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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4523-4528                                                             ISSN: 00333077

    Nilufar Sadullaeva, 2Dilfuza Sapaeva
    National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. E-mail:
    Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, Urgench, Uzbekistan. E-mail:

The article presents the results of a study devoted to such an aspect of terminological competence as eponyms. The paper provides
a general description of eponyms in the anatomical terminology of English and Uzbek languages. Eponymic terms are an integral
part of the medical terminology of different languages that form the scientific discourse. Eponyms as part of the language of
science contribute to a deeper understanding of human activity and his culture. The sublanguage of medicine is the most important
source of knowledge about those people who created this science, and the tendency in modern linguistics to study the human
factor allows us to consider the terms-eponyms in the light of the cognitive approach.

competence, eponyms, medical eponymous terminology, skin diseases, sign, phenomenon.
Article Received: 18 October 2020, Revised: 3 November 2020, Accepted: 24 December 2020

Introduction                                                                Along with the classical eponymous terms
         Issues related to strengthening human                      that came into use in the 16th-19th centuries, new
health, which is an invaluable asset of society,                    terms constantly appear, reflecting both the stages
improving the quality of medical services in our                    of development of new branches of medical
country have always been in the focus of the head                   science, and the priority of one or another scientist
of our state. During his visits to the regions,                     or country in the discovery of new facts.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited a number of                            Today it is difficult to imagine the study of
social facilities, including rural medical centers,                 the evolution of clinical thinking, diagnosis,
multidisciplinary clinics, and communicated                         history and development of the clinic, medicine in
directly with doctors and patients, which allows to                 general     without     knowledge       of    clinical
effectively address many issues on the ground.                      terminological eponymy.
        One of the most productive areas of the                             The problem of eponymy is the subject of
lexicon of modern medicine is the use of                            many works by both linguists and representatives
eponyms. Eponyms are terminological phrases in                      of various fields of knowledge. When conducting
which a proper name acts as the first component.                    the research, we proceeded from the fact that an
R. Nestmann notes that the reason for the                           eponym (from the Greek eponymos - “giving his
emergence of eponyms is the need to designate                       name”ed) means the name of a structure, concept,
newly appeared phenomena. These terms play an                       method named after the person who first
important role in naming new phenomena or                           discovered, discovered or described it. In
discoveries in the field of medicine in connection                  professional     medical       terminology,     terms
with the established international tradition to                     containing proper names have become
name a particular discovery or invention by the                     widespread. In the literature, such terms are called
name of the scientist who made this discovery or                    simply      "eponyms",       "eponymous       terms",
invention. Today it is difficult to find a field of                 "eponymous terms". Eponymous terms reflect the
medicine where eponyms are not used to one                          evolution of medical knowledge and constitute a
degree or another.                                                  significant part of medical terminology. The word
                                                                    "eponym" itself is very rare, it is absent in the
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4523-4528                                           ISSN: 00333077

main encyclopedias and reference books, it can be       the name of the scientist for future generations, as
found only in orthoepic and spelling dictionaries.      well as by insufficient attention of specialists to
        The subject of our work is the eponymous        the process of term creation”.
terms recorded in lexicographic sources, their use              We do not entirely agree with the author of
and features of functioning in different                this statement: scientific term creation should also
subsystems of medical terminology.                      take into account the realities of scientific
        The study of the most common medical            professional       communication,       in    which
eponyms in English and Uzbek , based on the             eponimization, on the one hand, is aimed at verbal
analysis of proper names, with the participation of     consolidation of the achievements of a certain
which these terms were formed, lexical-semantic         scientific school, and on the other, it reflects the
and derivational analysis of modern medical             anthropocentric essence of language and human
terminology, identification of quantitative and         cognitive activity.
qualitative characteristics of eponymous terms, as      Research Methodology
well as an analysis of the main disadvantages,                   Eponyms in medical terminology have
advantages and possibilities of eponymous               been described in several scientific works, the
terminology. The research used terminological           authors of which give different classifications of
dictionaries, medical documents, scientific             these eponyms. The analysis of 6700 eponymous
publications, as well as scientific literature in the   terms recorded in the “Anglo-Russian Medical
field of anatomy and practical medicine.                Dictionary of Eponymous Terms” The latter
        The study showed that the terminology           include:        two-component         terminological
fund of modern medical science contains a               combinations, consisting of a proper name and a
significant amount of eponymous terminology.            common noun, which constitutes the thematic and
Analysis of the historical aspect of the formation      structural core of the term. As the most frequent
of eponyms has shown that the process of                nuclear components, words from medical or
eponymization began in medicine in the middle of        general scientific vocabulary with a generalizing
the last century with the naming of diseases by         meaning were recorded, for example: disease,
proper names in the field of neurology. In the 20th     symptom, syndrome, fracture, dislocation, law,
century, this process covered all areas of              reaction, cells, operation, method, phenomenon,
medicine. According to our data, the number of          reflex, etc.
eponymous terms in the studied terminological           Analysis and results
systems is approximately eight thousand terms                   As N.A.Pushkin, on the material of the
(this is a processed and systematized                   English language, several names can be
terminological fund, the total number of                distinguished, including eponyms, which, as can
eponymous terms can be two to three times               be seen from the examples, also have Russian
higher) . Share of eponymous terms in basic             equivalents known to domestic medical
medical terminology is 10-12%. The names of             specialists.
over 6 thousand doctors and scientists who                      - disease (Shamberg's disease-Shamberg
represent more than 60 countries of the world are                    kasalligi )
immortalized in eponymous terminology.                          - syndrome (Setton syndrome-Setton
        As E.V.Bekisheva points out, “despite the                    sindromi)
proposal of D.S.Lotte limit the use of eponymous                - anatomical units of the organs
terms, they have become widespread in various                        (Langerhans           cells-Langergans
fields of science and technology and have an                         hujayralari)
unlimited prospect of replenishment. This is                    - medical theories (Flecherism -
explained, first of all, by the desire to immortalize                Flecherizm)
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4523-4528                                          ISSN: 00333077

       -    research and treatment methods             bilingual medical dictionaries, which are noted in
            (Kyobner       isomorphic      reaction-   the bibliographic list. About 600 eponymous
            Kyobner izomorf reaksiyasi )               terms in English and Russian were found by the
        - medicines (Salk and Sabin vaccine -          method of continuous sampling from factual
            Solk va Sabina vaksinasi)                  material.
        - medical instruments (Wood`s lamp-                    The first group includes eponyms based on
            Vud lampasi)                               personal names. These terms designate various
        - disease detection tests (Balser test-        symptoms, syndromes and diseases in which the
            Balzer sinamasi)                           names of the medical scientists who first
        As M.V.Vasin, eponyms can be divided           described them or who first applied this method of
according to the method of formation into several      treatment are captured:
models.                                                 -      Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome          (uzb.
 - noun + preposition + proper noun (ampulla of        Melkelsson Rozental sindromi) first described by
Vater < Abraham Vater; pouch of Douglas <              Miescher in 1945, is a rare inflammatory disorder
James Douglas)                                         of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent
 - proper noun, transforming into an adjective         swelling of the labial tissues.
(Gasserian ganglion < Johann Gasser; Haversian         - Quincke's edema (uzb. Kvinke shishi) also
canal < Clopton Havers)                                known as angioneurotic uvular edema,
 - proper noun in the possessive case + noun           was named after Heinrich Quincke, a professor of
(Reuter`s Syndrome, Gugereau- Blum`s syndrome          internal medicine during the latter half of the 19th
)                                                      century.
        Eponymous terms can be found in many           - Duhring-Brocq disease (uzb. Dyuringning
other languages (for example, in German, French),      gipetiform dermatiti ) was described and named in
this, first of all, speaks of the globalization of     1884 by Dr. Louis Duhring at the University of
science.                                               Pennsylvania.
        Also, the proper name in the structure of      - Prurigo nodularis of Hyde (uzb. Gaydning
the eponym term makes it the keeper of culture         tugunli qichimasi ) first described In 1909, Hyde
and history, as N.A. Berdyaev, “so that the past       and Montgomery as a prurigo nodularis.
continues in the future, so that we are not allowed            According to our data, this type of
to become impoverished with the great riches of        eponyms is the most common in the medical
the past”.                                             terminology of various languages, and make up
        The absence of eponymous terms in              about 80% of our sample. In the next group we
bilingual medical terminological dictionaries and      include eponyms based on geographical names
thesauri significantly complicates the use of          (toponyms).
medical literature in foreign languages,                       Toponyms appear in the language of
complicates the teaching of students and leads to      medicine as occasional names at the first stage of
translation distortions. In this regard, in the        cognition, when the etiological and pathogenetic
following chapters, we analyzed modern bilingual       signs of the disease are unknown. The emergence
English-Uzbek medical reference books for the          of toponyms is a sociolinguistic problem in
presence of eponyms in them.                           terminology, since an eponymous name is often
        We have developed our own classification       created for the first time in mass media texts when
of eponymous terms based on dividing proper            describing epidemics of unknown etiology that
names into several groups, taking into account         have flared up anywhere in the world. The highest
their origin. The source of information was            percentage of toponymic terms was recorded by
scientific publications in English and Russian and
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4523-4528                                           ISSN: 00333077

us in the nomenclature of infectious diseases and       term-toponym is created by the author at the first
is 10% of the sample:                                   stage of scientific knowledge, therefore, visual
- the first patients infected with Lyme disease         and superficial signs of the phenomenon are laid
were identified in 1975 in the American town of         in the basis of the nomination. As knowledge of
Lyme, etc.);                                            the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease
- Spanish fluis one of the forms of influenza that      deepens, more informative synonyms appear.
claimed thousands of lives in Europe at the                    Comparative analysis of the use of
beginning XX century.                                   eponymous          terms         in        scientific
        In medical classifications, there are whole     dermatovenerological discourse in English and
nests of toponymic terms, in which the                  Uzbek (using the example of the literature under
geographical name indicates the type of disease or      study) showed that descriptive terms of certain
its manifestation, for example: blastomycosis           phenomena are more often found in
(Brazilian blastomycosis), European (European           dermatovenerological literature in English than in
blastomycosis), North American ( English North          terminology in Uzbek, where, when describing
America blastomycosis), South American                  eponyms are preferred to the same realities. Table
(English      South    America       blastomycosis).    1 presents the main features of the use of eponyms
Toponymic terms are not very informative, since         and terminological correspondences established
their structure does not reflect the main features of   from dictionaries and medical scientific articles.
a medical concept. Since, as mentioned above, the

 Table 1 Features of the use of eponyms and descriptive terms in dermatovenerological terminology
                        Terms in English          Corresponding terms in Uzbek
                         Quincke's edema                    Kvinke shishi
                         Setton syndrome                   Setton sindromi
                       Kebner phenomenon                  Kebner fenomeni
                           Wood`s lamp                      Vud lampasi
                           Balzer`s test                   Balzer sinamasi
                          Beacon disease                  Mayokki kasalligi
                    Ruiter allergic arteriolitis      Ruiter allergik arterioliti
                  Bazen`s indurative erythema         Bazen indurativ eritemasi
                          Becker`s nevus                     Bekker xoli

        The results of our research and analysis                Shmorlya churrasi – Schmorl's nodes. The
with the search for equivalents are given below in      term "Schmorl's node" is also often found in the
alphabetical order (Uzbek alphabet), in a pair the      Russian-language scientific literature. They were
English equivalent is given, which is well              originally named by the German scientist
established in the world scientific literature. For     Christian Schmorl, who described them, Schmorl-
some (somewhat controversial) points, detailed          Knötchen, which literally means "tuguncha". By
explanations are given.                                 its origin, this X-ray phenomenon is not a true
        Graafov pufakchasi – antral follicle. In this   hernia.
example, the eponym has not survived in the                     Liddl       sinamasi-      dexamethasone
English-language literature at all, and the stage of    suppression test. The specific method for
development of the ovum has a biological name -         diagnosing Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome using a
antral follicle.                                        test with dexamethasone according to the Liddle

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4523-4528                                           ISSN: 00333077

method is not mentioned in the English-language                  The fourth way is to use a proper name in
scientific literature and is simply designated as        situations when it appears not as a dependent
"dexamethasone suppression test".                        word, but as the main element, for example,
        Kraylya testi – prednisolone therapy. Such       Sabouraud agar - it is a type of agar containing
a specific method of “ex juvantibus” treatment as        peptones. It is used to cultivate dermatophytes and
the Kraille test, based on an attempt to remove          other types of fungi. It was created by, and is
inflammation         with       the      help      of    named after, Raymond Sabouraud in 1892.
“glucocorticosteroids” (including with the help of               In the fifth group we include the few
prednisone), has acquired a name in the English-         eponyms that have passed from a proper name to
language literature not by its eponym, but by the        another part of speech.
essence of the method itself.                                    The use of eponyms in medical
        Based on the data studied and our own            communication is likely to create confusion and
observations of the peculiarities of eponymous           ambiguity for many other reasons. One of these is
terms, it can be argued that all English-language        the fact that since a physician may have described
eponymous terms can be divided into 5 groups,            more than one disease, there are eponyms carrying
according to the method of their formation.              the same name but referring to different diseases.
        The most common way is to add an                 The English physician Thomas Addison, for
apostrophe 's to proper names, for example,              example, has given his name to several diseases or
Hodgkin's      disease     -    chronic     malignant    disorders, such as, for example, Addison’s
lymphomatosis. In 1832 T. Hodgkin described              anaemia, Addison’s crisis, and Addison’s disease.
seven patients in whom there was an increase in          There are also cases of eponyms containing the
lymph nodes and spleen, general exhaustion and           same name which, however, refers to different
loss of strength. In all cases, the disease was fatal.   people - and to different conditions as well - as
23 years later, S. Wilkes studied the cases              happens for Smith’s disease (Carl), Smith’s
described by Hodgkin in detail, added 11 of his          operation (Henry), Smith’s fracture (Robert
own observations to them and called this                 William). Even worse is the case of eponyms
condition Hodgkin's disease.                             containing not only the same proper name -
        The second most frequent way of forming          referring once again to different people - but also
medical eponymous terms in English is to use a           the same headword.
proper name without any changes. Jacquet                         Examples are Alexander’s syndrome,
dermatitis-it is another name for erosive from of        where the proper name refers to two distinct
irritant napkin dermatitis. The first true               people (Benjamin and William Stuart), or even the
description of diaper dermatitis was made by             case of the four homonymous eponyms Pick’s
Jacquet in 1905.                                         disease (Arnold, Friedel J., Ludwig, and Philipp
        The third eponym model can be described          J.).
as N + of + PN (N - noun; PN - proper noun), for         Conclusion
example: Erythema induratum of Bazin - in 1861,                   Medical language is replete with
Bazin gave the name erythema induratum to a              eponyms. Although their use has often been
nodular eruption that occurred on the lower legs         criticized by many, no doubt extraordinary is their
of young women with tuberculosis. Erythema               capability to encapsulate long and complex
induratum/nodular vasculitis complex is classified       concepts very concisely. This is probably one of
into 2 variants: erythema induratum of Bazin type        the main reasons why they continue to flourish in
and nodular vasculitis or erythema induratum of          medical language. Both eponyms and equivalent
Whitfield type. The Bazin type is related with           descriptive terms can have positive and negative
tuberculous origin, but Whitfield type is not.           aspects. Eponyms can be tricky and confusing on
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4523-4528                                      ISSN: 00333077

a pragmatic level. They can be multiple, if they           медицины (дерматология-венерология):
contain more than one name; homonymous,                    Автореф. дис. ...канд. филол. наук:
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people having the same last name; misspelled,              с.
because names may be difficult to pronounce and      [4]   Sadullaeva N.A., Mamatova F.B.
transcribe; inaccurate, as sometimes some of them          Classification of euphemism and its
are erroneously used as synonyms; obscure, as              formation in the Uzbek language. Journal of
they are not descriptive (with the exception of            critical reviews. Vol 7, Issue 4. 2020.
‘hybrid’ eponyms). Descriptive terms, on the               Malaysia. ISSN 2394-5125
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when they are not used in the meaning their                Paradigm from Knowledge to Skills:
surface form would suggest (e.g. the suffix -itis          Implementation of New Appraisal
instead of -osis). Eponymous terms cannot be               Procedures in EFL Classes in Uzbekistan.
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