Page created by Anita Goodman
               BOOKLET AOfficialECFC VOfficialECFC   1
ACCESSIBLE                                                Assistance dogs are admitted to the ground. The
                                                          Club’s Stadium Manager or Disability Liaison Officer
                                                                                                                   miles) passing the Police Station on your right, at
                                                                                                                   roundabout take 4th exit onto Western Way (signed
                                                                                                                                                                          services provided by the different departments
                                                                                                                                                                          of Exeter City Football Club. Access to goods and
INFORMATION                                               should be contacted in advance for all relevant
                                                                                                                   Pinhoe and Broadclyst). At next roundabout take
                                                                                                                   2nd exit into Old Tiverton Rd, take 2nd left into
                                                                                                                                                                          services, as well as match day facilities are being
                                                                                                                                                                          fully assessed and a programme of measures in
PARKING & ACCESS:                                                                                                  Stadium Way for St James Centre/Centre Spot.           place to ensure compliance with all associated
Accessible Parking is very limited, (supporters are       OTHER DISABILITIES:                                      From East Take the A30 towards Exeter; Follow the      legislation..
advised to contact club reception for availability).      Unlimited places.                                        directions ‘From M5’.
Accessible Entrance to all stands is through the
                                                                                                                                                                          TICKET PRICING
                                                          DESIGNATED DISABILITY STEWARD:                           From West Follow the A38 towards Exeter, joining       The Club operates a specific non-discriminatory
accessible gate to the Big Bank Stand via Stadium         To assist home and away supporters with                  the M5 North at junction 31. Leave at junction 30      ticketing policy for supporters with disabilities and
Way, it is fairly level and ramps are in use within the   disabilities.                                            and then follow the directions ‘From M5’.              will ensure that the scheme does not differentiate
Stadium. There is an accessible entrance for Away
                                                                                                                                                                          between all the different disability groups.
supporters in St James’ Road to allow entry to the        WHEELCHAIR FOR HIRE:                                     ADDRESS & CONTACT DETAILS:
Main Stand and Away Terrace.                              The club has an assistant wheelchair available for       Exeter City Football Club St. James Park, Stadium      Where charges are made, the charge will be made
                                                          hire on match days for those supporters who have         Way, Exeter, Devon, EX4 6PX.                           to the person with the disability. This is in line with
PLACES & POSITIONS:                                       a need of a wheelchair because of a temporary            Club Reception: Tel: 01392 411243, option 2            current “disability etiquette” which maintains that
Wheelchair users (designated areas): 41 (57 if            disablement. Anyone requiring the use of the             Fax: 01392 413959                                      people with disabilities should be treated the same
needed) Home Supporters: 1 area in the Main Stand         assistant wheelchair is advised to contact club          Email:                            as any non-disabled person or in this case spectator.
(covered & elevated), 3 areas in the Big Bank Stand       reception for availability.                                                                                     Where Health and Safety requirements demand that
(all elevated but only 2 are covered), 4 areas in the                                                              EXETER CITY TICKETING
                                                                                                                                                                          a person with a disability has to be accompanied
Stagecoach Stand (1 elevated & 3 at pitch level).         ACCESSIBLE TOILETS; CHANGING                             (HOME SUPPORTERS ONLY):                                by a personal assistant, that assistant will be given
NOTE: When demand is greatest, 16 more spaces             PLACES ROOM & CATERING:                                  Online Tickets:                 free entry to matches where the Club allows free
will be provided in the front row of the Stagecoach       5 adapted toilets in total. 1 in corner of Big Bank      ECFC Ticket Hotline: Tel: 01392 411243, option 3.      admission.
Stand (all pitch level). This gives 57 spaces for home    Stand/Stadium Way Entrance; 1 plus 1 Changing
supporters, if and when needed. Waterproofs are           Places room in the Stagecoach Stand (supporters
                                                                                                                   WEBSITES:                                              Please note if the person with the disability cannot
                                                                                                                   Exeter City Football Club:      attend a match, their personal assistant will only
available to those supporters using area 1 in the Big     are advised to bring their own sling for the portable
                                                                                                                   ECFC Supporters Trust:            be allowed access provided they pay for a full price
Bank Stand. Ask the nearest steward if required.          hoist) & 2 in ‘The Park’. Areas are stewarded with
                                                          Radar locking key systems in use.
8 Away Supporters: 1 area in Main Stand (Area L - 3                                                                EXETER CITY DISABLED SUPPORTERS
                                                                                                                                                                          The Club reserves the right to ask for ‘proof of
PA seated spaces - covered & elevated), 1 area in St.     Catering Facilities: Available. However, only the        ASSOCIATION:                                           disability’ before issuing any concession under the
James Rd Stand (5 PA standing spaces - covered &          Stagecoach Stand is dedicated at this time.              Email:                               Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA), which
pitch level).                                                                                                      Website:
                                                          OFFICIAL AWAY CLUB TRAVEL:                                                                                      was replaced by the Equality Act 2010. However,
All personal assistants are seated or standing within     For reasons of Health and Safety, wheelchair                                                                    the Disability Equality Duty in the DDA continues to
designated areas.
                                                                                                                   ECFC DISABILITY POINT OF CONTACT:                      apply.
                                                          users are asked to be accompanied by a personal          Nick Saunders Disability Liaison Officer
                                                          assistant.                                               Tel: 01392 411243.                                     Such proof shall include:
Unlimited places. Seating is arranged in relation to                                                               Email:
                                                          TICKET INFORMATION:                                                                                             •    Receipt of the Standard or Enhanced rate of the
mobility difficulties.                                                                                                                                                         Personal Independence Payment (PIP), (daily
                                                          Supporters requiring access to accessible
                                                          wheelchair areas and all those others with               DISABILITY POLICY                                           living or mobility component).
BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED:                              disabilities are advised to purchase tickets in
Unlimited places, Personal Assistants are seated                                                                   OUR COMMITMENT                                         •    Receipt of the middle or higher rate of the
                                                          advance if they do not hold a season ticket at the                                                                   Disability Living Allowance (mobility or care
adjacent.                                                                                                          Exeter City Football Club has an Equal Opportunities
                                                          club. Tickets can be bought over the telephone or via                                                                component).
                                                                                                                   Policy and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair
                                                          the clubs online ticketing service.
DEDICATED COMMENTARY SERVICE:                                                                                      discrimination on the grounds of disability. We        •    Receipt of either the Severe Disablement
10 headsets in total available for Home & Away            For all the latest ticket information please visit the   encourage the inclusion of all supporters with              Allowance or Attendance Allowance.
supporters. Supporters wishing to use the                 club’s official website.                                 disabilities and welcome their involvement.
commentary service are advised to contact club                                                                                                                            •    A personal letter from a GP.
                                                          THE PARK (CENTRE SPOT):                                  The Club is committed to taking a proactive
reception for availability and to reserve a headset.                                                               approach to ensure that the needs of all supporters    Receipt of a Blue Badge will not be considered
                                                          Has accessible facilities which include toilets with                                                            sufficient proof of disability.
                                                                                                                   with disabilities and visitors are met as the Club
DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING:                                 radar locks & lift.
                                                                                                                   recognises that not all of its facilities are fully
Unlimited places. On request, a Portable Induction                                                                                                                        Should an existing season ticket holder become
Loop is available for use in the club shop and            DIRECTIONS:                                              accessible to supporters with disabilities and         disabled, they may apply for a transfer to a
                                                          From M5 Exit M5 at junction 30, and then follow          visitors.                                              designated viewing area. Where possible, the Club
                                                          signs for Middlemoor. Take 2nd exit at Middlemoor        The Club confirms that it is committed to making       will aim to accommodate such a request. If after
ASSISTANCE DOGS:                                          roundabout (signed Heavitree); Follow signs              the necessary reasonable adjustments to all the        considering all possible reasonable adjustments the
                                                          City Centre, going through Heavitree (Approx 2                                                                  Club concludes that it is unable to provide a space,

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then priority consideration will be given when a           pa, the club request that the Club’s Safeguarding        WHEELCHAIR DEPENDENT                                      tickets for a designated area are encouraged to
space becomes available.                                   Officer is notified. The Club’s Safeguarding Officer     SUPPORTERS                                                purchase tickets 48 hours in advance.
                                                           can be contacted via email: safeguarding@                Exeter City Football Club has a limited number of
Opportunities for supporters with disabilities to                                                                                                                             The club have wheelchairs for hire for those with a
                                                                                        spaces for wheelchair dependent supporters and
attend away matches are limited by the allocation                                                                                                                             temporary disablement. Those wishing to use this
received from the away club. The Disability Liaison                                                                 their personal assistant in all parts of the ground.      service are advised to contact club reception in
Officer or the clubs Ticket Office will carry out co-                                                               Wherever possible the Club will make suitable             advance for availability and hire.
                                                           The Club’s Disability Liaison Officer works closely
ordination of the sales of these tickets, when needed.                                                              alternative arrangements for those wheelchair
                                                           with the Operations Manager and advises the
                                                                                                                    dependent supporters wishing to attend matches
                                                                                                                                                                              SUPPORTERS WITH LEARNING
                                                           Club on issues which are of particular concern to
DEFINITIONS                                                                                                         with their families.                                      DIFFICULTIES
                                                           supporters with disabilities.
As a fundamental principle, the Disability                                                                                                                                    Supporters with learning difficulties can be
Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA) stated that disabled         The Club’s Disability Liaison Officer can be contacted   The Club wishes to make the most appropriate use          accommodated in the stadium by various means
people should not be treated ‘less favourably,             via the Club or email:     of these facilities by providing them to those with       as it is normally possible for them to use ordinary
without justification’ and ‘reasonable adjustments                                                                  disabilities who are unable to sit in any other part of   stand accommodation. If for whatever reason, any
should be made to make goods, facilities and               PROVISION OF FACILITIES AND                              the stadium.                                              person with a learning difficulty feels that ordinary
services accessible’. Exeter City Football Club aims       AMENITIES                                                Individuals using, or wishing to apply for use of         stand accommodation would be unsuitable for them,
to comply fully with both the spirit and provisions        Deaf and Hard of Hearing Supporters                      these designated areas must meet the following            they should contact the Club for further information.
of the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and the          Supporters who are deaf or hard of hearing can be        criteria:
Equality Act 2010.                                                                                                                                                            Supporters with learning difficulties can normally
                                                           accommodated in the stadium by various means.                                                                      attend games by themselves. However, if for
                                                                                                                    1.   Wheelchair using applicants must be largely
For purposes of this policy only, the definition of a      Unfortunately, the Club does not have induction loop          dependent on a wheelchair for mobility               whatever reason this is not the case, we encourage
supporter with a disability is:                            equipment within the stadium. However, a portable             purposes or not capable of walking a distance        these people to be accompanied by a personal
Any person who, because of their disability is             induction loop system is used within the club shop            further than that required to reasonably and         assistant who is capable of supporting their needs in
unable to use ordinary stand seating without               and reception. It is strongly recommended that a              safely access any other part of the stadium.         the event of any emergency evacuation.
contravening Health and Safety Regulations,                person with a severe hearing loss attending a match
                                                                                                                    2.   Wheelchair dependent applicants of either            SUPPORTERS WITH AMBULATORY
Guidelines or Policy or where the Club has provided        at St. James’ Park is accompanied by a personal
                                                                                                                         manual or powered wheelchairs are
a ‘reasonable adjustment’ to enable that supporter         assistant                                                                                                          DISABILITIES
                                                                                                                         encouraged to be accompanied by a personal
to attend the venue.                                                                                                                                                          The Club recognises that there are considerable
                                                           who is fully able to support their needs in the               assistant who is capable of supporting
                                                                                                                                                                              numbers of people in the community who use
Any such person will be considered for use of the          event of an emergency, unless said person has an              their needs in the event of any emergency
                                                                                                                                                                              wheelchairs mainly for outdoor mobility purposes
designated areas of the stadium in line with the           Assistance Dog and in this case the Club’s Disability         evacuation, unless said person has an
                                                                                                                                                                              but are not necessarily confined to their wheelchair.
procedures set out in this policy.                         Liaison Officer should be contacted in advance for all        Assistance Dog and in this case the Club’s
                                                                                                                                                                              There are also many people suffering severe
                                                           relevant information.                                         Disability Liaison Officer should be contacted in
As defined by the Equality Act 2010, a person with                                                                                                                            walking difficulties who may wish to watch a match.
                                                                                                                         advance for all relevant information.
a Disability is defined as an individual who “has a                                                                                                                           There are also people with learning difficulties or
                                                           BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED
physical or mental disability which has a substantial                                                               The Club would not refuse admittance to those who         debilitating illnesses who have difficulty walking.
                                                           SUPPORTERS                                               don’t bring a personal assistant; any refusals will       For the purposes of this policy this category of
and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry
                                                           The Club is able to accommodate supporters who           only be on the grounds of a contravention of Health       people will be termed ‘supporters with ambulatory
out normal day-to-day activities”.
                                                           are blind and partially sighted in all parts of the      and Safety legislation.                                   disabilities’ and they will be asked to follow the
A ‘designated area’ is any area (including specific        ground but the club recommends that the blind or                                                                   procedure below in order to attend a match:
seats within the stadium) that the Club shall at its       severely partially sighted person attending a match      Designated areas for wheelchair dependent home
sole discretion determine as being available for           at St James’ Park be accompanied by a personal           supporters are located in the Main Stand = 4 spaces;      Supporters with ambulatory disabilities who require
those with disabilities at a concessionary price.          assistant who is fully able to support their needs       Big Bank Stand = 21 spaces and Family Stand = 16          seats in appropriate areas are encouraged to
                                                           in the event of an emergency, unless said person         spaces (When demand is greatest, 16 more spaces           purchase tickets 48 hours in advance.
A ‘reasonable adjustment’ in this context shall
                                                           has an Assistance Dog and in this case the Club’s        will be provided in the front row of the Family
include (but is not limited to) the need to use a                                                                                                                             It will also be necessary for the ambulant supporter
                                                           Disability Liaison Officer should be contacted in        Stand). There are 2 designated areas for wheelchair
wheelchair bay or the need to bring a personal                                                                                                                                to provide qualifying documentation relating to their
                                                           advance for all relevant information.                    dependent away supporters located in the Main
assistant.                                                                                                                                                                    condition in order to qualify for a personal assistant
                                                                                                                    Stand = 3 spaces (PA seated) and Away Terrace = 5
                                                           On match days, information will be carried via the                                                                 ticket, if a personal assistant is required.
A ‘personal assistant’ is someone who is                                                                            spaces (PA standing). All areas in the Main Stand/
                                                           public-address system.                                   Big Bank Stand are raised and covered with the            The Club also recognises that people with
accompanying a supporter with a disability and who
is fully able to support the needs of said supporter in    The club has a dedicated Descriptive Commentary          exception of designated bay 1, which is uncovered         disabilities have families and indeed may wish
the event of an emergency. The Club recognise that         Service for those who are blind or partially sighted     with waterproofs provided when needed for said            to attend a match as a family and therefore the
many children are cares to their parents and won’t         with 10 headsets in total available to both Home &       bay.                                                      Club will provide designated ambulatory seats for
be treated no differently than an adult personal           Away supporters. Those wishing to use this service                                                                 families on request within the Family Stand. Tickets
                                                                                                                    People wishing to apply for season ticket places in
assistant. However, we insist that the child carer is      are advised to contact Club Reception in advance for                                                               for such seats should be purchased 48 hours in
                                                                                                                    the designated areas should contact the Club.
fully able to support their parent’s disability needs in   availability.                                                                                                      advance.
the event of an emergency. If a child is the parent’s                                                               Wheelchair dependent supporters who require

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SUPPORTERS WITH INFIRMITIES                             Additional information:                                  STAFF TRAINING                                           visitors and supporters and this policy has been
Supporters with certain conditions can sometimes                                                                 Elements of staff training that relate to ‘disability    developed to address specific issues relating to
                                                        1.   There are council run car parks situated close
have difficulty in accessing seats in some parts of                                                              awareness’ and ‘disability etiquette’ have been          assistance dogs on Exeter City premises/grounds. It
                                                             to the ground which are free to those with a
the Stadium. Exeter City Football Club recognises                                                                identified and a training programme is in place to       is also intended to raise awareness for staff, visitors
                                                             Blue Badge. However, there are also car parks
that elderly people now form a larger part of the                                                                ensure that awareness and etiquette are observed.        and supporters of the issues relating to assistance
                                                             that are chargeable.
population than younger people and the Club wishes                                                               This training programme will be on going.                dogs.
to make sure that our elderly supporters are able to    2.   Those unable to walk far, there is a drop-off-
                                                                                                                 Inclusion & Anti-Discrimination (Equality and            This policy aims to outline:
continue to attend matches whenever possible. The            point at the bottom of Stadium Way close to the
                                                             accessible entrance to St. James’ Park.             Diversity) staff training is also undertaken under       •    The arrangements made to provide a
Club therefore recognises that some of its longest
                                                                                                                 the banner of ‘Playing for Inclusion’ provided by the         welcoming and safe environment for assistance
serving supporters with infirmities may require
seating in an appropriate area of the stadium.          ACCESSIBLE TOILETS AND CHANGING                          English Football League ‘EFL’ as part of the Club’s           dogs and their owners.
                                                        PLACES ROOM                                              Code of Practice.
Supporters with infirmities who require seats in                                                                                                                          •    The roles and responsibilities within Exeter City
                                                        There are 5 adapted toilets in total. 1 in corner of
appropriate areas are encouraged to purchase            Big Bank Stand / Stadium Way Entrance; 2 in the
                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY                                            AFC Ltd in relation to assistance dogs.
tickets 48 hours in advance.                                                                                     Exeter City Community Trust delivers regular             •    The responsibilities of the owners of assistance
                                                        Family Stand (changing places room can be used
                                                                                                                 coaching sessions for young people and adults with            dogs on Exeter City AFC Ltd grounds.
                                                        as an accessible toilet also) and 2 in ‘The Park’.
ASSISTANCE DOGS                                         The Changing Places Room is located in the Family
                                                                                                                 disabilities across a range of footballing activities.
Assistance dogs are admitted to the ground. The                                                                                                                           •    A process for dealing with issues and
                                                        Stand, in this room is a Changing Bench; a Portable      For more details on ECCT disability activities visit:         complaints if they arise.
Club’s Disability Liaison Officer should be contacted
                                                        Hoist (supporters are advised to bring own sling
in advance for all relevant information. Measures                                                                                                                         More information on the definition of an assistance
                                                        for hoist); a showering area and Privacy Screen. All
will be taken to ensure that the welfare of the                                                                  ADDITIONAL CLUB INFORMATION                              dog, as used in this policy, can be found in Appendix
                                                        equipment in the room is used at the supporters’
Assistance Dog is preserved. The club does have a                                                                Exeter City Disabled Supporters Association              1.
                                                        own risk. Areas are stewarded with Radar locking
separate Policy for Assistance Dogs.                                                                             ‘ECDSA’:
                                                        key systems in use.
                                                                                                                                                                          2. ARRANGEMENTS
ACCESSIBLE PARKING                                      CATERING
                                                                                                                 The Club has a Disabled Supporters Association who
                                                                                                                 works closely with Exeter City AFC Ltd by helping
                                                                                                                                                                          Exeter City AFC Ltd makes the following
                                                                                                                                                                          arrangements in order to allow staff, visitors and
                                                        Match day catering is provided within the stadium.       to make improvements to all facilities for those with
HOME SUPPORTERS                                         However, certain areas of the stadium do not have                                                                 supporters with assistance dogs to enjoy the best
Exeter City Football Club has 2 accessible spaces                                                                disabilities and regarded as one of the best in the
                                                        catering facilities suitable for those with mobility                                                              possible experience:
allocated to its supporters with disabilities. These                                                             country.
                                                        difficulties and it is therefore advised that for                                                                 •    Spending pens are provided for the toilet needs
are allocated to supporters with the most severe        these particular areas, supporters with disabilities     Website details:
                                                                                                                                                                               of assistance dogs (for further information
mobility difficulties, which is through a season        either bring along a personal assistant or notify        Email details:
permit.                                                 the nearest steward who will be happy to provide
                                                        assistance.                                              ONE GAME, ONE COMMUNITY ‘OGOC’:                          •    Water bowls are provided for assistance dogs
Applications/requests should be made to the Club
                                                                                                                 Exeter City AFC Ltd has long been recognised for              (for further information contact: disability@
on a seasonal basis and each request will be judged     Other facilities, which come under the general           playing a positive role in the Kick-it-Out campaign.
on its individual merit.                                heading of catering such as bars, executive lounges,     The Club has had an active Kick-it-Out group
                                                        boxes etc., are accessible to people with disabilities                                                            •    On request, Exeter City AFC Ltd will provide
The Club would ask that people recognise that there                                                              since 1997; now working under the One Game One
                                                        by means of a lift. In these areas’ waitress service                                                                   familiarisation with and orientation of club
are only a limited number of places available and it                                                             Community banner and Disability is one of the many
                                                        is provided.                                                                                                           grounds.
will not be possible to accommodate everyone who                                                                 different things they campaign on.
has a Blue Badge.                                                                                                                                                         •    The club provides guidelines for staff on how to
                                                        ACCESSIBLE INFORMATION                                   Website details:
                                                                                                                                                                               interact with assistance dogs. This information
Home supporters given an Accessible Parking             Steps have already been taken to put procedures          kick-it-out
                                                                                                                                                                               can be found in Appendix 2.
Permit are expected to display their Blue Badge and     in place to provide information in formats that are      Email details:
Permit at all times. If there is no Blue Badge and      more easily accessible to people with disabilities.                                                               •    The club is happy to listen to the suggestions
                                                                                                                 This policy was approved at a meeting of the Board
Permit on displayed, then parking will be refused.      Information leaflets are available in large print,                                                                     of assistance dog owners as to how the
                                                                                                                 of Directors held in December, 2018 and will be
                                                        electronic format and audio versions are available                                                                     clubs provision for assistance dogs could be
AWAY SUPPORTERS                                                                                                  reviewed again in July 2021.
                                                        on request.                                                                                                            improved.
There is 1 accessible space reserved for away
supporters, booking of this space is by contacting      The official Exeter City website (http://www.            POLICY ON ASSISTANCE                                     The Clubs: Roles and responsibilities:
the Club up to 24 hours in advance. After that
time, unallocated space will be released to a Home
                                               is operated by EFL Digital
                                                        Limited (Company Number 04112553). They                  DOGS                                                     2.1 Facilities (informing of staff) The disability
                                                                                                                                                                          liaison officer or relevant member of staff is
                                                        consistently monitor the levels of compliance                                                                     responsible for informing other staff, who are likely
supporter.                                                                                                       1. INTRODUCTION
                                                        against the Equality Act 2010, as well as working                                                                 to come into contact with the assistance dog and
Away supporters will be expected to have their Blue                                                              Exeter City AFC Ltd values the diversity of its
                                                        on an individual level with a number of fans with                                                                 for asking them to confirm that they would not be
Badge on display at all times. If a Blue Badge can’t                                                             employees, visitors and supporters and is committed
                                                        disabilities to deliver best practice across the                                                                  adversely affected by the presence of the dog.
be produced, then parking will be refused.                                                                       to providing an environment which is welcoming
                                                        network of Official Football sites.                      for all. The Club provides information for its staff,    The club will ensure that staff and stewards will

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be provided with training, so that they can respond       a member of staff, visitor or supporter with an                 - Assistance Dogs International, Assistance              physically disabled clients train their dogs to
appropriately to individual needs.                        assistance dog wishes to make a complaint about                 Dogs Europe, International Guide Dog 		                  assistance level.
                                                          the treatment of themselves or their dog, they                  Federation - or other such international bodies          Identification: Qualified Dog A.I.D. Assistance
2.2 Facilities (Grounds or Estates staff) Grounds
                                                          should raise this issue with the clubs operations               as may from time to time be recognised.                  dogs wear a red jacket.
or Estates staff will ensure the upkeep of Spending
Pens to ensure the health of the dog and the safety                                                                  Types of Assistance Dogs:                                •    Medical Detection Dogs: Medical Alert
of the owner, including the provision of bins for dog     Every attempt will be made to resolve the matter                                                                         Assistance Dogs for adults and children who
                                                                                                                     •    Guide Dogs: for adults and young people who
refuse and the disposal of the refuse.                    informally, including where appropriate the use                                                                          manage complex health conditions. Dogs are
                                                                                                                          are blind or partially sighted.
                                                          of mediation. If the matter cannot be resolved                                                                           trained to identify the odour changes that are
2.3 Information The disability liaison officer or                                                                         Identification: Qualified guide dogs wear a
                                                          informally, the issue will be escalated and dealt with                                                                   associated with life threatening medical events.
relevant member of staff will advise employees,                                                                           white harness with yellow fluorescent strips.
                                                          through staff disciplinary procedures, with reference
visitors and supporters with assistance dogs and                                                                                                                                   Cancer & Bio-detection Dogs detect cancer
                                                          to the Equality Act 2010.                                  •    Hearing Dogs: for adults with a hearing
signpost them to this policy to make them aware of                                                                                                                                 volatiles in urine and breath samples. These
                                                                                                                          impairment (aged 17+) and for children with a
the help provided by the club and their rights and        4.2 Complaints about assistance dogs If a member                                                                         specialist dogs provide valuable data to assist
                                                                                                                          hearing impairment (ages 7-12).
responsibilities. If required, the disability liaison     of staff, visitor or supporter wishes to make a                                                                          in the development of new ways to detect and
                                                                                                                          Identification: Qualified hearing dogs wear a
officer or relevant member of staff will liaise with      complaint about an assistance dog or notices any                                                                         diagnose cancer.
                                                                                                                          burgundy jacket.
the grounds or estates staff to ensure that any           breaches of this policy, they should also raise the                                                                      Identification: Qualified dogs wear a red jacket.
reasonable adjustments needed have been made.             issue with the clubs operations manager.                   •    Dogs for the Disabled: Assistance dogs for
                                                                                                                          children with physical disabilities (Age7-16) and   Members of Assistance Dogs (UK)
2.4 Operations Manager The operations manager             Again, every attempt will be made to resolve the
will ensure that staff with an assistance dog             matter informally with the dog’s owner, including               for adults with physical disabilities (Age 17+).    The following are registered members of Assistance
are aware of this policy, including their own             where appropriate the use of mediation. If the matter           Assistance dogs and other services for families     Dogs (UK):
responsibilities and will work together with              cannot be resolved informally, or if the request                with a child affected by autism (age 3-16)
                                                                                                                                                                              •    Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
the member of staff to arrange any reasonable             to resolve the complaint is not complied with, the              The charity also runs a non-assistance dog
                                                                                                                                                                              •    Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
adjustments required. The operations manager will         issue will be escalated and dealt with through staff            programme called PAWS working with families
                                                                                                                                                                              •    Dogs for the Disabled
also ensure that other members of staff respond           disciplinary procedures.                                        with children with autism who have, or want to
                                                                                                                          acquire a pet dog (see website for details).        •    Canine Partners
appropriately to the member of staff and the                                                                                                                                  •    Support Dogs
                                                          4.3 Complaints about this policy Complaints about               Identification: Qualified disabled and assistance
assistance dog. Grounds or estates staff will provide                                                                                                                         •    Dog A.I.D
                                                          the operation of this Policy should be made to the              dogs wear a fluorescent yellow jacket. Autism
support to the operations manager in addressing
                                                          clubs operations manager.                                       assistance dogs wear a blue harness.                •    Medical Detection Dogs
any issues that arise.
3. The Owner: Roles and responsibilities                  APPENDIX 1                                                 •    Canine Partners: Assistance dogs for adults
                                                                                                                          with physical disabilities.
                                                                                                                                                                              Membership of Assistance Dogs (UK) is open
                                                                                                                                                                              to organisations that are accredited members
The assistance dog is the responsibility of its owner                                                                                                                         of Assistance Dogs International (ADI) or the
                                                          DEFINITION OF ASSISTANCE DOG:                                   Identification: Qualified canine partners
who must ensure that the assistance dog:                                                                                                                                      International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF).
                                                          For the purpose of this policy, an assistance dog               assistance dogs wear a purple jacket.
I.     Is kept on a lead at all times when walking        is one which has been specifically trained to assist                                                                Additional sources of information and guidance
                                                                                                                     •    Support Dogs: are trained to do many tasks,
       around the club premises/ grounds.                 disabled people and which has been qualified by                 which their owner may find difficult or
II.    Uses the Spending Pens provided by the             one of the organisations registered as a member of              impossible or disability assistance dogs for        ASSISTANCE DOGS UK
       club and does not allow it to foul on club paths   Assistance Dogs (UK) or an equivalent organisation              people with physical disabilities (client-owned     Assistance Dogs (UK) is a coalition of assistance
       or grounds.                                        in another country.                                             dogs specifically trained to meet their owner’s     dog organisations that encourages the exchange of
                                                                                                                          needs).                                             ideas and best practice amongst its members, raises
III.   Has its requirements in relation to toileting      Assistance dogs trained by members of Assistance                                                                    awareness amongst the general public and promotes
                                                          Dogs (UK) or by an equivalent organisation in                   Autism Assistance dogs for children with
       and feeding requirements met.                                                                                                                                          behavioural and legislative changes to ensure the
                                                          another country, have formal identification and are             autism are trained to do many other tasks,
IV.    Behaves in an appropriate manner at all times                                                                      which their owner may find difficult or             freedom, independence and rights of its clients.
                                                          permitted to accompany their owners at all times                                                                    This policy* refers to the definitions and types of
       and does not disrupt others. The following         and in all places within the United Kingdom (unless             impossible or disability assistance dogs for
       action must be taken in the event of fouling:                                                                      people with physical disabilities (client-owned     assistance dogs provided on its website: www.
                                                          there is a genuine health and safety risk).                                                               
In the unlikely event that the dog does foul inside                                                                       dogs specifically trained to meet their owner’s
                                                          On the grounds of Health and Safety responsibilities            needs).
club buildings, the owner must report this to an
appropriate member of staff to make arrangements
                                                          to its staff, visitors and supporters, the football club
                                                                                                                          Seizure Alert Dogs for people with epilepsy.
                                                                                                                                                                              APPENDIX 2
                                                          reserves the right to refuse access for a dog that:
with grounds or estates management to clean and                                                                           Autism Assistance dogs for children with            INTERACTING WITH ASSISTANCE DOGS:
sanitize the area.                                        i.    Is not qualified by one of the seven 		                   autism. Seizure Alert dogs are trained to           When interacting with assistance dogs or with
                                                                membership organisations of Assistance Dogs               behave differently when they detect a potential     people who have assistance dogs, please bear the
4. PROCESS FOR DEALING WITH                                     (UK).                                                     seizure, which may appear to be misbehaving.        following points in mind:
COMPLAINTS AND/OR BREACHES OF                             ii.   Dogs from other nations, which do not meet                Identification: All the above qualified support
                                                                                                                                                                              Talk to the handler, not the dog!
THE POLICY                                                      the full membership criteria of the established           dogs wear a blue jacket.
4.1 Complaints by assistance dogs owners If                     international assistance dog organisations                                                                    It is very frustrating for a person to have to interrupt
                                                                                                                     •    Dog A.I.D: Volunteer trainers supplied to help
                                                                                                                                                                              your conversation with their dog. Likewise, if you are

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helping a person with a guide dog to get somewhere,        a hoist and room for a wheelchair and up two cares.
 give the person directions or talk with the person as
                                                            Standard accessible toilets do not meet the needs
 they follow you. They will give the dog the correct
                                                            of all people with a disability. People with profound
 commands for following you. Please do not call the
                                                            and multiple learning disabilities, as well people with
 dog. The dog is used to working for the disabled
                                                            other physical disabilities such as spinal injuries,
 owner. If it is responding to you, it is no longer
                                                            muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis often
 focused on their needs but on you.
                                                            need extra equipment and space to allow them to
 Do not pet or praise the dog without asking first,         use the toilets safely and comfortably. These needs
 please!                                                    are met by Changing Places toilets.
 It can be very dangerous for the handler if their dog      Although the new facility is housed in the Stagecoach
 is distracted and not doing its job. It is important to    Adam Stansfield Stand it is open to all home and
 remember that while they are extremely intelligent,        away supporters.
 devoted, and highly trained, service dogs are still
 capable of acting upon natural instincts and may           The changing places facility has been a collaboration
 display the same behaviours as other dogs from             between the club and the Exeter City Disabled
 time to time. Guide dogs sometimes scavenge for            Supporters Association. The ECDSA raised £3000
 food, get distracted by other animals, experience          which has paid for the bench, hoist and privacy
 fear, and forget about their work when tempted by          screen. The funds were raised through their
 things they like. People’s attention can be especially     Christmas draw and bucket collections.
 alluring. Praise is a reward for service animals,          Nick Saunders, ECDSA chairman said:
 and people who work with the dogs provide it when
                                                            “We at ECDSA strive to ensure access for all. The
 it is appropriate. Sometimes it is given quietly in
                                                            Changing Places room is a good chance to make an
 small doses; and at other times it is given lavishly. If
                                                            improvement that has been missing.
 another person says, “What a good dog,” in passing,
 the person may have just rewarded the dog, without         “This is a fantastic facility that is the first in Devon at
 knowing it, for something the dog did just before          a professional football club. This has all been made
 the person arrived that was dangerous to the user.         possible by the hard work of the ECDSA committee,
 When admiring a service dog, it is best to keep            it’s members and the fans of Exeter City Football
 eyes averted, comments directed to the user, and           Club.”
 voice modulated appropriately (e.g. do not speak as        Justin Quick, Exeter City’s general manager said:
 if addressing a child or use an especially sweet-          “Exeter City Football Club is constantly striving
 sounding voice, as this will draw the dog’s attention).    to move forward and improve the facilities for all
 Don’t feed the service dog.                                supporters.
 Many - not all - service dogs are on strict, healthy       “Changing Places was high on the agenda when
 diets to keep their working lives long, and they may       discussing the facilities in the new stand. We are
 also have allergies that you are not aware of. It also     delighted that in working with ECDSA the facility is
 can break the dog’s training if they learn that they       now officially open.”
 get food in a public place.
                                                            Elaine Davis, on behalf of the Supporters’ Trust

 SECTION 4                                                  added: “As a Supporters owned club we are proud to
                                                            look after all our supporters, both home and away,
                                                            who will use the this fantastic new facility at the
 CHANGING PLACES FACILITY                                   Park.”
 Exeter City’s Changing Places facility in the
 Stagecoach Adam Stansfield Stand was officially            It costs just £5 to become a member of the ECDSA.
 opened on the EFL’s Day of Disabilities on Monday,         By joining you will contribute to helping raise funds
 December 3.                                                for the association, and you’ll also become a priority
                                                            ticket member.
 The new changing places room in the Stagecoach
 Adam Stansfield Stand was part of the £3.5 million         To find out more, please visit:
 redevelopment of St James Park which was                   This season the EFL have published a new set of
 completed in October 2018.                                 Disabled Facilities Guides for supporters of all 72
 Changing Places toilets are larger than a standard         league clubs – every season there is a new set of
 disabled toilet and include a height-adjustable bench,     guidelines produced.

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