A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Page created by Ivan Duncan
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes
An IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel

A Holistic Approach to Transformation:
Accelerating Customer Outcomes

            Al Gillen                          Jim Mercer           Shawn Fitzgerald
            Group Vice President, Software     Research Director,   Research Director, World Wide Digital
            Development and Open Source, IDC   DevOps, IDC          Transformation Strategies, IDC

July 2020 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

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                                                                                                                         Click on titles or page numbers to navigate to each section.

Digital Transformation and Innovation                                                                                                                                    Open Architecture Requires Open Processes.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
Top Priority .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
                                                                                                                                                                         DevOps is Mainstream but Must Scale .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
The World is at a Digital Tipping Point .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  4
                                                                                                                                                                         Accelerate Transformation by Bringing
Profiles in Transformation.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  5                                        People, Process, and Technology Together.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  12

Effective Transformation Requires                                                                                                                                        Open Processes Require Open Culture.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
an Open Architecture .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
                                                                                                                                                                         How to Create an Open Enterprise Culture .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  14
The Power of Open Source is Clearly
Unleashing Innovation .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7                                 Focus on Customer Value and Engagement                                                                          .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    15

Organizations Must Accelerate Readiness                                                                                                                                  About the Analysts .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
for Modern App Delivery.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  8
                                                                                                                                                                         Message from the Sponsor .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17
Continuous Delivery Excellence is the Goal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

                       IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
                       July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Digital Transformation and Innovation
Top Priority
Anticipated impact:                                                Anticipated benefits:
Starts with accelerated development of                             Will stem from digitally enhanced offerings,
innovative solutions and better customer                           operations, and relationships
                                                                   This changes the game. To stay competitive,
                 By 2022…                                          organizations must holistically embrace:
                 up to a quarter of Fortune 500
                 companies will become software                              Open culture to foster
                 producers to digitally transform and maintain
                 their F-500 status.

                                                                             Open processes to ensure
                 By 2025…
                 40% of the Fortune 500 will
                 reengineer culture and collaborative
                 practices — shifting from authorized to                     Open architecture to enable
                 empowered teams, which are then measured
                 by metrics aligned to team success.

        IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
        July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                      Table of Contents   3
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

The World is at a Digital Tipping Point
By 2023…
90% of new apps will be built/released on demand using policy-driven security
and compliance assessments in the delivery pipeline, as automation accelerates development,
DevOps, and DevSecOps.

By 2024…
Net-new production-grade cloud-native apps will increase to                    from     70%
10% of all apps in 2020, due to adoption of technologies such as microservices, containers,                                    of North American companies
dynamic orchestration, and DevOps.                                                                                              will see their president, CEO,
                                                                                                                             owner, chairman, GM, or managing
                                                                                                                               director drive DX strategy and
                                                                                                                             implementation in their companies.
                                                                                   By 2023,                                     Of the remainder, 40% are driven
               91%                                                                 50%                                               by CIO, CTO, or head of

  of organizations developing their                                of organizations will neglect investing in
  own applications deploy them to                               market-driven operations and will lose market
        more than one cloud.                                      share to existing competitors that made the
                                                              investments, as well as to new digital market entries.

              IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
              July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                                            Table of Contents   4
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Profiles in Transformation
In the current era of digitally driven change, most organizations will need to reorient
how they work and the technology they use.

                                                         n = 809 of 1,526

                                                                             Worldwide            n = 717 of 1,526

    Digitally Determined                                                                                              Digitally Distraught

     DX is either integrated                                                     vs.                                      DX is ad hoc and
     across the enterprise                                                                                                 short term with
       or is the strategy.                                                                                               silos of innovation.

                                                             46%                                  54%
                                                          n = 244 of 531
                                                                            North America          n = 287 of 531

         IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
         July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                                 Table of Contents   5
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Effective Transformation Requires
an Open Architecture
By 2022…                                                     By 2023…                                                 By 2024…

40% of the                                                   500 million new logical                                  From 40% in 2020
Fortune 500                                                  applications will be created.
                                                             This is a new paradigm in app development
                                                                                                                      to 80% in 2024
will reengineer culture and                                                                                           reuse of third-party code in new
collaborative practices — shifting                           and delivery, requiring a change in what                 apps and digital solutions will
                                                             apps are and how they are built, deployed,
from authorized to empowered teams,                                                                                   increase, leading to a corresponding
which are then measured by metrics                           and updated.
                                                                                                                      increase in the number of apps produced
aligned to team success.                                                                                              each year by 1.5x.

             IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
             July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                                Table of Contents   6
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

The Power of Open Source is Clearly
Unleashing Innovation
We are now in the era of multiplied innovation, where organizations are moving
beyond incremental transformation to a more wide-scale transformation.
This requires them to leverage an ecosystem of talent, technology and processes,
making open technologies a natural choice.

              59%                                                                                                                       30%

     of organizations look to take
                                                               1 in 4 organizations                                       of code for all customer applications
                                                                       prefer to use community
    full advantage of open source                                                                                              is built using open source
                                                               (self-supported) open source software
 innovation and community support                                                                                                 repositories/libraries.
                                                                  for net new IT management and
     when investing in automation
                                                                        automation solutions.
solutions for app dev and deployment.

               IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
               July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                              Table of Contents   7
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Organizations Must Accelerate Readiness
for Modern App Delivery
      Optimization                                                       Agility
35%                                                                25%
or more U.S. organizations are using DevOps practices such         of U.S. organizations are seeking standardization of
as automated testing, automated code quality, continuous           container orchestration, automated infrastructure
integration and continuous delivery. (10% increase since 2020)     provisioning, and developer self-service.

of U.S. developers are using containers regularly.
                                                                         Cloud native
of U.S. developers are piloting the use of containers.             68%
(10% change from last year)                                        of U.S. organizations are prioritizing application
                                                                   containerization to accelerate application delivery.
of U.S. developers want to spend more time coding.                 34%

36%                                                                of U.S. organizations expect cloud native to be an
                                                                   integrated part of their organizational strategy by 2021.
of U.S. developers want to spend less time on debugging.

            IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
            July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                      Table of Contents   8
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Continuous Delivery Excellence is the Goal
                                                                 integration with
 76%                                                             automated build                                                         24%
 DevOps Protagonist                                                and release                                             DevOps Emergent

                                     Enterprises that have fully shifted to these new automated
                                     approaches dramatically accelerate their ability to push
                                     out digital innovation.
                                     These organizations see code deployments at twice the daily and weekly rates compared to
                                     organizations not using DevOps practices.
                                     The ability to accelerate digital innovation volume and pace will be the most critical new benchmark
                                     for organizations competing in the digital economy.

       IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
       July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                         Table of Contents   9
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Open Architecture Requires Open Processes
Knock down the silos. Enterprises thrive with a DevOps culture enabling
business innovation and facilitating open source innovation.

           54%                                                         64%                                                    90%

 of U.S. organizations use open                             of U.S. organizations expect open                             of enterprises state
source software as the basis for                           source software to give them access                            that DevOps teams
     their DevOps practices.                                to technology that provides better                            drive business value.
                                                                   and faster innovation.

           IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
           July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                       Table of Contents   10
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

DevOps is Mainstream but Must Scale
Organizations must start to think business-centric collaboration; it is all about enabling
DevOps-led business transformation.

                                                                                                   At U.S. enterprises, the
                                                                                                   top two challenges impeding
   Adoption                                   Coverage            Pervasive                        DevOps adoption are:

      86%                                            40%               72%                          44%      IT operations expertise and skill sets

of U.S. enterprises                  of app workloads           of U.S. enterprises
   use DevOps                    will be developed using    spend at least half of their                     technical integration across
                                                                                                    30%      development and operations processes
 practices today                     DevOps by 2021          time working on projects
                                                            that use DevOps practices

 DevOps is the intersection of people, process, and technology that aligns with business leadership, culture, and strategy.
    Take the learnings from a more collaborative style of working and push this through into the wider organization.

            IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
            July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                      Table of Contents   11
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Best Practices for Driving Transformation
Merging Dev and Ops into one
organization                                                28%

Identify, agree, and document
new measurable KPIs                                        25%

Work more closely with the
business                                                              35%

Drive collaboration between
security and DevOps teams                                                              46%

DevOps teams are using
DevSecOps to ensure security                                                                                                        89%
and compliance

                                                            Source: IDC DevOps Survey, 2019

           IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
           July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                          Table of Contents   12
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Open Processes Require Open Culture
Enterprises must reorient towards open cultures, where every employee is both a techie
and focused on business value. It is always a work in progress.

Cultivating collaboration, an innovation mindset,
 and professional adaptability is now crucial for
                                                                                              of U.S. organizations tap open source code
      remaining competitive and requires:                                       44%           today when creating new applications

      Shared                                                Transparency,       By 2023…
   accountability                                           collaboration
                                                                                           of the G2000 enterprises will have created their
                                                                                           own software ecosystem.

                                                                                           will use publicly accessible community repositories
  End-to-end team                                           Accountability,       90%
                                                                                           to access reusable code components.
   ownership with                                          experimentation,
business stakeholder                                        and fast failing

           IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
           July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                    Table of Contents   13
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

How to Create an Open Enterprise Culture
Facilitate learning and risk taking – essential elements for innovation and keeping
hard-to-find talent (as money is no longer enough)

Organizations must:
  Take down hierarchies and champion cross-functional
  collaboration.                                                                              of enterprises cite digital
                                                                              49%             skill development as a
  Focus on sharing rather than owning, encouraging                                            primary challenge.
  fast failures, and being comfortable with an approach
  using minimum viable products.

                                                                                              of enterprises cite
    Only                of enterprises currently                               31%            reskilling and/or employee
   24%                  embrace these approaches.                                             training as a priority.

           IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
           July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                Table of Contents   14
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Focus on Customer Value and Engagement
An open enterprise culture is important for improving long-term customer satisfaction, as
it centers activity on customer value.

#1    Attracting and retaining
      customers is the business
      priority—now more than
                                                             53%                            Forward-looking companies will
                                                                                            have an advantage as just 36%
                                                          of enterprises say
                                                        customer experience                 currently use customer experiences/
                                                        is a top priority in the            satisfaction to measure team
#2    Customer advocacy is
      the second most important
                                                            IT department.

      digital success metric
      among enterprises.

        IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
        July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                               Table of Contents   15
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

About the Analysts
               Al Gillen                                                      Jim Mercer                                               Shawn Fitzgerald
               Group Vice President, Software                                 Research Director,                                       Research Director, Digital
               Development and Open Source, IDC                               DevOps, IDC                                              Transformation Strategies, IDC

Al Gillen oversees IDC’s software development                   In this role, Jim is responsible for researching,        Shawn Fitzgerald is Research Director for
research portfolio. Research disciplines in this                writing, and advising clients on the fast-evolving       IDC’s Worldwide Digital Transformation Strategies
group include developer research covering census,               DevOps market. Jim’s core research includes              practice and responsible for IDC’s Small and
demographics, and developer activities; platform                topics such as rapid enterprise application              Medium Research Practice. Mr. Fitzgerald has
as a service and cloud application services for                 development, modern microservice-based                   been quoted in numerous articles and reports,
developers; and developer life cycle and quality                packaging and automated deployment, and life             including both The Economist and Forbes.
assurance products. In addition, Al jointly oversees            cycle/management strategies as applied to a              He is a business practitioner, digital transformation
IDC’s DevOps research program, and runs a                       DevOps practice. In addition, he examines how the        (DX) thought leader, researcher, and public speaker
program focused on the ecosystem of open source                 move to DevOps methodologies impacts enterprise          with extensive global business and technology
software pan-industry.                                          use of open source and preferences for using             experiences. As a Lean Sigma certified Black
                                                                on-premises computing and development                    Belt practitioner, he’s led enterprise change
More about Al Gillen                                            platforms versus public cloud services. Jim advises      management initiatives at Dow 30 and Fortune
                                                                Senior IT, business, and investment executives           1000 companies across industry verticals
                                                                globally in the creation of strategy and operational     including clinical research, life sciences, medical
                                                                tactics that drive the execution of digital              device, manufacturing, and multi-modal
                                                                transformation and business optimization.                transportation sectors.

                                                                More about Jim Mercer                                     More about Shawn Fitzgerald

                IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
                July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                                        Table of Contents   16
A Holistic Approach to Transformation: Accelerating Customer Outcomes

Message from the Sponsor
Digital Success Requires Holistic Transformation.

                                                                          COLLABORATE                 INTEGRATE                           INNOVATE
                                                                        • Make required             • Enable DevOps-led                • Shift to modern application
                                                                          organizational &            business transformation            architectures supported by
           e                          e
                                                                          cultural changes
                                                                                                    • Integrate new                      agile and open infrastructure


                                                                        • Transition to                                                • Standardize, modernize,


                                                                                                      technologies with existing
 Open Cu

                                                                          risk-taking culture         solutions                          and automate technology

               transformation                                           • Empower employees         • Simplify the connection of         architectures
                                                                          to be customer-centric      apps, services, APIs, data,      • Advance continuous delivery
                                                                                                      or connected assets                as a working paradigm


                Ope                e                                    For more information:
                      n a r c h it

                        IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
                        July 2021 | IDC Doc. #US48036321
                                                                                                                                                        Table of Contents   17
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