480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly

Page created by Alex Peters
480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly

Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH
480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly
480-502 Larkshall Road

Opportunity to acquire reversionary freehold office investment with
development potential in Waltham Forest

The existing building is arranged over two storeys       Price             £6,000,000
(ground and first), comprising c.19,785sqft GIA and is
split into 4 buildings, each with self contained         Building type     Office
entrances. The current income for the property totals
                                                         Tenure            Freehold
£218,785pax, with the longest leasehold running until
2021. We understand that leases are inside the 1954      Deal type         Development with income
Landlord and Tenant Act with the exception of WF
Federated GP Network Ltd.                                Size (NIA)        16,073 SQ FT

The building possesses asset management potential        Size (GIA)        19,785 SQ FT
as well as future development potential upon expiry
or termination of the existing leases. We believe the    Marketed by: JLL London Unlimited
existing office space is under let and a rent of
£22.50psf could be achieved, which would create an       For more information please visit:
ERV of c.£362,000pax. There is also potential (stpp)     https://realla.co/480-502-larkshall-road-480-502-
to add an additional floor to create another             larkshall-road
10,000sqft of space which could lift the ERV to c.
£587,000pax. Alternatively, a buyer could look at
obtaining permitted development on all of the office
accommodation and convert to residential. We
believe if a floor was added on top then you could
create c.60 residential units.

In addition to the existing office space, the subject
property benefits from a large rear car park with
approximately 70 spaces. With this included the total
site area measu
480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly
480-502 Larkshall Road

     Opportunity to purchase freehold office building with asset
             management and development potential

  The existing building benefits from £218,785pax (£13.61psf)
 worth of income. There are currently 7 different tenants in place

 The rental income could be improved dramatically if rented at c.
    £22.50psf. This would create an ERV of c.£362,000 pax

   There is the opportunity to add additional floors on top of the
                         existing building

 There is the ability to implement permitted development on the
 existing accommodation (stpp) on expiry or termination of the
                           existing leases

  The site is situated just 100 yards from Highams Park Station
(Zone 4) which provides access to London Overground Services

  Located opposite McLaren’s newly completed Highams Green
    Development which comprises 253 residential units and a
                55,000 sq. ft. Tesco superstore
480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly
480-502 Larkshall Road
480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly
480-502 Larkshall Road

                          480-502 Larkshall Road, 480-502 Larkshall Road, London, E4 9HH

Data provided by Google
480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly
480-502 Larkshall Road

Location overview          The subject site is located within Zone 4, with Highams Park station just a 2
                           minute walk providing access to London Overground Services.
                           Highams Park is an up and coming area within North East London which
                           benefits from excellent links to Zones 1 and 2. East London has seen some of
                           the most dramatic rises in property values in recent years and this is reflected
                           in both residential sales and commercial rents. This improvement has led
                           numerous well known London developers to invest in these areas, which can
                           be clearly seen opposite, where McLaren have redeveloped their Highams
                           Green Site. This development is now complete and provides 253 new homes
                           with a 55,000sqft Tesco Superstore. See link below which provides an access
                           location overview for this development, which is directly opposite the subject
                           site being sold;

Transport                  The property is well connected to Central London via London Overground
                           Services. It is two stops to get to Walthamstow Central which provides access
                           to the London Underground (Victoria Line), with trains connecting you to
                           Euston, Oxford Circus and Victoria in under 20 minutes. In addition the station
                           also provides a connection into London Liverpool Street in just 22 minutes for
                           City workers.

Tenancy schedule

Tenant                   Rent (p.a.)          Start date        Expiry date          Break option

Strictly Educatio...     £38,325              03/02/2014        04/02/2019

TSS (Total Securi...     £25,430              04/01/2010        05/01/2015

M. R. Solicitors         £58,030              04/01/2010        05/01/2015           07/01/2013

Learn to Gain Aca...     £30,000              31/05/2015        04/06/2017

WF Federated GP N...     £34,000              01/05/2016        02/05/2021           05/05/2019

Adelaide Care Ltd        £17,500              01/06/2014        02/06/2019           04/06/2017

Pinder Reaux Asso...     £15,500              19/04/2015        19/04/2020           19/04/2017

EPC                        Available on request
480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly
480-502 Larkshall Road

    We are inviting unconditional offers in excess of £6,000,000 for the
                              freehold interest


 0207 852 4273

 JLL London Unlimited

 Chris Henshall


Property descriptions and related information displayed on this page are marketing materials provided by JLL- London
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are set out as a general outline only for guidance and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract; b.
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relation to the property; d. Any images maybe computer generated. Any photographs show only parts of the property
as they appeared at the time they were taken @2015 Jones Lang LaSalle
480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly 480-502 LARKSHALL ROAD - Larkshall Road, London, Greater London, E4 9HH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Fastly
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