Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange

Page created by Lonnie Barrett
Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange
catalogue 2018
w w w. bl u e o ra n g e g a m e s . e u

                         1st sem
Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange

Dear Partners,

Blue Orange has evolved significantly this year in the board game market thanks to a solid worldwide network
of 82 distributors in 45 countries. Within a few months, we have increased our footprint in emerging markets such
as Latin America & African countries.

This year, the Blue Orange sphere has lived one of its most exciting times when Kingdomino was rewarded with
several awards worldwide amongst this the prestigious Spiel des Jahres.

To continue meeting the expectations of the board game market and its players, we have reinforced our
marketing and communication team. They are at your disposal to help and provide marketing & communication

The constant evolution of the Blue Orange team has helped us (re)define who we are and our values:

Excellence: to offer highest quality of services as well as of games.

Partnership: to develop strong and enriching relationships, in mutual respect and goodwill.

Team Spirit: to be and to become better together.

Cool Planet: make the planet smile through our green actions and charity work.

Hot Games: create fun, simple and smart games!

Blue Orange invests a lot in the research and development of new games by testing approximately 1,000
games per year. Out of this wide selection of games, we release around 15 to 18 of the best games per year.
2017/2018 releases are promising and we are excited to share them with you! Once again, thank you for your
continued support. Your enthusiasm is a constant source of inspiration for us and continues to fuel our passion
each and every year!

The Blue Orange Team


Each year, the Blue Orange Team invites all his partners to the Blue Orange Gathering! Boardgames and Fun are
the keywords of this unique annual event!

After France and Belgium, will you guess where will the Blue Orange Gathering 2018 take place?
Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange

Kid’s games                                                      Okiya ............................................. p.22          Nutz ................................................ p.38
Bubble Jungle ............................... p.6                Panic mansion .............................. p.22                 Photosynthesis ............................... p.38
Chickyboom ................................. p.6                 Pixy Cubes ..................................... p.23             Queendomino .............................. p.39
Coocoo ......................................... p.7             Pool Party ...................................... p.23            Vikings on Board ........................... p.39
Froggy Boogie .............................. p.7                 Puzzle Battle .................................. p.24             Wakanda .................................... p.40
Gobblet Gobblers Wood ............ p.8                           Rings Up! ........................................ p.24
Gobblet Gobblers Plastic ............ p.8                        Sumoku .......................................... p.25            Prestige Wooden games
Happy Bunny ................................ p.9                 Top That! ........................................ p.25           Gobblet ......................................... p.41
Keekee The Rocking Monkey ..... p.9                              Yamslam ........................................ p.26             Sixth ................................................ p.41
Mr Wolf ......................................... p.10
Pengoloo Wood ........................... p.10                   Small games                                                       Comics in which you’re the hero
Pengoloo Plastic ........................... p.11                Attila ............................................... p.27       Baïam ............................................ p.42
Vroom Vroom ............................... p.11                 Baobab .......................................... p.27            Captive ......................................... p.43
Zimbbos ......................................... p.12           Braverats ........................................ p.28           Knights ........................................... p.43
                                                                 Chicago Stock Exchange ........... p.28
Family games                                                     Copy or not Copy ........................ p.29                    Preview 2018
Battle Sheep ................................. p.13              Docker ........................................... p.29           Blue Lagoon ................................. p.44
Bendomino ................................... p.13               Fast Flip .......................................... p.30         Brain connect ............................... p.44
Big Bazar ....................................... p.14           Full Moon ....................................... p.30            Cloud ......................................... p.44
Bluff You ........................................ p.14          King’s Gold .................................... p.31             Cubeez ........................................ p.45
Brix .................................................. p.15     Mindo ............................................ p.31           Eye’n speed .................................. p.45
Chicken Love ............................... p.15                Princess Legend ........................... p.32                  Flooping ....................................... p.45
Crabz ............................................. p.16         Quizoo ........................................... p.32           Legend of the W.I.P ..................... p.46
Crazy Turf ....................................... p.16          Sushi Draft ...................................... p.33           Maki stack ..................................... p.46
Double Shutter .............................. p.17               Treasure Rush ................................ p.33               Rolling bandit ............................... p.46
Dr Beaker ...................................... p.17            Who Did It? .................................... p.34             Scarabya ...................................... p.47
Dr Eureka ....................................... p.18
Dr Microbe .................................... p.18             Euro games
Fantastic Park ............................... p.19              Dragonrun ............................... p.35
Flash! .............................................. p.19
Go Go Gelato! ............................. p.20
                                                                 Kang .............................................. p.35
                                                                 Kingdomino ................................... p.36                                         NEW
Guess What ................................... p.20              Kingdomino Age of Giants .......... p.36
Lucky Captain .............................. p.21                Longhorn ....................................... p.37
Nada ............................................. p.21          New York 1901 .............................. p.37                                 NEW Games in bold

                         BENEFITS                                                                                                  AWARDS

                                                                                                                                         Germany             Germany
   Recommended                     Number of                   Game time
     age range                      players

Our games exercise the brain and build important skills.
       Check each game for specific benefits:
                                                                                                            USA                 USA                Finland              USA                 USA

                                                                                                            USA                 USA                 USA                 USA               France

                                                                                                            USA                Austria              Italia           Denmark              Canada
Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange

                        p.9                                            p.10                                            p.17

Happy Bunny                                     Mr Wolf                                          Dr Beaker

All players must help the                       As a group, work together                        Using logic and your stirring
bunny pick the best carrots to                  to help all the farm animals                     rod, move the molecules into
bring home                                      get back to their barns for the                  the right spots.
                                                night before Mr. Wolf comes

                        p.23                                           p.28                                           p.31

Pool Party                                      Braverats                                       Mindo

Make       big    splashes     by               In the Highlands of Medieval                    Connect the tiles in a grid of
propelling your teammates                       Scotland, an epic battle is                     3x3 or 4x4, to match the color
into the unsteady pool, and                     taking place underfoot!                         pattern on the Challenge
be the first to successfully land                                                               Card.
3 divers in to win.

                        p.32                                           p.34                                           p.35

Princess Legend                                 Who Did It?                                     Kang
Take turns playing the Prince                   Quickly find your card, be the                  Be the best coach for your
and investigate judiciously to                  first to throw it down, and then                team and make them score
disentangle the true from the                   blame someone else!                             to victory!
false among the answers of
your opponents .

                                            p.36                                               p.42

                           Kingdomino                                     Baïam
                           Age Of Giants
                                                                          A cooperative comic in which
                           « Age Of Giants » is an                        each player has his own book,
                           expansion for Kingdomino                       embodies one character with
                           and Queendomino games.                         special powers, and progress
                                                                          along with the other players.
Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange
Have a quick teaser of our tremendous future releases
Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange
Bubble Jungle                                                                                              Kid’s games

                                                                       Do you know the favorite game of the elephants?

                                                                       The ball’s race: it is necessary to be the fastest to
                                                                       collect the balls of color, but pay special attention to
                                                                       taking the good colors!


                                                           Major Fun Award 2017

    Contents:                   Box size: 26,2 x 26,2 x 6,6 cm
    • 48 Cards                  Box weight: 0,828 kg
    • 4 Plastic Elephants       Unit by master carton: 6
    • 48 Balls                  41 x 28 x 28 cm / 5,25 kg

                                STOCK #04801                                                                   EAN13: 3770000904659

      Chickyboom                                                                                                Kid’s games

                                                                       Get the chickens, wagon wheels and hay bales off
                                                                       the rocking roost without it toppling! Pick your pieces
                                                                       carefully, as each one has a different weight and
                                                                       point value. The player with the highest score wins.

                                                                       A game of balance, counting and laughs where the
                                                                       roost goes Chickyboom!


                                                                        Oppenheim Platinum Seal
                                                                  Parents Magazine Best Toys of the Year
                                                                 UK Games Expo Best Children's Game 2015
                                                             Jury recommendation Kinderspiel des Jahres 2017

    Contents:                   Box size: 24,0 x 24,0 x 5,7 cm
    • 3 Wooden Big Chickens     Box weight: 0,787 kg
    • 3 Wooden Small Chickens   Unit by master carton: 6
    • 7 Wooden Hay Bales        36,5 x 25,5 x 27 cm / 4,2 kg
    • 7 Wooden Wagon Wheels
                                STOCK #01001                                                                   EAN13: 3770000904253

6                                                Catalogue          2018
Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange
Coocoo                                                                                                    Kid’s games

                                                                   Coocoo the Clown loves to juggle, but his silly curved
                                                                   shoes make him teeter and just might make him
                                                                   topple over! To win, help him juggle the most balls
                                                                   without letting any fall. Little ones will have a ball with
                                                                   this fun game of balance! With the excitement of the
                                                                   crash, it never feels like losing when playing Coocoo.


Contents:                     Box size: N/A
• 1 Wooden Clown              Box weight: N/A
• 24 Wooden Balls             Unit by master carton: N/A

                              STOCK #05101                                                               EAN13: 3770000904499

 Froggy Boogie                                                                                             Kid’s games

                                                                   It’s nap time at the pond, but the baby frogs still want
                                                                   to play! Without getting caught by the grown-up
                                                                   frogs, the baby frogs try to race around the pond.
                                                                   In this magical memory game, players have to
                                                                   remember which big frogs’ eyes spot the babies and
                                                                   stop their sport. The first baby to hop across all the lily
                                                                   pads wins!


                                                                Parents’ Choice Gold Award
                                                     ED      Family Fun Magazine Toy of the Year

Contents:                     Box size: N/A
• 6 wooden baby frogs         Box weight: N/A
• 9 wooden adult frogs        Unit by master carton: N/A
• 18 wooden eyes
• 1 large wooden water lily
• 2 wooden dice                                                                                                    EAN13: N/A

Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange
Gobblet Gobblers Wood                                                                        Kid’s games

                                                           Each player’s objective is to line up three pieces in a
                                                           row. Test your memory and appetite for laughs with this
                                                           easy to learn game of strategy that plays like the classic
                                                           game of tic-tac-toe with a twist: you can gobble up
                                                           your opponent’s piece if it is smaller than yours!


                                                            Oppenheim Platinum Seal
                                                             Dr. Toy 10 Best Games
                                                                 NAPPA Gold Award

    Contents:            Box size: 26,4 x 26,4 x 6,0 cm
    • 1 playing grid     Box weight: 0,626 kg
    • 12 Gobblers wood   Unit by master carton: 6
                         36,5 x 25,5 x 27 cm / 4 kg

                         STOCK #00201                                                            EAN13: 3770000904154

      Gobblet Gobblers Plastic                                                                    Kid’s games

                                                           Each player’s objective is to line up three pieces in a
                                                           row. Test your memory and appetite for laughs with this
                                                           easy to learn game of strategy that plays like the classic
                                                           game of tic-tac-toe with a twist: you can gobble up
                                                           your opponent’s piece if it is smaller than yours!


                                                            Oppenheim Platinum Seal
                                                             Dr. Toy 10 Best Games
                                                                 NAPPA Gold Award

    Contents:            Box size: 26,4 x 26,4 x 5,5 cm
    • 1 playing grid     Box weight: 0,388 kg
    • 12 Gobblers        Unit by master carton: 6
                         35 x 28 x 28,2 cm / 2,6 kg

                         STOCK #02301                                                            EAN13: 3770000904369

8                                         Catalogue       2018
Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange
Happy Bunny                         NEW                                                         Kid’s games

                                                         It’s harvest time on the carrot farm! All players must
                                                         help the bunny pick the best carrots to bring home
                                                         to his family plucking them from the box just like you
                                                         would from the ground. Gather your harvest hoping
                                                         that it will be enough to satisfy them all.

Contents:             Box size: 26,5 x 26,5 x 6 cm
• 1 board game        Box weight: N/A
• 40 carrots          Unit by master carton: N/A
• 1 farmer, 1 bunny
• 1 colored dice
• 1 board game        STOCK #06401                                                              EAN13: 3770000904802

 Keekee The Rocking Monkey                                                                       Kid’s games

                                                         This talented little monkey loves to juggle, but just
                                                         how many balls can he handle while balancing on a
                                                         banana? Players take turns adding a ball anywhere
                                                         on Keekee. With different sized pieces and a teeter
                                                         totter base, placement choice is key! The last player
                                                         to add a ball without letting any drop wins!


                                                            Dr. Toy Best Green Product
                                                            Parents’ Choice Approved
                                                       Tillywig Toy Awards: Brain Child Award

Contents:             Box size: 26,4 x 26,4 x 6,1 cm
• 1 wooden monkey     Box weight: 0,9 kg
• 24 wooden balls     Unit by master carton: 6
                      36,6 x 25,4 x 26,9 cm / 5,4 kg

                      STOCK #03701                                                              EAN13: 3770000904536

Catalogue 2018 Blue Orange
Mr Wolf                                      NEW                                                                Kid’s games

                                                                               As a group, work together to help all the farm animals
                                                                               get back to their barns for the night before Mr. Wolf
                                                                               comes around! Keep an eye out for him as you flip
                                                                               over the animal tokens. Every time you find Mr. Wolf,
                                                                               he creeps one space closer, and every time you find a
                                                                               farm animal, try to remember which barn they belong
                                                                               to. Fill the barns before Mr. Wolf comes around to win!

     Contents:                         Box size: 26,5 x 26,5 x 6 cm
     • 1 board game, 4 houses          Box weight: N/A
     • 28 animals token                Unit by master carton: N/A
     •14 animals cards (8 «3animals
     cards» and 6 «4 animals» cards)
     • 1 “Mr. Wolf” meeple             STOCK #08101                                                                  EAN13: 3770000904970

       Pengoloo Plastic                                                                                                Kid’s games

                                                                               This adorable memory game takes you to the South
                                                                               Pole for a fun filled eggs-pedition! On each turn,
                                                                               players roll the color dice and look underneath two
                                                                               penguins for eggs of the same color. If you guess right,
                                                                               the penguin hops on your iceberg. But watch out,
                                                                               other players may remember what egg it hides and
                                                                               steal your penguin on their turn! The first to collect six
                                                                               penguins on their iceberg wins.


                                                                        Dr. Toy 10 Best Games
                                                                Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal
                                                                         NAPPA Gold Award

     Contents:                         Box size: 26,3 x 26,3 x 5,4 cm
     • 12 Penguins                     Box weight: 0,433 kg
     • 12 Colored eggs                 Unit by master carton: 6
     • 4 Scoring iceberg               35 x 28 x 28 cm / 2,9 kg
     • 2 Colored dice
                                       STOCK #04401                                                                  EAN13: 3770000904635

10                                                      Catalogue           2018
Pengoloo Wood                                                                                                Kid’s games

                                                                     This adorable memory game takes you to the South
                                                                     Pole for a fun filled eggs-pedition! On each turn,
                                                                     players roll the color dice and look underneath two
                                                                     penguins for eggs of the same color. If you guess right,
                                                                     the penguin hops on your iceberg. But watch out,
                                                                     other players may remember what egg it hides and
                                                                     steal your penguin on their turn! The first to collect six
                                                                     penguins on their iceberg wins.


                                                            Dr. Toy 10 Best Games
                                                      Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal
                                                             NAPPA Gold Award

Contents:                      Box size: 26,4 x 26,4 x 6,0 cm
• 12 Penguins                  Box weight: 0,716 kg
• 12 Colored eggs              Unit by master carton: 6
• 4 Scoring iceberg            36,5 x 25,5 x 27 cm / 4,5 kg
• 2 Colored dice
                               STOCK #01901                                                                 EAN13: 3770000904321

 Vroom Vroom                                                                                                 Kid’s games

                                                                     Ready, Set, Roll! The Great Snail Race has begun and
                                                                     the snails are all ready to go, eager to slide down the
                                                                     garden path. But not so fast! The path to victory is
                                                                     speckled with trinkets and treasures no snail can resist!
                                                                     On your turn, roll the dice, push your snail, and count
                                                                     its shell as it spins around. The fastest snail will win the
                                                                     game as long as it collects one of each trinket on his
                                                                     way to the finish line!

Contents:                      Box size: 24,0 x 24,0 x 5,8 cm
• 18 Pieces of track           Box weight: 0,674 kg
  (10 straight and 8 curved)   Unit by master carton: 6
• 4 Wooden snails              36,5 x 25,5 x 26,5 cm / 4,47 kg
• 4 Dices
• 4 Snail cards                STOCK #02801                                                                 EAN13: 3770000904444

Zimbbos                                                                                                       Kid’s games

                                                                           Help the circus troupe perform their big act but don’t
                                                                           let them fall! Taking turns, roll the dice to find out how
                                                                           many elephants you must stack on to the pyramid.
                                                                           The player who manages to place the last elephant
                                                                           on the pyramid wins. Reinforcing color recognition,
                                                                           counting skills and balance awareness, Zimbbos is the
                                                                           perfect first game.


                                                                            Oppenheim Gold Seal
                                                                            Dr. Toy 10 Best Games
                                                                            Parents’ Choice Silver

     Contents:                          Box size: 26,9 x 26,9 x 6,0 cm
     • 10 Wooden elephants              Box weight: 0,972 kg
     • 5 Wooden Jokers                  Unit by master carton: 6
     • 3 Wooden balancing bars          36,6 x 25,4 x 26,9 cm / 5,9 kg
     • 1 Wooden dice
                                        STOCK #04601                                                             EAN13: 3770000904543

     Giant KID'S
     GIANT games GAMES
     Have a quick view of our giant games for kids

       Chickyboom Giant                                    Gobblet Gobblers Giant                         Pengoloo Giant

       Supersize the fun with a giant                      Supersize the fun with a giant                 Supersize the fun with a giant
       version of Chickyboom.                              version of Gobblet Gobblers.                   version of Pengoloo.

          SIZE: 44x16,5x13,5 cm                               SIZE: 44x16,5x13,5 cm                          SIZE: 44x16,5x13,5 cm

12                                                       Catalogue       2018
Battle Sheep                                                                                                   Family games

                                                            Opposing sheep herds go head to fluffy head in this
                                                            quick moving strategy game. The goal is to have
                                                            your sheep occupy the most pastures. On each turn,
                                                            players split their stack of sheep and move a portion
                                                            as far as it can go in a straight line to a new pasture.

                                                            Watch out for sneaky sheep and plan your moves
                                                            carefully to fence out your rivals.


                                                                      Oppenheim Gold Seal Award
                                                               National Parenting Center Seal of Approval
                                                                             Tillywig Top Fun
                                                                            Major Fun Award
                                                                    Game of the Year in Finland 2014
                                                                    Game of the Year in Austria 2014
Contents:              Box size: 26,3 x 26,3 x 6,0 cm     Jury recommendation Spiel des Jahres Germany 2014
                                                                        FLIP Editeur- Jeu enfants
• 16 Pasture tiles     Box weight: 1,25 kg
• 64 Sheep tokens      Unit by master carton: 6
 (16 of each colors)   38,5 x 27,5 x 28,5 cm / 7,5 kg

                       STOCK #00501                                                                           EAN13: 3770000904178

Bendomino                                                                                                      Family games

                                                            Rediscover the time-honored game with an
                                                            interesting twist. Bendomino may play the same
                                                            way as traditional dominoes, but the curved design
                                                            introduces a new level of strategy: the pieces need
                                                            to match AND fit.

                                                            A unique pattern of twists and turns emerges every
                                                            time you play!


                                                           Oppenheim Platinum Seal
                                                             Dr. Toy 10 Best Games
                                                        Creative Child Seal of Excellence

Contents:              Box size: 27,5 x 14,5 x 3,5 cm
• 28 Bendominoes       Box weight: 0,591 kg
                       Unit by master carton: 6
                       30 x 27 x 18 cm / 4,2 kg

                       STOCK #00401                                                                           EAN13: 3770000904130

Big Bazar                                                                                                   Family games

                                                                            Are your reflexes ready? Go on! Be the quickest to
                                                                            detect the cards of the same color and find the
                                                                            correct answer to win them! What is it? Where does it
                                                                            live? What does it rhyme with? Be careful as the rules
                                                                            evolve continuously. It is the big bazaar!

     Contents:                            Box size: 17,8 x 17,8 x 4,1 cm
     • 5 tokens                           Box weight: 0,276 kg
     • 1 Cup                              Unit by master carton: 6
     • 61 cards (50 illustrative cards,   27 x 19,5 x 20,5 cm / 1,94 kg
     1 Rainbow card, 5 Color cards,
     5 Bomb cards)                        STOCK #05501                                                          EAN13: 3770000904710

      Bluff You                                                                                                    Family games

                                                                            Get ready for a hot cup of bluff! Roll the dice and
                                                                            secretly add up their value, then tell the truth or fib
                                                                            about it. The more you trick your opponents, the more
                                                                            points you’ll get! But watch out – if they see past your
                                                                            deception, you’ll be the one losing out!

                                                                            This dice rolling game opens the lid on good old
                                                                            fibbing fun, creating a thrilling environment to spice
                                                                            up any party.

     Contents:                            Box size: 17,8 x 17,8 x 4,1 cm
     • 3 Dice                             Box weight: 0,346 kg
     • 1 Cup                              Unit by master carton: 12
     • 16 Chips                           34 x 39 x 21 cm / 4,2 kg

                                          STOCK #04701                                                          EAN13: 3770000904529

14                                                         Catalogue       2018
Brix                                                                                          Family games

                                                          Line up four in a row on a whole new level in this one
                                                          of a kind strategy game! Players build their wall to
                                                          victory with vibrantly colored blue and orange bricks
                                                          engraved with white X’s and O’s. The first player to
                                                          align four of their symbol or color in a row wins the
                                                          game and claims the wall! But watch out! Each brick
                                                          contains both your symbol and color as well as those
                                                          of your opponent. So each time you add a new
                                                          piece, you risk helping your opponent win the game!
                                                          Brix is a uniquely creative game that is fast to learn
                                                          but employs a complex strategy that older children
                                                          and adults will love!

Contents:                Box size: 26,3 x 26,3 x 4,6 cm
• 22 Plastic bricks      Box weight: 1,014 kg
                         Unit by master carton: 6
                         29 x 28 x 28,5 cm / 6,5 kg

                         STOCK #02701                                                        EAN13: 3770000904390

 Chicken Love                                                                                  Family games

                                                          Chaos in the chicken coop! In this game of
                                                          observation and speed, players represent roosters on
                                                          the hunt or earthworms, competing in order to win
                                                          the favor of the most beautiful hens on.

Contents:                Box size: 17,8 x 17,8 x 4,1 cm
• 6 Rooster rings        Box weight: 0,394 kg
• 32 Chicken Cards       Unit by master carton: 12
• 12 Sweetheart cards    38 x 26,5 x20,5 cm / 5,22 kg
• 40 Earthworm tokens
• 8 Broken heart chips   STOCK #02901                                                        EAN13: 3770000904451

Crabz                                                                                                  Family games

                                                                        Crawl smart or get swept away! The objective is to
                                                                        immobilize your opponents’ crabs by landing on top
                                                                        of them, or to wash them away with the Wave Rule.
                                                                        This beautiful wooden game will require strategy to
                                                                        make sure that your crabs are not trapped or washed
                                                                        away! Be the last crab crawling and win!

     Contents:                        Box size: 26,3 x 26,3 x 6,2 cm
     • 1 Hexagonal gameboard          Box weight: 0,69 kg
     • 36 Crab tokens (3 large, 3     Unit by master carton: 0,69
     medium and 3 small tokens in     39 x 28 x 29 cm / 4,56 kg
     each of 4 colors
                                      STOCK #01401                                                          EAN13: 3770000904284

      Crazy Turf                                                                                             Family games

                                                                        Every year at the beginning of the spring, the most
                                                                        prestigious race is held. It gathers the fastest animals
                                                                        from each continent with their favorite jockey and
                                                                        they will challenge each other. This is an extraordinary
                                                                        occasion for all the bookmakers all over the world to
                                                                        place bets and to help their favorites.

     Contents:                        Box size: 17,8 x 17,8 x 4,2 cm
     • 8 Course cards                 Box weight: 0,284 kg
     • 24 Animal cards with a place   Unit by master carton: 12
     in the background                38 x 26,5 x 20,5 cm / 3,75 kg
     • 6 Animal pieces
     • 6 Betting cards                STOCK N/A                                                             EAN13: 3770000904546

16                                                     Catalogue       2018
Double Shutter                                                                                              Family games

                                                                      Whether you’re after solo entertainment, exciting
                                                                      competition, or a cooperative challenge, look no
                                                                      further than Double Shutter. This high quality game
                                                                      rewards tactical choices and tests your luck. Roll the
                                                                      dice and knock down a combination of numbered
                                                                      tiles that add up to the rolled number. The round ends
                                                                      when no tiles remain to equal the dice, and the
                                                                      player with the lowest total wins. Very few can flip all
                                                                      the tiles and “shut the super box.”
                                                                      Even fewer can play just one game!


                                                      ONLY          Oppenheim Platinum Seal
                                                                        Dr. Toy Best Picks
                                                                   Parents’ Choice Silver Award

Contents:                         Box size: 22,5 x 19,5 x 5,8 cm
• 1 Double Shutter Box            Box weight: 0,605 kg
• 2 Dice                          Unit by master carton: 6
                                  40 x 25 x 24 cm / 5 kg

                                  STOCK #02001                                                            EAN13: 3770000904352

 Dr Beaker                                    NEW                                                         Family games

                                                                      Stir up excitement in Dr. Beaker’s Laboratory! Flip a
                                                                      challenge card and race your opponents to match
                                                                      the formula. Using logic and your stirring rod, move
                                                                      the molecules into the right spots. Think ahead - the
                                                                      special rotating platform at the bottom of your beaker
                                                                      only allows them to move one-by-one. Unique game
                                                                      pieces add to the fun in this brainteasing logic race!

Contents:                         Box size: 26,5 x 26,5 x 8,6 cm
• 4 Beakers                       Box weight: 0,752 kg
• 4 Stirring Rods                 Unit by master carton: N/A
• 24 Colored Balls (8 Orange, 8
Purple, 8 Green)                  STOCK #05601
• 50 Challenge Cards                                                                                      EAN13: 3770000904727

Dr Eureka                                                                                                 Family games

                                                              The brillant Dr Eureka has important experiments for
                                                              you to complete! You must solve his scientific formulas
                                                              by mixing your molecules from tube to tube without
                                                              touching them with your bare hands. Transfer your
                                                              molecules faster than your competitors to prove you
                                                              are the smartest scientist in the lab.


                                                                                   ASTRA’s Best Toys For Kids 2016 Award
                                                                                          Major Fun Award 2016
                                                                                         Vuoden Peli for Kids 2017

     Contents:              Box size: 26,8 x 26,8 x 6,0 cm
     • 54 cards             Box weight: 0,758 kg
     • 12 tests tubes       Unit by master carton: 6
     • 24 color balls       28 x 38 x 28 cm / 5 kg

                            STOCK #02501                                                                    EAN13: 3770000904383

      Dr Microbe                                                                                               Family games

                                                              Help Dr. Microbe complete her research with your
                                                              tweezers, a petri dish, and the colorful microbes. Using
                                                              logic, race your fellow scientists to figure out which
                                                              microbes are missing from the incomplete challenge
                                                              card and snatch them up fast! Find the answer using
                                                              this key: the superbug must always be a different
                                                              shape and color than the other three microbes in
                                                              your dish. Be the fastest scientist in the lab to impress
                                                              Dr. Microbe and win!

     Contents:              Box size: 26,2 x 26,2 x 8,6 cm
     • 49 Microbes          Box weight: 0,542 kg
     • 5 Petri Dishes       Unit by master carton: 6
     • 4 Lab Tweezers       30 x 45 x 30 cm / 3 kg
     • 54 Challenge Cards
                            STOCK #03801                                                                    EAN13: 3770000904574

18                                           Catalogue       2018
Fantastic Park                                                                                   Family games

                                                            Small fantastic animals wait only for your help to build
                                                            their park. Be smart and group at best the animals
                                                            which the visitors want to see.

Contents:                Box size: 26,5 x 26,5 x 6,2 cm
• 66 Tiles               Box weight: 0,867 kg
• 1 token (1st player)   Unit by master carton: 6
• 1 score board          39 x 28 x 29 cm / 5,73 kg
• 5 wooden meeples
                         STOCK #04001                                                           EAN13: 3770000904598

Flash!                                                                                            Family games

                                                            Watch the sparks fly in this lightning-fast dice dash!
                                                            Players race to roll eight dice combinations and rack
                                                            up the most points. Best not blink - any player could
                                                            score in a flash.

                                                            The good times keep rolling with three simple and
                                                            quick game variations. Tote the game in the travel
                                                            pouch for electrifying fun on the go.


                                                          Dr. Toy Best Vacation Products
                                                            Parents’ Choice Fun Stuff
                                                            Tillywig Family Fun Award

Contents:                Box size: 14,5 x 7,1 x 6,1 cm
• 36 Dice                Box weight: 0,276 kg
• 6 Scoring Chips        Unit by master carton: 8
• 1 Scoring Pad          25,5 x 16 x 16,5 cm / 2,1 kg
• 1 Travel Bag
                         STOCK #00901                                                           EAN13: 3770000904246

Go Go Gelato!                                                                                  Family games

                                                               It’s a beautiful, sunny day! You are the ice-cream
                                                               person and everyone gets in line to try your new and
                                                               refreshing flavors!

                                                               The faster you fill up your customers’ orders, the more
                                                               successul your ice-cream stand will be.

     Contents:               Box size: 26,4 x 26,4 x 6,1 cm
     • 16 cones              Box weight: 0,656 kg
     • 12 scoops             Unit by master carton: 6
     • 54 cards              28 x 38 x 28 cm / 4,5 kg

                             STOCK #03901                                                          EAN13: 3770000904581

      Guess What                                                                                     Family games

                                                               Guess What! is a game of logic, assumptions and
                                                               creativity. You will be challenged to come up with
                                                               one clue that describes 3 cards. The clue can be
                                                               phrase, song, movie title, TV series... or anything else
                                                               that comes to mind! Just as long as it gets the other
                                                               players to guess your cards!

                                                               Are you creative enough to win?

     Contents:               Box size: 17,7 x 17,7 x 4,1 cm
     • 110 cards             Box weight: 0,353 kg
     • 4 individual boards   Unit by master carton: 6
     • 1 boardgame           26,2 x 18,7 x 19,5 cm / 2,5 kg

                             STOCK #02101                                                          EAN13: 3770000904338

20                                            Catalogue       2018
Lucky Captain                                                                                              Family games

                                                                     Calling all pilots! The world’s top Airlines are all
                                                                     competing and they need your help... Collect
                                                                     enough cards to lead your planes from boarding,
                                                                     though taxiing, to takeoff. You will need to navigate
                                                                     though unfavorable weather and avoid delay cards
                                                                     from your opponents! The first player to launch their
                                                                     whole fleet wins the game! Simple rules and engaging
                                                                     gameplay make this classic game a hit for all ages!

Contents:                    Box size: 18,0 x 18,0 x 5,0 cm
• 100 cards                  Box weight: 0,514 kg
• 12 wooden Planes           Unit by master carton: 12
• 1 game board composed of   38,5 x 23,5 x 23 cm / 4,5 kg
4 pieces of Runway
• 4 Hangar Cards (player
markers)                     STOCK #05301                                                                EAN13: 3770000904697

Nada                                                                                                       Family games

                                                                     Are you seeing straight or seeing double? Better call it
                                                                     fast to win this high energy dice game. Players roll two
                                                                     groups of dice, one orange and one white. The first to
                                                                     call a matching symbol between at least one orange
                                                                     and one white die wins the matching dice. As
                                                                     chances go, there may be zilch, zip, NADA! Shout
                                                                     “Nada!” first to score big.


                                                              Dr. Toy Best Vacation Products
                                                               Parents’ Choice Approved
                                                                Tillywig Family Fun Award

Contents:                    Box size: 14,6 x 7,1 x 6,0 cm
• 18 White Dice              Box weight: 0,23 kg
• 18 Orange Dice             Unit by master carton: 8
• 1 Travel Bag               27 x 16 x 17 cm / 2,3 kg

                             STOCK #00301                                                                EAN13: 3770000904161

Okiya                                                                                                        Family games

                                                                           Okiya is a simple yet sophisticated strategy game. On
                                                                           each turn, players replace a garden tile with one of
                                                                           their clan tokens. The next player can only exchange
                                                                           a token for a garden tile that has an element in
                                                                           common with the previously chosen tile. The first to
                                                                           position their clan in a row or square will win control of
                                                                           the garden!


                                                                        Parents’ Choice Approved
                                                                            Major Fun Award
                                                                           Nappa Silver Award

     Contents:                        Box size: 17,9 x 17,9 x 4,1 cm
     • 16 Clan tokens                 Box weight: 0,499 kg
     • 16 Garden tiles                Unit by master carton: 6
                                      26,5 x 19,5 x 20,5 cm / 3,27 kg

                                      STOCK #06101                                                               EAN13: 3770000904772

      Panic mansion                                                                                                Family games

                                                                           The Mansion up the hill has always had a reputation
                                                                           of being cursed. Will you be the first to break the
                                                                           curse… and flee the Mansion?

     Contents:                        Box size: 26,4 x 26,4 x 7,1 cm
     • 4 Haunted Mansion Boxes        Box weight: 6 kg
     • 48 Objects: 4 adventurers,     Unit by master carton: 0,811
     8 ghosts, 8 eyes, 8 spiders, 8   45,5 x 28 x 28,5 cm / 5,5 kg
     • 12 treasure chests (golden)                                                                               EAN13: 3770000904864
     • 48 challenge cards             STOCK #07001

22                                                     Catalogue        2018
Pixy Cubes                                                                                  Family games

                                                         Pixy cubes contains three activities in one creative
                                                         logic game! Play the challenge cards or design
                                                         colorful pictures with 16 vibrant cubes. Sharpen
                                                         your skills in spatial reasoning and memory in the
                                                         challenging speed and memory games. For a unique
                                                         3 dimensional puzzle, pick a design card or explore
                                                         your creativity and design your own. Pixy cubes will
                                                         stimulate everyone’s mind!


Contents:               N/A
• 16 Cubes
• 10 Design Cards
• 13 Challenge Cards

                                                                                                     EAN13: N/A

 Pool Party                           NEW                                                     Family games

                                                         Summer is here, it’s hot, and the pool is calling your
                                                         name. You decide to join in on the canon ball
                                                         contest...but watch out! Too many swimmers and
                                                         this wacky pool can easily spill over, tossing you and
                                                         everyone else out. Make big splashes by propelling
                                                         your teammates into the unsteady pool, and be the
                                                         first to successfully land 3 divers in to win.

Contents:               Box size: 26,5 x 26,5 x 5,5 cm
• 1 topsy-turvy pool    Box weight: N/A
• 36 divers to propel   Unit by master carton: N/A

                        STOCK #07201                                                        EAN13: 3770000904888

Puzzle Battle                                                                                              Family games

                                                                          In this puzzle twist, players have fun putting the pieces
                                                                          together, but the pressure to finish first adds
                                                                          unexpected excitement. Each game consists of two
                                                                          different puzzles which may look alike, but contain
                                                                          pieces that only fit into one. It is up to you to be
                                                                          observant and faster than your opponent. Beware:
                                                                          colors vary and the images are reversed! Three
                                                                          different puzzle versions to choose from: Pirates,
                                                                          Dragon & Princess, and Jungle.


     Contents:                          N/A
     • 2 Puzzles
     • 2 Models

                                                                                                                        EAN13: N/A

       Rings Up!                                                                                                  Family games

                                                                          Race to scoop the loops! The goal is to be the first to
                                                                          stack different colored rings on your thumb, based
                                                                          on the order shown on a challenge card. This is not
                                                                          as easy as you think! The challenge cards will require
                                                                          each player to focus on the order of numbers and
                                                                          match their colors. Different variations of play make
                                                                          this a must have party game that is as fun for little
                                                                          ones as it is for the big ones!

     Contents:                          Box size: 18,0 x 18,0 x 4,1 cm
     • 50 Challenge Cards               Box weight: 0,308 kg
     • 48 Rings (12 red, 12 green, 12   Unit by master carton: 12
     blue, 12 yellow)                   38 x 26,5 x 20,5 cm / 4,05 kg

                                        STOCK #01701                                                           EAN13: 3770000904307

24                                                       Catalogue       2018
Sumoku                                                                                                   Family games

                                                                  Sumoku is an unique crossword-style game with
                                                                  numbers. Whether you are looking for a fast-paced
                                                                  challenge with friends, a solo brain building pastime,
                                                                  or an addictive math game that brings the whole
                                                                  family together, Sumoku has it all. It can be played
                                                                  five different ways! Just add up tiles to multiples of
                                                                  the number shown on the dice, connect them all
                                                                  together, and you have a Sumoku! Look no further
                                                                  for a cool math game.


Contents:                        N/A
• 96 Tiles
• 1 Die
• 1 Travel Pouch

                                                                                                                 EAN13: N/A

 Top That!                                                                                                Family games

                                                                  Put on your hat, break out your props, and hide your
                                                                  rabbits in this magical match up! When the challenge
                                                                  card is flipped over, players race to stack their objects
                                                                  in 1 single pile following 3 simple rules: objects printed
                                                                  in color must be visible on the stack, objects printed in
                                                                  grey must be hidden INSIDE objects on the stack, and
                                                                  objects surrounded by stars must be kept empty. Do
                                                                  you have what it takes to master your magic in this
                                                                  grand stack ‘em up finale?

Contents:                        Box size: 26,5 x 26,5 x 7,2 cm
• 55 challenge cards             Box weight: 0,653 kg
• 20 plastic magic props         Unit by master carton: 6
(4 Black Top Hats, 4 Red Cups,   44,8 x 28 x 28,5 cm / 4,6 kg
4 Orange Tubes, 4 Green
Coins, 4 White Rabbits)          STOCK #03001                                                           EAN13: 3770000904468

Yamslam                                                                         Family games

                                                 Yamslam is a fresh new take on a dice rolling classic.
                                                 Calculated risk and smart strategizing will place the
                                                 odds in your favor. Roll the dice until you achieve a
                                                 combination that gives you the greatest advantage.
                                                 Each combination has a different point value but
                                                 only four corresponding chips, so grab the best ones.
                                                 before they run out.


                                        Teachers’ Choice for the Family Award
                           LOCALIZ             Oppenheim Gold Seal
                            VERSION       Play Advances Language Award

     Contents:       N/A
     • 5 Dice
     • 28 Chips
     • Felted Tray

                                                                                             EAN13: N/A

26                           Catalogue        2018
Attila                                                                                                      Small games

                                                                       Take the reigns in this chess-like abstract strategy
                                                                       game for 2 players, where your objective is to trap your
                                                                       opponent on the field of battle. It’s up to you to end
                                                                       the decades-old conflict between the Roman Empire
                                                                       and the wandering hordes of Attila the Hun! Let fly your
                                                                       flaming arrows and position your horsemen wisely so
                                                                       that your opponent is left with nowhere to run!

Contents:                        Box size: 15,5 x 11,5 x 4,3 cm
• 6 Knight Tokens (3 romans, 3   Box weight: 0,285 kg
huns)                            Unit by master carton: 6
• 14 Scorched Earth Tiles        30 x 17 x 14 cm / 1,85 kg
• 2 Small Games Boards (2x2)
• 2 Small Games Boards (2x3)     STOCK #01801                                                              EAN13: 3770000904314

 Baobab                                                                                                      Small games

                                                                       Build your own Baobab Tree by placing yours cards
                                                                       carefully on the trunk of the tree.

Contents:                        Box size: 11.5 cm (DIA) x 12 cm (H)
• 108 cards                      Box weight: 0,328 kg
• 2 reference cards              Unit by master carton: 6
• Tin Baobab tree                37 x 25 x 15.5 cm / 2,32 kg

                                 STOCK #05401                                                              EAN13: 3770000904703

Braverats           NEW                                                                          Small games

                                                                  In the Highlands of Medieval Scotland, an epic battle
                                                                  is taking place underfoot! Rivaling rat clans clash in
                                                                  a bid for the throne in this two player strategy game.
                                                                  Both players have a hand of eight cards numbered
                                                                  0 to 7, with each character on the card possessing a
                                                                  special power. Cards are revealed in a calculated
                                                                  duel with the victory going to the higher number,
                                                                  unless the special power overrules. The first player to
                                                                  win four rounds claims the kingdom for their clan.


                                                      Parent’s Choice Fun stuff Award
                                                        Tillywig Sterling Fun Award

     Contents:             N/A
     • 16 Cards
     • Reference Card

                           STOCK#07601                                                                EAN13: 3770000904925

       Chicago Stock Exchange                                                                           Small games

                                                                  In the Stock Exchange of Chicago, the tension rises!
                                                                  Who will be the best trader by keeping the best values
                                                                  and flor them to the opponents?

                                                                  Tactics, strategy, the fate is excluded from the game!

     Contents:             Box size: 11,2 x 11,0 x 3,2 cm
     • 1 ‘‘trader’’ pawn   Box weight: 0,115 kg
     • 36 pieces           Unit by master carton: 24
     • 1 board game        40 x 24,5 x 14 cm / 3,14 kg
     • 6 tokens
                           STOCK N/A                                                                  EAN13: 3770000641193

28                                          Catalogue         2018
Copy or not Copy                                                                             Small games

                                                       Develop your eagle eye abilities with this new twist on
                                                       the classic “find the differences” game! Each card
                                                       has 5 images on it- one Original image and four with
                                                       variations. Players use process of elimination to locate
                                                       the Original by pointing out differences in the other four
                                                       pictures. This brain teasing game will delight kids of all
                                                       ages as they race to spot the differences in the printed
                                                       pictures. There is always one original. Can you find it?

Contents:            Box size: 13,0 x 13,0 x 7,0 cm
• 72 cards           Box weight: 0,399 kg
• 6 colored tokens   Unit by master carton: 6
                     28,5 x 23,5 x 15,5 cm / 2,71 kg

                     STOCK #03401                                                            EAN13: 3770000904550

 Docker                                                                                       Small games

                                                       Who will be the Best Docker?

                                                       The containers are arriving and space is scarce... Pick
                                                       your spot and grab the best boxes while trying to
                                                       keep the competitors out of the game!

Contents:            Box size: 10,5 x 10,5 x 3,0 cm
• 12 wooden cubes    Box weight: 0,166 kg
• 2 dice             Unit by master carton: 80
• 1 board game       55 x 23 x 25,5 cm / 13,3 kg

                     STOCK N/A                                                               EAN13: 3770000904109

Fast Flip                                                                                      Small games

                                                             Get ready to scramble for the match in this crazy fruit
                                                             salad! Match your fruits to a number, or numbers to a
                                                             fruit; you don’t know what match you’ll have to find
                                                             next! Whether you play with the tokens or with the
                                                             cards alone, all players of any age will be fast flipping
                                                             for this brain teasing match up. The game comes
                                                             complete in a tin for your cards and tokens, making it
                                                             an easy travel item. The magic distribution of fruits on
                                                             the cards guaranties that there is always one correct
                                                             answer. You just need to be the fastest to find it!

     Contents:             Box size: 11 x 11 x 7 cm
     • 54 Cards            Box weight: 0,287 kg
     • 10 Tokens           Unit by master carton: 12
     • Illustrated Rules   35,5 x 30,5 x 14 cm / 3,86 kg

                           STOCK #02601                                                            EAN13: 3770000904413

       Full Moon                                                                                      Small games

                                                             Unite four wolves to take moon down!

                                                             To reach the moon four wolves of different colours
                                                             must be placed one on the top of the other.

                                                             The first player to place four wolves of different colours
                                                             on top of each other wins the game.

     Contents:             Box size: 11,1 x 11,1 x 3,4 cm
     • 1 Moon              Box weight: 0,089 kg
     • 12 Wolves           Unit by master carton: 24
                           35 x 20 x 25 cm / 2,3 kg

                           STOCK N/A                                                               EAN13: 3770000904116

30                                          Catalogue       2018
King’s Gold                                                                                        Small games

                                                             Steal the King’s treasure and become the richest
                                                             pirate at sea! The objective of King’s Gold is to earn
                                                             the most coins by obtaining the best combinations of
                                                             dice rolls.

                                                             Each combination of dice results in a different type of
                                                             action keeping the game exciting and competitive.
                                                             On each turn, players steal from their fellow pirates
                                                             and give their share to the King. Choose your dice
                                                             wisely and steal your gold shrewdly!

Contents:                   Box size: 15,7 x 11,7 x 4,0 cm
• 60 Coins tokens           Box weight: 0,271 kg
• 5 Pirate dice             Unit by master carton: 6
                            24,5 x 17 x 14,5 cm / 1,86 kg

                            STOCK #01301                                                          EAN13: 3770000904277

 Mindo                                    NEW                                                       Small games

                                                             Boxxer wants to say hello to his friends before returning
                                                             to his house. Help him find them! Connect the tiles in
                                                             a grid of 3x3 or 4x4, to match the color pattern on
                                                             the Challenge Card. Other versions available: cats,
                                                             unicorns, robots.

Contents:                   Box size: 7,5 x 12 x 4,5 cm
• 60 challenge cards with   Box weight: N/A
solutions                   Unit by master carton: N/A
• 2 bases
• 7 dominoes
                            STOCK #08401                                                          EAN13: 3664824000003

Princess Legend                                NEW                                              Small games

                                                                The Prince is looking for his Princess, but all the
                                                                characters of the Court keep their identity secret
                                                                and do not necessarily count on helping her. Take
                                                                turns playing the Prince and investigate judiciously
                                                                to disentangle the true from the false among the
                                                                answers of your opponents ... unless they are your

     Contents:               Box size: 11 x 18 x 4 cm
     • 8 characters cards    Box weight: N/A
     • 36 rubies             Unit by master carton: N/A

                             STOCK #05701                                                           EAN13: 3770000904734

      Quizoo                                                                                          Small games

                                                                Who is the biggest? Who is the slowest?

                                                                Observe animals and symbol of 3 turned cards and
                                                                answer as quickly as possible the question that arises.

     Contents:               Box size: 13,2 x 13,2 x 7,1 cm
     • 60 square cards       Box weight: 0,412 kg
     • 4 rectangular tiles   Unit by master carton: 6
                             28,5 x 23,5 x 15,5 cm / 2,69 kg

                             STOCK #04101                                                           EAN13: 3770000904606

32                                            Catalogue        2018
Sushi Draft                                                                                       Small games

                                                             Five deluxe sushi rolls are on the menu, but you will
                                                             need to pick your rolls strategically if you want to eat
                                                             your way to victory. Each turn, you will pick one sushi
                                                             to eat, one to keep, and then pass the rest to the
                                                             player next to you. Earn points by eating more of one
                                                             type of sushi than your opponents, or earn dessert
                                                             (more points!) for the most variety on your plate. Sushi
                                                             draft is quick to learn and fun for the whole family,
                                                             and is the perfect introduction to the classic genre of
                                                             pick-andpass / card-drafting games!

Contents:                   Box size: 15,7 x 11,7 x 3,0 cm
• 32 Cards                  Box weight: 0,266 kg
• 18 Sushi tokens           Unit by master carton: 12
                            24,5 x 18,5 x 17 cm / 3,41 kg

                            STOCK #01101                                                         EAN13: 3770000904222

 Treasure Rush                                                                                     Small games

                                                             Discover the treasure map and find as quickly as
                                                             possible the good way to the treasure’s chest!
                                                             A completely crazy treasure hunt!

Contents:                   Box size: 13,2 x 7,9 x 13,2 cm
• 1 wooden treasure chest   Box weight: 0,366 kg
• 64 Round Cards            Unit by master carton: 6
                            28,5 x 26 x 15,5 cm / 2,48 kg

                            STOCK #04501                                                         EAN13: 3770000904642

Who Did It?                                          NEW                                               Small games

                                                                    In this hilarious card game, players race to get rid of
                                                                    their cards so they can avoid the blame of owning
                                                                    the animal that pooped. Each game is as funny as
                                                                    it is fast; quickly find your card, be the first to throw it
                                                                    down, and then blame someone else! Was it YOUR
                                                                    cat that pooped in the living room? Because it wasn’t
                                                                    my bunny!

     Contents:                       Box size: 7,5 x 12 x 4,5 cm
     • 36 animals cards ( 6 diffe-   Box weight: N/A
     rents animals in 6 differents   Unit by master carton: N/A
     • 13 poo tokens
                                     STOCK #08301                                                          EAN13: 3770000904994

34                                                   Catalogue     2018
Dragon Run                                                                                             Euro games

                                                                 You are the adventurers, escaping from a mysterious
                                                                 dungeon filled with precious treasure. Until now,
                                                                 everything was going well, but the clinking of treasure
                                                                 has awoken the dungeon’s guardians: a terrifying

                                                                 All he wants to do is to return to his nap, but the dragon
                                                                 is too proud to let your trespass go unpunished. Before
                                                                 closing his eyes again, he will have to cool down his
                                                                 fiery temper by spitting flames on you and your fellow


Contents:                       Box size: 21,8 x 12 x 3,0 cm
• 10 Location Cards             Box weight: 0,266 kg
• 38 treasure Cards             Unit by master carton: 6
• 7 Character Cards             24 x 20,5 x 14,5 cm / 1,74 kg
• 1 ten side die
• 1 Dragon tile
• 1 Dragon token• 10 Location
Cards                           STOCK #01501                                                           EAN13: 3770000904291

 Kang                                           NEW                                                     Euro games

                                                                 This is a kangaroo game… not for Roo-kies!
                                                                 As a sport, these kangaroos like to rocket in the air,
                                                                 change sides, impersonate trampolines or punching
                                                                 balls. Be the best coach for your team and make
                                                                 them score to victory!

Contents:                       Box size: 26,5 x 26,5 x 4,5 cm
• 1 game board                  Box weight: N/A
• 12- 2 sided Kangaroos         Unit by master carton: N/A
(4 small, 4 medium, 4 large)
• 5 Alfalfa tokens              STOCK #04201
                                                                                                       EAN13: 3770000904611

Kingdomino                                                                                                    Euro games

                                                                             Build your kingdom and try to have the most glorious
                                                                             one! In Kingdomino, the more connected plots of the
                                                                             same landscape you have, the more points you gain.
                                                                             But be careful: if you don’t have the related buildings
                                                                             you won’t score any point! Build your kingdom and
                                                                             try to have the most glorious one!


                                                                           Major Fun Award 2017
                                                                            Spiel des Jahres 2017
                                                                     Board game of the year 2017 in Italy
                                                             Family board game of the year 2017 in Denmark

     Contents:                      Box size: 19,9 x 19,9 x 5,2 cm
     • 52 dominoes                  Box weight: 0,649 kg
     • 8 colored meeples            Unit by master carton: 6
     • 4 castles                    34 x 23 x 23 cm / 4,5 kg

                                    STOCK #03301                                                                  EAN13: 3770000904406

      Kingdomino Age of Giants                                                                              NEW     Euro games

                                                                             They arrive from the mountains, noisy and turbulent!
                                                                             Be carefull, here are the giants! They too want to take
                                                                             advantage of the kingdoms under construction... but
                                                                             it will be at your expense...

                                                                             «Age of giants» is an expansion for Kingdomino and
                                                                             Queendomino games. To be played, it requires to
                                                                             possess one or the other of these games, and allows
                                                                             in both cases, to be played from 2 up to 5 players.

     Contents:                      Box size: 26,5 x 13 x 6 cm
     • 31 dominoes                  Box weight: N/A
     • 8 colored meeples            Unit by master carton: N/A
     • 1 tower dominoes-dispenser
     • 1 castle
                                    STOCK #07901                                                                  EAN13: 3770000904956

36                                                   Catalogue            2018
Longhorn                                                                                           Euro games

                                                             1870 - Somewhere deep in Texas The rearing of
                                                             longhorn cattle from nothern Mexico is booming. It
                                                             has now become a major source of income for the
                                                             Texan farmers and at same the time has attracted
                                                             cattle thieves of all kinds.

                                                             The players assume the role of two particularly feared
                                                             outlaws: Eagles Perkins and Jessie Artist Byrd. The aim
                                                             of the game is simple: to steal cattle (and a few gold
                                                             nuggets if possible) to see who can amass the most
                                                             by the end of the game... or to get your opponent
                                                             arrested by the sheriff!

Contents:                 Box size: 22,0 x 12,0 x 3,2 cm
• 9 location tiles        Box weight: 0,378 kg
• 19 Actions tokens       Unit by master carton: 6
• 2 wanted tokens         23,5 x 21,5 x 14 cm / 2,4 kg
• 1 outlaw tokens
• 36 wooden cows          STOCK #00701                                                            EAN13: 3770000904192

 New York 1901                                                                                      Euro games

                                                             Shape the historic skyline of New York City in this
                                                             skyscraper building game. You will take on the role
                                                             of land developers competing for glory and prestige
                                                             in the city’s financial district as you acquire new land,
                                                             demolish old buildings, and build up skyscrapers to
                                                             staggering new heights.

                                                             This stimulating strategy board game features
                                                             amazing illustrations from Vincent Dutrait.


                                                           Game of the Year Finland 2015
                                                             Mensa select winner 2016

Contents:                 Box size: 29,9 x 29,9 x 7,2 cm
• 1 board game            Box weight: 1,557 kg
• 92 cards                Unit by master carton: 6
• 20 plastic figurines    45 x 31,5 x 32,5 cm / 10,6 kg
• 80 skyscraepers tiles
                          STOCK #02201                                                            EAN13: 3770000904345

Nutz                                                                                                           Euro games

                                                                                In this game, which uses both bluff and tactic, you
                                                                                will impersonate Squirrels getting frantically ready for
                                                                                winter. In summertime, you stash your cards under
                                                                                trees. When comes winter, you retreive all your nuts
                                                                                from a tree, but beware of traps… You collect the
                                                                                most nuts, you win!

     Contents:                               Box size: 19,9 x 19,9 x 5,1 cm
     • 80 food cards                         Box weight: 0,497 kg
     • 10 Squirrel cards                     Unit by master carton: 6
     (5 yellow - 5 blue)                     33 x 21,5 x 22,5 cm / 3,22 kg
     • 5 Tree Tiles
     • 15 Moon tokens                        STOCK #06501                                                           EAN13: 3770000904819

       Photosynthesis                                                                                                  Euro games

                                                                                The sun shines brightly on the canopy of the forest,
                                                                                the trees use this wonderful energy to grow up and
                                                                                develop their beautiful foliage.

                                                                                Sow your crops wisely and the shadows of your
                                                                                growing trees could slow your opponents down, but
                                                                                don’t forget that the sun revolves around the forest.
                                                                                Welcome to the world of Photosynthesis: the green
                                                                                strategy boardgame!

     Contents:                               • 8 big trees (2 of each kind)
     • 1 board, 1 sun board                  • 1 wooden token
     • 4 individual boards
     • 1 first player tile, 24 score tiles   Box size: 30,0 x 30,0 x 9,0 cm
     • 4 sun tokens, 32 corn tokens          Box weight: 2,119 kg
     (4 of each kind)                        Unit by master carton: 4
     • 32 little trees (8 of each kind)      38,5 x 31,5 x 32,5 cm / 9,02 kg
     • 16 medium trees (4 of each
     kind)                                   STOCK #06001                                                           EAN13: 3770000904765

38                                                            Catalogue        2018
Queendomino                                                                                                 Euro games

                                                                          The Queen has heard that beautiful kingdoms of
                                                                          dominoes have been built all around the world! Now
                                                                          she wants to travel across them. To welcome her, you
                                                                          will have to build towns in your kingdom. Use your
                                                                          gold and your workers well in order to develop the
                                                                          most prestigious kingdom of Queendomino!

                                                                          Queendomino isn’t a simple extension of Kingdomino,
                                                                          it’s a stand-alone game! It can also be played
                                                                          together with Kingdomino in a brand new epic
                                                                          mode: Domino Royale!

Contents:                             • 15 Towers (grey meeples)
• 4 starting tiles                    • 42 coins (12 worth 1, 18 worth
• 4 3D Castles (1 orange, 1           3, 12 worth 9)
purple, 1 white, 1 red)
• 48 dominoes (1 landscape            Box size: 26,4 x 26,4 x 6,0 cm
side, 1 numbered side)                Box weight: 1,158 kg
• 32 Building tiles                   Unit by master carton: 6
• 8 king meeples in 4 colors (2       39,5 x 28,5 x 30 cm / 6,5 kg
orange, 2 purple, 2 white, 2 red)
• 22 Knights (black meeples)          STOCK #07501                                                            EAN13: 3770000904918

 Vikings on Board                                                                                               Euro games

                                                                          Prepare yourself for the season of exploration! Vikings
                                                                          on Board is a big box, family strategy game in which
                                                                          you will use your Viking tokens to claim actions on the
                                                                          board which best benefit your clan’s voyage. The
                                                                          ships are composed of several different segments,
                                                                          which switch from ship to ship based on the actions
                                                                          you claim. Your goal is to have the most of your clan’s
                                                                          pieces on a ship when it set sail, to claim the biggest
                                                                          portion of its points.
                                                                          Pay close attention: your rivals will be eager to
                                                                          change the composition of your ships, as well as the
                                                                          value of their merchandise, arrested by the sheriff!

Contents:                                • 17 Vikings
• Game Board
• 4 Scoring Circles                      Box size: 29,8 x 29,8 x 7,1 cm
• 3 Market Value Tokens                  Box weight: 1,238 kg
• 15 Supply Tokens                       Unit by master carton: 6
• 16 Gambling Barrels                    45 x 31,5 x 32,5 cm / 9,53 kg
• 39 Ship Pieces: 24 Body Pieces, 8
Bow Pieces, 7 End Pieces                 STOCK #03101                                                         EAN13: 3770000904475

Wakanda                                                                                                 Euro games

                                                                       Every 100 moons, members from different tribes
                                                                       gather to sculpt new totems. The totems they create
                                                                       represent the values of their family, village, courage
                                                                       and culture. The tribe that makes the most prestigious
                                                                       totem poles wins the contest…

     Contents:                       Box size: 20,0 x 20,0 x 4,8 cm
     • 1 non-transparent cloth bag   Box weight: 0,411 kg
     • 8 village tiles               Unit by master carton: 6
     • 21 wooden totems              31,5 x 21,5 x 22 cm / 2,8 kg
     • 3 wings headdresses
     • 3 crests headdresses          STOCK #01201                                                         EAN13: 3770000904260

40                                                    Catalogue       2018
Gobblet                                                                                    Prestige Wooden games

                                                                  Gobblet! takes just seconds to learn but a lifetime to
                                                                  master. The goal is to line up four of your pieces in
                                                                  a row on the checkerboard. Take your opponent’s
                                                                  place by covering their piece with your bigger piece.
                                                                  You can move your pieces around the board, just
                                                                  be sure to remember what is underneath! Elegantly
                                                                  designed and completely wood.

                                                                  Gobblet! wins a permanent place on any family’s
                                                                  coffee table.


                                                                   Oppenheim Gold Seal
                                                                   Dr. Toy 10 Best Games
                                                                   Parents’ Choice Silver
Contents:                        Box size: 24,0 x 24,0 x 5,6 cm
• 1 wooden playing Board         Box weight: 0,787 kg
• 24 wooden pieces               Unit by master carton: 6
                                 36,5 x 25,5 x 27 cm / 5 kg

                                 STOCK #00101                                                           EAN13: 3770000904147

 Sixth                                                                                      Prestige Wooden games

                                                                  Sixth is the next evolution of chess! The rules are
                                                                  simple: Your goal is to build a tower of six or more disks
                                                                  with your color on top. On your turn, you will either
                                                                  start a new tower by adding a piece to the board, or
                                                                  capture an existing tower by moving another in play.
                                                                  The twist is that each tower moves like a different
                                                                  chess piece, based on the number of disks in that
                                                                  This captivating new abstract strategy game is easy
                                                                  to learn, but full of subtle complexity. It will challenge
                                                                  and engage newcomers and chess masters alike.

Contents:                        Box size: 26,4 x 26,4 x 6,1 cm
• 1 wooden board                 Box weight: 1,086
• 30 wooden disks                Unit by master carton: 6
• 1 expansion’s cloth bag with   37,5 x 28 x 28,5 cm / 5,8
5 wooden disks
                                 STOCK #03501                                                           EAN13: 3770000904482

Baïam        NEW                                             Comics in which you’re the hero

                                                      A comic in which you are the hero in multiplayer,
                                                      what do you think? You have certainly heard about
                                                      the comics in which you are the hero ©, launched by
                                                      Makaka Éditions in 2012. The collection already has
                                                      20 titles, in very different category. Today, Makaka
                                                      Éditions partners with Blue Orange to create «The
                                                      game in which you are THE heroes». A cooperative
                                                      comic in which each player has his own book,
                                                      embodies one character with special powers, and
                                                      progress along with the other players on islands full of
                                                      adventures and brain twister.

     Contents:          Box size: N/A
     • 4 comics         Box weight: N/A
     • 1 map            Unit by master carton: N/A

                        STOCK #07701                                                      EAN13: 3770000904932

42                                   Catalogue       2018
Captive                                                                   Comics in which you’re the hero

Why go after a cop? And especially a basic cop? This is one of the
many questions that you have been obsessed with since receiving
this ransom. Since your daughter was kidnapped... Walk to the
front door of this mansion, lost in the woods, hand hanging on your
service weapon, rage in the belly and the mind saturated with fear,
you feel that things will go wrong. Your intuition will not betray you ...
even if you were far from imagining what was going to be the worst
of your life.


   Knights                                                                   Comics in which you’re the hero

Year of Grace 1012, lands of the kingdom of good King Louilepou.
Three brothers dream of belonging to the order of the knights of
royalty. One of these three brothers is you! But the road is long before
becoming knight! You will have to travel the vast expanse of royal
lands in search of bracelets of bravery. Snowy mountains, haunted
lakes, dark forests... You will need to solve puzzles, discover hidden
boxes, learn combat skills, pick up magic items. Your success will
depend on your choices, because the hero is you!


   And more than 20 other comics available...

                               Blue lagoon : Even today the colonization of the
                               Pacific Islands by the Polynesians remains a great
                               mystery. And yet, it is aboard their hand-crafted
                               boats that the Polynesians colonized the greater
                               part of the islands and this over several thousand
                               kilometers. In Blue Lagoon, each player manages
                               a group of settlers that spread out on the islands of
                               this new archipelago to discover its wealth and build
                               villages. Smart placements and anticipation will be
                               needed to win the game.

                               Brain connect : Get your brain back on track. Quickly
                               slide and connect your thoughts into the right order,
                               then, be the first to complete the correct action to
                               win. It’s a race to see who can think and act the
                               fastest! These sliding puzzles have 16 different start
                               and stop points, so creating a clear train of thought is
                               always a new challenge.

                               Clouds : It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a....bear? Clouds
                               is a matching game that was made for the wildest of
                               imaginations. Turn over a card and quickly search to
                               find the halves that complete the picture. Be the first
                               to find them, and win! Race your friends, or take on
                               the challenges solo.

44                 Catalogue     2018
                  Cubeez : It’s time for a race! Can you make a face
                  the fastest? Quickly turn and flip the 3 cubes to
                  match the silly face on the challenge card. Will your
                  Cubeez be surprised, sad, happy, angry, or a little bit
                  of everything?

                  Eye’n speed : Flip a card and then spin the wheel
                  to find its matching icon in the windows. Make sure
                  to pay attention and search quickly- it’s a race!
                  Spot the match before your opponents to win the
                  round and a point. Six double-sided wheels, 100 icon
                  cards, 3 levels, and 6 rules to play create challenging
                  searching fun for all ages.

                  Flooping : Now it’s your turn to show off your skills as
                  a pilot! Slide your BuzzPlane on your forefinger, pick
                  a card to land on, close your eyes and try to aim for
                  the center of the card after the required aerobatics.
                  Score the most points by landing on the cards spread
                  on the table after you completed the required

                               Legend of the W.I.P : By drawing each player will
                               build their ideal castle. Majestic towers, sturdy
                               and beautifully decorated walls that will attract
                               the population and a comfortable dungeon for
                               passengers guests. Whoever knows how to best
                               exploit the resources of the region will draw the most
                               beautiful castle in the kingdom!

                               Maki Stack : Order’s up- it’s time for a sushi showdown!
                               Put on your mask and grab your teammate, or
                               prepare to use your fingers as chopsticks. Balance
                               and arrange the sushi, plates, and soy sauce bottles,
                               and make sure to execute the order exactly as
                               shown on the card. But be careful, one wrong move
                               and everything might tumble over!   Be the fastest
                               solo chef or culinary team to master the art of sushi
                               stacking, and win.

                               Rolling Bandit : The players are at the head of a group
                               of Bandits which they send to the assault of a train
                               in order to plunder the riches. The players will launch
                               their Bandits, attack the train and rob the passengers
                               before the other players. The richest player at the
                               end of the game wins.Roll your dice, get on the train
                               and plunder as much as you can to win the game!

46                 Catalogue     2018
                  Scarabya : At the head of your archaeological team,
                  set up an expedition, and establish your camps to
                  delineate areas of excavation. Your goal: to bring
                  together the largest number of gold beetles to help
                  unravel the mysteries of Scarabya.


      Dr Eureka Giant                                                  Dr Eureka Mouse Pad

      Supersize the fun with a giant version of Dr Eureka.             - Dimensions: Ø 20 cm
                                                                       - Material: Plastic
      SIZE x2                                                          - Weight: 2,8 gr

      Queendomino Giant                                                Nutz Magnet

      Supersize the fun with a giant version of Queendomino.           - Dimensions: 8 x 4 cm
                                                                       - Material: Plastic
      SIZE x2

      Kingdomino Giant                                                 Kingdomino Carpet

      Kingdomino Giant

      Supersize the fun with a giant
      version of Kingdomino.

                            SIZE x2

      Supersize the fun with a giant version of Kingdomino.            - Dimensions: 100 x 100 cm
                                                                       - Thickness: 2,2 mm
      SIZE x2                                                          - Material: Linoleum

48                                                      Catalogue   2018
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