Page created by Adam Hill
Issue 13 | April 2014 |

                    DETERRING STOCK MARKET

     Capturing Smart Betas

    What Bets Are Good
    For 2014?

     Jump Start Your Asset
     Management Career

    The Era of Fiduciary

     NUS Wins Local Research

                                      | Page 1
BOARD MESSAGE                   Dear fellow CFA Singapore members:

                                We hope you’ve had an excellent           This year, we kicked off the panel
                                start to 2014. The Society’s various      discussion with forecasts of key
                                committees have been hard at work,        market indicators, as well as personal
                                with a slew of excellent events held      portfolio allocations.
                                in the first quarter. This newsletter
                                highlights some of the key events.        The Career Development Committee
                                                                          and Asset Management Committee
                                The University Relations Committee        jointly organized a half-day seminar
                                kicked off the year with the CFA          on “Developing a Career within Asset
                                Singapore University Investment           Management” in March. Speakers
                                Research Challenge. After much            included our board members, Asset
                                deliberation by a panel of industry       Management Committee members,
                                veterans, the NUS team won, with          and senior industry colleagues.
                                NTU as first runner-up. NUS will
                                represent Singapore at the regional       We also had an update by the CFA
                                finals, which will be held in Singapore   Institute on the CLARITAS program.
                                in late April.                            CFA Institute leaders addressed
                                                                          top Singapore employers of CFA
                                The Senior Members Committee              charterholders on the issue of
                                featured “Capturing Smart Betas”          restoring trust to the industry.
                                in February, with key speaker Raj
                                Manghani (MD and Head of Risk             As     always,   the    Networking
                                Management Analytics for Asia-            Committee provided a steady stream
                                Pacific at MSCI).                         of informal events for members to
                                                                          catch up with each other.
                                Together with the CFA Institute, the
                                Advocacy Committee organized a            We are, as always, most grateful
                                dialogue session on “Deterring stock      to all the volunteers who are the
                                market manipulators in Singapore”         driving force of our committees.
                                in March, which was particularly          They provide the inspiration and
                                timely given recent investor              leadership for our many events,
                                concerns regarding small-cap stocks.      programmes and initiatives, most
                                An impressive line-up of speakers         ably supported by our Society’s staff.
                                discussed     current    conditions,
                                retail investors’ perspectives, roles     Please do approach the committees
                                of directors, and class action as a       or board members if you are
                                potential deterrence.                     interested in any area. We hope to
                                                                          see you soon!
                                The Professional Development
                                Committee held the Annual Forecast
                                Dinner in March. The key speaker
                                was Steen Jakobsen (Saxo Bank’s
                                chief economist), with other senior
                                investment professionals joining the
                                panel.                                    The Board

Page 2 |
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                                                                                                         | Page 3

                                Deterring Stock Market
                                Manipulators in Singapore
                                          Richard Teng
                                          T.K. Yap, CFA
                                          Mano Sabnani
                                          Adrian Chan
                                          Daniel S. Drosman

                                Capturing Smart Betas           12
                                          Raj Manghani, CFA
                                          Ashish Goyal, CFA
                                          Dr Chen Peng, CFA

                                What Bets are Good
                                for 2014?
                                          Steen Jakobsen
                                          Ashish Goyal, CFA
                                          Ng Kheng Siang, CFA
                                          Hou Wey Fook, CFA

Page 4 |
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23                         Jump Start Your
                  Asset Management Career
     Joshua Teo         Arun Kelshiker, CFA
     Madeline Ho         Paul Bernard, CFA
     Freddy Lim            Lim Li YIng, CFA
     John Ng                 Kanol Pal, CFA
     Ryan Yeo              Sean Quek, CFA
     Patrick Yeo, CFA        Mark Tan, CFA

29                                     The Era of
                            Fiduciary Capitalism
                        John Bowman, CFA
                        Richard McGillivray
                            Paul Smith, CFA

32                                 NUS Wins
                    Local Research Challenge
                        Mrs Chin Ean Wah
                    Kes Visuvalingam, CFA
                            Mark Tan, CFA
                     Ong Seow Beng, CFA
                         Tan See Wee, CFA

                                                          | Page 5
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           Page 6 |
Industry dialogue with Singapore Exchange and market participants

Many retail investors were burnt            SGX AS A MARKET OPERATOR               A recent CFA Institute survey
after 3 small-cap stocks crashed in         REGULATOR AND FRONTLINE                identified market fraud as the top
October 2013, wiping out close to           REGULATOR                              concern of Singapore members
S$9 billion in market value in a mere 3                                            about the local market.           CFA
days. Stock prices of Blumont Group,        The     Monetary     Authority    of   Singapore, with the support of CFA
Asiasons Capital and LionGold Corp          Singapore is the key regulator of      Institute, then invited the following
slumped by more than 80%.                   capital markets. Most of the key       industry experts to discuss how
                                            legal provisions overseeing the        market manipulation happens,
As market participants came to              capital market, including licensing    what is being done to deter it and
view stocks, especially small caps,         and oversight of market operators      possible remedies:
with heightened suspicion, trading          and participants such as member
volumes on the Singapore bourse             firms and fund managers as well        1. SGX Chief Regulatory Officer
during the first two months of this         as administering fund-raising and          Richard Teng
year tumbled 40% year-on-year.              prospectus provisions are prescribed
                                            under the Securities & Futures         2. Former US federal prosecutor
Market manipulation -- that is,             Act and Securities and Futures             Daniel Drosman
practices that falsely inflate or deflate   Regulations.
stock prices with the intention to                                                 3. Lee & Lee Corporate Head
deceive and affect trading volumes --       As a frontline regulator, SGX is a         Adrian Chan
turns investors away from the broad         co-regulator that works closely
market in the long run.                     with the MAS to supervise listed       4. Rafflesia Holdings founder
                                            companies and member firms as well         Mano Sabnani
What can be done to restore investor        as to monitor market activities. For
confidence? At the closed-door              instance, companies seeking listings   5. OCBC Securities Executive Director
event, SGX Chief Regulatory Officer         that intend to raise money will have       TK Yap, CFA
Richard Teng provided illustrations         their prospectuses approved by
on the Exchange’s regulatory role           the MAS in addition to having their    About 40 senior CFA members
and function.                               listing applications approved by       were at the closed door session
                                            SGX. Also, member firms will need to   moderated by Dr. Tony Tan, CFA
                                            be licensed and supervised by MAS      (Head of Standards and Financial
                                            over and above their membership        Market Integrity at CFA Institute,
                                            approval by SGX.                       Asia Pacific) in March at Tower Club.

                                            SGX is regulated by the MAS in the
                                            performance of its regulatory role.

                                                                          | Page 7
The     MAS       conducts    annual      This was unusual as the takeover
                                     inspections on SGX, and has powers        price was S$6.25. A trader had
                                     to appoint and remove its board           placed a sell order for 200,000 shares
                                     directors as well as key appointment      before the pre-closing routine and
                                     holders.                                  withdrawn the order just before it
                                                                               matched. By doing so, the trader was
                                     SGX is one of the few exchanges in        able to shift the equilibrium stock
                                     the world that conduct real-time          price to S$6.42.
                                     surveillance. It is also one of the few
                                     exchanges that query companies on         SGX called the trader and found
                                     a real-time basis.                        that he keyed in a sell order for
                                                                               200,000 shares when he had only
                                                                               55,000 shares. SGX referred the case
                                     TOOLS USED TO ENSURE FAIR AND             to MAS for further investigation.
      “Low-priced stocks may be
     more susceptible to market      ORDERLY TRADING                           On 22 September 2010, MAS
   manipulation - hence the joint                                              announced that it had imposed a
      consultation with the MAS      SGX has three regulatory tools            civil penalty of $50,000 on the trader
   proposing the imposition of a
        minimum trading price.”      to maintain a fair, orderly and           and suspended his Capital Markets
                                     transparent. They are:                    Services representative licence for 3
                   Richard Teng                                                months.
         Chief Regulatory Officer    1.   Queries to listed companies
                            SGX           when there are unusual
                                          trading patterns that could not      Market abuses and misconduct
                                          explained by market sentiment,       such as insider trading and market
                                          industry    trends,   corporate      manipulation are offences under
Mr Teng and his team work closely         developments and other factors.      the Securities and Futures Act.
with the Monetary Authority of            This serves to extract yet-to-be     SGX cooperates with the relevant
Singapore in developing and               disclosed material information       regulatory agencies such as MAS
enforcing rules and regulations           as well as to alert investors of     and CAD for investigation into such
for market participants. Mr Teng          the observed unusual market          misconduct as SGX is not a state
joined SGX from the MAS in 2007           action.                              agency and does not have state
where his last appointment was                                                 powers to call witnesses and seize
                                     2.   Trading suspension if there          records.
Director of Corporate Finance
                                          is threat to fair, orderly and
Division. At MAS, Mr Teng was
                                          transparent trading.
also Secretary to the Securities
Industry Council, the body           3.   Designation of a security
responsible for regulating take-          where, in SGX’s opinion, there       REVIEW OF TRADING SAFEGUARDS
over and merger transactions in           is manipulation of the security,
Singapore.                                excessive speculation, or if it is   Before 26 Sep 11, the non-
                                          in the interest of the market.       cancellation phase of the closing
Mr Teng graduated from Nanyang                                                 routine was fixed at 5:05pm. As
Technological University (First      SGX will deploy the appropriate           part of its regular reviews, SGX
Class Honours in Accountancy)        tool depending on circumstances,          implemented initiatives to enhance
and holds a Masters in Applied       unusual trading activities observed       market transparency:
Finance (with Distinction) from      and risks involved. SGX uses              •   Publication    of     real-time
the University of Western Sydney.    SMARTS, a market surveillance and             indicative equilibrium prices
                                     compliance technology solutions               during the Opening and Closing
Mr Teng is a Council member          system from NASDAQ OMX.                       Routines
of the Singapore Institute of
                                     Here is an illustration of what the       •   Random ending to the Pre-Open
Directors and a member of the
                                     system helped SGX surveillance                and Pre-Close phases of the
Singapore Divisional Council of
                                     analysts detect:                              Opening and Closing Routines.
CPA Australia. He also chairs the
Institute of Banking and Finance’s   On one occasion just before the
Capital Markets and Financial        market closed, the price of a stock       In 2012, SGX commissioned a study
Advisory Services Examination        that had announced a takeover offer       to examine if the safeguards were
Board.                               jumped from S$6.25 to S$6.42.             effective in enhancing market

Page 8 |
The findings show that order            The extent of market manipulation
amendments were made earlier            is partly dependent on the market
which suggest that the safeguards do    structure that allows it.
have an impact on order behaviour
as intended.                            It is also partly dependent on wheth-
                                        er the regulator prefers an approach
More recently, MAS and SGX              that is a tighter prescriptive (and pro-
conducted a review of market            tective) regime of a closed market, or
structure    and      practices  and    a “caveat emptor” disclosure-based
concluded        that     Singapore’s   regime of an open market.
market structure and practices are
fundamentally sound. This is in line    Each approach attracts different
with the IMF assessment last year       types of market participants.
that Singapore’s financial services
                                                                                   “There is sometimes a fine line
sector is well regulated with a high    The reality is that whilst market par-     between where you can clamp
level of adherence to international     ticipants do not want over-regula-         down hard and where you don’t
standards.                              tion which can stifle market activi-       in order not to kill the market. A
                                                                                   measured approach is important.”
                                        ties, they are also likely to push the
There are a few areas of possible       regulatory envelope.                       T.K. Yap, CFA
enhancements. MAS and SGX have                                                     Executive Director
                                                                                   OCBC Securities
invited public feedback to these        Regulators are always having to
proposals with the aim of further       find an optimal balance as markets
promotingorderly      trading   and     evolve because you will always have
responsible investing by imposing:      people trying to be smarter and try-
•   A minimum share price for com-      ing to beat the system.
    panies listed on SGX Mainboard                                                 Mr Yap oversees OCBC Securities’
                                        So, you can mitigate the risks of mar-     Institutional Business Group,
•   Collateral requirements for trad-   ket manipulation, but I don’t think        which includes the institutional
    ing                                 you can eliminate the risks if you         execution      and      electronic
•   Short position reporting            want to open up capital markets.           execution teams handling ASEAN
                                                                                   direct execution and ETF block
The consultation paper for review-                                                 execution. His experience in
ing securities market structure and     WHAT ARE THE COMMENTS FROM                 the investment and securities
practices also proposed improving       THE RETAIL PERSPECTIVE?                    business over the last 30 years
the transparency of trading restric-                                               spanned local and foreign firms,
tions imposed by broking houses,        MANO SABNANI:                              buy and sell sides, distribution
strengthening the process for admit-    The SGX has an onerous task of             and origination. He was also head
ting new listings and enforcing ac-     watching over the market. My ques-         of research and head of sales of
tion against listing rule breaches.     tion is whether it is feasible to try to   a regional brokerage in the early
                                        know what is going on in the market        90s.
                                        place. The market place is made up
Here is a summary of questions raised   of individuals who exercise their own      He is advisor to CFA Singapore
at the dialogue and comments from       ingenuity.                                 and was formerly on the Board
the expert panelists.                                                              of Governors of the CFA Institute.
                                        The broking house is in a position         He now serves on the SGX
IT IS IN THE COMMERCIAL INTER-          to detect market manipulation by           Securities Advisory Committee
EST OF SGX TO ENSURE THAT THE           analysing what their clients are in-       and other committees of IBF AND
MARKET TRANSACTS WITH INTEG-            structing them to do. The persons          SIAS. He has also served on MAS
RITY. WHY DO YOU THINK WE ARE           in the best position to know what is       committees and task forces.
HAVING PROBLEMS WITH EQUITY             going on are the dealers and remi-
MARKET MANIPULATION?                    siers, rather than the investors. Deal-
                                        ers and remisiers have a very good
TK YAP:                                 feel of who is doing what. However,
It is important to understand the ex-   there is no regulatory requirement
tent of market manipulation in the      for them to report suspicious market
context of a holistic market ecosys-    activity to SGX.

                                                                          | Page 9
                                                                                 As a frontline market regulator, SGX
                                                                                 has an established set of robust rules
                                                                                 to regulate its member firms (broking
                                                                                 houses) and their representatives
                                                                                 against such practices.         There
                                                                                 are also robust provisions in the
                                                                                 Securities and Futures Act with
                                                                                 adequate penalties to deter market

                                                                                 ARE       THE      TRADING
                                                                                 REPRESENTATIVES OF BROKING
“It will be nice if the SIAS takes the           “We can do a lot of internal
  lead in class action in Singapore.              training, but deterrence of    HOUSES REALLY CROSSING THE
 Lawyers here are not cheap. At an             market fraud is going to boil     EDGE?
   individual investor level, merely       down to effective detection and
         the first step of locating the   effective enforcement of external
  relevant affected people already                  sanctions by a regulator.”   TK YAP:
          amounts to a lot of effort.”                                           As long as there is an opportunity to
                                                                                 make money, and the desire, people
                     Mano Sabnani                              Adrian Chan
                 Chairman and CEO                         Head of Corporate      will take their chances and walk on
                 Rafflesia Holdings                                Lee & Lee     the edge. Some of them will even
                                                                                 find ways to walk over the edge
A    well-known     writer    and         Mr Chan is Vice-Chairman of the        and hope they don’t get caught.
commentator in the mass media,            Singapore Institute of Directors       That is often driven by greed. You
Mano Sabnani was the Chief                and is the Head of the Corporate       can’t really anticipate how market
Editor of Singapore’s Business            Department at the Singapore            participants are crossing the edge.
Times from 1986 to 1992. He was           law firm, Lee & Lee, which was         That’s why it’s not surprising to see
then appointed Managing Editor            founded by the first Prime Minister    rules being tweaked after something
of The Straits Times and Head of          of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew.            major happens in any market around
the Editorial Support Unit of SPH                                                the world.
English/Malay newspapers.                 Mr Chan is also the Non-Executive
                                          Chairman of several SGX-listed         The management of a broking
He was CEO and Editor-in-Chief            firms, including Nobel Design          house can inculcate a ‘code
of daily newspaper TODAY from             Holding, Isetan (Singapore), Yoma      of ethics’ among its trading
2003 to 2006.                             Strategic and Biosensors. He is        representatives (TRs) by laying down
                                          also an independent director on        what’s acceptable and what’s not.
During the mid-1990s, he was              the Boards of SGX-listed AEM           It is quite clear to TRs in Singapore
Director of Research at DBS               Holdings and Global Investments.       that if they break the rules, they risk
Securities and MD for Equity                                                     losing their trading licence. On top
Capital Markets, DBS Bank.                He co-authored Singapore’s first       of that, TRs also face regular internal
                                          “Annotated Code of Corporate           audits by the broking house that
He has also served on the board of        Governance” for Lexis-Nexis and        they represent, as well as by the
several SGX-listed companies.             sits on the Corporate Governance       Monetary Authority of Singapore.
                                          and Regulations Committee              Everyone knows the rules. On top
                                          of the Singapore International         of that, an ethical culture is a good
                                          Chamber of Commerce. He has            preventive approach. When I coach
                                          been appointed to the Corporate        trainee brokers in my firm, I remind
                                          Governance and Directors’ Duties       them this business is about Trust,
                                          Working Group of the Steering          Integrity and Professionalism (TIP).
                                          Committee that has been
                                          established by the Ministry of
                                          Finance to review and rewrite the      SHOULD DIRECTORS PLAY A
                                          Companies Act of Singapore.            BIGGER ROLE WHEN THERE
                                                                                 IS UNUSUAL PRICE STOCK
                                                                                 MOVEMENT OF THE COMPANY
                                                                                 THEY ARE IN?

Page 10 |

ADRIAN CHAN:                              DANIEL DROSMAN:
There is very little the board can do     Deterrence against fraud is good for
to deal with market fraud, except to      investors, is good for the economy
co-operate with regulators.               and is in the long run good for com-
                                          panies that are component stocks of
RICHARD TENG:                             an index.
We co-operate with other regulatory
agencies in investigations. Market        In the US, we have a dual public-pri-
manipulation has been more                vate anti-fraud enforcement regime
challenging to investigate compared       where we have anti-fraud actions by
with insider trading.                     regulators and we have anti-fraud
                                          class actions by private attorneys. It
To investigate market manipulation,       is often not economically feasible to
we need to first consider which           file individual law suits on securities
                                                                                         “Securities class action is very
parties may be working in concert,        fraud. The economic costs of filing            important      to     institutional
how they work together and how            such law suits overwhelm retail in-            investors in the United States.”
they are connected.                       vestors. Even institutional investors
                                                                                         Daniel S. Drosman
                                          are often priced out of taking indi-           Founding Partner
It demands more time as we need to        vidual action.                                 Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd
gather more points of evidence.
                                          What a class action does is, it aggre-
MANO SABNANI:                             gates the claims of all the investors
The charts of Blumont, Asiasons and       against the company that issued
Liongold showed a steady upward           the stock, in a situation where the            A former federal prosecutor and
gradient over one and a half years        company has defrauded investors by             graduate of the Harvard Law
even though there were no signifi-        issuing false and misleading state-            School, Mr. Drosman served as
cant earnings. Their prices did not re-   ments, thereby inflating the stock             one of the lead trial attorneys in
flect the ups and downs of the mar-       price.                                         Jaffe v. Household Int’l, Inc. in the
ket due to macro factors.                                                                Northern District of Illinois – a six-
                                          Class action addresses the situation           week jury trial which resulted in a
Besides share price manipulation,         when investors bought the stock at             verdict for plaintiffs and a record
when a listed company cooks its ac-       an inflated price suffered a real loss.        judgment of US$2.46 billion for
counts in order to get a good IPO                                                        the defrauded investors.
price, and continues to inflate its       In the US, 75% of class action is head-
performance metrics subsequent to         ed by a large institutional investor           Mr. Drosman also led a group
being listed, all who invested will be    with professional managers. What               of      attorneys     prosecuting
affected. That is market fraud from a     that does is, it maximizes the return          fraud claims against the credit
different angle.                          to that institutional investor from            rating agencies, where he is
                                          taking up the law suit.                        distinguished as one of the few
When the market capitalisation has                                                       plaintiffs’ counsel to defeat the
become massive, such companies            Empirical data shows that private se-          rating agencies’ traditional First
can raise new money by issuing            curity class action law suits are able         Amendment defense and their
shares to unsuspecting investors.         to return more money to investors              motions for summary judgment
This is market fraud, where investors     than regulatory action. They are also          based on the mischaracterization
get hurt when the stock falls off the     often more effective. Private security         of credit ratings as mere opinions
cliff.                                    class action law suits also compen-            not actionable in fraud.
                                          sate in ways that regulatory action
                                          law suit does not.

HOW CAN CLASS ACTION, WHETH-              Take the Enron scandal for example.
ER AGAINST COMPANIES OR DI-               Regulatory action by SEC recovered
RECTORS, BE A PRIVATE MARKET              US$444 million for investors while
MECHANISM TO DEAL WITH MAR-               private law suits returned US$7.3 bil-
KET MANIPULATION?                         lion. In the case of WorldCom, the
                                          SEC recovered US$750 million while
                                          private law suits returned US$6.1 bil-

                                                                            | Page 11
                        MSCI MD Raj Manghani, CFA on ‘Factor Investing’

Smart beta and risk premia are           Traditionally, investors associate         WHERE DO RISK PREMIA EXIST?
today’s buzz words among fund            two types of strategies with return
managers. If ‘beta’ is the return        sources:-                                  There are three main categories of
from the broad market, than ‘smart                                                  factors: macroeconomic, statistical,
beta’ is the excess return from stocks   1) Passive strategies capture broad        and fundamental.
selected based on a factor that has      market beta via passive replication
historically been proven to drive        of cap weighted indices.                   Macroeconomic factors include
outperformance.                                                                     measures such as surprise numbers
                                         2) Active strategies capture alpha via     relating to inflation, GNP, the yield
Raj Manghani, CFA, a Managing            asset allocation, stock selection, and     curve, and other measures of the
Director and Head of Risk                market timing.                             macro economy.
Management Analytics for Asia-
Pacific at MSCI, spoke with senior       According to Raj, with the                 The mostly widely used factors are
CFA members on its MSCI Analytics        identification and advent of risk          fundamental factors, which capture
at an exclusive round table event        premia strategies, there is now a 3rd      stock characteristics such as industry,
held at Otto Ristorante in February.     return source that you can capture         country and valuation ratios.
                                         either passively through replication
                                         of indices or actively via active factor
                                         allocation and factor timing.

                                         MSCI factor indices enable investors
                                         to capture risk premia via factors
                                         that drive stock returns, be it value,
                                         size (market cap based), trading
                                         momentum, or volatility.

                                         In general, a factor can be thought
                                         of as any characteristic relating to a
                                         group of securities that is important
                                         in explaining their returns and risks.

Page 12 |
SYSTEMATIC FACTORS                     WHAT IT IS                               CAPTURED BY

Value                                  Captures excess returns to stocks        Book to price, earnings to price, book
                                       that have low prices relative to their   value, sales, earnings, cash earnings,
                                       fundamental value                        net profit, dividends, cash flow

Small Caps                             Captures excess returns of smaller       Market capitalization (full or free
                                       firms (by market capitalization)         float)
                                       relative to their larger counterparts

Momentum                               Reflects excess returns to stocks with   Relative returns (3-mth, 6-mth, 12-
                                       stronger past performance                mth, sometimes with last 1 mth
                                                                                excluded), historical alpha

Low Volatility                         Captures excess returns to stocks        Standard deviation (1-yr, 2-yrs,
                                       with lower than average volatility,      3-yrs), downside standard deviation,
                                       beta, and/or idiosyncratic risk          standard deviation of idiosyncratic
                                                                                returns, Beta

Dividend Yield                         Captures excess returns to stocks        Dividend yield
                                       that have higher-than-average
                                       dividend yields

Quality                                Captures excess returns to stocks        ROE, earnings stability, dividend
                                       that are characterized by low debt,      growth stability, strength of balance
                                       stable earnings growth, and other        sheet, financial leverage, accounting
                                       “quality” metrics                        policies, strength of management,
                                                                                accruals, cash flows

Well-known systematic factors compiled by MSCI

                                     FRAMEWORK FOR FACTOR INVESTING

        ASSESSING THE ROLE OF                SELECTING FACTORS AND                          IMPLEMENTING
          FACTOR INVESTING                    FACTOR COMBINATIONS                         FACTOR INVESTING

•   Investment belief                  •   Investment thesis /                  •    Governance structure
                                           rationale of each factor
•   Investment objective                                                        •    Policy vs. Strategic vs. Tactical
                                       •   Single vs. combinations of factors
•   Where does it sit in an asset                                               •    Index Selection
    allocation framework?              •   Historical risk & returns
                                                                                •    Investability, Liquidity
•   Role of factor portfolio in        •   Business / macro cycles                   and capacity considerations
    an investment
                                                                                •    Active vs. Passive

                                                                                •    Performance monitoring
                                                                                     and measurement

                                                                           | Page 13
Here is a summary of Raj’s replies       When there are changes in economic
                                         to questions raised by senior CFA        regime (and this could happen in a
                                         members at Otto Ristorante.              5 year period), there can be down
                                                                                  cycles for a factor strategy as borne
                                                                                  out even historically.
                                         ARE THERE ANY INDEX FUNDS
                                         RUNNING ON THESE FACTOR                  However, over a long period (25+
                                         MODELS?                                  years), the returns are unarguably
                                         iShares has selected strategies such
                                         as Minimum VAR ETF.                      Over a course of a business cycle,
                                                                                  what we have observed is that
                                                                                  certain strategies such as value
      “Since we started measuring        WHAT IS THE PUSH FACTOR FOR              are rewarded for bearing macro-
   the different returns associated      PROMOTING FACTOR INVESTING?              economic risk.
  with using different brokers, we
 started noticing who did a better
 job. This allowed us to negotiate       Results are impressive       from   a    In other words, value companies are
                 for better service.”    historical perspective.                  hit more during a down cycle because
                 Ashish Goyal, CFA                                                they are generally associated with
                                         While past performance is not            having physical assets that tend to
Mr Goyal is Investment Director          indicator of future returns, the         become under-utilized as demand
at    Eastspring     Investments         cumulative returns from factor           drops, but are also the first to recover
(Singapore), formerly known as           investing are clearly favorable over a   when the business cycle becomes
Prudential Asset Management              long-term historical perspective.        more favorable.
                                         Also, funds are able to track a factor   Similarly, other factor strategies such
                                         portfolio based on investability         as size, momentum, and quality
                                         considerations, which is an important    will be impacted by changing
                                         factor for large investors such as       economic and interest rate regimes
                                         sovereign wealth and government          and could produce period of under-
                                         pension funds.                           performance.

                                         Investability considerations are         Even taking the business cycle into
                                         important is because the turnover of     account, factor strategies earn a risk
                                         these of these strategies can be 5 or    premium over the long term: Either
                                         6 times that of a traditional market     for bearing systematic risk related
                                         cap weighted benchmark.                  to the marco-economy or due to
                                                                                  systematic errors in the market
                                                                                  whereby certain underpriced stocks
                                         ASHISH:                                  subsequently earn a higher return.
“We add value by using factors as
well as via carefully managed and        2013 has been one particular
            sophisticated trading.”      economic regime characterised by
                 Dr Chen Peng, CFA
                                         falling interest rates. Over the next    WHAT CONSTRAINTS DO YOU USE
                                         few years, the economic regime           WHEN YOU CREATE A FACTOR
                                         could change with higher interest        EXPOSURE?
Dr Chen is Asia CEO at Dimensional
Fund Advisors.      Dimensional has
                                                                                  We use the Barra value factors to
assets under management exceeding
                                         You can have a monetary easing           create the value-weighted portfolio.
US$300 billion. There are 11 legendary
                                         policy for 15 years, and then it         If you have a pre-determined set
financial economists (such as Nobel
                                         becomes tighter. Nobody knows            of sector constraints, you can use
Prize winners Eugene Fama, Myron
                                         how that can affect payoffs and          the MSCI Analytics to create a
Scholes and Robert Merton) directly
                                         persistency of returns over the next     customized index.
associated with Dimensional.
                                         5 years on the factor index.

Page 14 |
HOW DO YOU REBALANCE YOUR                 How much of the variation
FACTOR PORTFOLIO? FOR EXAMPLE,            from benchmark is due to the
HOW FREQUENTLY?                           systematic risk factor?
                                                                                   DR CHEN:
Our data is long-term and our current     Using a risk model framework like the    Dimensional has been doing factor
rebalancing frequency of the indices      MSCI equity model, one can measure       investing in one way or another for
is quarterly for size, semi-annual for    how much of the risk that is being       the past 30 years.
value and volume, and monthly for         compensated is systematic and how
momentum.                                 much is unsystematic due to market       We invested in small caps before
                                          behavioral factors that create pricing   there were small cap indices. We
During early 2000s, the dot com           anomalies in certain stocks.             invested in value companies before
bubble burst. During 2008, there                                                   there were value indices.
was the global financial crisis.          The good thing about the MSCI
                                          factor indices is that the underlying    However, over the past 30 years, we
Value stocks tend to be hit the most      MSCI risk factors used for these         have found that the performance
during downturns. Our analytics           various strategies can be easily         drag on implementing these factor
interface allows you to splice the        and transparently analyzed and           strategies is huge.
data to different time periods.           decomposed in terms of exposure
                                          and risk characteristics using
                                          available MSCI analytics.

YOUR SHARPE RATIO OVER ONE                INDEXED PRODUCTS COMPARED                The larger the client, the better the
YEAR?                                     TO OFFERING THE ‘SMART BETA’             terms they can generally procure
                                          VERSION OF MANAGED PRODUCTS?             from various intermediaries and
We have done studies and found the                                                 service providers.
Sharpe ratio to be fairly robust over a   One would expect costs to be
25-year sample period.                    generally lower for passive factor       However, the larger the fund,
                                          strategies as compared to their          the greater is the investability
                                          managed counterparts.                    consideration in terms of capacity,
WHAT KIND OF FEEDBACK ARE YOU                                                      tradability, costs, and tracking error
GETTING ON THE FACTOR INDICES?            Alpha strategies will stay. True alpha   of the strategy relative to its market
                                          managers earn their worth with a         cap weighted benchmark.
The feedback has been positive.           portfolio is truly uncorrelated to
We have worked with a number of           systematic sources.                      All else being equal, the more passive
large investors including a detailed                                               the strategy, the lower the cost, the
published research study that was         Based on our experience, many            higher the transparency, tradability,
done with the Norwegian Ministry of       institutional investors are looking      and capacity.
Finance on using factor strategies for    at how traditional alpha and factor
large scale portfolios.                   strategies, indexed or active, can co-
A number of large pension and
sovereign wealth funds have been          It is possible that some institutional
working with our historical data          investors many decide to bring down
to conduct their own tests on the         costs by deciding to replicate in-
efficacy of factor strategies in the      house some active strategies, which
context of their specific needs and       are really factor strategies disguised
constraints.                              as pure alpha strategies, with factor

                                                                           | Page 15
This returns captured do not include transaction costs or market impact, but are still favorable assuming expected transaction
costs. MSCI can be contacted to understand the drag on performance if you include different transaction costs and market impact

                                                ACWI                   ACWI EW   ACWI RW   ACWI MV   ACWI VW   ACWI HDY   ACWI QT   ACWI MO

Total Return* (%)                                 8.7                     12.8     12.9      11.1      9.2       9.8       9.8        11.4
Total Risk* (%)                                   16.5                    19.5     16.2      11.2      17.9      17.1      14.4       17.8
Return/Risk                                       0.52                    0.66     0.80      0.99      0.52      0.57      0.69       0.64
Sharpe Ratio                                      0.47                    0.62     0.71      0.82      0.47      0.52      0.59       0.59
Active Return* (%)                                0.0                     4.1      4.3       2.4       0.6       1.1       1.2        2.7
Tracking Error* (%)                               0.0                     4.9      3.4       7.6       2.6       4.2       4.0        7.7
Information Ratio                                NaN                      0.84     1.26      0.32      0.22      0.26      0.29       0.35
Historical Beta                                   1.00                    1.15     0.96      0.62      1.08      1.00      0.85       0.97
Turnover** (%)                                    3.0                     17.6     22.3      22.4      16.6      18.5      22.5       93.1
Price to Book***                                  2.0                     1.7      1.8       2.3       1.6       1.9       3.8        2.9
Price to Earnings***                              16.1                    18.4     16.9      17.1      15.8      12.3      14.5       19.2
Div. Yield*** (%)                                 2.5                     2.4      2.8       2.9       2.8       4.3       2.4        1.8
            MSCI ACWI (market cap)               100.0
            Equal Weighted (EW)                                          100.0
            Risk Weighted (RW)                                                    100.0
            Minimum Volatility (MV)                                                         100.0
            Value Weighted (VW)                                                                       100.0
            High Dividend Yield (HDY)                                                                           100.0
            Quality (QT)                                                                                                   100.0
            Momentum (MO)                                                                                                            100.0
* Annualized in USD for the 05/30/2003 to 05/31/2013 period
** Annualized one-way index turnover for the 05/30/2003 to 05/31/2013 period
*** Monthly averages for the 05/30/2003 to 05/31/2013 period
The definitions of all statistical parameters are available in the Appendix
Factor indices that consistently show superior returns when benchmarked against the MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI ,
which     indicesthe
       represents   that
                      fullconsistently  showopportunity
                           equity investment  superior returns    when
                                                         set). (Data    benchmarked
                                                                     Source: MSCI)   against the MSCI All Country
  World Index (ACWI, which represents the f ull equity investment opportunity set). MSCI data

             Page 16 |
Views from an economist, equity & fixed income fund managers, and a private banker

                                                                                    How will equities do this year? Are
                                                                                    markets overvalued? Will cyclical stocks
                                                                                    outperform dividend yield stocks? How
                                                                                    will the fixed income markets do as
The CFA Singapore Annual Forecast        WHY STOCKS WILL UNDERPERFORM               interest rates rise? What are the risks in
Dinner took place on 25 March 2014,      THIS YEAR                                  the year 2014?
a week after the US Federal Open
Market Committee announced the           “The two main conclusions I have           These issues were tackled at the Society’s
continued tapering of its monthly        today are: Firstly, the stock market       Annual Forecast Dinner held on 25
purchases of mortgage-backed             is lagging the real economy by 3           March 2014. Panel speakers included an
securities and long-term Treasuries,     months.       More importantly, the        economist, an asset allocator, an equity
which will be balanced by low            interest rate cycle leads the real         portfolio manager and a fixed income
Federal funds rates.                     economy by 9 months. Exactly 9             portfolio manager.
                                         months ago (during May to June
However, Steen Jakobsen (Saxo            2013), all the talk was about tapering.    Saxo Capital Markets was the exclusive
Bank’s chief economist), who was                                                    sponsor for the event.
the keynote speaker at the Forecast      “The consequences of that move
Dinner, believes that the US Federal     are being felt right now. Do not
Reserve will not be able to carry on     underestimate the impact of
with the tapering.                       Federal Reserve policy decisions
                                         on the currency and interest rate
He thinks there will be a severe sell-   environment down the road.
off in equities markets by the end of
this year.                               “A businessman may decide on some
                                         corporate action based on today’s
The following is a summary of            interest rate. But it will be at least 6
Mr Jakobsen’s address at the CFA         to 9 months down the road before
Singapore Annual Forecast Dinner.        he would have secured financing
                                         or invested. What happened last
                                         year explains a lot about what goes
                                         on now. The price of higher rates is
                                         immediately felt in the economy.

                                                                           | Page 17
“Out of the 25 indicators that we        Mr Jakobsen pointed out that
                                      have in Saxo’s forecasting model, 20     growth in the US housing market
                                      indicate that the US economy will        has been slowing after the tapering
                                      turn down in 2014 and hit a low.         began.

                                      The interesting thing is: As we come     In the chart below, an inverse
                                      out of 2014 into 2015, we expect         relationship between the 30-year US
                                      higher growth and higher inflation.      mortgage rate and building permits
                                                                               shows a very strong correlation
                                      “Some people think the low interest      between the lack of growth in the US
                                      rate environment will persist.           housing market right now and the
                                                                               interest rate increase since May last
                                      Anyone in fixed income will realize      year.
                                      short term interest rates stopped
                                      going down a long time ago.              He also pointed to a chart from
                    Steen Jakobsen                                             the San Francisco Federal Reserve
                    Chief Economist   A chart on GDP-weighted interest         website that clearly indicated that
                          Saxo Bank
                                      rates of G10 nations shows that last     the US growth will come down
                                      year, one-year interest rates of large   dramatically this year.
  Steen has more than 25 years of     economies moved 72 basis points
  experience in proprietary trading   down, and then back up by 58 basis       The San Francisco Federal Reserve
  and alternative investment with     points.”                                 should be on the same page as Janet
  in Hafnia Merchant Bank, Chase                                               Yellen, since she was formerly its
  Manhattan Proprietary Trading                                                President.
  Group, Swiss Bank Corp, Nordea
  and UBS. He speaks regularly on
  BBC, Bloomberg and CNBC.

Mortgage rates, which dropped to its lowest ever af ter QE3 was announced in September 2012, rose
af ter the US Federal Reserve decreased its monthly f und injection into mortgage-backed securities

  Page 18 |
Lim Li Ying, CFA
                                                                                    Chief Investment Officer
                                                                                    Singapore Labour Foundation

                                                                                    Ms Lim was moderator for the Annual
                                                                                    Forecast Dinner. She is also the
                                                                                    Chairperson of CFA Singapore’s Asset
                                                                                    Management Committee.
 Taken f rom the San Francisco Federal Reserve website in March 2014,
 the chart clearly indicated that US growth will come down dramatically             Ms Lim started her investment
 this year.                                                                         management career in fixed income,
                                                                                    moving thereafter to global multi-
                                                                                    asset including asset allocation. She
“The reason US stock market valua-       CFA Singapore members generally            has held previous appointments
tions are rich even though we have       believe tapering will be completed this    with the Government of Singapore
high unemployment and low pro-           year.                                      Investment Corporation, Barclays,
ductivity is because we have a 80:20                                                Norges Bank Investment Management
economy.                                 They are expecting a significant sell-     and DBS Asset Management.
                                         off in US 10-year Treasuries.
80% of all the companies are SMEs.
This 80% accounts for 100% of job        As much as 30% to 50% of their port-
growth, but are only given 20% of        folio is allocated to cash.
US credit financing.
                                         Mr Jakobsen is looking at a sell-off of
On the other hand, listed com-           equities in the US and in Singapore.
panies, which account for 20% of
companies, get 80% of the credit         He is expecting a weaker Euro and
financing.”                              stronger Yen.

                                         His personal investments are 70% to
The following discussion is based on a   90% in investment grade bonds, and
survey of CFA Singapore members as       he finds 5- to 10-year bonds most
well as panel speakers on their views    attractive.
for 2014 and their personal portfolio
allocation strategy.

                                                                          | Page 19
However, Hou Wey Fook is bullish on the equities market. He is expecting a nice
                                                      rally in the S&P. He is expecting the tapering to be near completion by year-end.
                                                      He is also expecting a stronger US dollar.

                                                      His personal investment portfolio is 90% to 100% in stocks.

                                                      WEY FOOK:
                                                      My central premise is the US will                          The shale gas boom has also made it
                                                      be the market that will do very well                       more competitive.
                                                      compared to the rest of the world.
                                                                                                                 The US will continue to attract a lot
                                                      The US accounts for 55% of the                             of cash out of the emerging markets.
                                                      world’s equities market. As it starts to
                                                      recover, it sucks the excess liquidity                     You can see this coming from the
                                                      out from every corner of the world.                        massive amounts of cash allocation
                 Hou Wey Fook, CFA                                                                               in Singapore private banks -
                          MD & CIO
                 Bank of Singapore                    You are seeing the effect of that in                       currently in the region of 30% to
                                                      stocks and currencies, and that has                        40%. (Singapore is one of the world’s
Wey Fook has 26 years of fund                         some way to go.                                            largest private banking centres.)
management experience. He
started his career with the GIC,                      The US economy is recovering                               I am extremely bullish on US equities.
and then joined OCBC, where he                        nicely because it has become more                          Valuations are not cheap, but not
managed portfolios of bonds,                          competitive. Its wages have been                           overly expensive.
equities and funds. He now chairs                     stagnant for the past 10 years.
the BOS investment committee.                                                                                    I am completely invested in US
He also oversees the management                       Today, it is the most competitive                          exchange traded funds.
of clients’ discretionary portfolios.                 economy in the world.

                                                                               
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                                                                                                               
                                                                                                                              

                                                                     
                                                              
                                                                           
                                                                                        
                                

                                                                                 
                                                                                
                                                   
                                                             

                                                                        
                                                                                  
                                                                                             
                                                                                                                       

                                                                                     
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Ashish Goyal is looking at the US Fed tightening as the main factor influencing
          the markets. He is expecting a weaker Euro and no change in the Yen.

                                                    He has a balanced portfolio.

Most of the forecasts will be wrong       When government bonds are ab-
at the end of the year, but what is       normally priced for a long time, as in
important is the thinking behind          the case of Japan, how do you value
them.                                     equities?

My framework of thinking is the           Should equities trade at 15 to 16
world’s got a mountain of debt.           times earnings, which may be the
                                          market average?
To chew through that debt, you                                                       Ashish Goyal, CFA
                                                                                     Investment Director
need growth.                              Or should they trade at higher valua-      Eastspring Investments (Singapore)
                                          tions, given the low interest rates?
I don’t think the growth is coming                                                   Ashish has over 20 years of investment
through.                                  I don’t share the optimism that mar-       experience,    all    at     Eastspring
                                          kets will go up.                           Investments working out of offices in
You face a tough environment this                                                    Singapore, Hong Kong and Mumbai.
year and for the next several years if    I do care a lot about valuation and I      He focuses on Asian Equity strategies
you are thinking of making a lot of       don’t see great valuation in equities      overseeing over USD4 billion of client
money.                                    anywhere in the world.                     assets.

Investment returns will be much           You can always find a company with
harder to come by compared to the         great business.
last 10 to 20 years.
                                          But in general, it is very hard to
In that kind of environment, income-      make the case to be long on equi-
related instruments will do very well.    ties.

In the last 4 to 5 years, dividend        Most of the money in my personal
stocks have done very well - much         portfolio is in fixed income.
better than they have done over the
very long term.                           Duration in my portfolio is a bit
                                          shorter than I would like it to be and
I think that will be a recurring theme.   I will have to rethink my portfolio.

My background is mainly in equities,      I’m not optimistic about the US shale
but I’ve done other things.               gas boom.

One of the challenges that I’ve had       I think in this year and the next,
is: How do you value equities when        people will see how little economic
there is severe mispricing in govern-     value that has created for the opera-
ment bonds? What is your cost of          tors of shale gas.

In normal circumstances, you derive
your cost of capital from the return
on 10-year government bonds.

                                                                           | Page 21
Ng Kheng Siang is expecting tapering to be complete at the end of this year and
                                       a sell-off in US 10-year Treasuries.

                                       He has a balanced portfolio.

                                       KHENG SIANG:
                                       I don’t think the Fed wants to rock       I don’t think the economy is strong
                                       the boat by changing their forward        enough to warrant a much stronger
                                       guidance unless they see strong           yield.
                                       evidence of data that warrants a shift
                                       from the view it has given.               I think that even when the Fed starts
                                                                                 normalizing interest rates, it will do
                                       I think they want to give the market a    so at a very slow pace.
                                       sense of certainty so that the market
               Ng Kheng Siang, CFA     can see where they are going.             I will still have some allocation to
  Asia Pacific Head of Fixed Income
       State Street Global Advisors                                              bonds, but more on corporate bonds
                                       The market is well-prepared for what      rather than government bonds.
                                       Janet Yellen said about the tapering
                                       being completed at the end of this        I think credit spreads will tighten a
                                       year.                                     little further.
Kheng Siang is responsible for
leading SSgA’s Asia Pacific fixed      They are looking at some form of          I still believe in the stock market
income teams managing global           recovery and normalization of the         recovery, so I personally still have
and local fixed income mandates.       interest rates that will soon come.       exposure of 10% to 30% to stocks.
Prior to joining SSgA in 2005,
he was a global fixed income           In the fixed income world, as the Fed     I would also keep a fair amount
portfolio manager at ABN AMRO.         tapers off its asset purchase program     in cash because I think there will
He started his career as a Portfolio   and starts thinking about raising Fed     be opportunities for investors to
Manager at Bank Negara Malaysia,       funds rate in the future, the bond        tactically shift asset allocations
where he managed fixed income          market will start pricing in higher       around.
portfolios of the foreign reserves     yields.
and was Head of Financial Market                                                 I will only buy bonds when they
Analysis.                              I think bond yields will have to adjust   trade closer to 3-1/4 to 3-1/2.
                                                                                 At a turning point, there will be
                                       As the economy continues to               opportunistic trading opportunities.
                                       improve, I believe the S&P will likely
                                       do fairly well (up around 10%), but       So, I have some allocation in
                                       not as well as last year. Similarly for   alternative investments based on
                                       the STI.                                  global macro factors.

                                       The rebound in economic growth
                                       will come but not from a strong base.

                                       I don’t think the economy will
                                       rebound as strongly as in the past.

                                       In the past, when there was a
                                       recession or weak growth, we tend
                                       to see a V-shaped recovery, but we
                                       are not seeing that this time round.

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Mr Paul Bernard, CFA, who retired as      3. UNDERSTAND YOUR                         How to get into the asset management
a Goldman Sachs Managing Director            JOB DESCRIPTION                         industry has always been less
in 2011 after being in its Investment     Understand       what     your      job    transparent than other sectors.
Research division for 19 years, had       description is, not only your job title.
the following pointers for those          What does your boss actually want          To demystify things for job-seekers,
starting out in their career.             you to do? It’s an important dialogue      CFA Singapore’s Asset Management
                                          to have with your boss. How is your        & Career Development Committees
                                          success defined?                           hosted the first “Building Careers in
1. DO SOMETHING STIMULATING                                                          Asset Management” Seminar on 29th of
Whatever the job, it should be            “At times when I was running a             March, 2014 on the University of Chicago
something you find stimulation in.        research department, the most              Booth School of Business campus in
If not, you should look for another       important thing was managing               Singapore.
job. You spend an exceptionally high      costs. At other times, it was about
proportion of your life at work, and      building an onshore China research         Thirteen top tier senior asset
there are trade offs.                     presence more quickly than anyone          management professionals volunteered
                                          else could.” The environment will          their time across the half day seminar
“I noticed a lot of people ended up       dictate what success is.                   presenting and discussing with over
in jobs because they thought were                                                    130 university students and young CFA
prestigious or something they could                                                  professionals during two panels and a
talk to their families about. You don’t   4. MAKE YOURSELF NECESSARY                 rotation around smaller working table
want to come to a realization that        If an organization finds you a             groups similar to “speed dating”.
you don’t like what you are doing         necessity, it will go out of its way to
when you are in your mid thirties or      take care of you.                          Arun Kelshiker, CFA, CAIA, who is a
forties.”                                                                            member of the CFA Singapore Asset
                                                                                     Management Committee and the Head
2. DO YOUR JOB                            5. SEEK FEEDBACK                           of Investment Research for Oclaner Asset
    EXCEPTIONALLY WELL                    Seek feedback from your bosses and         Management, facilitated the event.
That’s the only way you can move up       peers on how you’re doing in what
in an organization.                       you’re doing. This feedback is often       CFA Singapore would like to thank
                                          not forthcoming during the early           the generous efforts of the volunteer
                                          part of your career, so you have to        organising team lead by Ms. Toh Shiling,
                                          aggressively go out there to find that     together with Ms. Tao Jingyang and Mr.
                                          out.                                       Loy Xing Tai.

                                                                            | Page 23
6. ACT THE PART                             Your prospective bosses are going to
                                        Think about how you dress and the           hire you partly based on what they
                                        things you say.                             know or have heard about how you
                                                                                    performed in your current job. They
                                                                                    want to know you can work with
                                        KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOOD AT                   other people. They want to know
                                                                                    you can see things to fruition.
                                        LI YING:
                                        It is very difficult to graduate out of     When you know your goals, you have
                                        school and have made plans knowing          to build up on that and that involves
                                        what the rest of your life will look like   a personal choice of getting out
                                        and what your career will look like.        of your comfort zone. You have to
                                        You should have some aspirations            know what you look like to the rest
                                        and you should have dreams, but             of the world. You have to fit in and
                  Paul Bernard, CFA     they are going to change along the          show how you can improve things
                 Managing Director      way because you are going to learn          for them.
                       TTS Advisors
                                        things and you are not going to be
IT’S A VERY SMALL WORLD                 exactly the same person.
                                                                                    TENACITY IS IMPORTANT
In the asset management business        The most important thing is to get
on the portfolio management side,       good exposure because you need to           MADELINE:
you will have a number of brokers       find things out. You need to see how        We may not always know what
who will be kicking down your door      you actually perform in different           we want to do when we start out
to get your attention. They will wine   aspects. You need to find out what          and I’ve seen people change roles
and dine you and tell you how smart     you are good at.                            when they don’t achieve success to
you are just to get commission                                                      their expectations after two years.
dollars. That sort of perception of     If you are just rotating from one place     There are many sub-roles in asset
power, even at a junior level, can be   to another, but are not outstanding,        management and I see people going
quite intoxicating.                     people don’t know where to put you.         to the client side, and then returning
                                        Your bosses and potential bosses            to the asset management side.
I’ve seen a number of people            look at you in terms of the attributes
become nasty or petty in how they       you bring to the table for the team.        You need to exceed your current role
dealt with brokers. A few years ago,    That is, the skill sets you have. This      before you think about something
there was a guy in the Singapore        could be quantitative, or it could be       else.
market who seemed to revel in           people-oriented. But you need to be
being a jerk to as many brokers as      really good at something and know
possible. He lost his job. No broker    what you are good at.                       LEARN SOMETHING EVERY DAY
would ever recommend him. He
spent three years in Singapore          You need to be operationally ready          The Chinese say that if you don’t
looking for a job and had to leave      because you never know when an              move forward, you are automatically
the country.                            opportunity is going to knock on            moving backward. That is, your peers
                                        your door.                                  will move ahead of you. If you are not
More positively, I have been                                                        in a job that makes you feel that you
the beneficiary of many former          You may not know what that                  can learn every day, you will find
colleagues and clients actively         opportunity is going to be, but you         yourself feeling complacent.
helping me out as I’ve started my       have to be ready to jump and go for
own business. People have long          it.                                         You will then find yourself overtaken
memories, and they like to help                                                     by those who are hungrier, more
those who have helped them in the       While you’re being flexible in looking      aggressive, and who move much
past.                                   for opportunities, you need to be           faster than you.
                                        committed in what you’re currently

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