Able ial Maga - Larry Hodges
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'WA: /TIG•* 5 3 IN TABifTEN. The Best Player¥ -9 U.S. and North American Doubles Champion, f Barney Reed, Jr. est ub ITDF J Best Blades /TIGA ,1!
Table of Contents , ilga USA Table Tennis Magazine TABLE TENNIS VOLUME 70. NUMBER 5 FEATURES: Interview with U.S. Men's Coach Dan Seemiller br Larn Hodges......12 PUBLISHER Player ofthe Month: Freddie Gabriel by Tong Lee .....................14 -1467. USA Table Tennis *0= Clubofthe [Month: South Park byA/an #7/lianis......................./6 413**? E One Olympic Plaza Keith Alban & Michelle Do at the Worlds bi· Diego Schaaf...............35 Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Excerpts from Kim Taek Soo'§ Diary bi· Kim Tiek Soo ..................55 719-578-4583 (ph) · 719-632-6071 (fax) Koji Matsushito Speaks Out Against Long Pips bul/'/lo Sticnen..........55 ....................................... PRESIDENT COACHING: Sheri Soderberg Pittman The Backhand Loop of Vladimir Samsonov br Wei Wang, photo sequence by Diego Schaaf. ................ 36 EDITOR, DESIGNER & Short Pips on the Backhand? by Todd Sweeris & Larry Hodges. . 30; ADVERTISING MANAGER ............................. Larry Hodges TOURNAMENTS: 8810 Walnut Hill Road ' World Championships: China Sweeps.' bi· Diego Schaaf.... ..24 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 301-986-5601 (phkfax) • ttworld@, Pan Am Games: USA Sweeps.' br Tini Boggan.... USA at the Worlds bv Tim Boggan. 20 EDITORIAL BOARD World Championships Results................... Dennis Taylor (Chair), James Allen, Pan Am Results. Tim Boggan, Jim McQueen, Sheri Pittman Macy Block Open by Larm· Hodges. ............... .1 6 Australian Open Results: Ma Lin Wins ....... CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Junior Olympics/Junior Nationals br Larry Hodges . . . . . . Margaret Smith USA Tournament Results From AH Over . ............................. HEADQUARTERS STAFF USATT AND OTHER NEWS: Ben Nisbet Executive Director President's Report b.i' Sheri Pittman . 9 Margaret Smith Operations Director Introduction to USATT's New Executive Director: Ben Nisbet .9 - Fran Boardman Ratings Coordinator /O Jan Dreher Administrative Coordinator Nets & Edges: Editor's Report, They Said It!, Letters, other Short Stitil ITTF Meeting Report br Tint Boggan.......................... /N An Official's View lo: Di .42/m' /brahim......................... /9 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Obituary: Ben Hull.....,,.,.,,,...........,,,,,,,,.... 19 Tim Boggan, Larry Hodges, Azmy Ibrahim, ITTF World Rankings..........,.,.,,, Tong Lee, Diego Schaaf. Arno Stienen, 1/e tz·F.04 -R,itings, by Fraii Bocirdmciti ......................... 46 Todd Sweeris, Wei Wang, Alan Williams Tournament Schedule. 54 PHOTOGRAPHY ) 1. Dan Seemiller AllSport, Mal Anderson, Terry Canup, ON THE COVER Pan Am Team 2. David Zhuang Dan Cochran, Larry Hodges, Joe Holman, 3. Gao Jun Tong Lee, Richard McAfee, Ted Nowak, By Aly Salam i©'1999 4. Eric Owens John Oros, Diego Schaaf, Michael Wetzel David Zhuang 5. Tawnv Banh By John Oros ©1999 Gao.Jun 6. Todd Sweeris PRINTER By Allsport ©1999 < 7. Amy Feng 8. Bob Fox EU Services, Rockville, MD 9. Teodor Gheorghe PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID at Colorado Springs, Colorado Ouiciat -Spolls,1> and additional post offices. USA Table Tennis Magazine (ISSN 1089- 1870) is published bimonthly at Colorado Springs, Colorado, and is the Balls Tables Apparel official magazine of USA Table Tennis (USATD, a Class W member of the U.S. Olympic Committee. Nittaku /TIGA TIBHAR POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: USA Table Tennis Maga- zine, do USATT, One Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO 80909-5769. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscription rates available in tl ie United States are $17 for one year This publication is owned and published by USATT, a nonprofit corpora- or included with an Adult ($25), Family ($45) or Jun ior ($12) USATT membership. Cana- tion dedicated to supporting the sport of table tennis. dian subscriptions are $18 for one year. All othet countries are $19 per year. Single The views published within this publication are those of the contributing copies are $4.00 plus postage, prepaid. Subscrip tion orders and inquiries concerning writer and do not necessarily represent the opinion of USA Table Tennis subscriptions should be sent to USATT Headqua rters. One Olympic Plaza, Colorado Magazine or USA Table Tennis. Similarly, the products and/or services Springs, CO 80909. All subscription orders are payable in U.S. currency only. For included in this magazine are not necessadly endorsed by USATI CHANGE OF ADDRESS, send both old and new addresses and label from the most Advertising inquiries may be directed to the editor, An advedising rate recent issue, or e-mail the address change to us att4@ Reproduction without chart is available upon request. express written permission is prohibited. Copyrigh t©1999. All rights reserved. 4 2 USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE ' September/October 1999
P©@11* 'IDF Ileen.2 t. III)F [E¥*Il r...; 41:i *ft '00&2 874 III)F xfreff n Pokerl Dere·,te I def /2600 nad, ] 0 4) LAW 1/Il /1/die Zeit ab Thts 1$ the 6,snon.5 . 'Nective en :st lutr. ved unde, the new ITTE,asulation j Le premier rev#te ment 3 plcots kni31 appiicat2$ au 17.99 et age* 305 6 fr85ent. BOORA III)F 1-877-GCD-JOCIIA For details, contact Spintech, Inc., 101-32 Dupont Street, Plainview, NY 11803. Phone Toll Free (877) GO-JOOLA Fax (516) 349-9353, email:
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year's U.S. Open, July 5-9, will be upgraded to a "Major Pro Tour event, with another $20,000 in prize money thanks to an innova- tive proposal the ITTF made to By Sheri Soderberg Pittman US. Our relationship with China A lthough Florida, and thus my home, were spared by Hurri- is also in full bloom. Officials 1-'keane Floyd, I feel slightly buffeted by the non-stop whirlwind from the Chinese delegation and of activity in the 100 days since 1 became president in May. I discussed many topics at the re- At the outset of my presidency I sought to take care of three cent World Championships. details: keeping the magazine on track; hiring an outstanding can- Their prompt letter allowing Gao Jun, an automatic qualifier for didate for executive director; and making sure that the national next year's Olympics, to represent us marks just the beginning of coaching program matched the philosophies of our national another era of goodwill and friendship. coaches. Here is a brief status report: Larry Hodges has been Speaking of goodwill and friendship, I would like to apolo- working feverishly on the magazine; Ben Nisbet has seamlessly gize publicly to Jean-Michel Saive for a misunderstanding that assumed the executive director's duties; and finally, Mark Nordby our association accidentally perpetuated. Contrary to statements was just appointed as the new Coaching Committee Chair. made in the last issue, the Belgian Federation had sent us a fax At the same time I was working on these domestic issues, I indicatingthathewouldbewithdrawing fromthe U.S. Open prior took the opportunity to network atthe international level. Ifyou've to the start of the event. In addition to Jean-Michel's gracious ever met me or seen me in action, then you know that I spend & lot acceptance of my apology, he also gave me many insights as to of time meeting with people. And that's what I did at the Pan Am ways that our association can work with the top players to im- Games and the World Championships. I am confident that many prove future U.S. Opens. of these contacts will provide us with excellent resources and op- Lastly, best wishes to Zoran Primorac and his new bride, portunities. Daniela. When we talked about his results at the world champi- USATT is seeking to improve our stature both nationally and onships, he commented that winning such titles certainly make for internationally. Our newly-adopted High Performance Plan (to memorable moments in your life. But. with a content heart, he be featured iii the next magazine) assures the membership that we pointed out his fiancte and added, "The most important thing is will follow a track that interweaves the best ofthe U.S. with the yourhomelife. Ifyou have a happy home life, then you have true best of the table tennis world. happiness." I appreciate his sentiment all the more after As this issue goes to press, however, I would like to share escaping the wrath of Hurricane Floyd. And so it's back to the with you one recent development in sync with that statement. Next second 100 days! USATT HIRES BEN NISBET AS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR USATT's First Executive Director Hired From Within Our Sport PROFILE: GOALS AGE - 37 O Increase USATT membership by creating new affiliations CAREER HIGHLIGHTS with non-member clubs and by seeking recreational Vice President. European American Bank metitbers. (EAB), New York, NY; Business develop- U Add corporate sponsorship for National and Youth teams. ment and relationship manager. January URaise the number of high quality tournaments for our 1987 to September 1999. elite athletes VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES OCreate a Youth Endowment Fund Treasurer, USA Table Tennis, January 1993 OEstablish partnerships with educational exchange to April 1999 programs so our top youth athletes can train overseas EDUCATION O B.A.,International Business Finance, The George Washing- A FEW WORDS FROM BEN .... ton University, Washington D.C., May 1986. As USATT's treasurer for the past six years, I gained a unique U Foreign Exchange Education. The Institute for European understanding of our association, its members, and staff. As a sue- Studies. Vienna. Austria, May 1983. cessful commercial banker in New York City, I had the fortune to PERSONAL - Wife: Remy; Son: Avery Cage 4), Dog: Samantha TABLE TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS review and uncover the inner workings of some ofNew York City's U USATT Meinber since 1975 most successful businesses and not-for-profit organizations. U Participant in two National Sports Festivals, July 1981 and I see tremendous opportunity for our sport. We have favor- July 1983 able demographics, an energized and committed board and staff, U Competed in over 200 nationally sanctioned tournaments and a strong group of volunteers to draw upon. I am very excited 1 Attended six-week training program in Stockholm, Sweden about my new position and plan to run 100 miles an hour from day U National Collegiate Sentifinalist O Currently rated 2181, but retired from competitive play while one to produce tangible results for our athletes and membership. I Executive Director except occasional local tournaments will write a more extensive report on my plans later on. USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE e September/October 1999 czl
0: They Said It... , >y.-14' '. 9,40\ ' 9 Ebitor's Report e A .24 /,-4-vffoi,0/4.. F, ,- t - By Larry Hodges By Larry Hodges Welcome to the I -I get so disgusted. And then I get disgusted at V,0 1,39 '-4 6 Pan Am and World getting disgusted." -Todd Sweeris. at the Pan Championship issue Am Games. NETS &EDGES 9¢ of USA Table Tennis "Ping-Pong must not be confused with table Afagazine! This is- SURFACES THAT ARE NO LONGER sue was problematic from the beginning as tennis. a game of often conflicting rules, mis- cellaneous sources. and non-standard equip- LEGAL DUE TO THE ASPECT RATIO RULE we were in the difficult situation of having ment. Ping-Pong is an indoor game of skill and Effective July 1, 1999 two huge features - the Worlds and Pan Ams science.- A flic,ight-pi·ovoking qtiote {2oin A Cow·tesy of ITTF Web Page at www.ittforg -while atthesame time not wanting to skinip MANUAL OF PING-PONG: The Game Its (Note that some of the brands below are not on the usual variety ofother articles. 1 hope I Tactics and Laws, by Cornelius G. Schaad USATT approved-these surfaces are so noted.) found a good balance. Apologies to writers (1929). Contributed by Scott Go}·don. Buttertly whose work simply couldn't fit in this issue. • Feint Long (replaced by Feint Long II) My goal as editor is to bring you an iii)- 'I didnt lose ratings points!" -Jackie Lee, af Donic ter winning all six events she was ente/rdiii at beat magazine with a wide variety of con- • Pit-anja Long (replaced by Piranja 2 Long) tent. To do this, I have devised -The Larry the ]999 Junior Olympics. Double Happiness Not USA TT Approved Law." This law is as follows: "The way he captures the rhythms of girl-talk • PF4 08 Long (replaced by (8 Long) Every issue shall include three profiles - the Ping-pong rallies, swerves. non sequiturs Goldway Not USATT Approved (usually two player profiles, one club profile); and explosions of hilarity. . ."-Si,non Reynolds, · B938 Long Juic at least two coaching articles, including one describing the book The Sow·anos by Alan with a photo sequence; a feature interview Warneriti The Washington Post, Mar 30, ]999. • Leggy Long (replaced by Leggy R Long) with a prominent table tennis person: lots of Palio Not USATTApproved · CK 531 Long (replaced by CK 531 A Long) action photos; and international results. CORRECTIONS Rotation Extreme Not USATT Approved In addition to the content specified in The In the last issue, the article on the San Di- • Dirk De Cleene Law, the magazine will contain the normal ego Table Tennis Association (page 15) was • Bo 1 Long tournament coverage, ratings, letters, infor- attributed to Pat Ramsey. It should have been Tibhar mative articles, reports, and other features. attributed to Pain Ramsey. (To learn more about •Gl-ass Spezial Long Several readers were curious about how the SDTTA. go to www. (replaced by Grass Spezial 2000 Long) the magazine's color pages are chosen. The Iii the list of U.S. Open Exhibitors in both TSP current format has 32 color pages out of the the last issue of the magazine (page 28) and the • Curl P I Long (replaced by Curl Pl RLong) 64 pages: the first 8 pages (including the U.S. Open Program (page 8), Table Tennis In- • C'url P Ja Long (replaced by Curl P-3aR Long) temational was left offthe list. He lias been an cover), the last 8 pages (including the back Yasaka exhibitor at the U.S. Open for six straight years. cover), and the middle 16 pages (pages 25- • Phantom 0011 Long In the last issue. Zoran Primorac was 40). This setup is due to the way the printing (replaced by Phantom 0011 Intinity Long) identified as being from both Croatia and Yu- press works. When the magazine is designed, Phantom 0012 Long goslavia (page 45). He is from Croatia. color ads get first priority. After they have (replaced by Phantom 0012 Infinity Long) been placed, the rest of the magazine is de- ' signed with an eye toward putting articles with 1999 USATT NATIONAJL CHAMPIONSHIPS - great color pictures or graphics on the color pages. This often means putting sonic ofthe By the time you read this, you should and ask for the Reservation Department. Iden- best articles in the middle or end ofthe maga- have already received or will be receiving tify yourselfas a USA Table Tennis member zinc to get them onto tile color pages. in the near future an entry form for the 1999 to receive the special rate of $29 per night Please note my new address & phone USATT Nationals in Las Vegas, December (plus tax) for a single or double room. Shuttle number on the table of contents page. 15-19. ifyou have not received an entry form ' bus service will be available only between the by the first week in October, please contact Stratosphere and the Las Vegas Convention Happy reading! USATT Headquarters at 719-578-4583 or Centen usatt4( Ratings from this issue will 2) For your airline travel, contact the United nient sponsors will go a long way in helping us be used in the tournament. These ratings will Airlines Olympic Travel Desk at 800-841- negotiate with these vendors in the future. also be included with the entry form. 0460 (7:30 a.m. to 7:00 MI Monday USA Table Tennis would like to thank Help support USA Table Tennis and thet through Friday*Use Code 542HQ to obtain Escalade Sports, the official supplier of Stiga 1999 USATT National Championships bit F a discount over their lowest available fares. lim tables for the 1999 USATT National Chain- using the following tournament sponsors for 3) For your drivingneeds, contact Budget Car pionships, for their continued support o ftable your travel needs. Rental at 800-922-2899 and ask for Reserva- tennis in the United States. If you are inter- 1) By popular demand, the outstanding tions. Mention that you are with USA Table ested in purchasing a Stiga table which has Stratosphere Hotel and Casino will once Tennis to receive the most competitive car been used at the 1999 USATT Nationals, again serve as the host hotel for the USATT rental prices available in the Las Vegas area. please contact Escalade Sports at 800-457- National Championships. To i·eserve your USA Table Tennis needs your support. 3373. Ask for Denise at Extension 201. room at the Stratosphere. call 800-827-1525 Your assistance in utilizing the above tourna- We lookforward to seeing you in Las Vegas! Cio U USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE e September/October 1999
LONG PIPS LISTING? TWO WAYS TO ELIMINATE USATT Board of Directors There seems to be a major < Dear Editor, SANDBAGGING Dear Editor, problem in that players, umpires, President: Sheri Soderberg Pittman I am writing this letter because of numer- 1520 Dale Lane referees. and tournament people ous sandbagging incidences 1 heard about at the Delray Beach, FL 33444 cannot find out what will be le- U.S. Open. My son and three other players from (561) 276-4615 gal or illegal in regard to long my own club experienced sandbagging first- pips rubber sheets. We Executive Vice President: Dr. Jiing Wang hand. There were other players talking about it, have al! been hearing 11511 E. Garvey Ave. so I am sure it was widespread. The worst of- El Monte, CA 91732 about these rubbers g Af.*42J funder that I came across was an 1800 player - surfaces that do not rq (626) 350-0116 0 playing with a 1000 rating. Even ifit were true meet a certain ratio of tz-K-ZE*0122 Treasurer: Tong Lee that this player improved an INCREDIBLE 800 height/thickness and ---*=4 1295 Quandt Court ' will be barred by the 9\/4 1 points in the short period of time after the rat- « 17/ Lafayette, CA 94549-2624 ITTF. I was assured by a ing cut-off date, he still should have been play- (925) 296-5531 top official that the last issue of Table Tennis ing only in the 1400 and 1500 events. How Magazine that I received in July, 1999, with many players do you know that can improve Secretary: Dennis Taylor 800 points between the cutoff date and the tour- 1916 R St. NW, #207 the U.S. approved equipment list, would clear Washington, D.C. 20009 4 this up. However. this list banned nothing with nament (approximately three months)? business as usual. (202) 667-9622 Here are a couple of ideas on how to help 1 haven't any information at this time that eliminate this problem: Vice President: George Brathwaite the USATT is going to follow the ITTF guide- 1. From the date of the upcoming tourna- 580 Main St., Apt. 756 lines and ban everything. The present published ment, go back one full year and use the Roosevelt Island, NY 10044 list has all long pips rubber as legal although players' highest rating during that period. (212) 980-8442 many from Buttertly, Juic. Donic. and Yasaka, Because you would use the highest rating Vice President: Khoa Nguyen to name a few, were barred by the ITTF as of during that one-year period, it would not 3286 Pappanni Way July 1, 1999. Some other marginal ones may matter if he spent the rest of the year San Jose, CA 95148 be barred in the year 2000. "dumping points" to sandbag in a big tour- (650) 937-6147 The ITTF list has been available to USATT nament. -Or- officials for about a year. Why has the USATT Vice President: Barney D. Reed 3213 Monthaven Park Place delayed getting this vital information on what, 2. Schedule the play from the highest ratings Hendersonville Tn 37075 ifanything, will be barred? 1fmany ofthe long to the lowest. Then if you have events (615) 822-1198 pips are to be barred in sanctioned play. the play- such as 2400.2300,2200,2100 etc., any- ers using them need to have time to change and Vice President: Bob Tretheway one advancing from the preliminary round all other players need to have some idea what RO. Box 2138 robin would be allowed to play only in they will be playing against. To be properly 0 Colorado Springs, CO 80901 - that event and one event lower. Here's enforced. information on barred facings should (719) 339-2519 have been published no later than last January. how it would work: Ifa player advances Vice President & Foundation The Fall season is upon us and there are a from his round robin in the 2200's. he would be allowed to play in the 21()0's Representative: Jimmy McCIure lot of unhappy campers who need this infor- 4226 Country Club Blvd. mation or call it all off. Say so in publication but not in any event lower than that. Cape Coral, FL 33904 so players. umpires. referees. and others will (941) 945-1718 know. Don't write about the ratio bit, as we These ideas may not completely eliminate have no way of measuring it. Just the banned sandbagging, but at least it would be a start Group B Vice President: Jeff Davis list published for all USTTA members to see iii and would help an honest player to at least have Assistant Director of Operations plain English. a chance of winning in their event. University of Colorado -Bob Green, Sun City, AZ. 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Come on players -let the tournament di- RO. Box 7150 Editor's Note: Bob is correct - this listing should rectors know how you feel. Spending hundreds Colorado Springs, CO 80933 have been in earlier issues. It is on the previ- of dollars to travel and play at our best tout-na- (719) 593-3491 Olls page. ments should at least give you the opportunity to compete fairly at your own level. Olympic Athlete Representative: Diana Gee CALIFORNIA TABLE TENNIS 1009 S. Severgn Drive Sincerely, Exton, PA 19341 HALL OF FAME BANQUET Alan Millett (610) 594-9439 George Kelemen, Y.C. Lee. Rich Livingston and Gene Rossman were in- National Athlete Representative: Jim Butler USATT BOARD MEETING 1011 Augusta Dr., #103 ducted into the California Table Tennis Hall MINUTES Houston, TX 77057 of Fame on June 11,1999. Their qualifica- i (713) 952-1528 tions are outstanding: however, space limi- Due to their length and the limited tations forced the cutting of the article on space in the magazine, the minutes of National Athlete Representative: Lily Yip 14 Dock Watch Hollow Road this by Sid Wasserman from this issue. The USATT board meetings were simply too Warren, NJ 07059 article can be found at the USATT web page long to fit in this issue. They can be found (737) 748-9712 at at the USATT's web page at www. USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE e September/October 1999 2 lib
INTERVIEW WITH U.S. MEN'S COACH 113 an *cemiller August 24, 1999 By Larry Hodges program well before the Pan Ani (james. What 22 Dan's Resume. . . type of training did you have them do? E ...the "Condensed"version: Dan: I worked with each one, and each got,T Age: 45 *3.3"Ebil E :2 1.. ./IMI something different, mostly stretching and run- r Player: ning. For example. for Todd Sweet*is. it was ' 5-time U.S. Men's Singles Champion mostly speed running and long distance work. '< • 11-times U.S. Men's Doubles Champion and alittle bit oflight weight training. For oth- • 6-times U.S. Mixed Doubles Champion ers, it was something different. We mostly took 0% • Quarterfinalist, Men's Doubles, '77 Wbrlds 34.114 ik: what they were already doing. and added • #19 in the World in late 1970s soine Gings .0 Coach: Current U.S. Men's Team Coach USATTM: Whatwasthemostinteresting thing 2 ... Head Coach of the South Bend Table that happened at the Worlds or Pan Ams? Tennis Club ... USATT's Developmental Dan: I'd say the team spirit at the Pan Ana Coach ofthe Year. 1998. We were all so focused on winning a gold Leader: USATT President, 1990-95 ... Di- medal. and when we did it. it was an incredible rector of countless tournaments, including feeling. We were smiling for two days - we the 1986 U.S. Nationals and numerous 4- drafting me, but I told them 1 was into table were really pumped up. The Pan Ams were star tournaments such as the Sun TV, Macy tennis, and I wasn't going to be playing base- great. It was an awesome feeling to shoot for Block and St. Joseph Valley Opens. ball. and they lost interest at that point. the gold medals and win them. It couldn'thave Hobbies: Golf, softball and staying in shape. USATTM: What position did you play? been better. It was about as excited as I've ever Dan: I mostly played second base. 1 played been in table tennis. baseball right-handed. (Editorknote: Dan plays USATTM: If you were an objective outsider USATTM: What are your competitive plans table tennis let}-handed.j setting the odds of the U.S. sweeping the golds, for the future? USATTM: What is the biggest strength of the what would you have put the odds at? Dan: Right now, I don't have any. My focus is USA Men's Team? Dan: At least 10-1 against us. We were the just on improving the team. 1 don't see how I Dan: Fighting spirit, good camaraderie. Physi- underdogs in men's singles, and probably in can really compete whenl'mthecoach. I might cally, they are strong. men's team as well. In women's singles and play in some senior events sometimes. I'll prob- USATTM: What do they need to work on? teams. we were probably favorites. but not by ably play some hardbat. Dan: The number one thing is the short game much. USATTM: Tell us about your venture into - serving short. receiving short serves. flipping, USATTM: What are your strengths/weak- hardbat table tennis. dropping the ball short over the net. That's nesses as a coach? Dan: I played a lot of hardbat when I was a where the Europeans mid Asians can pretty Dan: I'd say my strengths are motivation and kid. That's how I started. I played maybe three much kill us. That's probably the hardest skill experience in game situations. Pvc been there years with a hard bat. Since I was twelve. I to learn in table tennis, and we just don't do it before and so can help them in game situations. didn't really play hardbat again until the Hous- at their level. My weaknesses are probably on new techniques ton U.S. Open last year. I maybe played only USATTM: How can we strengthen the USA on serves and backhand loop. once or twice. against Reisinan, about three Team in the short-tenn? USATTM: You are a full-time coach at what years ago. I didn't even practice, I figured I'd Dan: Short-term, we definitely need more train- club. and for how long? just go out and try it in Houston. l was lucky, ing camps. We only have one or two per year. Dan: I've been with South Bend Table Tennis and won that event, and I was pretty pumped That's clearly not enough. We should have at for three years. It'sabigclub, with 12 barriered up about it. The last couple ofevents I haven't least four or five per year. But that's for the courts and good lighting. It's a real nice club. done as weil. I like it, and think I will continue short tenn. USATTM: What is the practice schedule there? to play some hardbat. USAT'Ill: How about for the long-tenn? Dan: Practiceis tive days a week. Varsity prac- USATTM: Tell us about your near-baseball Dan: We need to look more attheyoungerplay- tices on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and career. ers. My goal is to work with the kids that are Saturdays. Junior Varsity practices on Mon- Dan: When I was in high school, I tried out for 11 to 15 years old, and send them to intema- days. Fridays and Saturdays. The cadet teain both the basketball and football teams. and in tional tournaments and see if we have any pos- practices on Mondays and Saturdays. both cases, the coach said I was too small. sible stars coming out of that group. If we do USATTM: Tell us about the program. That's part of how I got into table tennis. 1 that over and over again, and let the kids know Dan: We have eleven on the van;ity team. Jun- played nearly every level of baseball - little that if they do well they'll participate in more ior Varsity has five. The cadet team changes a league. pony league, American legion. high trips. well get the more serious kids involved. lot as we have new people all the time, but they school. I made allstar teams in every one of Maybe well come up with a star, someone like usually have from eight to twelve players. Al- those. I made the Western Pennsylvania Allstar Han Xiao or Mark Hazinski or Michael Liu, or together we have about 25 or 26 j unior play- Team. I had some professional tryouts, and someone like that. For the future, we need to ers. The program is going very well. Ill be some professional scouts looked at me. But by identity players like this at an earlier age. and starting a school program in a few weeks once the time I was 17, I was getting tired of base- not wait until they're 17. school starts. We'11 certainly have a lot more ball, and was really getting into table tennis. USATTM: Several USA Team Members told cadets iii our program this year for sure. Sonic of the scouts or teams were considering me that you put them on a physical training USATTM: Indiana had a great showing at the M USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE ' September /October 1999
Junior Olympics this year, winning nine golds. tournament started again." We got the club SE Congratulations! players to help work on it, and we got a spon- * Dan: Yeah. that was the best we've ever done. i sor. 1 thought that if we are going to have a g USATTM: You now run two 4-star tourna- junior program here. we needed at least one £ ments each year: the St. Joseph Valley Open in big tournament each year; otherwise we're not E 3 4 D Indiana, and the Macy Block Open in Pitts- really legitimate. We got that going in 1998, * but·gli. Tell us about them. starting kind of small with $6500 in prize * Dan: The Macy Block Open in Pittsburgh used money, but nowin !999 weraiseditto $10,500. 2 to be the Sun TV Open. The South Park Table It looks like next year (Memorial Day in May) Tennis Club is sort ofthe sponsor of these tour- it might even go iii higher. With our junior pro- Z nalnents. It's a big tournament. We enjoy do- gram here. we.just feel we need a 4-star tourna- E ing it in August every year, and we receive a lot ment so tile kids can play iii a big chanipionships, of entries from the east coast. It kind of boosts and not have to travel. It's cost effective. since we the club in Pittsburgh - every time we do it, the have at least 15 juniors who play in it. and so rather club gets more members from the publicity. For than them all having to go on the road to some big nearly all my life I've run a big tournament in tournament. they can do it at home. Pittsburgh. Before the Sun TV, it was the East- ern Open. 1 always felt that if you had a club, 1 k USATTIM: You were USATT president from 1990-95, and so have insight on this office. Any and you wanted to be successful. you had to thoughts on the new Sheri Pittman presidency? run at least onebig tournament peryear. We've Dan: 1 think it is going pretty good. 1 have Dan loops in a winner ... in 1984. run a big tournament every year in Pittsburgh a lot of respect for Sheri. So far, I'm im- for as long as 1 can remember, at least since pressed - she's made a lot of great decisions. 1975. when we first ran the Eastern Open. USATTM: How about the St. Joseph Valley It seems to me that USATT is back on track, USATTM: 1 saw at the Macy Block Open a lot Open? and it's great to be a part ofit. I think some of Seemillers working! I saw four Seemillers Dan: The South Bend Table Tennis club fii-st very good things might be happening in the at the control desk at one time, and more at future. began running the St. Joseph Valley Open back registration and concessions. when I was USATT President, 1 think in 1993, USATTM: Tell us about your family. Dan: Our whole family works on it. Ricky, and they held it for three years, through 1995. Dan: 1 have five brothers and three sisters, so Randy, Timmy and I are all at the control desk. They were really good tournaments, at Notre l'in from a big family. My wife is Val, and I My wife, Val, does registration. My cousins do Dame. Because of financial concerns, they have a daughter, Sarah, 13. and a son. Dan Jr.. concessions. They used to come to watch inc didnt do it in 1996 and 1997. When I first who turned 9 yesterday. play, but this time they got to watch Ricky play. anived iii 1997. I said "We've got to get this USATTM: Thank you Dan! Table Tennis of New England's FA¢L SPECIALS "America' Finest Supplier" of Table Tennis Products 1. - I ... I. ..... .. .. ... . I 0 0 ... 0- . . 1 .. .0 ....... .... "A Fun Place To Go" .... e. 0. . 1 ... ... America's First Real Table Tennis Store . a . .. . ... I . ,. Featuring Game Table Sales . 1 . . . 0. . ... 'I. . Air Hockey ,. Billiards . Foosball . 1 0. Table Tennis .. -0 Brookwood Village Mall .., I a. .... . Birmingham, AL ... 0-0 205-871-4868 USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE • September/October 1999 ti)
FREDDIE GABRIEL: In Search of Table Tennis Excellence By Tong Lee ust turned seventeen, Freddie Gabriel * get around to play in various San Francisco J stands nearly 6 feet 1 inch tall, and Bay Area clubs five to six times a week. PhotbyJeHlman©19 looks like a slightly smaller version of He has also played in practically all local Jimmy Butler. It has been seven years since tournaments and traveled to national and lie came under the tutelage of Coach Bill major tournaments all over the country. Lui at Concord Table Tennis Club in Pleas- These are possible because his coach and a ant Hill, California in 1992. He has cer- team of Concord TT Club members have tainly come a long way since then. extended more than a helping hand to sup- The odds against Freddie becoming a port him in his pursuit of table tennis excel- top junior were long. Bill was a relatively [ence. This is a result of his tenacity to so- inexperienced coach then, and Freddie was licit help from others and of their willing- his first student. Also. Freddie comes from ness to reach out to him. a tough neighborhood in the city of Rich- Freddie's strengths are his all-round mond. It could have been so easy for him game and his consistency. According to to be on the streets in his neighborhood, had women's national coach Dom Gheorghe. it not been for table tennis. he is in the best physical condition among training with Fan Yi Yong in Portland. Or- Despite the odds, Freddie, with a cur- the elite juniors who have attended train- egon. Freddie hopes that Fan will be able rent rating of 2444. has developed into the ing camps at the Oakbrook National Train- to set him up with a club or with one of Fan's second highest rated player in Northern ing Center. He uses inverted rubber and fi-iends m Europe or Asia. Training over- California after Khoa Nguyen. Two play- can loop consistently from both sides. seas full-time is perhaps his best hope in ers especially contributed to his develop- Without great power, lie more than com- his pursuit of excellence in table tennis, and ment: Piotr-Peter"Zajacand Terrence Lee. pensates for it with a good defense. serve, to realize his aspirations to be a world-class who joined the Concord TTC in 1993 and and return of serve. His mental toughness player. 0 1994, respectively. Piotr soon became his and intelligent placement of shots are two training partner and on-the-court rival, and of his strong suits. at one point in time he had a higher rating On the way to the top, Freddie has won than Freddie. They kept pushing each other numerous national titles in age and rating to greater heights. When Terrence appeared events. Among the highlights of his career on the scene as a beginner, Freddie took him was the 1995 Nationals where he won Un- j@jN sk under his wing. He spent hours a week train- der 2000, Under 2100, made the semilinals ing regularly with him, and unselfishly TABLE TElV))IN, of Under 2200, quarterti nals of Under 230(), taught him just about everything he knew. and won the Junior High School Doubles Inett In a couple ofyears, Terrence had narrowed with Terrence Lee. He emerged from the the gap to within 200 points, and thus was tournament with a rating of 2273, which 600 Lakeworth Circle iii a position to contribute as a training part- made him #1 in the country for both U- 14 Heathrow, FL 32746 lier to Freddie's table tennis development. and U-16 age groups. Freddie has somehow found ways to Another memorable win occurred on TOLL FREE one ofhis two trips to Sweden with the U.S. Aljf- - Junior National Team. He defeated the top 1-888-292-LOOP (5667) defensive Swedish junior player who was playing in the Division One league that Watch for our Keith Alban will be playing in when he ie- turns to Sweden this Fall. November, December ¥: 4 Pre-Tournament Sales Despite these achievements. Freddie's 4. rating has stalled during the past 12 months. 2 11 His highest rating of 2473 came after the Please call or visit our web site PhotbylngLe©19 1998 Sun TV (now Macy Block) tourna- for other specials and our ment. Nonetheless, he feels that lie is play- unique items ing better than ever before. Iii many matches, it's a matter ofjust a point or two that would have made a difference in de- Order on-line at: feating 2500+ players and winning many WWW.LMTABLETENNIS.COM rating points. In recent months, he has been Utto' USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE • September/October 1999
The 1999 North American Teams Open Table Tennis Championships and North American Hardbat Championships Entry Form Entry Deadline: Pt,inarked by Nowinber 12. 1999. Entrie posiniarked after November 19.1999 n·ill inl> be accepted according 14 *Ce availability. witl an added 525.00 late fee. Team type (circle one): Open / Women's / U-18 Girls' / U-18 Boys' / O-40 Seniors' / Collegiate 1 AMERICAN I *For each player, a $5.00 Membership ID Number lookup fee will be charged if ID number is not supplied. Membership ID Number* Team Captain: Ilardl.1 1 I "11 nament? e i i o CS.ATT / CTTA E,en': (>ren U Ofin x Li 2000 D„hIeN - Ope]1 0.50 Se'li. USATT ' CrTA Membership Expiration [)ate: Raung 1),tible, - 1]41)011 LUCI '77Ible Tennis Championship Player 2: Membership ID Number* USATT/CTTA i,- ,: Hardbat Tournament·.' ¥es No bents: Uollen'. Open L; -2(101) Lircle DolIblI -Open O-50 Se.ors' 11SATT / CTTA Membership Expiration Date: Di,obles - U4029) U-21 Juniurs' *ing: 'f %* Parlner: Player 3: Membership [[) Number; [[i,rdli:it lourn:,inent? Yes No E,ent': Open USATT/CTTA Wilnen's U ·2000 D
CLUS OF THE MONTH: SOUTH PfiRK TfiBLE TENNIS CLUB Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania HOCK By Alan Williams TAB LE TENNIS CO. Bl To tour of American Table .. Tennis clubs .,,i 2 would be complete without a stop at the emii Presents 9 i , South Park Table Tennis Club in Pitts- ./. * burgh, PA. Irs proofthat people make a great club. 111/ THE CLASSIC *# © South Park claims to be America's oldest f continuously affiliated club. Lillian Geyer be- & gan the club in 1957, and it has been in con- t tinuous operation for the past 42 years. The club meets tWiCe a week, on Tuesday South Park HARDBAT SET President S nights for league activity, and Thursday nights for Barry Rodgers f Open Play. An unprepossessing building with a concrete tloor and ilorescent lighting, South Park Two matched hock hardbats has the advantage of being free. The use of the "South Park Home Eco- nomics Building" is donated by the county. It is a long building with one (any model) including custom wall completely made of glass, looking into the playing area. Eleven totally baniered Stiga tables go into play at each session, with carrying case generous court sizes. Annual dues are only $30, and the club does a 'no- $99 mark-up' deal with its members for equipment sales. At any given time there are 35 to 60 active members. fluctuating seasonally. The club annually co- hosts a 4-Star tournament, this year the "$6,200 Macy Block Open." But it's the people who make this club a National landmark. Club President Bany Rogers is a former VP of the USATT and is the latest in only a long line of luminaries who have operated this facility. Club Chain- (offer expires 1'21 3 1/99) pion is Randy Seemiller. Itisthehomeclubof 1999 Maryland Medal- lion Champ Chip Coulter, who was recruited by elder statesman Stan Carrington ... obviously this is a club with a pedigree, where legacy and history are renewed twice a week. -We would never have gotten so far without Dr. Bill Walk," Coulter THE PERFECT explains. A member since 1963, Dr. Walk is an International Referee. He also has the distinction of being the man who brought the Seemillers into organized table tennis. GIFT FOR ANY "I heard about this young kid who won a City Parks and Rec De- partment tournament. played outdoors," Dr. Walk relates. "and they said lie could block everything that was hit at him but that his grip was all TABLE TENNIS wrong. So I got him to come to our club and damed if it wasn't true ... aside from a little difficulty in returning serve, Danny Seemiller really could play with that odd grip." Soon the Seemiller clan was neck-deep PLAYER in the game, making trips to the Teams, playing in tournaments, and today Danny, Randy and Ricky are three of the best known names in our sport. "That little guy who played so well at the local playground made the World Top 20... with a grip no one said could work." Toll free order #: Chip winces when I suggest that the club contains 'Seemiller 1-877-4-HOCK-TT Wannabes' but observes that 'the grip' is the method ofchoice for 80% of the club's top players. "And we seem to do all right," he understates, (1-877-446-2588) Club President Barry Rogers worries that the club may someday lose its free ride at the county-owned facility. "Every time they talk Championship equipment since 195 J about remodeling it, I get nervous."Barry observes. "We're trying to put together a nest egg against the day that someone figures out we have Hock Table Tennis Co. too much of a good thing." The good thing the South Park people really have is each other. Dedi- 2600 Varian Rd. cation, passion and a history ofrecruiting fresh blood have brought this club national recognition. a 42-year lineage, one ofthe country's best-loved events, Wooster, OH 44691 a family of Hall-of-Famers, an International star and great expectations for the next century. Just dont ever suggest that it's members hold the paddle in (330) 262-HOCK (4625) a funny way... that's only one legacy of many. 416-»3 USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE ' September/October 1999
» 4« M 111 RYLA D T A B .E T E IS CEN T E R Mmr TRAINING CAMP and HRISTMAS TRAINING CAMP 18761-Q Frederick Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20879 • 301-519-8580 (ph) • 301-519-3487 (fax) • Senior Camp November 3-7, 1999 Marvland TABLE TENNIS • Christmas Camp December 26-31,1999 Cemiter INFORMATION COACK (MENG YINIGHUA • Senior Camp: For Players over age 40 17 • 1996-97 IJ.S. Men's Singles (Players over age 30 who & Doubles Champion are old of heart may be • U. S. #1 world ranked player accepted). • Former Head Coach for the • Christmas Camp: All Ages, all levels Szechuan Province of China • Enter Early! Only first 20 players • Chinese National Team Member, 1977-87 are guaranteed spots. • 1985 & 93 IJ.S. Open Champion • Full-time coach Fee • USATT's 1996 Coach of the Year • $220 (Minimum deposit: $50) • Make checks out to MDTTC COACH jACK NUANG • 1996-97 U.S. Senior Men's Singles Housing & Doubles Champion • Econo Lodge, 1/3 mile away I U.S.#1 player in 1990 18715 N. Frederick Former Head Coach for the Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Guangxi Province of China 91 301-963-3840 Chinese National Team Member, 1976-83 (Mention Table Tennis for best rate) Full-time coach • Free HBO, ESPN, CNN, coffee USATT's 1997 Developmental Coach of the Year Senior Camp Sechedule ¢OACH LARRY HODGES Nov 3 - 7: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM • Author of Table Tennis: Steps to Success 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM • Director/Manager/Coach at Resident Training Program Christmas Camn Sechedule for Table Tennis at Olympic Training Center, 1985-89 Dec. 26: 3:(*) PM - 6:00 PM • Many-time U.S. Junior Team Coach Dec. 27-30: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM • Certified by USATT asa National Coach 3:(X) PM - 6:00 PM • USA Coaching Chairman, 1991-95 Dec. 31: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM • Professional coach for many years •,Butterfly. --------------3,
News From The World Championships An Official's View 1 would like to close lily report on a of accidental damage. We have been in- positive note. 1 have carried the plight of formed also that Japan applies this rule in those who wrote to me directly. or to the all their internal tournaments. By Dr. Azmy Ibrahim USATT, complaining about changes of A word ofcaution: this rule cannot be 1999 U.S. Open Referee rackets with different surfaces, usually long applied now. It has to pass by the voters at onie of the expected rule changes did pim;, near the end of a game, the coming BGM meetings. In de- not pass, while some ofthe unexpected causing a great disadvantage h/¢* fense of all the ITTF committees, ones were approved. I will try to re- to the opponent. I asked the have to say many times many port on the most important ones, and explain ITTF Rules Committee to con- L L'( proposals die on the BGM floor. 1 the reasons behind these decisions, sider one of several alterna- 42 have in my hands research and sev- The proposal for the larger 40mm ball tives: to disallow the change /
ITTF MEETINGS IN EINDHOVEN By Tim Boggan, ITTF Council Member for North America 1 4 understandably, there isn't room in was the much touted ITTF Executive this issue for an article on the World Committee's plea for acceptance of the larger Championships from me (I did take a 40 min (actually as it exists now, 39.6 mm) few notes - maybe next issue?), there certainly ball. Concurrence required at least a 75% ma- isn't room here for anything from the several .joi-ity of those countries iii attendance vot- ITTF Meetings in Eindhoven I was a part of ing - $% *q except for some highlights. The ITTF presented an attractive 5-page l'In going to concentrate not on what hap- Update Report on the 40 min ball to the Del- pened at Council Meetings - where, for ex- egates. It stressed that "The 40 min ball is ample, (1) I voted in the majority for time-outs slower. generates less spin and is more vis- iii both individual and team matches (one per ible for players. spectators and media." Per- player), which I think adds drama to the Sport, haps. But Richard felt that the 40 min ball, and (2) where I voted in the majority NOT to depending on its weight, might even be faster body would have tried to round that off. right? agree with the proposal of the Athletes' Coin- than the 38 min ball, and that inevitably But, ah. that's not the end of the matter. mission: "That no extra entries in World Chain- changes in rubber would in time generate as Because the vote is so close and so impor- pionship individual events be made available much spin on the ball as we have now. So tant, someone suggests that perhaps the for Associations with players near the top of perhaps the strongest argument for the new voice tally isn't absolutely accurate. Weren't the ranking list" (China's expertise is killing ball was the increased visibility it offered? there some countries whose delegates didn't the Sport, is it?). Instead, I'm going to stress But if, as the Report says, "ITTF video- answer when called on? Were they abstain- some of the decisions made at the Biennial tapes with matches and exercises filmed under ing'? (That was ali-ight of course - absten- General Meeting (BGM) that USATT President the same playing conditions show clearly that tions didn't count, for the majority was de- Sheri Pittman, U.S. First Delegate: Richard it's easier to discern the 40 mm ball from the cided on the basis of only the 114 votes cast. ) McAfee, U.S. Second Delegate; and I, as ITT'F 38." the ITTF was its own worst enemy in pre- So. to be sure, let's have every eligible voter Council Member for North America, attended. senting us with a short tape supposedly to that write his For or Against or Abstention on a The three of us sat together and conferred on effect. Far from influencing Sheri, Richard, or piece of paper and put it into a common bal- every issue that required a vote ... which Sheri me, the film turned us off. We were all lot box. Won't that be better?... would then cast, for, like any of the 189 mem- unconvinced - especially if, as had been hyped, Are some ofyou readers a bit cynical about ber-countries, even those without teams here we in the room, the Sport itself. were all on the how this second xote will tum out? in Eindhoven. the U.S. had but one vote. threshold of "an historic moment." For this If so. right away 1 must say that President · With the retirement of ITTF President Xu short tape was so amateurishly done - so rhe- Sharara. who'd taken the 84-30 defeat with re- Yinsheng, Adham Sharara, who'd been Deputy torically slanted, so inconclusive - that it ren- markably good humor, gave a little speech in President, was elected by acclamation to replace dered suspect any other claims its advocates which he asked everyone to vote in exac·th' the him. Pierre Albertini, the President ofthe Fed- were making. If this ball proposal weren't to same way he/slie had voted before. Yes, cer- eration Francaise de Tennis de Table, was be seen as merely some sort of desperately- tainly - but wasn't there a coffee break coming elected the new Deputy President over Hans needed ITTF marketing gimmick, if the TV net- up'? Uh-huh. Of course I know what you're Giesecke iii a secret ballot, 82-39. Re-ap- works were really so enthusiastic, why not show thinking. But Adham made sure we took the pointed from USATT to ITTF committee po- in a professional way, perhaps on a split screen, written vote betbre the break. And would you sitions were Rufford Harrison, chair of the under the same playing conditions, discernible believe the result? Again 114 votes cast - and Equipment Committee; Azmy Ibrahim, Con-e- ball differences? (Did the ITTF not do this be- with only one change: 83 For. 31 Against. And sponding Member of the Rules Committee; cause they didn't feel it was necessary, thought 10 Abstentions. So, a win for ... Integrity. and Dr. Michael Scott, on the Sports Science they already had enough votes for passage?) Now, as you might guess. there's already talk Committee. USATT President Sheri Pittman Add to all this the fact that the 40 mm ball ofthe lipcoilling Meeting at the World Team Cham- was newly appointed as a Corresponding was NOT getting an endorsement from the ITTF pionships in Kuala Lumpur in February. Plenty of member of the ITTF Media Committee, and Athletes Commission, or the Swedish and Get·- time to sway those 10 who abstained eli? 0., Jimmy McCIure was appointed to the man Associations, and the three of us - Sheri. President's Advisory Council. McCLURE to SWITZERLAND Richard. and I - agreed that the U.S. just ITTF and USATT Hall of Fanier · The U.S. voted with the majority NOT to couldn't vote for it despite the admiration and reduce the upper limit for the thickness of goodwill we all had for Adhain. our new Presi- Jimmy McClure, recently named to the sandwich rubber to 3 mm. dent, who was much in favor of its passage. ]TTF's "President's Advisory Council" - • The U.S. voted with the majority NOT to have So, ok, time for the vote. Delegates, when with China's Xu Yinsheng. Hong Kong's the ball"marked with two black or dark blue lines" your country's called, answer loud and clear. Henry Yue. India's Ranga Ramanujan. and (in order to tell the player if the ball's spiniling) Sheri does, but some others don't. As if they're Yugoslavia's Misha Kapetanic - has ac- · The U.S. voted for the German proposal: uncertain, they have to be asked again whether cepted an invitation to attend an Oct. 23- "That when the ball is struck in service it must they vote For or Against - especially the feb 26 meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, u-ith ITTF President Adham Sharara and IOC be between the server's body and his end low who's answered "Present." President Juan Antonio Samaranch. Tak- line" (so that the ball can be seen by the re- Result: 84 For, 30 Against. The proposal ceiver ). This was defeated. fails - but just barely: it needed 86 votes For to ing Nell along for a little skiing, are you 40 mm Ball Saga pass. Had the U.S. voted For. the proposal would Jimmy? -Tim Boggan Likely the most talked about item on the Agenda have had a 74. 56 majority - however, no- USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE ' September/October 1999
USA MATCHES AT THE By Tim Boggan 1999 WORLDS resh from their Teams' victories iii the Pan-Am - er, rather, tired from re-routed tlights and troubled by lost luggage - hal f the U.S. contingent struggled into Eindhoven to Barney Reed has nothing to regret. for his only loss - to the Egyptian Ahmed Ali-Saleli (World #143) - is not a bad one, as Ali-Saleli, who won the Arab Championships in Casablanca 61(3).[odsilv·CqOu connect with its other half. Team Leader Bob last December, will go on to upset the only Fox continues to be diligent - he's got USOC Yugoslav player visa-wise able to play here. "tracking" specialists trying to find the lost bags. Slobodan Grujic (World #59). Meantime: "We have to buy playing outfits . Eric Owens. however. loses a very bother- and shoes ... unless - what's your size? We don't some match - his opener to Kazeem Nosiru, a all play at the same time - maybe we could Nigerian who plays in Belgium's Super League. share?" Such unpleasantness: it's as warm-up In the lst. Eric's down 9-4. then, looking to be disorienting as playing the opening preliminary in firm control, up 14- 10...17-13. But from here matches, amid this prolonged August heat-wave, on in, neither player can win a point, can only in an un-air conditioned "Ice-Rink," halfa mile's lose them, and since Eric's making most of the sweltering walk from the main venue, the In- errors it's 19-all. Whereupon Nosiru fails to re- door Sportcentrum. also un-air conditioned, turn serve, and then in trying to return spin with where meals are offered to all players, not just spin barely grazes the ball- which is not so stir- the seeded ones whom spectators have clus- prising because under these conditions when a Tawny Banh made the tered there to watch. player puts a lot of spin on the ball it really quarterfinals of the Women's Well. the U.S. came to play. didn't they? "stops." Up 1-0 and 17-12 in the 2nd. Eric's look- Ranking Tournament. Let's get on with it. ing like a winner. At 19-all, maybe he's not.... No, definitely he's not: the Nigel-ian makes a MEN'S SINGLES Super League backhand counter (20-19), then Davies of Wales, and (up game-point and ea- All of our Men players, except for David when Eric pops one up he swats iii a winning gerly, perhaps too eagerly, attacking) does well Zhuang, our U.S. and now Pan-Am Champion forehand (21-19). to -23, -15 extend German cliopper Katrin (current World Ranking #113). may be said to Concentrate, Eric! He does ... for a while. Meyerhofer (World #216). have been skating on thin ice. For only David But, down 9-7. he loops a simple ball three feet Amy Feng. who's long observed her do's will advance out of his round-robin -luckily. to long. At the turn, Nosiru is yellow-carded. but mid don'Cs. is yet relegated by nile. like enthusi- meet another qualifier, Slovenia's Sasa Ignjatovic it's Owens who should be warned- hes lookin astic newcomer Do. to the lesser #3 qualifying (World #174). beat. Is down 13-9...17-10... serves andis aced position in her round robin. No doubt she could David wins the I st easily, but then seeins with a return. On losing lie says, "Shoot me. Tim. give those positioned #1 and #2 10 points a garlic, paralyzed. He loses the 2nd at 9 and is down 5- Put me out of my misery." Nosint perseveres, but what do they care? Only one of them will 0 in the 3rd. He's so soft - his shots haven't any and, 24-22 in the 3rd, knocks out Finland's #4 enter the Consolation's, and she needn't have snap to them. But - ignis fatuus - Ignjatovic AId Kontala. bothered. for 1 st-round waiting there for lier was doesn't know what he's seeing when David Keith Alban drops his first two matches (he 04.12) a Chinese. Perhaps Amy, too-out there opens his bag of serves and out jumps - what? can't back up from the table. else is overpow- practice-blocking against 20-year-old Asian His terrible at returning them. Down 19-16 but ered). but against Nicolas Razafimainonjy of Games winner Wang Nan's spinny loops - feels with the serve. David scores 4 in a row, then is Madagascar he has as satisfying a straight-game she needn't have bothered. Was it fun fur Amy outplayed when he chooses to passively block. result as ifhe could quickly. correctly pronounce drawing. in the round of 128. the about-to-be Down game-point. David merely rolls the ball his opponent's last name. World Champion? Some would think so. to Sasa's middle-but that's momentum enough. Todd Sweeris, going into the 3rd after a to- It didn't bother Tawny Banh that she had to Two ignominious errors by Ignjatovic - and heck-with-it 21-5 loss in the 2nd to the Ukraine's play Ding Ying. How good could this chopper David has won it, 23-2 I. He points with both Sergej Sokolovskij (World #278). certainly has be i f she were ranked World #] 16'? The lowliest fingers to his temples, but not as ifto shoot him- an aversion to his play. But whether the "his' of the Chinese. And (-21.-8.-9) for a glorious self. He thinks soft is smart'? refers exclusively to Todd's play, or to his moment Tawny was all atlame. In that 1 st game What is the matter with him? Forget the 4th opponent's as well. is moot. For on losing 23-21 she mixed nowerful smashes with clever drops -he's not at all aggressive. In the 5th, at 7-all. he on a ball that he was about to wallop - of course to lead 16-14. Then. though Ding got two edges loses a disputed point, throws the ball into the it caught the edge - Todd is heard to mumble: and Tawny failed to return two serves. at 21 -a'I net, spins around, and calls out "Jesus!" The -the guy was clueless" ... -serves? pushed four either young woman could have been the win- timpire gives him a penance: one yellow card. straight no spins straight into the air" ... "noth- ner. Not so, however, the next two gaines when For a moment it seems to herald his redemption ing in my legs" ... "missed sitter after sitter shoul- Ding showed she could attack too. - he goes up 11-8. But wimpishly falls back - der high".... Anyway, I gather the less said about Lily Yip? So she lost quickly to Belarus's down 14- 11. Then, from 16-all, 21-17 deliver- this deplorable match the better. Talia Kostromina. She-d go to China - train for ance. Loser Ignjatovic in frustration bats the ball the Olympics. More impoilantly for the moment, into ... ignominy WOMEN'S SINGLES Judy and Adam were ecstatic. The long-distance "Who do you play next?" Sheri. our Presi- All but one ofour U.S. Women -the young- call from the Junior Olympics came through: dent, asks David. est- will play in the first round proper. Teenager 'Mom. mom. INn w.nning medals!" "A Chinese." he says. End of conversation Michelle Do, though not advancing from her Gao Jun, World-what-does-it-matter (#191, - and end of Davids advancement. round robin, shows poise iii defeating Catherine went through the motions with Estonia's Emilia ?to USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE e September/October 1999
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