A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG

A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG
JUNE 2020   VOLUME 11, ISSUE 6

                                 A Behind the Scenes
                                 Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM
                                 Page 7
A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG
                            TO OFFICE
        As businesses prepare to return to the workplace, many people have
        questions on what to do to comply with CDC protocols. We want to
        help you get your business moving. We are here to talk about your
        specific requirements and offer some best practices to make this
        happen. Such as:
                    • What does the new normal look like for your office?
                    • Return to Office: Plan development
                    • JK Moving’s Return to Office ACCLIMATE and ASSIST program

       Please contact us to see how we can assist you with your Return To
       Office needs. We have Ideas to Get Your Business Moving.


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                               Page 2 • gam|mag • June 2020
A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG

Cover photo courtesy of WTOP

inside                                                                                                                                                      gam|mag is published
                                                                                                                                                            monthly and mailed to
                                                                                                                                                            Washington, DC area
Let’s Keep it Simple! What is Marketing?.................................................................................... 4                              businesses, nonprofits,
                                                                                                                                                            associations and
Celebrate National Flag Day................................................................................................................. 5              government contractors.

A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM.......................................................................... 7                                       Publisher
                                                                                                                                                            Nathaniel Grant
Moving on Up with JK Moving............................................................................................................. 9
                                                                                                                                                            Associate Publisher
The Market Will Survive......................................................................................................................... 13         and Editor-in-Chief
                                                                                                                                                            R. Bruce Gemmill
NOVA Builders Flex Muscle................................................................................................................ 16
                                                                                                                                                            Creative Director
HCA Virginia’s Reston Hospital and StoneSprings Hospital...................................... 20                                                           Ronnie Price

Say Whaaaaat??? A Guide to “Teen-Slang”........................................................................... 24                                       Copy Editor
                                                                                                                                                            Virginia Grant
These Three Stretches Will Help You Avoid Golf Injuries............................................... 27
Father's Day Tribute.................................................................................................................................. 27   Phone: 703.450.4121

                                                                                                                                                            Follow us @gamweregood

                                                                                                                      June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 3
A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG
Let’s Keep it Simple! What is Marketing?
R. Bruce Gemmill

                                                    Marketing data must include the target
                                                    population and other critical demographics,
                                                    so the creative and messaging used in
                                                    advertising is appealing to the selected
                                                    audiences. Pretty graphics and award-
                                                          winning creative is only as good as the
                                                             effectiveness of the advertisement in
                                                             luring new business and expanding
                                                    current relationships.
                                                       An advertising budget will determine the
                                                    frequency and length of the campaign. For
                                                       the best return on investment, campaigns
                                                           delivering messages frequently and
                                                              over a reasonable period will yield
                                                               desired results.
                                                                    The budget will also determine
                                                                media buys. Traditional media
                                                              includes newspapers, magazines,
MARKETING                                           television, radio, out-of-home advertising
  Marketing is one of those ubiquitous              (e.g., transit, billboards) or direct mail. New
words often used to describe every function         media offers such possibilities as search
in a business having to do with promotion,          results, blogs, social media platforms,
including advertising, public relations,            websites, banner ads, or text messages.
networking, and even promotional items. The            Since marketing research identifies
fact is, marketing in its truest sense is a data-   audiences and advertising budgets guide
driven research and analytical science.             frequency, marketing, and advertising must
  At its core, marketing employs analytics          join together to determine the best media
and data to identify ideal demographic              channels to accommodate the budget and
segments to promote a product or service.           reach the audience.
Results from this market analysis guide the           It is a primary responsibility of advertising
advertising message targeted to specific            to maintain the integrity of the brand and
audiences.                                          image of the organization. Proper messaging
   Marketing is a process. A good advertising       earns trust, which generates increased
campaign benefits from the findings of              interest in products or services, and gives a
market research, which includes market              competitive advantage in the marketplace.
targeting and market segmentation,                  PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR)
determining distribution, pricing, and
                                                       Public relations is an art. Public relations
promotion strategies, developing a                  and its strategic communication build
communications strategy, budgeting, and             relationships with key stakeholders, including
visioning long-term market development              customers, prospects, investors, and the
goals.                                              public at large.
ADVERTISING                                            By deliberately managing the disbursement
   Effective advertising creates messaging          of information, a company can receive
from the data provided by marketing to              exposure to target audiences using topics of
promote or sell a product, service, or idea.                                    (Continued on page 6)

Page 4 • gam|mag • June 2020
A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG
Celebrate National Flag Day – June 14th
May 18, 2020
Contributing Writer, Jenn Womack

   You’re a grand old flag, You’re a high-flying    then known as the Continental Army, in 1775.
flag, And forever in peace may you wave…               U.S. Army Operations. According to the               Dryy Garment Care,
   “You’re a Grand Old Flag”, a song written by     DoD Personnel, Workforces Reports of March              Virginia homegrown
George M. Cohen as a spirited march, is but         2020, the U.S. Army operates with close to half         corporate based eco
one of many songs written as a tribute to the       a million active-duty soldiers and over one             cleaning facility with
U.S. flag that pulls at my heartstrings.            hundred fifty-two thousand active reservists.           multiple reimagined
   Yes, truth be told, I’m a nostalgic, red-           Flag Day falls within National Flag                  community based retail
blooded American who weeps every time               Week. Flag week is indicative of a time when            stores in DC and Maryland.
I watch our flag wave while listening to a          Americans reflect on the foundations of our             We are the DMV’s fresh
patriotic song. I’m also the proud wife of a        nation’s freedom. The flag represents freedom           take on community based
soldier who served honorably for twenty years       and has been an enduring symbol of our                  dry cleaning services. We
in the U.S. Army. To say that I am proud of         country’s ideals. During both events, Americans         take great pride in seeing
our flag and that I stand in awe of the brave       also remember their loyalty to the nation,              any of our neighbors flying
servicemen and women who have given our             reaffirm their belief in liberty and justice, and       the American Flag. So
flag meaning by way of their sacrifices, would      observe the nation’s unity.                             proud that we will clean and
be an understatement.                                  The U.S. Army; the oldest of the military            tailor your American Flag,
   So, if you’re like me – and you bleed red,       branches. Founded in 1775, the Army is                  free of charge, year round.
white, and blue – I’m sure you’ll be flying your    approximately one year older than the United            “We set out every day with
flag high on June 14th in celebration of National   States.                                                 one thing in mind, to enrich
Flag Day and the U.S. Army’s 245th birthday.           A flag of many names and designs. The                communities that we serve.
   To commemorate the history of the                American flag is often referred to as “Old-             It’s the least we could do in
American Flag and the U.S. Army, I’d like to        Glory” or “The Stars and Stripes” and although          honor for individuals and
share a few facts you may find interesting:         the flag’s design was standardized in 1912, it has      their families that sacrificed
   June 14th isn’t a public holiday (except in      been redesigned 27 times.                               their lives for our freedom”
Pennsylvania where the flag was born). It is           How the U.S. Army celebrates its birthday.           said Dryy Garment Care
a national holiday – one that commemorates          The Army has a long-standing tradition of               Managing Partner,
Congress’ adoption of both the flag of the United   celebrating its birthday by hosting its annual          Ken Sandy
States in 1777 and the birth of the U.S. Army,                                 (Continued on page 6)

                                                                             June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 5
A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG
What is Marketing? (Continued from page 4)
public interest and news items not requiring              There are additional PR strategies for
payment. This art form of public persuasion            grass-roots campaigns, and, as the COVID-19
is called "earned media," because one earns            pandemic has shown us, a crisis management
press coverage with a compelling story and             plan must be on every organization's to-do
doesn't buy it, as one does when advertising.          list. Let's not forget, too, how a seasoned PR
Earned media is the most coveted form of               pro can schedule appearances for executives
PR because it is a third-party verification of         and thought leaders on print and broadcast
an organization's brand, message, product,             networks locally, regionally, and nationally.
service, and expertise in a given field.                  PR is a critical function for any well-
   PR plays a vital role in influencing public         thought-out corporate plan. Once again,
opinion, as well as shaping and strengthening          proper marketing analysis often helps to
customer relationships. Thoughtful public              implement an effective public relations
relations strategies help an organization gain a       strategy.
competitive advantage and earn brand trust.            CALL GAM MARKETING
   PR includes press releases, which should              GAM has experienced in-house marketing,
consist of compelling news stories and not             advertising, and public relations professionals
frivolous information. The former receives             ready to serve as an extension of one's staff
attention from media outlets. The latter gets          or as the agency of record. We are available
file 13. Other forms of PR include events such         on a project-by-project basis, or we will sign
as seminars and panel discussions, cocktail            an annual contract. GAM does not require
networking receptions, and sporting events             retainer fees. We are flexible, reasonable,
(e.g., golf tournaments).                              knowledgeable, and capable of taking your
                                                       business to the next level.

Flag Day (Continued from page 5)
Army Birthday Ball in many locations.                  or groups are flown on the same staff as the
   Coincidentally, 2020 marks the 60th                 American flag, Old Glory should always be at
anniversary of the first Army Birthday Ball,           the highest point; When flags of two or more
which occurred in 1960 in Washington, DC.              nations are displayed, they should be of equal
                                                       size and flown from separate staffs of the same
   The colors of the American flag are
                                                       height; The Stars and Stripes should not appear
symbolic. The color red represents valor and
                                                       on apparel, bedding or decorative items.
resilience; the blue, justice, perseverance, and
vigilance; the white, innocence, and purity. The          I love our flag. I love and respect our military
stripes, 13 total (7 red and 6 white alternating),     service members. I love the patriotism our flag
are representative of the original 13 colonies,        evokes. I leave you with the song lyrics Mr.
and the 50 white stars on a field of blue              Cohen so reverently wrote:
represent the 50 states.                                  …You’re the emblem of the land I love, The
   Draping the American flag over a coffin.            home of the free and the brave.
While thought by many to be an honor solely               Ev’ry heart beats true ‘Neath the Red, White,
reserved for military veterans and government          and Blue, Where there’s never a boast or brag.
officials, in actuality, any burial may incorporate       But should auld acquaintance be forgot, Keep
this tradition.                                        your eye on the grand old flag.
   Flag etiquette. American flags are to be                                                       Sources:
illuminated by sunlight or another light source
                                                                  timeanddate.com, militarybenefits.com,
while on display; When flags are lowered, care
                                                        Jennie Cohen, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
must be taken to keep them from touching the
ground; When the flags of cities, states, localities

Page 6 • gam|mag • June 2020
A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG

A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM

  Photos courtesy of WTOP

If you are like most commuters in the                  Oxley: Our long-time leader in
Washington, D.C. region, you are likely to          the newsroom, Jim Farley, coined the
tune into a radio station delivering the latest     phrase over 20 years ago. He has since
local news, traffic and weather information.        retired but we know he is glad we still
WTOP 103.5 FM is the top-rated news                 use it now and again.
broadcast and can be heard as well on                  GAM: WTOP office and studio
107.7 FM in Virginia and on 103.9 FM in             space were recently remodeled. The
Frederick, Maryland. WTOP’s radio station           "Nerve Center" is strikingly similar to                  Joel Oxley
can be heard west to Warrenton, Virginia,           an airport flight control operation.
north to Baltimore, Maryland, east to the              The technology is impressive. Would you
Chesapeake Bay and south to Fredericksburg,         walk our readers through the new and improved
Virginia. In other words, it is Big-Time radio.     WTOP station, beginning with Studio A, the
   We are always alert to exceptional marketing     Glass-Enclosed Nerve Center?
techniques, and when it comes to brand, WTOP           Oxley: As you come into our newsroom from
is exceptional. Few have not heard of “The Glass-   any angle you will see the design of the floors,
Enclosed Nerve Center.” GAM/MAG decided to          the walls and the ceiling all leads you to the main
take a peek behind the scenes at WTOP’s inner       studio of WTOP. We designed a ring to encircle
workings. The station’s general manager, Joel       the news desk, facing into where the anchors
Oxley, was kind enough to take a break from his     broadcast the news. Studio A is without a doubt
demanding job to answer our questions.              our nerve center. Every desk is equipped with
  GAM: The station first went on air in 1926,       microphones and editing capabilities. Reporters
switching its call letters to WTOP in 1943. How     can go live from their desks. Traffic, sports and
did the owners choose the call letters?             business reporters all have dedicated areas.
                                                    Fortunately, our parent company, Hubbard
   Oxley: WTOP was chosen because our former
                                                    Broadcasting, gave us the budget to truly have a
signal at 1500AM was at the top of the dial on
                                                    state-of-the-art facility.
radios back in 1943.
                                                       GAM: WTOP enjoys another clever brand
  GAM: Who came up with the brand tag, the
Glass-Enclosed Nerve Center?                                                    (Continued on page 8)

                                                                              June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 7
A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG

                               WTOP (Continued from page 7)
                               tag, “every ten minutes, on the 8’s, and when it breaks.” Tell us a little
                               about the origins of this tag. How was it adopted? Who came up
                               with it? When was it first used?
                                  Oxley: For many years we used “Traffic and weather together on
                               the 8’s”. CBS decided about eight years ago to trademark the tag, so we
                               switched to “on the 8’s and when it breaks.” Although some prefer to use
                               “brakes.” Either works for us!
                                  GAM: The station delivers its message beyond the airwaves. What
                               digital platforms and other methods does WTOP use to inform the
                                  Oxley: It is more like what aren’t we using. We have an app; we’re on
                               Alexa; we stream; on Facebook, and Twitter. We also have an award-
                               winning website delivering on-demand news for almost 25 years.
                                  GAM: WTOP has recently started using “News” more in its
                               messaging and marketing, why did you feel that was important?
                                  Oxley: The information needs of the consumer continue to change.
                               No one does news 24/7/365 like we do. It's more important than ever
                               for our listeners and website visitors to know we are constantly updating
                               the news.
                                  GAM: As one of the only 24/7/365 News radio stations in the area,
                               what do you feel your responsibility is to your listeners?
                                  Oxley: It’s important to us that no matter what time of day - any day
                               - WTOP can be trusted as the go-to source for the latest news, traffic
                               and weather. We will update you on the news that matters in a factual,
                               succinct, and honest way.
                                  GAM: As a leader in the Washington, DC community, WTOP is
                               known to give back by holding events and contests to support the needs
                               of others. What is your favorite story reflecting WTOP’s community
                                  Oxley: The most significant effort we ever made was to help the
                               Metropolitan Boys and Girls Clubs rebuild Clubhouse #2 in one of the
                               poorest parts of Washington, DC. The positive impact was enormous.
                               The kids had a safe place to go after school to play sports and hone their
                               computer skills. The Clubs were so grateful they named the clubhouse
                               the “WTOP Place for the Kids”.
                                  For news and information you need to lead a more informed life, be
                               sure to tune into WTOP 103.5 FM.

Page 8 • gam|mag • June 2020
A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG

Moving on Up with JK Moving:
Q&A with Chuck Kuhn, CEO, JK Moving Services

 Chuck Kuhn
 Photos courtesy of JK Moving

   JK Moving is an institution in the               How have you grown since starting in the
Washington, DC Metropolitan Region.                 basement?
Bruce Gemmill reached out to Chuck Kuhn,               Kuhns: Almost 40 years later, our focus
CEO of JK Moving to learn a bit more about          has taken us from a one truck company to
this tremendously successful moving and             one that logs six million miles a year for our
relocation company.                                 clients. Today we are the largest independent
  Gemmill: Chuck, would you share with              moving and storage company in North
us when you first felt the longing to be an         America, employing more than 1,100 people,
entrepreneur?                                       most of whom live in the DC metro region.
   Kuhns: When I was growing up, I always           We have moved U.S. presidents, complex
enjoyed working, and assumed that one day           laboratories, priceless art, data centers, as well
I would own my own business. I found my             as hundreds of thousands of families.
direction following two difficult moves with          Over this time, what hasn’t changed are the
my family as a young teen. I knew I could do a      company’s values of care and respect, which
better job and make a living at it. Shortly after   shape all decisions and impacts how we invest
getting my driver’s license, I bought a moving      in people, new technology and facilities as
truck and started the company in my parent’s        well as how we treat customers, vendors and
basement. My goal: grow so that we could            the community.
scale without sacrificing quality and be caring       Gemmill: The COVID-19 pandemic
and courteous to everyone we interacted with.       and economic shutdown has affected every
  Gemmill: So you knew at an early age you          business and individual. How has JK been
were an entrepreneur, and you went forward          involved in pandemic-related efforts?
to build what now is quite a large business.
Would you tell us about JK Moving in 2020?                                    (Continued on page 10)

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A Behind the Scenes Tour of WTOP 103.5 FM - JUNE2020 VOLUME11,ISSUE6 - GAM|MAG

JK (Continued from page 9)                        iPads to take students on virtual tours of their
                                                  rooms so they can together create inventories
  Kuhns: During the pandemic, JK has              of items they need packed, shipped or stored.
remained focused and true to its values of
                                                     Gemmill: When we were talking earlier,
care and respect by working to keep clients
                                                  you mentioned how JK Moving has been
moving, taking care of employees and
                                                  of help to the healthcare industry and food
partners, and providing needed support to
                                                  banks. Tell our readers about this.
the community. As an essential business, JK
Moving has continued to help people and              Kuhns: We are working to ensure the
companies move and provide operational and        healthcare community can focus on patients
logistical support.                               by storing and delivering medical supplies
                                                  and equipment to hospitals as they fight the
   Gemmill: Has JK Moving leveraged
                                                  pandemic. In addition, we are delivering
technology to its advantage during these times
                                                  meals to local students who are at home and
of social distancing?
                                                  rely on schools to get the meals and nutrition
  Kuhns: Our investments in digital tools
                                                  they need.
that make moving easier are especially useful
now and require less face-to-face interaction.      As food banks are overwhelmed, JK is
Customers can survey their house by simply        delivering pallets of non-perishable items to
pointing and clicking a smart phone using an      food banks and grocery/retail stores to help
interface that helps to instantly develop an      the food insecure. The JK Community Farm,
inventory and estimate. It recognizes rooms,      a nonprofit farm started by JK Moving, is
furniture, and appliances as well as their cube   continuing to grow organic, healthy food and
(how many trucks and people will be needed)       donating thousands of pounds to food banks
and weights. The completed visual inventory       to help address the growing need in the DC
provides move coordinators, dispatchers, and      metro region. And JK Moving is helping make
move managers the ability to visualize and        sure the Farm’s food gets delivered.
plan the move while maintaining a positive          Gemmill: How has this pandemic changed
customer experience.                              the future of how JK Moving conducts its
   Our tech tools are being adapted for other     business?
uses. After universities closed abruptly due to      Kuhns: It’s unclear how long COVID-19
the pandemic, students’ belongings were left      will remain, yet what is clear is that the virus
stranded. JK is working with several different    is reshaping how business is getting done.
colleges to help reunite students with their      As an industry, the lessons we learn, the
possessions. JK teams are using phones and        innovations we embrace, and the support

Page 10 • gam|mag • June 2020

we provide will be part of our future. That’s    a charitable nonprofit, it is considered an
why JK is ensuring that we are prepared and      essential business and is working to ramp up
partnering when and where it matters most.       to serve even more people. Donations to the
  Gemmill: You mentioned your company’s          JK Community Farm during the COVID-19
work with food banks. How else is JK Moving      pandemic will be matched by JK Moving and
involved in the District-Maryland-Virginia       will allow the farm to increase its 2020 goal of
(DMV) community?                                 135,000 pounds of donated produce to local
   Kuhns: We are committed to investing          food pantries.
back into the community and do so in many          Gemmill: It’s obvious you embrace
ways. Our signature effort though is the JK      corporate responsibility. Beyond giving back
Community Farm I mentioned earlier. The          to our community, would you like to share
JK Community Farm is a nonprofit started in      anything additional?
2018 with the support of JK Moving Services.        Kuhns: Protecting the environment for
The Farm grows and donates protein, and          future generations is a personal passion and
healthy, chemical-free, produce to those         shapes JK and my charitable investments.
struggling with food insecurity in the DMV.      I’ve partnered with Loudoun Wildlife
With help from 3,000 volunteers last year, the   Conservancy to save an 87-acre parcel of land
Loudoun-based Farm grew and donated more         in Loudoun that has more native species of
than 114,000 pounds of food. Our nonprofit       plants and wildlife indigenous to Loudoun
partners Loudoun Hunger Relief, Food for         and Virginia than is typical. JK Moving
Others and Arlington Food Assistance Center      purchased the property and put the land into
served as distribution centers. This was the     conservation easement. I’ve also bought,
equivalent of more than 91,000 healthy,          placed into conservation easement, and
organic meals. And this year, the Farm is        revitalized the Middleburg Training Center.
committed to doing substantially more in         Similarly, I’ve placed many other farms near
light of the pandemic.                           Loudoun’s historic villages into easement—
  As food donations from grocery stores          including the JK Community Farm.
to food pantries have diminished, the JK
                                                   Gemmill: What measures has JK Moving
Community Farm has become a lifeline for
                                                 taken to keep customers and employees
thousands of families in our community. As
                                                 informed during the pandemic?
                                                    Kuhns: Safety is always first and we
                                                 have adopted stringent safety protocols, as
                                                 recommended by the Centers for Disease
                                                 Control (CDC), to keep our employees and
                                                 clients safe. In fact, much of JK’s office staff is
                                                 operating remotely. For employees working
                                                 on-site, we check their temperatures, require
                                                 they wear gloves and masks. We follow all
                                                 current CDC guidelines.
                                                   Beyond safety, communicating with
                                                 employees remains a top priority for our
                                                 management team to keep them motivated,
                                                 engaged, and up to date. I have been hosting
                                                 virtual town halls to keep employees informed
                                                 and connected. I use these forums to
                                                 update employees about business initiatives,
                                                 successes, and to answer questions. I’ve also
                                                                            (Continued on page 12)

                                                                          June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 11

JK (Continued from page 11)                      quarter of 2021 and hiring will begin shortly
                                                 before that date. We are also planning a
continued to have my regular breakfasts with     second 100,000 square foot building.
employees to help me stay connected. These
                                                   Our future success rests with having great
days, though, I meet with 2-3 employees
                                                 employees who share our commitment
                                                 to care and respect. That’s why it is
  Communicating with residential and             important to attract and retain the very
commercial customers is also important.          best team members, provide them with
In addition to phone and online meetings,        ongoing career development, and to ensure
we employ technology to help limit contact       they have a path for advancement. Our
while helping customers smoothly coordinate      commitment to investing in our employees
moves.                                           includes outstanding benefits such as a
 Gemmill: What plans do you have for JK          formal Wellness Program; competitive
Moving going into the future?                    compensation; a generous safe harbor 401(k)
   Kuhns: Like all businesses, we are learning   and company-paid profit-sharing program;
to pivot and adapt. We are continuing to         tuition reimbursement; paid time off; an
prepare for future growth and to provide         Employee Assistance Program; employee
a superior client experience. Prior to the       volunteer opportunities—including at the JK
pandemic, we had purchased 135 acres in          Community Farm; and more.
Manassas that adjoins property recently            In addition to growing our business we will
bought for data center development. We are       continue to be a leader in the community and
continuing to move forward with building         make investments to end hunger and protect
a new warehouse to extend our operations,        the environment. After all, we have to work
clientele, and employee base in Prince           together to adjust, evolve, and eventually
William County. In addition, the acreage will    embrace our new reality so that we can care
be used for commercial, industrial and data      for each other and provide jobs and services
center development.                              that we all need. We are a strong community
  We expect to add 300 new employees in the      that will grow even stronger and smarter from
Manassas location, including administrative,     this challenging experience.
sales, driver, and warehouse positions.            For more information on how JK Moving can
Planned completion of this new 100,000           be of help, visit their website at JKMoving.com,
square foot building will be in the fourth       or give them a call, 1-800-673-8487.

Page 12 • gam|mag • June 2020

The Market Will Survive
Jeff Porter, CFA®, CFP®                                Let’s address these questions by looking
Principal, Chief Investment Officer                 at some of the worst humanitarian and
Sullivan, Bruyette, Speros & Blayney, LLC           economic events of the 19th and 20th centuries,
Process Versus Prediction                           the process of getting “back to normal” in
                                                    their aftermath, and what it may mean for our
in a Bear Market                                    economy and markets in the coming years.
   Covid-19’s impact on our society, the
economy, and our emotions is quite                  The Spanish Flu
unprecedented. The size and scale of the               Certainly, the coronavirus and the
impact is naturally causing many investors          quarantine measures put in place feel like
to think about making significant moves in          new experiences to most of us, but there are
their portfolios, like selling large allocations    similarities to the Spanish Flu of 1918 that
of stocks until the future is more certain.         infected 500 million people globally (one-third
While this “de-risking” can feel comforting         of the population) and killed at least 50 million
at first, there are many issues with trying         people (equivalent to more than 200 million
to time the market amid a downturn                  today), most in the prime of their lives.1 Back         Jeff Porter
to either buy back in at lower prices or            then, however, people did not know the cause
to reestablish positions when the “dust             of the epidemic, had no treatments (like
settles.” I want to be clear that this does         antibiotics for co-infections), and had little
not mean that strategic decisions shouldn’t         clue about how to control the spread. Nobody
be made before a decline begins (by taking          even knew what a virus was until 1933.
on the appropriate amount of risk), or
that moves such as harvesting tax losses
or repositioning within bonds and stocks
shouldn’t be done. What it does mean is
that investors should avoid sizable moves
from stocks to cash/bonds, as it most likely
will result in less wealth over time.
  I would like to lay the groundwork for some
other options at your disposal, namely:
  1. Holding onto your positions (buy and
  2. Rebalancing to your long-term target
  3. Buying stocks over a course of months
                                                       As for the stock market, it was much more
to reach a higher stock allocation target
                                                    concerned with World War I. U.S. stocks fell 46%
(Example: If you had a 50% target, now you
work towards a 60% target.)                         in real terms from the end of 1915 to the end
                                                    of 1917 (when the war ended), versus just a 5%
   The main difficulty with either holding onto
                                                    decline from the end of 1917 to the end of 1919
your investments or buying into declines is that
                                                    during the Spanish Flu.2 Then the market was off
you need to have confidence that “normal” will
                                                    to the races as we entered the Roaring Twenties.
return and that this bear market isn’t completely
different from previous ones. One of the            The U.S. Civil War
main questions we are receiving is something          The Civil War was the deadliest conflict
like this: “Yes, I understand that markets          in U.S. history, with six times the number of
have always ‘come back,’ but isn’t this crisis      American deaths (as a percentage of the U.S.
different? How do we know it will come back?”
                                                                             (Continued on page 14)

                                                                            June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 13

The Market (Continued from page 13)                    1. Massive amounts of monetary and fiscal
                                                    relief/stimulus have been quickly deployed
population) than in World War II.3 Most of
                                                    (with more likely coming).
the fighting was done in the south, which
left infrastructure destroyed and thousands           2. The stock market was pricing in a very
without food and the basic necessities of           bleak forecast at its March lows.
life. Furthermore, there was no Federal                Some of the main reasons why the Great
government stimulus like there is today.            Depression was so severe was that the
Despite all this, the following chart illustrates   Federal Reserve did next to nothing to help,
how quickly farm income recovered after             the government added fuel to the fire by
the war ended in April 1865.                        reducing government spending to balance the
                                                    budget, and there were no social safety nets
                                                    such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,
                                                    unemployment insurance, etc. In today’s
                                                    crisis, the Fed and the government are doing
                                                    “whatever it takes” and acting much quicker
                                                    than ever before (in weeks, rather than months
                                                    like during the Global Financial Crisis of 2008).
                                                       The $2.2 trillion CARES Act dwarfs the
                                                    $800 billion (in today’s dollars) for FDR’s New
                                                    Deal, the $170 billion annually for the Reagan
World War II (Germany and Japan)                    tax cuts, and is more than double the size of
                                                    the Obama administration’s stimulus packages
   By the end of World War II, Germany and
                                                    in 2009.5 Combined with $4 trillion from the
Japan were decimated. Germany lost 8% of
                                                    Federal Reserve to total $6.2 trillion, the total
its population, 20% of its housing, and 33%
                                                    spending is approximately 50% more than the
of its industrial production. Food production
                                                    total cost of World War II at $4.1 trillion (in
was just half of its 1938 levels, and an average
                                                    today’s dollars).6 You get the point.
German’s caloric intake was less than 35% of
an American’s. Japan lost 4% of its population,       Despite this massive relief effort, what
40% of its plant, equipment, and other              does the market think will happen to the
production assets, and 25% of its housing.4         “mother’s milk” of stock prices — earnings?
                                                    The next chart shows what the market was
  Despite these jaw-dropping figures, this
                                                    expecting in terms of earnings growth on
chart shows how rapidly economic activity
                                                    January 20th (gold line). As of March 17th
                                                    (blue line), the market was pricing in a 45%
                                                    decline in earnings by the end of 2022. More
                                                    importantly, it was forecasting that earnings
                                                    would not return to the previous peak
                                                    within 10 years.

Coronavirus (Covid-19)
  While no one knows how the spread of the
coronavirus, and its impact on the economy,
will exactly play out, we do know two things:

Page 14 • gam|mag • June 2020

    As you can see in the following chart,         management, tax, and fiduciary services to
however, despite all the various issues we’ve      help our clients make smart financial decisions.
had to deal with as a country, GDP (and, with
it, earnings) has a knack for having a smooth         Sullivan, Bruyette, Speros & Blayney, LLC is an SEC-
ride higher.                                       registered investment advisor. (www.sbsbllc.com)
                                                       Please Note: SBSB does not make any representations
  Source: Crestmont Research. Copyright 2003-      or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability,
2020. GDP-N is Nominal Gross Domestic Product.     completeness, or relevance of any information prepared by
EPS is Earnings Per Share of S&P 500 stocks.       any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to SBSB’s web site
                                                   or blog or incorporated herein, and takes no responsibility
                                                   for any such content. All such information is provided solely
                                                   for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be
                                                   guided accordingly.
                                                       Please remember that past performance may not be
                                                   indicative of future results. Different types of investments
                                                   involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance
                                                   that the future performance of any specific investment,
                                                   investment strategy, or product (including the investments
                                                   and/or investment strategies recommended or undertaken
                                                   by Sullivan Bruyette Speros & Blayney (“SBSB”)), or any
                                                   non-investment related content, made reference to directly
                                                   or indirectly in this commentary will be profitable, equal any
                                                   corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), be
                                                   suitable for your portfolio or individual situation, or prove
   Nobody knows what type of rollercoaster         successful. Due to various factors, including changing market
ride earnings will take in the coming years,       conditions and/or applicable laws, the content may no longer
but the world has a long history of solving        be reflective of current opinions or positions. Moreover,
                                                   you should not assume that any discussion or information
problems, rebuilding, and fully recouping          contained in this commentary serves as the receipt of, or as
losses faster than predicted, even in worst-       a substitute for, personalized investment advice from SBSB.
case scenarios. A significant difference today     Please remember to contact SBSB, in writing, if there are any
                                                   changes in your personal/financial situation or investment
is that the government and Federal Reserve         objectives for the purpose of reviewing/evaluating/revising our
have taken quick action to reduce the long-        previous recommendations and/or services, or if you would like
term damage to the economy, and their              to impose, add, or to modify any reasonable restrictions to our
                                                   investment advisory services. SBSB is not a law firm and no
work is likely not done. Lastly, the market
                                                   portion of the commentary content should be construed as legal
was pricing in a lot (perhaps not all) of the      advice. A copy of the SBSB’s current written disclosure Brochure
bad news ahead and has begun to turn its           discussing our advisory services and fees continues to remain
attention to what the world looks like in 2021     available upon request.
and beyond. That transition generally comes
quicker than you would expect.
  With this knowledge, investors can feel more       1
comfortable about forecasting long-term stock        were-not-facing-second-spanish-flu/607354/; https://www.
returns and feel confident that the market will      nytimes.com/2020/03/09/health/coronavirus-is-very-
reward investors handsomely for “riding out”         2
                                                       GMO Commentary: Asset Allocation: Covid-19 Update,
downturns; or, for risk takers, buying as prices     March 11, 2020
                                                       JP Morgan Eye on the Market: John Stuart Mill and the
go lower should that opportunity present itself      Road from Ruin to Recovery
in the months ahead.                                 4
                                                       JP Morgan Eye on the Market: John Stuart Mill and the
                                                     Road from Ruin to Recovery
   Sullivan, Bruyette, Speros & Blayney, LLC         5
                                                       Rosenberg Research, Weekly Buffet with Dave,
is an SEC-registered investment advisor. SBSB        3/27/20. https://www.rosenbergresearch.com/clients/
                                                     article/190580940725374777; Capital Economics:Congress
is dedicated to providing customized wealth          steps up to the plate. https://www.capitaleconomics.
advisory services to affluent individuals            com/publications/us-economics/us-economics-update/
and families, non-profits, and corporations          6
throughout the United States. We provide             war-ii
comprehensive financial planning, portfolio

                                                                                   June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 15

               NOVA Builders Flex Muscle
               R. Bruce Gemmill

                           Before the dramatic shutdown          the Northern Virginia Building Industry
                        of our economy due to the federal        Association (NVBIA).
                        and state government responses to           Then, in the early 1990s, the Fauquier
                        the COVID-19 pandemic, Northern          County Builders Association became a part
                        Virginia’s home building industry        of NVBIA, completing NVBIA’s influence
                        was booming. GAM/MAG reached             throughout the six major counties and all the
                        out to the Northern Virginia Builders    cities and towns within Northern Virginia.
                        Industry Association (NVBIA) for
                                                                    NVBIA includes large national and regional
                        insight into how things are going for
Gene Frogale                                                     builders, custom builders, remodelers, and
                        the industry.
                                                                 industries supporting home builders, such as
               Northern Virginia Builders Industry               financial institutions, land use attorneys, and
               Association Then and Now                          utilities. Through its frequent, effective public
                  Founded in 1936 by eight Arlington County      relations strategies and government affairs
               builders as the Arlington Builders Association,   advocacy, NVBIA communicates the positive
               the young organization experienced                impacts of residential home building activities
               substantial growth due to its member builders     as well as the negative consequences of slow-
               expanded business throughout the region and       growth policies to voters and state lawmakers,
               in 1938 renamed itself the Northern Virginia      emphasizing housing affordability.
               Builders Association (NVBA). In the spring        Pillars of Industry
               of 1946, NVBA expanded its membership                NVBIA’s mission is to create a positive
               by welcoming subcontractors, architects,          economic and political climate for the
               developers, loan correspondents, and material     building industry, so it may effectively meet
                                                                 the demand for affordable, attractive, safe,
                 By 1980, through the persistent work of its     well-planned and environmentally sensitive
               committees and public relations campaigns,        residential and business communities. As
               NVBA quickly established itself as a strong       a membership organization to more than
               political organization.                           600 builders and trade partners, it fulfills its
                 NVBA and the Prince William County              purpose through four effective and influential
               Builders Association merged to form an            pillars. The primary pillar is advocacy.
               even stronger builder alliance in 1986,           NVBIA exerts its influence with local

               Page 16 • gam|mag • June 2020

governments on behalf of members’ interests,
leveraging the clout of its Northern Virginia
chapters in Loudoun, Prince William, Fairfax,
Arlington, and Alexandria (FAA) and
   NVBIA follows a federation model,
partnering with the Home Builders
Association of Virginia (HBAV) and the
National Association of Home Builders
(NAHB), ensuring members’ interests are
also represented before state and federal
government, respectively.
   The second pillar is education, with
an emphasis on professional workforce
development. Through seminars, workshops,
and award programs, the NVBIA provides
a full range of educational programs             Community Involvement
designed to help members achieve desired            NVBIA builders and associate members
certifications and to learn the latest trends.   are very engaged in the community. In 2001,
Workforce development improves industry          NVBIA established HomeAid Northern
business practices intending to benefit those    Virginia, as the foundation for its fourth
purchasing or renting in the residential         pillar, philanthropy. HomeAid leverages the
real estate market. Because skilled labor is     resources of the homebuilding community,
one of the industry’s biggest challenges, the    and its trade partners, in building projects to
second pillar also enables NVBIA to partner      benefit homeless shelters, transitional houses,
with schools, technical centers, community       and other facilities. Members donate their
colleges, and universities to develop            expertise, time, and resources to significantly
curriculums for the building trades.
                                                 reduce construction costs. To date, NVBIA
  The third pillar, networking is achieved       and its members have completed more than
through formal and informal sessions where       121 renovation and construction projects,
members can learn about new products and         valued at more than $15.7 million in retail
services and develop business opportunities      construction costs, and have helped an
with other members.                              estimated 112,000 local homeless, at-risk
                                                                           (Continued on page 18)

                                                                        June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 17

                                                                       Photo courtesy of
                                                                       Annandale Millwork/Allied Systems
                                                                       Winchester, Virginia facility

NOVA Builders (Continued from page 17)             table, or you’re on the menu. I am proud
                                                   of how effectively our advocacy team has
individuals.                                       ensured its members a seat at the table during
  “Our members care about the communities          these challenging times.”
they develop and are extremely generous               The pandemic created a national shortage
giving back to those in need,” said Ingrao. “In    of available homes, which impacted the nearly
addition to HomeAid, Women in the Building         7 million people employed in construction
Industry, a committee designed specifically        nationwide. While Northern Virginia sales
for women leaders in construction, holds           of homes have been slow, the local advocacy
fundraising campaigns to benefit many              efforts by NVBIA, state advocacy by the
local nonprofits. And our Future Leaders,          Home Builders Association of Virginia
for young, up-and-coming professionals in          (HBAV), and federal efforts by the National
construction, develops programs and events         Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
to assist non-profits,” added Ingrao.              helped to keep home sales and construction
Home Builders add Muscle to                        employment steady. The combined efforts put
                                                   forth by this three-in-one federation yielded
                                                   the continuation of government processes
  During this COVID -19 outbreak, the              necessary for construction, such as the ability
federal and Virginia state government declared     to submit new site plans, inspections, and
the residential home building industry             permitting for processing and approval. Being
essential businesses. As a result, NVBIA           designated at the federal level as an essential
members have been able to continue to build        industry provided a clear path to ongoing
the projects that were in their pipelines before   development and easier access to capital for
the economy came to an abrupt halt.                funding.
  “Our advocacy team is phenomenal,”                 Gene Frogale has witnessed a 20% increase
said Gene Frogale, president of Annandale          in business during the first quarter of 2020.
Millwork/Allied Systems and current NVBIA          His company, Annandale Millwork/Allied
president. “We have a saying in our business,”     Systems, is a second-generation family-owned
added Frogale. “You either have a seat at the      business which he runs with his brother Rob.

Page 18 • gam|mag • June 2020

 Gene Frogale                                                    Mark Ingrao

It was their father who started Annandale        To this point, NVBIA’s CEO Mark Ingrao,
Millwork and began the company’s tradition       stressed, “Our member pipelines are at
of innovation and true partnerships              healthy levels, our robust advocacy initiatives
with builders. Together, they have built a       are yielding results, and we are confident the
company based on the principles of family        residential home building industry will be
and community led by a team of seasoned          one of the leading sectors helping the U.S.
professionals. “Our pipeline already had large   economy rebound. I’d say our members are
contracts when the sudden shutdown of our        confident in the future.”
economy occurred,” said Gene Frogale. “These        History is on our side. Northern Virginia
jobs don’t just suddenly stop. They need to      has generally been insulated from the most
continue going forward.”                         dramatic impacts of economic downturns.
  If the residential building industry is        The sudden shutdown of our economy
anything like Annandale Millwork, Northern       and the shuttering of small business has
Virginia will not experience the housing         certainly been traumatic to individuals and
shortages their peers in other parts of          businesses, but we can rest assured members
the country are facing. The backorder for        of the Northern Virginia Builders Industry
Annandale Millwork alone is 18 months out        Association will do their part helping to get
for multi-family homes.                          Virginia rolling again.
   “I know of a multi-unit apartment building      For more information about the Northern
developer who had managed to obtain              Virginia Builders Association, visit NVBIA.com.
all permitting for his 72-unit building in
Dumfries. He had a green light to proceed          Photos courtesy of NVBIA
with construction, and as of mid-May, that
apartment building is under construction,”
added Frogale.
  Like most business segments, builder
confidence dropped at the beginning of the
pandemic but rose considerably in May.

                                                                         June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 19

HCA Virginia’s Reston Hospital Center and
StoneSprings Hospital Center on the Rise
among Northern Virginia Healthcare Options
By Jeff Caldwell, HCA Capital Division Associate
Vice President of Communications

                                                                        Photos courtesy of HCA Virginia

   The capital region is home to some of           Reinvigorating Reston Hospital
the finest healthcare facilities in the nation     Center
with award-winning hospitals, world-class
                                                      These past few years have been a time of
medical professionals, and technological
                                                   significant growth for Reston Hospital Center
advancements that are improving the quality
                                                   (RHC) as it evolves to meet the needs of the
of life for patients and saving countless
                                                   community. The 231-bed, advanced care
lives each year. You don’t have to go inside
                                                   hospital serves more than 100,000 patients
the Beltway to take advantage of these
healthcare options. HCA Virginia’s Reston          annually for inpatient, outpatient, surgical,
Hospital Center and Stone Springs Hospital         and emergency care.
Center have been dramatically expanding               In 2019, RHC opened a new 18-bed, private
their healthcare offerings, technology             room, inpatient rehabilitation center; a state-
enhancements, and garnering top flight             of-the-art, 24-bed intensive care unit (ICU);
accolades as they serve Northern Virginia          a four-bed antepartum unit for high-risk OB
communities. In the era of COVID-19, these         patients; a second cardiac catheterization lab;
hospitals have also significantly enhanced         and a 400-space parking garage for patients
their safety procedures to ensure those            and visitors. Patients will experience clean,
without the virus can be safely cared for in the   comfortable, state-of-the-art care facilities
facility separated from those being treated for    across the entire Reston Hospital Center
virus symptoms.                                    campus.

Page 20 • gam|mag • June 2020

  But, the enhancements are not just new            · Joint Commission Certification for
buildings and renovated facilities. RHC has       Spine Surgery, Hip and Knee Replacement
also welcomed Children’s National Hospital        Programs
neonatologists (ranked number one in                · Comprehensive Bariatric Program
the nation by U.S. News & World Report)           accredited by the Metabolic and Bariatric
to provide 24/7 neonatal intensive care           Surgery and Accreditation Quality
unit (NICU) services. This outstanding            Improvement Program (MBSAQIP)
collaboration provides access to world-
                                                     · Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive
class care augmenting RHC’s maternity
                                                  Gynecologic Surgery by the American College
team that delivers more than 3,000 babies
                                                  of Surgeons
                                                   · Verified Level II Trauma Center by the
   Additionally, the hospital continues to lead
                                                  American College of Surgeons
the region in the advancement of minimally
invasive surgical capabilities. RHC has              While battling the global COVID-19
invested nearly $9 million in robotic surgical    pandemic during the first quarter of 2020,
technology and has performed more than            Reston Hospital Center has also focused on
6,000 robotic surgical procedures. These          the renovation of the main entrance and
include procedures to address complex spine       lobby including the finalization of a new
injuries, joint replacement, weight loss,         visitor-centric corridor that will help to
gynecologic, urologic, thoracic, colorectal and   provide easier navigation between the main
general surgery.                                  entrance, west wing entrance, pavilion I and
                                                  II entrances, and the emergency department.
  Independent industry experts have
                                                  RHC has recently enhanced cancer treatment
recognized these enhancements in patient
                                                  services with new equipment including
care and hospital operations. RHC has
                                                  new linear accelerators and CT simulation
obtained significant accolades from national
                                                  technology. Further, this year the hospital
organizations including:
                                                  plans to open a new neuro interventional
  · Top General Hospital Award from The           suite, a specialized operating room, featuring
Leapfrog Group – One of only three Top            a biplane imaging system. This advanced
General Hospital Award winners in the             angiography X-ray system will be used to
Commonwealth of Virginia                          see extremely detailed, real-time images of a
  · “A” grade patient safety award from the       patient’s head, neck and spine during stroke
The LeapFrog Group                                and other neuro endovascular procedures that
  · Patient Safety Excellence Award for the       require exact precision.
fourth consecutive year from Healthgrades                                   (Continued on page 22)

                                                                         June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 21

HCA (Continued from page 21)
StoneSprings Hospital Center
   StoneSprings Hospital Center (SSHC)
is celebrating its five-year anniversary and
remains the newest hospital to be built in
Loudoun County. The hospital includes a
124-bed acute care medical and surgical
facility, 24-hour emergency care, women’s
and children’s services, diagnostic radiology
services, on-site full-service laboratory, ICU,   compassionate skilled nurses, therapists and
and pulmonary care.                               other healthcare professionals offer high-
                                                  quality, patient-centered care.
  For expectant mothers, StoneSprings
Hospital Center offers a customized birthing        StoneSprings Hospital Center continues to
experience with private, spacious Labor,          add new services and programs to meet the
Delivery, Recovery, and Postpartum (LDRP)         growing needs of the community.
home-like suites with relaxing labor soaking         The hospital has earned its own collection
tubs. The dedicated team of expert nurses,        of top industry awards including:
physicians, and midwives are committed to            · For the second consecutive year,
providing exceptional maternity and labor         StoneSprings Hospital Center’s Emergency
and delivery care.                                Department earned the 2019 HCA Healthcare
   SSHC offers a comprehensive da Vinci           Unit of Distinction (UOD) Award – an
robotic surgery program with experienced          annual program that recognizes and
practitioners across multiple specialties. They   rewards exemplary nursing units at HCA
are home to one of only 40 robotic training       Healthcare sites. The “Unit of Distinction”
EpiCenters for general surgery in the world       designation is achieved through measurable,
and are the only one of its kind in Northern      exemplary performance in advocacy and
Virginia. All members of the surgical team are    leadership, consistency in nursing practice
trained to use the robot to provide the best      and operations, and leveraging scale to drive
care, improved recovery times, and minimally      performance.
invasive procedures to their patients.               · StoneSprings Hospital Center earned The
   StoneSprings Hospital is focused on            Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval®
playing an active role in the overall wellness    for disease-specific care for chest pain by
of the Loudoun County community. The              demonstrating continuous compliance with
facility is known for its unique and engaging     its performance standards. The Gold Seal is
community outreach events such as a               a symbol of quality that reflects a healthcare
health and wellness fair, robotics event with     organization’s commitment to providing
area STEM students, and Birth Chatter an          safe and quality patient care. StoneSprings
educational roundtable event for expectant        Hospital was initially awarded certification
couples to hear from expert OB providers.         in 2017 for two years and has now been
   Additionally, the hospital’s expanding         recertified.
orthopedic and spine programs offer its             · StoneSprings Hospital earned the Joint
community the latest in total joint and spine     Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval and the
care. StoneSprings Hospital offers the most       American Heart Association/American Stroke
advanced imaging and treatment options in         Association’s Heart-Check mark for Advanced
its modern facility. Our orthopedic and spine     Re-Certification for Primary Stroke Centers.
doctors are fellowship-trained, board-certified   The Gold Seal of Approval and the Heart-
specialists. Our multidisciplinary team of        Check mark represent symbols of quality

Page 22 • gam|mag • June 2020

from their respective organizations.
   · Making Medicine Mercury Free Award.
Selected as an Environmental Excellence
Award winner recognizing StoneSprings
Hospital’s ongoing commitment to improving
its environmental performance and efforts
in achieving a top standard of excellence in
Caring for Patients and Employees
During the COVID-19 Pandemic
   Reston and StoneSprings Hospital Centers
have joined hospitals across Virginia in the
unprecedented effort to treat hundreds of
COVID-19 patients in the region. Using
leading infection-prevention techniques
including universal masking, enhanced
screening and testing of staff and patients,
special areas reserved for the treatment of
potential and confirmed COVID-19 patients,
enhanced cleaning and sanitizing procedures,
and visitor access restrictions, these facilities
strived to ensure safe and effective treatment
of patients throughout the pandemic period.
   To ensure the Reston and Loudoun County
employees of these facilities and their families
are protected during the pandemic, HCA
has instituted programs to reallocate staff in
areas where procedures or patient levels have
been reduced to ensure work in areas more
directly related to COVID care. While other
area healthcare institutions are laying off
hundreds of employees, HCA has guaranteed
pandemic pay to those medical professionals
and staff who could not be shifted onto other
duties, guaranteeing these employees and            members of our healthcare team and pledge
their families 70 percent of their pay. This        to treat one another with loyalty, respect,
ensures the communities economic stability is       and dignity. This includes good times and
protected and provides a safety net for these       challenging ones like we have faced this year.”
workers during the most significant impacts            HCA Healthcare’s Northern Virginia
of the pandemic on the healthcare industry.         hospitals are part of the commonwealth’s
  “At HCA Virginia, we have a mission that          most comprehensive provider network. HCA
‘Above all else, we are committed to the care       Virginia Health System operates 14 hospitals,
and improvement of human life,’” said Reston        29 outpatient centers, five freestanding
Hospital Center President and CEO John              emergency rooms, and two urgent care centers
Deardorff, FACHE. “In pursuit of our mission,       and is affiliated with 3,000 physicians. It is one
we work to ensure the best possible experience      of Virginia’s largest employers, provides $251.6
for the patients we serve in our community,         million in uncompensated care and pays $82.3
but we also trust our colleagues as valuable        million in state and local taxes each year.

                                                                            June 2020 • gam|mag • Page 23
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