Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings

Page created by Leroy Craig
Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings
t y G u i
        i 2019-2020
AFALL              d e

Winter Fun at Brickyard Park             2015 W. 3rd St.
Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings
Special Activities
PUMPKIN PAINTING & CARVING HALLOWEEN LIGHTS CONTEST                                                                                SANTA’S CALLING!
Chautauqua Park • 3rd & Woodlawn                                Entries due by Fri, Oct. 18                                        Community Center • 2015 W. 3rd St.
Tues, Oct. 8 • 6:30 - 8 pm                                      Facebook Judging Oct. 21 - 31                                      Tues, Dec. 3 & Thurs, Dec. 5 • 6-7 pm • FREE
Painting: Ages 3-10 | $7                                        Show off your Halloween decorating skills and compete to win       Hastings Parks and Recreation will be offering FREE calls
Carving: Ages 11 and up | $9                                    $50 chamber buck prize. Must be within city limits. Registration   from Santa on Tuesday and
Fall is in the air and Halloween is near! Give                  forms due by October 18 and videos for Facebook judging will       Thursday in December. Limited
your pumpkin some personality with Parks                        be taken October 19 & 20. Limited to first 20 homes.               to first 20 people per session.
and Rec! Paint and carve a unique design or a silly face. You                                                                      Forms available at the
bring the excitement, we’ll bring pumpkins and supplies.        SNOW SCULPTURE CONTEST                                             Parks & Rec Department or
Register by Fri, Oct. 4                                         Entries Submitted between                                
                                                                The First Snow & the end of March                                  Register by Mon, Dec. 2
                                                                Hastings Parks and Recreation is looking for the best snow
                          SON                                   sculptures in town! To enter, take a photo of your sculpture
                                                                and mail it to the Hastings Parks & Rec Department or email
                                                                                                                                   CANDY CANE HUNT
DATE NIGHT                                                      it to Include the name of
                                                                                                                                   Chautauqua Park • 3rd & Woodlawn
                                                                                                                                   Sat, Dec. 7 • 2 pm • FREE
City Auditorium | 400 N. Hastings                               the participant(s), address, and phone number. Prizes will
Thurs, Oct. 24 • 6-8 pm                                                                                                            It is rumored that Santa will be leaving candy canes
                                                                be awarded to the Most Creative Sculpture and The Biggest          around Chautauqua Park. Kids up to 10 years old
Hey boys! Grab your mom and come play
                                                                Sculpture. Winners will be announced the first week of April.      can join us for this FREE event! Be sure to come at
carnival games, eat pizza, and have a
                                                                                                                                   2 pm as the hunt will startat that time. Please bring
spook-tacular time! Do you have the best
                                                                                                                                   your own bag to put the candy canes in.
costume in Hastings? Come dressed
                                                                                                                                   Candy canes will be limited.
in Halloween costumes and win prizes.
Each couple/participant                                                                                                                                 Join Crimson Connection
 receives special treats and                                                                                                                            at Hastings College!
a souvenir photo.                                                                                                                                      Only $90 gets your entire family into a
                                                                                                                                                       full year of great HC athletic and cultural
$30 a couple • $10 per additional son                                                                                                                  events. ($55 single). From basketball to
                                                                                                                                                       softball; theater productions to music —
Register by Fri, Oct. 11                                                                                                                               your campus ticket is Crimson Connection.
                                                                                                                                                       402.461.7735 or

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Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings
                                                                                                                                  DATE NIGHT
                                                                                                                                  Hastings City Auditorium • 400 N. Hastings Ave.
                                                                                                                                  Fri, Feb. 7, 2020 • 6:15 - 8:30 pm
                                                                                                                                  Parents can go out on a date anytime but how often
                                                                                                                                  does Dad get to go on a date with his little girl? Hastings
LIGHT UP THE HOLIDAY                                                                                                              Parks and Recreation will provide everything needed
DECORATING CONTEST                                                                                                                for a perfect evening with your daughter. The event will
Entries due by Tues, Dec. 3                                     FORTNITE TOURNAMENT                                               include a catered dinner, dancing, fun activities, and
Facebook Judging Dec. 10 - 18                                   Community Center • 2015 W. 3rd St.
                                                                Sat, Jan. 4, 2020 • 9 am                                          prizes. Uncles or grandpas may escort if Dad is unable
Show off your Christmas light decorating skills this year and
                                                                Join us for our 2nd Fortnite Tournament! Teams of 2 (Xbox or      to attend. Attire for the event is semi-formal. Get your
compete to win $50 chamber buck prize. Must be within city
                                                                PS4) will have set times to compete for the best Fortnite duo     photo taken to put in your homemade picture frame too!
limits. Registration forms are due by December 3 and videos
for Facebook judging will be taken on December 4 & 5. Judging   in Hastings! Points will be based off of place and eliminations   $35 a couple • $15 per additional daughter
is open to the community this year and will take place on       per game. Players will be guaranteed 3 games! The Final four      Register by Fri, Jan. 31, 2020
Facebook. Limited to first 20 homes. Visit        receive T-shirts and winners receive gift cards for V-Bucks!
HastingsParksRecreation for details.                            $20/team | Sign up by Fri, Dec. 27                                DAUGHTER MAKEOVER
                                                                                                                                  Joseph’s College 828 W. 2nd St.
                                                                                                                                  Fri, Feb. 7, 2020 • 3:30 - 4 pm or 4 - 4:30 pm
                                                                                                                                  Going to the Daddy/Daughter Date Night?
                                                                                               SPIRIT                             Daughters can get their
                                                                                               MIND                               hair and nails done
                                                                                               BODY                               before their big
    WE HAVE:                                                                                                                      night for $12
    KIDS JUNGLE GYM                                                                                                               with Joseph’s
    POOL                                                                                                                          College. Limit 15
    CARDIO & WEIGHT EQUIPMENT                                                                                                     girls per session.
    BASKETBALL COURTS                                                                                                             Sign up at HPRD
    & MORE!                                                                                                                       office by Friday
                                                                                                                                  Jan. 31,
       HASTINGSYMCA.NET                                                                                                           2020.

Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings
Meet                                                             Adult Activities
                                 JORDAN                                         SENIOR FEST
                                                                                City Auditorium • 400 N. Hastings Ave.
                                 RUGER                                          Wed, Oct. 15 • 1 - 3:30 pm
                                 Maintenance Worker II                          This FREE annual event for
                                  Jordan was born in                            area seniors is an afternoon full
                                  Grand Island, NE and                          of fun and friendship. Bingo,
                                  raised in Hastings, NE. He                    entertainment, display booths,
                                  graduated from Central                        refreshments, door prizes, and
                                  Community College                             more add to the celebration. To
                                  Hastings where he received                    purchase a booth, please contact Parks and Rec.
                                  an Associate’s degree in                      Vendors: $40 per booth | Non-profits: $25 per booth
                                  Diesel Mechanics in 2009.
                                  He and his wife have four
                                  kids ages 9, 5, 2, 9mo. In
                                                                                CITYWIDE GARAGE SALES
                                                                                City Auditorium • 400 N. Hastings Ave.
                                  his spare time, Jordan likes                  Sat, Nov. 2 • 9 am - 2 pm
                                  to fish, hunt, camp, pretty                   Don’t miss the big savings! Shop more than 50 tables of
much anything outdoors. Jordan spends a lot of time                             household items, jewelry, clothing, sporting goods, furniture,
maintaining vehicles and mowers in the parks shop. You’ll                       antiques, tools, and much, much more!
also see him in the parks tree trimming and helping with                        Sellers Fee: $20 per table | Limit 2 tables
other projects in the parks.

                                                                                MERRY MARKET
                  Adams County Convention & Visitors Bureau                     ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW
                      proudly serving Adams County and                          City Auditorium • 400 N. Hastings Ave.
                       the community of Hastings with:                          Sat, Nov. 23 • 9 am - 4 pm
                             ~ Event & Convention Support                       Get a jump on your Christmas shopping with holiday
                             ~ Grant Administration                             items created by local crafters. Free admission,
                             ~ Tourism Promotion                                concession, and up to 30 booths of goodies! | 402.461.2370                                  Vendor Fees: $35 per booth | $10 for additional table
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Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings
31ST ANNUAL FALL PEPSI                                                    CO-ED SNOWBALL
VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT                                                     SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT
Hastings High School | 18th & Burlington                                  Smith Softball Complex
Co-Ed A&B • Sat, Oct. 26 • 9 am                                           Sat, Jan. 11, 2020 • 9 am
Women’s A&B • Sun, Oct. 27 • 9 am                                         Calling all die-hard softball players! Sign your team up now
This is a 6 vs. 6 pool play tournament followed by a single               for our Annual Co-Ed Snowball Softball Tournament. This
elimination tournament. Each team is guaranteed four                      double elimination tournament will be held at the Smith
matches with a limit of eight teams per division. Teams                   Softball Complex. Prizes will be awarded to the 1st and 2nd         BASKETBALL SKILLS
will be assigned to officiate matches. Awards given to                    place teams. This tournament will take place snow or shine.         COMPETITION
1st & 2nd place teams in the gold and silver brackets.                    Fee: $125 per team • Register by Fri, Jan. 3                        Community Center | 2015 W. 3rd St.
Fee: $90 per team • Register by Fri, Oct. 18                                                                                                  Sat, March 7 • 1 pm • FREE
                                                                                                                                              Test your basketball skills just like the
                                                                          PICKLE BALL DROP INS                                                Pros! Compete in a basketball handling
                                                                          Community Center | 2015 W. 3rd St.
                                                                          Drop In: Tuesdays 6 pm - 8 pm                                       obstacle course and shoot your best
                                                                          Join us on Tuesdays starting October 29th for our drop in           in the Free Throw contest!
                                                                          Pickle Ball play! Players of all skill levels are welcome to come   Sign up by March 4
K-2 YOUTH BASKETBALL                                                      in and tune up their game!                                          Girls Grades: 3-4, 5-6 & 7-8
Hastings Middle School/Community Center                                                                                                       Boys Grades: 3-4, 5-6 & 7-8
Sat, Jan. 11, 2020 • 9 am
This is a recreational league only. It is designed to teach basketball,
develop fundamentals, encourage participation, and provide
an enjoyable experience for participants. Parks & Rec staff will
conduct team placement based on schools prior to deadline. There
will be two weeks of practices with the first games starting in
                                                                          PICKLE BALL LEAGUE
                                                                          Leagues: Thursdays | Nov. 7 - Dec. 19
                                                                                                                                                 Follow us
January. All practices and games will be at the Hastings Middle           Play in our brand new singles and doubles Leagues! We will                  HastingsParksRecreation
School gym and Community Center.                                          keep statistics, schedule your games and have observers rank
Divisions: Kindergarten Coed, 1-2 Grade Girls & 1-2 Grade Boys.           you and put you in a division!                                              @HastingsRec18
Early Bird Fee: $35 • Fee: $45 • Register by Fri, Dec. 6                  Fee: $10 per person • Sign up by: Nov.1st
                                                                                                                                       Fall/Winter 2019-2020
Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings
                                                                                                                                             Thank you, Hastings Public School District,
                                                                                                                                             Adams Central School District,
                                                                                                                                             Hastings YMCA, Hastings College, and the
                                                                                                                                             Elks Country Club for providing facilities.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                              INSURANCE
                                                                                                                                            Thank You!
 • Please note pre-registration dates and deadlines.               The City of Hastings Parks and Recreation Department
 • Phone and fax entries will not be accepted.                     does not carry medical or accident insurance for program
                                                                   participants. Please read and understand the waiver and
 • Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.
                                                                   release of liability information on the registration form. All                  WEATHER UPDATES
 • Program fees are required with registration to                  adults, parents, or legal guardians must sign this form.                        Call the Weather Hotline for information on
   guarantee placement.                                                                                                                            cancellations due to inclement weather.
 • You will be notified if your activity is filled, canceled, or
                                                                   PHOTO DISCLAIMER                                                                402.462.7109
                                                                   Registrants and participants of Parks and Recreation
   changed. Be aware of our weather cancellation policies.
                                                                   activities permit the taking of photos and videos of                            STAY CONNECTED
 • No refunds after the first scheduled class. Special medical     themselves and their children for use in future publications.                   Receive email notices about Parks & Rec
   circumstances will be taken into consideration.
 •Programs are subject to change.
                                                                   YOUR IDEAS!                                                                     programs. Addresses are not visible to the
                                                                                                                                                   public. To sign up call: 402.461.2324 or
                                                                   We are always looking for new programs and instructors.
Registrations can be done online, mailed or delivered to the                                                                                       email: or
                                                                   If you have ideas to share please call 402.261.2324.
Parks and Recreation Office, 2015 West 3rd.                                                                                                      

HOW TO REGISTER ONLINE                                                                                                                             PARKS & REC OFFICE HOURS
                                                                           CONTACT INFORMATION
1. GO ONLINE to                                   Parks & Recreation Staff                                                Monday-Friday, 8 am - Noon & 1 - 5 pm
Click the blue“Register Online” button then Click Create Account           Jeff Hassenstab, CPRP                         Facilities
                                                                           Director of Parks & Recreation
2. CREATE AN ACCOUNT by using your Facebook or Google            
                                                                                                                         Parks & Recreation Office              Duncan Field
                                                                                                                         Community Center                       601 E. South St.
account to login or creating a new account. We only access                                                               2015 W. 3rd St. | 402.461.2324
                                                                           Terry Brown - Parks Superintendent                                                   Hastings City Auditorium
your name and email for login purposes. Enter information                             Aquacourt Family Aquatic Center        400 N. Hastings Ave. | 402.461.2322
about yourself and add family members that participate in                                                                2200 W. 3rd St. | 402.463.1061         Parkview Cemetery
                                                                           Ryan Martin - Recreation Superintendent
recreation activities.                                                               Smith Softball Complex                 1246. N. Elm Ave. | 402.461.2300
                                                                                                                         3900 Osborne Dr. East | 402.462.7100
3. SAVE & CLOSE, then begin registering for your activities.               Landon Arnold - Recreation Coordinator
                     After Hours Drop Box                                  Joyce Mangers - Administrative Assistant II              HastingsParksRecreation
                      After hours, registrations can be          
                      dropped in the green mailbox in
                        front of the Community Center                      John Brown - Cemetery Superintendent
                          Building at 2015 West 3rd St.          
Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings
Hastings Parks and Recreation Department is a public service entity charged with providing parks and recreation programs
and facilities to all citizens of and visitors to Hastings, Nebraska. We maintain twenty parks and facilities throughout the city.
                                                                                                                                                       SEASONAL JOBS
                                                                                                                                                       Apply online at, or pick
We are proud of our many great parks and facilities. We continue to strive to improve and expand our facilities and programs.                          up an application at the Parks and Recreation Office
Please contact us if you have any suggestions or comments that will help improve our offerings. Enjoy the benefits of quality parks                    or Hastings Utilities at 1228 N. Denver. All employees
and recreation facilities and programs in Hastings.                                                                                                    must be 15 years or older. Hiring begins in January.

          Facility Reservations
                                                                                                                                                       Open Positions:
                                                                                                                                                         • Basketball Referees        • Aquacourt Staff
                                                                                                                                                         • Softball Umpires               Concessions
                                                                                                                                                         • Softball                       Admissions
 HASTINGS CITY AUDITORIUM                                          RATES Call 402.461.2324 for more information.                                           Scorekeepers                   Lifeguards
The Event Center for South Central Nebraska                        5 Points Bank Pavilion:.......................... $35/day                             • Gatekeepers                    Facility Attendants
Centrally located in the heart of Hastings, and surrounded by      Chautauqua Pavilion:....................................... $75/day                   • Recreation Intern              Assistant Manager
wide streets and plenty of parking, the Hastings City Auditorium                                                                                         • Parks Maintenance
                                                                   Downtown Park Rental:.................................. $50/day
is close and convenient.                                                                                                                                   Staff (Age 18+)
Originally built in 1924, the Auditorium has been completely       Picnic Shelter Rental:....................................... $35/day
restored and renovated. This addition of modern amenities to the
craftsmanship of the past makes the Auditorium the perfect place
                                                                   Brickyard Park Amphitheater:                                                        LAKE HASTINGS BOAT PERMITS
                                                                   School/Free concerts................................................. $250/day      can be purchased at the Parks and Recreation Office during
for stage productions, conventions, seminars, receptions, trade
                                                                   Non-commercial....................................................... $350/day      business hours. All motorized boats and jet skis must
shows, and much more. The Auditorium can seat 1700, with 800
                                                                   Commercial ............................................................. $400/day   properly display a current boat permit decal. Failure to do
on the 99’ x 114’ main floor and 900 in the balcony.
                                                                                                                                                       so may result in a fine. Adams County residents qualify for
                                                                   Hastings City Auditorium:
                                                                                                                                                       resident permit rates.
                                                                   Non Commercial | 8 am - 12 am
                                                                   Sunday - Thursday...................................................$350/day*       Resident Annual Permit: $35
                                                                   Friday - Saturday .....................................................$500/day*    Non-Resident Annual Permit: $150
                                                                   Commercial | 8 am - 12 am                                                           Resident Only Daily Permit: $7
                                                                    Sunday - Saturday..................................................$600/day*
                                                                                              * Extra hours before 8:00am: $50.00/hour                 ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIPS
                                                                                                         * Deposit to secure date: $100.00              • Smith Softball Complex banners,
                                                                                                                                                          and activity guide spots
                                                                                          * Cleaning deposit if alcohol served : $200.00
                                                                                                                                                        • Athletic and recreational program sponsorships
                                                                                                                                                        • Special events, and more
Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings
Fo l lo w u s
Stay up to date on all Parks and Rec events!

Share u s
       Help us spread the word
       and share our post with
       your friends & family.

Visit u s
       2015 W. 3RD St.
       Just East of the Aquacourt
       Monday-Friday, 8 am - Noon & 1 - 5 pm

                                               WE’RE LOOKING FOR New IDEAS!
                                               We are always on the hunt for new programs and instructors. Have you
                                               heard of any new trends, sports, or kids activities? We’d love to hear
                                               from you. To share your thoughts with us please call 402.261.2324.
Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings Activity Guide FALL - WINTER 2019-2020 - City of Hastings
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