ABLEGRAM September - October 2014 - LIHEAP/PIPP Program - Township of Schaumburg

Page created by Juanita Navarro
ABLEGRAM September - October 2014 - LIHEAP/PIPP Program - Township of Schaumburg

                     September - October 2014

                         LIHEAP/PIPP Program
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Percentage of Income
Payment Plan (PIPP) begins in September for income eligible individuals with a disability and
seniors. Households have a choice between two benefits: Direct Vendor Payment (DVP) or
Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP). Both energy assistance programs are administered
by CEDA and provide assistance on the gas and electric bills. During your appointment, both
options will be explained and you will be able to chose which program will be most beneficial
to you. Contact the disability services department at 847-884-0030 to schedule an appointment
or if you have further questions.

You must have all the required documentation listed below. You will be not be able to apply if
you do not have the correct documentation.

Documents required:
 Social Security cards for every member of the household
 Most recent utility bills (Nicor and ComEd)
 Proof of gross monthly income for every household member, 30 days from your
   appointment date. This includes: paycheck stubs, 2014 Social Security Award Letters,
   unemployment, pensions, TANF, child support, etc.

            Income Guidelines 30 days From Your Appointment Date
                       Family size     Monthly Income
                               1          $1,459
                               2          $1,966
                               3          $2,474
                               4          $2,981
ABLEGRAM September - October 2014 - LIHEAP/PIPP Program - Township of Schaumburg
ABLEGRAM September - October 2014 - LIHEAP/PIPP Program - Township of Schaumburg
Medicare Part D
  It is very important to keep your
                                                               Annual Open Enrollment
 most current phone number with
 our department so we can contact                     Open enrollment for Medicare Part D drug
                                                      plans begins October 15 through December 7.
 you. Sometimes programs do not                       This is the time to review your prescriptions
 give us enough notice and the best                   and check which plan will be the most
   way to contact you is by phone.                    beneficial for you. Part D plans are required
   Also, please remember to keep                      to advise participants of any changes to their
     your current Social Security                     plans by October 1, such as drug formulary or
             Award Letter.                            tier changes, premium increases, etc. Any
                                                      changes to your Part D plan will be in effect
Social Security Benefit Verification                  January 1, 2015. You do not have to change
                                                      your plan, but it is recommended to check if
       Letters Still Available
                                                      another plan for next year could be more
          at Local Offices                            beneficial for you. For more information or to
Social Security benefit verification letters          schedule an appointment, please call disability
will still be available at local field offices.       services at 847-884-0030.
The decision to discontinue this was
reversed last month. Your benefit                                 Secretary of State
verification letter serves as proof of income,                  Super Seniors Program
disability status, and Medicare health                       When: Friday, October 31, 2014
insurance coverage. The benefit verification                    Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
letter is needed to apply for many state and               Where: Schaumburg Township Building
local benefits. Please remember to keep                     1 Illinois Blvd., in Hoffman Estates
your current Social Security Award
Letter to apply for programs!                          Rules of the Road Review Course (9:30
                                                         a.m. – 11:00 a.m.) Registration Required
     Benefit Counseling Services                         for review course. Call senior services at
The Senior Health Insurance Program                      847-884-0030 to register.
                                                       Driver’s License/State ID Card: Renewal,
(SHIP) is sponsored by the Illinois
Department on Aging. Schaumburg                          Replacement, Corrections
                                                       Purchase Vehicle Sticker
Township is a SHIP site dedicated to
                                                       Organ/Tissue Donor Information
providing free one-on-one insurance
counseling. Benefit counseling services               To renew a current Illinois driver’s license or
include    answering      questions    about          ID card, a valid driver’s license or ID card
Medicare, Medicaid, and the prescription              must be presented. To apply for a duplicate or
drug assistance program. We can also help             corrected driver’s license or ID card, two
with eligibility, benefit questions, and              forms of identification must be presented. For
enrollment. SHIP is not affiliated with any           information about acceptable forms of
insurance company and does not sell or                identification, please call 217-782-7044 or
solicit any type of insurance. Please call            visit
the senior or disability services department                                  (IL Secretary of State)
at    847-884-0030      to    schedule    an
appointment or for more information. We
look forward to assisting you!
ABLEGRAM September - October 2014 - LIHEAP/PIPP Program - Township of Schaumburg
ABLEGRAM September - October 2014 - LIHEAP/PIPP Program - Township of Schaumburg
ABLEGRAM September - October 2014 - LIHEAP/PIPP Program - Township of Schaumburg
RTA Ride Free Pass                                       Free Amplified
         For Disabled Extended                                  Telephones Available
The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA)            The Illinois Telecommunications Access
recently announced that the expiration dates           Corporation (ITAC) offers free amplified
on the ride free permits used by qualifying            telephones for qualified Illinois residents
persons with disabilities will be extended to          with a certified hearing loss. Schaumburg
September 30, to ensure there is no                    Township Disability Services is a selection
interruption in their use of transit. The RTA is       center to test the phones. There are four
required by law to issue these permits to              phones to choose from. Also, every four
individuals who have been approved by the              years you are eligible for an additional
State of Illinois Benefit Access Program               free amplified telephone. Please contact
(BAP), formerly known as Circuit Breaker.              disability services at 847-884-0030 for more
Eligible riders should not delay in applying           information, to verify if you are eligible for
for BAP as it may take up to 4-6 weeks to be           your second free phone or to schedule an
approved by the state. Any rider who does              appointment to test the phones.
not have a new card on its expiration date will
be granted an extension from that date. If               Special Thanks to Church of the
assistance is needed filling out the online                 Holy Spirit’s Family Fest
Benefit Access Program, please call disability                     Committee!
services at 847-884-0030.
                                                       On June 21, The Church of the Holy
   Low Cost Rabies Vaccine and                         Spirit’s Family Fest Committee sponsored
  Microchip Mobile Clinic Returns                      free carnival rides for Township children
       Tuesday, October 1st                            with disabilities. The children enjoyed two
                                                       hours of carnival rides and face painting.
The Cook County Department of Animal and
Rabies Control’s low-cost rabies and                   The       committee       also      provided
microchip mobile clinic is returning to                complimentary food and drinks. Special
Schaumburg Township on Wednesday,                      thanks to Madeline Navarra for taking
October 1, from 10:00 a.m.-2:45 p.m. The               pictures and Frank Kozak and the Family
mobile clinic will be outside the Schaumburg           Fest committee for hosting this event.
Township Highway garage at 1 Illinois Blvd.,
in Hoffman Estates. Rabies vaccines and
microchips will be offered for dogs, cats and
ferrets 3 months and older and owned by
Cook County residents. Fees are $7 for a 1-
year rabies vaccine, $21 for 3-year rabies
vaccine and $9 for a ferret rabies vaccine.
Microchip identification is $10. Payment is
by cash or check only. Mobile clinic services
will be offered on a first come, first served
basis. Pet owners must present a valid drivers
license or state ID. For public safety, all pets
must be leashed or caged at all times. For
more information, please contact the clerk’s
office at 847-884-0030.
ABLEGRAM September - October 2014 - LIHEAP/PIPP Program - Township of Schaumburg
Annual Picnic in the Park Brings Together Schaumburg Township Residents
                    with Disabilities and Their Families
In its 29th year, Schaumburg Township Disability Services hosted their annual picnic for people
with disabilities and their families. This year’s picnic “Luau on the Beach” was held on
Saturday, July 19th with over 200 guests attending. For the past two years, the picnic has been
generously sponsored by the Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation (ITAC), Village
Tavern and Grill, The Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club, Culver’s, and the Schaumburg
Township Foundation.
Highlights of the day included face painting by Chispita and Bombaco Flores, entertainment by
DJ Eric Brandt, Brookfield Zoo’s nature and science activities, sponsored by State
Representatives Michelle Mussman and Fred Crespo, and magic tricks by magicians. In
addition, a delicious lunch of chicken fingers, donated by JR Hutson of Village Tavern and
Grill, and frozen custard desserts, donated by Barry Himmelfarb of Culver’s, were served under
the tent. The picnic concluded with guests playing bingo for a chance to win a prize donated
by local businesses.
Special thanks go out to all the volunteers, the Schaumburg Township Highway Department,
the Sheriff’s Work Alternative Program, and the Schaumburg Park District for their support,
without which, the picnic would not have been a success.

                                   Special Thanks
The Schaumburg Township Disability Services Department would like to express our sincere
gratitude to the sponsors of this year’s picnic for their generous financial support.
         Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation (ITAC)
                   The Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club
                          Village Tavern & Grill
  Barry Himmelfarb of Culver’s—1410 E. Algonquin Rd., in Schaumburg
                  The Schaumburg Township Foundation
Thank you to the following businesses and individuals for their wonderful donations for
the picnic. We urge you to patronize our donors:
Ala Carte Entertainment, B96/WBBM-FM, Barbara Jackson, Brookfield Zoo, Chicago Bulls,
Comfort Inn Hoffman Estates, Culver’s, El Meson, GameWorks, Hoffman Estates Park District,
IHOP, Improv, John O’Hare, La Quinta Inn Suites—Schaumburg, Laugh Out Loud, Lettuce
Entertain You Restaurants, Lynfred Winery, Maggiano’s Little Italy, Medieval Times, Port
Edward Restaurant, Prairie Stone Sports and Wellness Center, QT Signs, Schaumburg Park
District, Shedd Aquarium, State Representative Fred Crespo’s Office, State Representative
Michelle Mussman’s Office, Target, US 99.5, Village Tavern & Grill, and WLUP 97.9 The
Thank you to our volunteers! This picnic would not have been successful without you!
Anil Phadke, Ann Thomas, Barbara Adrianopoli, Barbara Hook, Barry and Jan Himmelfarb,
Betty Delahunty, Bill Eliasek, Bonnie Brooks, Carole Lindeman, Charlyne St. Leger, Diane
Wilson, Dolores Haase, Don and Marie Balsitis, Ed and Marlene Siemon, Jennie Bratanch, Joe
and Jane Delulio, Kathy Robertazzo, Leo Salais, Mary Ann Fleck, Mona Morrison, Tamanna
Phadke, and Tom Sucher.
ABLEGRAM September - October 2014 - LIHEAP/PIPP Program - Township of Schaumburg
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Township of Schaumburg Offices                             Program (SNAP)
   will be closed on Monday,                       An intake volunteer will be at the township
 September 1, for the Labor Day                    to answer questions and assist with online
Holiday and Monday, October 13,                    SNAP applications on Monday, September
                                                   8 from 9:00am-10:00am. Applicants will be
 for the Columbus Day Holiday                      seen on a first come, first-served basis. Call
                                                   General Assistance for list of documents
   Monday Retail Shopping Trips                    needed to apply at 847-884-0030 ext. 1013.
     With the Township Bus
Below is the September and October                      Medicaid Restoration of Dental
Monday Retail Shopping Trip schedule for                     and Other Services
the Schaumburg Township Bus. Reservations          As of July 1, 2014, the dental services
are required. Please call the transportation       offered to adults on Medicaid have been
department at 847-882-1929 to make a               restored. Adults with Medicaid will once
reservation.                                       again be able to receive exams. In certain
                                                   circumstances, fillings, crowns, extractions,
              September                            dentures, and anesthesia. **Please note:
                           Labor Day               dentures and anesthesia require prior
   Monday - 1st                                    authorization from Medicaid**            The
                         Holiday Closed            Department of Healthcare and Family
                            Walmart                Services (HFS) issued a notice to all
   Monday - 8th                                    medical providers alerting them about
                                                   restoration of dental services.
                             Target                In addition to restoring dental services, the
   Monday - 15th
                           Barrington              following services have also been changed:
                            Walmart                   As of July 1, 2014, antipsychotics are
  Monday - 22nd                                         exempt      from     Medicaid’s   four
                           Elk Grove
                                                        prescription policy.
   Monday - 29th                                      As of July 1, 2014, children with
                            Meacham                     complex medical needs will be exempt
                October                                 from Medicaid’s four prescription
                            Walmart                   Beginning October 1, 2014, podiatry
   Monday - 6th
                           Barrington                   services will be available to all adults
                        Columbus Day                    with Medicaid.
  Monday - 13th                                       Beginning October 1, 2014, therapy
                        Holiday Closed
                                                        services will no longer have caps on the
                            Walmart                     number of visits an individual may
  Monday - 20th
                           Elk Grove                    receive. However, these services will
                                                        have         prior        authorization
                            Target                      requirements.
  Monday - 27th
                           Meacham                                     (MMW Bulletin July 7, 2014)
Township Officials
                                                          Mary Wroblewski—Supervisor
                                                           Timothy M. Heneghan—Clerk
                                                             Diane Dunham—Trustee
                                                           W. Robert Vinnedge—Trustee
                                                             Jeffrey Mytych—Trustee
            One Illinois Blvd.                                 Nimish Jani—Trustee
        Hoffman Estates, IL 60169                         John Lawson, CIAO—Assessor
                                                           Scott M. Kegarise—Highway
             847-884-0030 (V)                                      Commissioner
            224-520-9763 (VP)
           847-884-1560 (TTY)
           847-884-0039 (FAX)
The Ablegram, Deaf Line and Town Crier                       REPRINT REMINDER
Newsletters are available on our website at:
                                                    We thank other newsletters, which have
                                                    been reprinting our articles with proper
           Disability Staff Email:                  credit!    Any organization may reprint                articles from either of our newsletters if
                                                    credit is given by name of newsletter and                  date. Any questions? Call 847-884-0030                 (V), 224-520-9763 (VP) or 847-884-1560                 (TTY).
                                                         ABLEGRAM AND DEAF LINE
        Disability & Deaf Services-                 The Ablegram and Deaf Line Newsletters
             847-884-0030 (V)                       are available to Schaumburg Township
   Gerry Bartnicke—Director—Ext. 2020               residents at the disability services office or
   Sarita Phadke—Deaf Services Coord.               by calling 847-884-0030 (V), 224-520-9763
            224-520-9763 (VP)                       (VP) or 847-884-1560 (TTY). They include
            847-884-1560 (TTY)                      articles of interest to people who are
  Bonnie Sargent— Asst. Director—2022               disabled, deaf or hard of hearing or agencies
Lauren Perschon—PR &Event Coord.—2025               working with them. The Ablegram is bi-
 Caryn Remer—Benefits Specialist—2024               monthly and Deaf Line is monthly and
                                                    includes a calendar. Agencies should call
                                                    847-884-0030 (V), 224-520-9763 (VP) or
                                                    847-884-1560 (TTY) to request either

Schaumburg Township Disability Services
One Illinois Blvd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

September 2014
Monday, September 1- Township Closed
Thursday, September 4 – Alzheimer’s Support Group – 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 9 – CFDC Meeting – 6:45 p.m.
Tuesday, September 23 – Fibromyalgia Support Group – 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 24 – Epilepsy Support Group – 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 25 – Ups For Downs Support Group – 7:00 p.m.

October 2014
Thursday, October 2 – Alzheimer’s Support Group – 7:00 p.m.
Monday, October 13 – Township Closed
Tuesday, October 14 – CFDC Meeting – 6:45 p.m.
Thursday, October 23 – Ups For Downs Support Group – 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 28 – Fibromyalgia Support Group – 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 29 – Epilepsy Support Group – 7:00 p.m.
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