5K RUN/WALK HALF MARATHON - Governor's Cup Road Race

Page created by Mitchell Perez
5K RUN/WALK HALF MARATHON - Governor's Cup Road Race
                   Join us February 18-19, 2022

HALF MARATHON                                       5K RUN/WALK

MAIN STREET MILE                                  KID’S MAIN ST. MILE
5K RUN/WALK HALF MARATHON - Governor's Cup Road Race

The Governor’s Cup Road Race is presented by Lexington Medical
Center and is operated by the Carolina Marathon Association which
has been conducting major running events in Columbia since 1977.
We've got all the details right here for you!

• Friday, February 18 on Columbia's Main Street
        • 6:00 p.m.- Join over 800 kids as they participate in the
		                    Kids Main Street Mile
        • 7:00 p.m. - Open Main Street Mile
        • 7:30 p.m. - Elite Main Street Mile
• Saturday, February 19 starting at 1312 Main Street, Columbia SC
        •8:00 a.m. - Half Marathon
        •8:20 a.m. - 5K Run/Walk
        •9:00 a.m. - Finish Line Festival begins. Awards ceremony
		                   for 5K and half marathon to follow

Running in the Saturday races, you will experience fun, challenging,
and scenic courses that include historic areas and entertainment at
more than 22 Spirit Corps locations on the course.

Our finish area located at Park and Senate Streets in Columbia's
Vista, includes music, food,vendors, and activities leading up to our
award ceremonies and post-race celebration.

You can expect over 2,000 participants including over 800 kids on
Friday night. As a sponsor of the event, you will reach over five
thousand on-site clients and over five million clients through our
pre-event marketing efforts. You will also receive several sponsor
benefits which can be found on pages 3 and 4.

Thank you for your consideration of supporting Governor’s Cup
Road Race. We expect to meet the highest standards for competitive
running events as our motto has always been, “Our events are
managed by runners for runners." We appreciate your review and
look forward to hearing from you.

                       Russ Pate, Event Director
             Jennifer Bozzo, Media Relations Coordinator
                     Dawn Catalano, Spirit Corps
                  Kathryn Cavanaugh, Elite Athletes
             Kerry Mclver Cordan, Kids Main Street Mile
                Derek McFarland, Finish Line Festival
                      Katie Miller, Event Manager
                     Mark Stout, Race Operations

5K RUN/WALK HALF MARATHON - Governor's Cup Road Race
2020 Governor's Cup weekend at a glance

REGISTRANTS                                 1,950
  Breakdown of the 1,150 adults who participated              Events

      540 MALE          610 FEMALE            1 Mile
                                                                    runners   13.1
                                                         155          13.1    30%

          Top 3 States                   Runners
            registrants from 20 states

             No. of registrants
                                                       13.1    5K   1 Mile

                                                    Target household income:
AGE                                                      $75,000-$99,000
                                                                Second highest:
5K RUN/WALK HALF MARATHON - Governor's Cup Road Race
                                                       Cash + In kind

          Special Thanks to
      Lexington Medical Center,
            Title Sponsor
      2022 Governor’s Cup Road
                                  Platinum    Gold           Bronze     Silver
Benefits                           $25,000   $15,000         $10,000    $5,000

complimentary registrations to       10         8                5         3
walk or run

recognition during opening

50-word writeup and ad space
on website

logo with hyperlink in the
sponsor section of website

name listed in the sponsor
section of website

logo placement in all printed
and electronic materials

logo on finish line chute

opportunity for table at the
finish line on Saturday morning

recognition on the Governor’s
Cup social media channels

opportunity to add a
promotional item to race bags
for Kids Mile, 1 Mile, 5K and
Half Marathon (approx. 2,000)

5K RUN/WALK HALF MARATHON - Governor's Cup Road Race
                       cash + in-kind | 2023 first right of refusal (due 10/19/22)

                         • Sport drawstring backpack with logo on approx 1,200 bags for runners
   Race       $5,000     • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
   Bag                   • Name mentioned on Governor Cup’s social media channels
                         •Opportunity to put giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants

  Shoe                   • Keep runners' hands free with a branded shoe wallet. Easily secures to the shoe
  Wallet      $5,000       laces with a hook-and-loop closure. (approx. 2,000)
                         • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
                         • Name mentioned on Governor Cup’s social media channels
                         •Opportunity to put giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants
   Half       $2,000     • Logo on mile marker signs along half marathon route (miles 4-13)
 Marathon                • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
                         • Name mentioned on Governor Cup’s social media channels
   Mile                  •Opportunity to put giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants
 Running      $2,000     • Logo placement on bandana scarf for particpants (approx. 1200)
                         • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
   Scarf                 • Name mentioned on Governor Cup’s social channels
                         •Opportunity to put giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants

   5K         $1,500     • Logo on 3 mile marker signs along 5K route (miles 1-3)
   Mile                  • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
                         • Name mentioned on Governor’s Cup social media channels
  Marker                 • Opportunity to put a giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants
                         • Logo on sign next to Hopsitality Tent located at finish line on Saturday
 Hospitality $1,500      • Heaters provided along with food and beverage
                         • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
   Tent                  • Name or business mentioned on Governor Cup’s social media channels
                         • Opportunity to put a giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants

    Selfie              • Logo on Selfie Station sign for Friday evening
              $1,500    • Logo on sign attached to Selfie Station located at finish line area on Saturday
   Station              • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
                        • Name or business mentioned on Governor Cup’s social media channels
                        • Opportunity to put a giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants

  Spirit     $1,000      • Name/logo recognition at all Spirit Corp locations along the routes
  Corps                  • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
                         • Name or business mentioned on Governor’s Cup s social media channels
                         • Opportunity to put a giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants

                         • Balloon tower in prominent locations with signage with sponsor’s name
 Balloons     $1,000     • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
                         • Name mentioned on Governor Cup’s social media channels
                         • Opportunity to put a giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants

Volunteer               • Logo placement on volunteer T-shirts (approx. 150)
 Shirts       $750      • Name listed in the sponsor section of website
                        • Name mentioned on Governor Cup’s social channels
                        •Opportunity to put giveaway item in approximately 2,000 bags for participants

 Presenting sponsorships available for our signature events, including the 5K, Main Street
    Mile and Kids Main Street Mile. For more information on these sponsorships or to
      customize an exclusive sponsorship, contact Katie Miller at 803-960-6202 or
                          Katie.Miller@Governorscupsc.org .
5K RUN/WALK HALF MARATHON - Governor's Cup Road Race
                                         2022 Committment Form

         Yes! I would like to support Governor’s Cup Road Race as a
         ________________________________sponsor, at a value of $ _____________________.

Company (how it will appear in print)

Contact Name       					                                 Title

Address 						                                           City/State/ZIP

Work Phone						                                         Cell phone

Email 							Website

Social channels/handles


Send acknowledgement to

Address 						                                           City/State/ZIP

  Invoice me for my gift of $                       in                    installments
  Check enclosed (made payable to Carolina Marathon Association) | Federal Tax ID # is 57-0989561
  Visa       MasterCard     American Express     Discover

Account number:

Name on card:

Expiration date:

Amount to be charged to credit card: $


 If logo inclusion is part of your sponsorship, please send the following file formats: eps, jpg, ai, png.
                               Send both black and white and 4-color files.

            Return your completed form and logos to Katie Miller at Governor’s Cup Road Race
               Katie.Miller@governorscupsc.org | 803-960-6202 | www.Governorscupsc.org

5K RUN/WALK HALF MARATHON - Governor's Cup Road Race
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