HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014

Page created by Jeff Harrington
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
64 Turners Hill,
   Hemel Hempstead,
       HP2 4LH

Design and Access Statement May 2014
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
The proposal is for the erection of a pair of 2 bedroomed flats resembling an end terraced dwelling.

The site lies in Turners Hill, an established residential road close to Hemel Hempstead town centre

This proposal is integrated with, and complements, the neighbouring buildings and the local area in terms of scale, density, layout and access.

The Application follows the previous Full Planning approval for the previous land owner for a three bedroomed house

The basic configuration of the built form remains the same with an additional metre of depth to the dwelling at the rear of the proposed

This applications follows a successful Pre- Planning Application that caused several alterations to the proposals following guidance from the
Planning Officer which have now all been incorporated into the current designs.

This proposal enhances the established character and has been modified through the pre-planning consultation to relates well to its
surroundings and continues to support a sense of local pride and civic identity.

The Planning history associated to this dwelling Prior to the above mentioned 3 bedroomed house ref . 4/00942/13. Planning approval for a
single storey side and rear extension reference 4/00189/12/FHA and a Planning refusal for a two storey side, single storey rear extension and
new pedestrian site access reference 4/ 00346/11/FHA.

   64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH                                                                               Statement
                                                                                                          Design and Access Statement. rfarris@me.com
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
The proposed new dwelling creates a good quality dwelling and spaces, which is visually attractive, safe, accessible and functional. It has been
detailed with similar fenestration and its neighbouring property’s and maintains the local character of the area.

The proposed dwelling follows the design principles of the existing dwellings from neighbouring dwellings in Turners Hill and Toms Croft ; the
continuation of the eaves line of the terrace with the termination of the group with a gable end, is designed to sit well within the terrace row.
The existing terrace is terminated with a projecting gable feature to continue this theme. Other developments within the street scene have been
extended in a similar way and this proposal would continue this pattern of development without undue additional bulk to the built form.

The street has a fall in levels to the west and also the dwelling is set at a higher level than the highway. Due to this situation and the corner
location of the site, the new dwelling is shown set up to 2m back from the existing footpath in Turners hill to reduce the potential of any Undue
dominating within the street scene.

The street has a fall in levels to the west and also the dwelling is set at a higher level than the highway. Due to this situation and the corner
location of the site, the new dwellings are shown lower than the adjacent property which is the typical detail for the neighbouring dwellings to
reduce further the potential of any undue dominating within the street scene.

Privacy is maintained to the adjacent properties and the existing set back to the rear walls is repeated in this proposal.

The site is located within a residential area where the principle of providing additional residential units would be acceptable in accordance with
Policies 2 and 9 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan 1991-2011 and CS4 of the Core Strategy Pre-Submission (October 2011) with Modifications
January 2013.

The development accords with Policy 11 and Appendix 3 of the Adopted Local Plan and CS12 and CS13 of the Core Strategy Pre-Submission
(October 2011) with Modifications January 2013.

Sufficient space is maintained around the dwellings to ensure maintenance can be undertaken and to retain the spacious character of the area is
maintained as well as the design of the new dwellings continuing the existing step and set backs of the adjacent terraced dwellings.

This new proposal includes internal modifications to the existing dwelling which now provide a utility or study area on the ground floor.

    64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH                                                                                Statement
                                                                                                            Design and Access Statement. rfarris@me.com
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
Previous Planning History
The Planning history associated to this dwelling Prior to the above mentioned 3 bedroomed house ref . 4/00942/13. Planning approval for a
single storey side and rear extension reference 4/00189/12/FHA and a Planning refusal for a two storey side, single storey rear extension and
new pedestrian site access reference 4/ 00346/11/FHA.

The more recent Planning Approval, 4/00942/13. was obtained demonstrating improvements over the historic refusal for a two storey side
extension which was incongruous to the existing street scene and local character.

This current application shown further improvements over the previous approval in the following areas.

• The introduction of a step and stagger to the entire built form following the exact detail of the adjacent properties. This can be observed at
  both the ground floor eaves and ridgeline and is a typical detail of the area.

• The Southern, end elevation has more windows over the approved scheme improving its detail and reducing the previous mass of brickwork

• The reduction of height to the proposed dwellings will enable the Southern, end elevation to interact better in terms of mass and scale to the
  footpath of Turners Hill.

• The alignment of the two new front access doors onto Toms Croft will simplify a previous busy details and support the extended terraced form
  in character to the adjacent buildings.

   64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH                                                                                Statement
                                                                                                           Design and Access Statement. rfarris@me.com
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
The site is located within the area HCA22 Adeyfield South. The proposal is a simply designed terraced dwelling in line with the type, height, and
design characteristic of this area.

In respect of Character , similarities have been taken from the positioning of neighbouring dwellings in Turners Hill and Toms Croft which all
include a number of new homes created in close communication with the adjacent roads and footpaths and continue form a key character to
several road junctions within the Adeyfield area.

The existing set back and stagger of the adjacent dwellings are replicated in the position of this application

The existing sites gradients are utilised in this proposal, leaving the proposed new access being generally flat from Toms Croft, and fully
accessible for wheelchair users and less ambulant visitors as required in Part M of the Building Regulations.

Pedestrian access to the house and to the site would utilise the access as shown on the enclosed site layout from the footpath in Toms Croft.

This is a site very close to the local shopping centre in Adeyfield and Hemel Hempstead town centre with excellent bus, car and rail links to
surrounding villages and towns.

There are a large number of shops, facilities and schools, all within very close proximity and walking distance of the proposed new dwelling.

Energy efficient lighting and heating systems and sourcing of local building materials and trades will be used during the construction and fabric of
the dwelling - in line with current Building Regulations.

This application seeks permission to allow the proposed drawings to be permitted in accordance with the policies in the Dacorum Borough
Council Local Plan.

The Proposed additional dwelling has been carefully designed with close liaison with the Planning Department through the Pre Application
Process and all areas of suggestion by the Planning Officers have been included through previous amendments in the proposals to complete the
enclosed considered design.
   64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH                                                                                 Statement
                                                                                                            Design and Access Statement. rfarris@me.com
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH                  Location Plan
                                            Design and Access Statement. rfarris@me.com
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH             Aerial Plan
                                            Pre Application Study. rfarris@me.com
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
Adjacent Extension

                                   Site Area

        Open Space

64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH                                      Site Plan
                                                             Design and Access Statement. rfarris@me.com
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
Adjacent Extension

                             Existing Building lines                  Adjacent New

                                             2 New Dwellings                       Adjacent New
                                              Street Detail

        Open Space

64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH                      Constraints and Opportunities
                                                                 Design and Access Statement. rfarris@me.com
HP2 4LH 64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Design and Access Statement May 2014
64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH                   Site Photos
                                            Design and Access Statement. rfarris@me.com
64 Turners Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4LH          Adjacent developments
                                            Design and Access Statement. rfarris@me.com
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