Page created by Kimberly Clarke


  • Introduction

  • Network Security Problems

  • Key process Techniques

  • Advanced cryptographic technique

 Steganography

• Cryptographic technologies

      Based on layers
      Based on algorithms

• Applications of cryptography

• Application of network security

• Conclusion



CRYPTOGRAPHY AND                              Movie gangsters “case the joint”; soldiers
    NETWORKSECURITY                           “scout the area”. This is also true in the
                                              cyber world. Here the “bad guys” are
      “SECURITY” in this                      referred to as intruders, eavesdroppers,
contemporary scenarios has become a           hackers, hijackers, etc. The intruders
more sensible issue either it may be in the   would first have a panoramic view of the
“REAL WORLD” or in the “CYBER                 victims network and then start digging
WORLD”. In the real world as opposed          the holes.
to the cyber world an attack is often                      Today the illicit activities of
preceded by information gathering.            the hackers are growing by leaps and

bounds, viz., “THE RECENT ATTACK             technological prowess has been
ON THE DNS SERVERS HAS                       stupendously developed to defy against
CAUSED A LOT OF HULLABALOO                   each of the assaults. Our paper covers
ALL OVER THE WORLD”. However,                the ADVANCED technical combats that
fortunately, the antagonists reacted         have been devised all through the way,
promptly and resurrected the Internet        thus giving birth to the notion of
world from the brink of prostration.         “NETWORK -SECURITY”. Various
               Since the inception of        antidotes that are in fact inextricable with
conglomerating Computers with                security issues are – Cryptography,
Networks the consequence of which            Authentication, Integrity and Non
shrunk the communication                     Repudiation, Key Distribution and
world,hitherto, umpteen ilks of security     certification, Access control by
breaches took their origin. Tersely          implementing Firewalls etc.
quoting some security ditherers –
Eavesdropping, Hacking, Hijacking,           To satiate the flaws in the network
Mapping, Packet Sniffing, 1Spoofing,         security more and more advanced
DoS & DDoS attacks, etc.                     security notions are being devised day by
Newton’s law says “Every action has got      day. Our paper covers a wide perspective
an equal but opposite reaction”. So is the   of such arenas where the contemporary
case with this. Nevertheless the security    cyber world is revolving around viz.
breaches and eavesdroppers, the
                                             security but do not want to be bothered
.   Introduction:                            with it when it gets in their way. It’s
                                             important to build systems and networks
Network security deals with the problems
                                             in such a way that the user is not
of legitimate messages being captured
                                             constantly reminded of the security
and replayed. Network security is the
                                             system. Users who find security policies
effort to create a secure computing
                                             and systems to restrictive will find ways
platform. The action in question can be
                                             around them. It’s important to get their
reduced to operations of access,
                                             feed back to understand what can be
modification and deletion. Many people
                                             improved, the sorts of risks that are
pay great amounts of lip service to

deemed unacceptable, and what has been       Cryptography enables you to store
done to minimize the organizations           sensitive information or transmit it across
exposure to them. Network security           insecure networks (like the internet)
problems can be divided roughly into         So that it cannot be read by anyone
four intertwined areas:                      expect the intended recipient. While
Secrecy, Authentication,                     cryptography is the science of securing
Nonrepudation, and Integrity control.        data, cryptanalysts are also called

    •   Secrecy has to do with keeping       attackers. Cryptology embraces both

        information out of the hands of      cryptography and cryptanalysis.

        unauthorized users.

    •   Authentication deals with
        whom you are talking to before
        revealing sensitive information or
        entering into a business deal.

    •   Nonrepudation deals with

    •   Integrity control deals
                                             KEY PROCESSTECHNIQUES:
        with long enterprises like
                                             There are three key process techniques.
        banking, online networking.
                                             They are:

These problems can be handled by using          •   Symmetric-key encryption

cryptography, which provides means and          •   A symmetric-key encryption

methods of converting data into                 •   Hash functions
unreadable from, so that valid User can
access Information at the Destination.

Cryptography is the science of
using mathematics to encrypt and decrypt        Symmetric-key encryption
data.                                           (one key):

There is only one key in this                private key remains private. Data
   encryption. That is private key. This        encrypted with the public key can be
   key is only used for both encryption         decrypted only using the private key.
   and decryption. This is also called as       Data encrypted with the private key
   private-key encryption. In this              can be decrypted only using the
   method the sender encrypt the data           public key. In the below figure, a
   through private key and receiver             sender has the receiver’s public key
   decrypt that data through that key           and uses it to encrypt a message, but
   only.                                        only the receiver has the related
                                                private key used to decrypt the

Private Key method
             Private Key method
Asymmetric-key encryption (two
                                                    Public key method
                                              Hash functions:
   There are two keys in this encryption.
                                                An improvement on the public key
They are:
                                                scheme is the addition of a one-way
   •     Public key
                                                hash function in the process. A one-
   •     Private key
                                                way hash function takes variable
                                                length input. In this case, a message
   Two keys – a public key and a
                                                of any length, even thousands or
   private        key,       which      are
                                                millions of bits and produces a fixed-
   mathematically related, are used in
                                                length output; say, 160-bits. The
   public-key encryption. To contrast it
                                                function   ensures     that,   if   the
   with      symmetric-key     encryption,
                                                information is changed in any way
   public-key encryption is also some
                                                even by just one bit an entirely
   times called public-key encryption.
                                                different output value is produced. As
   In public key can be passed openly
                                                long as a secure hash function is used,
   between the parties or published in a
                                                there is no way to take someone’s
   public repository, but the related
                                                signature from one

Its goal is to prevent the detection of
 documents and attach it to another, or    secret message.
 to alter a signed message in any way.     Steganography uses techniques to
 The   slightest   change    in   signed   communicate information in a way
 documents will cause the digital          that is a hidden. The most common
 signature verification process to fail.   use of Steganography is hiding
                                           information image or sound within
                                           the information of another file by
                                           using a stegokey such as password is
                                           additional     information   to    further
                                           conceal a message.
                                           There    are     many    reasons     why
                                           Srteganography is used, and is often
                                           used in significant fields. It can be
                                           used to communicate with complete
                                           freedom even under conditions that
ADVANCED                                   are censured or monitored.
CRYPTOGRAPHIC                              The Steganography is an effective
TECHNIQUE                                  means of hiding data, there by

         STEGANOGRAPHY                     protecting the data from unauthorized
                                           or unwanted viewing. But stego is
 INTRODUCTION:                             simply one of many ways to protect
 Over the past couple of year’s            confidentiality of data. Digital image
 Steganography has been the source of      steganography is growing in use and
 a lot of discussion. Steganography is     application.      In    areas      where
 one of the fundamental ways by            cryptography and strong encryption
 which data can be kept confidential.      are being outlawed, people are using
 Steganography hides the existence of      steganography to avoid these policies
 a     message       by     transmitting   and to send these messages secretly.
 information through various carriers.     Although steganography is become
                                           very popular in the near future.

WHAT IS STEGANOGRAPHY?                                         •    Link layer encryption
  The word steganography comes from                             •    Network layer encryption
 the Greek name “stegnos” (hidden or
                                                                •    IPSEC, VPN, SKIP
 secret) and “graphy” (writing or
                                                                •    Transport layer
 drawing”) and literally means hidden
                                                                •    SSL,       PCT          (private
 writing.          Stegenography                  uses
                                                                     Communication Technology)
 techniques             to        communicate
                                                                •    Application layer
 information in a way that is hidden.
                                                                •    PEM     (Privacy     Enhanced
    The       most       common             use     of
 Steganography is hiding information
                                                                •    PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
 image      or       sound        within           the
 information of another file by using a                         •    SHTTP

 stegokey        such        as   password          is
 additional      information           to    further                Cryptographic process can be

 conceal a message.                                      implemented at various at various layers
                                                         starting from        the link layer all the

 WHAT         IS        STEGANOGRAPHY                    way up to the application layer. The most
 USED FOR?                                               popular encryption scheme is SSL and it
 Like       many             security         tools,     is implemented at the transport layer. If
 steganography can be used for variety                   the encryption is done at the transport
 of reasons, some good, some not so                      layer. If the encryption is done at the
 good. Steganography can also be used                    transport layer, any application that is
 as a way to make a substitute for a                     running on the top of the transport layer
 one-way         hash         value.        Further,     can be protected.
 Steganography can be used to tag
 notes to online images.                                 Based on algorithms:

CRYPTOGRAPHIC                                                         Secret-key        encryption
TECHNOLOGIES                                                             algorithms      (symmetric

 Based on layers:                                                        algorithms)

•    DES           (Data           OF CRYPTOGRAPHY
                             Standard)—                    •   Defense service
                             56bitkey                      •   Secure Data Manipulation
                        •    Triple       DES—             •   E-Commerce
                             112bitkey                     •   Business Transactions
                        •    IDEA                          •   Internet Payment Systems
                                                           •   Pass    Phrasing      Secure
                             Data Encryption
                                                               Internet Comm.
                                                           •   User          Identification
                                                           •   Access control
               Public-key            encryption
                                                           •   Computational Security
                 algorithms (Asymmetric
                                                           •   Secure access to Corp
                                                           •   Data Security
Diffie-Hellman (DH): Exponentiation is
                                                    APPLICATIONS      OF     NETWORK
easy but computing discrete algorithms
from the resulting value is practically
                                                           Computer      networks        were
                                                           primarily used by university
                    •       RSA:
                                                           researchers for sending email,
                            Multiplication     of
                                                           and by corporate employees
                            two large prime
                                                           for sharing printers. Under
                            numbers is easy
                                                           these conditions, security did
                            but factoring the
                                                           not get a lot of attention.
                            resulting     product
                            is        practically


But now, as millions of                                    Security          is
    ordinary citizens are using                everybody’s business, and only
    networks for:                              with everyone’s cooperation,
                                               intelligent policy, and consistent
                      •    Banking             practices, will it be achievable.
                      •    Shopping                            Cryptography

                      •    Filling             protects users by providing

                           their     tax       functionality for the encryption

                           returns             of data and authentication of
                                               other users. This technology lets
                                               the receiver of an electronic
                                               messages verify the sender,
                                               ensures that a message can be
   Network security is a very                  read only by the intended
   difficult topic. Every one has a            person, and assures the recipient
   different idea of what “security”           that a message has not be
   is, and what levels of risks are            altered    in     transmit.     The
   acceptable. The key for building            Cryptography               Attacking
   a secure network is to define               techniques like Cryptanalysis
   what security means to your                 and Brute Force Attack. This
   organization. Once that has                 paper provides information of
   been defined, everything that               Advance              Cryptography
   goes on with. The network can               Techniques.
   be evaluated with respect to the
   policy. Projects and systems can
   then be broken down into their
   components, and it becomes
   much simpler to decide whether
   what   is    proposed     will    be          •   “Computer Networks ”,

   conflict    with   your    security               by Andrew S.Tanunbaum

   policies and practices.

•   “Fighting Steganography
    detection”     by     Fabian
•   “Network     security”    by
    Andrew S.Tanenbaum
•   “Cryptography            and
    Network      Security”    by
    William Stallings
•   “Applied     Cryptography”
    by     Bruce        Schneier,
    JohnWillley and Sons Inc
•   URL:
•   URL:

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