decades now the        process, but it’s an incredible
disruption, but just maybe we need      barely silent killer of industry sales has   opportunity that should not be
to think about this a different way.    been the ongoing erosion of meals to         missed. COVID-19, we know, has
   In countless ways, COVID-19 has      food-away-from-home. The dollars             been hard on all sectors of the
made life, business, and everything     lost to restaurants—from fast food to        population, but probably no one
you can think of absurdly difficult.    white tablecloths—far outweighs the          suffered more than young moms
Virtually every problem food            number of sales lost to category killers     who suddenly found themselves
retailers in Minnesota (and beyond)     or new retail competitors of any type.       running the home, creatively
are grappling with these days             For many years, and countless              sourcing products, teaching, school
can be traced to the pandemic.          reasons—societal, economic, and              and providing front line medical
   Labor shortages, supply chain        more—home cooking seemed                     care—oh, and in many cases, still
disruptions, inflationary spikes,       to be fading away. It could easily           working at their usual jobs.
new demands on business (think          be argued that Gen Z’s young                    Young moms are in many ways
online shopping or enhanced             adults are the third or fourth               the sweet spot of winning back
cleaning) and so much more can          consecutive generation to grow up            consumer dollars. Luckily the entire
all be traced right to COVID-19.        without home cooking traditions              industry can provide help—at
   But let’s try to turn this problem   in their memory or experience.               least when it comes to meals.
around and look at all the new            COVID-19 erased all of that.                  It starts with meal ideas, the bane of
realities, including some incredible    Thanks to social distancing, restaurant      every homemaker. Research through
possibilities, which the pandemic       sales plummeted and consumers                the years has reminded us that meal
has also created. And just maybe we     returned to their home kitchens. Just        prep begins with meal ideas and
can start considering all the ways      as suddenly consumers remembered             ends with cleaning up the mess. A
the seemingly endless COVID-19          the importance of supermarkets, their        local supermarket can’t help dry the
battle has opened the door to an        employees, and products to their lives.      dishes, but stores could certainly
entirely new future for the whole         And, we can hope they also                 find creative ways to build menus
industry. (And no, I’m not drinking     learned that cooking, baking, and            - possibly by engaging shoppers
while writing this article!)            other meal preparation challenges            on social media to share recipes.

8 Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022
Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022
Stores could feature a handful          Remember, the industry doesn’t
of recipes each week and speed          have to win back every meal lost
the shopping trip by simple cross-      to the restaurant industry, but
merchandising to allow shoppers to      even regaining a small fraction
find everything they need to make       would produce amazing sales
those meals (including desserts,        gains. See: COVID-19 has
spices, beverages, or whatever) in a    produced some good times.
single location. In the process, the       Certainly, the new realities created
store simplifies the shopper’s trip     by this very unusual period aren’t all
and the store gets to sell additional   simple or inexpensive. The explosion
products—the ultimate win-win.          of remote shopping—whether
   Beyond simply offering recipes       through delivery or curbside pick-
and ideas, stores (helped by            up—happened so quickly. It has been
suppliers) can help educate shoppers    incredibly challenging, but also caused   been forged with shoppers and to
on the nutritional benefits of          the industry to learn an entirely new     demonstrate how the industry is
those same meals, in the process        way of marketing at warp speed. And       there to provide the products and
building trust in the benefits          it has been done successfully by many.    services people need at the critical
of eating at home both during              The new realities of the COVID-19      moments when they need them most.
and, hopefully, after COVID-19.         period are only now coming into             The bottom line is that celebrating
Another benefit of COVID-19 has         focus and it may take years to            good times is simple and obvious,
been the widespread reliance and        understand how the pandemic               but there’s far more to be gained
acceptance of QR codes, which           will reshape shopping, consumer           by solving problems in tough
stores could use to guide shoppers      attitudes, staffing realities, and        times, especially when those are
to a world of useful information.       more. What’s more, the sudden             problems faced by your shoppers.
   What’s more, shoppers might          resurgence of inflation may further       And for that reason, the biggest
discover the amazing time-saving        alter shopping patterns, bringing a       change reality of COVID-19 might
products that now populate the          return of shopping and marketing          well be how the pandemic has
shelves of supermarkets. In many        strategies not seen since the 1980s.      created the opportunity for the
ways, cooking today is significantly       The challenge for the entire           supermarket industry to build an
simpler than a few decades ago,         industry is to adapt and, where           entirely new relationship with a new
and those products exist in every       possible, to maximize and lock in         generation of shoppers by creatively
category and on nearly every shelf.     the gains of this strange era. To         using the new tools of the day.
                                        reinforce the connections that have         Now that’s worth celebrating!

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                                                                                               Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022 9
Advancing the Food Industry of Minnesota Spring 2022

       THE MGA

       MGA ANNUAL ONFEREN E     C                   C

         JULY 31 - AUGUST 2, 2022

Join us in honoring 125 years of consumers, careers, & community
                        Legacy Leaders
                  Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc.
                       Crystal Farms Dairy Co.
                  PepsiCo Beverages North America
                          UNFI / Cub Foods
                   Engagement Drivers
                              Keurig / 7UP
                          Old Dutch Foods, Inc.
                              Prairie Farms
                            Reyes Coca-Cola
                          Russ Davis Wholesale
                   Dedicated Supports
                    Barrel O' Fun & Rachel's
                      Bimbo Bakeries USA
                           Blue Bunny
          Country Hearth / Pan-O-Gold Baking Company
                         Hormel Foods
                         JB / No Name
                       KeHE Distributors
                   Land O'Frost / Ambassador
                    Mason Brothers Company
                     Post Consumer Brands
                       SCR / Hill Phoenix
                      Sparboe Companies
                   C   ommitted
                                PHT Systems
Don’t miss out - there is still plenty of time to sponsor this year’s celebration.
         Join us in supporting and honoring your trade association!
Contact Karly Ackerman at for more information.
At SpartanNash, our flagship exclusive brand, Our Family, was developed
more than 115 years ago; the oldest and most well-established in the industry.
 The number one reason for this success and longevity is our commitment to
       keeping the customer first - listening, responding, performing.

       2000+ SKUs currently available throughout the entire store
       Product quality guarantee for consumers
       Exclusive marketing support, including industry leading social media solutions
       Multi-tiered community support program
       Comprehensive merchandising program
       Associate engagement plan
                                                                  SCAN HERE 
                                                                    TO LEARN MORE

                                     Contact John Paul, VP Sales (1-616-878-8161) | or
                                   Greg Cross, Development Manager (1-320-292-0382) |
                                                                  for more information.
thank you!
Thank you MGA and all the members in the
      food industry who participate.
       We are all in this together!
What is Next for Vaccine Mandates?
By: Susan Fitzke, Littler Mendelson
The Rise and Fall of OSHA’s                  the ETS will continue to serve as its     mandates and gives employers the
Vaccine Mandate                              proposal for a permanent standard.        flexibility to design policies that they
    The Occupational Health and Safety          In addition, before the ETS was        believe work best in their specific
Administration (OSHA)’s embattled            withdrawn, the U.S. Secretary of Labor    circumstances. For those employers
Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS)           Marty Walsh issued a statement on         who do not wish to enact or to maintain
regarding COVID-19 was set to effect         the Supreme Court ETS ruling urging       a vaccine mandate or testing policy,
a majority of employers. Under the           all employers to require workers to       it is clear that, at a minimum, other
ETS, as of January 10, 2022, employers       get vaccinated or tested weekly. The      COVID-19 safety protocols must be in
with 100 or more employees were              Secretary reminded that employers         place to protect workers from known
required to promulgate COVID-19              are responsible for the safety of their   hazards associated with COVID-19,
policies for their workforce; provide        workers on the job and noted that         such as masking, social distancing,
paid time off for receiving a vaccination    irrespective of the ultimate outcome      and quarantining requirements.
and/or recovering from side effects;         of the judicial challenges to the             There are practical considerations as
collect information on their workforce’s     ETS proceedings,“OSHA will do             well for employers who have already
vaccination status and maintain a            everything in its existing authority      put in place policies to comply with the
“vaccine roster”; and, as of February 9,     to hold businesses accountable for        requirements of the ETS. A complete
2022, require employees entering the         protecting workers, including under       roll back of such policies now at the
workplace to either provide proof of         the COVID-19 National Emphasis            height of the Omicron surge may
vaccination for COVID-19, or provide         Program and General Duty Clause.”         leave employees wondering or cause
weekly negative COVID-19 test results.       The extent to which OSHA will try         concern in the workplace. Moreover,
    While many employers were still          to take action under either of these      the vaccine does help reduce both
working towards compliance, on               standards for employers who fail to       the infection rate and time needed
January 13, 2022, the United States          institute a COVID-19 vaccination          for quarantine following an exposure,
Supreme Court granted emergency              policy or a policy with a testing         which can be both beneficial to the
relief to stay implementation of             component remains unclear.                individual employees and useful
the ETS. The Court’s decision put               Employers may also be or become        to employers who find themselves
implementation and enforcement of            subject to COVID-19 vaccination and       in a current labor shortage. On the
the ETS“on hold”pending further              testing requirements at the state and     other hand, in a competitive labor
review by the U.S. Court of Appeals for      local levels, which are not affected      market, a difference in vaccination
the Sixth Circuit, and, conceivably, a       by Supreme Court’s decision.              or testing requirements can impact
return visit to the Supreme Court itself.                                              success rates in the war for talent.
                                             What is Happening in Minnesota?
    In a 6-3 decision, the Court held that                                                 Employers electing to move forward
                                                On January 3, 2022, Minnesota
those challenging the ETS (including                                                   with a mandatory vaccination policy,
                                             OSHA adopted the ETS adopted the
a coalition of businesses and trade                                                    even though the ETS has been
                                             federal ETS in the state of Minnesota.
associations, as well as a coalition                                                   withdrawn, will continue to face a
                                             Within hours of the Supreme Court’s
of states) were likely to succeed on                                                   number of legal questions that must
                                             January 13th decision, Minnesota
their argument that OSHA lacked                                                        be answered. Such employers must
                                             OSHA announced that it would
the authority to promulgate the ETS.                                                   consider issues that are largely driven
                                             suspend enforcement of the ETS.
As the Court explained, under the                                                      by state law, such as whether and under
                                             Similar to federal OSHA, Minnesota
law, OSHA is empowered to“set                                                          what circumstances time to vaccinate
                                             OSHA continues to “strongly
workplace safety standards, not broad                                                  is compensable, whether time to test
                                             encourage”employers“to continue to
public health measures”(emphasis                                                       is compensable, whether employees
                                             implement the requirements of the
in original). Continuing, the majority                                                 may be required to pay the cost of the
                                             ETS.”Minnesota OSHA also cautioned
explained that“although COVID-19 is                                                    test itself (spoiler alert, in Minnesota,
                                             that it would continue to enforce all
a risk that occurs in many workplaces,                                                 probably not), how will a sufficient
                                             employer obligations under the general
it is not an occupational hazard in                                                    number of tests be procured, where and
                                             duty clause and its general standards.
most”(emphasis in original). Thus,                                                     how will the tests be administered, how
                                             Key Takeaways                             will proof of vaccination be gathered,
the majority held, allowing OSHA to
regulate broadly“the hazards of daily           While the ETS has been withdrawn,      how will test results be reported,
living”would expand OSHA’s authority         Employers are not out of the woods.       and how this data will be secured.
beyond the bounds Congress set for it.       Employers should consult with             Experienced legal counsel can assist in
                                             counsel to discuss OSHA’s recent          answering each of these questions.
    In response to this decision,
                                             activity and statements as applied            In the end, following the Supreme
effective January 26, 2022,
                                             to their workplace, as well as what       Court’s January 13 ruling, employers
OSHA withdrew its ETS.
                                             safety practices they should consider     now have greater freedom to design
What Does This Mean for Employers?           in view of the ongoing challenges         a COVID-19 safety plan that takes
    Despite withdrawing the ETS as an        posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.           into consideration the dynamics
enforceable standard, and effectively           There are some things, however, that   of their particular workforce.
ending the current round of ETS              remain clear. For example, the Supreme
litigation, OSHA emphasized that             Court’s ruling did not bar vaccination
14 Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022
During good times, it’s easy to keep a steady hand. But when life throws curve balls
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industry is changing and we’re focusing even closer on how the current situation will
change things even more.

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our retailers need far more than that. Everything from e-commerce to merchandising,
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helping, steady hands for every area of your store and have prided ourselves on being
that steady hand for almost 100 years.

                                    For a lower cost of goods PLEASE CONTACT:
                                             Keith Knight 615-290-6093
                                            Diane Guerrero 262-806-1203
                                             Kip Mcilwain 320-293-6337

                                                                                AWG_Minnesota Grocers

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                          Photo Left shows a recent Solid Refrigeration rack installation at Jerry’s Foods, Eden Prairie
                          Photo Lower Right is a custom installation of a salad bar line up at Jerry’s Foods, Eden Prairie

         Full size fleet to meet your customer needs.

                                               Solid Refrigeration specializes in energy management
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                                                 Photo Left energy save R/I doors in use at Jerry’s Foods, Eden Prairie
                                                 Photo Lower Right is a custom seafood department at Jerry’s Foods, Eden Prairie

                  Commercial Refrigeration
                  1125 American Boulevard East
                  Bloomington, MN 55420

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Hugo's_MGA Spring Ad 2022.pdf 1 1/17/2022 9:06:29 AM









                                     2022 Capitol                                          Outs
      Stay informed with biweekly conference calls during the Minnesota legislative session.
      Capitol Check Outs are a great opportunity to educate and engage. Capitol Check Outs
        are a 30-minute update given by the MGA Government Affairs Team. They provide
                 interactive, pertinent and up-to-the-minute legislative information.
            Calls are every other Friday at 9:00 am, starting on February 18
                            and running through May 2022.
                  Contact Steve Barthel at or 651-228-0973 for more information.
       Choppy waters; favorable winds
       By Phillip M. Perry

      etailers face a more challenging      it remains decidedly sunnier               profits spiked 36%. Heftier earnings
      operating environment in              than the 3.4% pandemic-fueled              should help companies weather the
      2022. After a year in which           decline of 2020. (GDP, the total of        coming year’s array of challenges.
pandemic-sequestered consumers              the nation’s goods and services,           “Corporate profit margins have been
spent heavily on merchandise for            is the most commonly accepted              running somewhat above their five-
the home, they are now expected             measure of economic growth.                year average of 11.1%,”notes Yaros.
to shift a greater portion of their         “Real” GDP adjusts for inflation.)         “That should provide some ability
disposable income to restaurants,              Headwinds, of course, are               to absorb price pressures that have
theaters and travel—services that           inevitable. The coming 12 months           developed from rising commodity
COVID-19 had largely put off limits.        will have their own troubling mix:         prices and global supply chain issues.”
  “Our current 2022 forecast is for         The peekaboo pandemic. Labor                  Clearly, everyone is glad to bid
4.5% increase in core retail sales,”        shortages. Crippled supply chains.         adieu to the pandemic-battered 2020,
says Scott Hoyt, Senior Director of         China tariffs. Nascent inflation. An       when corporate profits declined 3%,
Consumer Economics for Moody’s              unsettled consumer. Yet economists         and they are looking ahead to better
Analytics (“That               do not expect negatives to prevail.        times.“Our members are optimistic
represents a historically average           “While the Delta variant is continuing     and expect current levels of demand
growth rate. Service spending, in           to do some damage, we expect               to continue well into 2022,”says
contrast, is expected to grow by            this wave of the pandemic to soon          Palisin.“They're expecting to continue
9.4%.”(Core retail sales exclude the        subside and for any future waves to        to hire, as well. Our annual wage
volatile auto and gasoline segments.)       be successively less disruptive,”says      and salary survey usually projects
   While the 2022 retail sales forecast     Yaros.“Labor and goods shortages           between 400 and 500 job openings
represents a considerable drop from         will ease as the domestic and global       for the coming 12 months. Now,
the 16.2% spike expected when               economy increasingly learn how to          though, the number is more than
the previous year’s numbers are             live in a new pandemic normal.”            a thousand. So we're looking at a
finally tallied, it is also fairly robust   Companies rebound                          doubling of the usual hiring activity.”
given the difficult year-to-year              Business owners tend to confirm             Aggressive hiring is improving
comparison. Helping to generate             the economists’ sunny reports.“Most        the nation’s employment level, a
sales will be strong tailwinds from         of our members have seen a healthy         key driver of retail sales and of the
growing employment, rising wages,           return of revenues and are doing           consumer sentiment so vital to the
a booming housing sector, Federal           about 90% of their pre-COVID               nation’s overall business health.
infrastructure initiatives, and             business,”says Tom Palisin, Executive      “Unemployment has been declining
aggressive corporate investment.            Director of The Manufacturers'             pretty steadily,”says Hoyt.“Jobs are
   “The nation is in the midst of           Association, a York, Pa.,-based regional   being added at a rate that prior to
an early economic recovery after            employers' group with more than            the pandemic would be viewed as
the body blow of COVID-19,”                 370 member companies (mascpa.              astoundingly good.”Unemployment
says Bernard Yaros Jr., Assistant           org). With its diverse membership in       is expected to be as low as 4.6%
Director and Economist at Moody’s           food processing, defense, fabrication,     when 2021 figures are finally tallied,
Analytics.“Though growth will               and machinery building, Palisin’s          and should decline to 3.5% by the
decelerate in 2022 due to fading            association is something of a proxy        end of 2022, a level not far from
effects from business re-openings           for American industry.“Many have           the“full employment”conditions
and past fiscal stimulus, the               actually gone into hiring mode.”           of the pre-pandemic economy.
economy will remain robust.”                   Moody’s Analytics expects                 Any tight labor market is likely to
  The numbers tell the tale. Real           corporate profits nationally to increase   spark wage hikes that put money
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)                by some 4% in 2022. While that             in shoppers’ wallets and drive
should grow at a 4.3% rate in 2022,         figure might seem unremarkable             positive consumer sentiment. Today’s
according to Moody’s Analytics.             in isolation, it (again) represents        economy is no exception.“We have
While that pace is a bit less aggressive    an enviable performance over               seen a significant increase in wages
than the 5.8% of the past 12 months,        difficult 2021 comparisons, when           over the past year--as high as 20%

18 Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022
to 25% for lower hourly entry-level       buying new equipment,”says                 ahead.“Annual growth in housing
employees or machine operators,”          Palisin.“We are seeing a special           starts will remain strong because
says Palisin. Nationwide, increases are   uptick in the automation category          of favorable demand-side factors,
running lower, due to normalization       because of the labor supply issue.”        namely demographics and excess
of wages in some industries.“In 2022         Nationwide, the picture is the          savings,”says Yaros. Increases for
we're looking at 2.6% growth in the       same. Moody’s Analytics expects            2022 are expected to top 11.9%-
employment cost index, compared           capital investment to increase 8.2%        -very aggressive by historical
with 2.9% for 2021 and 2.6% in 2020,”     for both 2021 and 2022, another            standards and slightly higher
says Hoyt. (Economists consider           welcome rebound from the 5.4%              than the previous year’s 10.6%.
the“employment cost index”as              decline of 2020. Companies are giving        Eager consumers are bidding up
the best measure of actual wage           a lot of attention to bolstering their     the prices of single-family homes,
rates). Hoyt adds that “any risks         intellectual property infrastructure.      and a general easing of mortgage
to the accuracy of those numbers          “Investments in information                lending standards is helping grease
is probably on the upside.”               processing equipment and software          the skids. Housing prices for 2021
   Wage rates aren’t the only             is well above its pre-pandemic level       are expected to jump 17.5%--a
component of an employer’s labor          as businesses have boosted their IT        considerable improvement over the
cost. Toss into the mix a greater         budgets,” says Yaros. Higher energy        previous year’s 10.4%. As for 2022,
number of people employed, a              prices have also fueled aggressive         Moody’s Analytics expects increases
greater number of job positions           investments in mining exploration,         to decelerate to 4.6%, thanks to
filled, an increased number of            shafts and well structures.                difficult year-to-year comparisons.
hours worked, and the total comes            The economy should also benefit         Scarce workers
to what economists dub “wage              from more spending on commercial              The generally favorable economic
and salary income,”And it’s clear         structures.“We're going to see more        forecast is not without its clouds.
that employers nationwide will be         non-residential construction next          As most retailers will attest, today’s
shelling out more of that in the          year,” says Bill Conerly, Principal        ambitious hiring initiatives are
coming 12 months.“In 2022 we're           of his own consulting firm in Lake         colliding with a scarcity of candidates.
looking at about 4.6% growth in           Oswego, Oregon (conerlyconsulting.         “Our members are having difficulty
wage and salary income, coming off        com).“It will be strongest probably        finding enough workers, especially
a 7% increase in 2021, which was          in warehouses and light industrial,        for entry-level jobs,”says Palisin.
up from 1.3% in 2020,” says Hoyt.         but also suburban offices. Early           “The average time-to-hire has
   All that additional income should      indicators, like the Architectural         doubled from what it was prior to the
encourage greater spending by             Billings Index, are looking positive.”     pandemic. This will certainly impact
shoppers. And signs are that people       This will be a welcome change over         our member’s ability to take on new
have saved up considerable sums of        recent flat activity, which Conerly        work or provide on-time delivery.”
cash ready to be spent. Throughout        attributes to the long lead times
                                                                                        Nationwide job openings recently
2020 and early 2021, after-tax income     characteristic of such projects, and
                                                                                     topped a record-shattering 11
rose much faster than had been            a scarcity of new initiatives in the
                                                                                     million—a huge increase over the
anticipated prior to the pandemic.        early days of the pandemic.“Early in
                                                                                     7 million pre-pandemic level.“The
The reason was a massive fiscal           2020 nobody was signing papers to
                                                                                     number one concern of businesses
stimulus in terms of federal economic     acquire land or do new projects,”he
                                                                                     going forward will be finding qualified
impact checks and expanded                says.“So what we see going on now
                                                                                     labor,”says Yaros.“There have never
unemployment insurance payments.          are projects that were planned pre-
                                                                                     been so many open positions across
At the same time, consumer                pandemic or with short lead times.”
                                                                                     every industry and government,
spending ran lower than anticipated.        Fueling the trend: Ready money.          but the need for more workers is
“People now have a huge amount            “For the most part our companies are       especially acute in manufacturing,
of savings,”says Hoyt.“Furthermore,       able to access funds for hard capital      transportation, educational services,
consumer credit card borrowing            investments and lines of credit,”says      healthcare, and leisure and hospitality.”
has been weak, leaving consumers          Palisin.“Financing has loosened up
more flexibility to borrow money                                                        The reasons for the scarcity are
                                          since a year ago when everybody
going forward if they choose to.”                                                    diverse.“There has been a significant
                                          was in a high state of uncertainty.”
                                                                                     drop off in labor force participation
Construction activity                       On the residential side, housing         as folks were forced into retirement
  Retailers benefit when businesses       starts have been running about 15%         or are staying home to deal with
invest in capital improvements,           higher than pre-pandemic levels,           childcare or other dependent care
and here the reports are favorable.       according to Moody’s Analytics.            issues that are more difficult to
“Our members in general are               Buyers of new homes tend to shop a         handle in the current environment,”
expanding, building new warehouses        lot at retail stores, and the prediction   says Hoyt. Some fear the risk of
and manufacturing facilities and          for the housing industry is full steam
                                                                                                          Continued on next page

                                                                                                 Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022 19
Retail Forecast 2022
      continued from previous page

workplace infections. Others are not       “In fact, given the friction between         Given favorable wages and
finding exactly the job they want.         the US and China, it's possible we        income trends, one might expect
And many pandemic-shocked people           could even get additional ones.”          that consumers are feeling fairly
are reassessing their life missions           The double whammy of supply            good. In the closing months of 2021,
and pursuing new ventures.                 chain disruption and China tariffs are    though, the attitude of the American
   A number of factors may help            causing some businesses to look at        public was surprisingly unsettled.
relieve the labor crisis in 2022.          alternative regional or local sources.    “It really is difficult to get a good
These include the end of bonus             “Many businesses are no longer            sense of consumer confidence in
unemployment insurance, a declining        relying on any single supplier or         the current environment,”says Hoyt.
effect from stimulus payments,             global region for goods and services,”    One reason, of course, is the unclear
an abatement of infections, and a          says John Manzella, a consultant on       path of the pandemic. But another
return to in-person schooling.             global business and economic trends,      is the recent spike in fuel and other
                                           East Amherst, NY (JohnManzella.           prices, sparking fears of inflation.
Supply chains
                                           com).“They are building more                How the public reacts to the
   The tight labor market is helping
                                           diversified and reliable supply chains.   shape-shifting virus should be more
fuel another retail headache: a global
                                           Instead of buying in scale from two       apparent in the opening months
breakdown in the efficient distribution
                                           very large Chinese suppliers, they        of 2022. So should changes in
of goods.“The most important
                                           might buy in smaller increments           the currency’s purchasing power.
problem for retailers is a supply chain
                                           from a half dozen suppliers located       “Inflation will be the key financial
which is still broken,” says Bob Phibbs,
                                           in different regions of the world.        statistic to follow early in the year,”
a retail consultant in Coxsackie, NY
                                           They may also utilize more long-          says Yaros. Moody’s Analytics calls for
(“Smaller operators
                                           term warehousing facilities. This         the Core PCE Price Index (month-
who lack buying clout are finding it
                                           strategy, which adds costs but reduces    to-month inflation) to moderate to
especially difficult to get product.”
                                           risk, will be extremely beneficial        2.3% in the fourth quarter of 2022
   A lack of sufficient workers is         in protecting against the next            as supply-chain bottlenecks and
often the root cause of supply chain       pandemic, black swan, or trade war.”      labor shortages ease. (The Core
disruption. When people aren’t                                                       PCE Price Index excludes energy
                                              Finding alternative sources,
available to do the work, efficient                                                  and food prices and is the Federal
                                           though, can be easier said than
production and transportation                                                        Reserve’s preferred measure of
                                           done.“Many businesses that would
fall by the wayside. Retailers are                                                   inflation). Businesses should watch
                                           like to source domestically can't
hurt when cargo ships pile up                                                        for any higher levels of persistent
                                           find any vendor in the United
at ports, causing delivery delays                                                    inflation that might cause the Fed
                                           States that can match Chinese
and leading to widespread                                                            to increase interest rates—a move
                                           prices,” says Conerly.“And Chinese
price increases for supplies.                                                        Moody’s Analytics does not anticipate
                                           companies have improved the
  Delivery disruptions may                 quality of their goods significantly.”    until the fourth quarter of 2022.
persist for some time.“Recently a                                                      Yet another leading indicator
                                             Adding to this litany of woes is the
vendor told me they didn't expect                                                    will be the return-to-work trend.
                                           Chinese government’s increasingly
production to be back to where it                                                    “More people getting back on the
                                           heavy-handed control of industry,
should be until the middle to the                                                    job would confirm a strong 2022,”
                                           says Palisin.“Some of our members
end of 2023,”says Phibbs.“And                                                        says Conerly.“Are employers getting
                                           are asking, ‘If we have a critical
the prices for components have                                                       the workers they need? Are people
                                           supplier in China, how likely is it
gone up so much that in many                                                         earning more money to spend?”
                                           that the government will step in
cases it is no longer profitable to
                                           and intervene in that company,              Finally, one nonfinancial force may
keep making some products.”
                                           which could impact us getting             be more important than anything
   The increased costs resulting           access to our components?’”               else.“The damage done by the
from order backlogs and delivery                                                     Delta variant has taught us that the
                                           The year ahead
delays are only exacerbated by the                                                   pandemic is still alive and has the
China tariffs. While retailers were          As retailers enter the early
                                                                                     potential to disrupt economic activity,”
expecting some relief from the             months of 2022, economists suggest
                                                                                     says Hoyt.“Early in 2022 the leading
Biden administration, so far there         watching a number of leading
                                                                                     data will be about COVID-19. What
has been no move to change the             indicators for an idea of how the
                                                                                     are the trends in vaccination rates?
status quo.“Tariffs on Chinese goods       year will go. The first is the state
                                                                                     Infections? Hospitalizations? Deaths?”
will likely continue,” says Conerly.       of consumer confidence—a vital
                                           driver of cash register activity.          Favorable answers bode
                                                                                     well for robust retail sales.
20 Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022
Learn more about
our support of Farm and Family at
                                    125 YEARS
                         Conversations with the MGA
  In honor of celebrating our 125 years of advancing the food industry of Minnesota, you
will see a variety of articles throughout this year’s Minnesota Grocer magazine. We will take
walks down memory lane, visit with the MGA Team, and talk to our members. These will be
a great showcase of our amazing association and its history.

                                                            How can our members utilize the MGA
                                                            to strengthen the voice of industry?
                    Let’s start with
                                                            The Minnesota food industry is multi-dimensional – a
                    Karly Ackerman, our Membership/
                                                            lot is going on beyond your front doors. We know our
                    Communications Manager
                                                            members don’t have the time and
                                                            personnel to showcase their hard
                                                            work every day. As your association
                                                            let us be your hype person! We
                                                            can take your company stories and
How long have you been at the MGA?                          blast them out on our social media
I am celebrating six years with the Minnesota               platforms. This lifts your business and
Grocers Association, having been promoted to the            the food industry in general. A great win-win for all!
Membership/Communications Manager three years
                                                            Also, I would be remiss if I didn’t speak to the underlying
ago. Looking back at my history with the MGA it’s
                                                            importance of our media resource presence. Allowing
a mere drop in the bucket when compared to the
                                                            us to showcase your great work directly benefits our
legacy our association holds in advancing industry for
                                                            Government Affairs Team and the vital work they
125 years. My areas of responsibility have expanded
                                                            do at the Capitol. Member participation is seen by
during my tenure and it has been exciting to see
                                                            legislators and gives credibility to our voice. Working
such positive growth in support and participation.
                                                            together expands our presence in a significant space.

Why do you believe                                          In your tenure what has been one
participation in the                                        of your best memories?
MGA is so important?
                                                            One great memory was being a part of the MGA team
The MGA is the only                                         that transitioned and moved to our new office. The MGA
state trade association                                     had been at the previous building for 30 years and it was
working on behalf                                           time for a refresh. It was a lengthy and labor-intensive
of the entire food                                          task to go through and pack dozens of filing cabinets
industry. As a company that does business in Minnesota,     that held so many stories. This is a
you, our members, understand the complexities it            testament to the MGA’s amazing
takes to succeed. We need all members to participate        history - it was humbling to see
in our yearly opportunities. We have a multitude of         the magazine and newspaper
member benefits such as four quarterly Minnesota            archives from decades ago and
Grocer magazines (which is nearly 75 years old) on          see how we have evolved (see
topical industry trends and twelve monthly Grocers          sidebar). There was a history lesson
Frontline newsletters, plus informational webinars,         for some of us at the MGA when
and peer events to create lasting industry relationships.   we uncovered Rolodexs, pagers, typewriters, credit
These resources keep you informed on all industry           card imprinters, hand ledgers, and a folding machine
news, not just in Minnesota, but nationwide.                – thank goodness for the 21st century.

22 Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022
How it Started
                                              Where We're At
                                              MGA Publications




                                                         newsletter begins
                                                         giving the
What brings you pride in
your work at the MGA?
                                                         timely updates
The majority of our members work with
community partners for the greater good
every day. I am so proud to manage the
MGA’s annual Bag Hunger Campaign.                        Newsletter
This is a fantastic program that highlights

the great work of our industry and                       becomes
showcases the power we have when                         "Frontline" - adds
we work together. The 14-year history                    legislative and
of bringing vendor and retail members                    regulatory
together elevates the importance of
our collective work – not to mention
the nearly 41 million meals we have
provided to our neighbors in need.
                                                         The grocery

                                                         industry looks to
What do you enjoy about
being a part of the MGA?                                 the future during
I enjoy connecting with our members.                     the new
The MGA membership has been                              millennium
nothing but kind and respectful in our
interactions. There is no better feeling
into a                                                   The MGA refreshes
grocery                                                  its image and
store and
                                                         expands industry

welcomed                                                 expert articles
with open
                                                         During the
(literally). I find myself walking through               challenges of the
the aisles of the grocery store looking                  global pandemic,
for our members’ products and seeing if                  the MGA led
there is anything new. I never thought of                industry
myself as a food person but my time at
the MGA has shown me how much of
a privilege it is to know my local grocer
and where my food is coming from.
                                                                              Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022 23
People, Stores,                                                                 Companies
                                                  Hy-Vee, Inc. launched a                        Lunds & Byerlys, Edina,
                                              new private brand, Hy-Vee’s Good            MN offers same-day pay for
                                              Graces, to make a gluten-free diet          workers who want it. This flexibility
                                              more attainable for shoppers.               will help when and how often
                                                                                          employees want to be paid as a
                                              LaCrosse, WI-based Kwik Trip, Inc.          perk to attract more workers.
                                              hit the milestone of 800 convenience
                                              stores. With the opening of its newest
Cub Foods presented Second                    location, Kwik Trip has doubled its                Hermantown, MN-based
Harvest Heartland with a check                store count in eight years.                 Super One Foods and St. Paul, MN-
for $167,000 which represents a                                                           based KEMPS partnered together
year of campaign donations.                                                               to donate one pallet of shelf-stable
                                                     Continuing their long-               milk, The Giving Cow to Second
                                              standing relationship with the              Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank.
      Teal’s Market recorded                  Damiano Center, Miner’s, Inc.
donations of nearly $60,000                   presented their annual donation
to non-profits throughout the                 which supports the Kid’s Kitchen.                  For more than 20 years
communities it serves. These                  This provides nutritious meals and          Kowalski’s Markets has partnered
donations are made through its                space for children after school and in      with KARE 11 and the U.S. Marine
1% rebate program for guests.                 the summer.                                 Corps for their annual Toys for Tots
                                                                                          Campaign. This year included a new
                                                                                          coupon incentive for donations.

                                                                                                 Nashwauk Market
                                                                                          contributed grocery bags to the
                                                                                          Neighbors Helping Neighbors Food
                                                                                          Shelf for local families affected by the
                                                                                          COVID-19 pandemic.

Fareway Stores, Inc. hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its Spirits & More                     J&B Group concluded their
store in Owatonna. The more than 2,500 square foot store addition will provide for        Spirit of Giving celebration and
a variety of wine, craft beer, an expanded liquor selection, as well as other specialty   reported over $7,300 in food drive
and exclusive items.                                                                      donations and over $34,000 in toy
                                                                                          drive donations along with over 100
                                              Leech Lake Market in Cass Lake,
                                                                                          toys and other food items collected.
        In partnership with the               MN held a ribbon-cutting for their
Wyoming Police Department and the             newly renamed store. After opening
North Branch Police Department,               79 years ago, Teal’s Management
Bruce’s Foods in Wyoming and                  sold Teal’s Market in the fall of 2021.
North Branch County Market
helped collect over 5,000 lbs of food
for the North Branch Food Shelter.                   Saint Paul Park-based Simek’s
                                              reported approximately 1.2 million
     Cub Foods is committed to                meals were donated through its
lifelong learning and in December             collaboration with Feeding America.
all store directors and office leaders        For every Simek’s product purchased,
graduated from a 16-month custom              the company donates a meal in the           KEMPS, St. Paul, MN, presented
leadership corse. This was in                 community where it was purchased.           the Ronald McDonald House of
partnership with the University of                                                        Rochester, MN with a donation
Southern California.                                                                      of $10,000 and a variety of ice
                                                                                          cream for children and families.
24 Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022
People, Stores,                              Companies
                                                                                                             Hy-Vee, Inc.
                                                                                                        announced the
                                                                                                        retirement of Jay
                                                                                                        Marshall, Vice
                                                                                                        Chairman and
                                                                                                        President of Hy-vee
                                                                                            Jeremy      Supply Chain and
                                                                                            Gosch       Subsidiaries as well
                                                                                        as Mike Skokan, Executive Vice
                                                                                        President, CFO, and Treasurer.
Coborn’s, Inc. celebrated the grand opening of its Buffalo, MN store. This location     Following these retirements, Hy-
marks the 60th grocery store in the company’s retail portfolio.                         Vee has announced the promotions
                                                                                        of Jeremy Gosch to President and
                                                                                        Chief Operating Officer; Aaron
                   Cub Foods,                                                           Wiese, to Vice Chairman of Hy-
                                                 Patrick Miner, President of
              Stillwater, named                                                         Vee, Inc., and president of Hy-Vee
                                            Miner’s, Inc., met with other local
              Dan Triplett as                                                           supply chain/subsidiaries; and Andy
                                            businesses and U.S. Representatives
              Vice President of                                                         Schreiner to Senior Vice President,
                                            Pete Stauber and Tom Tiffany to
              Merchandising. He                                                         Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer.
                                            discuss supply chain shortages and
had previously served as Cub’s
                                            their impact on the industry.
Director of Produce and Floral before
taking a leadership role at UNFI.                                                               In partnership with the
                                                   Salfer’s Food Center in              Pinky Swear Foundation, Hy-Vee,
                                            Wabasso and B & D Market in                 Inc. raised more than $219,000 at
     Hy-Vee, Inc. launched its
                                            Oliva partnered with Weelborg               its register roundup event during
RedBox Rx, a new national subsidiary
                                            Ford for their annual Freezin’ for          the holiday season. The money
that offers low-cost telehealth and
                                            Food event during the holiday               raised helps children with cancer
online pharmacy services. RedBox Rx
                                            season. This years’ event collected         and their families by providing
provides quick and easy access to a
                                            over 15,135 combined pounds                 financial and emotional assistance.
provider and allows prescriptions at
no charge directly to the patient.          and dollars in donations – which
                                            support multiple local food shelves.            Ankeny, Iowa-based Casey’s
                                                                                        General Stores, Inc. has named
       Fareway Stores, Inc., Boone,                                                     Katrina Lindsey as Chief Legal
                                                  Through its partnership
IA, announced cash bonuses to                                                           Officer and Corporate Secretary.
                                            with RePurpose Global, Simek’s
all hourly employees for going
                                            announced it removes from the
above and beyond during the year.
                                            environment the equivalent                          Fareway Stores in
The bonuses range up to $500 per
                                            amount of plastic that is used in           Owatonna presented a donation
employee and will impact more than
                                            its packaging at the shipping of            of over $1,000 to the Two Rivers
10,000 frontline staff members.
                                            products. More than 17,500 pounds           Habitat for Humanity. Every
                                            of plastic have been removed since          dollar raised went to the two
        Miner’s, Inc. accepted a            the launch of the partnership.              homes being built this year.
certificate of appreciation from
Second Harvest Northern Lakes                  SpartanNash, Grand Rapids,               Employee-owned Lueken’s
Food Bank for their continued               MI announced the promotion of               Village Foods, Bemidji, MN
support to the community.                   Amy McClellan to the SVP and                celebrated its Bemidji South remodel
                                            Chief Marketing Officer and Ileana          with a grand reopening which
                                            McAlary to the new SVP, Chief               included treats, deals, samples,
                                            Legal Officer, and Corporate Strategy.      and giveaways for all guests.

                         After 40 years in the same location, Zup’s in Ely, MN opened its doors to the newly renovated Ely
                         Northland Market. Shoppers will have the benefit of a 35,000-square-foot, full-service, modernized
                         grocery store, complete with dry goods, expanded sausage factory, a separate liquor store, and the return
                         of a second pharmacy in the community.

                                                                                                     Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022 25
People, Stores,                            Companies
                                                     Miners, Inc., presented a
                                                     check to the Solvay Hospice
                                                                                                      Inc. announced
                                                     House for the funds raised
                                                                                                      the promotions of
                                                     during their holiday
                                                                                                      key leaders in the
                                                     donation drive. Customers
                                                                                                      company. Dave
                                                     raised over $18,000 during
                                                                                      Dave Meyer Meyer has been
                                                     this month-long fundraiser.
                                                                                      named President of Coborn’s
                                          Kwik Trip, Inc. guests will either          Inc. in addition to his role of
       Hy-Vee, Inc. announced it          have to pre-pay or pay at the pump          Chief Operation Officer. He will
has adopted the Seafood Supplier          for their fuel purchases. They will still   oversee store operations, human
Code of Conduct and pledged to            be able to use cash or checks to pre-       resources, fresh and center store
work with seafood suppliers that          pay inside with the ability to get a        merchandising, and marketing. Troy
share its beliefs in quality products,    refund after filling up. Gift cards offer   Vosburgh has been named Vice
environmental responsibility,             another alternative to debit or credit      President of Operations-Eastern
and fair labor standards.                 cards, allowing guests to pay for the       Region. Emily Coborn has been
                                          exact price of their fuel without a         named Vice President of Retail
    UNFI announced its 2021               hold placed on their account.               Services and will oversee Pharmacy,
Master Marketer Awards. Chris’                                                        Liquor, and E-commerce Operations.
Food Center in Sandstone won              Stillwater, MN-based Cub Foods              Marti Sunderlin has been named
awards for extra effort advertising       announced a partnership with                Vice President of Centerstore and
and public service/community.             CitrusAd, a technology platform             Fresh Merchandising. Sarah Putnam
Cub Foods in Stillwater earned            that provides personalized                  has been promoted to Senior
two awards for TV commercials             shopping based on preferences               Director of Fresh Merchandising,
and website/social media. Duluth          and purchase history. The company           overseeing Deli, Bakery, and
Super One Foods won an award in           has also started its own online             Floral. Jenn Weisgram has been
the fresh department and Hibbing          pickup and delivery services.               promoted to Senior Director of
Super One Foods won an award              Customers enrolled in its loyalty           Fresh Merchandising, overseeing
for grand opening/anniversary.            program will be able to get similar         Produce, Meat, and Seafood. Amy
                                          benefits as if shopping in stores.          Petersen has been promoted to
                                                                                      Social Media Strategist overseeing
                                                                                      the growing needs in social
                                                 In partnership with the              media and content strategy for
                                          U.S. Marine Corps on the annual             the company’s retail locations.
                                          Toys for Tots Campaign, Fareway
                                          Stores, Inc. raised nearly $355,000.
                                                                                         Minnesota Pork Producers
                                          This campaign provides toys to
                                                                                      Association CEO David Preisler
                                          children during the holiday season.
                                                                                      was presented with this year’s
                                          In addition, more than 110 pallets of
                                                                                      Distinguished Service Award at
In partnership with other local           toys were collected and donated.
                                                                                      AgriGrowth’s annual Minnesota Ag
businesses, S & R Quisberg, Inc.                                                      & Food Summit.
participated in the Holiday Food Basket
Program to raise money for families in
                                           Send us your news!
need during the holiday season. This       Please contact us with your
was the most successful year in raising    news so we can share your story
                                           in this section.                            _      = MGA Members Make
over $36,000.
                                                                                                 A Difference
                                           Minnesota Grocers Association
                                           c/o Karly Ackerman
                   Teal’s Market                                                       _    	=	Wellness Promotions
                                           1360 Energy Park Drive
               announced the               Ste. 110
                                                                                              = Sustainability Efforts
               promotion of                St. Paul, MN 55108
               Donna Potter as             Telephone: 651-228-0973 or                         = Capitol Engagement
               the Store Manager           1-800-966-8352
at Paynesville, MN.                        Fax: 651-228-1949                                  = Congratulations

26 Minnesota Grocer Spring 2022
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