Page created by Ben Carroll
PROPERTY WEEKLY                              15 May 2020

    9 Jenkins Street, Caulfield South

2 | PROPERTY WEEKLY [ Residential ]                                                                                                                                                               Friday 15 May 2020

                                                                                                           MARKETPLACE                                   [ Residential properties for sale ]
                                                                                                          CAULFIELD NORTH
                                                                                                          9/9 Wyuna Rd                    Sat 23 May 11.30am       Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                                          162 Orrong Rd                   Sun 24 May 11.30am       Wilson                          (03) 9528 8888
                                                                                                          2a Oak Cres                     Sat 30 May 11.30am       Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                                          6 St Aubins Ave                 Private sale             Wilson                          (03) 9528 8888
                                                                                                          102/402 Dandenong Rd            Private sale             hockingstuart|belle property    (03) 8532 5200
                                                                                                          62 Park Cres                    Private sale             hockingstuart|belle property    (03) 8532 5200
                                                                                                          25 Wyuna Rd                     Private sale             hockingstuart|belle property    (03) 8532 5200
                                                                                                          CAULFIELD SOUTH
                                                                                                          9 Jenkins Str    Sun 21 Jun 12.30pm                      Rodney Morley                   (03) 9525 9222
                                                                                                          		                                                       Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                                          35 Burrindi Rd   Sun 24 May 2.30pm                       Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                                          364 Kooyong Rd   Sun 24 May 3.30pm                       Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                                          375 North Rd     Sun 31 May 10.30am                      Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                                          28 Narrawong Rd  Private sale                            Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                                          162 Sycamore Str Private sale                            hockingstuart|belle property    (03) 8532 5200
                                                                                                          3/14 Alder Str   Private sale                            hockingstuart|belle property    (03) 8532 5200
                                                                                                          243 Booran Rd    Private sale                            hockingstuart|belle property    (03) 8532 5200
                                                                                                          7/4 Yorston Crt                 Sat 16 May 11.30am       hockingstuart|belle property    (03) 8532 5200
                                                                                                          GLEN HUNTLY

AUTUMN COLOUR TREND:                                                                                      140 Neerim Rd
                                                                                                                                          Private sale             hockingstuart|belle property    (03) 8532 5200

                                                                                                          8 Finlayson Str                 EOI Thur 28 May 5pm McGrath                              (03) 9527 5563
                                                                                                          5 Sorrett Ave                   Private Sale        Thomson                              (03) 9509 8244

                                                                                                          4/167 Murrumbeena Rd            Sat 23 May 11.30am       Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
  nterior stylist and Carpet Court Style Ambassador Heather Nette King forecasts the warm                 ST KILDA
  colours are back with a bang for the rest of 2020. “Grey has been the go-to for several years           72 Fawkner Str                  Sat 23 May 11.30am       Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
  now, so it’s exciting to see bold brights and soft, earthy neutrals coming through for 2020,” said      2/81 Grey Str                   Private sale             Wilson                          (03) 9528 8888
King. “These are colours that lift your spirit the moment you walk into a room. They cry out for          ST KILDA EAST
layering of texture, matte finishes and, in some cases, a little bit of daring when it comes to           G02 & 102/43 Balaclava Rd       Sun 17 May 11.30am       Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
decorating.”                                                                                              12 Albion Str                   Sat 30 May 10.30am       Gary Peer                       (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                                          1/310 Dandenong Rd              Private sale             Wilson                          (03) 9528 8888
LOOK 1: COLOUR PLAY                                                                                      11/52 Hotham Str                Private sale             Wilson                          (03) 9528 8888
                                                                                                          ST KILDA WEST
“Colour Play is all about fun. With its unexpected colour combinations and clashing patterns, it’s        54 Park Str                     Private sale             Wilson                          (03) 9528 8888
about having the confidence to break the so-called ‘rules’ of decorating and creating spaces that         TOORAK
bring you joy.
                                                                                                          3 Vista Grv                     EOI Tues 9 June 2pm      Kay & Burton                    (03) 9820 1111
  “With the Marie Kondo craze sweeping the country, coupled with the popularity of minimalist
Scandi styling, we’ve been urged to pare back our belongings to the bare essentials over the last
few years. Colour Play is a reaction to that – ‘more is more’ is the new maxim when it comes to
                                                                                                                                                                     The numbers released last week reflect
colour, and quirky pieces that speak to our sense of fun are in vogue.”                                     RELIEF FOR RENTAL                                     the strong market in the lead up to the
How to create this style:
  D  o not confuse Colour Play with a busy, eclectic look – it’s more refined than that. Think of it
                                                                                                            AVAILABILITY & PRICES                                 State of Emergency, and are consistent
                                                                                                                                                                  with our March quarter median prices. The
     as ‘curated maximalism’; the colours and patterns might be bright, but furniture and                   Rental prices have fallen in metropolitan             temporary measures in place due to
     accessories are chosen for their clean lines and styled with intent to allow plenty of breathing       Melbourne following a month of some                   COVID-19 make it challenging to gauge
     space.                                                                                                 improvement in vacancy rates across the               the real situation but the underlying
   S tart by getting the foundations right. Opt for pale or white-washed floorboards that will            state.                                                strength of the Victorian property market
     reflect the light. Or, for softness underfoot, go for a twist carpet in a pretty pastel and layer         The monthly rental data from the REIV              is undeniable.
     up with a statement, patterned rug                                                                     shows median rents for houses are now                    Victoria’s rental accommodation supply
  W  hen it comes to furniture, don’t be afraid to mix old and new. Consider reupholstering an            more affordable at $470 per week, down                is growing, more rental homes are now
     old Chesterfield sofa or armchair in hot pink velvet and pair it with a sleek and contemporary         from February’s $480 per week, though                 available but there remains a huge need
     side or coffee table. Contrast your upholstery with playful colours on the walls, such as cherry       the figure is still higher than the same time
                                                                                                                                                                  for more properties to be listed to cater for
     red or apple green, or opt for bold checked or floral wallpaper. Balance this out with simple          last year. Metropolitan units are also now
                                                                                                            cheaper to rent, from $450 per week in                growing demand. Low vacancy rates
     accessories, such as matte-finish ceramics and abstract artworks in a mix of brights and                                                                     mean that families are finding it tougher
     pastels.                                                                                               February down to $430 per week.
                                                                                                                                                                  and tougher to put a roof over their heads.
                                                                                                               The regional Victorian vacancy rate
                                                                                                            climbed from 1.8 per cent to 1.9 per cent                I urge owners of investment homes to
                                                                                                            over the month; however median house                  lease out their properties – they will get a
                                                                                                            rent prices remain unchanged at $350 per              great rental return, with homes being
                                                                                                            week, with units rising to $295 per week. In          leased out rapidly with little hassle
                                                                                                            Geelong, house rental prices shrunk by $10            involved.
                                                                                                            to $400 per week, the Ballarat region                    The State Government still needs to work
                                                                                                            remained steady on $340 per week, while               more closely with property owners, to help
                                                                                                            house rents increased in the Bendigo                  and encourage them to rent their
                                                                                                            region by $7 to sit at $350 per week.                 investment homes out and to help ease
                                                                                                               Although there has been some                       the statewide housing shortage.
                                                                                                            improvement in vacancy rates with                        As always, if a buyer or a seller is looking
                                                                                                            metropolitan Melbourne recording 2.3 per              for objective information on the market or
                                                                                                            cent for two consecutive months, Victoria             an agency – they should visit reiv.com.au.
                                                                                                            needs vacancy rates of 3-4 per cent to
                                                                                                            maintain a healthy market.                                Article supplied by Gil King, CEO, REIV.

“This trend reflects our desire to slow down and disconnect from the 24/7 digital onslaught.
Colours are warm, muted and drawn from nature, with raw textures and imperfect finishes that
speak of authenticity and craftsmanship,” said King. “While the look is restrained, it’s by no means
lacking in comfort or luxury. The idea is to include discreet hints of opulence that elevate natural        National Client Manager: Marina Yuksel                     Property Weekly is printed by Fairfax
materials and forms. The result is calm, nurturing spaces that draw nature inside your home.”                                                                          Ballarat, distributed by G&S Distribution,
                                                                                                            Commercial Editor: Belle Kwan
How to create this style:                                                                                                                                              and published by Polaris Media Pty Ltd.
                                                                                                            National art director: Stephen Fretwell
   K eep the palette simple – think pale floors, white walls and subtle hints of light tan and green,
      with pops of dull gold or brass adding a touch of glamour.                                            Art director: Samantha Oakley                      FOR ENQUIRIES CONTACT: (03) 8531 8900
  C   hoose wide floorboards in a pale colour. A textured, loop pile carpet is another appealing          Designer: Adriana Alvarez                          ADVERTISING: sales@propertyweekly.net.au
      option. Keep the look soft and tonal by adding in a chunky, sink-your-toes-in rug and pale
                                                                                                            Multimedia manager: Ren Rizzolo                    EDITORIAL: editor@propertyweekly.net.au
      timber and woven rattan furniture.
                                                                                                                                                               DISTRIBUTION: distribution@propertyweekly.net.au
   S elect window and exterior door coverings that let the light flow in and maintain that                Chief Executive Officer: David Redman
      all-important connection with the outdoors, such as innovative flowing blinds (available at
      Carpet Court) which look like curtains, but allow you to seamlessly walk through them like
      vertical blinds.                                                                                      DISCLAIMER The views expressed in the articles in Property Weekly are not necessarily
   F inish off with a low-slung sofa or a curvy, woven hanging chair and a medley of                      the views of the management of Property Weekly. Readers are advised to make their own
                                                                                                            enquiries and not to rely solely on the information published herein.
      handcrafted vessels to reinforce the relaxed vibe.
    For more information, visit carpetcourt.com.au
[ Residential ]   PROPERTY WEEKLY   |3


 35 Burrindi Road, Caulfield South   Auction                   Inspect          12 Albion Street, St Kilda East      Auction                       Inspect
                                     Sun 24 May 2:30pm         By appointment                                        Sat 30 May 10:30am            By appointment
 Contemporary single                                                            A perfect marriage of
 level living                                                                   old & new                            $1,800,000 - $1,930,000

 3   A    2.5   B   2   C            Darren Krongold           0438 515 433     4   A    3   B     2   C             Contact
                                     Daniel Fisher             0409 797 560                                          Aviv Samuel                   0401 378 582
 35BurrindiRoadCaulfieldSouth.com    Sally Zelman              0412 294 488     12AlbionStreetStKildaEast.com        Leor Samuel                   0413 079 255

 364 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South   Auction                                    28 Narrawong Road, Caulfield South   Private Sale
                                     Sun 24 May 3:30pm
 Stylish modern family                                                          Single level family living
                                     Guide                                                                           Guide
 living                              $1,850,000 - $2,035,000                    packed with potential                $1,500,000 - $1,650,000

 4+   A   2.5   B   2   C            Leon Gouzenfiter          0422 339 791     4   A    2   B     2   C
                                     Ben Ajzner                0421 706 836                                          Contact
 364KooyongRoadCaulfieldSouth.com    Egor Fedorov              0414 336 079     28NarrawongRoadCaulfieldSouth.com    Joel Ser                      0415 337 708
4 | PROPERTY WEEKLY [ Residential ]                                                                                                                                                        Friday 15 May 2020


Tri-level masterpiece
9 Jenkins Street, Caulfield South
Rewriting all rules and expectations when it comes to townhouse living, this
generously proportioned four-bedroom residence will leave its new owners
spoilt for choice with multiple living and entertaining spaces, while offering a
cosy sleeping domain privately tucked away on the top floor.
  Wander up the driveway, past the immaculate front garden and be guided
by European oak floors through to a sprawling living and dining area that is
highlighted by an ornate open fireplace. Servicing this impressive space is an
equally stunning granite-topped kitchen with a wealth of storage space and
an oversized breakfast bar. A side courtyard and rear undercover deck make
alfresco entertaining a breeze, while a study (or optional bedroom), laundry
and powder room round out the ground floor.                                                                                                               4 d 2.5 e 2 i
  A grand main bedroom suite is housed on the top level, comprising a spa
ensuite, walk-in robe and large balcony. There are three additional bedrooms,                                                                             Auction Sunday 21 June at 12.30pm
along with a family bathroom and a retreat space. This family home                                                                                        Price on application
continues to impress with a basement home theatre/entertainment room, as                                                                                  Agents R odney Morley (03) 9525 9222
well as a gym with powder room. Further bonuses include an auto double                                                                                            Gary Peer (03) 9526 1999
garage, hydronic heating and zoning for Caulfield South Primary School.

          Caulfield South, 9 Jenkins Street                               4        2.5       2       Glen Iris, 1/68 Erica Avenue                                       2        1        1
          LUXURIOUS TOWNHOUSE LIVING                                                                 SOLID GOLD IN ICONIC LOCATION
          A stunning statement of style with immaculate               Auction: Sunday 21 June        Situated in this superb tree lined street and close to public Auction: Saturday 30 May
          presentation across three expansive levels will redefine             at 12:30pm            transport and shops is this quietly located 2 bedroom                  at 12 noon
          your expectations of townhouse living.                      Inspect: by appointment only   solid brick apartment. Consists of security entry, open       Inspect: by appointment only
          Featuring multiple living zones, two outdoor entertaining                                  plan living, modern kitchen, island bench, DeLonghi gas
                                                                      Contact: Rochelle Butt                                                                       Contact: Rochelle Butt
          areas creating an outstanding indoor-outdoor interplay,                                    hotplate and oven, dishwasher, original timber floors,                 0412 707 033
          state of the art kitchen, study, basement home theatre               0412 707 033          2 bedrooms, separate central bathroom and washing
          & gymnasium, main bedroom with luxe ensuite, walk in                                       machine facilities, off street parking, reverse cycle                  Syd Frydman
                                                                      In conjuction:                                                                                        0417 348 377
          robe & full width north facing balcony, three additional             Arlene Joffe          heating and cooling and outdoor balcony. Ideal for the first
          bedrooms & sparkling central bathroom.                               0473 925 525          home buyer or astute investor. Currently tenanted.

       9525 9222             203 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North                www.rodneymorley.com.au                                         428 Toorak Road, Toorak           9826 0000
[ Residential ]   PROPERTY WEEKLY      |5
The best of both worlds                                               4d2e 2i
375 North Road, Caulfield South                                       Auction
Stylishly updated and freshly painted, this Art Deco beauty           Sunday 31 May
presents many of its period features, including picture rails, high   at 10.30am
ceilings and polished timber floors, while offering a                 Price
contemporary family home with a formal lounge, open-plan              $1,400,000 - $1,540,000
living and dining zone, separate kitchen, three bedrooms (main        Agent
with ensuite) and a study/ fourth bedroom. Along with a               Gary Peer
manicured front garden, there is also an outdoor patio and            (03) 9526 1999
rear garden for alfresco entertaining. This residence is built on a
generous 780 (approx.) square metre block, and includes
parking for two cars behind electric front gates and zoning for
Caulfield South Primary School.

                                                                                                Perfect for the family                                               3 d 2.5 e 2 i
                                                                                                2a Oak Crescent, Caulfield North                                     Auction
                                                                                                With a ground floor that houses two living spaces – a formal         Saturday 30 May
                                                                                                lounge room with a picturesque bay window and an open                at 11.30am
                                                                                                living and dining domain serviced by a granite-topped kitchen        Price
                                                                                                with plenty of storage options, this double-storey town              $1,300,000 - $1,400,000
                                                                                                residence has a floor plan ideal for low-maintenance family          Agent
                                                                                                living. The upper level accommodates three bedrooms (main            Gary Peer
                                                                                                with ensuite) and a bathroom, while a neat courtyard with lush       (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                                garden surrounds offers the ideal spot for alfresco dining and
                                                                                                entertaining. A single auto garage with additional off-street
                                                                                                parking, intercom entry and close proximity to parklands and
                                                                                                shopping villages adds to the appeal.
6 | PROPERTY WEEKLY [ Residential ]                                                                                                                                  Friday 15 May 2020

                                                                                         Fresh and fuss-free                                                    1d1e 1i
                                                                                         9/9 Wyuna Road, Caulfield North                                        Auction
                                                                                         With a fresh coat of paint and brand new carpets throughout,           Saturday 23 May
                                                                                         this first-floor apartment that is located within steps of Caulfield   at 11.30am
                                                                                         Park also offers the security and privacy of being housed within       Price
                                                                                         a boutique block with secure intercom entry. The floorplan             $330,000 - $360,000
                                                                                         includes a living room with green leafy outlooks, a separate           Agent
                                                                                         kitchen with meals area, a robed bedroom and a bathroom                Gary Peer
                                                                                         with laundry facilities. While an undercover car park is on offer,     (03) 9526 1999
                                                                                         the unit is conveniently located within walking distance to
                                                                                         trams, Caulfield Station and Monash University.

Courtyard stunner                                                  1d1e 1i
4/167 Murrumbeena Road, Murrumbeena                                Auction
Showcasing a picture-perfect renovation, this single-bedroom       Saturday 23 May
unit located on the ground floor exceeds all expectations of a     at 11.30am
modest residence, and offers stylish low-maintenance living        Price
right in the heart of sought-after Murrumbeena. Entering           $350,000 - $385,000
through a private courtyard, the apartment comprises an            Agent
open-plan living area with trendy engineered blackbutt timber      Gary Peer
floors, a modern kitchen with stone benchtops and a subway-        (03) 9563 1666
tile splashback, a robed bedroom highlighted with a barn-style
sliding door, and a pristine bathroom. Further features of
reverse-cycle heating/cooling, an allocated carpark on title and
access to a communal laundry completes the package.
[ Residential ]   PROPERTY WEEKLY     |7
Step up in St Kilda
2/81 Grey Street, St Kilda                                            2d1e 1i
Nestled in the Creswell complex with its classic ’60s facade, this    Private sale
first-floor apartment will appeal to both first home buyers           Price
seeking an energetic lifestyle in the heart of St Kilda, or savvy     on application
investors who appreciate the value of property in this sought-        Agent
after beachside pocket.                                               Wilson
   The apartment has been tastefully renovated and features a         (03) 9525 4166
living and dining room that opens onto a balcony overlooking
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, a heritage-listed St Kilda icon. The
separate kitchen features stainless steel appliances, and two
robed bedrooms share a bathroom with laundry facilities. The
property also offers a car spot on title and secure intercom entry.

                                                                                       Top Toorak potential                                                   4d2e 2i
                                                                                       3 Vista Grove, Toorak                                                  EOI closing
                                                                                       A rare opportunity is presented with this offering of two Art          Tuesday 9 June
                                                                                       Deco apartments to be sold as one, located in an exclusive             at 2pm
                                                                                       cul-de-sac just moments from Como Park. Set on approx. 368             Price
                                                                                       square metres, the two units house the exciting potential for a        on application
                                                                                       conversion into one luxurious home, a renovation to enhance            Agent
                                                                                       rental returns, or to execute plans for a multi-level home or          Kay & Burton
                                                                                       development (STCA) that would boast stunning city views.               (03) 9820 1111
                                                                                         Both period apartments, one on each level, have identical floor
                                                                                       plans comprising two bedrooms, a bathroom, separate living
                                                                                       and dining rooms and a kitchen. Each apartment has its own
                                                                                       driveway, and there is both a front garden and rear courtyard.
8 | PROPERTY WEEKLY [ Residential ]   Friday 15 May 2020
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