Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation

Page created by Sylvia Nelson
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation




                Strategy: One year on
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation
CONTENTS                                    A LETTER TO MY YOUNGER SELF
                             Dear                                             3       A letter to my                                          Aisha Sheikh-Anene
                             Supporter,                                       4-5
                                                                                      younger self
                                                                                      Coping with the
                                                                                      pandemic: Mental health
                                                                                                                          Chair of the Board of Trustees, Mental Health Foundation
                                                                                      research reveals how
Welcome to your first TalkBack for 2021!                                              UK adults are managing
This edition comes as the coronavirus pandemic strained our lives in                                                      As clichéd as it may sound I try to live
                                                                              6       Race and diversity review           fully in the present, with a sense of
ways that would have seemed impossible a year ago. Back then, we
announced the launch of our Strategy for 2020-25 and our focus                7       Black History Month –               positive expectation and an opportunity
on public mental health and prevention – tackling the causes of mental                Henry’s story
                                                                                                                          for expansion.
health problems and providing support for people most at risk of              8-9     MHF Covid Response
developing them. Even before Covid-19 we knew that mental health                      Programme                           I feel blessed to have lived the life I have,
was our biggest national concern. We are now at serious risk of a             10-11 ‘What next for public                 even with lived experience of anxiety.
rising tide of poor mental health.                                                  mental health in                      As I have grown older I have understood
                                                                                    England?’ – the abolition
In this edition of TalkBack, we will explore the Strategy and its strategic                                               the need to know what and who makes
                                                                                    of Public Health England
aims one year on, and our response to the coronavirus pandemic.                                                           you happy – and add it to a list, or as
                                                                              12      Fundraising during
1. Tell the world – on pages 4 and 5 you can see the new findings                     lockdown – Deb’s story
                                                                                                                          I call it my ‘mental health tool kit’.
   from our ongoing ‘Coronavirus: Mental Health in the Pandemic’
                                                                              13      Mental Health Awareness             I would also say to my younger self:
   study and how UK adults are coping.                                                Week 2021 theme
                                                                                                                          remember you are the holder of the key
2. Find solutions – we are proud to announce that we are launching            14      SITUATE one year on                 to your own destiny. Decide for yourself
   a major initiative to develop community prevention programmes                      and #BehindTheBooks
   across the four nations of the UK to help those in greatest need.                                                      what your experience will be; listen to
                                                                              15      RockChoir “Keeping
   Learn more on pages 8 and 9.                                                                                           others but let the decision be yours.           Aisha has a successful
                                                                                      the dream alive”
3. Inform and empower – Tackling discrimination is core to the                                                                                                            background in both the public
                                                                                                                          Also remember in life everything needs
   Foundation’s prevention mission and we are conducting a race and                                                                                                       and private sector and qualified
                                                                                                                          balance. Different sized cogs all play their
   diversity review internally.                                                                                                                                           as a chartered accountant with
                                                                                                                          part in the forward momentum of life –          the National Audit Office. Aisha
4. Change policy and practice – Our position on the abolition                                                             one is no less and no more important. They      currently works as Commercial
   of Public Health England and our work on influencing the                                                               all require attention; be kind to yourself.     Vehicle Project Manager for
   government’s plans for how public health will be delivered in              Mental Health Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                          Ford Motor Company.
   future. More on pages 10 and 11.                                           1st Floor                                   Finally I like to remember Desiderata by
                                                                              Colechurch House
5. Build a Strong Foundation – we have partnered with                         1 London Bridge Walk                        Max Hermann, an excerpt of which says:          Aisha was appointed as a Chair
   RockChoir who released a Christmas single to support us and                London SE1 2SX                                                                              of the Board of Trustees in
   help us raise awareness.                                                                                               “In the noisy confusion of life keep peace
                                                                                                                                                                          2020 and wants to promote
                                                                              020 7803 1121                               in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery
We also want to thank you all for your continued support during                                                                    greater understanding of the
                                                                                             and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful      objectives and strategy of the
these difficult times. We couldn’t help as many people as we do, or
create meaningful work without your ongoing dedication and passion                                                        world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”        Mental Health Foundation.
                                                                              Design: White Halo Design
for preventing ill-health.                                                    Print: KPM Group                                                                            This will help the Foundation's
Kind regards,                                                                                                                                                             decision making and actions
                                                                              Registered Charity No.
                                                                              England 801130, Scotland SC 039714                                                          focus on the objectives and
Kalina Peresterova, Individual Giving Officer                                                                                                                             strategy of the organisation.

2                                                                                  Winter 2021                                                                          3
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation
TELL THE WORLD                                                                                                                                                                            TELL THE WORLD

                                                                                                    “The good news here is that at a very difficult time for many of us, millions of
                                                                                                    people across the UK are using effective ways to improve their wellbeing. Going
                                                                                                    out for a walk, visiting a park and being in contact with family and friends are great
                                                                                                    ways for us all to protect our mental health and prevent problems. Wider research
                                                                                                    evidence, as well as our latest survey findings, makes this very clear.

                                                                                                    Our new findings matter for policy, which can make it easier or harder for people

Coping with
                                                                                                    to cope at a time that is stressful for millions of us. At a time of local restrictions,
                                                                                                    it’s more important than ever that local authorities invest in improving our
                                                                                                    neighbourhoods and leisure areas to create safe, green spaces for outdoor activities.

the pandemic
                                                                                                    That is why we are asking the UK Government to take the lead by publishing a
                                                                                                    cross-government plan to promote people’s mental health and wellbeing. We also
                                                                                                    want the Government to ensure there continues to be a distinct national body
                                                                                                    responsible for public mental health in England.”
Mental health research reveals how UK
adults are managing stress                                                                          Dr Antonis Kousoulis, Director for England and Wales, Mental Health Foundation

In 2020, World Mental Health                  Our findings looked at the ways we can             is no trade-off between public health
Day (10th October) came as the                protect our mental health and prevent              and the economy – quite the opposite:
                                              mental health problems developing or               healthy, happy people make for stronger
coronavirus pandemic strained
                                              worsening. In particular, we reported on           communities and thriving economies.
our lives in ways that would have             the activities identified by adults in the UK      This has important policy implications.
seemed impossible a year ago.                 as helping them to cope with the stress of
                                                                                                 The government should create a
                                              the pandemic.
To recognise this, and support 2020’s                                                            sustainable wellbeing economy developed
theme of good mental health for all, we       According to our research, the most                with the active involvement of our
published new findings from our ongoing       popular coping activities included going           communities – and a pandemic recovery
‘Coronavirus: Mental Health in the            out for a walk, visiting a park or other           plan that reaches right across government
Pandemic’ study, carried out in partnership   ‘green’ space, contacting family or                departments and society itself. This
with the universities of Cambridge,           friends (for instance by phone or video            would also help to tackle the deep
Swansea, Strathclyde and Queen’s Belfast.     chat), maintaining a healthy lifestyle             inequalities exposed by the pandemic.”
                                              (enough sleep, exercise and a balanced
                                                                                                 Good mental health for all is a theme
                                              diet, for instance) and doing a hobby.
                                                                                                 not only for World Mental Health Day,
                                              Overall, just over eight in ten (82 per cent)      but for all of us at all times, and should
                                              of the UK adults surveyed said that                be a core aim of governments’ responses
                                              they have experienced stress because of            to the pandemic.
                                              the pandemic.*
                                                                                                                 Download the full briefing
                                              Professor Tine Van Bortel, from the
                                              University of Cambridge and De Montfort     
                                              University Leicester, said: “There is
                                                                                                   * These findings are from a YouGov survey done among a nationally representative sample of 4,251 UK adults.
                                              strong international evidence that there                            It asked participants what had helped them cope during the previous two weeks.

4                                                            Winter 2021                                                                                                     5
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation
INFORM AND EMPOWER                                                                               *Trigger warning: this story mentions suicide*                        INFORM AND EMPOWER

Race and                                                                                         Black History Month
diversity review                                                                                 – Henry’s story
                                                                                                 Henry Stone is a poet from South London
Gillian Neish, facilitator
                                                                                                 who featured in the Evening Standard’s
                                                                                                 Next Gen Trailblazers List

                                                                                                 “Ill-health grew roots in my story around
                                                                                                 the year 2015. Living off bad food and
                                                                                                 no sleep with impending deadlines on
                                                                                                 the fifth floor of a university flat, little did
                                                                                                 I know I wouldn’t be able to complete my
                                                                                                 degree due to episodes of depression.
My colleague                 It was prompted by the murder of George Floyd in
                                                                                                 Everybody told me that university would            were pretty non-stop for a while. This is
                             May 2020 which has had an impact on people all over
Mildred Zimunya              the world and triggered ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests.
                                                                                                 be the best years of my life, but the              the part of university nobody eloquently
                                                                                                 loneliness I endured was more painful than         addressed at the time. I was in counselling
and I are currently          This reminded everyone that racism is not just a US
                                                                                                                                                    for three years. I had to retake several
                                                                                                 anything I’d imagined. I was struggling to
conducting a                 problem. It’s a problem here in the UK too and racial
                                                                                                 make friends and I didn’t feel as though           years and even then, I still had to drop out.
                             discrimination means that people from black and minority
review of race and           ethnic communities are disproportionately represented
                                                                                                 I belonged anywhere. I could sense that
                                                                                                                                                    This is one of the biggest pandemics
                                                                                                 there was something wrong with me, but
diversity at the             in insecure, low-paid jobs, in poor housing, and in the                                                                Britain has faced in a generation. The
                                                                                                 when the masses are insistent you should
Foundation.                  criminal justice system. They also experience the mental
                                                                                                 be having a blast, you assume these
                                                                                                                                                    everyday battles black Brits face merely
                             health challenges associated with that.                                                                                compound the effect. All we can continue
                                                                                                 moods needn’t be taken seriously.
                                                                                                                                                    to do is to encourage our brethren in the
                             The Foundation stands against racism in all its forms.              That was until I missed one lecture. And           black community to continue to seek help
                             Its approach is as an empowering, open organisation                 then another. Then a deadline. Then the            and to make treatment more accessible
                             that champions racial equality and all forms of diversity.          eating stopped. Then the illogical terror of       to everyone in our community, especially
                             Tackling discrimination is core to its mission of prevention        going outside wrapped itself around me             those who have been exposed to the
                             in mental health. With the support and involvement of               and I would go weeks without being seen,           traumas many of us grew up with.”
                             the Board, Senior Management Team and staff from all                struggling with the basics of hygiene.
                             backgrounds, at all levels and across the UK, this review
                             is creating the time and safe spaces to have the difficult          I cannot remember when the suicidal                  Explore these resources for support,
                             conversations about these complex issues. These are                 tendencies started, but I remember                   education and empowerment:
                             necessary to identify ways to address the role of structural        the suicide notes and the weight loss.               • AZ Mag: AZ MAG
                             racism and discrimination within the Foundation.                    A sleeping pattern which seemingly
                                                                                                                                                      • The Free Black University
                                                                                                 disappeared into a void along with all
                             The aim, then, is to develop an action plan that will lead to       remnants of peace, joy and structure. I              Need support?
                             greater racial diversity, including at senior levels, so that       remember calling the Samaritans hotline              • Samaritans are available 24/7 for
                             the Foundation better reflects the communities it serves            and bursting into tears to an operator                 free on 116 123 (UK).
                             and can serve them more effectively.                                whose name I will never recall. The tears

6                                                            Winter 2021                                                                                    7
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation
FIND SOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                                           FIND SOLUTIONS

                                                                                                                                                 “The pandemic has shown that
                                                                                                                                                 our current health system plays a
                                                                                                                                                 crucial role in treating sickness. But
                                                                                                                                                 it isn’t designed to prevent ill-health
                                                                                                                                                 and protect our mental health. For
                                                                                                                                                 that, we need far greater action
                                                                                                                                                 outside of the health service. That
                                                                                                                                                 is why we are investing resources to
                                                                                                                                                 support the emotional and mental
                                                                                                                                                 health of communities at risk, and to
                                                                                                                                                 demonstrate that prevention really
                                                                                                                                                 is better than cure if we are to
                                                                                                                                                 achieve happier, healthier lives.”

                                                                                                                                                                    Mark Rowland
                                                                                                                                                                    CEO Mental
                                                                                                                                                                    Health Foundation

2020 will be known as the year when the world faced and responded to one                        Our own nationally renowned ‘Coronavirus:
                                                                                                                                                 “This is an ambitious and exciting
of the greatest public health challenges of our era. Schools and workplaces                     Mental Health in the Pandemic’ study has
                                                                                                                                                 initiative that is bringing evidence-
closed, travel ground to a halt, cities and neighbourhoods fell quiet.                          told us that these groups are struggling now
                                                                                                                                                 informed interventions to those
                                                                                                and that without help this will endure. So
Amongst the deaths and physical illness, we have also seen the emergence                                                                         most in need. We want to build on
                                                                                                with the help and support from key donors
of psychological suffering, loneliness and distress. Even before Covid-19 we                                                                     what we already know about the
                                                                                                like you, we are planning on investing £2m
knew that mental health was our biggest national concern. We are now at                                                                          power of peer and community led
                                                                                                to expand our well-evidenced programmes.
serious risk of a rising tide of poor mental health.                                                                                             support by building the capacity
                                                                                                We are also joining forces with other
                                                                                                                                                 of organisations and harnessing
                                                                                                charities and community organisations so
                                                                                                                                                 the relationship they already have
And whilst Covid-19 has touched us all,       As the UK’s leading charity for the               that we can reach communities at scale.
                                                                                                                                                 with the communities they serve. By
it has magnified and accelerated mental       public’s mental health, we are launching
                                                                                                                                                 working together we can improve the
health inequalities across our society. The   a major initiative to develop community           We are launching this new programme at
                                                                                                                                                 mental health and wellbeing of those
poorest, the most marginalised and the        prevention programmes across the                  the start of this year and it will run for the
                                                                                                                                                 who have faced significant hardship
most discriminated-against, have been even    four nations of the UK, helping those in          next three years. Our goal is not just to
                                                                                                                                                 and trauma over the past year.”
more disconnected and disadvantaged.          greatest need.                                    help people now but also to support other
                                                                                                organisations, and give them the tools
However, we know that it does not need to     In the first instance our programmes              and techniques to make mental health
                                                                                                                                                                    Julie Cameron
be this way. Individuals, communities and     will support groups who we know have              their number one priority too. There really
                                                                                                                                                                    Associate Director,
workers of all kinds have shown remarkable    been hit hard by Covid-19: single parent          is no health without mental health. This
                                                                                                                                                                    Scotland and
resilience and kindness throughout the        families; people with long term health            programme is ambitious and will draw upon
                                                                                                                                                                    Northern Ireland
pandemic. With the right action, a mental     conditions, refugees and people from              our teams from across the UK, but with your
health catastrophe can be prevented.          minority ethnic communities.                      support we can make a real difference.

8                                                           Winter 2021                                                                                9
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation
CHANGE POLICY AND PRACTICE                                                                                                                                   CHANGE POLICY AND PRACTICE

                                                                                             This is of great concern to the Foundation,        In November 2020 we sent this Joint
                                                                                             and we have been working hard to                   Statement to the Secretary of State
                                                                                             influence the government’s plans for how           for Health and Social Care, Matt
                                                                                             public health will be delivered in England         Hancock MP, to express our strong
                                                                                             in the future.                                     concerns about the abolition of PHE
                                                                                                                                                and asking him to consult widely on
                                                                                             We know that the health of our society             what will replace it.
                                                                                             depends on our commitment to protecting
                                                                                             and supporting the mental health of the            We called on him to make a “historic”
                                                                                             whole population. Public health efforts            change by putting mental health at the
                                                                                             that include public mental health will             heart of a new strategy.
                                                                                             deliver the greatest health dividends in all
                                                                                             areas of health.                                   Our Joint Statement calls for five
                                                                                                                                                main things:
                                                                                             This is increasingly understood and
                                                                                             accepted, as people’s knowledge, attitudes         1. A new public health system that

‘What next for public                                                                        and behaviour in relation to mental health
                                                                                             have shifted in recent years. Yet the
                                                                                                                                                   gives parity to mental health
                                                                                                                                                2. National leadership from an

mental health in England?’                                                                   existence in England of a co-ordinated
                                                                                             national public health body, supporting an
                                                                                             integrated regional and local public health
                                                                                                                                                   influential expert body independent
                                                                                                                                                   of government and the NHS

The abolition of Public Health England                                                       structure, is no longer guaranteed.
                                                                                                                                                3. A public mental health strategy with
                                                                                                                                                   a core focus on better population
Lucy Thorpe, Head of Policy                                                                  It is a priority for the Foundation to do all it      mental health and reducing
                                                                                             can to influence a good outcome for future            inequalities and the social and
                                                                                             public mental health arrangements, come               economic risks to mental health,
                                                                                             April 2021. We need an improved public                including racial and other forms of
Readers of TalkBack are already familiar with our new Strategy for
                                                                                             health system that gives parity to mental             discrimination.
2020-25 and our focus on public mental health and prevention –
                                                                                             health, both in its own right, and as a vital      4. A clear relationship between
tackling the causes of mental health problems and providing support
                                                                                             component of public health challenges often           the new public health body and
for people most at risk of developing them.
                                                                                             seen only through a physical health lens, such        the National Institute of Health
                                                                                             as obesity, smoking and substance misuse.             Protection, which itself must include
In August 2020, we heard the               Mental ill-health remains the biggest
extraordinary and unexpected news          contributor to overall population ill-                                                                  public mental health leadership
                                                                                             In the autumn of 2020, we led a coalition
that the government in Westminster had     health in the UK. Yet, the protection and                                                               and expertise in its structure
                                                                                             of 18 charities and social enterprises,
decided to abolish Public Health England   improvement of public mental health is at                                                               and responsibilities, recognising
                                                                                             including Mind, Samaritans, Rethink and
(PHE), the national body responsible for   risk at a time when it has arguably never                                                               the mental health impacts of
                                                                                             YoungMinds to agree a Joint Statement
improving the health of the population,    been more important to invest in co-                                                                    communicable disease pandemics.
                                                                                             on the future of public mental health, and
and to create a new National Institute     ordinated, well-resourced, and sustained          the core elements we want to see in any            5. Enhanced funding for public health
for Health Protection, focused on          action to safeguard our mental health.            new system that replaces PHE.                         improvement.
responding to communicable disease         This decision could be deeply damaging
pandemics. This happened in the midst      to both public mental health and to wider         It is too early at the time of writing             The full statement can be read on our
of a pandemic that has had a significant   physical health improvement, which                this article to have received a reply to our       website
impact on people’s mental health.          have so far received little attention in          letter, but we will keep you informed of           charities-write-to-matt-hancock-
                                           government statements on these reforms.           developments in the next issue of TalkBack.        future-of-public-mental-health

10                                                       Winter 2021                                                                                11
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation
BUILD A STRONG FOUNDATION                                                                                                                                           INFORM AND EMPOWER

Fundraising                                                                                         Mental Health Awareness
during lockdown                                                                                       Week 2021 Theme
Deb’s story
Debra Fry, supporter

During the first lockdown, a friend
messaged me asking if I could
crochet a bear in NHS scrubs,
wearing a face mask for her. She            Another fundraising opportunity presented
had a pattern of a hero bear that was       itself when it became compulsory to
circulating on the Internet.                wear face masks in shops and on public
                                            transport. I have made over 250 masks so
When the bear was finished, I posted a      far and the profit from these will also be
picture of it on Facebook. This sparked     donated to the Mental Health Foundation.
other people’s interest and the orders
started coming in. Each time an order was   In 2018 I was chosen to run the
completed, pictures would go on Facebook    London Marathon for the Foundation.
which would bring in more orders.           Unfortunately, I slipped down a few
                                            stairs and damaged my knee, but I was
Each bear took about 7 hours to make.       determined to participate in the Marathon,
I was fortunate to have kept working        so I had to approach it differently. I trained
throughout the lockdown so when I wasn’t    to speed walk it instead. Well that particular
working, I was crocheting! I made over 30   year was the hottest London marathon on
bears in total and raised £545 to donate    record so I was not the only person walking! I                    Why have we chosen nature and
to the Mental Health Foundation. My         completed it in 7hrs 39 mins 45 seconds.
employer has also fund matched this.                                                                             environment for 2021?
                                            There always has to be a challenge for me
                                            to participate in, so I signed up to trek the       We have chosen ‘Nature and the                  The week will be an opportunity to open
                                            Great Wall of China in October 2019 for             Environment’ as the theme for Mental            our eyes to the power of nature.
                                            MHF. This was probably one of the hardest           Health Awareness Week 10-16 May 2021!
                                            things I have ever done, as my knees are                                                            We have set the theme, organised and
                                            damaged and have arthritis in them too,             The evidence is clear that access to nature     hosted Mental Health Awareness Week for
                                            so stairs are a daily challenge. I don’t know       is crucial for our mental health and millions   the last 21 years, during which time the event
                                            if you know much about the Great Wall               of people re-discovered that during             has grown to become one of the biggest
                                            of China but there are more stairs than             lockdowns this year. However, this was not      awareness weeks across the UK and globally.
                                            you could ever think of! I met an amazing           the same for all of us. We want to explore
                                            bunch of people during the trek and we              what the barriers are and ensure everyone       The Week is an opportunity for people
                                            have stayed in touch since. We started as           is able to share in the natural world and       to talk about all aspects of mental health,
                                            strangers and came home as friends.                 experience the mental health benefits.          with a focus on providing help and advice.

12                                                          Winter 2021                                                                                 13
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation
FIND SOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                         BUILD A STRONG FOUNDATION

SITUATE project, one year on                                                                     RockChoir
Students In Transition at University: Aiming                                                     ‘Keeping the dream alive’
to Enhance mental and social health and wellbeing
                                                                                                 On World Mental Health Day, Rock
Marwah El-Murad, Programme Manager for Families, Children                                        Choir, the largest contemporary
and Young People’s programmes                                                                    choir in the world, announced that
                                                                                                 they would release a Christmas
One year on from starting the SITUATE
                                                                                                 single to support the Mental Health
project with the University of Sussex, the                                                       Foundation and help raise awareness
world looks quite a bit different. Today’s                                                       of mental health.
first year university students have lived
through the uncertainty of the A-Level                                                           Thousands of Rock Choir Members from
results, months of disruption to learning                                                        across England, Wales and Scotland
in their final year of school, and not being                                                     came together as one choir for the FIRST
able to properly mark and celebrate                                                              time since lockdown began to record their
                                                                                                 vocals on a national Christmas single         “The lyrics of the song are extremely
significant moments, like their last day of
                                                                                                 of a very special Rock Choir version of       relevant to arts and entertainment
school, and leaving home for the first time.
                                               As students are among the least likely to         ‘Keeping The Dream Alive’.                    at the moment; “The game will
They’re now facing a university experience     ask for help for a mental health problem,                                                       never be over, because we’re
unlike any other before and must still         tackling the stigma around mental health          Mark Rowland, CEO of the Mental Health        keeping the dream alive”. It was one
contend with all of the challenges             is crucial.                                       Foundation says, “We are delighted that       of the hardest hit industries last
university brings. Then there are the added                                                      Rock Choir released their own version         year and everyone was desperate
                                               75% of students with a mental health
challenges faced by mature students,                                                             of ‘Keeping the Dream Alive’ in support       to find a positive and successful
                                               diagnosis admitted to concealing their
students who are parents or carers,                                                              of good mental health for all. Music is       way forward to allow music and
                                               symptoms due to a fear of stigma.
students who work part time, or students                                                         great for our mental health; both listening   singing to take its place in society
living with long-term conditions.              That’s why we spent the summer working            to it and playing or singing which is why     again. Singing brings a sense of
                                               with students from the University of Sussex       Rock Choir are such a great fit for us.”      community and togetherness with a
A positive outcome of the pandemic is that
                                               to design and deliver a national student-led                                                    power to uplift and heal individuals.
across the country there seem to be more
                                               social media campaign, #BehindTheBooks.           In May 2020 and as part of Mental
and more conversations about the impact                                                                                                        The Christmas single united us all,
                                               We launched the campaign at the end               Health Awareness Week, the Rock Choir
of our circumstances on our mental health.                                                                                                     brought us together and reinforced
                                               of September to coincide with Freshers’           Team hosted a 24-hour back to back            why Rock Choir is so very special for
                                               Week. The aim was to tackle stigma, raise         music and well-being online event ‘Rock       the UK. I am so proud of everyone
                                               awareness of the issues faced by students,        Choir 24’, which raised over £45,000          who took part and delighted to have
                                               and to encourage students to seek                 for the Mental Health Foundation.             once again joined forces with the
                                               support for their mental health.                  Raising awareness of Mental Health            Mental Health Foundation.”
                                                                                                 continues to be a priority for Rock
                                               Over the coming year we’ll be training
                                                                                                 Choir and we would like to thank the          Founder and Creator of Rock Choir,
                                               students to deliver workshops to their
                                                                                                 organisation and all of their members for     Caroline Redman Lusher
                                               peers, aiming to increase mental health
                                                                                                 their fantastic ongoing support.
                                               literacy and help-seeking.

14                                                           Winter 2021                                                                           15
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation
50% of UK adults
    who had experienced stress because of
    the pandemic said visiting green spaces,
    such as parks, helped them cope.

Research from the Mental Health Foundation and collaborating universities, 2020.

                                                                            Make a donation:

                     Take part in a challenge event or hold your own fundraising event:

                        Keep up to date with our work:





                                           Mental Health Foundation, Colechurch House,
                                             1 London Bridge Walk, London SE1 2SX

                    Registered Charity No. England 801130 Scotland SC039714. Company Registration No. 2350846.
Strategy: One year on - Mental Health Foundation
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