50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments

Page created by Lawrence Hudson
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
AVOCA turns Fifty
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
Land Acknowledgement

 Today, Toronto is home to many Indigenous peoples from across Turtle Island and is situated on Indigenous
land and Dish with One Spoon Territory. In the spirit and intent of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,
we acknowledge the traditional Indigenous territories on which the Avoca Apartments stand: the traditional
territory of the Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nations.
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
Avoca turns Fifty:
              Celebrating Change and Continuity

            Prepared by the Avoca Communications Committee:

Dianna Ericson (Chair), Patricia Evans, Maria Laura Mosco, and Diana Rowney
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
                                            community and of interest to urban            Thanks to Kathleen and Sandra, then
  In an effort to mark this occasion in a   historians.                                 Co-Presidents of the Board, for
significant way the Board thought it                                                    proposing a booklet as part of
might be of great interest to                 We are fortunate to have had the          celebrating Avoca at 50. But I suspect
shareholders to know more about our         expertise of an editorial team whose        that the seed they planted has far
geographical and architectural history.     collective background lends itself to the   outgrown anything that they imagined.
We did not wish to try to replicate the     research, writing and editing of this
unique anecdotal and entertaining           resource document. Our heartfelt thanks       This booklet provides an intriguing
booklet from the 40th anniversary.          and appreciation to the following           and informative account of the past and
                                            residents for their dedication to the       present of where we live: our
  Avoca remains the warm spirited           creation of this fascinating document:      neighbourhood, the development and
community today as that reflected in the    Dianna Ericson, Patricia Evans, Maria       design of our buildings, their art and
first booklet. The number of residents      Laura Mosco, and Diana Rowney.              gardens, and the community that is
who work together to create and                                                         Avoca. Congratulations, authors, and
maintain this beautiful cohesive            Kathleen McClure and Sandra Smit            thank you for enhancing our
community is too extensive to recognize     Co-Presidents, Avoca Board of               understanding and appreciation of
individually. It is truly a collective      Directors, 2017-2019                        where we are proud to call home.
achievement of which we are very
proud.                                                                                  John Evans
                                                                                        President, Avoca Board of Directors,
  We are pleased to present to you a                                                    2019-2020
carefully researched reference for
Avoca shareholders who wish to know
more about a wide range of background
information as a record for the
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
                                            perhaps most importantly, through           moved further north and deer made their
  It is perhaps unusual for the 50th        building the sense of community.            appearance in this area. The
anniversary of a high-rise residential                                                  Scarborough Bluffs eroded creating the
building in Toronto to be celebrated.                                                   Toronto Islands and Toronto Bay. One
However, Avoca Apartments Limited                                                       thousand years ago, Haudenosaunee
seems to be an exception. Residents                Location: Then and Now               (previously known as Iroquois) 3
who have lived here have always had a                                                   communities were developing along the
strong sense of place and pride in           Early Days                                 Lower Great Lakes. When they moved
ownership from its beginnings in 1969.                                                  north, the Anishinaabe including the
There are of course a number of factors       The Avoca buildings are perched high      Mississaugas, made this area of
that contribute to those feelings. First,   on top of the “Davenport Ridge,” which      Southern Ontario their home. It was not
the apartments enjoy an exceptional         was once the beach of glacial Lake          until the 17 th century that the French
location that offers both natural and       Iroquois. Some thirteen thousand years      made an appearance, followed by the
urban amenities. Then there was the         ago that lake started melting.1 Its water   British in the 18th century.4
forward-looking vision and careful          drained through paths, gullies and
design of the original developer and        waterways out to the St Lawrence             Yonge Street
architects that created buildings that      leaving behind the Toronto ravines,
adapted efficiently and effectively to      “one of the world’s largest ‘urban            John Graves Simcoe arrived in 1791
the environment. Finally, there has been    ecosystems’ ”2 and a much smaller lake,     as Lieutenant Governor of Upper
the dedication of the residents             Lake Ontario.                               Canada. He chose defensible Toronto
themselves over 50 years to work                                                        Bay as the site of the capital and called
                                             About 10,000 years ago, Indigenous         it the Town of York. This land was
collectively to maintain and enhance the    peoples moved north in search of big
elegance of the property through careful                                                initially acquired in 1787 as part of an
                                            game. As the climate continued to           agreement (revised with the Toronto
landscaping, furnishings and art, and       warm, the game became extinct or            Purchase in 1805, Treaty 13) between
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
Loyalist and Superintendent-General of    bottom of the hill, left by the draining    due to the abundance of deer that
Indian Affairs, Sir John Johnson, and     glacier, made passage very difficult. A     roamed the area at this time. 10 The
Wabukanyne, Neace, and Pakquan,           temporary wooden structure was built        presence of deer, however, was by
Principal Chiefs and War Chiefs of the    to enable people, carriages, coaches,       design. Indigenous people, the
Mississauga Nation. 5 In order to gain    and wagons to get up and down the           Mississaugas of the Anishinaabe,
access to the Upper Great Lakes,          steep hill of Davenport Ridge. 8 This       originally attracted the deer to the area
Simcoe’s regiment, the Queen’s Own        obstacle slowed not only Simcoe’s           by opening it up as a meadow, thus
Rangers, constructed a military road      efforts to connect the Lower and Upper      enticing the deer out of the forest to
connecting Lake Simcoe to Lake            Great Lakes, but also the growing Town      feed. The animals were then readily
Ontario and the Town of York.6 Simcoe     of York from expanding up the hill.         available to be hunted. The area was
named this road Yonge Street, after his                                               referred to as “Mishkodae” or “prairie”
friend, Sir George Yonge, British          Deer Park Community                        by the local Mississaugas.11 The “Deer
Secretary of War and an expert on                                                     Park” community never reached the
ancient Roman roads. 7 Unlike the           At the top of Gallow’s Hill, at the       status of a village or a town, and was
existing well-worn Indigenous Trail,      Third Concession (now St. Clair), a         finally annexed to the City in 1908.12
The Toronto Carrying Place, the new       separate community was forming.
road did not consider useful              During the survey of Yonge Street, two       Our Location Today
topographical features; it was to be a    hundred acre lots were laid out either
straight cut south. Many difficulties     side, and from 1798, made available to        The area has come a long way since its
were encountered all along the way.       immigrants as Crown Lots. 9 In 1837,        earlier days as a bustling crossroads of
Nearby our Avoca Apartments, a            Mrs. Agnes Heath, a widow, purchased        busy hotels and large estates with their
significant obstacle was “Gallow’s        40 acres of one of these lots. One street   lone church and school. Building the St.
Hill” (now Summerhill) named for a        in our community continues to bear her      Clair bridge (and its replacement, the
particularly ominous-looking tree. Here   family name, and indeed the whole           Viaduct) enabled residents in Moore
a large deposit of quicksand at the       community is now known by the name          Park to frequent the library, the clubs,
                                          she gave her own home, “Deer Park,”         and the increasing number of specialty
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
shops, movie theatres, and restaurants                     The Views                     underground. 16 The section of ravine
assembled across the ravine. In 1954,                                                    which extends from the Cemetery to
the opening of the Yonge Street subway       One of the great advantages of our          just south of David Balfour Park was
brought another major change with the      location on Davenport Ridge is that it        officially named “The Vale of Avoca”
addition of corporate offices and          affords us panoramic views of the city        in 1973. 17 Many Avoca residents and
headquarters. 13 These, in turn, brought   from all sides of the building.               local neighbours go exploring along the
an influx of high-rises, the Avoca                                                       pathways and trails of the Ravine and
Apartments among them. Sadly, many         East View                                     Vale hoping to find old growth trees
of the high-end specialty shops                                                          such as white pine and red oak and new
eventually succumbed to chain stores                                                     growth, horse chestnut. The tree canopy
and coffee shops, and the theatres have                                                  may look beautiful from our balconies
all disappeared.                                                                         high above, but, far below, as the
                                                                                         walkers well know, the Ravine has
  Today, the intersection of Yonge and                                                   deteriorated into a sorry state from years
St Clair, our midtown neighbourhood in                                                   of neglect. The creek bed is crumbling.
Canada’s largest and most multicultural                                                  Invasive species such as Norway maple,
city, 14 appears to be in the process of                                                 Japanese knotweed, and dog-strangling
rediscovery and revitalization. Its four                                                 vine have proliferated to such an extent
corners have just been renovated. Public                                                 that the creek banks are eroding, and
                                             Yellow Creek and the Vale of Avoca
art is making an appearance with the                                                     animal habitats are being lost.18
                                           lie to the east of the site across from the
imposing mural of British artist and
                                           entry to the Apartments. Deep in the
illustrator, Phlegm, and more towers are                                                   A Ravine Study was launched,
                                           ravine, Yellow Creek rises to the
in various stages of approval.                                                           supported by private donations and the
                                           surface south of Mount Pleasant
Developers promise the return of the                                                     University of Toronto’s Faculty of
                                           Cemetery continuing on past David
energy and polish of the past.15                                                         Forestry. City Departments have begun
                                           Balfour Park where it dips back
                                                                                         working with representatives from five
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
neighbouring       residents’     groups,     To the south, the fifty-two acres of     instrumental in establishing the
including Deer Park, to implement a         David Balfour Park and its Rosehill        Rosehill Community Garden. 23 The
proposed master plan. 19 This will take     Reservoir provide a foreground of          Reservoir is currently undergoing
time. Meanwhile, Forestry students          greenery to downtown Toronto’s ever-       further extensive renovation and
from the University of Toronto have         changing, dramatic skyline. When           rehabilitation. The common-like setting
been mapping plants, old growth and         Avoca was first built, the Reservoir and   with its play area, gardens, and canopy
invasive trees. A 2018 pilot project for    its park were already important features   of trees is missed. Fortunately it will
children in three local schools, “Seeds     of the landscape to the south. In 1873,    eventually be returned to green space
to Seedlings” will soon extend to eight     the City took over the water supply and    with improved parkland. Both the
schools. The children collect seeds from    decided a reservoir atop the Davenport     volunteer neighbourhood group, the
the mapped old growth trees, plant them     Ridge would increase water pressure        Rosehill Vision Committee, and the
in seed boxes and nurture them into         and purity.21 Property owners agreed to    community at large are working with
saplings. The young trees will              sell provided their land was kept in       the City’s Project Team to ensure that
eventually be returned home to the          perpetuity as a park. The Reservoir        the Reservoir and park remain
ravine!20 Avoca residents will one day      opened in 1874. During World War II,       “accessible to everyone…welcoming,
thank them for maintaining the canopy       it was fenced for fear of poisoning! By    green, green, and more green -
of green in the view to the east!           the 1960s, pollution from birds, ducks,    functional,      maintainable,      and
                                            geese, dogs,        and neighbouring       beautiful.”24
 South View                                 construction caused it to be covered. At
                                            the same time, it was enlarged and          West View
                                            deepened. Water features, and a
                                            playground were added for the              When the     property for the Avoca
                                            enjoyment of neighbours and visitors.22    Apartments   was assembled, the streets
                                            By the 1990s, the playground had fallen    were lined   with large, older, single
                                            into disrepair, but in 2003 a generous     dwellings,   duplexes, and rooming
                                            donation from an Avoca resident was        houses.
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
to two storeys allowing the first of the    Rosehill followed in 1988 with the
                                           corporate headquarters, Imperial Oil, to    condo and town houses of 38 Avoca
                                           dominate the skyline. The architects for    being added in 1995. In 2008, the town
                                           Avoca Apartments, Seligman and Dick,        houses on the south side of Pleasant
                                           were already busy working on Balfour        Blvd. completed today’s picture.
                                           Square at 50 Rosehill; it opened in 1969    Currently, one lot remains empty on
                                           as a rental building. The Towne             Pleasant Blvd. while future plans
                                           Apartments complex at 77 St. Clair with     include an apartment tower on
                                           its stores, offices, apartments, and town   Rosehill29 and a larger, higher medical
                                           houses won for its architects, Henry        building on Pleasant.30
                                           Fleiss and James Murray, a Canada
                                           Housing Design Council award also in         North View
  To the west, by 1967, Commonwealth       1969. 27 The same landscape architect,
Towers (40 and 60 Pleasant Blvd.) and      Austin Floyd, chosen for that complex
Bretton Place (44 Jackes and 33            designed the grounds of our Avoca
Rosehill) had just opened their doors.25   Apartments. In 1975 another corporate
On St. Clair Avenue, the Arthur            office building appeared on the skyline.
Meighen       government       building,   The octagonal Weston Centre at 22 St
currently undergoing a facelift, was       Clair East won awards for its architect,
already fifteen years old. 26 On Yonge     Leslie Rebanks. 28 In 1983-84, 70
Street, secluded St. Michael’s Cemetery    Rosehill was built. The Avoca Board
was left unlocked and accessible to the    was actively involved in the planning
public. Today, Avoca residents on          process for that development in relation     To the north, beyond the concrete of
higher west-side floors can still enjoy    to the height and placement of the          38 Avoca, lies the lushness of Mount
views of these lovely grounds. Most of     buildings, striving to protect our          Pleasant Cemetery. For the residents of
the stores on Yonge Street were limited    western views! The building at 40           Avoca, the cemetery creates a landscape
50 AVOCA turns Fifty - Avoca Apartments
of trees, an extensive foreground to the       Filled with serious and leisure           through the real estate broker, Andrew
array of high-rises beyond, none of          walkers, runners and cyclists on any        Csepely.36
which existed fifty years ago. The two-      given day, it remains as intended a place
hundred-acre property was originally         of rest, contemplation, and recreation        Unlike rental accommodation, the co-
purchased by the City in 1873 to             for all Toronto residents to enjoy. In      operative model allowed people to
provide much needed additional burial        2000, it was designated a National          continue to have ownership of their
space. German born civil engineer and        Historic Site.34                            residences, which Sharp felt fostered a
landscape architect, Henry Engelhardt,                                                   sense of pride in residency.37
was hired to create the pastoral, park-
like setting of the new cemetery, which                                                    Throughout the 1960s and 70s, the
opened in 1876.31 Influenced by the first         Architects and Architecture            family business, Max Sharp & Son, was
“landscape style” garden cemetery in                                                     mainly engaged in building apartments
the United States, Mount Auburn near          The Avoca Project                          and residences. Sharp, however,
Boston, he filled Mount Pleasant with                                                    became increasingly interested in the
                                               With its wonderful views, the site on     hospitality industry. He completed the
miles of winding paths, gardens, rivers,     Avoca Avenue was a prime location for
reflecting pools, and a collection of rare                                               Inn on the Park in 1961 and went on to
                                             the development of a high-rise building     become the founder and chairman of the
trees from all over the world. When it       by the 1960s. Francis Hilb, a builder of
opened, “city guide books made a point                                                   very successful Four Seasons Hotels
                                             residential subdivisions and cooperative    and Resorts. He gradually developed a
of recommending a visit into the             apartments, 35 had gathered the lands
countryside north of the city to witness                                                 business philosophy that served him
                                             together and approached Isadore Sharp       well on all his projects, focusing on
its wonders.” 32 Today, although the         to develop the Avoca Apartments.
rivers have been filled in and native                                                    quality in materials and design. In his
                                             Sharp had been introduced to the            hotel businesses, he aimed for “a
species dominate the rare trees, Mount       concept of co-operative apartments, the
Pleasant still maintains “one of the                                                     standard of relaxed elegance,” 38 and
                                             precursor of condominiums and already       that is a quality already discernable in
finest tree collections in North             common in New York City and Europe,
America.”33                                                                              his approach to the Avoca Apartments.
The Design Specifications                  visual benefit” of both the natural         residences, including Balfour Square on
                                            surroundings and the cityscape.42 With      Rosehill Avenue, as noted earlier.
 The    Avoca      Apartments     were      regard to the interior, the design
conceptualized as “a cooperative            required that the architects create “an       Sharp, however, was a very hands-on
ownership       luxury       apartment      environment giving maximum privacy;         developer. Having studied drafting and
development”39 that would be attractive     units that were individual in character;    architecture at Ryerson Institute of
to “empty nesters” wishing to downsize      non-typical; flexible and with an image     Technology before entering his father’s
from nearby neighbourhoods, but             which would project a distinctive urban     business, he had strong ideas about
hoping to stay in the area. Space and       character.”43                               architectural design and became very
ambience were very important                                                            engaged in all the projects he took on.
considerations.                               The design was intended to draw upon      This was certainly the case in the design
                                            both the natural and urban elements of      of Avoca Apartments. His idea was “the
  There were a number of specifications     the environment to appeal to                glass box.”45 All obstacles to the view
that guided the development of Avoca        prospective buyers.                         were to be eliminated as far as possible,
Apartments. Both buildings and site                                                     and the indoors were to be extended
environment had to have “a high degree       The Architects                             outward.
of urban sophistication.” 40 The
“prominent       and     exposed    site”     The firm of Seligman and Dick was          Exterior Architecture
overlooking the clearing created by the     selected to provide the architectural
Rosedale Reservoir and David Balfour        interpretation      of    the     design      The 19-storey buildings achieve a
Park required that the architecture         specifications. They were Toronto           quiet, reserved elegance through the
“present a distinctive appearance from a    architects who built in the modernist       strong, modernist horizontal lines
distance as well as bear the scrutiny of    style and were recognized for their         created by the continuous, concrete
attention to detail from nearby.”41 The     modernist residences in the Bridle Path     balconies encircling the buildings. The
park and ravine location also dictated      area during the 1950s and early 60s,44      idea for the balconies came from a
that the residents receive the “maximum     but they also built a number of high-rise   recent trip to Europe where Sharp had

been impressed by wrought-iron                The use of glass panels ensured that     twin tuxedoed brothers surrounded by
balconies designed by Antoni Gaudi.46       views would not be obstructed even         architectural oafs in off-the-rack
These good-sized balconies allowed the      while sitting indoors. The exceptional     polyester.”49 Perhaps the observation is
extension of the indoor living space. As    floor-to-ceiling     windows    further    a little too unkind to our neighbours, but
square footage for the Avoca                connected the indoor and outdoor           it is true that even to this day the Avoca
Apartments depended on the lot size,        spaces, and they became a precedent for    buildings stand out as exceptional in a
the architects were limited in creating     later condo styles.47                      community of high-rises.
interior space; thus wide, extended
perimeter balconies, not included in this     To complete the unique exterior
coverage allotment, provided a way to       profile of Avoca Apartments, Seligman
extend the interior out of doors onto a     designed the bronze finished steel
sheltered “room” protected from the         screens that surround the mechanical
elements by the overhead canopy.            penthouses on top, providing a slightly
                                            Asian ambience. Buildings in New
                                            York and Europe were beginning to
                                            “create tops to buildings” and Seligman
                                            hoped that the simple metal cladding
                                            would attract attention to the buildings
                                            from a distance. 48 The combination of              Mechanical penthouses
                                            the roof screens and the wrap-around
                                                                                        Interior Architecture
                                            balconies give the buildings their
                                            simple but distinctive profile that          The buildings are built around a
                                            continues to project an air of elegance    central core that consists of 3 elevators.
                                            50 years on. The modernist heritage has    The two main elevators are finished in
                                            served the buildings well. “Crisp, cool,   rosewood wall paneling with stainless
         Outdoor living space               elegant. Linear and geometric, these are   steel trim and marble floors. The
corridor is wrapped around three sides        the exterior window, and entrances          quietness are maintained by thick
of this central core with the typical floor   opened into large bright living/dining      plaster-covered concrete walls that
including six units. The corridors have       rooms flooded by light through the glass    reduce noise both within each unit and
undergone several reiterations, but the       curtain wall. Though the units were         between units. Thus despite their
original design included upper walls          spacious, many clients modified the         midtown, bustling location, Avoca
and ceiling in rough textured plaster,        interior to suit their own tastes and       residents are relatively insulated from
carpeted floors – “which originally           needs. For instance, the original owners,   the onslaught of city noise – at least in
carried up the lower wall as a dado” –        Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dunkelman             the absence of local renewal projects!
and “a stained white oak rail that            purchased five apartments on Floor 12
contained built-in milk bottle and letter     of 10 Avoca in order to provide 8            The Lobbies
slots.” 50 Lighting was provided by           bedrooms and 8 bathrooms for their            In keeping with the minimalist
fluorescent strips behind an overhead         family of 6 children.51 Though that may     modernist style, the lobbies were
valence. The hallways are scheduled for       have been an exceptional re-design,         designed for understated elegance.
renewal once again, keeping Avoca             many Avoca residents found the              Vertical strips of rosewood paneling
contemporary.                                 simplicity of the interior space, the       with soft indirect light at the top and
                                              “unobtrusive detailing and quiet            bottom and white marble floors created
  Because spaciousness was of prime           background” to be flexible enough to        a subdued atmosphere. The furnishings
concern,      the    poured-in-concrete       “enable rooms to be furnished with          of the original lobbies reveal
columns were placed outside the living        well-designed pieces of any period.”52      Scandinavian influences popular in the
area at the four corners of the building.
                                                                                          1960s. The designer Janis Kravis’s
Sharp credits his wife, Rosalie, an artist      In addition to flexibility, the design
                                                                                          decoration consisted of “an elegant
and interior designer, with ideas to help     contributed to a space that is both
                                                                                          grouping of suede and rosewood
him think further about opening up unit       private and quiet. The buildings are
                                                                                          furniture on an oriental carpet lit by
interiors. Unlike most apartment              offset to one another to avoid as much
                                                                                          custom glass cubes.”53 A wall hanging
designs, which placed kitchens in the         as possible looking directly into the
                                                                                          and a single marble-clad freestanding
interior, Avoca kitchens were moved to        other building. Inside, privacy and
column were the only adornments,             Chillida. The overall ambience remains         The Avoca Apartments have a proud
creating an overall ambience “of easy        elegant and understated.                     architectural heritage and succeeding
opulence.”54                                                                              waves of residents have come to
                                              Award                                       appreciate the minimalist style that has
  A re-design of the lobbies, completed                                                   given the buildings their long-lasting
in 2007, was organized by a small              The Avoca Apartments complex won           appeal, along with the exceptional
committee of Avoca residents who were        a National Award by the Canadian             location. With each new necessary
careful to maintain the classic              Housing Design Council in 1969. The          update and renovation, residents have
modernist style of the original 60s          Council was interested in how design         been careful to preserve the essential
modernism of the building. They              achieved “quality of the living              qualities that make Avoca a unique
eliminated the popcorn ceiling and used      environment.” 56 The housing projects        place to live in the city.
a custom-made wool carpet from               were judged “for good proportion,
Poland in taupes matching the brick          simplicity of treatment and general            When asked if there was anything that
wall to gather together a grouping of        architectural character; for the efficient   he would change about the design of the
Barcelona-style chairs and Brno-style        use of space; for the appropriate use of     buildings after 50 years, Sharp
chairs, copies of original designs by        materials; for the general shape of the      responded “No.” He believes that it is
Mies van der Rohe.55 The large floor-        buildings       and       for       siting   the simplicity of their design that has
to-ceiling windows now bring the             arrangements.” For the Avoca project,
                                                                                          given Avoca Apartments their lasting
outdoors into the lobby where the            the jury liked “the strong indoor-           appeal and that the continued interest of
signature birch trees can be enjoyed all     outdoor relationship.” 58 The architects     its residents in their history attest to
year round and daffodils in spring.          had capitalized on the remarkable views      their success.
Indoor flowers adorn the glass coffee        afforded by the location and created a
table at all times. On the wall behind the   well-designed and landscaped setting                       Art at Avoca
seating arrangement in both buildings,       for the two elegant buildings.
there are bold abstract etchings in black                                                  In keeping with the modernity of
and white on rag paper by Eduardo                                                         Avoca architecture, the common spaces
of Avoca are enriched by the                 as metal, glass, wood, synthetic, saran,    Lobby Art
contemporary art of significant artists      and perspex. His work is held by the
such as Canadian John Stohn, Spanish         Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the TD         The lobbies in both buildings display,
Edoardo Chillida, and American Eric          Bank, the Toronto Stock Exchange, and      as noted, two works by Eduardo
Fischl.                                      several private collections.               Chillida, on loan to Avoca by resident
                                                                                        Robert Noakes: Banatu, 1970, in 10
 Outdoor Art                                                                            Avoca, and “Aundi III” 1971, in 20
                                                                                        Avoca. Etchings on woven paper, these
  Tai Chi, in front of 10 Avoca, was                                                    works speak to the modernity
created and donated by resident John                                                    exemplified by the architecture of our
Stohn. It is a kinetic mobile sculpture                                                 buildings, with a balanced mixture of
where three steel and wood rectangles                                                   lines and curves, and the clarity of the
in an aluminum shell, engage in sinuous                                                 interplay of the black and white
movements that follow the air currents                                                  tonality.
that circulate between the two
buildings. The title for the sculpture was                                                Born in San Sebastián, in the Basque
the result of an Avoca competition.                                                     Country in 1924, Chillida was a
                                                                                        multifaceted artist, with an interest in
  Stohn is represented by the Roberts                                                   connecting space and materiality in
Gallery in Toronto where he has had                                                     geometrical forms. Many of his works
three sold-out exhibitions. His work is                                                 are held in the collections of the Art
inspired by the kinetic work of                                                         Institute of Chicago, the Guggenheim
Alexander Calder where mechanical                                                       Museum Bilbao, the Tate Gallery in
ingenuity and aesthetic tension are at                                                  London, and The Museum of Modern
the core. 59 Stohn utilizes diverse                                                     Art in New York, among others. A
materials to create his sculptures, such             John Stohn’s ‘Tai Chi’             personal museum, the Chillida Leku,
opened in his last residence in Hernani,    City to the Museum of Contemporary          Avoca’s grounds and gardens.62 He had
San Sebastián, where his sculptures are     Art in Los Angeles, and the Centre          worked previously on projects with
in perfect harmony with the gardens or      Pompidou in Paris. Fischl has also          Sharp, including the courtyard for the
the interior spaces of his last             collaborated    with    writers E.L.        Inn on the Park, which cemented
residence.60                                Doctorow, Allen Ginsberg, Jamaica           Floyd’s reputation and “demonstrated
                                            Kincaid, and Frederic Tuten.61              on a broad spectrum his fluency in the
 Common Room                                                                            modern idiom and his sympathy for site
                                             Basement Corridors                         and structure.” 63 Avoca’s landscaping
  Another     common       space     that                                               is indeed in graceful harmony with its
welcomes the Avoca community and              The hallways that lead to our internal    buildings and ravine setting. The
their guests with contemporary art is the   facilities (lockers, mechanicals, library   characteristic aspects of Floyd’s work
renovated Common Room. The Room             and laundry rooms, and the                  continue to provide a contemporary and
showcases two etchings by American          passageways to the garage) have been        pleasing landscape. The curvilinear
artist Eric Fischl: Playing Beachballs,     enlivened by photographs of Avoca's         shapes, rounded edges, and zig-zags,
1982, and Kids Digging, 1982. These         gardens and pool by Toronto-based           evident in both the hard and soft scapes,
works are also on loan from resident        architectural photographer Joy von          serve to soften and contrast with the
Robert Noakes. Fischl has a special         Tiedemann. The photos capture the life      strong geometric lines of the
connection to Canada. In 1974, he           of Avoca's natural beauty across the        buildings. 64 Even within the
moved to Halifax, where he taught           four seasons of the year.                   landscaping itself there are strong
painting at the Nova Scotia College of                                                  contrasts. For example, the birches,
Art and Design. His first solo show,                                                    pines, and maples by the pool are
curated by Bruce W. Ferguson, opened             Avoca Gardens and Grounds
                                                                                        planted in precise but subtle geometric
at the Dalhousie Art Gallery in Nova                                                    clumps, while the simple and repetitive
                                             Austin Floyd
Scotia in 1975. His work can be found                                                   pattern of the ground cover provides the
at major museums worldwide: from the
                                             J. Austin Floyd, “one of Canada’s first    carpet layer. While ensuring an
Museum of Modern Art in New York
                                            modern landscape architects” designed       aesthetically pleasing design, Floyd was
emphatic that every element should also     paths to create a peaceful and inviting     white theme and many beautiful birch
enhance the user’s experience. In           environment. Turnbull recalled that         trees that seem to flow naturally from
summer, for example, trees provide          Floyd       “…was     always    pushing     the nearby forest in the ravine across the
shade and cast ‘shadow patterns’            boundaries, yet his work was accessible     street.”69
enhancing the view from large               . . . leaving those who experienced one
windows. Once the leaves fall, the sun      of his gardens with a magical
streams in, bringing warmth and             impression.” 67
opening the views during our long
winter months. The paths are designed         Isadore Sharp’s influence extended
to invite us into the garden and are wide   beyond the buildings to include the
enough to allow us to walk in pairs. 65     landscape-to-be. He was sensitive to the
                                            relationship between buildings and their
  Floyd achieved Avoca’s “natural”          grounds, and the ways that maturing
landscape through a detailed plan. Neil     landscapes help to mask the signs of
Turnbull, the young site supervisor, at     deterioration as buildings age.
first thought the plan suggested a fairly
informal plant arrangement, but when          The white birches at the entrance to
asked if the plan needed to be followed     Avoca were his idea, intended to bring
exactly, Floyd responded with an            to the grounds “a feel of Algonquin,” to
emphatic “yes.” Precise measurements        create an attractive landscape in each of
were taken to make sure that each tree,     Canada’s seasons, and serve as Avoca’s
shrub, and plant was placed exactly in      “calling card.” 68 As a recent article in
the intended location. 66 Generous          our newsletter notes: “Cab drivers,
plantings of white cedars, flowering        visitors and passers-by all comment on
crabapples, magnolia, and weeping           the beauty and simplicity of Avoca’s
forsythia were coupled with flagstone       front garden with its serene green and                  Winter birches
Our Contemporary Landscape                  An early addition to the landscape was     maples, flowering dogwood, and
                                           the 1989 installation of a sundial and a     disease-resistant Katsura trees, chosen
  While retaining the essentials of        perennial garden, including herbs, over      for their lovely and changing colours. A
Floyd’s original design, the Avoca         the garage ramp.                             winding path now bisects the garden,
landscape has evolved to take                                                           replacing the original design of the
advantage of the wider diversity of          Designed by one of Avoca’s original        flagstones. Native and perennial species
plants and trees now available, to adapt   residents, this site has presented           are much in evidence in this garden.
to the changing local ecology, and to      continuing garden challenges. 70 In
manage the challenges inherent to          2017, it was redesigned and the roses
Avoca’s site. For example, while           were replaced with plants better able to
perennials and native species were not     withstand strong winds, intense western
much in evidence in the early days, they   sunlight, and shallow soil depth.71
are now widely available and are now
important features of Avoca’s gardens.       To take account of a newly installed
                                           pedestrian ramp at the entrance, the
                                           ‘Woodland’ or ‘Serpentine’ garden
                                           positioned between the two buildings
                                           received a major re-design in 2014. Neil
                                           Turnbull prepared the design and
                                           supervised the installation, as he has for
                                           other major landscaping changes at                     Woodland garden
                                           Avoca. The spirit of the original garden       The evolution in Avoca’s landscape is
                                           has been maintained, and trees remain a      the outcome of the imagination and skill
                                           signature feature of the ‘upper story’ but   of many professionals, such as Neil
                                           the crabapples have been replaced with       Turnbull, as well as members of our
            Sundial garden                 a variety of trees, including Japanese       House and Landscape Committee.
From the start, residents have played a   however, tangible signs of a very           Why a Co-op and Not a Condo?
very important role in the creation and     different era: doormen wore livery, and
care of our gardens. Two original           car-washing and valet parking services       Avoca’s legal structure has also
residents, for example, decided the area    were available. On the other hand,         endured, despite the proliferation of
south of the pool needed more colour so     prices were on a completely different      condominiums in the city. While
they planned, purchased and planted an      scale. Two- bedroom units sold for         difficult now to imagine, apartments
abundance of annuals.72 It was also an      $45,000 and parking cost $15.00 per        existed only as rental accommodation
initiative of the Committee members to      month; monthly maintenance fees for a      before Isadore Sharp brought co-
plant hundreds of daffodils in the front    three-bedroom unit were $99.00.74 But      operatives to Toronto in 1957. 75 Like
of our buildings, providing bright          the elegant design, wrap-around            his other co-ops, Avoca was
splashes of yellow in the spring and        balconies, generous outdoor space, and     incorporated under the provisions of the
enhancing the views from the lobbies.       closeness to amenities, such as the        business corporations’ legislation.
While dedicated residents are often seen    subway and parks, are the qualities that   Ontario’s first condominium legislation
weeding and caring for our gardens, our     continue to make Avoca such an             was proclaimed in 1967 – well after
participation in design is now always in    attractive place to live.                  planning for Avoca was underway.76
consultation with arborists. Thanks to
the contributions of many professionals                                                  Avoca Apartments Ltd. is a non-profit
and residents, Avoca’s grounds now                                                     equity corporation that holds the legal
nurture more than 150 trees!73                                                         title to our buildings and land in trust.
                                                                                       Purchasers of a suite become
        Our Avoca Community                                                            shareholders of the corporation, with a
                                                                                       contractual right to occupy, but not
  Current residents of Avoca no longer                                                 own, a specific unit. Although the co-op
sport the top hats and fur wraps depicted                                              structure was the only financing option
in the 1969 marketing brochure and                                                     available to Sharp at the time, it has
perhaps never did. There were,                          50 years ago…                  some significant advantages. For
instance, co-op boards exercise greater     Since purchasers of a co-op unit must       understand that, should they wish, their
control and bear more responsibility for    come up with a larger percentage of the     future involvement in the Avoca
governance. 77 In the mid-nineties, the     purchase price than typifies other real     community would be very welcome.
Board reviewed the costs and benefits       estate transactions, buyers tend to be
of co-ops versus condos and decided         older, financing their move through the      Fostering Community
that the co-op structure had more           sale of houses, often close by – a trend
advantages.78                               that has continued from Avoca’s               While certainly not every one has the
                                            earliest days. Finally, because the         time or interest, many play an active
 Co-op and community                        Avoca Board has considerable authority      part in the life of Avoca, through
                                            over issues of management, decisions        working on the Board, coordinating
  Several unique features of co-ops help    on improvements, and increases to           some of our amenities and resources,
to foster a strong community. 79 First,     maintenance fees, residents are             and organizing and participating in a
because individuals do not own their        encouraged, and are more inclined, to       variety of activities. In any given year,
apartments, the Avoca Board is able to      participate. For example, co-op boards      approximately 50 residents serve on the
prohibit rentals.     The absence of a      approve the financing arrangements          Board and its committees, several of
‘floating’ renter/investor population       before a transfer of shares can take        which are essential to maintaining our
means that all residents have a common      place. In addition to checking on           buildings and grounds. In the past,
interest in Avoca’s upkeep, appearance      finances, two Board members (or             interest in governance was less, perhaps
and improvement. We are also more           delegates) use the interview to ensure      because it was thought to be less
likely to get to know our neighbours,       that prospective purchasers understand      important:“The early years at Avoca
through participating in Avoca              Avoca’s most important policies,            were blessed with simplicity---no major
activities or simply as familiar faces we   provide information about the work of       repairs to think of for years, not even
regularly encounter in the laundry          the Board and its committees, and           half the city regulations we have
rooms, elevators, by the pool, and on the   outline some of the available activities.   nowadays.” 80
street. Second, most residents share a      As a result, newcomers know at least
broadly similar demographic profile.        two residents before moving in and          With the passage of time, the upkeep
of Avoca’s buildings and grounds has        and the interiors of the Avoca buildings;   residents to work on their carpentry,
ceased to be a simple matter. The           this involves long-term planning and        craft, and art projects—jewel boxes,
responsibility of the Reserve Fund          monitoring ongoing projects.                cheese boards, and even a catapult are a
Committee is to take account of the                                                     few examples.81 It began in 1972 with
regular updates of the Reserve Fund            Committee members advise the             eight members and now boasts 50 as
Study prepared by Avoca’s engineering       Board on landscape improvements,            well an expanded space. 82 Other
consultants and, along with the Property    replacement of plants, shrubs and trees,    residents produce the newsletter that
Manager, recommend to the Board a           and changes to décor and furnishings to     has taken different forms and had
schedule of projects with the required      our common areas. They are also             different purposes over the years.
budget and the appropriate level of         responsible for arranging and caring for    Starting up in 2011, after a four-year
monthly charges to residents in the         the white orchids that grace our lobbies.   hiatus, its current version keeps us up-
following year. This committee also                                                     to-date on news at Avoca and in our
oversees the bidding process and              In addition to the work of the Board      neighbourhood, and contains restaurant
monitors active projects. Over the          and its committees, residents invest        reviews, profiles of staff and residents,
years, the Reserve Fund has financed        considerable time and effort into our       and interesting notes on local history.
major renewals, such as our balconies       libraries, Hobby Room, and the
and elevators. Thanks to the hard work      newsletter. The libraries, located in our     There is little question that Avoca’s
of this committee and the Board, Avoca      laundry rooms, date from Avoca’s early      most popular social event is the annual
holds a healthy Reserve Fund and has a      days. Five volunteers now ensure that       pool party. It all started in 1994 with the
reputation for excellent maintenance.       our collections are attractively            bright idea of a small group who,
                                            organized and displayed—a real              relaxing by the pool, thought how nice
   The     House     and     Landscape      challenge given the constant flows in       it would be to enjoy a drink
Committee is also key to sustaining         and out of donated and borrowed books.      together…then            they      ordered
Avoca as an attractive place to live. Its   Our Hobby Club offers a large and well-     pizza…and one thing led to another.
mandate is to preserve the “aesthetic       fitted room to house the necessary          They sought approval and a budget
integrity and quality” of the grounds       equipment, tools, and table space for       from the board, applied for permission
to serve alcohol and, twenty-five pot-       management of the property. In so           hired by the Board, were considered
lucks later, it is still going strong. 83    many different ways, they are the public    sufficient. In the late 1980s, a
Other resident-driven initiatives ensure     face of Avoca.                              professional security firm replaced
that we have a range of activities                                                       them with one around-the clock guard,
available, such as the book club, film         Over 50 years, significant changes        quickly adding a second, now our
nights, and concerts, as well as bridge,     have occurred in the responsibility for     current complement.84
tai chi, and yoga classes. Over the years,   and the size of Avoca management and
Avoca has been extraordinarily               staff. These changes echo broader             2016: Enhancing Community
fortunate that so many community-            trends and include a general rise in
spirited individuals have given              personal and property security concerns       The single most important change to
generously of their time, energy, and        as well as the outsourcing and              our buildings since they opened 50
talents to enriching our community.          professionalizing of co-op and              years ago took place in 2016. Under the
                                             condominium management. In its              visionary and generous leadership of
  It is, of course, not only residents who   earliest days, the Board assumed all the    our neighbor and internationally
make the Avoca community what it is.         responsibilities of a property manager,     renowned architect, Jack Diamond,
Avoca’s “unsung heroes”- the members         but, not surprisingly, soon realized that   much of the ground floor common
of staff and management – make               the nature and scope of the duties          space was re-designed. Each building
numerous, varied and invaluable, but         required a ‘proper’ property manager.       acquired a well-equipped and light-
often invisible, contributions to our        As a result of a staffing review in the     filled gym, bringing Avoca up to date
quality of life. They keep our common        late 1990s, Avoca shifted from hiring its   with health and fitness trends. Our hard-
spaces clean and inviting, ensure our        own manager to contracting with             working staff gained an attractive room
safety and security, welcome our             Brookfield Condominium Services             to relax in during breaks. However, the
visitors, watch out for problems with        (now Crossbridge) to provide property       centerpiece of the renovation is the
the infrastructure, and attend to the        management services. Security has also      Common Room – a stunning
many, many issues, large and small,          increased and been outsourced. In the       transformation from a dingy and
involving the maintenance and                early days, two afternoon doormen,          windowless room, originally built for
storage. Now the space is beautifully        2011 initiative by a small group of         hall meetings and informal discussions
and stylishly furnished as a result of a     devoted film lovers, has received a         that preceded the shareholders’ vote to
very generous donation from Klaus and        boost in audience numbers and               approve the expenditure on this historic
Beatrix Nienkamper. But perhaps best         enjoyment through the cinema-quality        project. And, of course, all contributed
of all, the generous glazing that runs the   sound and projection, and the excellent     to paying for it through that Avoca
length of the outside wall allows the        seating now available.85 More recently,     rarity: a special assessment.86
sunlight to pour in. From inside to          the Common Room, with its first-rate
outside, the Common Room echoes              acoustics, has made possible Music at         Our 50-year old buildings have
Avoca’s “quiet modernism.” And all           Avoca, an annual series of chamber          retained their attractiveness, but they
this was accomplished without any            music concerts by young professional        must also adapt to changes in our
extension to the buildings’ footprint!       musicians. It also provides excellent       broader environment. Fitness facilities
                                             facilities for residents who wish to book   are no longer an option, but a necessity,
  The Common Room enriches our               private events.                             for apartment buildings in our “keep fit”
community life in so many ways. We                                                       culture. Electric vehicles are on the
have called it our ‘Common Room’ (not          The renovation process was itself a       horizon, and Avoca is now surveying
‘party room’) to emphasize its               community-builder and involved many         the demand and possibilities for
community uses. Avoca now boasts             residents in a variety of ways. Some        incorporating      charging     stations.
attractive space that serves an array of     contributed their expertise. Some           Similarly, increasingly environmentally
purposes: holding our general meetings,      served on the committees that               conscious, we are making serious
providing a place to meet for coffee and     developed the plans and oversaw their       efforts to move toward paperless
conversation, a quiet retreat or simply      implementation. Some gave most              communications. In these ways, the
for a needed change of scenery. Our          generously to provide added amenities,      Avoca community remains vital,
book club members, bridge players, and       most notably for the screen and             keeping pace with the times.
those attending tai chi and yoga classes     projection equipment. Some offered
now enjoy welcoming and comfortable          constructive criticism and many
surroundings. Avoca Cinema Nights, a         actively participated in the lively town

  On the 50th anniversary of the Avoca
Apartments, we hope that residents will
gain a new insight and appreciation for
the place we call home. Our setting on
the highest point in Toronto, along with
both its natural and urban advantages,
gives us a special vantage point from
which to enjoy the city. We are part of
its ongoing history. Our buildings,
appreciated when they were built, still
contribute elegance to the skyline.
Through bold art, thoughtful interior
decoration, and careful landscaping, we
have preserved the “relaxed elegance”
intended by the original concept. As
part of that early cohort of co-operative
buildings in the city, we have
demonstrated that community building
is at the heart of co-operative living. But
perhaps the most important testament to
the success of the project is the fact that,
after 50 years, Avoca remains a vibrant
and contemporary community.


  Carl Benn, “The History of Toronto: An 11,000 Year History.” Accessed June 25, 2019. www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/history-art-
culture/museums/virtual-exhibits/history-of-toronto .
  Eric Davies et.al. The Toronto Ravines Study: 1977-2017. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. 2018, 6. Accessed July 15,
2019. https://torontoravinesdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/toronto-ravines-study-1977-to-2017-short.pdf.
  Glenn Turner, The Toronto Carrying Place (Toronto: Dundurn, 2015), 16.
  Benn, “The History of Toronto".
  Under the terms of the revised 1805 Purchase, the Mississaugas received ten shillings in exchange for 250,830 acres of land. In 2010,
the land claim was resolved for $145 million. See Toronto Purchase https://www.ontario.ca/page/map-ontario-treaties-and-reserves#t15
and http://mncfn.ca/torontopurchase/.
  Laura Bonikowsky, “Yonge Street-Governor Simcoe’s Military Road.” Accessed July 15, 2019.
  “Yonge Street 1796,” Toronto Historical Plaques. Accessed July 16, 2019. http://torontoplaques.com/Pages/Yonge_Street.html
  Joan C. Kinsella, Historical Walking Tour of Deer Park (Toronto, 1996), 4-5.
   May Bray, “One Hundred Years Young: A Condensed History of Christ Church, Deer Park, Toronto, Saluting the Church’s
Centenary, 1870-1970” (Toronto, 1970),13.
   CBC News, “3 places where you can discover Toronto’s Indigenous history.” Accessed July 16, 2019.
   Kinsella, Historical Walking Tour, 8.
   Canada First Subway. Accessed July 16, 2019. https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/accountability-operations-customer-
   Toronto had the largest share of foreign-born compared to Vancouver and Montreal, 37.4% of all foreign-born in Canada. Statistics
Canada, Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity in Canada. Accessed July 23, 2019. https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/nhs-enm/2011/as-
   M. Gee, “Yonge and St. Clair is ‘going to be great again’ real estate firm says,” Globe and Mail, August 26, 2016. Accessed October
11, 2018. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/yonge-and-st-clair-going-to-be-great-again-real-estate-firm-
   “Vale of Avoca Reach,” Lost Rivers. Accessed March 23 2019. http://www.lostrivers.ca/content/ValeavocaR.html .
   “Hiking the GTA, Vale of Avoca,” Accessed July 27, 2019. https://hikingthegta.com/2015/09/07/the-vale-of-avoca/
   Star Editorial Board, “Save Toronto’s Dying Ravines,” Toronto Star, November 19, 2018. Accessed July 16, 2019.
   Josh Matlow and Kristyn Wong-Tam. Letter to City of Toronto Council, August 25, 2016. Accessed June 25, 2019.
   Joan York, Correspondence. June 20, 2019.
   “Rose Hill Reservoir,” Toronto’s Historical Plaques. Accessed January 27, 2019.
   Kinsella, Historical Walking Tour, 27.
   Estelle Craig donated $50,000. G. Ghuman, “Summerhill garden blooms anew,” Toronto Star, 2008. Accessed July 17, 2019.
   Vision Plan Committee. A Vision for Rosehill Reservoir Park, November 2016. Accessed July 16, 2019.
   Unless otherwise indicated, the Toronto Architectural Conservancy search engine was used to document information on the dates of
the buildings mentioned in this section: https://www.acotoronto.ca/tobuilt_new_detailed.php.
   Arthur Meighen Rehabilitation Project. Accessed July 26, 2019. https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/biens-
   B. Lambert, ““Fashion Show” of Housing: High-ride [sic] design may set a precedent,” Ottawa Citizen, January 3, 1970, 26.
   Kinsella. Historical Walking Tour, 35
   J. Landau, “29-Storey ‘Rosehill Tower’ Could Intensify Midtown Site.” Accessed January 29, 2019.
   J. Taranu, “Deer Park Ratepayers Group 2017 Spring Newsletter”, February 27, 2017. Accessed June 22, 2019.
   Kinsella, Historical Walking Tour, 54-55.
   Mike Filey, Mount Pleasant Cemetery (Toronto: Firefly, 1990), 24.
   Ibid, 44.
   “Mount Pleasant Cemetery National Historic Site of Canada.” Parks Canada. Accessed 25 June 2019.
   Isadore Sharp with Alan Phillips, Four Seasons: The Story of a Business Philosophy (Toronto: Viking Canada, 2009), 85.
  Ibid, 34.
   Isadore Sharp, Interview, June 5, 2019.
   Sharp, The Story, 37.
   J.A. Murray, ed. “Architects: Seligman and Dick,” The Canadian Architect. March 1971, 56.
   R. W. Harvey, ed. Awards for Residential Design: Canadian Housing Design Council, 1969, 78-79.
   Toronto Modern, “Longer, Lower, and Wider on the Bridle Path.” Published April 6, 2010 in Toronto Modern Architecture).
Accessed January 23, 2019. https://robertmoffatt115.wordpress.com/2010/04/08/longer-lower-and-wider-on-the-bridle-path-part-2/ .
   Sharp, Interview.
   Jack Diamond, Interview. November 25, 2018.
   Sharp, Interview.
   D. LeBlanc [The Architourist ] “A look at what high-rise living used to be,” The Globe and Mail, March 6, 2009, G8.
   Murray, Canadian Architect. 56-57.
   Z. Cherry, “Floor-by-floor tour of Avoca co-op apartments,” Globe and Mail, February 19, 1970, W2.
   Lambert, “Fashion Show” of Housing:”
   H. Cowan, “Higher hopes for the high rise,” Toronto Daily Star, September 6. 1969.
   Robert Noakes, Interview. May 14, 2019.
   C. Fowke, ed. “National Housing Design Council Awards: Who won – where and why.” Canadian Building, January 1970, 44.
   Harvey, Awards, 4.
   Ibid, 78-79.
   John Stohn, Interview. April 3, 2019.
   Artnet: Eduardo Chillida. Accessed June 18, 2019. http://www.artnet.com/artists/eduardo-chillida/
   Artnet: Eric Fischl. Accessed June 18, 2019. http://www.artnet.com/artists/eric-fischl/
   Mark Affum, Modernism in the Canadian Landscape: James Austin Floyd’s Gardens and the Emergence of Modern Landscape
Architecture in Canada, 1950-1970. (Master’s thesis, University of Guelph, 2014) 3. Accessed June 3, 2019.
   Ibid, 24.
   Sue Macaulay, Interview. May 24, 2019.
   Affum, Modernism, 133.
   Celebrating Avoca at 40: Milestones and Memories (Privately published, 2008) and interview with Neil Turnbull. He was early in his
career with the Avoca project, but he went on to design a number of significant institutional gardens including the Arthur Meighen
Garden at the Stratford Festival. Accessed June 9, 2019. https://hedgerow.ca.
   Celebrating Avoca.
  Sharp, Interview. Some of these observations are reiterated in his book: Sharp, The Story. 36. For ‘calling card,’ see Cynthia Smith,
“Avoca’s Iconic Birches,” 10/20 News, Fall 2018, 1.
   For information on the sundial and garden, see Celebrating Avoca.
   Bill Toyne, “Redoing the Rose Garden,” 10/20 Newsletter, Fall 2017, p. 3
   Celebrating Avoca.
   Bill Toyne, Correspondence. July 11, 2019.
   See Celebrating Avoca for parking and maintenance fees. For the original price, see Cherry, “Floor-by-floor tour.” $45,000, adjusted
for inflation, is the equivalent of $295,714 in 2019; calculated from and accessed May 28, 2019.

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