Advanced Dynamics: nCloth & Hair - Animating Mitosis

Page created by Pamela Burton
Advanced Dynamics: nCloth & Hair - Animating Mitosis
Advanced Dynamics: nCloth & Hair - Animating Mitosis
This tutorial is designed to introduce several approaches to animating various cellular process
using advanced dynamic systems such as nCloth and Hair.

Maya dynamics are powerful but take some time and practice to master. This is mostly because
their implementation in Maya is less than intuitive. To understand why the various dynamic
systems are set up the way they are you have to understand that historically, as each version of
Maya has been introduced, additions have been made to the dynamics. Particles and rigid body
dynamics have only changed a little since Maya version 4. Maya 8 introduced the nucleus
dynamic system which is used for nCloth and is rumored to replace the current particle system in
upcoming versions of the software. Nucleus is a more advanced particle system that, unlike the
standard Maya particle dynamics, has a built-in system for calculating particle interactions (the
nucleus solver), which is like a much more advanced and accurate version of Maya particle
springs. Currently the Hair solver is self-contained and not attached to nucleus however it is very
similar to the nucleus nCloth system. Maya Hair was introduced before nCloth.

nCloth and hair are extremely powerful and surprisingly easy to use depending on the
requirements of the scene. You can create some interesting dynamic movements to the objects in
your scene without the need for complex expressions and connections. nCloth and hair systems
can also interact with Maya particles and fluids as well, layering such dynamic simulations is
sometimes required to create the very specific and unusual dynamic motions we frequently see in
scientific animations.

It’s important to understand however that although the nucleus system is powerful it is not always
appropriate for every situation and in some cases old-fashioned particles and soft-body surfaces
and curves may serve you better. When approaching a particular problem you should consider
and test all options and not assume that just because a technique or tool is newer that its going to
be more appropriate for all situations.

Creating and nCloth Cell
To introduce the nCloth system we’ll create a
very simple animation that simulates the
rounding up of the edges of a cell during
prophase. nCloth is not just for simulating
clothing. By adjusting settings on the nCloth
object and the nucleus solver you can simulate
anything from water balloons to chain mail. One
of the nicest aspects of this system is that, when
using lower resolution objects, the interaction is
fast enough that you can experiment with
combinations of settings while the simulation is
running and fine tune them to get the type of
motion you want.

You’ll start this exercise by creating a very
simple cell with polygons and then convert it to
an nCloth object.

     1. Start a new scene in Maya by going to
        File -> New Scene. Maya.
     2. Switch to the polygon menu set and                Smoothing a cube creates a nice polygon sphere with out
                                                          poles at the top and bottom.
        create a polygon cube. Create>Polygon

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                 Spring ‘08
Advanced Dynamics: nCloth & Hair - Animating Mitosis
Primitive>Cube. Make sure the cube
        only has 1 subdivision in height, width
        and depth.
     3. Set the cube’s scale to 8 units in X, Y,
        and Z.
     4. Smooth the cube. Mesh>Smooth. Select
        the polySmoothFace1 node in the
        channel box and set the divisions to 4.
        This creates a nice polygon sphere.

The advantage this method has over a
conventional polygon sphere is that the smooth
cube does not have poles at the top and bottom.
The poles that are created when you make a
standard poly sphere can sometimes pinch or
distort when using the sphere for dynamic

     5. Name the cube “cell” and delete history
        on it.
     6. Set the Y scale of the cube to 1 to
        squash it down.

To create the “fried egg” look of the cell you’ll
use the Artisan paint brush tools.
                                                        The settings for the sculpt geometry tool.
     7. Select the cell and choose Mesh>Sculpt
         Geometry> Options. In the options set
         the operation to “pull”. Set the max
         displacement to .3 and the opacity to .5.
     8. Set the Reference Vector to Y axis.
     9. You can set the size of the brush by
         holding it over the cell model. Drag the
         mouse while holding the “B” key. Once
         you have a brush radius you like, brush
         across the surface of the cell to raise a
         small bump.
     10. Switch the bush operation to smooth to
         even out any lumps.
     11. To create an uneven look to the shape          The sculpt geometry tool is used to create the lump at the
         of the cell you can add a lattice              center of the cell.
         deformer and adjust the points on the
         lattice. To keep the lattice smooth, turn
         off the “local” check box on the ffd1 tab
         in the lattice’s attribute editor.
     12. When you’re happy with the shape of
         the cell, delete history on it to commit
         the lattice changes.

     The beauty of nCloth is that any polygon
     object can be converted into nCloth with no
     additional preparation. Higher resolution
     meshes will take longer to calculate however
     you can always test out your settings on a
     lower resolution mesh and then apply those

                                                        A lattice deformer is used to shape the cell.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                        Spring ‘08
Advanced Dynamics: nCloth & Hair - Animating Mitosis
settings to a higher resolution version later

     13. Select the cell and switch to the nCloth
         menu set. Choose nCloth>Create
         nCloth. The default settings should work
         just fine.
     14. Save the scene as

Passive nCloth Objects
Passive objects are non cloth objects that can
interact with nCloth objects. They are very easy          A simple polygon plane set as a passive object keeps the cell from
to set up.                                                falling in space.

     1. Rewind and play the animation.
        Immediately you’ll see why you need a
        passive object. The cell starts to fall.
        The nucleus solver has a gravity field on
        by default.
     2. Create a polygon plane, position it just
        below, but not intersecting the cell. The
        plane can have any number of
        subdivisions, even just a single
        subdivision in width and length. Since
        this is a very simple scene you can
        increase performance by keeping the
        geometry simple.
     3. Select the plane and choose                       The yellow volume around the plane indicates the collision
        nCloth>Create Passive. Again the
        default options are fine.
     4. Play the animation, you’ll see the cell
        drop down and collide with the plane.

nCloth properties can be painted onto a surface
as a texture or directly on the vertices of an
object using the artisan tools. If you want to
make one part of the surface, such as the
nucleus of the cell, less deformable than other
parts of the cell, select the nCloth object and
choose Edit nCloth>Paint Vertex Properties. The
menu has a list of the properties you can paint
onto the nCloth object. This works similar to
painting goal weights on a soft body object. The
main difference between painting a texture and
a per-vertex map is that the per-vertex map
does not require UV coordinates to be assigned
to the object.

     When working with collision objects you
     have several options for balancing the
     speed and accuracy of the simulation. If you
     select the plane and open its attribute editor
     to the nRigidShape1 node, under Quality

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                        Spring ‘08
Advanced Dynamics: nCloth & Hair - Animating Mitosis
settings you’ll see the collision flag option.
     This can be set to Face, Vertex, or Edge.
     The face setting is the most accurate and
     slowest to calculate. To get an idea of how
     collisions are calculated, scroll up and set
     the solver display to Collision Thickness.
     The plane turns yellow if the collisions flag is
     set to face. In fact if you switch to the side
     view, you’ll see that a yellow collision
     volume has surrounded the plane, the size
     of which is determined by the Thickness
     slider. Set the collision flag to vertex and
     you’ll see spheres drawn around the vertices
     pf the plane. Set the collision flag to Edge
     and you’ll see a collision volume surrounds
     the triangulated edges of the face.

     At the moment, if you play the simulation           The collision attributes in the rigidShape1 node
     while changing the collision flag from face to
     vertex to edge, you’ll notice that the cell
     seems a little wobblier when vertex is
     chosen over face. If you turn off the “trapped
     check” flag the cell falls through the plane
     when the collision flag is set to vertex, it
     becomes draped over the triangulated edge
     of the plane when its set to edge, and it
     continues to collide with the plane properly
     when set to face. When Trapped Check is
     on, the solver tries to push any vertices of
     colliding objects over to one side to prevent
     interpenetration problems.
                                                         Collisions on the cell have been set to “vertex”, collisions on the
     5. Set the collision flag to face. Keep             plane have been set to “face”.
        “trapped check” on.
     6. Switch to a side view, with the plane
        selected and the Solver Display set to
        “collisions”, adjust the thickness slider
        so that the collision with the plane is a
        little more accurate. A setting of .018
        should work fine.
     7. You’ll notice that the cell still hovers
        above the plane, this is because the cell
        nCloth object also has a thickness
        setting. You can select the cell, open the
        nClothShape1 tab in the attribute editor
        and display the cell’s thickness as well.
        Set the thickness slider to .027.
     8. If you’d like to speed up the calculation
        a little you can set the cell’s collision flag
        to vertex.
     9. Turn off the visibility of the collision
        volumes for the cell and the plane and
        save the scene as

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                         Spring ‘08
Advanced Dynamics: nCloth & Hair - Animating Mitosis
Initial State
At the start of the animation you’ll want the cell to be relatively motionless as it sits on the plane.
Currently it drops down and then collides with the plane, which is somewhat odd. To prevent this
from happening you’ll create an initial starting state.

     1. Set the timeline length to 400.
     2. Play the animation from the beginning and let it run until the cell collides with the plane
        and then settles down (about 100 frames).
     3. Select the cell and choose Edit nCloth>Initial State, Set from Current. When you rewind
        and play the animation, the cell starts resting on the plane. If you decide you want to
        remove or reset this later on, you can always choose Edit nCloth>Initial State>Clear
        Initial State.

At this point you’re ready to animate the
rounding of the cell. This will be accomplished in
an extremely simple manner. You’ll edit the
settings on the nCloth shape, nucleus will then
apply these settings and the animation will occur
automatically as nucleus interpolates between
the initial state and the applied settings.

     1. Select the nCloth shape. Open the               Increasing the value of the pressure slider causes the cell
        attribute editor for the nClothShape1           to inflate
     2. Play the animation. As the animation
        plays, raise the pressure slider. You’ll
        see the cell actually inflate. If you set the
        slider to 1 it will actually leap off the
        plane and bounce. Not very cellular but
        very entertaining.
     3. Raise the pressure damp to 1; this will
        tone down the inflation effect for a more
        controllable animation.
     4. Rewind and play the animation with
        these new settings.

There are two ways to calculate pressure. The
current method is set to manual, which is very
simple – the pressure slider and pressure               The rounding up of the cell is accomplished by increasing
damping sliders are the only two controls. These        the pressure settings
can be keyframed to tune the effect. If you set
the pressure at 0 and create a keyframe, then
play the animation to frame 100, set pressure to
1 and set another keyframe, you’ll get a very
nice rounding of the cell, it might be all you need
for the animation. If you set the out tangent on
the first keyframe to flat, the animation will look
smooth and elegant.

The second method is the volume-tracking
model. The settings on this model offer more
precise control as this model calculates the
                                                        The volume-tracking model simulates air being pumped
                                                        into the volume.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                       Spring ‘08
Advanced Dynamics: nCloth & Hair - Animating Mitosis
volume of the cloth combined with the inflow and
outflow of air. The pump rate value determines
the rate at which air is added within the volume.
Positive values continue to pump air into the
volume, negative values suck the air out. The
start pressure value sets the initial pressure of
the air inside the volume at the start of the

The Air Tightness value determines the
permeability of the nCloth object. Lower settings
allow the air to escape the volume. The
incompressibility setting refers to the air within
the volume. A lower value means the air is more
compressible which slows down the inflation
effect of the cell.

Whichever method you choose depends on
what you intend for the final animation. The
Volume-Tracking model will continue to inflate
the cell until its almost perfectly round which
may work well if you want the animation to show
the transition from prophase to prometaphase.            The pump rate of the pressure can be keyframed.

     5. Set the pressure method to volume
         tracking model, set the pressure
         damping to 1, the start pressure to 0,
         the pump rate to 1, the Air Tightness to
         1, and the incompressibility to 5.
     6. Rewind the animation and play to about
         frame 100. Stop the animation and set a
         keyframe on pump rate.
     7. Play the animation to 150. Set the pump
         rate to 0 and set another keyframe.
     8. Open the Graph Editor; select the
         nClothShape1 node in the outliner so
         that you can see the keyframes set on
         the pump rate.
     9. Flatten the in and out tangents of the
     10. Play the animation and save it if as if you’re happy with the
     11. If you find that the cell tends to move
                                                         The cell is completely inflated.
         about on the plane after it has been
         inflated you can scroll up to the surface
         properties section of the nClothShape1
         tab and increase the friction and mass.
         Set the Friction to 1 and the Mass to 10.
     12. You can also try removing the
         keyframes from the pump rate, set it to 1
         and set the air tightness to .95 so that
         some air is lost from the volume as it
         reaches its maximum inflation level.            Presets can help you get started creating a look for the simulation.
                                                         Maya 2008 has a large number of presets, Maya 8.5 does not.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                        Spring ‘08
nCloth Presets

As you can see from taking a look at all the settings on the nClothShape1 node, there are many
different attributes which work together to create the quality of the nCloth simulation. The
pressure settings are just a small section. You can achieve a very high level of control by
adjusting the settings, keyframing them or creating expressions, you can also create & assign
textures to control the surface properties of the nCloth so that some parts have more mass than
others or wrinkles, etc. It takes some time and experimentation to master all of these settings.
Many Maya nodes come with a number of presets, which can help you quickly create an initial
quality for the node. From there you can adjust the settings until you get what you would like. The
Presets button on the upper right of the Attribute Editor will contain a list of presets (if there’s an
asterisk next to “presets” then the presets are loaded). Maya 8.5 does not ship with nCloth
presets, Maya 2008 has a large number of presets from silk to rubber to water. You can also save
your presets; they will be available for any Maya session as long as your preferences are loaded.
Presets can also be blended together to create original nCloth qualities. nCloth presets can be
downloaded form the Autodesk AREA in the "Bonus Tools" section (all the way at the bottom):

Create an nCloth Cache
As with all dynamic simulations, it’s a good idea to create a cache file once you are happy with
the simulation. Cache files can easily be deleted or replaced so you don’t have to wait until
everything is perfect before creating one.

     1. Select the cell object and choose nCache>create new nCache>options.
     2. In the options you can choose a location for the file as well as the name. You can also
        decide to make a single file or a file for each frame. There may not be much of a
        difference however if you decided you wanted to create an interesting cloth effect that
        goes backwards you can try making a cache file for each frame and then use a file
        renaming program to reverse the order of the cache file names.
     3. You can set the frame range for the cache, for now leave it as the time slider.
     4. Create the cache. As the cache is created Maya will play through the scene file. When
        its finished you’ll see that the scene plays much faster. Any changes you make to the
        nCloth surface or nucleus will not be be seen in the simulation until you delete or replace
        the cache.

Dynamic Curves
Maya’s dynamic hair system can be used for much more than character hairstyles. The most
useful property of the system for the purpose of creating scientific animations is the ability to turn
a regular NURBS curve in to a dynamic curve. This is similar to creating a softbody curve
however, like cloth, the interactions and collisions between curves are much more realistic and
easier to set up. Like nCloth, once you convert a curve into a dynamic curve, you can adjust its
quality by changing the parameters on the hair node, this can be done while the animation is
playing allowing you to experiment with the settings until you get something you like.

In this section you’ll see how dynamic curves can be used to create chromatin loops hanging off
of the arm of a chromosome. You’ll also see how deformers can be used to manipulate a cached
hair system.

     1. You’ll start by creating a curve to
        represent the position of the
        chromosome arm. Start a new scene n
        Maya. Switch to the side view and turn
        on grid snapping.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                              Spring ‘08
2. Select the Create EP curve tool. Click
        once at the origin and then again 10
        units to the right.
     3. Switch to the Surfaces Menu set.
        Rebuild the curve so that it has 12
        spans (Edit Curves>Rebuild Curve).
        Rename the curve “armCurve”.
     4. Select the Pencil Curve Tool from the
        Create menu and draw one long looping
        curve starting from the origin and
        moving down towards the end and back
        to the origin.
     5. Hit enter when you’ve finished drawing
        the curve.
     6. Switch to the perspective view, right-
        click over the curve and choose “control
        vertices”. Use the move tool to randomly
                                                        The Options for curve rebuild
        position the CVs away from the center
        line so that the loops have some
        dimension. You can do this quickly
        without fussing over precision.
     7. Select the looping curve and rebuild it
        so that it has 100 spans. This will
        smooth the edits that you have made to
        the curve.
     8. Save the scene as

Create a Dynamic Curve
The looping curve will be converted into a hair
and the dynamics will be adjusted so that it has
a nice turbulent motion.
                                                        A Long looping curve is drawn around the original curve using the
     1. Switch to the Dynamics menu set,                Pencil Curve Tool.
        choose the curve and select Hair>Make
        Selected Curves Dynamic.
     2. Play the animation. You’ll see the
        original curve motionless and a
        duplicate that is moving. In the Outliner
        you’ll see a hair system node, a follicle
        group and the output curve group.

The curve has been duplicated. The follicle
curve is similar to a duplicate goal curve that you
create when making a softbody curve. The
follicle has attributes related to the hair curve
and can also be used as an attractor to the hair
curve. The hair system node contains many of
the attributes you’ll use to adjust the settings on
the hair.

     3. Expand the follicle node and select the
        follicleShape1 node, open the attribute
        editor. Set the Point Lock drop down            The move tool is used to add dimension to the loops

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                     Spring ‘08
menu to “No attach”. Set the timeline
           length to 200. Play the animation, you’ll
           see the hair curve drop and fly off into
     4.    Rewind the animation and set the Point
           lock to “base”. When you play the
           animation only one end of the curve is
           attached, the other is free to fly off
           depending on the dynamics. If you set
           the point lock to “tip” then the opposite
           end will be attached. The curve’s U
           direction determines which end is the tip
           and which is the base. Set the Point lock
           back to “BothEnds”. You can use the flip
           option to reverse the tip and base.
     5.    Select the hairSystemShape1 tab in the
           Attribute editor. In the Forces section set
           the gravity to 0 so that the hair no longer   Creating a dynamic curve creates several sets of nodes.
     6.    Set the Stiffness to 0. The stiffness
           scale adds a springy quality to the curve
           which can exaggerate the dynamics.
           You want a nice fluid motion to the hair
           so you can lower this to 0. In some
           cases you can use the Stiffness scale to
           fine-tune the stiffness along the length
           of the curve. This scale curve works
           only works when stiffness is at a non-
           zero value.
     7.    Set the drag value to .2. When you play
           the animation the motion of the hair has
           pretty much ceased. This is because
           there are no forces acting upon the hair.
     8.    Expand the Turbulence tab. Play the
           animation and slowly raise the
           turbulence, you’ll see the hair now starts
           to move. Set the intensity to .08 and the
           frequency to 1. Set the speed to 2.
     9.    Set the Start Curve Attract value to .027.
           The start curve is the original curve
           shape as represented by the follicle
           curve. Increasing this value cause the
           hair to conform to the shape of the
           follicle curve. Raise the Turbulence
           intensity to .5.
     10.   Select the follicle1 node. Play the
           animation and raise the sample density
           value. This increases the detail in the
           hair curve. Set this value to 10.
     11.   Adjust these settings until you have a
           nice turbulent motion that does not
           cause the hair to move too far from the
           original position. Select the Follicle node   When the Point lock attribute is set to Base only one
           and hide it so that you can clearly see       end of the hair curve is attached to the Follicle.
           the motion of the hair curve.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                     Spring ‘08
12. Save the scene as

Create a Hair Cache
When you create a hair cache the dynamics of
the curve are stored in a file or a series of files.
Not only does this ensure that the animation will
be correct when its time to render, it also allows
you to add deformers to the hair curve. You’ll
take advantage of this so that the hair and the
original chromosome curve can be animated

     1. Select the hair curve and choose
        Hair>Create Cache. You can use the              Increasing the sample density adds detail to the hair
        options to determine the frame range of         dynamics.
        the cache, you can leave this set to
        “Time Slider”.
     2. The animation will play through and the
        hair dynamics will be written to disk.
        Playing the animation should now be
        somewhat faster, you can also scrub
        through the timeline and the hair will
        update correctly.
     3. Remember that if you change settings
        on the hairSystems node or the follicle
        node you won’t see a change unless the
        cache is deleted.

Deform the Curves                                       The dynamic hair output curve and the original curve are grouped.
                                                        A chain of 10 joints is added along the center line.
As long as the cache is available and properly
linked, the dynamic curve can be animated
using deformers.

     1. Rewind the animation, Select the hair
        curve and the original chromosome
        curve and group them.
     2. Select the group, switch to the side
        view, switch to the animation menu set.
     3. Turn on grid snapping and select the
        joint tool. Create a chain of 10 joints
        each one unit long that follows the
        armCurve created at the start of the
     4. Select the Group and the joint chain and
        choose skin>smooth bind.
     5. Try rotating some of the joints and play
        the animation, the looping curve should
        still move even after being deformed by
        the joints.
                                                        Thanks to the cache, the dynamic curve will animate
                                                        even while it is being deformed by joints.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                       Spring ‘08
6. Undo changes to the joint rotation and
        save the file as

Use Hair as an IK Spline Curve
The joint chain can be controlled using a spline
IK, to add another level of dynamic motion you
can convert the spline IK curve into a dynamic
hair curve.
                                                        The IK spline has been converted to a dynamic curve but the joints
     1. Switch to the animation menu set and            do not follow its motion.
        choose Skeleton>IK Spline handle
        tool>Options. In the Options, turn on
        “Auto Create Curve and set the spans to
     2. Click on the first joint in the chain at the
        origin and then the last joint to create
        the IK spline. A third curve (curve4) will
        be created in the Outliner.
     3. Select curve4 and switch to the
        dynamics menu set. Choose Hair>Make
        selected curves dynamic.
     4. A new hair system will be created
        named hairSystem2. Select the
        associated follicle and in the attributes,
        set the point lock to base.
     5. If you play the animation you’ll see the
        new hair curve droop but the joints do
        not follow. This is because when the
        curve is converted to a dynamic curve a
        duplicate is made of the original (the
        original becomes the follicle curve). To
        make the joints follow the motion of the
        dynamic curve you’ll need to rearrange
                                                        The dynamicIKSplineShape node needs to replace the connection
        some connections in the Hypergraph.             between the iKHandle node and the curveShape3 node.
     6. Expand the hairSystem2Output curves
        group in the outliner, you’ll see a curve
        named curve5. To reduce confusion,
        rename this curve “dynamicIKSpline”.
     7. Select the dynamicIKSplineShape node
        in the Outliner, Ctrl/Command select the
        IkHandle1 node and open the
     8. You’ll see that curveShape4 (which is
        the follicle for the dynamicIKspline
        curve) is connected to the ikHandle1
        node. If you hold your mouse over the
        arrow it shows that the worldSpace
        attribute of curveShape3 is connected to
        the incurve attribute of the iKHandle.
     9. Select the dynamicIKSplineShape node
        and MMB drag it on top of the ikHandle          Middle Mouse Button drag the dynamicIKSplineShape
                                                        node on top of the ikhadle1 node and choose “Other”

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                     Spring ‘08
node, form the pop up menu, choose
         “Other” to open the Connection Editor.
     10. Find the World Space attribute on the
         left of the connection editor and select it.
         Scroll down and find the In Curve
         attribute on the right - it will be in italics
         and grayed out indicating it already has
         an input connection. Select In Curve,
         this will update the IK spline so that now
         the dynamicIKSpline curve controls the
         joints. Rewind and play the animation.
     11. Select the hairSystem2 node and                   The World Space attribute on the left needs to be connected to the
         experiment with the dynamics, try these           In Curve attribute on the right

                    Start Curve Attract = 0
                    Turbulence Intensity=.091
                    Frequency = .582
                    Speed =1.072

     In the follicleShape2 tab set the Sample
     Density to 2.

     12. Play the animation and adjust the
     settings to your liking. Save the scene as

Add Paint Effects Strokes to the
The final step is to add Paint Effects strokes to
the curves you need to render.

     1. Select and hide all of the nodes except
        the grouped curves in group1.
     2. Open the Visor (Windows>General
        Editors>Visor). From the Paper folder,
        select the Confetti brush.
     3. Switch to the rendering menu set.
     4. Select armCurve in group1. Choose
        Paint Effects > Curve Utilities > Attach
        Brush to Curves. The confetti brush will
        be attached to the main curve; this will
        be the chromosome arm.
     5. Set the following settings in the confetti1
        shape node tab of the Attribute Editor:
                                                           Adding Paint Effects strokes to the curves allows them to be

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                         Spring ‘08

                    Tubes Per Step = 100
                    Segments = 2
                    Length Min = .163
                    Length Max = .273
                    Tube Width 1 = .066
                    Tube Width 2 = .079
                    Width Rand = .364
                    Width Bias = .982
                    Tube Direction: Along Path
                    Azimuth Min = -1
                    Azimuth Max = 1


                    Set color 1 to a nice purple/blue
                    Under Tube Shading set Color2
                    to purple
                    Set Hue Rand to 0
                    Sat Rand to .054
                    Val Rand to .145


                    Turn on Illuminated and Real
                    Under Shadow Effects set Fake
                    Shadows to 3D cast.

                    Select the StrokeShape1 tab
                    and turn on “Use Normal” this
                    will keep the stroke from twisting
                    erratically as the curve moves.

Do some test renders and adjust the settings
until you are satisfied. Apply a similar stroke to
the looping curve but lower the tubes per step to
10 and the Global Scale to .18. Set the colors to
something that contrasts with the purple and
blue of the chromosome arm, try a green/blue.
Add a light to the scene.

When you like the look of the arm and the loops,
create a hair cache for the IK spline curve and
render a sequence.

Constrain Cloth to Hair
It’s fairly simple to attach an nCloth object to a hair curve indirectly using a locator and an
nConstraint. In this exercise you’ll see how you can use this technique to animate the separation
of chromosomes during anaphase. This section will go through setting up just part of the
animation, completing the animation is simply a matter of expanding the techniques so that both
sets of chromosomes are animated. First you’ll create the spindles using hair.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                          Spring ‘08
1. Start a new scene in Maya.
     2. Create a polygon cube and use the
         smooth operation and set the divisions
         to 2 to create the now familiar pole-less
         rounded cube. Rename the cube
     3. Scale the roundCube up so that the
         radius is about 3 units.
     4. Switch to the Dynamics menu set.
     5. Right-click over the roundCube and
         choose face, drag a selection over the
         entire cube to select all of the faces.
     6. Choose Hair>Create Hair>Options. In
         the options choose to create hair at
         selected points/faces. Set the output to
         NURBS curves, set the length to 15.
     7. Press the Create Hairs button to create         Hairs are attached to the faces of the smoothed cube.
         the hairs. Hairs now appear attached to
         the center of each face.
     8. Set the length of the timeline to 300 and
         play the animation, you’ll see the hairs
         drop due to gravity.
     9. In the Outliner, select the hairSystem1
         node, set Gravity to 0.
     10. Set the Drag to 2. Set stiffness to 1.
     11. Select the roundCube and set a
         keyframe on the translateX channel.
     12. Play the animation to frame 100, set
         translate X to 50 and set another key
     13. Open the graph editor for the
         roundCube and flatten the tangents on
         the animation curve.
     14. Play the animation.

                                                        The hairs are dragged by the animated cube.
Model a Simple Chromosome
The next step is to create a very simple
chromosome model and convert it to nCloth.

     1. Select the roundCube and hairs and
        hide them.
     2. Create a polygon cube and name it
     3. Set the height to 9 and the subdivisions
        in height to 9 as well.
     4. Right-click over the cube and choose
        “face”, select the faces at the center
        section of the cube.
     5. Perform a extrusion and pull these faces
        out a little to form the centromere.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                      Spring ‘08
6. Select the faces above and below the
         centromere, scale these down in X and
     7. Perform and smooth operation on the
         chromosome, set the divisions to 2.
     8. Duplicate the chromosome twice for a
         total of three chromosomes.
     9. Unhide the roundCube and hair system
     10. Position the chromosomes near the end
         of three of the hairs. Choose hairs that
         are closer together so that you can test
         the collision properties of the nCloth
         objects. Make sure the chromosomes
         are on the side of the roundCube
         opposite from where it travels when the
         animation is played.                           The chromosome is modeled from a simple cube
     11. Save the scene as

Convert the Chromosome to
nCloth and Add Constraints
Multiple objects can all be assigned to the same
nucleus node so that their dynamics are shared.
nCloth objects cannot be constrained directly to
the hair curves, however a locator can be
attached to each hair and then each
chromosome can be constrained to a locator.

     1. Select the three chromosome objects,
        switch to the nCloth menu and choose
        nCloth>Create nCloth.
     2. Select any one of the chromosomes and
        open its attribute editor. Switch to the
                                                            Smoothing the cube twice
        nucleus tab and set the gravity to 0 and
                                                            finishes the model
        the air density to 25.
     3. If you play the animation now, not much
        will happen since there are no forces
        acting upon the nCloth.
     4. Rewind the animation and create three
        locators to act as constraint objects.
     5. Select the locator1 and the hair curve
        closest to chromosome1. Switch to the
        Animation menu set, choose
        animate>Motion Paths>Attach to Motion
     6. By setting the curve as a motion path to
        the locator you are essentially
        constraining the locator to the curve. Of
        course it currently moves along the
        curve as the animation plays. Select the
        curve and open the motionPath1 node
        in the channel box. You’ll see the U
        Value channel is orange indicating that it          The chromosome is duplicated and placed near
        has a keyframe. Right-click over the U              the end of some of the curves.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                               Spring ‘08
Value channel and choose “Break
           Connections” to remove the keyframe.
     7.    Set the uValue channel to 1 so that the
           locator is at the end of the curve next to
           the chromosme.
     8.    Play the animation; you’ll see the locator
           is attached to the curve as it travels
           through space.
     9.    Rewind the animation. Right-click over
           chromosme1 and choose “Vertex” to
           switch to vertex selection mode.
           Carefully select all the vertices of the
     10.   Hold the ctrl/command key and select
           locator1 in the channel box. You want
                                                        A locator is attached to the curve
           both the locator and the vertices of the     using a motion path.
           centromere to be selected at the same
     11.   Switch to the nCloth menu set and
           choose nConstraint>Transform. This will
           constrain the selected vertices to the
           locator. (Note that nConstraints are not
           the same as the constraints found in the
           animation menu set, these are specific
           to nCloth objects).
     12.   Play the animation, you’ll see the
           chromosme is dragged along by the
           dynamic curve.
     13.   Repeat these steps for the other two
           chromosomes so that they are attached
           to the other curves.
     14.   Try experimenting with settings on the
           nCloth chromosome. Set bend
           resistance to 70, stretch resistance to 10
           and compression resistance to 10.
     15.   Select all of the follicle nodes in the
           Outliner and set their sample density to     The vertices of the centromere are selected
           2. This increases the detail in the hair
           dynamics by double the number of
           points on the dynamic version of the
           curve. A setting of 1 causes the dynamic
           hair to have the same number of points
           as the original CV curve.
     16.   Select the hair node and in the attribute
           editor, set the turbulence intensity to 1
           and the frequency to .5.
     17.   At this point the animation will be a bit
           slow so you may need to create a
           playblast to see how it will look at the
           proper speed. Notice that the
           chromosomes will collide and interact if
           they get close to each other.
     18.   You can add more chromosomes to the
           scene if you’d like although it will get
           increasing computational intensive so        The vertices are constrained to the locator using
           save frequently. Remember that before        a transform nConstraint.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                             Spring ‘08
rendering you’ll need to make a cache
          for both the hair system and the nCloth

    When the animation is played the hair curves drag the

nCloth Cell Division
There are numerous approaches for creating
believable cell division animation in Maya. In this
section you’ll see some of the possibilities
offered by nCloth. The goal of this lesson, as
well as the others in this section, is to make you
aware of the many choices you have and inspire
you to create your own solutions to the problems
posed by scientific visualization.

In the first part of this lesson you’ll use nCloth to
animate one side of the cell division. Later on
you’ll create a cache and duplicate the right side
of the cell to create the left side of the cell. By
using applying a cache to both halves of the cell
you’ll only have to create a nCloth simulation for
one side of the cell.

     1. Create a new scene in Maya.                              The vertices on one side of the cube are scaled
     2. Create a polygon cube and scale it up
        10 units in X, Y, and Z.
     3. Switch to the polygon menu set, select
        the cube and perform a smooth
        operation, leave the divisions at 1.
     4. Switch to the front camera. Right-click
        over the cube and choose “Vertex”.
        Drag a selection marquee around all of
        the vertices on the left side of the origin.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                       Spring ‘08
5. Use the scale too to scale these down
         roughly 30%. This will cause the cell to
         be squished out towards the right in the
         final simulation.
     6. Select the cube and perform another
         smooth operation, set the divisions to 3.
     7. Name the cube “cell_right”
     8. A rigid body object will cleave the cell.
         Create a polygon Pipe (Create>Polygon
     9. Rotate the pipe 90 degrees in Z.
     10. Set the X and Z scale to 12, set Scale Y
         to .25
     11. Set the thickness to .5, subdivisions axis
         to 36, subdivisions height to 2, and
         subdivision caps to 1. You can increase
         the rings around the flat area of the pipe
         by raising the subdivisions of the caps,
         however, as you saw in the first part of
         this chapter, increasing the subdivisions
         on the passive geometry is not always          A polygon pipe will be used to cleave the cell.
     12. Right Click over the pipe and choose
         vertex. Select all the vertices at the
         center of the pipe, use the scale tool to
         scale the center along the Y axis so that
         the center of the pipe is thinner than the
         outside edge. This will create a wedge-
         like profile in the pipe. This may or may
         not be necessary depending on the final
         nCloth settings.
     13. Delete history on the pipe. Freeze
         transforms on the pipe (modify>Freeze
     14. Rewind the animation to the start, set a
         key frame on the pipe’s X, Y, and Z
     15. Set the time line to frame 100. Scale the
         pipe down in X, Y, and Z to .05 in X, Y,
         and Z.
     16. Save the file as

nCloth Settings                                         As the pipe scales it collapses the nCloth cell.

Creating the quality of the cell as it divides
involves some experimentation with the nCloth

     1. Open the file or continue
        with the scene from the previous
     2. Select the cell_right object and switch to
        the nCloth menu set. Choose

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                   Spring ‘08
nCloth>Create cloth, the default settigs
          are fine.
     3.   Select the pipe and choose
          nCloth>Create Passive.
     4.   Select the cell and switch to the nucleus
          tab in the Attribute Editor. Set Gravity to
     5.   Play the animation,. It will be somewhat
          slow but you’ll see the pipe clamp down
          on the cell. The settings need to be
          adjusted so that the cell is squished out
          to the right side.
     6.   Use these values for the settings, if a
          setting isn’t mentioned you can leave it
          at the default value. The name of these        Adjusting the settings of the nCloth node creates
          settings are fairly self-explanatory and       a quality to the cell which allows it to be squished
                                                         out one side of the pipe.
          the values were determined through
          experimentation. I found that a high
          compression and bend resistance
          allowed the cell to successfully escape
          from the clamping action of the pipe,
          use these settings as a starting point to
          create the type of motion you want:

     Friction = 0
     Stretch Resistance = 1.82
     Compression resistance = 200
     Bend Resistance = 120

     Tip : When you have settings you like, or
     even close to what you like, use the preset
     button in the upper right of the attribute
     editor to save your own presets. If you need
     to replicate the settings in another scene,
     you can apply them directly from the nCloth
     attribute editor without having to reopen the
     original scene.

     7. Hide the pipe object and create a
         playblast of the animation, the cell half
         should squish out to the right, however it
         keeps traveling after it resumes it’s
         shape, to stop the cell you can add a
         drag field. Rewind the animation, select
         the cell_right object and choose
     8. Select the drag field and open its
         attribute editor, set the Volume shape of
         the field to Cube.
     9. Scale the cube up to 4.5 in X, Y, and Z,
         move the field to the right of the cell (set
         the translate X to 7.15).
     10. Set the Attenuation to 0 and the
         magnitude to1. Higher magnitudes can
         even act as a barrier to the cloth
                                                         The settings in the nClothShape1 node

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                    Spring ‘08
causing in to deform as it presses
         against the drag field.
     11. Create another playblast. The drag field
         should halt the cell’s momentum so that
         it stops after the division is complete.
         You can increase the air density in the
         nucleus settings if you want the cell to
         appear more like its in a fluid medium.
     12. Save the scene as

Tip: You can try keyframing the pressure
settings to make the cell grow into a spherical
shape after it divides, experiment with manual
settings and the volume tracking method. The
pressure should start increasing after the cell
divides and then stop once it has settled.              A drag field keeps the cell from drifting after it divides.

Using nCaches
Once an nCache is created it can be applied to
a duplicate of the original object to create the
other half of the cell.

     1. Select the cell_right object. From the
        nCloth menu set choose
        nCache>Create New nCache. You can
        use the options to name the cache, set
        the directory and the time range. You
        can choose to either create one file of
        one file per frame, in this case, choose
        to create a single file. If a cache already
        exists, a dialog box will open asking you
        if you want to replace or rename the
        existing cache. Make a note of where
        the cache file is stored, it should create
        a directory in the project’s data folder by
     2. The scene will play through as it creates
        the cache, once it is finished rewind and
        play the scene. It should play at full
     3. Rewind the animation and select the
        cell_right object and duplicate it, name
        the duplicate “cell_left”. In the outliner,
        set the display to show shape nodes,
        expand each of the nodes for the two
        halves of the cells and make sure the
        shape nodes have different names,
        rename them cell_rightShape and
     4. Select the cell_left object and choose
        nCache>Attache existing nCache. A
        dialog box will open up; by default it            Rename the shape nodes of the cell to ensure that
        should open to the data folder by                 Maya does not become confused when dynamics are
        default. Find the directory created by the

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                          Spring ‘08
cache. In the dialog box, set the file type
        to best guess. Select the file ending in
     5. Rewind and play the scene, you’ll see
        both cell halves have the same
        animation applied.
     6. Select the cell_left object and set its Y
        rotation to 180. Rewind and play the
        scene, you’ll see the two cell halves now
        move in opposite direction.
     7. If you find that one side of the cell pokes
        through the opposite half as it divides
        you can move one or the other slightly in
        X. Try setting the cell_left’s translate X
        value to -.587. In this case, moving the
        left side a little actually improves the
        look of the division.

Tip: Its possible to delete all of the nCloth nodes
and fields except for the original geometry and
apply the cache to each of the duplicate cell
halves, this can speed up playback of the scene,          A cache can be attached to a similar, non-cloth object
                                                          to duplicate its motion.
just male sure you have a version of the scene
with the nCloth nodes saved in case you want to
go back and make changes.

Tip: as long as the cache file exists and is
properly linked you can add animation and
deformers to the cached geometry, if you want
to add an additional level of variation to the cell
objects you can add a lattice on top of the
geometry and adjust the lattice point positions.
To add even more dynamic motion you can
experiment with making the lattice a softbody
object or even create soft body duplicates of the
cell geometry.

Coat the Geometry with Particles
To create the look of a single cell object dividing
into two cells, you can use coat each cell half
with a single particle object set to the blobby
surface render type. This works almost as well
as metaballs in other leading 3D packages such
as Houdini.

     1. Continue with the scene from the
        previous section, create a particle
        emitter. Set the emitter type to omni, the
        rate to 500, and the speed to 1.
     2. Select the particle object in the Outliner.
        Ctrl (Command) select the cell_right
        object. Switch to the dynamics menu set
                                                        The duplicate cell with the cache applied adds the
                                                        other half of the cell to the division.

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                   Spring ‘08
and choose particle>Goal>options. In
          the options, set the goal weight to 1.
     3.   Repeat step 2 for the cell_left object,
          you want both of the objects to be goals
          for the cell.
     4.   Set the particle render type to blobby
          surface. If you play the animation you’ll
          see the particles get stuck between the
          two halves of the cell, this is because
          each goal is exerting an equal force on
          the particle.
     5.   Open the attribute editor for the
          particleShape node. Expand the goal
          weights and objects section. Click on
          the createGoalWeight0PP button and            The particles are stuck between the two goal surfaces
          the createGoalWeight1PP. This creates
          a per particle goal weight for each goal
          object. Each goal has a designated
          index number. The cell_right object is
          goal0 and the cell_left object is goal1
          because of the order in which the goals
          were added to the particle.
     6.   Scroll down to the per-particle array
          attributes. Right click over the
          goalWeight1PP field and choose
          “creation expression”.
     7.   In the expression editor, add the
          following expression:

If (particleId % 2 == 0 )
    goalWeight1PP=0;                                    Attributes to control per-particle weights for each goal
}                                                       can be created in the Goal Weights and Objects
else                                                    section of the particle’s attribute editor.

8. This expression simply states that if the ID
number of a particle is even then set the goal
weight of goal0 to 1 and the goal weight of goal1
to 0, otherwise set the reverse (so odd numbers
go to goal1). The % sign stand for modulus,
particleId % 2==0 says that the Id number can
be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder,
thus it is even. Note that you must use the
double equals sign in this expression. A double         The expression divides the particles evenly between
equals sign is an evaluation, a single equals           the two goals.
sign is an assignment.

9. Click on the Create button in the expression
   editor to make the expression. Play the

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                     Spring ‘08
animation, you should see that both cell
    halves are coated with particles.
10. Currently the particles continue to be added
    to the cell halves, you can set a limit on the
    number of cells generated by the emitter. If
    you set the Heads Up display to show the
    polygon count and select the two cell halves,
    you’ll see that the total vertices is 3076.
    Select the particle shape node and in the
    Attribute Editor under Emission attributes,
    set the max count to 3076. You can raise
    the emitter’s rate to 10,000 so that the cells
    are coated in particles within the first couple
    frames of the animation.                             A Blinn shader is assigned to the particles, when
11. Select the particle shape. In the Attribute          rendered the cells appear to be one object split into two.
    editor click on the Add Attributes for current
    render type button. Raise the threshold to .8.
12. Select the original cell geometry and hide it
    or assign a transparent lambert shader so
    that it does not show up in the render.

You may notice that the divided cells are rather
lumpy . This is because for each half of the cell
only half the vertices are being covered – the
particles are attracted to the goal based on their
particle Id number so some vertices are left
open because the corresponding particle is on
the opposite half of the cell. The easiest way to
remedy this is to perform a smooth operation on
each of the cell halves and then raise the max
particle count on the particle shape node so that
enough particles are created (about 12292
particles will need to be created to cover the
cells). Then raise the radius and threshold of the
blobby surface particles. This will smooth the
surface of the cells somewhat but it’s not a
perfect solution.

The reason you would use a single particle
object as opposed to two particle objects is that
the metaball quality of blobby surfaces can’t be
shared between two separate particle nodes.

You may notice that it takes a few frames at the
start of the animation before the cells are coated
with particles. You can either cut these out of the
final render sequence or play the animation up
to the frame where the cells are coated but
before the cells start to move. Then set an initial
state on the particles (Solvers>Set Initial State
for Selected).

Tip: Before rendering the scene, make sure you
create a particle cache!

advTutorial 5: nCloth & Hair – Animating Mitosis                                                      Spring ‘08
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