A Novel, Scalable Social Media-Based Intervention ("Warna-Warni Waktu") to Reduce Body Dissatisfaction Among Young Indonesian Women: Protocol for ...

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A Novel, Scalable Social Media-Based Intervention ("Warna-Warni Waktu") to Reduce Body Dissatisfaction Among Young Indonesian Women: Protocol for ...
JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                                   Garbett et al


     A Novel, Scalable Social Media–Based Intervention (“Warna-Warni
     Waktu”) to Reduce Body Dissatisfaction Among Young Indonesian
     Women: Protocol for a Parallel Randomized Controlled Trial

     Kirsty May Garbett1, BA, MSc; Nadia Craddock1, BSc, EdM, PhD; Sharon Haywood1, BSc, MSc; Kholisah Nasution2,
     MIPH, MD; Paul White3, BSc, MSc, PhD; L Ayu Saraswati4, MA, SIP, PhD; Bernie Endyarni Medise2, MPH, MD,
     PhD; Girl Effect; Percolate Galactic; Phillippa C Diedrichs1, BSc, PhD; Heidi Williamson1, BSc, MSc, DHealth
      Centre for Appearance Research, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom
      Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
      Applied Statistics Group, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom
      Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI, United States

     Corresponding Author:
     Kirsty May Garbett, BA, MSc
     Centre for Appearance Research
     University of the West of England
     Frenchay Campus
     Coldharbour Lane
     Bristol, BS16 1QY
     United Kingdom
     Phone: 44 1173282911
     Email: Kirsty.garbett@uwe.ac.uk

     Background: Despite the prevalence of body dissatisfaction among young Indonesian women and its consequential negative
     impacts, there are currently no evidence-based, culturally appropriate interventions to tackle this issue. Therefore, there is a need
     to develop scalable, cost-effective, and accessible interventions to improve body image among this population.
     Objective: This paper describes the study protocol of a parallel randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of
     Warna-Warni Waktu, a social media–based intervention that aims to reduce state and trait body dissatisfaction and improve mood
     among young Indonesian women aged 15-19 years.
     Methods: The trial will take place online. Approximately 1800 young women from 10 cities in Indonesia, evenly split across
     the ages of 15-19 years, will be recruited via a local research agency’s established research panel. Participants will be randomly
     allocated to the intervention condition or a waitlist control condition. The intervention consists of six 5-minute videos, with each
     video supplemented with up to five brief interactive activities. The videos (and associated activities) will be delivered at a rate
     of one per day across 6 days. All participants will complete three self-report assessments: at baseline (Day 1), 1 day following
     the intervention (Day 9), and 1 month following the intervention (Day 36). The primary outcome will be change in trait body
     dissatisfaction. Secondary outcomes include change in internalization of appearance ideals, trait mood, and skin shade satisfaction.
     Intervention effectiveness on these outcomes will be analyzed using linear mixed models by a statistician blinded to the randomized
     condition. Intervention participants will also complete state measures of body satisfaction and mood before and after watching
     each video to assess the immediate impact of each video. This secondary analysis of state measures will be conducted at the
     within-group level.
     Results: Recruitment began in October 2021, with baseline assessments underway shortly thereafter. The results of the study
     will be submitted for publication in 2022.
     Conclusions: This is the first study to evaluate an eHealth intervention aimed at reducing body dissatisfaction among young
     Indonesian women. If effective, the intervention will be disseminated to over half a million young women in Indonesia via
     Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
     Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05023213; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05023213
     International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): PRR1-10.2196/33596

     https://www.researchprotocols.org/2022/1/e33596                                                       JMIR Res Protoc 2022 | vol. 11 | iss. 1 | e33596 | p. 1
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A Novel, Scalable Social Media-Based Intervention ("Warna-Warni Waktu") to Reduce Body Dissatisfaction Among Young Indonesian Women: Protocol for ...
JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                            Garbett et al

     (JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(1):e33596) doi: 10.2196/33596

     body image; body dissatisfaction; Indonesia; adolescent; mental health; randomized controlled trial; study protocol; eHealth
     intervention; Southeast Asia; young adult; teenager; women; social media; intervention; image; protocol; mood; satisfaction

                                                                         providing effective mental health treatment [29,30]. Although
     Introduction                                                        Indonesia has seen a modest increase in mental health
     Body dissatisfaction, defined as the subjective experience of       interventions for adolescents in school settings in recent years
     negative thoughts toward one’s own body [1], is a growing           [31-33], evidence suggests that implementation is not
     concern among young people globally [2]. Young women are            commonplace [34], thus highlighting the need for the
     disproportionately affected compared to young men [3-5].            dissemination of educational mental health content outside the
     Although research in Asia is currently limited, cross-cultural      school system. Digital interventions present a solution to
     research suggests that the prevalence of body dissatisfaction       circumvent barriers to dissemination, and have been shown to
     among young people in some Asian countries such as Malaysia,        have similar effectiveness as face-to-face psychotherapeutic
     China, and Japan is similar to, if not greater than, that of        interventions [35]. Digital interventions are relatively low in
     English-speaking countries [6-8].                                   cost, easily accessible, and universally available, thereby
                                                                         meeting three key criteria for overcoming LMIC-specific
     Body dissatisfaction is not benign. Extensive research has          challenges [36,37]. Further, private, remotely accessible mental
     established that body dissatisfaction is associated with numerous   health interventions have been shown to increase the likelihood
     adverse health outcomes. Longitudinal research has found body       of engagement in help-seeking due to the reduced fear of stigma
     dissatisfaction to predict eating disorders [9,10], depressive      [38].
     mood and low self-esteem [11], less engagement in exercise
     [10], and increased risky health behaviors such as drug use and     eHealth interventions have the potential to reach many young
     smoking [12]. Research also indicates associations between          people in Indonesia; according to the Indonesian Internet
     body dissatisfaction and the desire for cosmetic surgery [13,14],   Providers Association, over 90% of adolescents aged 15-19
     and the avoidance of everyday activities such as participating      years have access to the internet across the country [39].
     in school activities or attending classes [15,16]. Although the     Moreover, research indicates that young people are already
     bulk of this research has been concentrated within                  using the internet to seek information [40,41]. Thus, it is perhaps
     English-speaking populations, similar associations are emerging     unsurprising that eHealth interventions for mental health have
     globally, including across Asia [6,17-20].                          shown preliminary acceptability among young people in
                                                                         Indonesia. For example, eHealth interventions for depression
     Indonesia is an upper-middle-income country in Southeast Asia       prevention and/or treatment have been well received, with young
     and is the world’s fourth most populous country [21]. In the        people showing a willingness to engage with such interventions
     Indonesian context, research shows that more than half of young     [42,43].
     women experience at least some dissatisfaction with their
     appearance (unpublished data compiled by the authors KG, NC,        Social media offer unprecedented capabilities to disseminate
     LS, and PD, 2021) [22]. Body dissatisfaction among young            mental health interventions cost-effectively and at scale [44],
     Indonesian women is linked with disordered eating behaviors         and may be particularly popular with young people. Social
     [23], including food restriction and avoidance, emotional eating,   media interventions afford unique opportunities to overcome
     and excessive exercise (unpublished data by authors KG, NC,         barriers such as cost, geographic distance, and stigma, as they
     LS, and PD, 2021). Further, young Indonesian women report           allow for a certain degree of privacy and anonymity. Emerging
     body dissatisfaction specifically with regard to their skin shade   research suggests that using social media in Indonesia as a
     [24,25], due in part to the dominant pan-Asian ideal prevalent      vehicle for eHealth interventions shows promise among young
     across Asia, which emphasizes light skin shades [26]. In other      people [45,46]. Thus, the combination of the rise in eHealth
     populations (eg, India), skin shade dissatisfaction has been        initiatives for adolescents in LMICs [47] and the notable uptake
     associated with the use of potentially harmful skin fairness        in social media usage among young people in Indonesia in recent
     products [27], lower self-esteem [28], and, unsurprisingly,         years [48,49] have created a ripe environment for the
     general body image concerns [28]. As such, ameliorating body        development of a social media–based intervention to address
     dissatisfaction, including skin shade dissatisfaction, among        body dissatisfaction among young Indonesian women.
     young women in Indonesia is required. Yet, no published             Furthermore, research consistently shows the social media
     evaluations of interventions targeting body dissatisfaction in      environment in general to be problematic for young people’s
     Indonesia exist.                                                    body image [50,51], due in large part to the objectification and
                                                                         idealization of women’s bodies. As such, hosting an intervention
     The creation and dissemination of mental health prevention          to reduce body dissatisfaction on social media may be
     efforts and interventions across low- and middle-income             additionally beneficial in disrupting the harmful effects these
     countries (LMICs), including Indonesia, face cultural-specific      sites have been shown to have. Increasingly, the potential for
     obstacles, primarily social stigma connected to mental health       positive content on social media is being explored, which has
     concerns, coupled with a lack of mental health professionals
     and the limited capacity of general health professionals in
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JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                            Garbett et al

     highlighted the benefits of some types of content on mood and       The videos target three sociocultural influences of body
     body satisfaction [52,53].                                          dissatisfaction, based on the Tripartite Influence Model of body
                                                                         dissatisfaction [58], namely, the media, friends, and family. The
     This paper outlines the development and protocol for the
                                                                         Tripartite Influence Model postulates that body dissatisfaction
     evaluation of the first social media–based intervention to target
                                                                         increases via the impact that these sociocultural influences have
     body dissatisfaction among young women in Indonesia, named
                                                                         on two psychological processes: internalization of appearance
     Warna-Warni Waktu (English translation: Colorful Time
                                                                         ideals and social comparisons. These two psychological
     Travel). The intervention was developed by the academic
                                                                         processes are also addressed directly in the videos by providing
     authors of this paper in collaboration with Girl Effect, an
                                                                         media literacy education and examining the consequences of
     international nonprofit organization that builds media content
                                                                         making appearance-based social comparisons. As such, we
     aiming to arm girls with the skills to make positive choices and
                                                                         anticipate that the intervention will reduce body dissatisfaction
     changes in their lives during the critical years of adolescence;
                                                                         through diminishing an individual’s perceived appearance
     the Dove Self-Esteem Project, the social mission for Unilever’s
                                                                         pressure from the media (including social media), friends, and
     personal care brand, Dove; Percolate Galactic, an
                                                                         family members, which in turn will reduce their internalization
     Indonesian-based creative agency that specializes in marketing
                                                                         of appearance ideals and the likelihood of making social
     for youth; and young Indonesian women. The intervention
     consists of a series of six videos, each approximately 5 minutes
     long. To disseminate the intervention, the videos will be           The potential impact of the videos is further bolstered through
     sequentially delivered to young women in Indonesia through          supplementary activities, which again will be disseminated to
     targeted social media marketing on Facebook and Instagram,          young Indonesian women via sequential social media marketing.
     in addition to being made freely available on YouTube. On           Each video is accompanied by interactive activities, which aim
     Facebook and Instagram, the videos will appear on young             to reinforce the lessons learned in each video. Research
     Indonesian women’s feeds, consistent with other social media        consistently shows that elements of active learning (ie, taking
     advertisements. The series tells the fictitious story of a young    control of one’s own learning through metacognitive
     woman named Putri who learns strategies to resist appearance        sense-making, self-assessment, and reflection [59]) results in
     pressures across adolescence and young adulthood through the        deeper learning [60] and higher engagement levels [61]. Further,
     help of animated time travelers, who are on a quest to save the     eliciting cognitive dissonance has been shown to be a key
     world from appearance-related pressures. The intervention is        change technique in reducing body dissatisfaction [54]. As such,
     based upon mounting evidence that psychoeducation, in               active learning activities based upon cognitive dissonance were
     particular discussing the nature, causes, and consequences of       built into the intervention to be delivered between each video.
     body dissatisfaction, is an effective change technique to reduce    These include activities such as story completion, self-reflection,
     body dissatisfaction [54]. Further, the intervention’s videos       writing challenges, and word searches. Details of each activity,
     model behaviors to reduce appearance pressure and teach media       along with a breakdown of each video’s content, are outlined
     literacy skills, two further change techniques that have shown      in Textbox 1.
     efficacy in reducing body dissatisfaction in previous studies

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     Textbox 1. Intervention summary.
      Video One: Time to Turn Back Time
      Key messages:

      •    People face pressure to look a certain way.

      •    Pressure comes from the media, as well as from those around us.

      •    Appearance pressures are associated with body dissatisfaction and can hold us back from living a fulfilling life.

      •    Strategies can be learned to resist and challenge appearance pressures.

      Reinforcer activities:

      •    Review definitions of key terms in five short videos. Using some of the key terms, explain why the time travelers want Indonesian girls to feel
           confident about their bodies.

      Video Two: That’s Fake! (targeting social media)
      Key Messages:

      •    The media often portray just one narrow appearance ideal.

      •    Images of people in the media are often edited to make the person look more like the appearance ideal.

      •    The media set an unrealistic appearance standard in order to sell us products.

      •    We can curate our own media environment to reduce the appearance pressures that we face.

      Reinforcer activities:

      •    Describe your experience of coming across advertisements that promote unrealistic beauty products to help others become more aware.

      •    Share the transformation video clip seen in this episode on social media, and explain why it is important your friends and followers watch it.

      •    An edited and unedited image is provided. Identify and list all the edits made to the image.

      •    Watch the video Putri saw advertising skin-lightening cream, and critically examine its messages about the lifestyle the advert is trying to sell.
           Share your experience buying (or thinking about buying) a product that you thought would improve your popularity or lifestyle.

      •    Your Own Words activity: Write about why skin-lightening products are problematic.

      Video Three: C’mon, Break the Chain of Comparisons (targeting appearance-based comparisons)
      Key messages:

      •    Appearance-based comparisons are common.

      •    Engaging in appearance-based comparisons is unhelpful and damaging to body image.

      •    Focusing on what your body can do, rather than how it looks, is a more helpful way to think about your body.

      Reinforcer activities:

      •    Write a sentence or two on why you appreciate your friends, describing things that have nothing to do with appearance.

      •    Complete the comic strip: In the context of appearance-based comparisons among friends, explain why appearance-based comparisons are not
           helpful or necessary.

      •    Your Own Words activity: Write about all the things you love about your friends that have nothing to do with appearance.

      Video Four: Stand up to Appearance-Based Comments (targeting appearance-based teasing)
      Key messages:

      •    Comments from friends and family about our appearance can be hurtful, even if well-meaning.

      •    Challenging such comments in a nonconfrontational way can prevent future comments from family members, alleviating appearance pressures.

      Reinforcer activities:

      •    Write a short response to a negative appearance-based comment received from a friend or family member.

      •    Word search: Find 10 hidden example phrases of how to respond to appearance-based comments.

      •    Complete the comic strip: How to respond to boys teasing girls about their appearance.

      •    Your Own Words activity: Write about how to stand up to appearance-based comments.

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      Video Five: Be Your Own Best Friend! (targeting body talk)
      Key messages:

      •    Negative body talk is harmful to our body image.

      •    Creating a mantra to repeat to oneself instead of getting caught up in negative self-talk is an effective strategy to break the cycle of negative body

      Reinforcer activities:

      •    Create a mantra that can boost your confidence.

      •    List things that your body allows you to do.

      •    Your Own Words activity: Write about your mantra, sharing why you created it and what it means to you.

      Video Six: The Color of the Future
      Key messages:

      •    By challenging appearance pressures in everyday life, we can reach our full potential.

      •    The additive impact of resisting and challenging appearance pressures is large, not only for the individual but also for wider society.

      Reinforcer activities:

      •    Watch a short video of Putri sharing the four key lessons she learned throughout her journey. Identify which lesson is most important to you and

      •    Commit to sharing an unedited photo on social media doing something you love.

     In addition to detailing the intervention and its development,                  as block randomization with a 1:1 allocation. Participants in the
     this paper describes the evaluation protocol for assessing the                  intervention condition will receive the Warna-Warni Waktu
     effectiveness of the intervention among young Indonesian                        intervention over a period of 6 days. Participants in the waitlist
     women aged 15 to 19 years through a parallel, two-arm                           control condition will receive a link to the Warna-Warni Waktu
     (intervention vs waitlist control) web-based randomized                         series at the end of the trial. The protocol was designed in
     controlled trial (RCT). The decision to utilize a waitlist control              accordance with the SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items:
     condition was informed by recommendations from a National                       Recommendations for Interventional Trials) guidelines
     Institutes of Health expert panel [62]. Specifically, it is                     (Multimedia Appendix 1).
     recommended that the rationale for a comparator group should
                                                                                     For the trial, the videos will not be distributed to recruited
     rest on the primary purpose of the trial. Thus, given that the
                                                                                     participants via social media. Rather, the intervention will be
     primary interest of this study was the absolute impact of the
                                                                                     recreated for distribution via Qualtrics software. Six Qualtrics
     intervention rather than the relative impact, and that usual care
                                                                                     links will be developed, one for each video and its corresponding
     for body dissatisfaction in Indonesia is no care at all, a waitlist
                                                                                     supplementary activities, and sent to participants daily over a
     control condition was deemed most appropriate for this purpose.
                                                                                     6-day period. The trial has been designed in this way so that
     Our hypotheses for this research are: (1) participants randomized
                                                                                     there is an accurate log of intervention adherence at the
     to the intervention condition will experience reduced body
                                                                                     individual level, an important consideration when evaluating
     dissatisfaction, internalization of appearance ideals, and skin
                                                                                     web-based interventions [63]. Careful consideration was given
     shade dissatisfaction, as well as improvements in mood, at
                                                                                     to ensure that the intervention was accurately produced on
     postintervention and 1-month follow-up, relative to the waitlist
                                                                                     Qualtrics to appear as closely as possible to how it will look
     control condition; (2) each video in the Warna-Warni Waktu
                                                                                     when it is disseminated on social media in the future (see
     series will elicit immediate state-based improvements in body
                                                                                     Multimedia Appendix 2).
     satisfaction and mood; and (3) greater engagement and
     adherence in the Warna-Warni Waktu intervention will result                     The Intervention
     in greater reductions in body dissatisfaction, internalization of               The intervention Warna-Warni Waktu was developed over a
     appearance ideals, and skin shade dissatisfaction, as well as                   20-month period, from October 2019 to May 2021. Textbox 2
     greater improvements in mood. This analysis will be exploratory                 presents the intervention development steps taken, which
     in nature, depending on the participants’ engagement and                        involved close collaboration among body image academics, a
     adherence in the intervention during the trial.                                 creative agency, social media specialists, a nonprofit
                                                                                     organization, as well as an industry funder. The intervention
     Methods                                                                         development team consisted of numerous women with lived
                                                                                     experience of Indonesian culture; namely, five of the six core
     Study Design
                                                                                     team members from the creative agency (Percolate Galactic)
     The study is a two-arm parallel RCT with an intervention group                  were young Indonesian women between the ages of 25 and 30.
     and a waitlist control group. Randomization will be performed                   The wider team also consisted of two female Indonesian
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     pediatricians (authors KN and BM), who have lived experience    between 4 and 5 minutes each (see Figure 1) and 18 interactive
     of the culture as well as daily contact with young Indonesian   reinforcer activities, ranging from approximately 2 to 10 minutes
     women through their work. Finally, the team included an         each in length (see Figure 2 for examples). All content is
     Indonesian Professor of Women’s Studies (LS). Further, the      delivered to young women in Bahasa Indonesia, the official
     process involved three rounds of feedback from young            language of Indonesia. The activities encourage the target
     Indonesian women at various stages of development to create     audience to reflect and apply the learnings from the videos to
     an intervention that is both for, and created with, young       their own lives (Textbox 1).
     Indonesian women. The final intervention comprises 6 videos

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     Textbox 2. Intervention development stages.
      Literature review: October 2019-January 2020

      •    Common appearance concerns among young Indonesian women include feeling pressure about their weight [64,65], skin shade [25], and skin
           complexion [66].

      •    Prominent sources of appearance pressure contributing to negative body image among young Indonesian women were identified as cyberbullying
           [67,68], appearance comparisons [66], and social media [66].

      •    eHealth interventions in low- and middle-income countries are increasing in number [47] and are acceptable among young people in Asia [69-72].

      Secondary data analysis: December 2019-April 2020

      •    Secondary data analysis was conducted on data collected from 318 Indonesian girls and young women who participated in The Dove Global
           Girls Beauty and Confidence Report [73], corroborating the literature review results and further identifying internalization of appearance ideals
           and self-esteem as important influences of body image concerns (unpublished data of the authors KG, NC, LS, and PD, 2021).

      U-Report poll on appearance-related concerns: February 2020

      •    In collaboration with UNICEF Indonesia, a U-Report poll was conducted among 1441 young women from all 34 Indonesian provinces for an
           up-to-date assessment of the role body image plays in the lives of young people.

      •    More than three-quarters of young women wanted to change something about their appearance, and nearly half reported that worrying about their
           appearance prevented them from doing things they would like to do. Nearly all young women reported that they would like to learn ways to
           improve how they feel about their appearance [74].

      Focus groups: March 2020

      •    Each of the six focus groups (one face-to-face and five online due to the COVID-19 pandemic) consisted of five or six girls aged 13-18 years
           from Jakarta province.

      •    Appearance-based teasing and comments as well as pressure from social media (particularly influencers) were identified as prominent sources
           of appearance pressure.

      •    Positive body image traits (such as valuing body functionality and defining beauty broadly, beyond physical appearance) were identified.

      Intervention’s key messages: April-August 2020

      •    Four risk factors for the development of body image concerns were identified: (1) social media and influencers, (2) appearance-based comparisons,
           (3) appearance-based teasing, and (4) body talk.

      •    It was decided to reinforce the positive body image traits throughout the intervention identified during the aforementioned focus groups.

      Mode and format of delivery: April-August 2020

      •    Storytelling was chosen as the mode of information delivery, as narrative health education is proven to be effective [75] and engaging, even
           among those with low health literacy [76]. (See Multimedia Appendix 3 for a synopsis of the intervention’s narrative).

      •    Videos were chosen as the intervention format to deliver the core messages owing to their efficiency in delivering content information (see Media
           Richness Theory [77]) and ability to pique an audience’s attention and interest [78].

      •    Interactive activities to reinforce the key messages learned during the videos were added to elicit cognitive dissonance, an effective change
           technique seen throughout the body image intervention literature [79,80].

      Concept creation: August 2020-January 2021

      •    Two storyboard concepts were considered: time travel and a detective-based storyline. Time travel was selected given the ability of this concept
           to convey the additive impact of body image concerns to young people.

      •    A combination of animated characters and real people was used, as cartoon characters in health intervention studies have been shown to be
           acceptable to younger and older adolescents [81-83], as is the combined use of cartoon characters and real people [84].

      •    The plot and story details were drafted and refined over several collaborative discussions among the various project stakeholders.

      •    Body image change techniques (including those based on psychoeducation and media literacy [54]) were embedded within the video narrative.

      •    Six time travel–based videos (ie, one for each target risk factor, plus introductory and concluding videos) were drafted using storyboards and
           basic animation.

      U-Report poll on appearance-based teasing: January 2021

      •    A second U-Report poll with 240 young women was conducted to provide clarity as to how appearance-based teasing presents among young
           people in Indonesia.

      •    Poll results provided direction on how to address appearance-based teasing, showing that it is prevalent both online and face-to-face, and that
           teasing toward young women usually comes from other women, either from friends or family members [85].

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      Cocreation of videos with the target audience: February 2021

      •    Findings on rough animated versions of the videos from four online focus groups with young women aged 15-19 years (N=16) showed strong
           comprehension, acceptability, and enjoyment of the videos.

      •    The young women provided direction regarding appropriate terminology to aid comprehension within their age group.

      Casting, scripts, props, sets, filming: February-March 2021

      •    Detailed scripts were written, casting auditions held, sets and props sourced, and decisions on futuristic details such as makeup and style were

      •    Accurate representation of the diverse Indonesian population through the actors and animated characters involved ensuring that various ethnicities,
           skin shades, hair textures, distinct types of religious dress, body sizes, and regional accents were included.

      •    The videos were filmed. Numerous alternative versions were shot for scenes considered potentially problematic for comprehension so that options
           were available to explore with young women, if necessary.

      Development of activities: February-April 2021

      •    Activities were developed to allow users to practice the information learned and/or to reflect on their own cognitions and behaviors in light of
           the video content.

      •    The team was guided by Girl Effect and Percolate’s prior experience of disseminating similar interactive content for other health campaigns, as
           well as the body image scholars’ expertise in effective change techniques.

      •    Eliciting cognitive dissonance throughout the activities was prioritized, for example, by asking users to speak out against appearance ideals,
           challenge body talk, and stand up to those bullying based on appearance.

      Acceptability testing of the complete intervention: April 2021

      •    Six online focus groups of young women aged 15-19 years (N=36) were conducted to assess intervention acceptability and comprehension,
           revealing strong acceptability, comprehension, and enjoyment of the videos and activities (see the Intervention Acceptability section).

      •    No issues with comprehension were identified, and thus no alternative scenes were required.

      Final intervention edits: May 2021

      •    Based on focus group feedback, minor edits were made to the instructions for the activities, which focused on making the tone less formal and
           enhancing comprehension.

     Figure 1. The video thumbnails for each of the 6 episodes in Warna-Warni Waktu.

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     Figure 2. Example activities. The activity on the left asks users to identify the differences between an edited and unedited photo (Video 2, Activity 3).
     The activity on the right asks users to complete the comic strip with a comment about why appearance-based comparisons are unnecessary (Video 3,
     Activity 2).

     Although the majority of the activities are short, four activities            0-0.98) on a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (hated the
     are more in-depth, which consist of writing up to 250 words                   video) to 5 (loved the video). Only one respondent reported not
     expressively and/or self-compassionately about what they                      fully understanding one of the videos (Video Five: Be Your
     learned in the video, titled “Your Own Words.” These activities               Own Best Friend); all other respondents reported full
     were deemed important for participants to complete given the                  understanding of each video. This finding was corroborated
     emerging evidence that expressive and compassion-based                        with qualitative feedback from young women, whereby many
     writing are effective at reducing body dissatisfaction across a               successfully restated the key messages from each video.
     range of settings [86,87]. As such, all participants in the trial
                                                                                   Similar positive findings were found for each of the activities.
     that complete these activities will be entered into a competition
                                                                                   Across all activities, likeability scores ranged from 4.42 to 4.89
     to win Rp50,000 (approximately US $3.50) in mobile phone
                                                                                   (SD 0.32-0.90) on a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1
     credit. The responses to this activity will be judged by two
                                                                                   (hated the activity) to 5 (loved the activity). The activities were
     authors (KN and BM). Judging will be based upon the best
                                                                                   understood by almost all the young women; 94.44%-100% of
     response being (1) relevant, (2) of adequate length, (3) original,
                                                                                   respondents reported fully understanding each activity. Again,
     (4) potentially inspirational to other young women, and (4)
                                                                                   comprehension was further identified through examination of
     sounding sincere/honest. This approach reflects how the
                                                                                   the young women’s qualitative responses to the activities, with
     intervention will be disseminated on social media, should the
                                                                                   the majority of participants responding in a way that exemplified
     trial find it to be effective (ie, girls who engage with the
                                                                                   the key messages learned. The authors were particularly keen
     intervention once disseminated will have the opportunity to
                                                                                   to understand the likelihood of the target audience to complete
     submit their response to the writing task for the chance to win
                                                                                   the longer Your Own Words tasks. Findings showed that 95%
     Rp50,000 in phone credit). This is a tried-and-tested method to
                                                                                   of respondents reported that if they had the time, they would
     improve engagement in activities that Girl Effect has used in
                                                                                   be interested in participating in these tasks.
     previous health campaigns on social media.
                                                                                   Based on the acceptability findings, minor edits were made to
     Intervention Acceptability                                                    the reinforcer activity instructions for greater clarity and
     In April 2021, the intervention underwent acceptability testing               comprehension. In addition, upon suggestion from the young
     with 36 young women in six focus groups. All groups watched                   women, less formal language was adopted to improve
     the entire series; however, to minimize participant burden, three             engagement. No changes were made to the design or format of
     groups completed the activities associated with Videos 1-3 and                the activities.
     three groups completed the activities for Videos 4-6, providing
     acceptability feedback on each. The videos scored high on
     likeability: scores across the videos ranged from 4.44 to 5 (SD

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     Study Setting                                                         Participant Recruitment and Procedure
     The web-based trial will be coordinated by a research agency          The aim is to recruit 1800 young women aged 15-19 years via
     based in Jakarta, Indonesia. The aim is to recruit young women        a local research agency’s recruitment panel (ie, a database
     from across 10 of the largest cities in Indonesia: Balikpapan,        containing contact details of those who have previously taken
     Bandung, Jakarta, Makassar, Manado, Medan, Palembang,                 part in research conducted by the agency and have agreed to be
     Pontianak, Semarang, and Surabaya.                                    contacted with regard to future research), with the aim to recruit
                                                                           an equal number of participants from each age (ie, 15, 16, 17,
     Eligibility Criteria                                                  18, and 19 years of age). The CONSORT (Consolidated
     Inclusion criteria for participation include identifying as a young   Standards of Reporting Trials) flowchart is provided in Figure
     woman aged between 15 and 19 years (the target age group for          3. Women and men over the age of 40 years will be contacted
     the intervention); having their own mobile phone (to ensure           via telephone and screened for whether they have a daughter
     participants receive the WhatsApp notifications regarding the         within the eligible age range. If the respondent has more than
     study); and accessing Facebook or Instagram daily (so that the        one daughter in the age range, only one will be eligible to avoid
     sample consists of those who are most likely to access and            possible contagion effects. The daughter who is the best fit in
     engage with the intervention when it is disseminated via social       terms of reaching the age quota will be selected. If this does not
     media channels in the future). Exclusion criteria include already     distinguish which daughter is selected, the daughter with the
     following the Girl Effect brand (Springster) on any social media      birth date closest to the date of contact will be selected. If the
     site or having ever accessed the Springster website prior to          respondent does not have a daughter between 15 and 19 years
     enrolment (to avoid contamination effects); and, if under 18          of age, the recruiter will enquire if they know another family
     years of age, not having written consent from a parent or             with a daughter of this age. If so, the recruiter will request the
     guardian.                                                             telephone number of that family and contact them. Only one
                                                                           phone number will be requested per call.
     Figure 3. Participant flowchart.

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     Should an eligible daughter be 15-17 years old, the recruiter         requested to enter their PIN on the first page of the link.
     will read the parental information sheet to the parent. Parents       Participants will complete state measures of body satisfaction
     will then be requested to provide verbal consent for their            and mood before watching the first video in the Warna-Warni
     daughter’s participation and verify their identity and daughter’s     Waktu series. State measures of body satisfaction and mood
     age. Parents will then answer questions relating to their             will be asked again immediately after the first video. Next,
     socioeconomic status on behalf of their daughter before the           participants will be presented with the activity for the first video.
     recruiter requests to speak to the daughter. If the daughter is not   Before exiting the link, participants will be asked to report on
     present, the recruiter will request a call back. The daughter will    the strength of their internet connectivity while watching the
     then be screened for eligibility and informed verbal assent           video (see the Measures section below). This process is repeated
     obtained. Following the call, and provided the daughter is            on Days 4-8 for the remaining five videos (and associated
     eligible and gives verbal assent, the parental information sheet      activities). Participants will not be sent reminders to view or
     will be sent to the parent via WhatsApp, with informed parental       engage with the content in these links.
     consent obtained once more, this time written, over WhatsApp.
                                                                           On Day 9 of the study (again, in the morning), participants in
     WhatsApp was chosen as it is the most used communication
                                                                           both conditions will be sent a link to complete the second
     app in Indonesia [88].
                                                                           assessment. As with the baseline assessment, participants will
     Should an eligible daughter be aged 18 or 19 years, a similar         be given 24 hours to complete this assessment, with reminder
     pattern of communication will occur. Parents will verify their        messages sent to noncompleters after the first 8 hours. The same
     own and their daughter’s identity and respond to questions            process will be executed for the third and final assessment, 1
     regarding the family’s socioeconomic status. Rather than parents      month later on Day 36. Following the third assessment, all
     providing informed verbal and written consent, this will be           participants will be debriefed on the study aims and provided
     completed by the daughters themselves, in the same manner             with additional sources of mental health support, as well as a
     with which it will be completed by parents of those aged 15-17        certificate of participation. Participants who complete all three
     years. Verification of identities and ages will be achieved           assessments will be rewarded with Rp125,000 (approximately
     through video calls via the presentation of official                  US $8.75) to encourage participant retention. By this point, the
     documentation (eg, National ID card, family registration card,        responses to the four 250-word writing activities will have been
     driving license, student ID). Recruitment is anticipated to take      judged, and those who have won will be contacted and will
     15 days (inclusive of weekends).                                      receive their prize. Those in the waitlist control condition will
                                                                           be provided with a link to the Warna-Warni Waktu video series
     All participants will enter the study (ie, complete the baseline
                                                                           on Day 37. Participants in the waitlist control condition will not
     assessment survey) on the same day (Day 1). Participants will
                                                                           be assessed for their engagement with the content. Information
     receive a data package a day prior to this to ensure they have
                                                                           sheets and the participant debrief document can be found in
     ample mobile phone data to allow them to participate in the
                                                                           Multimedia Appendix 4.
     study. A link to the baseline assessment hosted on Qualtrics
     (Provo, UT) will be sent to participants via WhatsApp at 8 AM         Randomization and Blinding
     (UTC +7) on Day 1, along with a unique participant                    Participants will be randomized following completion of the
     identification number (PIN). Participants will be requested to        baseline survey. Participants will not be blinded due to the nature
     enter their PIN on the first page of the baseline survey, in order    of the trial design. They will not be told explicitly of their
     to match participant responses over time. Participants will have      condition but will be made aware on Day 2 (ie, the day after
     24 hours to complete the baseline assessment; those who have          completing the baseline survey) when they will receive the
     not completed the baseline assessment within the first 8 hours        intervention. Randomization and allocation will be performed
     will be sent a reminder message during the early evening of           on an individual level using an automated, web-based
     Day 1. Following the 24-hour window, participants who have            randomizer to sequentially allocate participants based on a block
     completed the baseline assessment will be randomized into one         design to ensure a balance of participants across conditions. A
     of two conditions: the intervention condition or a waitlist control   researcher external to the project will generate the allocation
     condition. Participants will be alerted on Day 2 to what happens      sequence and assign participants to conditions. They will be
     next, depending on which condition they have been randomized.         blinded to participant information and conditions (ie, they will
     Those randomized to the intervention condition will be informed       be given a list of participant identification numbers and asked
     that they can expect a series of sequential links to be sent to       to assign them to Group A or B using the web-based
     them daily over the following 6 days. Each link will contain          randomizer). Data analysts will be blinded to condition
     one episode of Warna-Warni Waktu and its associated activities.       throughout the trial and analysis of the primary and secondary
     The links will again direct participants to Qualtrics, where the      trait-based measures. Blinding of data analysts during
     intervention has been embedded (see Multimedia Appendix 2).           state-based analyses is not possible due to the within-group
     These participants will be requested to engage with the content       design of this aspect of the trial. Two separate data files will be
     of those links daily. Those in the control condition will be told     provided to the statistician to ensure that blinding during
     that they will be recontacted in 1 week to complete a second          analyses of trait measures is retained. Due to the trial design,
     assessment.                                                           the research agency and participants will not be blinded to
     On the morning of the third day (Day 3), participants in the          condition.
     intervention condition will be sent their PIN and a link to the
     first video (and associated activity). Again, participants will be
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     Measures                                                           statistical consultants Chloe Hayes and Silia Vitoratou, 2021)
     Self-report measures selected for use are presented in Table 1.    were again selected for similar reasoning. Owing to the lack of
     For hypothesis one, the primary outcome measure, the Body          a validated assessment tool to assess skin shade satisfaction, a
     Esteem Scale for Adults and Adolescents (BESAA) [89], was          purpose-built measure will be used to assess this. For hypothesis
     selected as it is the only body dissatisfaction measure to have    two, single-item measures of body satisfaction and mood will
     been validated among young people in Indonesia (unpublished        be utilized. Full questionnaires are presented in Multimedia
     data of the authors KG, NC, SH, KN, BM, LS, and PD, along          Appendix 5.
     with statistical consultants Chloe Hayes and Silia Vitoratou,      Intervention adherence will be measured objectively through
     2021) and evidence that this scale is amendable to change          dwell time spent on the Qualtrics page that contains the video
     following interventions of similar duration and content [90,91].   and via participant responses to the activities. Intervention
     Two secondary outcome measures assessing internalization of        acceptability will be assessed through six self-report items;
     appearance ideals [92] and trait mood [93] (unpublished data       these were informed by established acceptability frameworks
     of the authors KG, NC, SH, KN, BM, LS, and PD, along with          [96].

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     Table 1. Measures.
         Measure                                       Description                                                                                  Time assessed
         Demographics                                  Age, country of birth, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, social media usage         T1a
         Primary outcome: Trait body dissatisfaction Body Esteem Scale for Adolescents & Adults (BESAA) [89] adapted and validated T1, T2b, T3c
                                                     among adolescents in Indonesia (17 items). Example item: I like how I look like in
                                                     photos. Response options range from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Mean scores
                                                     range between 1 and 5, with higher scores reflecting higher body esteem.
         Secondary outcomes
             Internalization of appearance ideals      Internalization-General subscale of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance T1, T2, T3
                                                       Scale-3 [92] adapted and validated among adolescents in Indonesia (12 items). Ex-
                                                       ample item: I compare my body to the bodies of people who are on TV. Response
                                                       options range from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Mean scores range between
                                                       1 and 5, with higher scores reflecting higher internalization of appearance ideals.
             Trait mood                                The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children [93] adapted for Indonesia. T1, T2, T3
                                                       The validation of this scale among Indonesian adolescents is underway. The factor
                                                       structure will be determined prior to data analysis and reported in the main effective-
                                                       ness paper.
             Skin shade satisfaction                   A purpose-built, single-item, skin shade discrepancy measure will assess skin shade T1, T2, T3
                                                       satisfaction. The chart comprises nine skin colors from dark (1) to light (9). Partici-
                                                       pants are asked to select the shade that most accurately matches their “current skin
                                                       shade” and the shade that most accurately reflects the skin shade they would prefer
                                                       (their “ideal skin shade”). The discrepancy between the two will be used as an indi-
                                                       cator of skin shade satisfaction, with higher absolute values indicating less skin shade
                                                       satisfaction. The score ranges from 0 (satisfied with skin shade) to 9 (very dissatisfied
                                                       with skin shade). The measure uses colors from The Pantone Skin Tone Guide [94].
             State body satisfaction                   A single 101-point visual analog scale [95] will assess the immediate impact of each Before and after
                                                       video on participants’ state body satisfaction (ie, How satisfied are you with your  each video
                                                       appearance, right now, in this moment?). The total score ranges from 0 (not at all)
                                                       to 101 (very much). Higher scores reflect greater satisfaction.
             State mood                                A single 101-point visual analog scale [95] will assess the immediate impact of each Before and after
                                                       video on participants’ state mood (ie, How happy are you, right now, in this moment?). each video
                                                       The total score ranges from 0 (not at all) to 101 (very much). Higher scores reflect
                                                       greater positive mood.
             Intervention adherence                    Digital metrics will assess participants’ engagement with the videos and activities, Six-day interven-
                                                       including: (1) percentage of participants who watch each video (determined by the tion period
                                                       number of participants whose dwell time on the Qualtrics page hosting each video
                                                       is equal to or longer than the length of the video); (2) percentage of participants who
                                                       watch all 6 videos (determined by the number of participants whose dwell time on
                                                       all 6 Qualtrics pages hosting videos is equal to or longer than the length of each
                                                       video); (3) average number of videos watched; (4) percentage of participants who
                                                       complete each activity; (5) average number of activities completed; and (6) average
                                                       length of time spent engaging with the intervention (ie, watching videos and complet-
                                                       ing activities) over the 6-day period.
             Intervention acceptability                Six items will assess participants’ acceptability of the intervention. Factors include T2
                                                       emotive response to the interventions (eg, enjoyment, likability of characters); rele-
                                                       vance (eg, age appropriateness, helpfulness, ease of understanding); ease of use (eg,
                                                       speed and accuracy of responses); and willingness to recommend (eg, how likely the
                                                       user would recommend the intervention to a friend). Item scores range between 1
                                                       (strongly disagree) and 5 (strongly agree). Higher scores reflect greater acceptability.
                                                       Only those randomized to the intervention condition will complete these measures.

         T1: baseline assessment.
         T2: postintervention assessment.
         T3: follow-up assessment.

                                                                                      standardized effects sizes with Hedges g ranging from 0.25 to
     Sample Size                                                                      0.4 (eg, [89]) with a standardized minimum important clinical
     The predefined primary outcome measure is the BESAA at                           difference (MICD) of 0.2 exceeding the minimum detectable
     postintervention assessment (T2) and follow-up assessment                        difference of the measures. To detect the MICD or larger, our
     (T3). Similar RCTs assessing body dissatisfaction evaluating                     proposed sample size of n=900 per group would provide in
     the same outcome measure reported a range of small to medium                     excess of 90% power (two-sided α=.05) for between-group

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     differences at either T2 or T3 with or without a Bonferroni         Ethics
     correction for multiple time points. This assumes that dropout      This study received ethical approval from the Faculty of
     does not exceed 20% in any one arm, and is valid for any            Medicine                Universitas                 Indonesia
     positive correlation between commensurate measures at baseline      (588/UN2.F1/ETIK/PPM.00.002/2021) and the University of
     (T1) with T2 or T1 and T3. The oversampling includes a              the West of England (HAS.21.04.138). Participation in the study
     COVID-19 contingency plan permitting the sample size to drop        will be completely voluntary. For participants under 18 years
     to 650 per group should external challenges arise, and further      of age, parents will be approached first and will be required to
     downward revisions in sample size with a tradeoff in power          give their consent for their daughter’s participation. Prior to
     under worst-case scenarios.                                         consent, parents will be provided with a detailed information
     Analysis Plan                                                       sheet outlining the requirements of participation, withdrawal
                                                                         procedures, as well as potential risks. When parents provide
     The intention-to-treat set of participants will form the primary
                                                                         their consent, participant assent will be obtained, with the details
     analysis set. An assessment of the impact of missing data on
                                                                         of the study outlined again in a participant information sheet.
     statistical conclusions will be undertaken using sensitivity
                                                                         The same participant information sheet will be given to those
                                                                         participants aged 18 or 19 (without prior parental consent being
     For the first hypothesis, the data will be analyzed on an           sought). Participants will be informed that they can withdraw
     intention-to-treat basis using a linear mixed model with baseline   their consent at any point in the research process without
     measures at T1 as a covariate, randomized group as a two-level      needing to give justification. Parental consent and participant
     between-subjects factor, and study phase (T2, T3) as two-level      assent (or consent if 18 or 19 years old) will be obtained by the
     repeated-measures factor. The statistical model will be             research agency.
     hierarchically balanced with the three-way interaction between
                                                                         All information sheets will contain details of two counseling
     covariate, phase, and randomized group as the generating class.
                                                                         services available to young women in Indonesia if they are
     This structure permits an analysis of covariance prior reasoned
                                                                         experiencing any mental health concerns and require additional
     comparison between randomized arms at T2 and T3, assessing
                                                                         support. Further, information sheets will contain the contact
     the parallel lines of assumption, homogeneity of variance
                                                                         details of study author (BM) should they have any concerns
     assumption, and the use of robust estimates, if needed. Changes
                                                                         relating to the execution of the study. The study is registered
     within the randomized arm between T1 and T2 and between T1
                                                                         with ClinicalTrials.Gov (NCT05023213).
     and T3 will be assessed using the paired-samples t-test and
     effect size quantified with 95% CIs. The reliable change index      Special ethical consideration was given in light of conducting
     will be used to determine the percentage of participants reliably   this research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although at the
     improving within each arm.                                          time of writing, legal regulations would allow for face-to-face
                                                                         contact between the research agency and participants, it was
     For the second hypothesis, the nested intervention study
                                                                         decided that the research should take place entirely online.
     comprises state evaluation of body satisfaction and mood
                                                                         Although such a strategy is befitting for the evaluation of a
     immediately before and after each daily video. A component
                                                                         web-based intervention, assurances regarding identity during
     impact analysis will consist of a 2 (pre, post) by 6 (Day 3 to
                                                                         the recruitment phase required careful consideration. Video
     Day 8) fully repeated-measures analysis including linear and
                                                                         calls where parents of potential participants will be required to
     quadratic trends for time sequence effects, and a main-effects
                                                                         show official photographic identification will allow for
     comparison between components on pre and post change scores.
                                                                         confirmation of participant identities, including age. Owing to
     It is not inconceivable that relative effects between days are
                                                                         the web-based nature of the study, the decision to only include
     likely to be small. For an assumed standardized effect of Cohen
                                                                         participants who had access to their own mobile phone was
     d=0.1, a sample size of n=800 would be needed for 80% power.
                                                                         made, ensuring that only the recruited participants receive, and
     These data have further value in evaluating adherence and would
                                                                         respond to, the notifications sent about the study. Anecdotally,
     permit a dose-response effect to be included in a planned subset
                                                                         the Indonesian-based authors believe that many young women
                                                                         in the target age group own their own mobile phone; therefore,
     For the third hypothesis, the relationship between adherence        we do not anticipate this impacting the representativeness of
     (count of daily completion in each of Day 3 to Day 8) and           the sample obtained. For transparency, participants ineligible
     outcome (primary and secondary) at each of T2 and T3 will be        due to not owning their own mobile phone will be reported in
     assessed using linear regression controlling for baseline           the main trial.
     covariates. The cardinal nature of adherence permits Helmert
     effect coding (difference effect coding) to be used to estimate
                                                                         Data Monitoring and Management
     cumulative dosage effects. The relationship between daily           Data from recruited participants will be downloaded directly
     engagement and outcome (primary and secondary) at T2 and            from Qualtrics; thus, there is no data entry process to consider.
     T3 will be assessed using linear regression controlling for         Once downloaded, the data will be confirmed correct by
     baseline covariates. These latter models will code each daily       checking that the data values are as expected. Participant
     engagement as a dummy variable, and will permit a comparison        responses will be matched over time, and any duplication of
     between engagement in each activity. A full statistical analysis    responses will be examined, and if found, deleted. No personal
     plan will be written and approved by the Trial Management           details will be requested from participants via Qualtrics, and as
     Group prior to study closure.                                       such, these data files should be anonymous. However, the files

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