Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E) of unknown origin among pediatrics

Page created by Tyrone Campbell
Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E) of unknown origin among pediatrics
Le Infezioni in Medicina, n. 3, 353-361, 2022
doi: 10.53854/liim-3003-4

    REVIEWS                                                                                                              353

Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E)
of unknown origin among pediatrics
Nasim Asadi Faezi1, Bahareh Mehramouz2, Sepehr Taghizadeh1, Pasquale Pagliano3,
Hossein Samadi Kafil4
  Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran;
  Stem Cell Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran;
  Departement of Medicine, University of Salerno, Italy;
  Drug Applied Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

Article received 1 July 2022, accepted 14 July 2022

     Several clusters and individual cases of acute hepatitis   tive for SARS-CoV-2. All the patients showed symp-
     have been reported in the US, Europe and recently in       toms such as vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, and abdom-
     Asia and Central America since October 2021. A labo-       inal pain. The patients’ liver enzymes were remarkably
     ratory investigation of the common viral hepatitis         increased. No connection with SARS-CoV-2 or its vac-
     agents (HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV and HEV) yielded neg-           cine has been found so far. However, the suspected
     ative results prompting the use of the term “acute non     cause is adenovirus, including its genomic variations,
     HepA-E hepatitis” to describe this condition. As of 24     because its pathogenesis and laboratory investigations
     June of 2022, WHO have reported 920 probable cases         have been positively linked. Until further evidence
     of severe acute hepatitis of unknown origin among          emerges, hygiene precautions could be helpful to pre-
     pediatrics in 33 countries in five WHO regions. Since      vent its spread.
     the previous reports on 27 May 2022, 270 new probable
     cases have been increased, including from four new         Keywords: hepatitis, non HepA-E hepatitis, viral hepa-
     countries, some of whom were also found to be posi-        titis, liver, infection.

n INTRODUCTION                                                  rus (CMV), parvovirus, enteroviruses, adenovi-
                                                                ruses, rubella virus, herpes viruses (HHV-1,
H    epatitis is a condition characterized by in-
     flammation of the liver parenchyma [1]. In-
flammation may be acute, usually lasting less
                                                                HHV-2, HHV-6, HHV-7) and human immunode-
                                                                ficiency virus (HIV). Other infectious agents that
                                                                may cause hepatitis include Brucella spp, Coxiella
than six months, and subsequently normal liver
                                                                burnetii, and Leptospira [3].
function, or it may be chronic [2]. Non-infectious
                                                                Common symptoms of acute hepatitis include
causes of hepatitis in children include immuno-
                                                                myalgia, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, fatigue, fe-
logical conditions (such as autoimmune diseases),
                                                                ver, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. These symp-
metabolic diseases (such as Wilson’s disease, ty-
                                                                toms sometimes last for several weeks. A high
rosinemia), and exposure to toxins or drugs (such
                                                                proportion of acute infections with hepatitis vi-
as acetaminophen). The most common infectious
                                                                ruses are asymptomatic, and for hepatitis A and
agents are primary liver viruses (hepatitis A, B, C,
                                                                B, children are much more likely to get an infec-
D, E). Other viruses that can cause acute hepatitis
                                                                tion than adults, which can cause a minor or
include: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovi-
                                                                asymptomatic illness [4]. Jaundice is usually asso-
                                                                ciated with acute hepatitis, but many cases of vi-
Corresponding author                                            ral hepatitis may not show this feature. Death
Hossein Samadi Kafil                                            from acute viral hepatitis is rare and is usually the
E-mail:                                    result of acute hepatitis, acute liver failure (ALF)
Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E) of unknown origin among pediatrics
354 N.A. Faezi, B. Mehramouz, S. Taghizadeh, et al.

     with hepatic encephalopathy. The risk of ALF due         identified as a cause of hepatitis in healthy chil-
     to viral hepatitis is associated with aging and pre-     dren [17,18]. Hepatitis in association with Human
     vious liver disease. Prolonged prothrombin coag-         adenoviruses (HAdV) infection has been reported
     ulation disorder is one of the classic markers of        in young infants, mainly in children with an over-
     ALF. Hepatic encephalopathy can be subtle, espe-         whelming disseminated disease or in immuno-
     cially in infants. Bone marrow failure occurs in a       compromised patients [19, 20]. Few cases of
     small number of children with ALF, ranging from          HAdV hepatitis have been reported in immuno-
     mild pancytopenia to aplastic anemia [5]. Without        compromised pediatric patients. Adenoviral hep-
     liver transplantation, mortality is very high in         atitis can occur sporadically secondary to liver
     children with ALF. In more than 50% of cases of          transplantation or by the spread of the virus
     ALF in children, the cause is not identifiable and       through the bloodstream to the liver. In trans-
     they are classified as indeterminate [6]. Treatment      plants, it may be directly related to a transplanted
     of indeterminate cases of ALF is general support-        liver infection or reactivation of the virus from a
     ive measures and liver transplantation.                  latent source. Focal inflammatory infiltrates are
     Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E) of unknown ori-           seen along with necrosis of normal liver cells and
     gin refers to cases of severe hepatitis that is not      spotted cells. Pathologic diagnosis can be con-
     caused by any of the five strains of the virus. Some     firmed by PCR, IHC, and thin section transmis-
     children with acute and severe hepatitis of un-          sion EM [21].
     known origin become infected with a virus called
     adenovirus type 41 (which causes acute gastroen-
                                                              n CURRENT GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION
     teritis). However, it is not clear whether the virus
                                                                OF THE REPORTED ACUTE NON HEPA-E
     causes recent cases of hepatitis [7].
                                                                HEPATITIS CASES
     Human adenoviruses (HAdVs) are non-envel-
     oped doubled-stranded DNA viruses that are               As of 22 June of 2022, WHO have reported 920
     common pathogens with worldwide distribution.            probable cases of severe acute hepatitis of un-
     They usually cause self-limiting infections in a         known origin among pediatrics in 33 countries in
     healthy population. However, severe or diffuse           five WHO regions. (Figure 1). These include new
     HAdV infections may occur in some people, more           and retrospectively identified cases since 1 Octo-
     commonly in immunocompromised patients [8-               ber 2021, which fit the WHO case definition as
     10]. More than 5 to 10 percent of all febrile illness-   stated below. Since the previous reports on 27
     es in infants and young children are caused by           May 2022, 270 new probable cases have been in-
     HAdV, and almost all adults have serological evi-        creased, including from four new countries. The
     dence of previous infection with one or more             diagnosis of severe acute hepatitis of unknown
     HAdVs [11]. Infections present throughout the            aetiology in children across five WHO Regions is
     year without particular seasonality [12]. Epidem-        abnormal, and the severe clinical consequences of
     ics occur globally, e.g. in closed or crowded set-       some cases require careful examination. This out-
     tings or communities [13, 14]. Common transmis-          break was initially detected on 5 April 2022 when
     sions include inhaling aerosol droplets, oral-fecal      the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North-
     diffusion, or conjunctival insemination. Because         ern Ireland (the United Kingdom) notified WHO
     the virus can survive on environmental surfaces          of 10 cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown
     for long periods of time, its absorption from exter-     aetiology in previously healthy young children
     nal sources (such as pillows, sheets) has been de-       aged under 10 years in the central belt of Scot-
     scribed [15]. Additionally, HAdV reactivation            land. Four other countries have reported cases
     may occur in immunocompromised patients [12].            awaiting classification that have not been includ-
     Adenovirus type 41 usually causes acute gastro-          ed in the cumulative count. Of the probable cases,
     enteritis in children, which usually presents as         45 children (5%) needed a transplant and 18 (2%)
     diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. It is often accompa-      deaths were reported to the WHO [22]. Half of
     nied with respiratory symptoms [16]. While there         the probable cases reported from the WHO Euro-
     have been reports of hepatitis in children with im-      pean Area (20 countries reported 460 cases), in-
     munodeficiency associated with adenovirus type           cluding 267 cases (29% of global cases) from the
     41 infection, adenovirus type 41 has not been            UK (Table 1, Figure 2). The second highest num-
Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E) of unknown origin among pediatrics
Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E) of unknown origin among pediatrics 355

ber of cases was reported from the Americas                                  January 2022. Working alongside with Scotland
(n=383, including 305 from the United States),                               Public Health, Wales Public Health and the Pub-
followed by the Pacific West (n=61) and South-                               lic Health Agency active investigations has iden-
east Asia (n=14) and the Eastern Mediterranean                               tified seven more confirmed cases since the last
region (n=2). Seventeen countries have reported                              update on 17 June, bringing the total number of
more than five possible cases. The actual number                             confirmed cases in the UK to 258 by 21 June. Of
of cases may be underestimated, in part because                              those confirmed cases, 183 are residents of the
of the limited advanced surveillance schemes                                 UK, 35 in Scotland, 18 in Wales and 22 in North-
available. The number of cases is expected to                                ern Ireland. These cases are mainly in children
change as more information and verified data be-                             under 5 years’ old who showed the first signs of
come available [22].                                                         gastroenteritis (diarrhea and nausea) and then
The United Kingdom Health Security Agency                                    the onset of jaundice. In part of the research, a
(UKHSA) continues to investigate and confirm                                 small number of children over the age of 10 are
cases of sudden onset of hepatitis in 10 years of                            also being considered as possible cases. No chil-
age and younger children which identified since                              dren have died [23].

                                                                                                                         Figure 1 - Distribu-
                                                                                                                         tion of probable cas-
                                                                                                                         es of severe acute
                                                                                                                         hepatitis of unknown
                                                                                                                         aetiology in children
                                                                                                                         by country, as of 22
                                                                                                                         June 2022 (n=920).

Table 1 - Distribution of reported probable cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology by WHO Region
since 1 October 2021, as of 22 June 2022.
                                           Cases           SARS-CoV-2 positive         Adenovirus positive            Adenovirus
   WHO Region                         requiring liver        by PCR (number             by PCR* (number            type 41 (number        Deaths
                                        transplants          of positive cases)          of positive cases)        of positive cases)
 Americas                  383               23                      11                         118                       14                 12
                            2                0                 Not available                     1                  Not available            1
 Europe                    460               22                      47                         203                       30                 1
 Southeast-Asia             14               0                 Not available              Not available             Not available            4
 Western Pacific            61               0                        6                          5                         0                 0
 Cumulative**              920               45                      64                         327                       44                 18
*Adenovirus positive in any specimen type (respiratory, urine, stool, whole blood, serum, other, or unknown specimen type).
**The information included in this table contains data notified under IHR (2005), including from The European Surveillance System (TESSY) and
official sources detected through event-based surveillance activities within the Public Health Intelligence process. Further information is presented
in the Supplementary material.
Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E) of unknown origin among pediatrics
356 N.A. Faezi, B. Mehramouz, S. Taghizadeh, et al.

     Figure 2 - Epidemiological
     curve of probable cases of
     severe acute hepatitis of
     unknown aetiology with
     available data, by week, by
     WHO region, as of 22 June
     2022 (n=476). Note: The fig-
     ure only includes cases for
     which dates of symptom
     onset, hospitalization, or
     notification were reported
     to WHO (n=476). The date of
     symptom onset was used
     when available (n=289). If un-
     available, the week of hos-
     pitalization (n=163), or the
     week of notification (n=24),
     was used.

     n LABORATORY TESTING OF CASES                         been detected in 45% of cases (253/113) with the
                                                           available results.
     Laboratory testing for hepatitis A-E virus in these   SARS-CoV-2 has been identified in a number of
     children excluded the possible definition (Box 1).    cases, however, data on serological outcomes are
     Other pathogens have been identified in a num-        limited. In the European region, SARS-CoV-2 was
     ber of cases, although data reported to the WHO       detected by PCR in 15% of cases (47/307) with
     are incomplete.                                       available results (see Annex). Preliminary reports
     Adenovirus is still the most commonly identified      from the United States show that SARS-CoV-2 is
     pathogen among the available data. In the Euro-       detected in 10% of cases (8/83) with available re-
     pean region, adenovirus was detected by PCR in        sults. Most cases reported do not appear to be ep-
     55% of cases (203/371) with available results (see    idemiologically linked. However, epidemiologi-
     Supplementary material). Preliminary reports          cally related cases have been reported in Scotland
     from the United States show that adenovirus has       and the Netherlands [22].

     Box 1 - WHO Working case
     definition of acute hepatitis
     of unknown aetiology.
Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E) of unknown origin among pediatrics 357

n EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS                      and serology. PCR is the most common way to di-
  OF CASES                                             agnose the virus in respiratory, fecal, blood, urine,
                                                       or other specimens [7].
As of June 22, 2022, out of 422 cases with sexual      Typing can be done using specific type monoclo-
and age information, 48% of cases were male            nal antibodies (commercially available reagents)
(n=202) and the majority of cases (78%, n=327)         or using molecular methods (such as PCR and se-
were under 6 years old (Figure 3). Of the possible     quencing). Different genome types in serotypes
100 cases with available clinical data, the most       are identified by restriction enzyme analysis,
commonly reported symptoms were nausea or              multiplex PCR or sequencing techniques that tar-
vomiting (54% of cases), jaundice (49% of cases),      get the AdV fiber and hexon genes. Whole Ge-
general weakness (45% of cases), and abdominal         nome Sequencing (WGS) has made it possible to
pain (45% of cases).                                   spread information about the genetic structure of
 Of the global cases, a total of 141 cases had the     AdV. WGS has been used, for example, to detect
date of onset of symptoms and the date of hospi-       recombination between different types of AdV
talization with available data. The mean number        [7]. Serology can detect a significant increase in
of days between the date of onset of symptoms          antibody levels between serum samples collected
and the date of hospitalization was four days [in-     during acute illness and recovery two to four
terquartile range (IQR) 7] [22].                       weeks later. Serological methods are not used as
                                                       first-line diagnostic methods. Intermittent and/or
                                                       persistent excretion of adenovirus after acute in-
                                                       fection is common, which makes the clinical inter-
Depending on the clinical manifestations, suitable     pretation of a positive molecular test challenging
specimens for diagnosis include feces, respiratory     [24]. In addition, there are reports that adenovirus
specimens (such as nasopharyngeal swabs, naso-         infection is difficult to confirm by histopathology
pharyngeal/tracheal aspiration, alveolar bronchi-      [25, 26].
al lavage), conjunctival swabs, urine, genital se-     According to WHO recommendations, priority
cretions, and biopsy specimens (e.g. of liver or       should be given to routinely collecting different
spleen). Isolation of the virus from the blood pro-    samples from the earliest possible time after the
vides strong evidence of invasive or diffuse dis-      onset of symptoms so that further tests can be
ease. Adenovirus infection can be diagnosed us-        performed if necessary and the cause(s) identi-
ing a variety of tests, including antigen detection,   fied. If laboratory capacity is limited, storage and
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), virus isolation,      referral to regional or global laboratories for pro-

                                                                                Figure 3 - Age and gender dis-
                                                                                tribution of reported proba-
                                                                                ble cases of severe acute hep-
                                                                                atitis of unknown aetiology
                                                                                with available data (n=422).
358 N.A. Faezi, B. Mehramouz, S. Taghizadeh, et al.

     posed research diagnostics should be considered.       3) cook thoroughly;
     Any positive samples should also be stored for         4) keep food at safe temperatures; and
     further testing and / or investigation [22].           5) use safe water and raw materials, regular
                                                               cleaning of frequently touched surfaces, and
                                                               staying home when unwell and seeking medi-
                                                               cal attention.
     Provided that human intestinal adenovirus infec-       Health centers should follow standard precau-
     tion remains the most likely cause of these acute      tions and apply contact and drop precautions for
     hepatitis cases, close contact with an infected per-   suspected or possible cases [22].
     son should be considered the most likely route of
     exposure. Oral transmission through feces should
                                                            n HYPOTHESES OF POSSIBLE ETIOLOGY
     be considered the most likely route of transmis-
     sion, especially in young children and particular-     Adenovirus role
     ly as regards HAdV 41 [27]. However, as current        Currently, the most plausible hypothesis to ex-
     evidence for aetiology and transmission is poor,       plain cases of acute non HepA-E hepatitis among
     the recommended measures should reflect good           children entails the role of adenovirus infection
     hygienic practice. Hand hygiene and respiratory        [3, 23, 28]. In the technical briefing by the UK
     etiquette should be observed in kindergartens ex-      Health Security Agency, a working hypothesis
     periencing gastroenteritis. Single use gloves          with best fits to regulatory data assumes that nat-
     should be considered for changing staff diapers,       ural adenovirus infection in children can be com-
     followed by hand hygiene. Complete disinfection        plicated by a co-factor that severely transforms
     of surfaces must be performed [3]. In the health       the infection or can cause immunopathology [23].
     care sector, standard and contact precautions          Possible co-factors include the issue of higher sus-
     should be followed for all possible and approved       ceptibility as a result of less exposure to adenovi-
     cases, and if there are respiratory symptoms, res-     ruses during the 2019 coronavirus pandemic
     piratory precautions should be added. In hospi-        (COVID-19) with widespread acceptance of
     tals with potential cases of acute hepatitis, as de-   non-pharmacological interventions and conse-
     fined above, patient transfer or relocation of staff   quent reduction in exposure to various pathogens
     between different hospital units should be re-         [29, 30]. Thus, restrictions imposed amid the on-
     stricted to prevent transmission. The possibility      going COVID-19 pandemic may lead to later ex-
     of co-occurring acute hepatitis with other patients    posure of young children to adenoviruses, with
     should also be avoided. Adenoviruses can sur-          delayed exposure leading to a more severe im-
     vive on surfaces and foams such as towels and are      mune response that causes severe liver damage
     not easily inactivated by alcohol-based hand gels      [23]. Such a scenario has been proposed by Ruben
     or even hand washing. Disinfection of medical          H de Kleine et al. who reported a preliminary ab-
     equipment may require higher concentration             sence of a notable increase in pediatric acute liver
     bleach solutions (e.g. 10%) or other high-level dis-   failure upon comparing the data for the years
     infectant products [3].                                2019-2021 with the data for the first 4 months of
     Until more is known about the aetiology of these       2022 [31]. Other possible co-factors include previ-
     cases, WHO advises implementation of general           ous or concomitant infection with other viruses,
     infection prevention and control practices includ-     including acute respiratory syndrome coronavi-
     ing: performing frequent hand hygiene, using           rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or exposure to toxins or other
     soap and water or an alcohol-based hand-gel,           environmental agents [23, 28]. Another hypothe-
     avoiding crowded spaces and maintain a distance        sis to explain acute non-HepA-E hepatitis in-
     from others, ensuring good ventilation when in-        cludes the role of adenovirus as well. However,
     doors, wearing a well-fitted mask covering your        this hypothesis assumes that a new type of adeno-
     mouth and nose when appropriate, covering              virus is the main cause with or without the afore-
     coughs and sneezes, using safe water for drink-        mentioned co-factors [23, 28]. The argument in
     ing, following the Five Keys to Safer Food:            favor of the role of adenoviruses in acute non-
     1) keep clean;                                         HepA-E hepatitis is based on the observation that
     2) separate raw and cooked;                            more than three-quarters of the reported cases for
Acute hepatitis (Non Hepa A-E) of unknown origin among pediatrics 359

adenoviruses were positive [3, 23, 28]. Scientists       vaccination - these observations almost rule out
and clinicians are advised to check if there is a        the role of Covid-19 vaccination in this emerging
change in the genome of the virus that may cause         issue [41].
hepatotropism and severe inflammation of the
liver. An important point to consider is the report
                                                         n CONCLUSIONS
of acute non-HepA-E hepatitis amid the COV-
ID-19 pandemic. The disease has been associated          Currently, since the underlying cause of this dis-
with increased molecular testing capacity for vi-        ease is still unknown, it is recommended that sus-
ruses worldwide. Therefore, the diagnosis of pre-        pected patients be quarantined during diagnostic
viously unknown cases of HAdV-F41-associated             and therapeutic procedures. Objects contaminat-
hepatitis exacerbated by delayed exposure to this        ed with body fluids, feces, excrements or blood
common infection may be an acceptable hypothe-           must be thoroughly disinfected [33]. After the ini-
sis that needs further confirmation [32, 33].            tial evaluation of the patient, the case should be
                                                         reported to the adjacent health department. After
COVID-19                                                 obtaining relevant patient information, based on
One of the hypotheses currently being investigat-        signs and symptoms and laboratory reports, a
ed for the origin of acute non-hepA-E hepatitis is       multidisciplinary team consisting of pediatri-
the possible role of SARS-CoV-2 infection [23]. In       cians, infectious diseases, emergency medical and
particular, a new strain of the virus could play a       intensive care physicians should be immediately
role. However, given the absence of SARS-CoV-2           beginning further diagnosis and treatment for se-
positively (active or previous) in most cases, such      vere hepatitis of unknown. It is currently difficult
a hypothesis does not seem plausible. Specifically,      to verify whether similar cases of hepatitis have
eight of the 13 cases reported in Scotland were          occurred in Europe due to the lack of comprehen-
negative for SARS-CoV-2 by polymerase chain re-          sive monitoring and study of hepatitis caused by
action (PCR), and the other two were positive 3          human adenovirus infection. In addition, it is cur-
months or earlier prior to admission [34]. In addi-      rently difficult to perform human adenovirus vi-
tion, all 9 Alabama tests were negative for SARS-        ral monitoring based on clinical signs, and the
CoV-2, minimizing the possibility of a direct role       potential risk of human adenovirus-associated
for COVID-19 in acute non-A-E hepatitis [35].            hepatitis should be assessed as soon as possible
Moreover, acute hepatitis has not been a common          using relevant epidemiological, clinical, and viro-
feature of COVID-19 in children, despite reports         logical data. Also information on risk factors, to
of its possible occurrence [36, 37]. Variants that es-   provide scientific and technical support for the
cape the currently available testing modalities for      prevention and control of this disease [32, 42]. Ep-
molecular detection appear unlikely as well, con-        idemiological, clinical, laboratory, histopathologi-
sidering the previous evidence showing that the          cal and toxicological investigations of the possible
diagnostic accuracy of the PCR was not impacted          aetiology (or aetiologies) of the cases are under-
by emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants, including the           way by several national authorities, research net-
most recent dominant genetic lineage, namely,            works, across different working groups in WHO
omicron [38, 39].                                        and with partners. This includes detailed epide-
                                                         miological investigations to identify common ex-
COVID-19 Vaccination                                     posures, risk factors or links between cases. Addi-
Although the possibility of an association be-           tional investigations are also planned to ascertain
tween acute cases of non-A-E hepatitis and side          where the number of detected cases are above
effects after COVID-19 vaccination has been con-         expected baseline levels [22].
sidered, such a hypothesis seems far-fetched giv-
en that the majority of cases occurred in children       Acknowledgments
that were not vaccinated against COVID-19                This study was supported by Tabriz University of
[28,40]. As the current reports, although rare,          Medical Sciences (Drug Applied Research center).
pointed to the prevalence of acute non-A-E hepa-         This is a literature review report and did not need
titis in young children - with children 5 years of       to get ethical approve. All data are available based
age or younger who are not eligible for COVID-19         on communication with corresponding author.
360 N.A. Faezi, B. Mehramouz, S. Taghizadeh, et al.

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Supplementary material - Classification of reported probable cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiol-
ogy by country since 1 October 2021, as of 22 June 2022.
                                                                      SARS-CoV-2 positive       Adenovirus positive          Adenovirus
                        Probable/epi-linked      Cases requiring             by PCR                   by PCR                   type 41
      Country                 cases*            liver transplants        (cumulative 64)         (cumulative 327)          (cumulative 44)
                         (cumulative 920)       (cumulative 45)        (n/Number of cases       (n/number of cases       (n/Number of cases
                                                                        tested if known)#        tested if known)†        tested unknown)
 Argentina                       3                      1                        0                        2                       1
 Austria                         3                      0                      1/3                      0/3
 Belgium                        14                      0                     3/14                      2/7
 Brazil¶                         2                      0                        0                        0                       0
 Bulgaria                        1                      0                      0/1                      0/1
 Canada                         12                      2                     3/10                     2 / 10                   0/1
 Colombia¶                       2                      0                        0                        1                      0
 Cyprus                          2                      0                      0/1                      1/2                     0/1
 Denmark                         7                                                                      0/7
 France                          7                      0                      0/7                      4/6
 Greece                         11                      0                      0/8                      2/9
 Indonesia                      13                      0
 Ireland                        14                      2                      0/7                      8/13
 Israel                          5                                             0/2                       1/2
 Italy                          34                      1                     2/18                     10/23
 Japan                          58                      0                       5                         4                       0
 Latvia¶                        1                       0                                               1/1
 Maldives                       1                       0
 Mexico                         58                      0
                                 1                      0                      0/1                      0/1
 of Moldova
 Netherlands                    15                      3                      1/4                     5/10
 Norway                          5                      0                      2/5                      2/5                       2
 Palestinian                     1                      0
 Panama                         1                       0
 Poland                          8                      0                      0/2                      2/5
 Portugal                       15                      0
 Qatar¶                         1                                                                       1
 Serbia                         1                  1 awaiting                 0/1                      1/1
 Singapore                      3                       0                       1                       1                         0
 Spain                          39                      1                     3/29                     5/27                       1
                                                  2, including
 Sweden                         10                                             1/7                      3/7
                                                   1 awaiting
 United Kingdom
                                267                     12                   34/196                  156/241                   27/35
 United States
                                305                     20                     8/83                  113/252                   13/20
 of America
Blank cells indicate where no data was available at the time of this report.
*The information included in this table contains data notified under IHR (2005), including from The European Surveillance System (TESSY) and
official sources detected through event-based surveillance activities within the Public Health Intelligence process.
#All specimens with known test result (negative, or positive) were included in the denominator.
† Adenovirus positive in any specimen type (respiratory, urine, stool, whole blood, serum, other, or unknown specimen type) / number of cases
with adenovirus test result in any specimen type. Any specimens with known test result (negative or positive) were included in the denominator.
¶ Newly reported countries in this update
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