Acute flaccid paralysis following enterovirus D68 associated pneumonia, France, 2014
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Rapid communications Acute flaccid paralysis following enterovirus D68 associated pneumonia, France, 2014 M Lang1, A Mirand (,3, N Savy1, C Henquell2,3, S Maridet1, R Perignon4 , A Labbé1, H Peigue- Lafeuille2,3 1. CHU Clermont-Ferrand, NHE, Service de réanimation pédiatrique, Clermont-Ferrand, France 2. CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Laboratoire de Virologie, Centre National de Référence des Enterovirus/Parechovirus – laboratoire associé, Clermont-Ferrand, France 3. Université d’Auvergne, EA4843 Epidémiologie et pathogénie des infections à entérovirus, Clermont-Ferrand, France 4. CHU Clermont-Ferrand, NHE, Département d’imagerie pédiatrique, Clermont-Ferrand, France Citation style for this article: Lang M, Mirand A, Savy N, Henquell C, Maridet S, Perignon R, Labbé A, Peigue-Lafeuille H. Acute flaccid paralysis following enterovirus D68 associated pneumonia, France, 2014. Euro Surveill. 2014;19(44):pii=20952. Available online: Article submitted on 24 October 2014 / published on 06 November 2014 Human enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) is known to be Figure 1 associated with mild to severe respiratory infections. Spinal magnetic resonance image, acute flaccid paralysis Recent reports in the United States and Canada of case following enterovirus D68 infection, France, 2014 acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in children with detection of EV-D68 in respiratory samples have raised concerns about the aetiological role of this EV type in severe neurological disease. This case study is the first report of AFP following EV-D68 infection in Europe. We report the first case of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) following enterovirus-D68 (EV-D68) infection in Europe. The United States (US) and Canada are currently expe- riencing nationwide outbreaks of EV-D68 infections associated with severe respiratory diseases especially in children with underlying respiratory disease that began in mid-August 2014 [1,2]. Concomitantly, clus- ters of neurological illness characterised by AFP with anterior myelitis have been reported in the US and Gadolinium enhancement of the ventral nerve roots of the cauda Canada [3,4]. The detection of EV-D68 in nasopharyn- equina is shown (arrows). geal specimens of some affected children raises the question of a possible link between EV-D68 infections and severe neurological disease. with normal protein and glucose levels, consistent Human enterovirus D68 belongs to the enterovi- with aseptic meningitis. On 26 September, he was rus D species within the Enterovirus genus in the transferred to the paediatric Intensive Care Unit for Picornaviridae family. Biologically close to rhinovi- mechanical ventilation and fluid restoration because ruses, EV-D68 has been mainly associated with acute of acute respiratory distress and haemodynamic fail- respiratory infection with clinical presentation ranging ure. Chest X-ray and thoracic tomodensitometry (TDM) from mild to severe disease requiring intensive care confirmed bilateral pneumonia. Intravenous antibiotic [5–11]. therapy (ceftriaxone) was initiated. Acute myocarditis with apical hypokinesia was assessed by ultrasound Case report examination. Levels of N-terminal of the prohormone The patient was a previously healthy four year-old boy brain natriuretic peptide (NT proBNP) and troponine Ic who was initially taken to his general practitioner’s sur- were up to 2,925 ng/L (norm: < 450 ng/L) and 3.06µg/L gery for headache and vomiting on 20 September 2014. (norm: < 0.045 µg/L), respectively. Leucocytes were On 22 September 2014, he presented with a febrile elevated two–three times above the upper limit of meningeal syndrome without any sign of encephalitis. normal (20,630/mm3, norm: 4,500–13,000/mm3) with 16,880/mm3 of polynuclear cells (norm: 1,500–8,000/ Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) showed pleocytosis (190 leu- mm3). C-reactive protein level was elevated (75.8 mg/l, cocytes: 92% of lymphocytes, norm < 10 leucocytes) norm: < 10 mg/l). The patient received 0.5 g/kg/day of 1
Figure 2 Figure 2of enterovirus D68 sequences inferred with 190 VP1 sequences Phylogeny 86 94 Clade C Japan 2005-2010 Clade C 93 99 Italy 2008 99 USA 2002 77 78 96 KM881710_EV-D68_STL_12_USA14 KM851225_EVD68_MO_14-18947_USA14 KM851228_EVD68_MO_14-18950_USA14 98 KM851226_EVD68_MO_14-18948_USA14 87 KM851227_EVD68_MO_14-18949_USA14 100 KC763162_EVD68_20528_ITA12 JX898785_EVD68_CQ5585_CHN11 KM361524_EVD68_CU171_THA11 99 KM361523_EVD68_CU134_THA11 KF254917_EVD68_SO9336_ESP12 KF254923_EVD68_SO9306_ESP12 KF254919_EVD68_SO9320_ESP12 KF254920_EVD68_SO9277_ESP12 KC763164_EVD68_22516_ITA12 86 KC763169_EVD68_24518_ITA12 KF254924_EVD68_SO9406_ESP12 99 KF254918_EVD68_SO9493_ESP12 KF254921_EVD68_SO9411_ESP12 CF267089_FRA14_NPA 100 CF267090_FRA14_BAL KF254913_EVD68_ID72_ESP13 Clade B Clade B KF254922_EVD68_SO9288_ESP12 99 KC763167_EVD68_23695_ITA12 KM851229_EVD68_KY_14-18951_USA14 93 90 KM851230_EVD68_IL_14-18952_USA14 JF896311_EVD68_200912598_NLD09 95 73 JF896308_EVD68_200913563_NLD09 JF896309_EVD68_200914986_NLD09 JF896310_EVD68_200914918_NLD09 98 JF896302_EVD68_201013557_NLD10 JF896303_EVD68_201012467_NLD10 JF896305_EVD68_201014073_NLD10 JF896306_EVD68_201013230_NLD10 Asia JF896307_EVD68_201012867_NLD10 JF896304_EVD68_201011595_NLD10 North America AB614409_EVD68_1975_JPN10 78 AB614437_EVD68_2161_JPN10 Europe AB614433_EVD68_2086_JPN10 AB614427_EVD68_2035_JPN10 AB614431_EVD68_2145_JPN10 Africa AB614430_EVD68_2082_JPN10 AB614432_EVD68_2163_JPN10 71 99 84 96 94 98 Clade A 98 Clade A USA 2003-2014, Japan 2006-2008, China 2008-2012, Spain 2013, Italy 2008- 2010, Netherlands 2010, Gambie 2008, Kenya 2008, Senegal 2010 100 AY426489_EVD68 MN89_USA89 AY426490_EVD68 NY93_USA93 AY426531_EVD68_Fermon_USA62 AY426487_EVD68 CA62-2_USA62 100 AY426486_EVD68 CA62-1_USA62 92 72 AY426488_EVD68 CA62-3_USA62 0.01 The phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining method and evaluated with 1,000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates, using MEGA5. Only bootstrap values > 70 % are indicated. Genetic distances were calculated with Tamura-Nei’s model of evolution and branch length is drawn to the indicated scale (proportion of nucleotide substitutions per site. Sequences were 740 pb long and started to nucleotide 1 relative to the VP1 gene of the Fermon prototype strain. For clarity, taxon names are not fully included in the tree except for clade B. The strains identified in the nasopharyngeal aspirate (CF267089_FRA14_NPA) and in the bronchoalveolar fluid (CF267089_FRA14_BAL) are labeled with a filled circle. Geographical origins and time of isolation of strains are indicated by the ISO-code abbreviation followed by the year of isolation. 2
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and milrinone for Discussion four days. On 27 September, he presented with flac- While EV-D68 has to date been almost exclusively asso- cid tetraparalysis and dysphagia. Cerebral magnetic ciated with respiratory diseases, investigations are resonance imagery (MRI) was normal but spinal MRI currently underway to determine its role in the acute showed gadolinium enhancement of the ventral nerve neurological illnesses that have been reported in chil- roots of the cauda equina (Figure 1). dren in the US [3] and in Canada [4] since August 2014. Nine EV-D68-associated deaths are currently being Somatosensory evoked potentials confirmed that investigated at the US Centers for Disease Control and only the motor pathway was affected. Acute polyra- Prevention (CDC) to confirm or refute EV-D68 as the diculoneuritis was excluded because there was no cause of death [15]; as of 5 November, no information albumino-cytological dissociation and no antiganglio- has been released about the death’s preceding symp- side antibodies in the CSF. There was no paraneopla- toms. The case reported here meets the definition given sic syndrome (whole body-TDM and biological tumour by CDC to identify similar neurological manifestations markers were negative) and no inflammatory disease. characterised by acute onset of focal limb weakness Plasmapheresis and IVIG were implemented to shorten occurring on or after 1 August 2014 and MRI showing a the recovery period. As of 6 november, the child has spinal cord lesion largely restricted to grey matter [16]. only recovered partial mobility of the extremities and Common features with the cases reported in the US of his left arm. include (i) respiratory illness preceding development of neurological symptoms, (ii) a local epidemiological The child had up-to-date immunisation against polio- context of EV-D68 detection among children admitted myelitis. He had neither underlying respiratory illness to hospital for respiratory infections leading to asthma nor previous history of chronic disease, immunodefi- crisis (data not shown) and (iii) EV-D68 detection in ciency or tick exposure. He had not travelled recently respiratory samples. By contrast, to our knowledge, outside France and had had no contact with anyone neither meningeal syndrome nor myocarditis and acute arriving from North America. No family member pre- respiratory distress syndrome had been reported in sented with respiratory symptoms. the days preceding the onset of paralysis in the US patients. The enterovirus genome was not detected Blood, pre-IVIG serum, urine, respiratory and stool in the CSF of this patient and we cannot assert that samples were screened. Bacteriological investigations EV-D68 was associated with meningitis. There are two including cultures, serology and genome detection in case reports in the literature of EV-D68 infection asso- blood and CSF yielded negative results (Table). ciated with severe neurological disease as evidenced by detection in the CSF [17,18]. As in recent reports, Virological screening consisting in viral genome detec- the significance of EV-D68 association with AFP is tion for numerous neurotropic viruses including EVs hampered by the fact that it was only detected in res- of three consecutive CSF was negative, as were all piratory or stool samples, in which enteroviruses can serological tests (Table). Viral cultures were negative. be detected many weeks after infection. However, the Rhinovirus-EV genome was detected in nasopharyngeal absence of detection in CSF does not necessarily rule aspirates, bronchoalveolar fluid (BAL) and a stool sam- out this possibility since poliovirus and EV-A71, two ple using a one-step RT-PCR with previously described recognised neurotropic EVs, are not frequently recov- primers targeting the 1A and 1B regions encoding the ered [19]. Further physiopathological studies may be VP4-VP2 capsid proteins [12]. To distinguish between needed to assess the neurotropism of EV-D68. rhinoviruses and EVs, amplified products were sub- jected to direct sequencing as previously described There are increasingly numerous reports of polio-like [13]. Blast analysis confirmed by phylogenetic analysis illnesses in the US (64 cases as of 30 October 2014) with VP4-VP2 sequences of rhinovirus and EV proto- [15]. Surveillance of AFP cases has already been imple- type strains assigned the strains to EV-D68. Partial 1D mented as a measure in the global initiative to eradi- gene encoding the VP1 capsid protein was amplified cate poliomyelitis and should allow rapid identification by semi-nested RT-PCR using EV-D68 specific primers of similar neurological manifestations in association described by Tokarz et al. [14] in respiratory and stool with EV-D68 infection [20]. However, determination samples, and subsequently sequenced (accession of AFP aetiologies can be challenging, because of the number LN626610). Phylogenetic investigation with all absence of pathogen detection in the CSF. Investigation available sequences of EV-D68 (as of 9 October 2014) of AFP cases should include both EV screening of two indicated that the strains belonged to clade B, accord- stool samples collected ≥ 24 hours apart and < 14 days ing to the classification previously described [14]. The after symptom onset [21] and early and quick testing of VP1 sequences were genetically close to sequences diverse samples, especially upper respiratory samples, of some of the EV-D68 strains detected in 2014 in the for infectious agents including EVs, to increase the United States (Figure 2). chance to identify a pathogen. In the case of EV-D68 infections, the detection capabilities of the EV-D68 genome of commercial and in-house molecular meth- ods should be assessed. 3
Table Bacteriological and virological investigations performed on clinical specimens collected in the first week of the course of the illness, acute flaccid paralysis case following enterovirus D68 infection, France, 2014 Collection date Samples Microbiological investigations Methods Results (2014) Bacterial culture Negative CSF HSV1-2, EV, Rhinovirus-EV, VZV, ADV, CMV, Real-time (RT)-PCRa and classic Negative EBV, HPeV RT-PCRb 22 September Real-time RT-PCR and EV-68 specific Throat swab EV Negative semi-nested RT-PCR Real-time RT-PCR and EV-68 specific EV-D68 Stool EV semi-nested RT-PCR positive Borrelia, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia Serological tests Negative pneumoniae Real-time (RT)-PCR and EV-68 specific Serum EV, HSV1-2 / Rickettsia Negative semi-nested RT-PCR Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Serological tests Negative Parvovirus B19, HSV1-2 / Rickettsia Real-time (RT)-PCR and EV-68 specific EV, Rhinovirus-EV, HPeV Negative Rectal swabs semi-nested RT-PCR Rotavirus, ADV Immuno-chromatography Negative 24 September Influenzae virus A-B, RSV, hMPV, EV, Real-time (RT)-PCR and EV-68 specific EV-D68 Rhinovirus-EV, ADV, BoV, hPIV1-4, hCoV, BAL semi-nested RT-PCR positive HSV1-2, CMV Bacterial culture Negative Influenzae virus A-B, RSV, hMPV, EV, Real-time (RT)-PCR and EV-68 specific EV-D68 Nasopharyngeal Rhinovirus-EV, ADV, BoV, hPIV1-4, hCoV semi-nested RT-PCR positive aspirate Chlamydiae pneumonia, Mycoplasma Real-time PCR Negative pneumoniae Urine Bacterial culture Negative Whole blood EV, HHV6, CMV, EBV, ADV, VZV Real-time (RT)-PCR Negative Parvovirus B19 Real-time PCR Negative 25 September Serum HAV, HBV, HCV, Measles, Mumps, Rubella Serological tests Negative Rickettsia Real time PCR Negative EV, Rhinovirus-EV, HSV1-2, VZV, ADV, CMV, Real-time (RT)-PCR and EV-68 specific Negative EBV, HHV6 semi-nested RT-PCR Leptospira sp., Escherichia coli, Listeria 26 September CSF monocytogenes, Mycoplasma sp., Streptococcus agalactiae, Ureaplasma Real-time PCR Negative urealyticum, Bartonella, Borrelia, Rickettsia, Tropheryma Whipplei ADV: adenovirus; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; BoV: Bocavirus; CMV: cytomegalovirus; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; EV: enterovirus; EBV: Epstein-Barr virus; HAV: hepatitis A virus; HBV: hepatitis B virus; hCoV: human coronavirus; HCV: hepatitis C virus; HHV: human herpes virus; hMPV: human metapneumovirus; HPeV: human parechoviruses; hPIV: human parainfluenzae virus; HSV: herpes simplex virus; RSV: respiratory syncytial virus; VZV: varicella zoster virus. a For enteroviruses, a commercial pan-EV RT-PCR was used. b Classic RT-PCR was used for rhinovirus-EV genome detection [12]. Acknowledgements Authors’ contributions We are grateful to Nathalie Rodde and Gwendoline Jugie for Mathieu Lang, Nadia Savy, Sarah Maridet and André Labbé excellent technical assistance in enterovirus genotyping. We were involved in the clinical management of the patient. The thank Jeffrey Watts for revision of the English manuscript. virological investigations were performed by Audrey Mirand, No specific financial support was obtained for the study. The Cécile Henquell and Hélène Peigue-Lafeuille. Magnetic reso- Centre National de Référence des Enterovirus-Parechovirus nance imagery was interpreted by Renan Pérignon. Audrey is supported by an annual grant from the French national Mirand wrote the first draft of the paper. All authors re- public health network (Institut de Veille Sanitaire, InVS). viewed the manuscript critically. Conflict of interest None declared. 4
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