Page created by Sherry Joseph

APRIL 2019
April 2019                          Clifford Chance | 0


Contract                                                                                                                         2
  Relationship counselling – A contract classified as "relational" brings an obligation of good faith                            2
  Implications trashed – Implied representations must be known to be relied on                                                   2
  Futile submissions – A Senior Debt Facility requires external funding                                                          3
  Foreign legions – Foreign law cannot change an English law debt                                                                4
  Frustrated by Brexit? – Brexit will not frustrate a lease to an EU institution                                                 4
  Payment abuse – Clarity required to exclude valuable rights                                                                    5
Tort                                                                                                                             6
  Vicarious frauds – Vicarious liability for reliance-based torts requires authority                                             6
  Informed advice – Damages restricted to the consequences of information being wrong                                            6
  Chancey litigation – Loss of chance damages only relevant to third party counter-factuals                                      6
Private international law                                                                                                        7
  Trump-bashing – English law reverses the effect of a US judgment                                                               7
  Relativity – Test for service out depends on who has the better of the argument                                                7
  Sovereign games – Courts cannot dispense with service on a sovereign                                                           8
Regulation                                                                                                                       9
  Protected species – Courts will rarely order costs against a regulator                                                         9
Courts                                                                                                                         10
  Freezing over – Ambiguities in the standard form of freezing injunction                                                      10
  Witnessing the decline – Judge criticises witnesses for preparing too much                                                   10
  Dishonest evidence – Market practice is not relevant to dishonesty                                                           10
  Unopposed failure – Declaration refused even in the absence of any counter-argument                                          11
  Collateral disadvantages – The rule against collateral use of disclosed documents is strict                                  11
  Use and abuse – Courts will seldom grant permission for collateral use                                                       11
  Admit one – A defendant must ask employees, but not ex-employees, about pleaded allegations                                  12
Privilege                                                                                                                      13
  Vexatious litigants – Internal discussions about the conduct of litigation are not privileged                                13
  Who's laughing now? – Dual purpose bars litigation privilege                                                                 14
  Dominant dealings – Legal advice privilege requires a dominant purpose                                                       14
  Lawyers alone – Instructions to lawyers about an escrow account are privileged                                               14
Contacts                                                                                                                       16

        Contentious Commentary is a review of recent developments in the English courts

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RELATIONSHIP                              Post Office and its sub-postmasters          exhaustive and that no single point
COUNSELLING                               were relational contracts and, as            was determinative.
                                          such, were subject to an obligation of
Relational contracts have an                                                           What Bates reflects is a desire by
                                          good faith. Fraser J accepted that
implied duty of good faith.                                                            some members of the judiciary
                                          there is no general duty of good faith
                                                                                       (notably Leggatt LJ and, now, Fraser
"I find that these were relational        in commercial contracts, but that the
                                                                                       J) to develop a new category of
contracts. I find that this means that    contracts in question were relational
                                                                                       contracts that don't involve fiduciary
the contracts included an implied         and, as such, had an implied duty of
                                                                                       relationships in the usual way but on
duty of good faith." So said Fraser J     good faith (or vice versa). This
                                                                                       to which similar, but lesser,
in his monumental judgment in Bates       meant that both parties were obliged
                                                                                       obligations should be imposed.
v Post Office Ltd [2019] EWHC 606         to refrain from acting in a manner that
                                                                                       Whether the higher courts will be
(QB). But perhaps Fraser J has got it     would be regarded as commercially
                                                                                       convinced by the need for this or by
the wrong way round: a contract may       unreasonable by reasonable and
                                                                                       the analysis is a different matter.
be called relational because there is     honest people. Good faith also, he
an implied (even express) duty of         thought, brings with it requirements of      One result of the implied term (and
good faith according to normal            transparency, co-operation, and trust        Fraser J thought the same would be
principles; but categorising it as        and confidence.                              implied even if the contracts were not
relational surely cannot determine                                                     relational) was the termination
                                          So what is a relational contract?
what duties are to be implied.                                                         provision. This allowed termination
                                          Fraser J considered that the starting
                                                                                       on not less than three months' notice.
Bates concerned the accounting            point is that there is no term that
                                                                                       Fraser J considered that this required
system that the Post Office required      prevents the implication of a duty of
                                                                                       the Post Office to give proper
its sub-postmasters to use. When          good faith. Assuming no contrary
                                                                                       consideration to the appropriate
this showed a shortfall, the Post         indications: the contract would be
                                                                                       notice period, and that the decision to
Office failed to provide information      long-term; the parties must intend
                                                                                       terminate had to be taken in good
that explained the shortfall, required    their roles to be performed with
                                                                                       faith, not perversely, taking into
sub-postmasters to pay the shortfall,     integrity and fidelity to the bargain;
                                                                                       account relevant factors and ignoring
sometimes terminated the sub-             collaboration is required; the spirit
                                                                                       irrelevant ones. As a general rule,
postmastership, and even prosecuted       and objective of the venture may not
                                                                                       exercising a right to terminate is not
some for fraud (the Criminal Cases        be capable of being expressed
                                                                                       constrained in this way, but the
Review Commission is looking into         exhaustively in a written contract;
                                                                                       strange circumstances of being a
convictions). The sub-postmasters         each must repose trust and
                                                                                       sub-postmaster (which usually
contend that the system was flawed,       confidence in the other (but of a
                                                                                       involves buying an existing sub-
and generated incorrect shortfalls for    different kind to that involved in
                                                                                       postmastership) might justify it on the
no reason. Whether the system in          fiduciary relationships); the contract
fact did so will be determined at a       requires a high degree of a
later trial, but Fraser J, while not      communication, co-operation and              IMPLICATIONS TRASHED
overjoyed with the conduct of the         predictable performance based on
                                          mutual trust and confidence, and             Whether a representation is to be
litigation by either side, reserved his
                                                                                       implied is a matter of fact in each
most excoriating criticism for the Post   expectations of loyalty; there may be
Office and its witnesses. He              significant investment by one party;
regarded the Post Office as fighting      and it may be an exclusive                   In PAG v RBS [2018] EWCA Civ 355,
the case tooth and nail in an             relationship.                                the Court of Appeal concluded that
inappropriate way - even threatening                                                   "we are satisfied that RBS did make
                                          Some of these elements assume the            some representations to the effect
the court - for fear of damage to its     answer (eg integrity, fidelity, trust etc)
reputation if it were to be concluded                                                  that RBS itself was not manipulating
                                          and some are a bit weak (eg                  and did not intend to manipulate
that the system was not flawless.         objectives not capable of being              LIBOR. Such a comparatively
A core issue at this stage was            written down) but Fraser J said,             elementary representation would
whether the contracts between the         inevitably, said that the list was not       probably be inferred from a mere
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proposal of the swap transaction"        representations. An unconscious           consideration because the two
based on LIBOR, ie any IBOR rate-        assumption is not enough.                 conditions were not met. Up to a
setter proposing a contract based on                                               point, said the Court of Appeal.
                                         Picken J went on to conclude that
the IBOR may make that implied
                                         even if he was wrong about                C argued that there was a "principle
representation. Potentially that
                                         everything else, rescission of the        of futility", namely that if a pre-
makes any IBOR-based contract with
                                         swap was not possible. Partial            condition to accrual of a contractual
a rate-setter vulnerable to rescission
                                         rescission of a transaction is not        right became futile or unnecessary, it
if the IBOR rate-setter has been
                                         allowed because it would create a         did not have to be performed. D did
found to have manipulated the IBOR.
                                         different bargain for the parties.        not need a senior debt facility to start
In Marme Inversiones 2007 SL v           Although the swaps were standalone        mining, so that condition to payment
Natwest Markets plc [2019] EWHC          transactions, they were entered into      no longer had to be met.
366 (Comm), Picken J was quietly         as a result of a requirement in a loan
                                                                                   The Court of Appeal did not agree
sceptical about the Court of Appeal's    agreement to hedge the interest rate
                                                                                   that there is such a principle. There
approach. He was bound by the            risk. The swap and the loan were all
                                                                                   is a principle of construction that
decision but, since the implied          part of the same overall transaction.
                                                                                   recognises that a pre-condition may,
representations claimed in Marme         Rescinding the swap therefore
                                                                                   in the light of subsequent events,
were not exactly in the PAG form, he     required rescission of the loan.
                                                                                   cease to apply. So, for example, if
was able to emphasise that every         Paying off the loan in accordance
                                                                                   Spanish law no longer required a
case depended on its own facts and       with its terms was not enough since
                                                                                   permit from the local authority to
to conclude that the representations     that was not the same as rescission.
                                                                                   mine the copper, that condition would
alleged before him were not made.
                                         And just to rub it in, the judge          no longer be relevant. But there is no
He focused far more than the Court
                                         decided that the borrower had             general principle that allows the court
of Appeal on the principle that a
                                         affirmed the swaps after having           to disregard a contractual pre-
representation cannot be implied
                                         knowledge of its supposed right to        condition because the court
from silence and on caveat emptor.
                                         rescind.                                  considers that the condition no longer
Indeed, the Court of Appeal's
                                                                                   serves a useful purpose.
approach to the implication of a         PAG may therefore have offered
representation (based on what a          succour to those pursuing IBOR-           In order to disregard a condition as a
reasonable person would assume to        based claims (even though the bank        matter of interpretation, the court
be the case) perhaps confuses the        in fact won that case), but Marme has     must be satisfied that an event that
question of the proper interpretation    snatched it away.                         the parties had not contemplated has
of a representation that has been                                                  occurred and also as to what the
made with that of whether a              FUTILE SUBMISSIONS                        parties would have intended; if so,
representation has been made at all      There is no principle of futility in      the court could, as a matter of
– the rejected conflation of the tests   contractual interpretation.               interpretation, give effect to that
for the interpretation of contractual                                              intention. But here neither
                                         In Astor Management AG v Atalaya
terms and the implication of terms.                                                requirement was met. There were
                                         Management plc [2018] EWCA Civ
                                                                                   sufficient indications in the SPA that
Picken J also reached conclusions        2407, C became entitled to increased
                                                                                   the parties knew that other forms of
that will make it hard for others to     consideration under a sale and
                                                                                   financing might be used, and the
succeed on IBOR-based implied            purchase agreement if two conditions
                                                                                   court was not clear what the parties
representations. He held that for a      were met: first, a local authority gave
                                                                                   would have intended.
representation, actual or implied, to    permission for mining to restart at a
induce entry into a contract, the        copper mine in Spain; and, secondly,      Having failed on that aspect of
representation must act on the mind      the mining company (D) obtained a         interpretation, C argued that the inter-
of the representee. Since the            "Senior Debt Facility" sufficient to      group loans were Senior Debt
representee gave no thought to the       enable it to restart mining. The first    Facilities. The Court of Appeal did
manner in which EURIBOR (in that         condition was unquestionably met,         not agree. A Senior Debt Facility
case) was set – few did until the        but D obtained funds by means of          referred to external lenders – not the
scandals emerged – it cannot have        loans from group companies, not           case here – and had to rank ahead of
relied on the supposed                   from external lenders. So, said D, it     other obligations in the event of
                                         didn't have to pay the increased          insolvency – not the case here either.

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At this point, it didn't look good for C.   allowing it to come out the other end      In Canary Wharf (BP4) T1 Ltd v
But the SPA also said that until the        and continue in business. The              European Medicines Agency [2019]
increased consideration was paid in         company tried to get round the basic       EWHC 335 (Ch), Marcus Smith J had
full, D could not pay anything to other     principles of English law (ie that Azeri   minimal difficulty in dismissing all the
group companies and, further, that if       law has no effect on English law           EMA's arguments as to why the lease
D had surplus cash available, it was        debt) by seeking a permanent stay          would be frustrated by Brexit. The
obliged to pay the additional               under the Cross-Border Insolvency          case was largely specific to the
consideration early. D argued that          Regulations 2006 of English                position of the EMA, but it is
the increased consideration only            proceedings against it. The CBIR           interesting not least as an illustration
became due and payable to C if the          allow (and sometimes require)              of how hard it is to invoke frustration
two conditions were met. Since they         English courts to confer the benefits      in English law.
were not met, there was nothing to          of UK insolvency law on foreign
                                                                                       The EMA's principal argument was
be paid to C at all, whether early or       insolvencies.
                                                                                       based on supervening illegality. It
not, and the cash sweep provision
                                            The Court of Appeal was satisfied          argued that Brexit would render
did not apply.
                                            that, for all the virtues of "modified     performance of its obligations under
The Court of Appeal rejected D's            universalism" in insolvency law, this      the lease ultra vires because the
arguments. It decided that the              was a step too far. The CBIR, which        EMA's HQ must be in an EU member
increased consideration became due          gives effect to the UNCITRAL model         state and, on Brexit, the UK will
and owing when the SPA was                  law, was procedural only. It did not       cease to be a member state. Paying
entered into, but was only payable          purport to change substantive rights,      rent for an HQ outside the EU would
when the two conditions were met.           and a procedural device should not         be beyond its powers.
Since the cash sweep provision              be allowed to have that effect.
                                                                                       The judge rejected the EMA's
referred to the consideration being
                                            As a result, despite the restructuring     argument. It was politically and
paid early if funds were available,
                                            having been approved by almost all         legally expedient for the EMA to be
that contemplated payment even if
                                            the company's creditors, those             headquartered in an EU member
the two conditions were not met. The
                                            creditors whose rights were governed       state, but there was no legal
effect of the pre-conditions to
                                            by English law and who had not             requirement for this. But even if that
payment was therefore circumvented
                                            participated in the restructuring          had been the case, he decided that it
by the cash sweep.
                                            process (a Russian bank and some           would not frustrate the lease as a
FOREIGN LEGIONS                             funds) were able to obtain judgment        matter of English law. The capacity
                                            and enforce their rights against any       of an entity incorporated under a
A foreign scheme of arrangement             assets they could find in England          foreign law is relevant when entering
does not affect English law rights.
                                            despite the restructuring process          into a contract but not when its
English law determines what                 being complete in Azerbaijan.              capacity is reduced by a later change
discharges or varies obligations                                                       of that foreign law. But even if that
under an English law contract. A            FRUSTRATED BY BREXIT?                      was wrong, any frustration argument
foreign insolvency, foreign legislation     Brexit will not frustrate the lease of     failed because it was self-induced –
or a foreign restructuring will not be      an EU body.                                the EU could have avoided the
effective to vary rights and                                                           consequences it relied on rather than
                                            The European Medicines Agency
obligations under an English law                                                       simply passing a regulation in 2018
                                            took a 25 year lease of its London
contract (at least as long as the                                                      that required the EMA to move.
                                            HQ in 2014, but in 2018 an EU
creditor does not submit to the
                                            regulation required the EMA to move        The EMA's back-up argument relied
foreign process and there is no
                                            to Amsterdam in the light of Brexit.       on frustration of the parties' supposed
legislation to the contrary).
                                            So what about the lease? The               common purpose. The judge
In Bakhshiyeva v Sberbank [2018]            obvious step would be to sell it, but      accepted that Brexit was not
EWCA Civ 2802, a company with               as an alternative the EMA has been         relevantly foreseeable when the
English law indebtedness was                trying to escape its long-term             agreement for lease was signed in
subject to an Azeri restructuring           obligations by contending that when        2011, but rejected the argument that
process (looking something like an          the UK leaves the EU, the lease will       the EMA's obligations under the
administration and a scheme of              be frustrated.                             lease were rendered radically
arrangement), which successfully                                                       different by Brexit. Further, the
restructured the company's debts                                                       provisions regarding assignment in

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the lease meant that the underlying        words excluding it need to be. He
problem – the EMA no longer                thought the Quincecare duty was of
wanting headquarters in London –           great value to C and, therefore, that
was specifically addressed by the          very clear words were needed to
lease. If a contract covers a point,       exclude it. The words in question
there can be no frustration.               were, he thought, not sufficiently
                                           clear because he characterised the
The EMA lost hands down. Perhaps
                                           Quincecare duty as primarily a
its hope may have been for a
                                           negative duty not to pay rather than a
reference to the CJEU regarding its
                                           positive duty to investigate (even
power to have headquarters outside
                                           though he recognised that if a bank
the EU, but Marcus Smith J did not
                                           was on notice such that it did not pay,
consider that to be necessary for his
                                           it couldn't just sit on its hands (and
                                           the money) but would then have to
Clifford Chance acted for Canary           investigate). Perhaps a rather
Wharf.                                     formalistically academic approach.

PAYMENT ABUSE                              The judge also decided, on similar
                                           grounds, that a term that said that the
Exclusion of a bank's duty of care         bank's obligations would be
requires express words.
                                           "determined solely by the express
Barclays Bank plc v Quincecare Ltd         terms of this Agreement" was not
[1994] 4 All ER 363 established that       enough, in the round, to exclude the
banks owe their customers, whether         implied term.
as an implied contractual term or in
                                           This was only an application for
tort, a duty not to pay sums from a
                                           reverse summary judgment, so the
bank account if the bank has
                                           bank will continue to a substantial
information that puts it on enquiry, in
                                           claim arising from allegedly
the sense of having reasonable
                                           fraudulent payments from the
grounds for believing, that the
                                           account involving members of the
payment is an attempt to
                                           Nigerian Government, right up to its
misappropriate funds from the
                                           then President. The judge also
                                           decided that he could not give
The Federal Republic of Nigeria v JP       summary judgment to the bank on
Morgan Chase NA [2019] EWHC 347            the basis that, whatever enquiries the
(Comm) concerned not a general             bank had made, the outcome would
bank account but something akin to         have been the same - the bank had
an escrow account, the terms of            obtained a certificate from the
which stated expressly that the bank       Nigerian Attorney General, and even
was under no duty to investigate the       if it had asked the President, what
validity of its instructions. This,        would he have said? But, the judge
argued the bank, excluded the              concluded, this was too factual for
Quincecare duty.                           summary judgment.
The judge (Andrew Burrows QC,
Professor of the Law of England at
Oxford University) rejected the bank's
claim. He considered that the
modern approach to interpretation,
effectively replacing the contra
proferentem rule, is that if the general
law conferred a right, the more
valuable that right is, the clearer any

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VICARIOUS FRAUDS                             INFORMED ADVICE                           not claim for special damages arising
                                                                                       from an inability to carry out certain
Vicarious liability for reliance-            Cases are either information cases        domestic tasks for which he had to
based torts depends upon                     or advice cases.
                                                                                       employ others. He later claimed from
                                             Building society enters into long-term    his solicitors for their failure to advise
Vicarious liability has been in the          swaps following negligent advice          him to make a claim for special
courts a lot recently. Winter v              from its auditors that it need not        damages. The solicitors admitted
Hockley Mint Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ             include the mark to market value in       negligence but denied that this had
2480 didn't involve Morrisons for a          its accounts. On finding this to be       caused the ex-miner any loss. Loss
change, and, indeed, raised a new            wrong, restating its accounts, and        depended upon his showing that, if
point on vicarious liability for reliance-   closing out the swaps, it sues its        properly advised, he would have
based torts – deceit in Winter – even        auditors for the close-out costs. In      made a claim for special damages
if only to conclude that such liability      Manchester Building Society v Grant       and that he would then have
didn't really exist.                         Thornton LLP [2019] EWCA Civ 40, it       recovered something.
                                             lost. Negligent misrepresentation
The Court of Appeal decided that the                                                   The Supreme Court decided that the
                                             claims are either advice cases, where
test for vicarious liability in deceit is                                              question of whether the miner would
                                             someone is responsible for the
not the rather woolly test applied to                                                  have claimed special damages had
                                             decision, or information cases, where
other torts (consider the nature of the                                                to be proved on a balance of
                                             someone is responsible for one piece
tortfeasor's job and whether there is                                                  probabilities, not as a loss of chance.
                                             of information relevant to the
sufficient connection between that job                                                 Further, it was not merely whether he
                                             decision. This was an information
and his wrongful conduct to make it                                                    would have claimed but whether he
                                             case, with the result that D was only
right for the employer to be liable:                                                   could honestly have claimed. The
                                             responsible for the consequences of
Mohamud v WM Morrison                                                                  trial judge decided that he could not
                                             the information being wrong, not all
Supermarkets plc [2016] AC 667).                                                       honestly have done so because the
                                             the consequences of entering into the
Instead, it depends upon the                                                           evidence showed that he was not
authority, actual or apparent, of the                                                  suffering from any real loss of
tortfeasor (Armagas Ltd v Mundogas           CHANCEY LITIGATION                        relevant amenity. Even if he might
SA [1986] 1 AC 717). Indeed, it's                                                      have claimed in the hope of slipping
probably fair to say that there is no        Loss of chance analysis only              through unnoticed or for nuisance
vicarious liability for this kind of tort;   applies to third party conduct.
                                                                                       value, the courts would not help such
the issue is whether the principal is        In Perry v Raleys Solicitors [2019]       improper conduct.
liable for the wrongs of its agent,          UKSC 5, the Supreme Court looked
which depends on the authority of the                                                  The Supreme Court concluded that it
                                             at when damages will be assessed
agent.                                                                                 was proper to hold a full trial on the
                                             on a loss of chance basis in counter-
                                                                                       question of whether the miner would
                                             factual situations. The Court's clear
The reason for this difference in                                                      have claimed and, if so, honestly, but
                                             conclusion was if the question is what
approach is that where liability                                                       if the issue is third party conduct and
                                             the party to the litigation (invariably
depends upon reliance, if the                                                          loss of chance, a full trial is not
                                             the claimant) would have done, it
wronged party has relied solely on                                                     appropriate.
                                             depends upon the party proving this
the agent, there is no basis for
                                             on a balance of probabilities; but if
making the principal liable. It is only
                                             the question is what a third party
if the wronged party has relied on the
                                             would have done, it depends upon a
principal that the principal can be
                                             loss of chance evaluation.
liable, and that depends upon the
agent having authority to make the           Perry itself concerned an ex-miner
representation on behalf of the              who put in a claim under the
principal. Vicarious liability and           Government's compensation scheme
agency principles merge into one.            for white finger vibration. He
                                             recovered general damages but did

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TRUMP-BASHING                              rated between the compensation and         refusal to follow the approach of
                                           the multiple. Accordingly, she             some other courts by deciding
The PTIA prevents enforcement of           entered judgment for D for ⅔ of the        jurisdiction at the same time as the
a judgment.
                                           sum recovered, ie for $2.88m. C's          substantive dispute.
The Protection of Trading Interests        attempt to enforce its North Carolina
                                                                                      The test used to be that the claimant
Act 1980 is an interesting, if little      judgment therefore resulted only in
                                                                                      had to show a good arguable case on
used, piece of legislation. One            an English judgment being entered
                                                                                      the facts that one of the gateways for
aspect of it, sections 5 and 6, was        against it.
                                                                                      jurisdiction was met (a threshold
passed to protect UK entities from
                                           (C's claim failed for a number of other    higher than that required to resist
multiple damages awarded in, then,
                                           reasons too, including public policy in    summary judgment but lower than a
largely anti-trust actions in the US. In
                                           that the US judgment enforced parts        balance of probabilities). Waller LJ
SAS Institute Inc v World
                                           of the contract between C and D that       then set the hares running in Canada
Programming Ltd [2018] EWHC 3452
                                           were void under the EU's Software          Trust v Stolzenberg [1998] 1 WLR
(Comm), the Act caused serious
                                           Directive (given effect in the             547 with the throw-away remark that
injury to a US party, C, which was
                                           Copyright, Designs and Patents Act         this involved deciding which of the
seeking to enforce the non-multiple
                                           1988), as well as issue estoppel and       parties had "much the better of the
part of a US judgment.
                                           abuse of process.)                         argument" (referred to as the Canada
C obtained a judgment for breach of                                                   Trust gloss). This moved from a
contract and fraud from a US District      RELATIVITY                                 relatively absolute test (has the
Court in North Carolina. Under the         Deciding whether the courts have           claimant passed the threshold) to an
North Carolina Unfair and Deceptive        jurisdiction depends upon                  absolutely relative test (whose
Trade Practices Act, C was entitled to     weighing the arguments.                    argument is better). It certainly
triple damages, though (at its                                                        raised the bar.
                                           The courts have not shown a sure
request) judgment was entered for
                                           hand in deciding on the correct            In Goldman Sachs International v
two sums – the compensatory
                                           approach to an application                 Novo Banco SA [2018] UKSC 34,
amount ($26m) and the multiple
                                           challenging the jurisdiction of the        Lord Sumption re-wrote the test as
($52m). C managed to recover only
                                           court - in particular, the threshold for   being
$4.3m in the US, so came to D's
                                           showing that one of the "gateways",
home, England, to enforce the                                                          "(i) that the claimant must supply a
                                           giving the court jurisdiction, is passed
balance of the compensatory                                                            plausible evidential basis for the
                                           (eg that a contract governed by
judgment.                                                                              application of a relevant
                                           English law has been entered into).
                                           The problem is that jurisdiction is         jurisdictional gateway; (ii) that if
C failed. Section 5 says that a
                                           decided at an interim stage on              there is an issue of fact about it, or
judgment for multiple damages is not
                                           witness statements alone, but it might      some other reason for doubting
enforceable in the UK. Cockerill J
                                           involve significant questions of fact       whether it applies, the court must
decided that splitting the US
                                           (eg is there a contract between C and       take a view on the material
judgment made no difference. The
                                           D?) and, what is more, facts that           available if it can reliably do so; but
the whole judgment, including the
                                           could affect the outcome of the case        (iii) the nature of the issue and the
compensatory element, is
                                           at trial. The courts can't reach a final    limitations of the material available
                                           decision on these points - they will        at the interlocutory state may be
And it got worse. Section 6 allows                                                     such that no reliable assessment
                                           seldom have the material to do so
someone who has paid multiple                                                          can be made, in which case there is
                                           and, in any event, they shouldn't
damages to recover the amount that                                                     a good arguable case for the
                                           prejudice the trial - but they can't
exceeds compensation. D had not                                                        application of the gateway if there is
                                           avoid making a decision on the
paid the compensatory judgment in                                                      a plausible (albeit contested)
                                           jurisdiction issue at an early stage
full, but Cockerill J decided that the                                                 evidential basis for it."
                                           given the English courts' justified
sum recovered by C should be pro-
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The question in Kaefer Aislamientos        "Any writ or other document             out. Neither court nor CPR can
SA de CV v AMS Drilling Mexico SA          required to be served for instituting   circumvent this legislative
de CV [2019] EWCA Civ 10 was               proceedings against a State shall       requirement.
whether the Sumptionised test              be served by being transmitted
                                                                                   What this means for service on states
removed the relativism introduced by       through the Foreign &
                                                                                   that decline to accept service of
Canada Trust, reverting to                 Commonwealth Office to the
                                                                                   proceedings they dislike (eg, Iran) will
absolutism, or whether it had              Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
                                                                                   doubtless be litigated later. In
cemented relativity in place.              State and service shall be deemed
                                                                                   Havlish, evidence from the Foreign &
                                           to have been effected when the writ
The Court of Appeal decided that                                                   Commonwealth Office said:
                                           or other document is received by
relativity continues to hold sway. If
                                           the Ministry."                           "several previous attempts at
the Supreme Court had intended to
                                                                                    service of legal claims on the
abolish the Canada Trust gloss, the       The first point taken in General
                                                                                    Government of Iran under the State
Court of Appeal thought that it should    Dynamics was the ambitious one that
                                                                                    Immunity Act, via the Ministry of
have said so more clearly (it did say     no document instituting proceedings
                                                                                    Foreign Affairs (MFA) in Iran have
that "much" should be removed from        is required to be served on the state
                                                                                    been unsuccessful, despite the best
the gloss). The court rejected the        when the proceedings are for the
                                                                                    efforts of the British Embassy in
argument that Lord Sumption was           enforcement of an arbitral award
                                                                                    Tehran… repeated attempts to
merely being polite in his rejection of   under the New York Convention. An
                                                                                    effect service caused the Iranian
Waller LJ's approach. So the court        application to enforce an arbitral
                                                                                    Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inform
must weigh the evidence and the           award is started by the issue of an
                                                                                    the British Embassy that further
argument, applying common sense,          arbitration claim form, but the claim
                                                                                    attempts, or attempts by other
and decide who has the better of the      form is, oddly, not required to be
                                                                                    means, to serve the documents
argument.                                 served on the defendant (absent
                                                                                    would not only be refused, but
                                          contrary order); it is the order
This will not achieve the courts' oft-                                              would also be detrimental to
                                          permitting enforcement that must be
stated aim that jurisdictional                                                      bilateral relations. That position has
                                          served, but that is not the document
challenges should be short and                                                      not changed, and senior colleagues
                                          instituting proceedings.
sweet. If the claimant has only to                                                  at the British Embassy continue to
clear an absolute hurdle, then            Males LJ was not impressed by this        hold the view that any further
evidence might be more limited. But       subtlety. He considered that section      attempts at Service on the
if the issue is who has the better of     12 requires there always to be a          Government of Iran under the State
the argument and evidence, both           document initiating proceedings that      Immunity Act would be
parties are bound to throw everything     is served on the State – the              unsuccessful and
at the interim hearing in order to        convoluted timescale in the Act for       counterproductive."
persuade the court that they are on       acknowledging service etc doesn't
                                                                                   It may be questionable whether the
the right side of the relative            work otherwise. Whatever the first
                                                                                   FCO is in a position to judge whether
boundary. Courts won't like that. Is      document that the claimant must
                                                                                   or not service has been successful
that really what Lord Sumption            serve on the State is the document
                                                                                   but if, as in that case, the FCO won't
meant?                                    initiating proceedings for the
                                                                                   even try to serve the papers, there is
                                          purposes of section 12.
SOVEREIGN GAMES                                                                    not much that can be done – if Males
                                          The second question was whether          LJ is right. This emphasises the
A claim form must be served on a          the court could dispense with service    need for contracts with states to
                                          on a state. Despite recent cases         include a means of serving process
General Dynamics United Kingdom           holding that service on a state could    on them to avoid a state being able to
Ltd v State of Libya [2019] EWHC 64       be dispensed with - if this is done,     frustrate the legal process.
(Comm) explored two issues on the         there was nothing to which section 12
requirements for service of a claim       applies (Havlish v Islamic Republic of
form (or equivalent) on a state and, in   Iran [2018] 1478 (Comm)) - Males LJ
particular, the effect of section 12(1)   considered that section 12 prohibited
of the State Immunity Act 1978.           the court from dispensing with
Section 12 provides that, absent an       service. Section 12 provides that the
agreement as to service,                  document initiating proceedings
                                          "shall be served" in the manner set

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PROTECTED SPECIES                       awarded BT its costs (though only       has taken a decision honestly,
                                        50%), having started from the           reasonably and properly, the key
Regulators should rarely be liable      proposition that, in the CAT, costs     driver is the need not to discourage
in costs when they lose.
                                        should follow the event. The Court of   the public body from standing by its
In British Telecommunications Ltd v     Appeal considered this to be the        decision for fear of the financial
The Office of Communications [2018]     wrong starting point. Even though       consequences (the "chilling effect" of
EWCA Civ 2542, BT succeeded in          the rules give the CAT a wide           a potential costs order). Essentially,
overturning before the Competition      discretion on costs, the Court of       something bordering on the improper
Appeal Tribunal a regulatory decision   Appeal concluded, after leafing         is required before costs should be
by Ofcom because Ofcom got the law      through a series of inconsistent        ordered against a public authority
and the facts wrong. The CAT duly       authorities, that where a public body   such as Ofcom.

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FREEZING OVER                               In FM Capital Partners Ltd v Marino        complaining that the witnesses
                                            [2018] EWHC 2889 (Comm), the               before her were intelligent, and had
The scope of a freezing injunction          judge decided that Ablyazov had            worked extensively with their legal
is ambiguous.
                                            impliedly overruled Lakatamia              teams on the preparation of their
The standard form of freezing               Shipping on the proper interpretation      witness statements and then on the
injunction states that it applies to "any   of the standard freezing injunction but    documents in preparation for cross-
asset which [the defendant] has             not on the underlying law that the         examination. This, she said, was not
power, directly or indirectly, to           assets of a wholly-owned company           a virtue but a vice because she could
dispose of, or deal with as if it were      are not within the control of the          have little confidence that the
his own". It goes on that the               frozen one because, in exercising          evidence was the witnesses'
defendant is to be regarded as              power over the company's assets,           "unclouded recollection rather than
having such power "if a third party         the frozen party is acting as a director   an overwritten version based on their
(which shall include a body                 of the company or organ, not in his        reconstruction of events in the light of
corporate) holds or controls the asset      own right.                                 their microscopic review of the
in accordance with his direct or                                                       documents – and their own view of
                                            What this really means is that the
indirect instructions." That's pretty                                                  their own case."
                                            wording of the standard form
                                            injunction is confusing. It applies to     What would the judge have said if the
The Court of Appeal's decision in           assets controlled by the frozen party      witnesses had not done their
Lakatamia Shipping Co Ltd v Su              even if he has no sufficient interest in   homework?
[2014] EWCA Civ 636 established             those assets such that enforcement
that this standard wording does not         measures could be taken against            DISHONEST EVIDENCE
extend to assets of a company               them; it shouldn't do. But not if those    Evidence of market practice is not
wholly-owned by the frozen person           assets are held by a wholly-owned          admissible on questions of
but only to assets legally or               company, at least unless the object is     dishonesty.
beneficially owned by the frozen one.       to reduce the value of his shares in       Dishonesty is an objective, not a
That is orthodox company law. The           the company.                               subjective, matter: Ivey v Genting
company's assets are the company's
                                            WITNESSING THE                             Casinos (UK) Ltd [2018] AC 389.
assets, not those of its shareholders.
                                                                                       This means that the relevant person's
But if the frozen one exercises his         DECLINE
                                                                                       knowledge at the material time must
power as a director etc of the              More judicial complaints about             be established; but whether, in the
company to reduce the value of his          witnesses.                                 light of what he knew, he was
shareholding in the company (his
                                            It's almost a truism, trotted out time     dishonest is a matter for the court to
shareholding is caught by the
                                            after time, that "the best approach for    decide by reference to the standards
freezing injunction), then that could
                                            a judge in the trial of a commercial       of ordinary decent people. In Carr v
offend the freezing injunction.
                                            case is… to place little if any reliance   Formation Group plc [2018] EWHC
In JSC BTA Bank v Ablyazov [2015]           at all on witnesses' recollections of      3116 (Ch) (a case about football
UKSC 64, the Supreme Court                  what was said in meetings and              agents and commission), Morgan J
decided that the standard form of           conversations, and to base factual         therefore rejected an application for
freezing injunction does, as a matter       findings on inferences drawn from the      permission to adduce expert
of interpretation, apply to assets over     documentary evidence and known or          evidence on market practice on
which the frozen party has control,         probable facts" (eg Gestmin SGPS           commission amongst football agents.
even if not legally or beneficially         S.A. v Credit Suisse (UK) Limited,         The evidence was inadmissible in
owned by him and even though no             Credit Suisse Securities (Europe)          relation to the standards of ordinary
enforcement measures could be               Limited [2013] EWHC 3560 (Comm),           decent people, not least because
taken against those assets (the right       Leggatt J).                                markets can adopt practices that are
to draw down a corporate loan in that                                                  dishonest by those standards. The
case).                                      In Recovery Partners GP Ltd v              court had to decide for itself.
                                            Rukhadze [2018] EWHC 2918
                                            (Comm), Cockerill J went further,

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But the case also involved unlawful       was that it couldn’t pay. So the judge   judge thought that this tipping off
means conspiracy. The judge               refused as a matter of discretion to     might itself have been a breach of the
decided that this could be defended       grant the declarations sought.           implied undertaking. Initially, the
on the basis that the conspirators                                                 journalist was told to get a copy of
acted in their own interests and in the   COLLATERAL                               the supporting witness statement
belief that their conduct was lawful.     DISADVANTAGES                            from the court but, eventually, the
Evidence of market practice is            The implied undertaking on the           solicitors gave her a copy, which
admissible on whether they believed       use of disclosed documents must          included detailed descriptions of
that their conduct was lawful. So the     be strictly observed.                    some of the disclosed documents.
evidence that was ejected by the                                                   This was a serious breach of the
                                          In ECU Group plc v HSBC Bank plc
front door sneaked back in through                                                 implied undertaking ("I do not think
                                          [2018] EWHC 3045 (Comm), Andrew
the rear entrance.                                                                 that a solicitor with a competent,
                                          Baker J got seriously irritated with a
                                                                                   basic knowledge of the rule against
UNOPPOSED FAILURE                         firm of solicitors for failing to
                                                                                   collateral use, or who took a cursory
                                          understand the nature of, and for
Declarations are always a matter                                                   glance at the White Book
                                          breaching, the (so-called) implied
for the court's discretion.                                                        commentary on CPR 31.22, could
                                          undertaking (now in CPR 31.22(1))
                                                                                   reasonably have advised otherwise").
If you turn up to a trial, your silken    applicable to the use of documents
advocate to the fore, and the             provided on disclosure (in ECU           There was no chance that the court
opposition does not show, you might       Group, pre-action disclosure).           would ever have granted permission
reasonably expect to win. But in The                                               for this journalistic adventure in
                                          CPR 31.22 states that documents
Bank of New York Mellon v Essar                                                    advance, and it certainly would not
                                          provided on disclosure must only be
Steel India Ltd [2018] EWHC 3177                                                   do so retrospectively. Indeed, the
                                          used for the purposes of the
(Ch), C still contrived to lose despite                                            judge thought that the standard
                                          proceedings in which they were
both these favourable features.                                                    practice in such an application should
                                          disclosed – in ECU Group,
                                                                                   be for the court expressly to order
The case concerned sums due on a          prospective proceedings in England.
                                                                                   that no collateral use be made of the
bond. The judge accepted that the         The solicitors used the content of the
                                                                                   documents even though they were
trustee of the bond had standing to       documents to seek advice from US
                                                                                   referred to in open court. The judge
sue and that D had been validly           lawyers as to potential proceedings
                                                                                   did not think that an application in
served despite having terminated the      against the Ds and others in the US.
                                                                                   open court should circumvent the
authority of its London process agent,    The judge considered that using the
                                                                                   undertaking, notwithstanding CPR
on whom service had been effected.        content of the documents for this
                                          improper purpose was as much a
C's problem was that it did not seek
                                          breach of the implied undertaking as     USE AND ABUSE
judgment for the sums due but only a
                                          if the documents themselves had
declaration that they were due. The                                                Documents and witness
                                          been sent to the US lawyers. To
reason for this limited relief was, it                                             statements in English proceedings
                                          deprive C of any advantage, the
might be inferred, connected with the                                              should not be given to US
                                          judge required that the US lawyers'      authorities.
fact that D was in an insolvency
                                          retainer be terminated, that the US
process in India and there were some                                               ECU Group (above) emphasised the
                                          lawyers not be instructed again on
(unexplained) issues in that process                                               breadth and seriousness of the
                                          this matter without the court's
regarding C's claim. But this                                                      "implied undertaking", now in CPR
                                          permission, and that their advice not
background made Marcus Smith J                                                     31.22 and 32.12 with regard to
                                          be shared with anyone else.
nervous. Either his declarations                                                   documents and witness statements
would be irrelevant to events in India,   Andrew Baker J was even more             respectively, disclosed in English
in which case why bother? Or they         annoyed that an industry journalist      court proceedings. ACL Netherlands
would have an effect on those             had been tipped off that she would be    BV v Lynch [2019] EWHC 249 (Ch)
events, but he didn’t know what           interested in a forthcoming court        went on to stress that the court will
effect, and the insolvency practitioner   application alleging that D had not      not lightly give permission for
wasn't before him to argue the            complied fully with the order for pre-   collateral use, even if the proposed
issues. The judge also wasn't clear       action disclosure because the            disclosure is to foreign law
that there was really any dispute over    application would reveal the contents    enforcement bodies.
D's obligation to pay – the problem       of many disclosed documents. The

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In ACL Netherlands, Hildyard J              already been one criminal trial and        allegation. So much for the burden of
recognised the strong public interest       conviction in the US, and others had       proof.
in the rule against collateral use.         been separately charged, so the
                                                                                       In SPI North Ltd v Swiss Post
Disclosure infringes litigants' rights to   documents could not be said to be
                                                                                       International (UK) Ltd [2019] EWCA
confidentiality by compelling them to       necessary for the US process. There
                                                                                       Civ 7, the Court of Appeal accepted
reveal documents; the concomitant           were no cogent or persuasive
                                                                                       that CPR 16.5 obliges a corporate
protection is that the documents must       reasons for departing from the
                                                                                       defendant to make enquiries of
not be used for purposes other than         normal rule.
                                                                                       employees who should know whether
the litigation, at least until a public
                                            The judge also considered that there       a pleaded allegation is true or false
trial takes place. The test for the
                                            would be prejudice to the parties that     before the defendant pleads to that
court to allow collateral use is,
                                            had given the disclosure in the            allegation (at least, if the employee's
accordingly, strict: the applicant must
                                            English proceedings if the documents       knowledge would be attributed to the
show (a) that there are special
                                            were passed to the US authorities. In      company). The question in SPI North
circumstances constituting "cogent
                                            particular, it would give the US           was whether a corporate defendant is
and persuasive reasons" for
                                            authorities information about the          obliged to go one step further and, if
permitting collateral use and (b) there
                                            defence to the charges that the            reasonable to do so, ask ex-
will be no injustice to the person who
                                            authorities would not otherwise have       employees about allegations in order
has given disclosure. Hildyard J
                                            been able to obtain.                       to plead to them.
considered that the test was, if
anything, stricter with regard to           Ultimately, Hildyard J was robust in       The Court of Appeal's response was
witness statements than to                  his defence of the English public          no. The timetable for the defence
documents.                                  interest in the face of foreign laws.      was, it thought, too tight for a
                                            English interests are not necessarily      defendant to be obliged to investigate
ACL Netherlands itself concerned an
                                            to be overridden by foreign laws           the truth of an allegation with ex-
application in the English litigation
                                            enforcement, even criminal laws.           employees or other third parties.
brought by Hewlett Packard arising
                                                                                       Also, a defence requires a statement
from HP's purchase of Autonomy. A           Clifford Chance acted for the First
                                                                                       of truth, and a defendant might need
US Grand Jury (in reality, the US law       Defendant in ACL Netherlands.
                                                                                       to undertake considerable analysis in
enforcement agency) had issued a
                                            ADMIT ONE                                  order to decide whether it actually
subpoena against a parent company
                                                                                       believes what it has been told by its
in the HP group demanding the               A defendant is not obliged to              former troops (the same might be
delivery up of all documents and            investigate with third parties the
                                                                                       said of its current troops). The Court
witness statement disclosed in the          truth of an allegation.
                                                                                       of Appeal also considered that what
English proceedings. HP contended           CPR 16.5 requires a defendant to           might constitute reasonable enquiries
that it would be in contempt of the         state in his defence which allegations     was too fraught for it to be a useful
Grand Jury and would face grievous          he admits, which he denies and             test. The Court of Appeal didn't want
penalties if it failed to comply.           which he is unable to admit or deny.       endless applications about what a
Hildyard J was sceptical as to              The last option – colloquially called      defendant should or shouldn't have
whether such dire, or any,                  non-admission – is not a free choice.      done.
consequences would in fact flow, but        The rules say that a defendant can
                                            only not admit an allegation if he is      But just because a defendant would
in any event he considered that he
                                            "unable" to admit or deny it. If the       rather not plead to an allegation does
was entitled to look at how important
                                            allegation is something that is within     not allow it sit on the fence.
the documents were for US law
enforcement. He concluded that they         the defendant's knowledge, the
were not at all important. It was a         defendant is able to nail its colours to
wide-ranging trawl, and there had           the mast rather than merely sit back
                                            and require the claimant to prove the

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VEXATIOUS LITIGANTS                        satisfied: (a) litigation must be in     A glimmer of light in this gloom is that
                                           progress or in contemplation; (b)        the Court of Appeal accepted that a
Purely commercial discussions              the communications must have             document in which information or
about litigation are not privileged.
                                           been made for the sole of dominant       advice obtained for the litigation can't
WH Holding Ltd v E20 Stadium LLP           purpose of conducting the litigation;    be disentangled from the commercial
[2018] EWCA Civ 2652 is another of         (c) the litigation must be               discussion, or which revealed such
those decisions about privilege that       adversarial, not investigative or        information or advice or matters
the judiciary lob over the barricades      inquisitorial."                          subject to legal advice privilege, will
from time to time to vex us. The                                                    remain privileged. The chances of an
                                          Based on this, the Court of Appeal
hope is that the distinctions it seeks                                              internal debate about settlement not
                                          decided that the overriding
to draw are so fine as to fade from                                                 revealing this kind of information and
                                          requirement for litigation privilege is
view on closer inspection, leaving us                                               advice may be slight. There is,
                                          that the communication must be for
where we were.                                                                      perhaps, a hint that D's claim to
                                          the purpose of obtaining information
                                                                                    privilege in WH Holding was put on
WH Holding concerned six emails           or advice regarding the litigation.
                                                                                    too narrow a basis.
passing between board members of          The reference to the dominant
D (which owns the London, ex-             purpose of conducting litigation was a    But if there are any such documents,
Olympic, Stadium) and between             limitation on the overriding              it results in absurdity, as Norris J at
board members and "stakeholders"          requirement, not an extension (even       first instance had pointed out. For
concerning the "commercial                though conducting litigation is clearly   example, the courts encourage
settlement" of a dispute with C (West     wider than obtaining information or       settlement – indeed, courts are
Ham United) over seating at the           advice about the litigation). A purely    desperate for parties to settle. WH
Stadium. The question was whether         commercial discussion about               Holding will not make settlement
the emails attracted litigation           settlement between board members          easier given the risk that a frank
privilege.                                would not, the Court of Appeal            discussion about settlement might
                                          considered, involve obtaining             have to be revealed, potentially
The Court of Appeal started by
                                          information or advice about the           undermining a party's position in the
rejecting the argument that the
                                          litigation. The claim to litigation       litigation. Then, a settlement offer
conduct of litigation does not include
                                          privilege therefore failed at the first   will, itself, be without prejudice, and
avoiding or settling litigation. The
                                          hurdle.                                   so will not be shown to the court. But
Court of Appeal acknowledged that
                                                                                    a party's internal discussions about
this heresy had been resoundingly         Prima facie, therefore, a discussion
                                                                                    settlement must, apparently, be
squashed in SFO v ENRC [2018]             between businessmen about
                                                                                    disclosed and, presumably, can be
EWCA Civ 2006. So far so good.            settlement using neither information
                                                                                    put in evidence (at least, there was
                                          obtained from third parties for the
But then the Court of Appeal took an                                                no suggestion otherwise).
                                          purpose of the litigation nor legal
unfortunate path by treating a run of
                                          advice is not privileged. Likewise, a     The Court of Appeal also touched
the mill statement of litigation
                                          discussion that explores the              upon the circumstances in which a
privilege given by Lord Carswell in
                                          reputational damage litigation might      court could inspect documents in
Three Rivers (No 6) [2005] 1 AC 610,
                                          cause. And what about a tactical          order to check a party's claim to
[102], as if it were a statute. Lord
                                          debate or any discussion that doesn't     privilege. The customary position
Carswell said that litigation privilege
                                          actually involve legal advice or          has been that a judge should only
applies to
                                          looking for evidence?                     inspect documents if it really does
  "communications between parties         Communications involving lawyers          look as if there is something wrong
  or their solicitors and third parties   will still be safe in the main, but       with the claim ("reasonably certain").
  for the purpose of obtaining            parties can expect a quizzing on          The Court of Appeal rejected this.
  information and advice in               whether internal communications           They considered that the courts have
  connection with existing or             were really for the purpose of            a free discretion (though to be
  contemplated litigation… but only       obtaining information or advice about     exercised "cautiously"), taking into
  when the following conditions are       the litigation.                           account the overriding objective. The

April 2019                                                                                                   Clifford Chance| 13

Court of Appeal's first instance           DOMINANT DEALINGS                        concluded, waived privilege in all
brethren will doubtless be thrilled with                                            other emails discussing that same
this approach given that they now          Legal advice privilege also has a        communication.
                                           dominant purpose test.
risk facing endless requests that they
inspect documents. Still, it might         In R (oao Ltd) v Civil          LAWYERS ALONE
make them feel the pain that is            Aviation Authority [2018] EWHC 3364      Instructions in relation to an
disclosure and begin to understand         (Admin), Morris J considered whether     escrow account are privileged.
how hard privilege decisions can be.       emails copied to lawyers were
                                                                                    The overall moral of Raiffeisen Bank
                                           subject to legal advice privilege. He
WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?                                                                 International AG v Asia Coal Energy
                                           took a relatively orthodox approach
                                                                                    Ventures Ltd [2019] EWHC 3
A second, equal, purpose bars              except that he decided that, as with
                                                                                    (Comm) is that acting as an escrow
litigation privilege.                      litigation privilege, legal advice
                                                                                    agent is not a free lunch. What can
                                           privilege only applies if the dominant
A contract requires a party to take a                                               go wrong often will go wrong (see, for
                                           purpose of the communication is to
decision (whether a painting                                                        example, Nigeria v JP Morgan Chase
                                           seek or to give legal advice. His
attributed to Frans Hals was in fact                                                above).
                                           narrative suggested that, if a
by Hals) for which the party needs
                                           communication was with an outside        Asia Coal Energy Ventures involved
expert advice. But the party knows
                                           lawyer, it would be hard to see the      a share sale, along with the sale of
that if its conclusion is that the
                                           communication as having any other        associated loans. The shares were
painting is a fake, it is very likely to
                                           purpose, but he displayed the            sold, but solicitors were paid the
face litigation from a third party. Is
                                           customary judicial reservations as to    purchase price of the loans by their
the party's correspondence with the
                                           whether inhouse lawyers were             client (the person financing the deal)
expert privileged?
                                           always consulted for the purposes of     to hold pending the appointment of
No, according to Teare J in Sotheby's      legal advice.                            an escrow agent or, failing that, to
v Mark Weiss Ltd [2018] EWHC 3179                                                   hold until an alternative arrangement
                                           Where an email or other
(Comm). For litigation privilege to                                                 was agreed. Needless to say,
                                           communication is sent to lawyers and
apply, the dominant purpose of the                                                  problems arose in the sale of the
                                           to others, the judge considered that
communications with the expert must                                                 loans, the escrow agent wasn't
                                           the whole email, to everyone, would
be the conduct of the litigation. The                                               appointed, no other arrangement was
                                           be privileged if its dominant purpose
judge decided that the two purposes -                                               agreed, and there is litigation in
                                           was to obtain legal advice, but if the
contractual decision and subsequent                                                 various fora across the world.
                                           dominant purpose was commercial,
litigation - for commissioning the
                                           the copies sent to the lawyers might     The solicitors have been sued along
expert's work were at least equal.
                                           be privileged, but the copies sent to    with the buyer (but not the solicitors'
Litigation could not, therefore, be the
                                           others would not.                        client). The specific application
dominant purpose.
                                                                                    related to attempts to extract
                                           In another decision in the same case
The judge rejected a somewhat half-                                                 documents. In the escrow
                                           ([2019] EWHC 336 (Admin)), Morris J
hearted argument that SFO v ENRC                                                    agreement, the solicitors confirmed
                                           had to decide whether disclosure of
[2018] EWCA Civ 2006 had loosened                                                   that they had received $85m and that
                                           one privileged document waived
this requirement by allowing what                                                   they had irrevocable instructions from
                                           privilege in others. He took the
might otherwise be two purposes (in                                                 their client to transfer or hold the
                                           approach that it was necessary to
ENRC, preserving reputation and                                                     funds as above. C sought disclosure
                                           identify the "transaction" or issue in
dealing with a criminal investigation)                                              of any documents providing those
                                           respect disclosure had been made,
to be merged as if they were the                                                    instructions.
                                           and then to decide whether fairness
same. Teare J considered that it was
                                           required disclosure of the other         Moulder J agreed with the solicitors
all very fact specific and that the
                                           documents.                               that the documents were privileged.
older authorities (notably Waugh v
                                                                                    C argued that the instructions could
BRB [1980] AC 520) remained firmly         In this case, he decided that the
                                                                                    not be confidential because the client
in place.                                  transaction/issue was the context in
                                                                                    had authorised the solicitors to say
                                           which another email had been sent
                                                                                    that they had these instructions.
                                           (referred to as the "attack dogs"
                                                                                    Moulder J rejected this. The
                                           email). The email disclosed was part
                                                                                    solicitors had not been instructed by
                                           of the discussion about that other
                                                                                    their client to tell C what their
                                           communication, and, the judge

April 2019                                                                                                    Clifford Chance | 14
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