A Study on Identifying the Causes of Hypoglycemia and to Implement a Process to Prevent Hypoglycemia Events in Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary ...

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A Study on Identifying the Causes of Hypoglycemia and to Implement a Process to Prevent Hypoglycemia Events in Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary ...
International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research
                                                                                      Vol.7; Issue: 2; April-June 2022
                                                                                                    Website: ijshr.com
Original Research Article                                                                             ISSN: 2455-7587

 A Study on Identifying the Causes of Hypoglycemia
       and to Implement a Process to Prevent
   Hypoglycemia Events in Diabetic Patients in a
        Tertiary Care Hospital, Hyderabad
        Bhagya Lakshmi1, Usha Prabhakar2, Naga Sireesha3, Maryline Flinsi4,
                               Dr. N. Balakrishna5
                          Nursing Quality Coordinator-Apollo Health City, Hyderabad
                             Regional Chief Nursing Officer-Apollo Telangana Region
        Nursing Superintendent -Apollo Health City, Hyderabad, 4Principal Apollo School of Nursing-Delhi
                    HOD- Department of Statistics, AHERF- Apollo Health City, Hyderabad
                                       Corresponding Author: Bhagya Lakshmi

                                DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20220412

ABSTRACT                                                   details and implemented a process to identify
                                                           and treat hypoglycemia in time.
Background: Low blood glucose is common                    Result: Mean Hypoglycemia was similar across
among people with type 1 diabetes and among                age, gender, based on diet intake and also based
people with type 2 diabetes who take insulin or            on insulin duration of action. Mean
oral Hyperglycemic agents. In a large global               Hypoglycemia was significantly (P
A Study on Identifying the Causes of Hypoglycemia and to Implement a Process to Prevent Hypoglycemia Events in Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary ...
Bhagya Lakshmi et.al. A study on identifying the causes of hypoglycemia and to implement a process to prevent
hypoglycemia events in diabetic patients in a tertiary care hospital, Hyderabad

        Both the American Diabetes                       MATERIAL & METHODS
Association (ADA) and the European                               This was a prospective and
Medicines      Agency        have     defined            observational study.
hypoglycemia as “any abnormally low                              The data for this study was obtained
plasma glucose concentration that exposes                from tertiary care hospitals between August
the subject to potential harm” with a                    2021 to March 2022.
proposed threshold plasma glucose value                          A total of 34 Hypoglycemia events
Bhagya Lakshmi et.al. A study on identifying the causes of hypoglycemia and to implement a process to prevent
hypoglycemia events in diabetic patients in a tertiary care hospital, Hyderabad

                                   Figure 2: Process flow to treat Hypoglycemia promptly

Statistical Methods                                             occurrence, its association with symptoms
        Mean and SD values were calculated                      as given in Table 1, by ’t’ test. Multiple
for Quantitative variables. Proportions (%)                     linear regression mode; was performed to
were calculated for Qualitative variables                       study the relationship of hypoglycemia with
like age, gender, time of occurrence,                           symptoms, time of occurrence and action
hypoglycemia events association with                            taken. Level of significance was considered
symptoms, what was the action taken. Mean                       as 0.05. SPSS version 24 was used for all
values of hypoglycemia events were                              statistical methods.
compared by age, gender, time of

                                                          Table 1
             Baseline Characteristics            Categories          N    Mean In Relation To    SD     P-Value
                                                                          Hypoglycemia Event
          Age                              >=66                      21          55.2           10.28
Bhagya Lakshmi et.al. A study on identifying the causes of hypoglycemia and to implement a process to prevent
hypoglycemia events in diabetic patients in a tertiary care hospital, Hyderabad

sugar (61.8) water and intravenous fluids                     progressively reduced from (20 episodes in
(56.3).                                                       2 Months period to34 episodes in 7 months
Table 2: Multiple Linear regression model of Hypoglycemic
events with Symptoms, Time of occurrence and Action taken
 Multiple Linear regression model of Hypoglycemic events      CONCLUSION
 with Symptoms, Time of occurrence and Action taken                   Implementation       of    structured
 S no                Model                   P2 (%) P value
   1     46.9-4.441 Sympotoms+4.51                            training program about the most common
         Time of occerence+8.977              38.6   0.002    causes leading to hypoglycemia and the
         Action taken
   2     49.2+11.353*Action taken             29.7   0.001    process of correcting event on time reduce
                  Note: * Indicates Significant               morbidity     related    to    hypoglycemia.
                                                              Counselling programme to the patients
        Table 2 shows the relationship of
                                                              regarding hypoglycemia, its causes and
hypoglycemia with symptoms, time of
                                                              symptoms, adverse effects as well as
occurrence and action taken. Level of
                                                              appropriate     management      should     be
significance was considered as 0.05.
                                                              encouraged.      The     knowledge      about
        The most common causes were
                                                              symptoms of hypoglycemia is an important
insufficient diet intake, and inadequate
                                                              step to self-care practice, because informed
insulin doses management as per diet intake.
                                                              people are more likely to have better
Consequently, we implemented protocols to
                                                              practice.9 Having good knowledge about
guarantee a minimal intake of CHO
                                                              hypoglycemia is positively associated with
(intravenous and/or oral), and discussions
                                                              good hypoglycemia prevention practice.10
with dietician team for same. In addition,
we developed process to identify the                          Acknowledgement: None
hypoglycemia events and defined a process
for prompt treatment of event to reduce                       Conflict of Interest: None
severity. By these actions, the rate of
                                                              Source of Funding: None
hypoglycemia progressively reduced from
(20 episodes in 2 Months period to34                          Ethical Approval: Approved
episodes in 7 months duration).
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                                                                 15(8):e0238094. Published 2020 Aug 21.
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Bhagya Lakshmi et.al. A study on identifying the causes of hypoglycemia and to implement a process to prevent
hypoglycemia events in diabetic patients in a tertiary care hospital, Hyderabad

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                International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (www.ijshr.com)                  83
                                       Vol.7; Issue: 2; April-June 2022
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