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TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 4 Introduction 7 GOAL 1: No Poverty 8 GOAL 2: Zero Hunger 10 GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being 12 GOAL 4: Quality Education 14 GOAL 5: Gender Equality 16 GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation 18 GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 20 GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth 22 COPYRIGHT© UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DISCLAIMER GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 24 DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION, 2021 GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality 26 This publication was written by Ana Acuña Dengo, This publication has been produced without with the support of Franziska Menten and Irma formal United Nations editing. The designations GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Lizde, and the technical inputs and creative employed and the presentation of the material in 28 contributions of the Montreal Protocol Division at this document do not imply the expression of any GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production 30 UNIDO: Adnan Atwa, Ailsa Eidet, Bettina Schreck, opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat Elena Miceva, Ester Monroy, Francesca Polenghi, of the United Nations Industrial Development GOAL 13: Climate Action 32 Fukuya Iino, Giada Papi, Jude Sentongo, Katharina Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of Nieschalk, Laura Reynaldo, Marie-Solange Fuchs- any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, GOAL 14: Life Below Water 34 Mutazigwa (Materials and Chemicals Management or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or Division), Milan Demko, Mirjana Ilijin, Nil Oezhan, boundaries, or its economic system or degree of GOAL 15: Life on Land 36 Ole Nielsen, Regina Vellmer, Rodica Ivan (Materials development. Mention of firm names or commercial and Chemicals Management Division), Rodrigo products does not constitute an endorsement by GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 38 Serpa, Yunrui Zhou and Yury Sorokin. Special thanks UNIDO. The opinions, figures and estimates set to our consultants in the field: Alan Yeates, Andrei forth should not necessarily be considered as GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goals 40 Pinihin, Artem Kushnerev, Judith Atim and Natasha reflecting the views or carrying the endorsement of Kochova for your contributions. UNIDO. All reasonable precautions have been taken References 42 by UNIDO to verify the information contained in Special thanks are also due to Elena Miceva this publication. However, the published material for consolidating the data on UNIDO’s project is being distributed without warranty of any kind, implementation, Katia Kuvshinnikova for the UNIDO either expressed or implied. animation videos, and Vassia Popova for the design, layout and graphic materials. Finally, our deepest appreciation goes to our local counterparts, who provided valuable insights on the national context and implementation of project activities. Without your valuable work and unwavering commitment, none of our achievements would be possible.
enforce the policies and regulations needed to and consumers. It is innovative in pioneering new address these environmental and social challenges. technologies and approaches, to find the best- Working hand-in-hand with industries, UNIDO is suited alternatives for companies, sectors and FOREWORD also well positioned to help companies put these countries. Most importantly, this work goes beyond BY STEPHAN SICARS policies into action. With the Decade of Action on the the phase-out and replacement of chemicals. As SDGs gaining momentum, it is time to look back and shown in this publication, these efforts can have a MANAGING DIRECTOR see how far we have come. On our journey, we have wider impact on our societies and a ripple effect on ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY DIRECTORATE AT UNIDO seen a transformational shift in the industrial sector sustainable development. and inspiring examples of industry’s contribution to The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development In 1992, UNIDO joined the frontline, as an the SDGs. The success of each project – and every story and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementing agency of the MLF. Since then, the featured in this publication – is a result of the embody the global commitment to build a more Montreal Protocol has transformed industries This publication is a collection of stories that extraordinary dedication and coordinated action of sustainable future for all. These universally agreed around the globe, eliminating particularly harmful celebrate the changing face of industry, reflecting many stakeholders. This exemplifies how our efforts, objectives address the most urgent environmental, chemicals, and from early on, accelerating progress on how the efforts supported by UNIDO to improve when well coordinated and decisively implemented social and economic challenges of our time. The in many other fields. This includes - of course the environmental performance of the productive by governments, industry, entrepreneurs and the SDGs are ambitious – including the eradication - industrial development, but also technology sector, have brought about sustainable solutions general public, can bring us all closer to a world of extreme poverty and world hunger – but also transfer, vocational training, food preservation, to other global challenges. This work is broad in in which economic development, environmental measureable and actionable, with specific targets transport safety, institutional capacity development, nature, engulfing a multitude of stakeholders, sustainability and social inclusion are all valued to be achieved by 2030. The Goals are broad, but various aspects of trade issues, transparency, from governments and industries to employees and, ultimately, achieved. also interconnected, recognising how achievements south-south co-operation and others. The impact of in one sphere can bring about progress in another. the Montreal Protocol on so many aspects beyond Achieving food security and improving healthcare ozone protection has made it particularly relevant both contribute to the eradication of poverty; for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development climate action helps protect ecosystems and human and its 17 SDGs, which, since 2015, have inspired health; and fostering peace and inclusive societies and driven decision-makers worldwide to take translates into progress towards a more sustainable transformative action, individually and collectively, global economy. With just under 10 years left to for people, planet and prosperity. meet these ambitious targets, world leaders have called for a “Decade of Action” to deliver the Goals. A great example of this is the adoption of the Kigali Amendment in 2016 to phase-down HFCs, The United Nations Industrial Development which have a minimal effect on ozone depletion, Organization (UNIDO) sees industry as a vehicle to but major global warming impacts. Recognising accelerate sustainable development and achieve the contribution of HFCs to climate change, the the SDGs. An inspiring example of this is the role Parties to the Montreal Protocol adopted the Kigali industry has played in achieving the ever more Amendment, thereby expanding the scope of the ambitious targets of the Montreal Protocol. treaty towards more ambitious climate action. UNIDO Montreal This is where our journey begins: with the Montreal As the Montreal Protocol has become more Protocol Protocol and the global commitment to protect ambitious, so has the work of UNIDO, guided by Division the Earth’s ozone layer. It all started in the 1970s, the 2030 Agenda and our mandate of inclusive when scientists discovered that the ozone layer was and sustainable industrial development. This under threat from a group of chemicals known as calls for industry to contribute to sustainable ODS. ODS had become key components in major development in all its dimensions: social, economic manufacturing sectors and global trade goods, and environmental. UNIDO has helped industries including refrigerators, air conditioners, foam and transform their linear production models of “take, aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides. make, dispose” to the circular economy approach Recognising the vital role of these sectors and of “reduce, reuse, redesign, remanufacture, recycle, their reliance on ODS, the international community and recover”. Together, we have also taken on understood that it would take decisive and global ambitious socio-economic goals, from gender action to phase out these substances. From this equality to youth empowerment, promoting a role determination the Montreal Protocol, regulating the for everyone, irrespective of age, gender, race or production and consumption of ODS, emerged as disability. the first treaty in the history of the United Nations to be signed by all 193 Member States*. UNIDO works with governments to develop and * The Montreal Protocol has been ratified by all United Nations members, as well as Niue, the Cook Islands, the Holy See and the European Union.
Establishment of UNIDO 1966 UNIDO is established to accelerate the industrialization of developing countries. Montreal Protocol INTRODUCTION The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the 1987 Ozone Layer is universally adopted. 197 parties agree The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ozone protection to climate action. By this means, to phase out ozone depleting substances (ODS). and the 17 SDGs carved out a definitive role for we continue to mitigate the environmental impacts industry in Goal 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, of industry, to protect the terrestrial and marine Multilateral Fund promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization ecosystems that are critical for human development. The Multilateral Fund (MLF) is established 1990 to finance the implementation of the and foster innovation”. This recognises some of Montreal Protocol. the major contributions of industry to modern This publication celebrates the changing role of society, but also invites us to consider industry’s industry in response to global calls for action and Global Environment Facility wider role in driving sustainable development. If the bold and transformative measures we have seen 1991 The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is we apply each SDG as an individual filter, we can in each of the countries we work in, condensed into established to address the Earth’s most pressing environmental problems. look at industrialization from 17 different lenses and one story for each SDG. The stories are based on appreciate the ever more ambitious role of industry real-world experiences: the challenges that needed UNIDO and the MLF on the global agenda. to be overcome, the advances that were made and 1992 the drivers behind each project. As such, they are UNIDO becomes an implementing agency of the MLF. UNIDO goes on to implement MLF-funded projects in support of UNIDO’s Montreal Protocol Division was born out only a snapshot of what we do - within a larger and ozone protection and climate action in 106 countries. of a global call for action to address the threat of growing portfolio of UNIDO projects - and who we ODS emissions from industrial activities, to people work with. UNIDO and the GEF 2006 and the planet. This commitment, embodied in UNIDO becomes an implementing agency of the GEF. UNIDO goes on to implement a diverse portfolio of GEF- the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol, Only a handful of our valued partners - industries, funded projects including ODS waste management, energy has transformed key manufacturing sectors, from associations, governments and donors - feature in efficiency and sustainable cold chains. refrigeration and air-conditioning to agro-industry these stories. However, we see this publication as Climate and Clean Air Coalition and healthcare. an homage to every individual we have worked with, 2012 The Coalition (CCAC) is launched to improve and will continue to work with, to drive inclusive and air quality and protect the climate, through reductions of short-lived climate pollutants. Since 1993, UNIDO has worked hand-in-hand with sustainable industrial development. We are certain industries and institutions to phase out 65,186 there will be many more stories to tell. Lima Declaration ODP-tonnes, substituting each ton of ODS with 2013 UNIDO adopts the Lima Declaration on a less harmful substance or a new process. While Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial institutions have played a major role in developing Development. and enforcing the necessary policy framework, the industries we work with have taken on the challenge UNIDO and CCAC 2014 of redesigning their products and manufacturing UNIDO launches its first CCAC-funded project to phase-down HFCs, in support processes, so that they are compatible with non- of global climate action. ODS alternatives. Paris Agreement 2030 Agenda In this time, the work of our Montreal Protocol 2015 The Paris Agreement is adopted to combat The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Division has become more ambitious, engaging climate change and support countries in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are adopted adapting to its effects. to drive global action on sustainable development. a broad coalition of institutions, associations and development partners, in support of wider Kigali Agreement sustainable development goals. Our growing The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol is 2016 portfolio of cold chain projects, in cooperation adopted to scale up climate action. with the GEF, recognise the vital role of cooling for food processing, storage, and food security – major stepping stones on the path to ‘Zero Hunger’. New Kigali Cooling Efficiency Programme 2017 initiatives to find energy-efficient alternatives to Kigali Cooling Efficiency Programme (K-CEP) is launched to support the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal ODS and high GWP refrigerants, in cooperation with Protocol and drive clean cooling solutions for all. the CCAC and the K-CEP, build on global efforts to promote energy efficiency, so as to limit greenhouse UNIDO and K-CEP gas emissions and meet the targets of the Paris 2018 UNIDO launches its first K-CEP funded project Agreement on climate change. The core of our to improve energy efficiency in refrigeration and catalyse the HFC phase-down. work, funded by the MLF, has also evolved, from Abu Dhabi Declaration 2019 UNIDO Member States adopt the Abu Dhabi Declaration, pledging their unwavering support to poverty eradication and climate change mitigation through inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
Home The most common refrigerant used in air- NO POVERTY conditioning equipment in Pakistan is HCFC-22 (or R-22). HCFC-22 is an ODS, with a high GWP. This Dawlance, a Pakistani enterprise that produces 119,000 air-conditioning units per year, opted to means that air-conditioning systems that rely on switch from HCFC-22 to climate-friendly R-290 – End poverty in all its forms everywhere. HCFC-22 play a part in damaging the Earth’s ozone better known as propane. layer and contributing to climate change. There are many promising alternatives to HCFC-22 on UNIDO is helping Dawlance redesign their models, Poverty presents itself in many forms. With the In Pakistan, the air-conditioning market is growing the market, but manufacturers cannot simply replace mount a new refrigerant charging board and Earth’s temperature rising across the globe, cooling steadily, alongside public and private investments one refrigerant with another. They generally need install additional safety equipment, including gas is emerging as a basic need to protect low-income in infrastructure. to redesign their appliances, purchase additional detection and ventilation systems and new leak households from extreme heat. Cooling is also a big equipment and adopt new maintenance practices. detectors. UNIDO is delivering training on servicing concern for emerging economies, as heat-related Under the HPMP for Pakistan, UNIDO is helping local practices and safety inspection, taking into account illnesses impact labour productivity and well-being. Now the challenge is to find clean and efficient manufacturers find suitable alternatives and put propane’s flammability. cooling solutions, so that we can protect the them into practice. With rapidly expanding markets and middle-class most vulnerable, without causing serious Training is an important component of the HPMP for growth in Asia, the pressure is on to find sustainable environmental impacts or accelerating climate Pakistan, and follows a ‘train-the-trainer’ model, cooling solutions. The region is home to five of the change. so that qualified experts can go on to train other world’s most populated countries facing climate technicians in the servicing sector. This not only hazards and cooling-related risks: Bangladesh, contributes to skills development and job creation, China, India, Indonesia and Pakistan.¹ Due to a To meet this challenge, the Government of Pakistan, but is also an important step to phase-out HCFC-22. multitude of socio-economic factors, including UNIDO and UNEP are working directly with local air- The servicing sector in Pakistan is mostly made up of population density, poverty levels and dependence conditioning manufacturers, to change the future of small workshops employing one or two technicians on agriculture, these countries are some of the most cooling in Pakistan. and is characterized by seasonal workers. During the vulnerable to the direct and indirect impacts of high-season for servicing (in the summertime), the climate change. small workshops consume around 20 kg of HCFC-22 per month, and larger workshops, with more than View SDG 1 Targets two technicians, consume around 40 to 50 kg of HCFC-22. Service technicians play an important role in keeping cooling systems in the country running, particularly smaller units in low-income households. The train- the-trainer programme is giving them the skills to improve their services, but also their employment prospects. By the same token, industry leaders like Dawlance are increasing their competitiveness by adopting sustainable business models. The key players in Pakistan’s HPMP are not only protecting vulnerable members of society from heat exposure, but also driving economic growth and job creation. By this means, they are helping pave a path out of poverty. These activities are being carried out in the greenhouse gas emissions. Each HPMP is unique framework of the HPMP for Pakistan, funded by the and funding received from the MLF allows UNIDO MLF. to implement a wide range of activities in support of ozone protection and climate action. In 2020, HPMPs are sector-wide programmes designed to the MLF approved 18.3 million USD of funding for help countries reduce their use of HCFCs, which UNIDO projects around the world. destroy the earth’s ozone layer and contribute to
Home ZERO HUNGER Kigali Amendment - Industry advocates for green solutions End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Zero hunger. To grasp the enormity of this goal, we In Viet Nam, cold storage is a critical component have to look at the entire food supply chain and for the rapidly growing aquaculture sector. understand the journey from farm to fork. This journey Approximately 3.4 million people (or 4% of the along the cold chain – an uninterrupted series of population) derive their income directly from temperature-controlled environments to transport, aquaculture and capture fisheries.4 An even stock and distribute food - begins with cold storage. greater percentage of the population is involved in Annual food loss worldwide, due to inadequate processing, trading of fishery products and related cold storage and poor cold chain management, activities. If their products do not make it to market, amounts to 475 million tonnes of food. This could they suffer economic losses. feed up to 950 million people a year.² This much is certain: without effective and reliable cold storage, From a socio-economic perspective, cold storage is we cannot achieve zero hunger. vital for reducing food loss, increasing food security and protecting the livelihoods of producers. From Cold storage units regulate temperature and an environmental perspective, cold storage poses humidity, to ensure the quality and safety of our some challenges, as cold chain logistics account for food. Maintaining a consistently low temperature 11% of the world’s electricity consumption 5 and rely In Viet Nam, there are around 400 cold storage out to develop the ‘enabling environment’ for the is particularly important for deterring the growth of on refrigerants, many of which have a high ODP or a facilities used in the fisheries sector, all dependant adoption of hydrocarbon refrigerants. That is to say: bacteria and preventing food-borne illnesses, which high GWP. In this sense, the challenge is two-fold: on HCFC-22, a potent greenhouse gas. Most facilities the policy, legal, and regulatory measures to control affect 600 million people a year worldwide.³ how can we establish sustainable, climate-friendly have an average of 10 refrigeration machines the use of HCFCs and promote the use of climate- cold storage to help us deliver safe and nutritious running on HCFC-22, amounting to approximately friendly refrigerants. Then, it was time to engage food across the globe. 4,000 cold storage units for this sector alone. The the private sector, with pilot projects in 4 regions of View SDG 2 Targets majority of cold storage equipment is manufactured the country: Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi city, Vinh city domestically, using second-hand compressors and and Quang Ninh province. UNIDO delivered a total unit coolers. With this outdated equipment, many of 25 hydrocarbon-based refrigeration units to cold storage facilities suffer from inefficient energy use storage facilities, to demonstrate the feasibility and and significant refrigerant leaks, of up to 20 – 25% benefits of the new technology. of the total refrigerant charge contained in the units. This not only poses a concern for food safety, but UNIDO also delivered training on good servicing also for the environment, when considering the and maintenance practices, to reduce refrigerant greenhouse gas emissions from refrigerant leakage. leakages and increase energy efficiency, as well as dedicated training on the safe handling of Recognizing the growing importance of this hydrocarbon-based refrigerants. sector and the alarming levels of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the existing cold storage These advances are helping Viet Nam transition facilities, the Government of Viet Nam partnered away from HCFCs, thereby minimizing negative with UNIDO, to change the landscape. The ultimate environmental impacts, whilst ensuring that the aim of this project: to transition to hydrocarbon- food industry operates efficiently, with minimal based refrigerants, with zero ODP and a low GWP. food loss. This brings us one step closer to achieving First, UNIDO and the Government of Viet Nam set zero hunger. These activities were carried out in the framework The GEF is a trust fund designed to address global of the “Improving Energy Efficiency and Reducing environmental challenges. In 2020, the GEF ODS Emissions in the Cold Storage Sector” project, approved 44.9 million USD of funding for UNIDO funded by the GEF. projects around the world. Video Kigali Amendment - Industry advocates for green solutions Article R290 units in Vietnam’s cold stores delivering 20-25% efficiency gains
Home GOOD HEALTH & WELL-BEING Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Modern healthcare is a complex and extensive or high GWP, for cleaning equipment at every stage industry. It encompasses health care professionals, of the production process. hospitals and health facilities, pharmaceuticals, diagnostic laboratories, and medical equipment In Tunisia, the medical devices manufacturing sector and services. Manufacturing industries may not be is growing rapidly to meet global demand. at the face of healthcare campaigns, but without dedicated companies producing medical equipment and devices, we could not deliver essential health In 2019, Tunisia exported optical, technical and care services across the globe. medical apparatus worth €634 million.6 Medical devices must comply with the most severe regulatory standards and quality requirements. One In parallel, the country is becoming an ever more of the highest priorities in the healthcare industry is popular destination for health and wellness SO.F.A.P Medical is a Tunisian pharmaceutical the new solvent technology was 20 times more the prevention of pathogens (a bacterium, virus, or tourism, driving the demand for medical devices company specialized in the manufacturing of expensive than HCFC-141b. other microorganism that can cause disease). This within Tunisia. medical devices, including syringes, needles, is a complex challenge given the nature of medical infusion and transfusion sets. SO.F.A.P was heavily The solution for this was simple and elegant. devices, which are made up of a series of moving Now, Tunisia is working with UNIDO to introduce reliant on ozone-depleting HCFC-141b for the Recognizing the high consumption of HCFC-141b for parts with ridges and crevices in which bacteria and climate-friendly solvents and clean technologies in manufacture of syringes, both as a solvent and a the silicone oil application, UNIDO, ANPE, SO.F.A.P viruses can hide. The industry therefore relies on medical device manufacturing processes, to phase thinning agent for silicone oil. Syringes are coated and a group of private sector technology providers, powerful solvents, many of which have a high ODP out greenhouse gases and help mitigate the impact with a layer of silicone oil, to reduce friction when designed an automatic silicon spray machine, to of climate change on human health. the needle pierces a patient’s skin - anyone who circumvent the use of HCFC-141b altogether. has ever had a vaccine, should be grateful for this View SDG 3 Targets technology. When applying the silicone, the tool used to coat the needle is also coated in oil and UNIDO supported SO.F.A.P with the redesign needs to be cleaned carefully and regularly, calling of the production line, training and equipment for a high demand and frequent use of HCFC-141b. installation, which resulted in an 80% reduction in the amount of solvent required. Facing the challenge of altering two key components of their production process, SO.F.A.P partnered with UNIDO and the National Agency for Environment Following the completion of this project in 2019, in Tunisia (ANPE) to find a cost-effective and SO.F.A.P launched a range of green products for the sustainable alternative to HCFC-141b. Following domestic and European market. numerous product trials, laboratory testing and performance evaluations, UNIDO and SO.F.A.P This partnership demonstrates the wide expanse of successfully identified an alternative solvent, with possibilities for delivering climate-friendly, energy- no ODP. They were then faced with another problem: efficient and affordable solutions for the healthcare industry. These activities were carried out in the framework of the HPMP for Tunisia, funded by the MLF.
Home QUALITY EDUCATION The “Regional Centre for Continuing Education and Certification for HVACR Industry Professionals” in The first step was to equip the Centre. UNIDO provided simulation equipment, tools and supplies Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and Armenia was born of an ambitious vocational centre for hands-on training on sustainable alternatives and 5 specialised RAC technicians. Together with the to F-gases, energy efficiency and good refrigeration promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Government of Armenia and UNIDO, these partners practices. UNIDO then enrolled the 5 technicians in set out on a journey to scale-up technical training in an intensive ‘train-the-trainer’ programme, where the RAC sector and put natural refrigerants on the they learned how to develop their own teaching map. curriculum and set up practical and theoretical Education is the key to unlocking the potential of a minimum standard of training, in line with assessments for certification. The Centre then began each individual in our global community. Skilled international standards on the safe handling of developing training manuals and communication employees raise the productivity of labour forces ODS, F-gases and natural refrigerants. But policy and make investment in industry more attractive. is only one piece of the puzzle. The Government i materials, directed both at technicians and end- users. End-users are ultimately the ones who decide This contributes to sustained employment, higher realises that to reach all technicians at the national Materials on climate- which system to install, so it is critical to increase wages and decent jobs. In the RAC sector, skills and level, they need to work with industry associations, friendly technologies, their awareness and understanding of natural expertise are also a matter of safety. Technicians institutes of higher learning and vocational safe servicing practices, and socio-environmental refrigerants. need to understand what materials they are working centres. With support from UNIDO and the Russian indicators with and master tools, technologies and techniques Federation, the Government successfully launched a To provide a real-world example of natural to keep themselves, other people, and the planet centre of excellence for the training and certification • Refrigerant identifiers refrigerants in industry, UNIDO and the Government safe. of technicians – not just for Armenia, but also for • Training programmes set up a pilot project at a distribution warehouse neighbouring countries in the Eastern Europe and • Seminars on illegal for fruits and berries in the Kotayk Province, To successfully phase-out ODS and F-gases from Central Asia region. Resources refrigerants and ODS Armenia. UNIDO worked hand-in-hand with the “ major manufacturing sectors, both end-users and control warehouse to convert their very harmful CFC- technicians need to understand what alternatives Customs 12 refrigeration system to one run on R290 are available, and which ones are best-suited. Officers (propane). Propane’s advantage is its There are many sustainable alternatives, but each The HVACR training centre is very ultra-low GWP and zero ODP. On the one comes with its own performance, compatibility well equipped with several RAC • Policy and compliance MPD other hand, propane is flammable, so and safety considerations. Technicians working in frameworks training and didactical units (including AC split, Public strict safety measures have to be put the RAC sector need both theoretical and practical knowledge, so that they can work with fluorinated unit with F-gases, equipment with • Training on licensing Institutions capacity-building in place. systems and and non-fluorinated gases and incorporate safe CO2 and with hydrocarbons). The technology adoption services The Centre now organises site visits to handling practices into their daily routine. In Armenia, the Government is working to make technological relevance of the equipment is high. “ Vocational Centres the warehouse for trainee technicians. Here, they can see how the safety measures – including an explosion-proof training and certification for RAC sector technicians • Certification schemes Service protective casing and a R290 sensor linked ot the mandatory. The idea is for all technicians to receive • Equipment and tools Technicians Centro Studi Galileo control system – work in practice. The warehouse for training centres is also a good demonstration site for end-users View SDG 4 Targets • Train the trainer and technology providers. They can see the system programmes operation parameters in real time, and the benefits Promoting life-long learning in the refrigeration & air-conditioning sector, Armenia Technical training to in terms of resource use and energy efficiency of increase performance, systems run on natural refrigerants. lifetime and energy efficiency of RAC equipment This journey shows us that in the face of ever more ambitious climate targets, the RAC industry is a platform for innovation, continuing technical education and lifelong learning opportunities. These activities were carried out in the framework alternative refrigerants for the Europe and Central of the “Development of international regional Asia region” project, funded by the MLF and the centre of excellence for training and certification Russian Federation. and demonstration of low-global warming potential Article Training and continuing education for HVAC technicians Video Inauguration of the Regional Centre for HVACR Industry Professionals (Russian)
Home GENDER EQUALITY Defy Appliances is South Africa’s largest manufacturer of domestic appliances, including key component for keeping the temperature cold and the humidity low. refrigerators and freezers. Defy’s production process Achieve gender equality and empower all women and relied heavily on HCFC-141b for the production of Under the HPMP for South Africa, Defy partnered girls. polyurethane (PU) foam. PU foam is very versatile and with UNIDO and the Government of South Africa to can be found in construction materials, mattresses, completely phase-out HCFCs from their products packaging and even the soles of our shoes. It is also and production models. This meant finding an Gender equality is a vision of a world in which women from discrimination on the basis of race, gender, used as insulation in refrigerators and freezers, a alternative to HCFC-141b, with the same product and men have equal standing, access to resources, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social performance, but without the environmental impact. rights and opportunities. A world in which there are origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, no legal, social or economic barriers to women’s religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and Defy opted to convert to cyclopentane, a foam empowerment. birth. blowing agent with no ODP and a GWP of less than EQUALITY 10 (compared to HCFC-141b’s GWP of 725). With UNIDO promotes UNIDO’s technical support, Defy replaced their Women represent half of the world’s working-age South Africa accomplished a major milestone on equal participation, population, but only 39% of the world’s workers.7 In gender parity in 2019, by electing 14 women and rights, responsibilities entire PU foam production line; from the foaming this sense, increasing the labour force participation 14 men as cabinet ministers.9 This makes South and opportunities for machinery, to the storage tanks and mixing room. of women is both a social and economic imperative. Africa one of only 14 countries in the world with a women and men. Defy became one of the first manufacturers in What’s more, investing in women has broader socio- gender-balance or female majority in their cabinet. South Africa to successfully convert to HCFC-free economic benefits. On the other hand, gender-based discrimination production. and violence, educational disparities and unequal INVESTMENT In parallel, Defy made some other admirable gender roles still need to be addressed to achieve On average, women reinvest 90% of their true gender equality. UNIDO promotes women leadership decisions – and more importantly entrepreneurship, by – concrete changes to improve the working income into healthcare, education and social providing technical training well-being,8 driving sustainable development Individuals, institutions and industries all have and leveraging finance. environment for their female employees. Women on a global level. a role to play. In addition to cultural and social play a key role in the RAC industry, including barriers, there are a number of firm-related factors producing, installing and servicing equipment. that limit the participation of women in industry. The tools they use, however, are usually designed In South Africa, equality, diversity and inclusion These include business culture, hiring practices around male data. This translates into poor-fitting are at the forefront of the national dialogue and working conditions. Fortunately, companies are ENGAGEMENT protective equipment, discomfort from non-optimal and legislation. The South African Constitution beginning to change their policies and practices, so UNIDO promotes equal body positioning, and safety risks for female guarantees equality before the law and freedom as to create viable working environments for women engagement in decision- employees. making processes at local, and promote gender equality in their workforce. national and global levels. Defy embarked on a redesign of their production View SDG 5 Targets line at their East London plant, changing the “standard-issue” settings of their equipment, to meet the needs and anatomical differences of their employees. By 2019, the female employees at Defy ANALYSIS outnumbered the men, contributing to every stage UNIDO conducts gender analyses for industrial of the production process, from design to quality development projects and control. collects sex-disaggregated data. Now, Defy is relocating the plant to another province of South Africa, taking along both the cyclopentane equipment adopted in the framework of the HPMP, and the lessons learned in East London on POVERTY ALLEVIATION integrating gender equality in the work force. UNIDO drives investment in inclusive and sustainable industrial development This is a compelling example of the concrete changes for poverty alleviation and that companies can make to promote workplace shared prosperity. equality for women and men – an important marker on the path towards gender equality. These activities were carried out in the framework of the HPMP for South Africa, funded by the MLF.
Home CLEAN WATER & SANITATION The Cold Chain Innovation Hub (CCI-Hub) is the physical and virtual platform for action in this This is where financial institutions and industry leaders come into play. For a company working in project. The CCI-Hub connects a network of national the cold chain industry to adopt a new refrigerant, Ensure availability and sustainable management of and international actors to improve the efficiency they need to find the best-suited alternative to their water and sanitation for all. and environmental sustainability of cold chains. production process and modify components so that they are compatible with the new refrigerant. The role of the Government in this partnership This requires investment in R&D, development is to establish the legal framework. Policies and of prototypes and purchase of new equipment. To Water is a fundamental human need. We need In the Philippines, over 40% of food loss occurs regulations are needed to incentivise the uptake address the funding gap, UNIDO and the Government safe, clean water for hydration, sanitation and food during the production, postharvest, and processing of innovative technologies, and in particular, of the Philippines successfully mobilised 22 million production. Even the water that we use for agriculture stages.11 Rice is one of the most important climate-friendly refrigerants. Refrigerants are a key USD, in the form of grants and credit lines. Now, has to come from safe sources. If we water our crops staple foods in the Philippines, with each citizen component of the cold chain, but the traditional industries can finance their transition with loans and grains with contaminated water, bacteria and consuming around 118 kg of rice per year on substances used for cooling either damage the ozone from the financial institutions engaged in this disease can spread to those who consume the final average.12 It is also the most water intensive crop, layer or contribute to global warming. Policies can partnership. products. Sadly, vast quantities of clean water – because the fields have to be flooded in order for be used to restrict the use of harmful refrigerants, estimated at 250km3 per year - are used to produce the rice to grow. Regrettably, up to 15% of rice is but also to establish economic incentives for the In a world of ever changing technology, this food that is ultimately lost or wasted.10 lost in postharvest.13 For those of us who store use of sustainable alternatives. Once these policies partnership shows us how we can use technological our rice at room temperature, the link to the cold are in place, the country has to mobilise funding to innovation to solve our global problems and Food loss reduction can therefore help us reduce the chain might not be immediately clear. But it is the put economic incentives into practice. conserve water, one of our most valuable resources. amount of clean water that it is wasted on an annual temperature- and humidity- controlled environment basis. For this, we need effective cold chains. The in the processing phase that protects rice from pest cold chain is a temperature-controlled supply chain infestations and fungus. that preserves and extends the shelf life of our food and other temperature-sensitive products (from Cold Chains: feeding the world and protecting our planet vaccines to photographic film). For cold chains to Effective cold chains could allow farmers to be effective, we need to maintain an uninterrupted preserve every grain of rice harvested and every low temperature at every stage of the process. This ounce of water that went into its production. includes cold storage, processing and distribution, refrigerated transport, and chilled display. With so many steps, there are plenty of opportunities for The Government of the Philippines is going to great error, but also many possibilities for making each lengths to reduce food loss and maximise water-use link in the cold chain more effective, reliable and efficiency, by establishing reliable cold chains. Under sustainable. the “Global Partnership for Improving the Food Cold Chain in the Philippines” project, UNIDO is helping the Government mobilise resources, funding and View SDG 6 Targets technical expertise to promote sustainable and innovative cold chains. Energy efficient cold chains can Adequate refrigeration can Cold chains can help conserve reduce energy demand. 75% of prevent food contamination. water. We consume 250km3 of cooling emissions come from 600 million people annually water each year to produce food energy consumption. fall ill from contaminated food that is then wasted. (IOR, 2014) (WHO, 2020) (FAO, 2013) GROWN PROCESSED PACKAGED STORED TRANSPORTED SOLD These activities are being implemented in the framework of the “Global Partnership for Improving the Food Cold Chain in the Philippines” project, funded by the GEF. Clean cold chains can reduce Effective cold chains could Cold chains can help conserve Website UNIDO Open Data Platform Newsletters Cold Chain Innovation Hub Newsletter greenhouse gas emissions. save 475 million tonnes of land for agriculture. 28% of Food sent to landfill produces Website Cold Chain Innovation Hub Report Evaluating the Philippines’ Food Cold Chain food annually and feed 950 arable land is used annually to methane which is 84x more million people. produce food that is lost. potent than CO2. YouTube Cold Chain Innovation Hub Video Webinar: Evaluating the Food Cold Chain (FAO, 2011) (FAO, 2013)
Home AFFORDABLE & CLEAN ENERGY Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and “ This project which also presents the economic advantages of new equipment. The training also covered how to reduce refrigerant leaks, increase energy efficiency and improve performance. modern energy for all. sustainable cooling, and takes care For SOSIAD and the Government this was only the first step. They wanted to have tangible data to of energy efficiency, has certainly support their nationwide campaign on the benefits Energy is what drives our economies, fuels our industries and propels human development. With In Turkey, electricity use in commercial buildings represents about one-third of the country’s total succeeded in its goal of creating a national awareness. “ of low GWP refrigerants. This meant comparing the energy efficiency of the original systems with the new refrigeration systems, as well as measuring the world economy projected to double in the next energy consumption,15 with cooling systems the life cycle climate performance (LCCP). The new 20 years,14 energy efficiency is gaining traction on accounting for the majority of this demand. Kivanç Aslantaş equipment, run on low GWP refrigerants, proved to the global agenda. Coordinator of the demonstration project be more advantageous, by reducing both energy Recognising the pressure this places on the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency is also critical to limiting grid and the climate, the Government of Turkey greenhouse gas emissions and meeting our climate partnered with the Association of Refrigeration had higher ambitions than simply circumventing the Government’s ban. They wanted to find the Finally, equipped with real-world examples targets. To drive energy efficiency improvements in Industry Businesspeople (Sogutma Sanayii Is best-suited alternatives to HCFC-22, in terms of from Turkey, SOSAID and UNIDO set out to raise industry, we need supportive regulatory frameworks, Adamlari Dernegi Iktisadi Islemesi – SOSIAD) and environmental sustainability, reduced operating awareness on the technical feasibility and potential system-level integration and new technologies. UNIDO to promote energy efficient and climate- costs and energy efficiency. advantages of low GWP refrigerants. They held Governments play a key role in incentivising change, friendly cooling solutions in Turkey’s commercial thematic workshops in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir but companies need to put these policies into refrigeration sector. The pioneers in this field were Çağrı Market and field visits to the demonstration sites. For action. (Fikirtepe), Sariyer Market (Ferahevler) and Sariyer industries faced with the challenge of replacing Market (Etiler) in Istanbul; Eti Soda Plant in Ankara; equipment run on HCFC-22, this served as a valuable View SDG 7 Targets and Algida Ice-Cream Production Plant in Izmir. At source of information on available technologies, each of these pilot sites, non-HCFC technologies potential solutions and future trends. What’s more, were put to the test. SOSAID and UNIDO worked the end-users and technology providers could see hand-in-hand with these companies and local these technologies operating in real-time, a key technology providers to find suitable alternatives, step for replicating these initiatives and bringing ranging from natural refrigerants to HFOs. these technologies to scale. The chosen refrigerants all have zero ODP and At every stage of this project, the partners placed little or no GWP, but different properties and safety equal emphasis on environmental sustainability, considerations. The pilot projects therefore included human safety and energy efficiency, recognising technical training to local technicians, to ensure that that each one is key to achieving sustainable they could safely operate, service and maintain the development. These activities were carried out in the framework Refrigerants in Republic of Turkey” project, in the of the “Demonstration and Pilot Activities for framework of the HPMP for Turkey, funded by the Encouraging Low-global warming potential (GWP) MLF. The commercial food sector of Turkey includes In 2015, the Government of Turkey enforced a ban a wide network of supermarkets and food and on the use of HCFC-22 for RAC systems sold on the Website Demonstration Project for Turkey Magazine Termoklima Issue 134 beverage shops. All of these industries were once local market. This meant that local manufacturers reliant on HCFC-22 - a refrigerant with a high ODP had to switch to alternative refrigerants and design Brochure Demonstration Project for Turkey Magazine Termoklima Issue 328 and GWP - to store and display their products at low- new equipment for the commercial food sector. This Press Release Demonstration Project for Turkey Magazine Termoklima Issue 327 temperatures. project was spurred on by SOSIAD and UNIDO, who Magazine Tesisat Issue 288 Magazine Termoklima Issue 325
Home DECENT WORK & ECONOMIC GROWTH Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and “ As soon as we received this set of equipment from UNIDO, everything company still faced major challenges in relation to quality control, with many of their products prone to leakages and poor performance. In 2017, UNIDO helped GETS transform their decent work for all. changed for the better. We stopped manufacturing process, to maximise efficiency, receiving complaints from our reduce costs and improve quality control; all of customers and most importantly which helped GETS increase the value of their Employment is a valuable marker for measuring In Uganda, industry first began to flourish in the all our products are leak proof products. UNIDO delivered all of the necessary human development. In the classic example of mid-1940s, with injections of foreign capital and equipment, including vacuum pumps and tools for economic growth, labour shifts from agriculture and increased government expenditure on ‘productive’ and have the right quantity of cleaning internal parts, monitoring moisture levels other labour-intensive occupations, to industry and then finally to the services sector. public investments.16 However, once the Economic Commission for Africa was established in 1958, funding was channelled towards the refrigerants which was not the case in the past. “ and leak detection, and measuring the quantity of refrigerant. Following this intervention, the company saw a major change in their products and a positive industrialization of eastern Africa as a whole. This response from their customers. Then, in 2018, UNIDO Increasing manufacturing output and improving strategy was based on the premise that the markets Peter Samula – with additional funding from K-CEP – helped the quantity and quality of jobs in the industrial in each individual country were too small for large- Director of GETS GETS integrate energy efficiency improvements in sector is therefore at the top of the agenda in scale industrialisation. their products; contributing both to the company’s many developing countries. Gayaza Electronic Works Ltd (GETS) was Uganda’s economic and environmental sustainability. As a result, Uganda’s industrial sector did not very first manufacturer of domestic refrigerators. grow as planned and the country is still heavily The visionary behind this venture, Peter Samula, This led to an increase in production, energy Nations with small manufacturing sectors are forced dependent on imported materials, such as heavy started his career in the refrigeration industry in efficiency and sales for GETS, generating 25% more to import the majority of their finished products from machinery. On the other hand, local industries the year 2000 by importing used refrigerators and employment in the following years. Now, GETS other countries. This means that consumers have and entrepreneurs have begun to see the value in selling them on the local market. This was a lucrative ranks among the most prominent employers in the to absorb the costs of customs duties and taxes manufacturing products locally. More and more business until the Government of Uganda, as a refrigeration industry of Uganda. on shipments. It also means that the money spent businesses are choosing to shift from importation to “ signatory to the Montreal Protocol, imposed a ban on these goods flows out of the country, driving production, fuelling the local economy and creating on the import of used electrical appliances in 2002. employment and development elsewhere. new employment opportunities. Samula first hoped to keep his business running With the support of UNIDO, View SDG 8 Targets by importing new refrigerators into the country, but we have trained over 300 found that the prices were prohibitively high for the majority of his clients. Faced with this setback, the refrigeration practitioners in entrepreneur vowed to start his own refrigerator Uganda. Refrigeration is a very manufacturing company. His vision: to produce low unique profession. It encompasses cost refrigerators for low-income earners. scientific knowledge and technical The very first model Samula produced did not come out as planned. Samula recalls that “the cooling system was not well functional and the product skills, giving practitioners the skills to attract employment. “ quality was poor.” But with perseverance – and a credit loan – Samula was able to hire a team and Paulo Odu set up a larger production facility. Nonetheless, the Project Coordinator These activities were carried out in the framework K-CEP is a philanthropic collaboration to support of the HPMP for Uganda, funded by the MLF, the implementation of the Kigali Amendment. To and the “Support to refrigerator manufacturers date, the 17 participating donor governments, non- to improve Energy Efficiency during the F-gas profit organizations and individual investors have transition” project funded by K-CEP. pledged 51 million USD to drive the transition to energy efficient, clean cooling solutions for all.
Home INDUSTRY, INNOVATION & INFRASTRUCTURE UNIDO is currently working with 83 countries around the world to phase-out HCFCs and phase-down HFCs from key industrial sectors. For every industry and (almost) every application, there is a suitable and sustainable alternative. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and Domestic Commerical Industrial sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Refrigeration Refrigeration Refrigeration Foam Industry is a driving force for sustainable the energy demand for space cooling in Chinese development. As industry grows, it boosts economic buildings increased by 13% each year – the fastest growth, job creation and investments in technology, recorded growth in world history. This represents innovation, skills and education. The big challenge two challenges: a strain on the country’s electricity is to ensure that the benefits of industrialization system and a threat to the environment from CFCs / HCFCs CFCs / HCFCs CFCs / HCFCs CFCs / HCFCs reach everyone, everywhere. greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. HC CO2 / NH3 / HC CO2 / NH3 / HC CO2 / HC Conventional air-conditioners produced in China To achieve inclusive and sustainable run on HCFC-based refrigerants, which deplete Mobile Air Fire Air Conditioning Suppression Conditioning Pest Control industrialization, we need to integrate the Earth’s ozone layer, or HFC-based refrigerants, environmental sustainability and social which contribute to climate change. This means that inclusion in our business models and production every air-conditioner sold, comes at a cost to the processes. Then, we need to bring these to environment. A C scale. For this, we need the commitment and collaboration of industry leaders. In the face of this challenge, the Government of China partnered with UNIDO and leading air- conditioner manufacturers in the country to find CFCs / HCFCs HCFCs / Halons CFCs / HCFCs / HFCs Methyl Bromide China is the global leader in the production of air- sustainable cooling solutions. They embarked CO2 / HC CO2 NH3 / HC H2O (g) conditioning appliances, producing around 70% of on a 10-year journey to bring these products to the world’s room air conditioners.17 China also has market and to scale. Together, they demonstrated Traditional Ozone Depleting Substances one of the world’s fastest growing domestic markets that green product innovation is not only key to for air-conditioners, owing to the country’s rising improving the environmental footprint of industry, Sustainable Alternative Substances economic power, urbanization, growing middle but also to enhancing products, energy efficiency Midea, China’s largest exporter of air-conditioners,18 The next step in the process was to market these class and changing climate. From 2000 to 2020, and economic performance. was the first manufacturer to partner with UNIDO products and bring them to scale – the biggest and transition to natural refrigerants. This process challenge yet. The Government of China has played View SDG 9 Targets is not as simple as it sounds. Different refrigerants an important role in this, by establishing incentive affect the capacity and efficiency of air-conditioners, schemes and promoting the adoption of sustainable UNIDO awards Midea for its outstanding contribution to environmental protection so these have to be redesigned to match (or cooling in public institutions. A promising example outshine) the performance and operating costs of of this was the installation of 1000 propane-based previous models. The manufacturing lines used air conditioning units at a student dormitory in to produce them also have to be redesigned for Jiaxing. specific characteristics of the refrigerant, especially flammability. And the technicians that service these The Government of China, UNIDO and major air-conditioners have to be trained on how to safely manufacturers, including Midea, are working install and maintain the new systems. to increase the uptake of propane-based air- conditioners, both at the national and global level, Midea opted to transition from HCFC-22, a powerful to truly achieve economies of scale. There is still greenhouse gas, to R-290 (or propane), a natural work to be done, but the journey thus far is proof refrigerant with negligible GWP. UNIDO supported that industry leaders have a key role to play in Midea in re-designing their products and production pioneering technologies for a sustainable future. lines and training their technicians. These activities are being carried out in the framework of the HPMP for China, funded by the MLF. Press Release Midea Awarded by UNIDO for Environmental Protection Efforts Award Midea receives Certificate of Outstanding Contribution
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