A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service

Page created by Virgil Powell
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service

      A Very Special
         Flight nurses Hayden
         and Tara welcome a new
         member of the family.

 EMERGENCY ON                QUEENSLAND                   HELLO AGAIN
   THE PITCH                   HEROES                   An emotional reunion for
   A local soccer game      Meet the finalists in our    Flight Nurse Timna and
turned medical emergency     Local Hero Awards.           her youngest patient.
  for nine-year-old Jake.
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service
01   CEO WELCOME                                                                                                                                                                                              PATIENT STORIES     02

                                                                                                            EMERGENCY ON

                                                                                                        The Pitch
                                                      New Year
                                                                                                                                                                         Jake, reunited with the RFDS crew and first responders

                                                               HAPPY                                                                                                     who saved his life.

                                                                                                        A soccer game at                        “Jake’s coach was trying to           who saved his life, including
                                                                                                        Bargara Football Club                   wake him up, but he was               RFDS Bundaberg Nurse
                                                                                                                                                unresponsive,” Joshua recalls.        Manager Robyn Langton.
                                                                                                        turned serious when
                                                                                                        nine-year-old Jake                      Paramedics soon arrived               “It was quite serious and it
                                                                                                        suddenly collapsed                      and Jake was taken to                 did lead to some critical care.
                                                                                                        unconscious on the field.               Bundaberg Hospital where              I’ve been a nurse for over
     I hope you enjoyed a relaxing break              Support from kind people like you has
                                                      enabled us to constantly evolve, expanding                                                doctors made the call to fly          20 years ... but it was a very
     over the Christmas period.                                                                         It’s every parent’s worst               him to Queensland Children’s          special case,” said Robyn.
                                                      and improving our service and the care we
     I’m delighted to kick-off 2022 by bringing                                                         nightmare. Jake’s dad,                  Hospital in Brisbane.
                                                      provide. On pages 15 and 16 you’ll read                                                                                         Jake and his family are
     you the latest edition of Your Flying Doctor                                                       Joshua, immediately raced
                                                      about the latest, exciting additions to our                                               “They said Jake was born              incredibly grateful to the
     magazine. As always, we’ve got many exciting                                                       to his son’s side.
                                                      fleet made possible by you.                                                               without his left coronary             Flying Doctor for being
     stories to share.
                                                      And, for those of you entertaining younger                                                artery attached. They said            there, right when they
     On pages 5 and 6 you can read all about an       members of the family, turn to the middle                                                 it was a matter of when               needed them.
     emotional reunion that happened last year,       pages of your magazine for some activities                                                (this would happen), not if,”
                                                                                                                                                Joshua said.                          “The service was fantastic, if
     when Flight Nurse Timna was reunited with        and competitions to keep the kids busy these                                                                                    it wasn’t for first responders
     one of our youngest patients.                    summer holidays.                                                                          It was already an emotional           and the Flying Doctor ... I
     I’m also happy to share the story of another     As always, I’d like to thank you for supporting                                           time, as it marked three              don’t think Jake would be
     very special delivery. Flight nurses, Tara and   the Flying Doctor. Every time our crews                                                   years to the day since Jake’s         here today,” Joshua said.
     Hayden Wilson recently welcomed a new            take to the skies, we know we can rely on                                                 grandfather passed from a
     member of their family. You can read all         the tireless support of our extraordinary                                                 heart attack.

                                                                                                                                                                                         Thank You
     about baby Maggie’s rather sudden entrance       Queensland community.                                Jake, with Nurse Manager Robyn       Jake was flown by the
     into the world on pages 3 and 4.                                                                        Langton and Aeromedical Pilot
                                                                                                                                                Flying Doctor to Brisbane,
                                                                                                                         Colin Summersby.
     I may be a little biased, but I truly believe                                                                                              where he underwent bypass
     Queensland is one of the most beautiful                                                                                                    surgery and spent a month
     places on earth. But it’s not only our                                                                                                     in specialist care.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Your support
     dramatic landscapes that make this state so
                                                                                                                                                One year on, Jake’s back at              provides life-
     special, it’s our people. On pages 13 and
     14 you can read about those exceptional          Meredith Staib                                                                            soccer and his life is relatively        saving care for all
                                                                                                                                                normal – aside from regular
     individuals who have been shortlisted for our    Chief Executive Officer                                                                                                            Queenslanders in
                                                      Royal Flying Doctor Service                                                               trips to Brisbane for check-ups.
     Local Hero Awards.                                                                                                                                                                  their time of need.
                                                      (Queensland Section)
                                                                                                          Jake, with grateful parents Joshua    Jake and his parents recently
     It’s almost hard to believe the Flying Doctor                                                                               and Juanita.   returned to thank the crew
     has been operational for close to a century.
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service
03   STAFF STORIES                                                                                                                                                                 STAFF STORIES   04

                                                                    Hayden’s wife, fellow           the hospital and were back       “I suppose things escalated
                                                                    RFDS Flight Nurse Tara,         home by lunchtime the            so rapidly I didn’t have        Our flight nurses

                        A VERY                                      was pregnant with their
                                                                    second child. The couple
                                                                                                    following day.                   much time to think about
                                                                                                                                     it! But I also knew we were
                                                                                                                                                                     provide expert care
                                                                                                                                                                     in every and any
                                                                                                    It was a whirlwind
                                                                    was at home when Tara’s                                          in very capable hands with      situation – thanks to
                                                                    contractions began.             experience for the young         my husband there, and           you.
                                                                                                    family and one that Hayden       thankfully everything went
                                                                    Hayden was on alert and         will cherish forever.            seamlessly!
                                                                    monitored his wife carefully.
                                  DELIVERY                          But by that evening, Tara’s     “I had never thought I would
                                                                                                    become a midwife. But
                                                                                                                                     “I think it’s extra special   Hayden completed his
                                                                    contractions seemed to have                                      Hayden delivered Maggie.      Nurse Practitioner degree
                                                                    slowed down.                    flight nursing was always my     It’s definitely something     thanks to the kind support
                     Like all of our flight nurses, Hayden                                          dream job and midwifery          we won’t ever forget.”        of Bob and Bernie Dawson.
                     Wilson is also a trained midwife. But          The couple decided to go        was a requirement, so it
                     he never imagined his skills would             to bed, thinking they’d         became a natural career
                     be put to use quite so close to home.          have plenty of time before      progression,” Hayden said.
                                                                    their latest addition to
                                                                    the family would make an        When he completed his
                                                                    appearance.                     studies, Hayden never
                                                                                                    imagined having to put
                                                                    Suddenly, in the early hours    these new skills to use
                                                                    of the following morning,       in delivering his own
                                                                    at around 4:30am, Tara’s        daughter!
                                                                    contractions intensified.
                                                                    Her labour was progressing      “It’s an amazing skill to have
                                                                    fast. They quickly realised     and I definitely don’t regret
                                                                    they wouldn’t make it to the    doing it. It has made me a
                                                                    hospital in time.               better nurse and support
                                                                                                    partner for Tara, that’s for
                                                                    Hayden sprung into              sure,” says Hayden.
                                                                    action and made Tara as
                                                                    comfortable as possible.        For Tara, her experience
                                                                                                    and knowledge as a highly         Big sister Poppy
                                                                                                                                      visits mum and
                                                                    He called triple zero, but      trained RFDS Flight Nurse
                                                                                                                                      baby Maggie in
                                                                    by the time the paramedics      meant she knew what               hospital.
                                                                    arrived, Tara had already       to expect. With Hayden
                                                                    given birth.                    providing expert support
                                                                                                                                      Hayden, Tara
                                                                                                    and comfort by her side,          and baby
                                                                    Baby Maggie was born at         she was able to remain calm       Maggie appear
                                                                    5:00am, with Tara ably          throughout the birth.
                                                                                                                                      on TV show
                                                                    assisted by husband and
                                                                    midwife, Hayden.                “Being a registered nurse
                                                                                                    and midwife, I am very
                                                                    Big sister Poppy woke up        aware of the complications
                                                                    just in time to give her new    that can arise for both
                                                                    little sister a quick cuddle    mum and baby during and
                                                                    before they were taken          after labour delivery, but
                                                                    to hospital. Mum and bub        surprisingly I felt completely
                                                 Hayden with baby   were given the once over at     calm and at ease,” Tara said.
                                                 daughter Maggie.
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service
05   RFDS FLIGHT NURSES                                                                                                                                                                         RFDS FLIGHT NURSES   06


     It was a reunion four           including delivering her new    RFDS Flight Nurse Timna for
     years in the making.            baby boy, Angus.                the first time.

     During a transfer from          Hugh remembers that             Overwhelmed with emotion,
     Cloncurry to Mount Isa in       unforgettable moment, like it   Timna appreciated the
     2017, Lucy Westcott gave        was yesterday:                  family’s heartfelt thank you.
     birth to her little boy Angus
                                     “Timna was there, taking        “It’s a fairly rare occurrence
     in the back of an RFDS
                                     excellent care of Luce. Then    to catch up with someone
                                     next thing, about six minutes   you’ve helped birth … it’s
     Lucy’s waters broke suddenly    in, we’re about 4,000 feet in   really nice.”
     at just 34 weeks and she        the air between Cloncurry
                                     and Mount Isa and ... out he    Timna recalls Hugh’s reaction
     was flown to Mount Isa, with
                                     came.”                          during that eventful flight:
     husband Hugh by her side.
                                                                                                        Flight Nurse, Timna Wright, enjoyed a
                                     Almost four years to the day,   “When Angus came out, I            very special visit from Lucy, Hugh, Angus
     On board, RFDS Flight Nurse                                                                        and his two little brothers.
                                     the couple reunited with        remember looking at Hugh
     Timna looked after Lucy,
                                                                     and he had this sort of face
                                                                     of ‘Well, is everything OK?’
                                                                     and I remember saying ‘It’s        And despite the arrival of                  “It was a very special         regional, rural and remote
                                                                     all good, it’s all good’ ... and   Angus occurring slightly earlier            moment. It could have          Queensland.
                                                                     he was.”                           than planned, just six minutes              easily gone the other way,
                                                                                                        into what should have been a                so we’re very, very lucky      “There’s so many people I
                                                                     Timna, who now works with          12-minute flight, Timna said                that out in the bush we do     know that have been picked
                                                                     the RFDS Outback Mental            they were well prepared:                    have the Flying Doctor.”       up or taken care of thanks
                                                                     Health team, said working                                                                                     to the Flying Doctor and
                                                                     as a Flight Nurse had been         “If babies are going to come,               Lucy echoed Hugh’s             they get to medical care
                                                                     a “pretty amazing” career          they’ll come! The biggest                   sentiment.                     quickly and efficiently. It
                                                                     opportunity.                       difference with a flight is that                                           saves a lot of lives.”
                                                                                                        you can’t just pull over to the             “We’re very lucky to have
                                                                                                        side of the road. Once you                  RFDS. Without them, who
                                                                                                        are flying you are committed.               knows what might have
                                                                                                                                                    happened. We are lucky

                                                                                                                                                                                     Thanks to You
                                                                                                        Once you close those doors
                                                                                                        and are up in the air, you’ve               Timna was able to deliver
                                                                                                        got to be prepared for                      him safely and everything
                                                                                                        anything.”                                  went according to plan.”
                                                                                                                                                                                    RFDS flight nurses
                                                                                                                                                    It’s a moment this family
      Dad, Hugh has a                                                                                   Hugh knows how lucky he                                                     like Timna provide
                                                                                                        and Lucy are to have been in                will never forget. For
      first cuddle with
                                                                                                                                                                                    world-class care, on
      baby Angus while
                                                                                                        the caring, expert hands of                 Hugh, it also highlights the
      still onboard an                                                                                                                              importance of providing         land and in the air!
      RFDS aircraft.                                                                                    Timna and her team that day.
                                                                                                                                                    medical care across
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service

                                                                                                                                                                                                              ki d s p
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Prizes to
                                                                                                                                 Spot the                                                                                      be won!

     GIVES NEWBORN TWINS A                                                                                                                                           Can you spot the FIVE DIFFERENCES


     Chance at Life
                                                                                                                                                                     between the two images? Circle what’s

                                                                                                                                                                     changed on the image to the right.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                t   iv i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           t ies

                                                                                          Nikiha, with twins, Nash and Reuben.

     When Nikiha gave birth               The Flying Doctor flew
                                                                                        the end of this month, they
     to twin boys Nash and                Nikiha to hospital, with
                                                                                        will celebrate their second
                                          Flight Nurse Jeanie taking
     Reuben at just 25 weeks,                                                           birthday. Nikiha is incredibly
                                          exceptional care of her on
     they were clinging to life           board. Today, Nikiha still calls
                                                                                        grateful for the support they
     by a thread.                                                                       all received from the Flying
                                          Jeanie her ‘angel of the sky’.
     They were both so tiny, each
                                          “I knew that whatever
     smaller and lighter than a                                                         Your support makes life-
                                          happened during that
     bag of sugar.                                                                      saving flights like this one
                                          journey, my babies were
     Nikiha’s pregnancy had been          as safe as they possibly
     trouble-free until 18 weeks,         could be. And that meant
                                          everything in the world to

                                                                                              Thank You
     when her babies were
     diagnosed with ‘Twin-to-             me,” recalls Nikiha.
     Twin Transfusion Syndrome’.
                                          Thankfully, the twins held
     Without immediate surgery,                                                              to everyone who
                                          on during that flight until
     it was certain she’d lose
                                          they were safely delivered 36                      sent Nikiha, Nash
     them both.
                                          hours later in the Neonatal                        and Reuben your
     The operation went well,             Intensive Care Unit.
                                                                                             well wishes and kind                  A A A R U U S C O R O Y A                         L D

     but just seven weeks later,                                                             messages of support.                  A   J   E   I   Q X R U D N N U Y Q T
                                          Today, the twins are happy,
     Nikiha’s waters broke.
                                          healthy and thriving and at                                                             W E N R B          J   X U N C A           J D P       F
                                                                                                                                   P   S O Q O B         F D N D A N R E H                   There are ten words hidden
                                                                                                                                   J   A U S       A M D D P W U H R D A                     in the grid. Search up, down,
                                                                                                                                                                                             forwards, backwards and
                                                                                                                                   F M T W C M E O Z Q A                     E   K P     I
                                                                                                                                                                                             diagonally for the words.
                                                                                                                                   U M B       I   K N W D C T M Y               Z R R       Can you find them all?
                                                                                                                                   P A A G E         F U F       I   T   F   J   T   Y C
                                                                                                                                   V K C V M N M R               L C O U X U R
                                                                                                                                   A D K Z V Q T             Z   S   Y A R W Z A             AEROMEDICAL        PILOT
                                                                                                                                   M K P A M Q           I   F   J   E   I   L   X   S   F   DOCTOR             PATIENT
                                                                                                                                   M X     I   B B N O U W C Y N O X T                       NURSE              RUNWAY
                                                                                                                                   Y   T   L U H O U R P B R D G W O                         AIRCRAFT           OUTBACK
                                                                                                                                   Q D O Z         T N Q T       F   J   V X K M H           FLYING             ROYAL
       Peyton couldn't wait to have her
       baby brothers back home.            The twins travelled in a special neo-natal incubator.
                                                                                                                                   L   V T R M Q H K H D S C A A X

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Turn over
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service
RFDS quiz
On pages 14 and 15 of this magazine you can read all about our Local Hero Awards.
See if you can find the answers to the questions below:

          1. How many Facebook followers does 18-year-old Sam Hughes have?

          2. How many years has Bodhi Wochnik been raising funds for the
             Flying Doctor?

                                                                                                              My Name:

                                                                                                                         My Age:
          3. Which RFDS Base did nurse Justine Collins call for help, when local man
             Paul was trapped against a fence?

                                                                                                           Colouring competition
          Did you find what you were looking for?
          Answers at the bottom of the page.

      Competition time!
                                                                           3 PRIZES
                                                                            TO BE
                                                                                           image to be
      On the next two pages you’ll find our colouring and drawing                            at RFDS
      competition. Simply colour in our friendly aircraft, or draw a                        Brisbane
      Flying Doctor picture of your own.
      Add your name and age in the space at the top of the page.
      Then pop your drawing into the envelope provided or send it to us at:
      Email: ceo@rfdsqld.com.au
      Mail: Kids Competition, Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia
      (Queensland Section) Reply Paid 64275, Brisbane Airport QLD 4008

                                                        3. Mount Isa   2. 10 years   1. 80,000 followers
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service

                                                                                                                                                     AN ORDINARY DAY TAKES A

                                                                                                                                                    Terrifying Turn
       My Age:

                                                                                                                    Garry with his family.

                                                                                                               Tuesday 14th of May
                                                                                        I love RFDS because:

                                                                                                               2019 started out just
                                                                                                               like any other day at
                  My Picture is:

                                                                                                               work for Queenslander,
                                                                                                               Garry Sheehey.
       My Name:

                                                                                                               Garry was out in Biloela,
                                                                                                               working for a tree lopping                                                    Garry needed extensive
                                                                                                                                                                                              surgery to reconstruct
                                                                                                               company.                                                                                 his right leg.

                                                                                                               He was hard at work when
                                                                                                               a tree he was working on            Garry doesn’t remember         Doctor around, I’d donate,”
                                                                                                               twisted and pinned him to           much about the flight,         said Garry.
                              Use the space below to draw your own picture of the Flying Doctor.

                                                                                                               the ground.                         or those first few days in
                                                                                                                                                   hospital.                      Garry got his chance when
Drawing competition

                                                                                                               The pain was excruciating.                                         he spotted our fundraisers
                                                                                                               Garry reached down into his         “My leg was in a bad way,”     at his local shopping centre.
                                                                                                               pocket for his phone and            says Garry.                    He immediately joined
                                                                                                               called an ambulance.                                               our Support Crew with a
                                                                                                                                                   “They put 18 screws in my      monthly gift.
                                                                                                               “Help, I’m stuck under a            knee and a plate on my
                                                                                                               tree!” he told the operator.        femur, which was screwed

                                                                                                                                                                                   Thank You
                                                                                                                                                   into my hip. And that was
                                                                                                               An ambulance was                    just the start of it.”
                                                                                                               immediately dispatched from
                                                                                                               Biloela Hospital. Terry, the        Garry endured nine
                                                                                                               ambulance driver stayed with        operations over the course
                                                                                                                                                                                   to all members of our
                                                                                                               Garry all day.                      of 11 days, and it’s been a
                                                                                                                                                   long road to recovery for       Support Crew. Your
                                                                                                               “I remember Terry saying,           the dad of six.                 regular support saves
                                                                                                               ‘you’re safe’ and then it gets
                                                                                                               foggy after that,” recalls Garry.   He credits his wife and kids
                                                                                                                                                   for helping him get through
                                                                                                               Garry was given strong              some of the toughest times.
                                                                                                               painkillers while medics            He also knows, without the     If you’d like to join
                                                                                                               worked to put his leg into          Flying Doctor, things could    our Support Crew
                                                                                                               traction. It was obvious Garry      have been very different.      like Garry, visit
                                                                                                               urgently needed surgery. The                                       flyingdoctor.org.au/
                                                                                                               Flying Doctor was called to         “After the accident, I swore   qldsupportcrew or scan the
                                                                                                               fly Garry to Rockhampton.           if I ever saw the Flying       QR code.
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service
13   LOCAL HEROES                                                                                                                                                                         LOCAL HEROES      14

         Local Legends
                                                                                                                                                                                        Principal Partner

                                                                                                             KEEPING THE FLYING
                                                                                                             DOCTOR IN THE SKIES
                                                                                                                                                                                    RFDS Local Hero Awards
                                                                                                                                                                                     proudly supported by
                                                                                                                                                                                      Ergon Energy Retail.

     Every year, our                   BUNDABERG – Bodhi                healthcare services within     flew ‘Crusty’ to Longreach     until help arrived, ultimately    daughter Zara, who was just
     Local Hero Awards                 Wochnik                          the community.                 so he could spend his final    saving his life.                  seven months old when she
                                       Bodhi has been fundraising                                      days at home. An annual                                          died from a rare disease.
     recognise exceptional                                              CHARLEVILLE – The Bauer                                       ROCKHAMPTON –
                                       for the Flying Doctor for                                       tournament is held at the                                        The RFDS flew Zara and
     Queenslanders who                 almost 10 years, as a way to     Family                         Longreach Bowls Club in        Bronwyn Fitzgerald and            her family to hospital on
     have given their time             give back to the service that    Since 1999, Graham and         memory of David, with all      Colleen Timms                     two occasions and Zara’s
     and energy to support             has helped several members       Rosslyn Bauer have donated     proceeds donated to the        Bronwyn and mum, Colleen          Day has raised more than
                                       of his family over the years.    the proceeds from their        RFDS.                          have been knitting toys all       $178,000 for the Flying
     their local community
                                       The annual raft race Bodhi       cattle sales to the Flying                                    year round for the annual         Doctor.
     and the Flying Doctor.                                             Doctor. Their son Matthew      MOUNT ISA – Justine            Woolworths’ Toy Drive in
                                       started has raised more
     Here are their                                                     and his wife, Amanda           Collins                        support of the RFDS. Since        TOWNSVILLE – Merle Prince
                                       than $13,800 since 2014
     extraordinary stories:            and continues to go from         have continued the family      Justine Collins is one of      2015, the drive has raised        and Blankets of Love
                                       strength to strength each        tradition, donating $17,000    two nurses working in          more than $2.5 million for        Blankets of Love was
     BRISBANE – Sam Hughes                                                                             the remote community                                             established by Nola Hills
                                       year.                            from the proceeds of their                                    the Flying Doctor. Bronwyn
     18-year-old Sam Hughes                                                                            of Dajarra and relies on                                         after the passing of her
                                                                        last sale.                                                    works for Woolworths as a
     from Maleny trekked around        CAIRNS – Karen Koko                                             the Flying Doctor for                                            grandson. The group
                                                                                                                                      cashier and is continuously
     Australia in his old tractor,     Cape York local Karen is a       LONGREACH – David Crust        support as she cares for                                         includes many women
                                                                                                                                      helping to raise money for
     towing a trailer with a replica   trusted community leader         For almost a decade, long-     the community. Justine                                           coming together to create
                                                                                                                                      the RFDS.
     RFDS aircraft on top. Sam         who provides regular advice      time supporter David Crust     recently called our Mount                                        beautiful quilts for the RFDS.
     now has 80,000 Facebook           and assistance to families in    participated in treks and      Isa Base for help when local   ROMA – The Boshammer              Quilts are made in various
     followers and has done a          crisis. RFDS staff in Cairns     organised local bowls club     man Paul became trapped        Family                            sizes and they provide
     wonderful job in promoting        say “nothing would happen        raffles to raise money for     against a fence by a bull.     The Boshammer family held         comfort to young patients
     and raising awareness for the     without Karen” and she is        the Flying Doctor. After       Her swift actions meant she    Zara’s Day on 16 November         when they access the Flying
     Flying Doctor in Queensland.      pivotal in helping deliver       battling cancer, the RFDS      was able to keep Paul stable   2020 in memory of their           Doctor.

     Brisbane             Bundaberg               Cairns               Charleville         Longreach   Mount Isa         Rockhampton              Roma                 Townsville
                                                                                                                                                                                          to all our
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service
15   RFDS FLEET                                                                                                                                                                                 RFDS FLEET   16

                                                                  RFDS (Queensland Section)
                                                                  Head of Flying Operations
     THANKS TO YOU, WE’RE                                         Shane Lawrey says the

     New Aircraft
     WELCOMING                                                    updated turboprop aircraft
                                                                  feature technological
                                                                  advancements in the cockpit,
                                                                  as well as enhancements to
                                                                  patient comfort.

                                                                  “The auto throttle
                                                                  automatically manages
                                                                  engine power ... this
     The first of six new         The new aircraft are part of    enhancement reduces pilot
     Beechcraft King Air          a larger 10-year replacement    workload and supports them
                                  strategy to ensure our crews    to prevent over-speed or
     360CHW turboprop
                                  can operate in optimum          under-speed, over-temp and
     aircraft has just arrived    conditions. Ultimately, this    over-torque conditions,”
     in Brisbane. They are        will ensure we can continue     explains Shane.
     the first of their kind in   to deliver world-class
     Australia!                   aeromedical retrievals and      “Another update in the
                                  healthcare to regional, rural   cockpit is the new digital
                                  and remote Queenslanders.       pressurisation controller,
                                                                  which automatically
                                  Your support means we’re        schedules cabin
                                                                                                 overall patient comfort,” he     Expanding our fleet ensures           King Air is an obvious choice:
                                  investing in the latest         pressurisation during climb
                                                                                                 said.                            we can reach the furthest
                                  aeromedical technology.         and descent and increasing                                                                            “The Beechcraft King Air
                                                                                                                                  corners and save even more
                                                                                                 We’re reaching the furthest      lives.                                is perfectly designed for
                                                                                                 corners, thanks to you.                                                our crucial operations.
                                                                                                                                  As one of the world’s largest         The King Air is the world
                                                                                                 In FY 2020/21, our fleet         and most comprehensive                leader in twin-turboprop
                                                                                                 travelled over 8.3 million       aeromedical organisations,            special missions because
                                                                                                 kilometres, landing 22,587       it’s vital the RFDS remains           of the aircraft’s unmatched
                                                                                                 times and amassing more          future fit as we near 100             capabilities. In an emergency,
                                                                                                 than 24,000 flight hours.        years of operation.                   every minute matters, so it’s
                                                                                                                                                                        crucial we have a fast and
                                                                                                                                  Expert medical care when              reliable aircraft.”
                                                                                                                                  every minute matters —
                                                                                                                                  thanks to you.

                                                                                                                                  With fit-out of the first
                                                                                                                                  aircraft commencing soon,
                                                                                                                                  we’re aiming to have two of
                                                                                                                                                                           Thanks to You
                                                                                                                                  the six aircraft operational by         we can invest in the
                                                                                                                                  the end of this year.                   world-leading aircraft
                                                                                                                                                                          we need to save lives.
                                                                                                                                  And, according to Shane
                                                                                                                                  when it comes to aircraft, the

                                                                                                                        Principal Partner Together we connect regional, rural and remote Queenslanders
                                                                                                                        to the critical care they need. Proud partners of the RFDS since 2009.
A Very Special - Royal Flying Doctor Service
17   RFDS HERO                                                                                                                                                                                                        RECIPES   18

     A LIFELONG LOVE FOR                                                                                    ORANGE SUMMER

     The Land                                                              Clive at the dig tre
                                                                                                            ¼ red cabbage, shredded
                                                                                                            1 Granny Smith apple, diced
                                                                                                            1 red pepper, diced
                                                                         Clive knows there’s an
                                                                                                            1 orange
                                                                         ongoing need for RFDS in
                                                                                                            2 celery sticks, sliced
                                                                         many regional, rural and
                                                                                                            1 tbspn. sultanas
                                                                         remote communities.

                                                                         His son-in-law is an air traffic   METHOD:
                                                                         controller and keeps him           Peel and slice orange. Combine
                                       Clive used to go on family
                                                                         updated with how busy the          cabbage, pepper, celery and sultanas.
                                       trips around Queensland with
                                                                         Flying Doctor aircraft are.        Add orange and apple. Sprinkle with
                                       his children and even his older
                                                                                                            coleslaw dressing and serve.
                                       parents. He knew travelling       “He gives me an update                                                                EM
                                                                                                                                                                    ANTLE O
                                       around the state increased        occasionally on how busy



                                                                                                                                                                                FET Y
      Clive, with his wife and their   his chances he might need         the Flying Doctor has been                                                         SUMMER
             five grandkids.
                                       the Flying Doctor in an           on a particular day coming                                                         RECIPES
                                       emergency, so he made sure        in and out of the Brisbane                                                        FD
                                                                                                                                                                                        ROCKMELON AND HAM

                                                                                                                                                                SC       O
     Long-term Flying                                                                                                                                              OOKBO

                                       he always carried a HF radio      Base”.
     Doctor supporter and              with him – he still does today.
     adventurer, Clive,                                                  Clive has decided to leave a
                                       Clive is passionate about         gift in his Will to RFDS.
     loves nothing more                supporting remote
     than packing up and               communities when they             Although he is retired now
     heading out to explore            need it most.                     and has limited funds to
     Queensland’s remote                                                 spare, Clive is still passionate                                                                               2 cups rockmelon balls
                                       In 1990, floods devastated        about supporting RFDS                                                                                          4 slices parma ham
                                       Charleville. Rather than          and he wants to ensure his                                                                                     1 pkt. (30oz.) cream cheese
     Clive has been supporting         donating to the flood             gifts will continue making a                                                                                   ¼ cup salad dressing or mayonnaise
     RFDS for more than 30 years.      relief fund, Clive wanted to      difference for years to come.                                                                                  Rocket
                                       support RFDS instead.                                                                                                                            Berries to decorate
     Growing up, he often visited                                        "And that's what I say, once
     his uncle's cattle property       “I thought, I’ll just send some   you travel outback a lot you
                                       extra cash to the Flying                                                                                                                         METHOD:
     at Biloela. This sparked an                                         realize more and more...
     interest in traveling further     Doctor in Charleville because I   Without the Flying Doctor                                                                                      Mash cream cheese, blend in
     west and in 1970, when 17         know they’re going to need it.”   where would you be?"                                                                                           mayonnaise or salad dressing.
     years old, Clive purchased                                                                                                                                                         Combine with melon balls. Tear
     his first of many many four-                                                                                                                                                       parma ham into strips and place on
     wheel drives.                       If you would like to find out more about                                                                                                       top of melon. Serve on rocket leaves
                                         leaving a gift to the Flying Doctor in your                                                                                                    and decorate with seasonal berries.
     It wasn’t long before he            Will, please contact Heather Stott,
     grew a strong affinity for life     Key Relationships Manager on
     on the landand those who            07 3852 7586 | hstott@rfdsqld.com.au                                            Do you have a special recipe you'd love to share?
     live in the outback.                                                                                         Email your recipe, and a photo of the finished dish, to donations@rfdsqld.com.au.
                                                                                                                   The top 2 dishes will feature in the next edition of Your Flying Doctor magazine.

   Flying Doctor
                                    IN QUEENSLAND

          12,319                      16,396            3,316                                        12,156
     patients transported             telehealth      immunisations                               mental health
       (by air and road)             consultations                                                consultations

             259                   8,375,348              20                                        24,279
         dental clinics            kilometres flown      aircraft                                   hours flown


                                                                    The Royal Flying Doctor Service is committed to eliminating all forms of
Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section)                    discrimination in the provision of healthcare. We embrace diversity and
                                                                    welcome all people irrespective of faith, ethnicity, sexual orientation
12 Casuarina Street, BRISBANE AIRPORT QLD 4008                      or gender identity.

Ph: 07 3852 7515 E: donations@rfdsqld.com.au                        Royal Flying Doctor Service acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal
                                                                    and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation
flyingdoctor.org.au/qld                                             and the traditional custodians of this land.
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