The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe
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The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe Adrian Seville ABSTRACT The Jeu de L'Oie (Game of Goose), a unicursal race game played with tokens and dice, is named from the goose symbols on the favourable spaces. Many variants have been developed of the original 16th century Italian game. An important genre, originating in France as an educational aid, is that of geographical games, many being based on maps. The paper discusses the history of cartographical games that have an international dimen- sion within Europe. Six such games are illustrated, originally published in 17thC France, 18thC England, 19th C Netherlands, 19thC England (a non-unicursal variant), 20thC Italy and 20thC Germany. The rules of each are contrasted with those of the parent game of Goose. Techniques of print- ing and cartography are compared. Each game goes beyond simple cartographic representation to convey, through its rules or iconography, a deliberate «message», whether political, commercial or cultural. The games give insights into international relationships, perceptions and misconceptions at various points in the history of Europe. KEY WORDS: board game history, dice, Europe, France, Germany, Netherlands, England, Italy, cartography, printing, propaganda, advertising, culture, international relations, com- merce, trade, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th century RÉSUMÉ LES JEUX DE L’OIE GÉOGRAPHIQUES DE L’EUROPE Le nom «Jeu de l’Oie» (jeu de parcours où l'on déplace des pions en fonction des résul- tats des dés) provient de la représentation d’une oie dans certaines cases bénéfiques. De nombreuses variantes de ce jeu, qui trouve son origine dans l’Italie du XVIe siècle, ont été développées. Parmi celles-ci, les jeux géographiques, souvent basés sur des cartes, représentent un genre important, apparu en France en tant que support éducatif. Cet article examine l’histoire des jeux cartographiques ayant pris une dimension interna- tionale à travers l’Europe. Nous illustrerons ici six de ces jeux, apparus en France au XVIIe siècle, en Angleterre au XVIIIe, aux Pays-Bas et en Angleterre au XIXe (dans ce dernier cas il s’agit d’une variante non unicursale), en Italie et en Allemagne au XXe siècle. Les règles de ces jeux sont mises en contraste avec celles de leur ancêtre. Nous comparerons également les techniques d’impression et les cartographies. Chacun des jeux dépasse la simple représentation cartographique pour apporter, par ses propres règles ou son iconographie, un «message» délibéré: politique, commercial ou encore culturel. Ils donnent également un aperçu des relations internationales, percep- tions ou idées erronées à différents moments de l’histoire européenne. MOTS-CLÉS: histoire des jeux de société, dés, Europe, France, Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Angleterre, Italie, cartographie, imprimerie, propagande, publicité, culture, relations inter- nationales, commerce, XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe, XIXe, XXe siècles BELGEO • 2008 • 3-4 427
SCOPE OF THE PAPER T he title of the paper is perhaps contro- versial. On the one hand, geographi- cal games that are strictly based on the «real» they are. In some games, the track represents an actual voyage rather than a supposed journey – for example, traditional Jeu de l’Oie with rules identical Stanley’s March across the Dark in all respects are nowhere to be found. Continent for the Relief of Emin Pasha On the other, if the term Jeu de l’Oie is (Royal Museum for Central Africa, applied in the widest sense, meaning any Tervuen, shelf mark 74.53). Or it may rep- sort of game of chance, then the subject resent the travels of a fictional character. becomes diffuse. The paper concentrates Indeed, the territory «represented» by the on those geographical games that are map may be entirely of the imagination – recognisably connected, through their for example, the imaginary seascape in rules, with the traditional Jeu de l’Oie. (For William Darton’s game published in 1836: discussions on rule variations, see Seville A Voyage of Discovery or the Five (1991) and Zollinger (2003)). Accordingly, Navigators (Goodfellow, 1991, p. 40). the games treated here are all (except Most of the standard works on race one included as a comparison) single- games of the Jeu de L’Oie type include track race games of pure chance, using some brief account of geographical vari- dice or their equivalent to determine the ants. Grand-Carteret (1896, pp. 257-256) movement of tokens along the track includes a note on their history and devel- towards a finishing space. opment in his chapter on the game; see The term «geographical» refers to the also Grand-Carteret (1895) and Rabecq- thematic aspect of the game. However, Maillard (1961, pp. 155-160). Whitehouse though games with a geographic theme (1951, pp. 5-23) devotes a chapter to the often use maps structurally, this is not uni- English games of this genre in the versal. For example, games on the «world Georgian and Victorian eras. D’Alle- tour» theme often show illustrations of the magne (1950, p. 46) in his book on the places visited rather than a map. This French Jeux de l’Oie gives a short note on paper is primarily concerned with map- the history of French geographical based (cartographic) games. games, and Girard and Quétel do likewise Even within the class of map-based (1982, p. 39). Mascheroni and Tinti (1981, games, a number of different sub-classes p.78) mention Italian geographical games may be identified. There are those in briefly. The Buijnsters (2005, pp.137-138) which the playing track is laid out on the note various examples held in the face of a single map, while others provide Netherlands. However, no systematic a separate track; or the track itself may treatment exists for the genre. consist of numerous small maps. The map It is difficult to estimate the number of may be in outline or relief and may be published map-based games. All lists illustrated, for example with vignettes must be regarded as incomplete, for it is characteristic of each place, or may bear inevitable that many games are lost over text characterising those places. Map the years. Nevertheless, for the years to games thus demonstrate considerable the end of the 19th century, some indica- variety in appearance, even without tak- tive figures may be useful. Whitehouse ing into account the usual differences in (1951, pp. 5-23) gives 30 published in printing processes, colouring, format etc. England to the end of the 19th century. found in cartographic studies generally. D’Allemagne (1950, pp. 218-219) lists 19 There is also considerable variety in how French games up to that date under the 428 The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe
heading «Jeux à cartes geographiques», map-based games can be made, though though these include one that is not a race they certainly figured significantly in the game and five re-editions. The Buijnsters output. Indeed, a notable sub-genre (2005) list perhaps another five published encompasses map-games of geographi- in the Netherlands, ignoring re-editions of cal propaganda, showing the advance of French games. For Italy, Mascheroni and armies, the extent of empire, or the sphere Tinti (1981) mention a few map–based of influence generally (Milanesi, 1995). games. The exhibition catalogues of the The present short paper can cover only a German collections (see for example small fraction of this material in detail. The Himmelheber (bayerische National- focus is on games that have Europe as museum, 1972), Kohlmann (Museum für their theme or have an international Deutsche Volkskunde, Berlin, 1978), and dimension within Europe, giving insights von Wilkens (Germanisches National into international relationships, percep- Museum, Nürnberg, 1985)) indicate that tions – and misconceptions – at various map-based games do not figure greatly in points in history. them until the end of the 19th century, The end result of this narrowing of focus is when an important sub-genre, typified by the set of six games illustrated here. It the title Tour of Switzerland, but including includes some of the earliest and most other «tours», began to appear: some of interesting educational race games, these were based on maps. For the prolif- spans four centuries, and presents games eration of games in the 20th century, originating in five different countries of including many hundreds of advertising Europe. A number of other games are dis- and promotional games of an ephemeral cussed briefly in the text. nature, no useful numerical estimate of THE TRADITIONAL JEU DE L’OIE The Jeu de l’Oie (Game of Goose, 39 (usually); 52, a prison – wait as for the Gi(u)oco dell’Oca, Ganzenspel, Gänse- well. Being hit by another player’s token spiel etc.) is historically the most important involves changing places and paying to spiral race game ever devised. It has its the pool. Winning requires the player to roots in the Italy of Francesco de’ Medici land exactly on space 63 – overthrows are (1574-87), who, as Carrera (1617, p. 25) counted backwards. This adds greatly to reports, sent it as a present to King Philip the excitement, since an overthrow may II of Spain. The game took hold there and hit the «death» space. Indeed, the rules elsewhere in continental Europe, where it are ingeniously contrived to produce a is still played. It is played with double dice highly playable game (Seville, 2001). and the usual tokens, the aim being to Waiting in the prison or the well for some arrive exactly at the final space, num- other unfortunate to arrive and take one’s bered 63 in the standard form of the place is a chastening experience! game. Images of geese denote the In this traditional form, the game was evi- favourable spaces. After landing on a dently a game of human life, with the goose, the player goes on by the amount geese evidently having a favourable sym- of the throw. There are also unfavourable bolical significance (Domini, 1999, pp. 37- spaces, or hazards, which involve paying 38). It was also imbued with numerologi- to the pool and other penalties. Most cal significance, deriving from the theories notable of these is death, on space 58: the of the Cabala (Menestrier, 1704, p.196). unfortunate player who lands here must This was a system of Jewish mystical the- begin the game again. The other usual ology developed in Spain in the 12th - 13th hazards are at 6, a bridge – go on to 12; centuries but then adapted for Christian 19, an inn – lose two turns; 31, a well – wait use in the Renaissance, by Italian schol- until another reaches the space then ars especially (Blau, 1944). In this system, exchange places; 42, a maze – go back to the number 63 was highly significant, rep- BELGEO • 2008 • 3-4 429
resenting the crucial year, or «grand cli- feel comfortable to play and – to the macteric», of life (Sir Thomas Browne, extent that the original rules were main- 1615, Ch XII). tained – would benefit from the excite- At first sight, this background may seem ment and playability of the original game. irrelevant to the geographical variants. Also, the significance of the playing These variants have their own rules – why spaces – especially the «good» spaces should a player be concerned with the and the «bad» spaces – would carry over, details of a game he or she is not playing? either by direct reference or ironically. However, this would be to ignore the fact Indeed, this is a key feature of the many that, for many players, the rules of the thousands of variants of the game pro- well-loved Jeu de l’Oie would be entirely duced on different themes throughout the familiar. A game that related to this would centuries (Dietsch, 1983). THE BEGINNING: EDUCATIONAL GAMES IN 17th CENTURY FRANCE Educational games based on the Jeu de end. For example, the first four spaces l’Oie for the teaching of geography were are labelled: Espagne, Castille, Arragon, invented in France by Pierre Duval (1619- Navarre; but then Portugal is given only a 1683), well known for his educational single space. maps. One of the distinguished school of The general rules of the game are closely French geographers initiated by Nicolas based on the Jeu de l’Oie: Sanson, he was appointed Géographe du Play with two common dice and 2, 3, 4, 5 Roi in 1650. His first game was Le Jeu du or 6 players. Each plays once in turn, Monde. This was published in Paris in marking his place with a marker and mov- 1645 by Mariettte, who had previously ing according to the points on the dice. It published the earliest known French edu- is necessary to agree the stake: «un Icu, cational jeu de l’oie, the Jeu Chronolo- un Liard, un Sol, un Teston, une Pistolle», gique, dated 1638. (D’Allemagne, 1950, which each player must put on the Map of p. 44). The Jeu du Monde had a spiral Europe in the centre. All the other pay- track made up of 63 circles, each being a ments are of the same value and all this is small map of a different country of the to the profit of the winner. To win the world: the final winning circle represented game, one must arrive exactly at France, France. There followed two other map the eye and pearl of the World and which games by Duval on a similar plan. First, is to Europe as Europe is to the other Etienne Vouillement published Le Jeu de parts of the Earth. He who arrives there is France in 1659, in which each circular master of all the payments, ransoms, lots, space was a small map of a province of fines and other contributions. France (Seville, 2005). Then, in 1662, Reverse overthrows are played, as in Nicolas Berey published Duval’s Le Jeu Goose. But then comes a special rule, des Princes de L’Europe. In this game, which clearly indicates that Duval sees described in some detail below, each of this as an educational game: the 63 circular spaces of the spiral track is Who would take profit in Geography con- a small map of a region or country of cerning Europe should take care to say Europe, with France as the winning the names of the places when he arrives space. A map of Europe is in the centre. and to read the names of the principal Duval went to considerable lengths to towns. produce games with the canonical num- This approach also influences the cartog- ber 63 as the winning space. His choice raphy of the maps themselves: they are of the territories for the Europe game selective as to detail, concentrating on («...each figure represents a Country, the key features of each territory. State or Island of this part of the world») The detailed «laws» of the game derive may seem arbitrary but is directed to this from those of the Jeu de L’Oie but are 430 The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe
cleverly adapted to provide lessons in against the infidels and must stay until international relationships and percep- another takes his place (Goose prison tions of the period: rule). 5 Portugal Stay to make the voyage to The entry for Holland is particularly inter- the East Indies until another player esting as it implicitly confirms the publica- arrives and pays (the Goose Well tion date of 1662: King Charles II of rule). England married Catherine of Braganza, 6 Holande Embark at Flushing for Dover, Infanta of Portugal, by proxy in Lisbon on No. 60 England, to assist in the mar- 23rd April 1662. riage ceremonies of the King of Great The overall effect is up-to-date and lively, Britain to the Princess of Portugal. suited to the intended market for the (Similar to Goose rule for initial throw game: the young «cadets» of aristocratic of 9). families who were studying in Paris. As 10 Switzerland Stay to make a debauch well as geography, their studies would with those of this nation and pay his include heraldry, history and the art of scot, while the others play twice. war, and their moral and spiritual devel- 22 Sicily Shipwreck at the lighthouse of opment was not neglected. All these Messina, where the perils of Scylla aspects of life are well represented in and Charybdis used to be, and pays. games of the period derived from the Jeu 41 Denmark Must pay the tax to the Sund de l’Oie. to dislodge the Hollandais who have Indeed, Duval himself produced a game lent money to the King during the war. on the conduct of war as early as 1660: 50 Muscovy Must advance once accord- Le Jeu des François et des Espagnols ing to the points on the dice (a Goose pour le Paix. This was also a spiral race rule). The Muscovites do not permit game, but less closely based on the Jeu entry to their country, yet you pay. de l’Oie than those mentioned above. 52 Hungary Receives from each player Again, circles containing individual maps the agreed stake, for the fortification of were used, one for each year of the war the realm and to make levees against from 1635 until the peace of 1660: each the Turk, meanwhile advancing to map showed the disposition of the French Transylvania, No 54. and Spanish forces in the particular year. 57 Little Tartarie Must pay ransom in The legacy of the educational games order not to be enslaved in invented in 17th century France would Constantinople and must go to Spain continue there for more than three cen- No. 1 to begin the game again (com- turies, with continual updating and varia- pare the Goose death rule). tion across themes both traditional and 59 Candie Must be arrested to serve new. ENGLISH ENGRAVED GAMES OF THE 18th CENTURY In England, the development of educa- ber that turns up...». tional race games began about 100 years The «totum» (later known as the later than in France (Shefrin, 1999). Teetotum) is a top-like spinner, used Whitehouse gives the first dated game of because in this period the use of dice was this kind as that invented by John Jefferys frowned upon, as associated with gam- in 1759: A Journey through Europe, or the bling and cheating. Jefferys does not Play of Geography published by specify how many sides the totum is to Carrington Bowles in London. The rules to have. Versions numbered from 1 to 8 were be observed in the game begin: «The common, but some games use a six- Journey through Europe is to be played in sided teetotum, to be spun twice, so giv- all respects the same as the Game of ing the true effect of double dice. Twelve- Goose. Whoever begins to spin the Totum sided versions were also in use. first must place his man on the very num- The rules then explain how the next move 432 The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe
Figure 2. A Journey through Europe – John Jefferys (1759). BELGEO • 2008 • 3-4 433
is to be made by adding the next number But others are more widely educational: spun, that the directions given for the var- «he who lands on No. 42 Venice must stay ious places encountered are to be fol- one turn, to see the noble bridge called lowed, and that if the number spun carries the Rialto; while he who lands on No. 29 a man past the winning space (London, at Mentz (Mainz) must stay one turn, to learn 77), the excess is to be counted negative the art of printing which was found out – i.e., reverse overthrows are played, just there by John Faustus in 1440». John as in the Game of Goose. Faust was one of Gutenberg’s partners The Game of Goose was familiar and but it is surprising that he gets all the widely played throughout England, so credit for the invention of printing from Jefferys’ reference to it is not surprising. movable type! His game is not of 63 spaces, suggesting There are also references to the that the numerological importance was Hanoverian connection: «he who rests at lost on him. Nevertheless, the game has 28 at Hanover shall by order of the King of considerable structural similarity to the Great Britain who is Elector be conducted traditional Jeu de l’Oie. The chief charac- to No. 54 at Gibraltar to visit his country- teristic of that game is the doubling for- men who keep garrison there»; while the ward of the throw when a goose space is Protestant hatred of the Pope is all too evi- encountered. In Jefferys’ game, the dent: «He who rests at No. 48 at Rome for equivalent spaces are «...any number kissing the Pope’s Toe shall be banished where a King lives», and the player who for his folly to No. 4 in the cold island of lands on such a number has the privilege Iceland and miss three turns». of reckoning his spin twice over. The These various instructions succeed in places concerned are: Copenhagen making vivid the characteristics of the (Denmark and Norway), Stockholm places visited but have no resonance with (Sweden), Petersburg (Czarina of the original Jeu de l’Oie. Muscovy), Warsaw (Poland), Berlin The Duval and Jefferys games have few (Prussia), Vienna (Queen of Hungary), similarities in their selection of aspects Constantinople (Emperor of the Turks or considered to be of importance. Passing Oran De Seignior), Naples (Naples), the Sound (Sund) for entry to the Baltic is Madrid (Spain), Lisbon (Portugal), Paris featured in both, but generally the games (France), London (Great Britain), Dublin differ considerably, the Jefferys game (Lord Lieutenant of Ireland who repre- reflecting strongly the significance of con- sents the King of England), Turin tinental European trade in Great Britain’s (Sardinia). economy. Unlike the Duval game, this is not a gam- Jefferys’ game was to have few imitators bling game. There is no reference to stakes for a decade or so. Thomas Jefferys (no or payments. Indeed, the benefit to the relation to John Jefferys) published anoth- winner is not monetary: «He who rests on er Europe map game in 1768 but there- No. 77 at London wins the play, shall have after games using a map of Europe were the honour of kissing the King of Great published by several of the major London Britain’s hand and shall be knighted and map publishers: Robert Sayer (1774), shall receive the compliments of all the John Wallis (1794), and Bowles & Carver company in regard to his new dignity». (1790s). Several of these publishers, and Instructions for other numbers impose others, produced games based on the delays (miss one or more turns) and send world map, as well as games based on the player off to appropriate destinations. national maps. This was part of a general Many of the instructions refer to aspects proliferation of engraved race games in of commerce of the period. For example, the England of the 18th and early 19th «he who lands on No. 23 Frankfurt must centuries, covering educational games of stay one turn, to buy Printer’s Black to many kinds as well as games of amuse- send to England». ment, including the Game of Goose itself. 434 The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe
GAMES FROM THE NETHERLANDS The traditional Jeu de l’Oie has been At first sight, this selection of a game popular in the Netherlands from an early showing a journey through a single nation date. Engraved examples survive from might seem to contravene the internation- 1640. Existing woodblock versions are of al purposes of the current paper. later date but their close similarity to those However, a moment’s inspection of the found in England suggests links going map will show that it includes the territo- back to the earliest English goose games. ries of Belgium and Luxemburg. When the Geographical games of local origin (as new Kingdom of the Netherlands was opposed to local versions of Paris origi- formed in 1815, the Austrian Netherlands nals) are found from the early 1800s. (now Belgium) was added, while The example selected here is by Mortier Luxemburg was a crown Dominion of the and Zoon of Amsterdam, dated 1819. It is Dutch King. In 1830, Belgium was again entitled «Game of a Journey though the separated, but between 1815 and 1830 Fatherland for the Youth of the Dutch children had to learn the geogra- Netherlands», thus declaring its educa- phy of all three territories, as reflected in tional intent. It consists of a map of the this game. Netherlands surrounded by a track of 86 Games on the principle of the Jeu de l’Oie spaces, each containing the name of a remain popular in the Low Countries to town or city, and is to be played as a race this day, with innumerable variants and game in the normal manner. styles. LITHOGRAPHED GAMES OF THE 19th CENTURY The development of lithography in the 19th player who loses all his initial 20 counters century enabled the production of highly (his «expenses» for the journey) becomes attractive geographical games using the «bankrupt» and must leave the game. A new technique. An early example in traveller who reaches any capital city England was The Travellers or a Tour (marked by three daggers on the map) through Europe, published in London by must announce the name of the country of William Spooner in 1842. This is a which it is capital, or pay a fine of two coloured map of Europe, with vignettes of counters. The first player to reach his or many of the places to be visited, including her specified city wins the pool. sea areas. Lines of latitude and longitude This is clearly an educational game. Like are shown and indeed the game is to be the Jeu de l’Oie, it is a game of pure played on the intersections of these lines. chance, with no skill and no choice of Movement of each player’s marker is moves. However, unlike that game, it is a determined by the spin of a four-sided tee- two dimensional random walk, rather than totum bearing the letters N E S W for the a progress along a single track. The main points of the compass, to give the direc- purpose of including it here is to make the tion in which the marker is to be moved, as point that not all geographical race games far as the next intersection. Each player are unicursal. begins from a different starting point and Another purpose is to show the beautiful is required to journey to a specified capi- effects that could be produced in the tal city, e.g. the player who starts from medium of lithography. The section shown Jerusalem must reach Vienna, while from illustrates geographical features such as Cairo the aim is to reach St Petersburg, the Giant’s Causeway, gives vignettes of etc. A city is reached by reaching either the main cities and also illustrates topical adjacent point on the same line as the let- matters such as the perils of whaling. ter denoting that city. Some moves require Lithographed map-based games are a player to pay or take from the pool – a found throughout Europe. BELGEO • 2008 • 3-4 435
Figure 3. Vaderlandsch Reisspel voor die Nederlandsche Jeugd – Mortier en Zoon (1819). 436 The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe
Figure 4. Travellers of Europe – Spooner (1842). THE TWENTIETH CENTURY It may seem strange to leave the games of The play was particularly fatiguing since it Italy until this point – after all, Italy was the required repeated reference to a detailed place where, as the Gioco dell’Oca, the rulebook, specifying the move or payment Jeu de l’Oie was invented at the end of the to be made, unlike the Jeu de l’Oie, where 16th century. Though Italy was responsible the simple rules were apparent from the for many popular «world tour» (Giro del face of the game. The use of a complicat- Mondo) games on the principle of the Jeu ed rulebook was of course not restricted de l’Oie – lively productions, seldom to Italy – many of the English educational based on maps, but with attractive games of the Victorian period, and some coloured views of the places visited – the of the earlier French, adopted this worthy same principles were not used in the but stultifying device. development of map-based games for the The game selected for description here is teaching of geography. Indeed Masche- of a much later era – the 20th century – roni and Tinti (1981, p.78, present author’s when the Italians under Mussolini were at translation) comment on the boring nature the forefront of enthusiasm for innovation, of some of these games dating from the especially in aeronautics. It shows the 18th and early 19th centuries: voyage in 1926 of the dirigible Norge from The information was always of the same its base in Oslo first to Rome then on to the kind: the world was divided into four sec- North Pole until its landing in Alaska. The tions. The principal cities were specified. 72-space track is shown as series of small There were notes on economic resources numbered circles, supplemented by larg- but these were concerned only with gold, er spaces, of which some show scenes diamonds, commerce in porcelain, and silk. from the voyage and others show small BELGEO • 2008 • 3-4 437
Figure 5. Il Dirigible Norge alla Scoperta della Polo Nord – Marca Stella (1926). 438 The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe
maps, on which the path of the Norge is marked not with a goose but with a dog, marked. These maps are of no great car- named Titina, the mascot taken on the tographic quality but are of interest: for voyage by Umberto Nobile, its organiser. example, one marks the aerostation at The dog occurs one in every six spaces Pulham Market, in England, now long (unlike the Jeu de l’Oie where the series of defunct. geese are on every ninth space, usually Also of interest is that this is clearly a with two such series). However, the char- game based on the Jeu de l’Oie. Here, acteristic rule of doubling the throw on though, the favourable spaces are these spaces is retained. ADVERTISING, PROMOTION AND PROPAGANDA Although they operate at national rather of a cycle tour beginning at Willems, than international level, brief reference where the oil is made, and ending at must be made to the thousands of race Brussels. Informative details of the towns games which were published in 20th cen- encountered on route are given but have tury for advertising and promotional pur- no playing significance. The rules are a poses, or for politics and propaganda. simplified version of the Jeu de l’Oie, An example of a map-based game pro- where landing on a space marked with a moting a product is that offered gratis by bottle of the oil entitles the player to move the manufacturers of Chartreux table oil in on by the amount of the spin. The intention Willems, Belgium – see Van Bost (1990, to associate the product with the «good» p.111) for an illustration. It is a crudely spaces of the Jeu de l’Oie is obvious. drawn map of Belgium, showing the route TOURING IN EUROPE Some promotional race games, though, However, it was primarily the German were aimed internationally, particularly manufacturers who put such games in those for encouraging tourism. Race their catalogues beginning towards the games designed to attract the tourist are a end of that century and continuing well notable feature of Switzerland and into the 20th: Scholz (Mainz), Sala (Berlin), Germany, constituting almost a separate Spear (Nurnberg and London), Maier genre. They must be presumed to derive (Ravensburg) and Hausser (Ludwigs- from an original different from the tradi- burg) all produced such games – see tional Jeu de l’Oie, for their playing fea- Audisio and Schädler (2006), also Kaysel tures show no resemblances to that game. and Etter (1989). Not every one was map- The track lengths are arbitrary and the based: the board often consisted of a rules equally so. In this, they follow the series of attractive views, reproduced by many non-cartographic travel games colour lithography, though a small map found in Germany, typified by Post-und- might be added as a guide. Again, not all Riesenspiel. were unicursal race games: there was Easy international tourism (as opposed to considerable variety of playing structure, the aristocratic «Grand Tour» of earlier for example the multicursal layout of the days) grew out of the technical revolution railways could be used as a basis – e.g. in travel from the second half of the 19th the Jeu de chemin de fer suisse (Milanesi century, when railways began to make and Lanari, 2001, p. 95). penetration into the mountain ranges rela- The example shown here is a relatively tively convenient. Switzerland was the pro- humble production, dating from about totype destination and the Tour of 1935, showing a tour of Germany but Switzerland the archetypal game. intended to promote the use of agricultur- BELGEO • 2008 • 3-4 439
Figure 6. Eine Reise durch Deutschland – about 1935. al chemicals. It represents a land evident- Germany by Danzig and the Polish ly peopled with happy couples in colour- Corridor, legacies of Versailles – but the ful costumes of the region – but to the journey loops across the divide almost as north a German warship lurks. In fact, this though it did not exist. game is a clear reflection of the Third These games of travel are of course man- Reich – the game begins in Berlin, with an made representations of the areas they explicit reference in the text to 21st March cover. It is particularly characteristic of 1933 and the opening of the new them that they aim to convey messages Reichstag by Hitler. The map shows East about that area, whether as publicity or Prussia as separated from the rest of propaganda. GAMES BASED ON PLANS Some «map games» would be better dimension. However, it may be appropri- described as being based on plans. ate to mention that Expo 58 in Brussels – These include games based on plans of a truly international event of some signifi- cities and towns, together with those of cance for Europe – gave rise to a race even more local or ephemeral signifi- game in its own right, though not one hav- cance. These are generally excluded from ing much to do with the Jeu de l’Oie. this paper since they lack an international 440 The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe
MAP GAMES WITH A MESSAGE Maps are representations on a surface, Even the Netherlands game, though neutral made by humans for human purposes. In in its cartography, makes the claim in its title fulfilling those purposes, the makers of con- that the map shows the «Fatherland» – a ventional maps may feel under an obliga- bold claim in respect of the Belgian and tion to create representations that are, as far Luxembourg territories. as possible, objective and value-free. No In the Spooner game, there are messages such obligation seems to have occurred to that reflect the spirit of the age. The perils of the minds of those creating map-based the whaling industry are highlighted where- games. Their games are full of messages as today the cruelty to the whale and the extraneous to the playing purpose: mes- need for conservation might be more sages that are sometimes overt, sometimes acceptable messages. concealed. The Norge game of 1926 carries, in the sen- To modern European eyes looking at his timental choice of the little dog for the game of 1662, Duval’s patriotism, though «Goose» spaces, a sign that its message is perhaps understandable in one so reliant intended for children. That message, on the patronage of the King of France, though, is to glorify an international dimen- seems over-fervent: «France – the eye and sion of the aeronautical achievements of pearl of the World», with Europe similarly Italy at a time of its development as a world exalted in relation to the other continents. power. A game (not shown here) of the Yet this patriotic view was enduring: in same era, entitled: «Din Don, ovvero Tutte le about 1815, the Paris firm of Basset pro- Strade conducono a Roma» emphasises duced the Jeu Instructif des Peuples et Italy’s imperial aspirations. The cities of Italy Costumes des Quatre Parties du Monde et are shown in a layout that is diagrammatic des Terres Australes. This was a game rather than cartographic, with Rome at the strongly based on the Jeu de l’Oie in which centre as the winning point. But the outer- each of the 63 spaces showed a nation of most ring of cities – which includes as the world, with inhabitants in national dress. would be expected those remote from The winning space was France, as in the Rome such as Taranto, Como etc. – also much earlier Duval game – but here the includes Pola (Croatian Pula), Tripoli, countries of Europe were selected for the Mogadiscio, and Asmara, the intention favourable «goose» spaces. «Europe is being to show that these cities, too, may be good!» was the message – whereas in con- thought of as being part of Italy itself. trast New Zealand was chosen for the Likewise, the Tour of Germany game indi- «death» space on 58, with the legend: cates a clear message concerning the self- «Voyageur prêt à être mangé par les image of that country during the build-up to Anthropophages» and a correspondingly the Second World War. graphic illustration. The Jeu de l’Oie, because of its familiar and The Jefferys game of 1759 is likewise comforting resonances of childhood enjoy- overtly patriotic: London is the winning ment, is a potent vehicle when adapted for space and references to the Protestant sending messages, whether of the obvious monarchy abound. Here, though, is an promotional kind, as in the Chartreux Table element of religious bigotry, evident in the Oil game, or on the more subtle level of the treatment of Rome. games of propaganda. CONCLUSION Map games merit study on several levels. games and, if so, may carry resonances The cartography itself may be interesting, that go beyond the mere playing process. especially in a historic context. The rules The games may have distinctive iconogra- of the game may relate to those of other phies and are often attractive objects in BELGEO • 2008 • 3-4 441
their own right. Both the social milieu and ly, to convey interesting, amusing or dis- the commercial market for these games turbing messages about their time and may influence their design and theme. place. This short paper has by no means Their effect may be, wittingly or unwitting- exhausted these possibilities. REFERENCES • DIETSCH P. (1983), «Variations sur le • SEVILLE A.H. (2001), «Statistics of theme du Jeu de l'Oie», Vieux Papier, Enjoyable Race Games», Board Games in fasc. 290, octobre, pp. 106-120. Academia V (Proceedings of Colloquium • GRAND-CARTERET J. (1896), «Le in Barcelona, unpublished: available from Monde vu par l'Image – les Jeux de l'Oie the author). Géographiques», Journal des Voyages, • SEVILLE A.H. (2005), «Le Jeu de France No. 963, pp. 63-64. – Pierre Duval's Map Game», Brussels, • MILANESI F. (1995), «Percorsi Italiani di International Map Collectors Circle, Propaganda», Charta, November- Newsletter, 21, pp. 24-26. December, pp. 55-57. • ZOLLINGER M. (2003), «Zwei Unbe- • SEVILLE A.H. (1999), «Tradition and kannte Regeln des Gansespiels», Board Variation in the Game of Goose», Board Game Studies, 6, Leiden University, pp. Games in Academia III (Proceedings of 61-84. Colloquium in Florence), pp.163-174. BIBLIOGRAPHY • AUDISIO A. & SCHÄDLER U. (2006), Le • KAYSEL R. & ETTER M. (1989), Die Montagne per Gioco, Torino, CAI Torino. Schweiz im Spiel, Würenlos, Carlit. • BLAU J.L. (1944), The Christian • KOHLMANN T. (1978), Wer Spielt Mit?, Interpretation of the Cabala in the Berlin, Museum für Deutsche Volkskunde. Renaissance, Columbia, Columbia • MASCHERONI S. & TINTI B. (1981), Il University Press. Gioco dell'Oca, Milano, Bompiani. • BROWNE T. Sir (1650), Pseudodoxia • MENESTRIER C.F (1704), Bibliothèque Epidemica, Ch XII. Curieuse et Instructive, Trevoux. • BUIJNSTERS P.J. & BUIJNSTERS- • MILANESI F. & LANARI D. (2001), Il SMETS L. (2005), Papertoys, Zwolle, Gioco dell'Oca nei Tempi, Padova, Waanders. Centrooffset Edizioni. • CARRERA P. (1617), Il Gioco degli • MURRAY H.J.R. (1952), A History of Scacchi, Militello. Board Games Other Than Chess, Oxford, • D'ALLEMAGNE H.R. (1950), Le Noble Oxford University Press. Jeu de l'Oie, Paris, Libraire Gründ. • RABECQ-MAILLARD M.M. (1961), Jeux • DOMINI D. (1999), La Vite e il Vino, et Jouets d'Autrefois, Paris, Institut Torgiano, Fondazione Lungarotti. Pédagogique National. • GIRARD A.R. & QUETEL C. (1982), • SHEFRIN J. (1999), Neatly Dissected, L'histoire de France racontée par le Jeu Los Angeles, Cotsen Occasional Press. de l'Oie, Paris, Balland/Massin. • VAN BOST F. (1990), Het Ganzenbord in • GOODFELLOW C. (1991), A Collector's Vlaanderen, Gent, Koninklijke Bond der Guide to Games and Puzzles, London, Oostvlaamse Volkskundigen. Apple Press. • VON WILCKENS L. (1985), Spiel, Spiele, • GRAND-CARTERET J. (1896), Vieux Kinderspiel, Germanisches Nationalmuse- Papiers, Vieilles Images, Paris, Le Vasseur. ums, Nürnberg. • HIMMELHEBER G. (1972), Spiele – • WHITEHOUSE F.R.B. (1951), Table Gesellschaftspiele aus einem Jahr- Games of Georgian and Victorian Days, tausend, Deutscher Kunstverlag. London, Peter Garnett. 442 The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe
Adrian Seville City University, London, UK Tudeley House Royal Parade Chislehurst Kent BR7 6NW United Kingdom manuscript submitted in December 2007; revised in January 2008 BELGEO • 2008 • 3-4 443
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