A Patient Guide to Understanding and Managing Chronic Swelling - Tactile Medical
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W H AT I S LY M P H E D E M A ? Most of us know the circulatory system pumps blood from the heart to the rest of the body. But many people are not aware that the body has a second transport system—the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of the tissues and organs that produce and store cells that fight disease and infection. They include the bone marrow, thymus and spleen, as well as the nodes and vessels that carry protein-rich fluid called lymph. Lymphedema is a chronic, progressive condition in which excessive protein-rich fluids accumulate in the interstitium, the space between the cells. The condition occurs from impairment of the lymphatic system’s ability to drain fluids and proteins from the spaces in between cells and transport this fluid, known as lymph, back to the circulatory system. A compromised or non-functioning lymphatic system places the patient at risk of medical complications including recurrent skin infections known as cellulitis. “ U N T R E AT E D LY M P H E D E M A M A K E S L I F E M I S E R A B L E F O R T H O S E I T A F F E C T S . W H E N PAT I E N T S R E C E I V E A T I M E LY D I AG N O S I S A N D E F F E C T I V E T R E AT M E N T, H E A LT H I M P R O V E S A N D H I G H E R H E A LT H C A R E CO S T S C A N B E AV O I D E D.” — D R . A L A N T. H I R S C H F O R M E R D I R E C TO R O F T H E VA S C U L A R M E D I C I N E P R O G R A M AT T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I N N E S OTA
W H AT I S CHRONIC SWELLING? As a normal part of your blood circulation, your vascular system leaks fluid into the surrounding tissues. Your body’s lymphatic system is responsible for collection of this fluid. Edema, or swelling, occurs when an abnormal buildup of fluid occurs in the body. Mild, temporary edema can be caused by many factors, but lasting edema may be a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition. Diseases that may cause lasting or chronic edema include congestive heart failure, kidney and liver disease, chronic venous insufficiency, and lymphedema. LY M P H E D E M A : I T’S M O R E CO M M O N T H A N YO U T H I N K + MUSCULAR MULTIPLE PARKINSON’S AIDS COMBINED LYMPHEDEMA DYSTROPHY SCLEROSIS DISEASE 2.7 5+ MILLION MILLION LY M P H E D E M A A F F E C T S M O R E T H A N 5 M I L L I O N A M E R I C A N S . T H AT ’S M O R E T H A N M U S C U L A R DYS T R O P HY, M U LT I P L E S C L E R O S I S, PA R K I N S O N’S D I S E A S E A N D A I D S — CO M B I N E D.
T Y P E S O F LY M P H E D E M A P R I M A R Y LY M P H E D E M A • Late-onset lymphedema Primary lymphedema is often (lymphedema tarda). Seen in called congenital lymphedema, patients with under developed as it may be caused by congenital lymphatics. Usually begins after (hereditary) malformations age 35 as existing lymphatics of the lymphatic system. lose the ability to compensate Although primary lymphedema over time. is largely attributed to genetic causes, lymphedema is also S E CO N D A R Y LY M P H E D E M A classified as primary when no Secondary lymphedema is more known cause can be identified. common, affecting more than Some specific forms of primary five million people in the United lymphedema are: States. It is an acquired condition • Milroy’s disease (congenital caused by a physical disruption lymphedema). This disorder to the lymphatic system. Main begins in infancy and causes3 include: causes lymph nodes to form • Chronic venous insufficiency abnormally. • Cancer treatments (removal of • Meige’s disease (lymphedema lymph nodes and/or radiation praecox). This disorder therapy), benign or malignant often causes lymphedema tumor growth around puberty or during • Accident, trauma or surgery pregnancy, though it can • Infection occur until age 35. • Obesity • Filariasis (infiltration by insects or parasites) PAT I E N T S S U F F E R I N G F R O M LY M P H E D E M A
S Y M P TO M S T R E AT M E N T • Unusual swelling (edema) There is currently no cure • Swelling of dorsum of foot for lymphedema. Untreated • Swollen and squared-off toes lymphedema can worsen, • Heaviness or tightness in the leading to increased swelling affected limb and pain, progressive • Restricted range of motion hardening of affected tissues • Lymph fluid discharge from (fibrosis), and recurrent the skin (lymphorrhea) infections (cellulitis). • Skin changes such as: Lymphedema can decrease – “Orange peel” skin appearance mobility, dexterity, range – Thick, rigid skin of motion and the ability to (hyperkeratosis and fibrosis) perform daily activities. – Bumpy wrinkling of the skin It also may significantly increase (papillomatosis) the cost of healthcare. However, – Ulcerations of the skin effective management of • “Ski jump” toenails symptoms is possible. Proper (hypoplastic and concave) diagnosis of the condition is often critical to achieving S T E M ME R’S SI GN: AN effective treatment. INDIC ATION OF LYMPHEDEMA I N 10 S E CONDS OR LESS Management of lymphedema The Stemmer’s sign test results is usually achieved with a in either a positive or negative combination of therapist- indicator for lymphedema. directed in-clinic treatment and To perform it, simply try to pinch at-home self-management and lift a fold of skin at the base with a proven pneumatic of the second toe or middle finger. compression device like the If you can pinch and lift the skin, Tactile Medical Flexitouch® the Stemmer’s sign is negative. system. With effective If you can’t, the sign is positive. treatment, patients can manage False positives are rare, however, their symptoms, minimize a negative does not always rule infections, improve their health out lymphedema. and quality of life, and reduce overall healthcare costs.1–3
SEE H OW W E ’ R E B R I N G I N G T H E F U T UR E OF HEALING H OM E AT TAC T I L EM ED I C A L.COM Tactile Medical is a leader in developing and marketing at-home therapy devices that treat chronic swelling conditions such as lymphedema and chronic venous insufficiency. Our mission is to help people suffering from chronic diseases live better and care for themselves at home. Our unique offering includes advanced, clinically proven pneumatic compression devices, as well as continuity of care services provided by a national network of product specialists and trainers, reimbursement experts, patient advocates and clinicians. This combination of products and services ensures that tens of thousands of patients annually receive the at-home treatment necessary to better manage their chronic conditions. Tactile Medical takes pride in the fact that our solutions help increase clinical efficacy, reduce overall healthcare costs and improve the quality of life for patients with chronic conditions. Individual results may vary. Indications/contraindications: Indications, contraindications, warnings, and instructions for use can be found in the product labeling supplied with each device. Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner. References: 1. R idner SH, McMahon E, Dietrich MS, Hoy S. Home-Based Lymphedema Treatment in Patients with and Without Cancer-Related Lymphedema. Oncology Nursing Forum. July 2008; Vol. 35(4): 671–680. 2. M uluk SC, Hirsch AT, Tafe EC. Pneumatic Compression Device Treatment of Lower Extremity Lymphedema Elicits Improved Limb Volume and Patient-reported Outcomes. EJVES. 2013; Vol. 46(4): 480–487. 3. B rayton KM, Hirsch AT, O’Brien PJ, Cheville A, Karaca-Mandic P, et al. (2014). Lymphedema Prevalence and Treatment Benefits in Cancer: Impact of a Therapeutic Intervention on Health Outcomes and Costs. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114597. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0114597 Tactile Medical Customer Service 1331 Tyler Street NE, Suite 200 Toll-Free Tel: 866.435.3948 Minneapolis, MN 55413 USA Toll-Free Fax: 866.435.3949 T: 612.355.5100 Hours: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. –7 p.m. CT F: 612.355.5101 www.tactilemedical.com Healing Right at Home is a trademark of Tactile Medical. ©2018 Tactile Medical. All rights reserved. D/N: 500279-000-00 Rev. C 01/2018
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