2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute

Page created by Duane Caldwell
2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute

              P R I N T
          D I G I T A L
2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute
Well-established in the powder coating
industry as a paramount resource and
the Powder Coating Institute’s (PCI)
official publication, Powder Coated Tough
provides the information powder coating
professionals need to stay connected to                                The VOICE of the
industry happenings. From news to best
practices and from troubleshooting to              POWDER COATING MARKET
advanced technologies, it is simply the
best place to launch your company’s         As the official publication of The Powder Coating Institute, Powder Coated Tough
message to the industry.                    magazine has a dedicated audience of OEMs, custom coaters & job shops,
                                            PCI member company personnel, academia, trade associations, consultants
Powder Coated Tough publishes six           and manufacturer’s reps. Powder Coated Tough is a subscription-requested
issues annually, culminating with our       publication that is distributed to more than 16,000 manufacturing professionals.
Buyers Guide, in November/December.         The magazine’s digital version hits more than 20,000 inboxes.
In our continuous efforts to improve, we
established the Powder Coated Tough         Powder Coated Tough subscribers            Powder Coated Tough is read by the
subcommittee, whose role is to advise       include:                                   manufacturers you want to reach!
                                            • Business Owners/General &
our publication staff on keeping Powder
                                              Plant Managers                           Circulation – More Than 20,000
Coated Tough relevant and sought-after
                                            • Business & Technical Directors           Readers in more than 50 Different
as our industry’s top resource for powder   • Finishing System Managers                Industries!
coating knowledge. With their guidance,     • Applicators & Spray Booth
we have revamped the editorial calendar       Operators                                Top industries represented by our
for 2018, which readers and advertisers     • QC/QA Managers                           readers include:
alike will find contains engaging and       • Technical Directors                      • Aerospace/Aviation
relevant topics. These include              • Account Executive/Sales Managers/        • Agricultural
Giving Back: The Powder Community’s           Business Development Officers            • Appliance
Contributions, Technology on the            • Chemist & Research Engineers             • Automotive
Finishing Line, Safety & Governmental       • Industrial Designers/Engineers           • Construction
Regulations, Color: Trends & Characteris-   • Technical Service Professionals          • Electrical
tics, and Young Leaders: Powder’s
                                              Consultants                              • Furniture
                                            • Distributors                             • General Metal Products
Next Generation.
                                            • Marketing Professionals                  • HVAC
                                            • Purchasing/Supply Chain
Dedicated solely to informing and educat-                                              • Lawn & Garden
ing the entire powder coating industry,                                                • Oil and Gas Pipelines
                                            • Accounting Professionals
Powder Coated Tough is your best                                                       • Transportation
                                            • LEAN & Continuous
connection and industry reference.            Improvement Managers

                                             OUR EDITORS                               EDITORIAL MISSION
                                             Powder Coated Tough’s editorial           As the official publication of the
                                             content is developed and written by       Powder Coating Institute, whose
                                             industry experts who are powder coat-     mission is to promote the benefits of
                                             ing veterans. Editor Sharon Spielman      powder coating technology, Powder
                                             has worked on finishing and heat          Coated Tough (PCT) magazine is
                                             processing trade publications for         the best resource for current users of
                                             16 years. Technical Editor Kevin Biller   powder coatings, those considering
                                             provides our readers with the latest      a conversion to powder and industry
                                             in powder coating innovations.            suppliers. PCT does this through unique
             Trena Benson                    To read more about our editors, visit     and thought-provoking articles about
           Executive Director,               www.powdercoatedtough.com.                powder application, case studies,
     The Powder Coating Institute                                                      industry news and trends.
    Publisher, Powder Coated Tough
2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute
 AD SIZE                                              DIMENSIONS             COLOR   1X RATE 3X RATE 6X RATE

                            TWO PAGE SPREAD           16.25" x 11" (Bleed)    4/C     $8,275    $8,050    $7,850
                                                      15.75"x 10.5" (Trim)    2/C     $6,575    $6,375    $6,225        PCI Members
                                                                              B/W     $4,800    $4,675    $4,575
                                                                                                                           receive a
                            FULL PAGE                 8.25" x 11" (Bleed)     4/C     $4,350    $4,225    $4,125
                                                      8"x 10.75" (Trim)       2/C     $3,450    $3,350    $3,275        20% discount
                                                                              B/W     $2,525    $2,450    $2,400
                                                                                                                       on all advertising
                            TWO THIRDS PAGE           4.625"x 9.125"          4/C     $3,850    $3,750    $3,675
                                                                              2/C     $3,100    $3,000    $2,950        opportunities.
                                                                              B/W     $2,350    $2,250    $2,225

                            HALF PAGE Island          4.625"x 6.875"          4/C     $3,350    $3,250    $3,175
                                                                              2/C     $2,750    $2,675    $2,625
                                                                              B/W     $2,125    $2,050    $2,025      PRINT AD
                            HALF PAGE                                                                                 ENHANCEMENTS
                            Vertical                  3.4375"x 9.125"         4/C     $3,150    $3,050    $2,975
                            Horizontal                7"x 4.5"                2/C     $2,525    $2,450    $2,400       Inside Front Cover
                                                                              B/W     $2,025    $1,975    $1,925       10% Additional Premium

                            THIRD PAGE                                                                                 Back Cover
                            Vertical                  2.25"x 9.125"           4/C     $2,750    $2,650    $2,625       10% Additional Premium
                            Horizontal                7"x 3"                  2/C     $2,225    $2,150    $2,100
                            Square                    4.625"x 4.5"            B/W     $1,625    $1,575    $1,515
                                                                                                                       Inside Back Cover
                            QUARTER PAGE              3.4375"x 4.5"           4/C     $2,425    $2,350    $2,300       5% Additional Premium
                                                                              2/C     $1,925    $1,875    $1,825
                                                                              B/W     $1,525    $1,475    $1,450

Product Launch Package: $8,500 (a $13,200 value!)                             Reprints
• Cover Corner Cut                                                            Companies editorially featured in Powder Coated Tough
• Two-page spread in print & digital editions (center spread                  can choose:
  or far forward)                                                               Extra Magazine Copies: starts at $125
• Featured position in eNews email blast                                        • Must be ordered in quantities of 50 before issue goes to print
• Website banner ad for one month
                                                                                 Article Reprint (With Ads): starts at $75
                                                                                 • Print-quality PDF containing article as it appears in the
Cover Corner Cut: $3,900                                                           magazine
(5% discount available for 6X advertisers)
• Appears on bottom right corner on the cover                                    Article Reprint (Without Ads): starts at $225
• Can be a stand-alone message or direct readers to your ad                      • Print-quality PDF containing article with ads removed and
  inside the issue                                                                 content reflowed/redesigned for continuity

Integrated Sponsorships (exclusive per issue; appears in print
and digital editions of Powder Coated Tough)
Ask Joe Powder: 3X, $4,800 | 6X, $7,200                                        2018 Buyers Guide Enhancements
Powder Coating Pop Quiz: 3X, $4,800 | 6X, $7,200                               Product Ad: $200
• Banner ad in print & digital editions and email blasts (email                • 2.25" x 1.75" ad in one Category Listing section
  blast for Pop Quiz only)
• Ability to reprint with permission                                           Enhanced Listing Package: $250 (FREE for advertisers running
                                                                               any size print ad in Buyers Guide)
Quarter Page Profile Spotlights
                                                                               • Boldfaced Listings
Advertisers: $400* | Non-Advertisers: $1,000
                                                                               • 4/C logo in Supplier Directory section
Spotlights contain short title, 40-70 words, company logo or picture,
                                                                               • Hyperlink to your URL each time you are listed (digital edition
and contact information. Spotlights subject to editing. PCI members              only)
who advertise with at least a Half Page ad in the issue where their
product category is featured will receive a free spotlight in that issue.      Deluxe Listing Package: $400
*Advertisement must be in the same issue to receive advertiser rate.           • Receive all Enhanced Listing Package items plus a Product Ad
2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute
                                                                          1 MONTH RATE      6 MONTH RATE          12 MONTH RATE
 AD TYPE                                           SPECIFICATIONS           (per month)       (per month)            (per month)
 Multi-Channel Advertising

 NATIVE ADVERTISING                                   See below               $2,500              n/a                    n/a
 (exclusive each month)
 DIGITAL EDITION SPONSORSHIP                          See below                $850              $650                    n/a
 (exclusive each issue)

 Website Advertising

 LEADERBOARD AD                                     728px x 90px               $475              $425                   $400

 SKYSCRAPER AD                                      160px x 600px              $475              $425                   $400

 RECTANGLE AD                                       250px x 200px              $425              $400                   $375

 VIDEO AD                                          YouTube embed               $175              $150                   $125

 FEATURED PRODUCT AD                                180px x 150px              $250              $225                   $200

 CATEGORY SPONSORSHIP AD                            160px x 600px              $200              $175                   $150

 Email Advertising

 INDUSTRY ENEWS SPOTLIGHT –                           See below                $550              $500                   $475
 TOP POSITION (exclusive each month)
 INDUSTRY ENEWS SPOTLIGHT                             See below                $300              $275                   $250

Digital advertising is managed through Google’s DoubleClick for Publishers platform.
Advertisers receive monthly impression and click-through reporting.

Multi-Channel Advertising                       • Two display ads in digital edition        Category Sponsorship
Native Advertising (NEW IN 2018!)                 email blast (one each; 468px x 60px       Skyscraper ad on category page of your
Supply an article to be exclusively fea-          and 250px x 250px)                        choice. Choose from: Powder Coating
tured on the Home page of the Powder            • “Sponsored By” logo and link on Home      Materials; Application & Systems;
Coated Tough website for one month.               page of Powder Coated Tough website       Pretreatment & Surface Prep; Curing/
Afterwards the article will be forever ar-                                                  Ovens; Racking & Masking; Substrates;
chived in a special section of the website.                                                 Raw Materials; Testing Equipment.
                                                Website Advertising
Article will be promoted in the Industry        Leaderboard Ad
eNews Spotlight, and to PCI’s Facebook                                                      Website ad files must be .jpg or .png with
                                                • 3 rotating positions available; appears
and Twitter followers.                                                                      a file size of less than 150kb.
                                                  at top and bottom of Home page
• Between 1,000-1,500 words
• Can be a case study, promote products         Skyscraper Ad                               Email Advertising
  or services, or contain other interesting     • 3 rotating positions available; appears   Industry eNews Spotlight
  content                                         in right column of Home page              Post a success story, product or technol-
• Up to 2 accompanying photos (must                                                         ogy profile, or other informative content
  own rights to photos and complete a           Rectangle Ad                                to be emailed to over 17,000 opt-in
  photo permissions form)                                                                   subscribers. Up to 10 entries contained
                                                • 3 rotating positions available; appears
• Content subject to editorial approval                                                     in each month’s email blast. eNews entry
                                                  just below fold of Home page
• Limit 3 entries annually per company                                                      will contain:
                                                Video Ad                                    • Up to 50-word description
Digital Edition Sponsorship                     • 3 rotating positions available; appears   • Logo or accompanying image;
Sponsor the digital edition of                    just below fold of Home page; video          250px x 250px
Powder Coated Tough and receive:                  must be supplied as YouTube embed         • Link and contact information
• Full page ad with link to sponsor’s
  website appearing adjacent to digital         Featured Product Ad                         eNews images must be .jpg or .png with
  edition front cover                           • 8 rotating positions available; appears   a file size of less than 60kb.
                                                  below fold of Home page
2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute
 COATED                Jan/Feb            Mar/Apr              May/Jun             Jul/Aug              Sep/Oct              Nov/Dec
 TOUGH 2018

 Feature               Giving Back:       Technology on        Safety &            Color: Trends &      Young Leaders:       Buyers Guide
 Editorial             The Powder         the Finishing        Governmental        Characteristics      Powder’s Next
                       Community’s        Line                 Regulations                              Generation

 Spotlight             Part Preparation   Controls &           Personal            Powder               Ovens &              Application
 Profiles               (Masking &        Software             Protective          Producers/           Systems              Equipment
                       Pretreatment)                           Equipment           Distributors &       Houses
                                                                                   Raw Materials

 Ad Closing Date       12/4/2017          2/5/2018             4/3/2018            6/4/2018             8/6/2018             10/9/2018

 Ad Materials          12/8/2017          2/9/2018             4/6/2018            6/8/2018             8/10/2018            10/12/2018

 Bonus                 PC 101/202         PC 101/202           PC 101/202          PC 101/202           PC 101/202           PC 101/202
 Distribution          Workshops          Workshops            Workshops           Workshops            Workshops            Workshops

                       Custom Coater                                               FABTECH 2018         FABTECH 2018         PC 2019
                       Forum                                                                                                 Technical
                       PC 2018


Included in every issue: Technology Interchange, Ask Joe Powder, Tough Talk, PC Pop Quiz, Custom Coaters Corner and Preferred Suppliers
Guide. Questions? Email editor@powdercoating.org.

Trim Size: 8" x 10.75"                              Ad Specifications:                               File Transmission:
Colors: 4-Color Process Throughout                  Please supply files as PDF/X4. All fonts         Email ad materials (print and digital) to
(CMYK Only; No Pantones)                            must be embedded, image resolution               sales@powdercoatedtough.com. For files
Cover Stock: 80# Gloss Cover                        should be 300dpi, and all colors must be         too large to email, contact us for additional
Body Stock: 60# Gloss Text                          converted to process.                            options.
Binding Method: Saddle Stitch

Advertisers in Powder Coated Tough earn credit toward free digital advertising based on
their total ad spend for the year.

                                                           RECEIVE FREE DIGITAL
       ADVERTISERS WHO SPEND…                             ADVERTISING CREDITS…

                 $2,500 - $5,000                                 up to $500
                $5,001 - $10,000                                up to $1,000
                $10,001 - $15,000                               up to $1,500
                $15,001 - $20,000                               up to $2,000
                More than $20,000                               up to $2,500
2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute
According to the results of our 2017
Reader’s Survey:
• 60% of respondents have been reading
  Powder Coated Tough (PCT) for more
  than 3 years; 34.5% have been reading
  PCT for fewer than 3 years. That means
  while we have a large, loyal readership
  that has been with us for many years,
  we are also cultivating a healthy new
  audience, too.
• 93% of respondents read “Every issue”
  or “Most issues” of PCT. This means
  readers are engaged with the magazine
  and are exposed repeatedly to our
  advertiser’s brands.
• 61% of respondents said their copy of
  PCT is read by others in their work-
  place, so our reach is far beyond our
  16,000+ print subscribers!
• 60% of our readers say they use our
  Buyers Guide Edition as a reference
  tool throughout the year, making it a
  “go to” resource when readers are look-
  ing to purchase products and services.
• When asked why they read Powder
  Coated Tough, the top two answers
  were: “To keep up to date on latest
  news/industry trends” and “For the
  coverage of industry players/competitors.”

PCI Members receive a 20%
discount on all advertising
opportunities, including digital.
                                                        QUESTIONS? CONTACT US!
Not a PCI Member?                                         sales@powdercoatedtough.com
Visit www.powdercoating.org                    www.powdercoatedtough.com/advertising | 859-525-9988
today to read about all the
membership benefits and to join!                 Powder Coated Tough | The Powder Coating Institute
                                                         5040 Old Taylor Mill Road, PMB 13
                                                      Taylor Mill, KY 41015 | 859-525-9988

                                               www.powdercoatedtough.com | www.powdercoating.org
2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute 2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute 2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute 2018 MEDIA KIT - Powder Coating Institute
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