DOING MORE - Diprose Miller

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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
The Diprose Miller Newsletter | Autumn 2021.
DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
EDITORIAL                                                                                                TELLING OUR STORY
                                                                                                            As part of the process of renovating the reception   to achieve. It encompasses all aspects of our
                                                                                                            areas in both our Te Aroha and Morrinsville          clients’ businesses, including business structure,
                                                                                                            offices we’ve added a Values Board to remind         business planning, human resources and payroll,
                                                                                                            ourselves and our clients of our fundamental         building business value, taxation management
     Well, autumn has definitely                          No doubt part of the reason for the increase in   goal, which is ‘Enabling Better Business’. This      and succession planning.
 arrived and it’s pleasing to see our                     property values can be put down to investors      phrase is the cornerstone of what we hope
agricultural and horticultural clients                    exiting the banks and looking to property to
                                                          keep their capital intact. That’s not all good,   Morrinsville board
  continuing to do well. As I’ve said
                                                          as it puts pressure on our children trying to
  before, the rural sector fell out of                    enter the property market. There’s no easy
                                                                                                                                                        WE DON’T
                                                                                                                                                        JUST TICK
 favour over the last few years, but                      answer. That’s why economists and the Reserve                                                 BOXES,
                                                                                                                                                        WE LOOK
 Covid-19 has brought it back with a                      Bank Governor make the big bucks – they know                                                  OUTSIDE
vengeance. There seems to be a bit of                     all the answers!                                                                              THEM.       ENABLING
a speed bump with the goat industry                       With 31st March upon us, we’ll soon be looking

   and beef prices could be better,                       at 2021 accounts for our business clients.
     but overall the rural sector                         They’ll be interesting and will show the full     Te Aroha board

               is strong.                                 impact of Covid-19. One would expect turnover
                                                                                                                                                        WE DON’T
                                                          and profitability to be down because of the                                                   JUST TICK
                                                          lockdown, but by how much? Most tradies have                                                  BOXES,
                                                                                                                                                        WE LOOK
                                                          been extremely busy, but I can’t imagine they                                                 OUTSIDE
                                                          will claw back to pre-Covid-19 numbers.                                                       THEM.       ENABLING
   Part of the reason for improved rural                                          In conclusion, with
   profitability is declining interest rates. While                               Easter early this
   that’s good for borrowers, it’s the opposite                                   year, I hope you all
   for lenders. Many of our investor clients will
   have little choice but to eat into capital while
                                                                                  get a good break.
                                                                                  I’m heading to the        THE FARMER IN THE DEL
   interest rates remain low. It’s important not                                  South Island for a
   to panic. We’ve seen in the past that where                                    couple of weeks.          As an enthusiastic member of the Dairy               In the next newsletter we’ll ask Melissa to
   higher interest rates are being offered there is a                             It seems a good           Environment Leaders (DEL) programme,                 comment on the key issues discussed at the
   definite risk factor. It’s a matter of each investor                           opportunity to            Diprose Miller Associate Melissa Slattery is         forum and any initiatives underway as a result.
   working out the level of risk that’s acceptable                                have a better look        enjoying (and keeping very busy) taking an active
   to them and investing accordingly.                                             at my own country.        role to raise awareness of environmentally
                                                                                                            sustainable dairy farming in NZ.

                                                                                                            Melissa’s one of around 40 farmers attending
   LANDLORDS BLINDSIDED BY TAX CHANGE                                                                       the Dairy Environment Leaders Forum in
                                                                                                            Wellington this month. The DEL programme
                                                                                                            has been set up “by farmers, for farmers”
  On 23 March 2021 the                  the interest deduction will be     taken NZ tax advisors by
                                                                                                            and is funded by DairyNZ.
  government announced the              phased out over the next few       surprise. We'll have more
  introduction of legislation           years and eventually disappear     detailed comments in the         Established in 2013, the DEL programme now
  removing the deductibility of         on 1 April 2025. For rental        next edition, but we're          comprises 300 farmers with a common goal
  interest on funds borrowed            properties acquired on or after    happy to discuss the impact      to improve water quality, and reduce both
  to purchase residential rental        27 March 2021 the deduction        of this change with clients      climate change emissions and dairy’s
  property. For existing rental         will cease on 1 October 2021.      at any time.                     environmental footprint while maintaining            Melissa with DairyNZ Strategy and Investment Leader
  properties and new builds,            This significant change has                                         a profitable farm business.                          David Burger on her and husband Justin’s Elstow dairy farm.

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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
Director Ed Wagstaff is often                      EPISODE 1 :
meeting with new clients who                       SETTING THE SCENE
are starting off in business
for the first time. This can be a                  When you’re ready to go it alone and start your
                                                   own business, whether it be farming, trades or
                                                                                                         We address the first of these questions in our
                                                                                                         initial meeting with new clients with the help
                                                                                                                                                            “Don’t worry about
challenging process for many
newly self-employed people, with
                                                   providing services, there’s uncertainty that comes
                                                   with leaving the relative ‘safety’ of a regular tax
                                                                                                         of our new business checklist. The checklist
                                                                                                         identifies the key actions to be taken and by
                                                                                                                                                              failure, you only have
many questions and concerns
needing to be addressed.
                                                   paid salary and grappling with the challenge of
                                                   being self-employed.
                                                                                                         whom. It includes factors such as choosing
                                                                                                         a legal structure, registering for GST and
                                                                                                                                                              to be right once.”
                                                                                                         setting a plan for how we expect the business      Drew Houston
For many clients, the advice we give them          Starting your own business should give you:           to perform.
when they first set up their business can be       - more time to spend doing what you love              A well-documented business plan is a critical
some of the most valuable advice we will ever                                                            component for success. Two key components
                                                   - more control over your activities and daily life
provide. This often includes an assessment of                                                            of the business plan are:
the value of an existing business the client is    - more money than could be earned as an
planning to purchase.                                 employee.                                          1. A
                                                                                                             financial budget and cash forecast to
                                                                                                            ensure you do not personally withdraw more
For this reason, we’ve prepared a series of four   Unfortunately, what often happens is that                cash than the business can afford once its
articles designed to help new business owners      the new business:                                        operating expenses, debt repayments and tax
navigate the minefield that is self-employment.                                                             obligations are taken into account; and
                                                   - takes control of your life
We know that we can’t cover everything, but we
can point you in the right direction. If we can    - consumes all your time                              2. A
                                                                                                             separate bank account specifically for
help, we’re just a phone call away.                - leaves you with no money.                              business transactions and from which a
                                                                                                            regular fixed amount is taken by the owner
                                                                                                            to cover personal spending.
                                                   Over the course of this year we’ll discuss
                                                   some of the common questions that need to             While it is often a step that can be overlooked,
                                                   be addressed to maximise the chances of               we know from experience that a robust budget
                                                   success with your new business, including:            and forecast is the simplest way to understand
                                                   - what steps are necessary and in what order?         how your business should work. It provides a
                                                                                                         benchmark against which actual performance
                                                   - what is the best choice of business structure
                                                                                                         can be measured and allows us to help you
                                                      (e.g. do I need a company or trust?)
                                                                                                         react quickly when things are not going
                                                   - how do I deal with my tax obligations?              according to plan.
                                                   - how and where can I obtain funding?
                                                   - how do I manage my cash flow and ensure
                                                      I don’t go broke?

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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
HOW DOES 39%                                       IMPORTANT VALUES                                      FIXED ASSET                                          SALE OF LAND
WORK FOR YOU?                                      IN PROPERTY SALE                                      THRESHOLD                                            MIGHT BE TAXABLE
A new 39% top income tax rate comes into           AGREEMENTS                                            CHANGES                                              We all know that New Zealand does not have a
effect on 1 April 2021 and applies to the income                                                         On 17 March 2020, in response to the Covid-19        comprehensive capital gains tax. However, what
                                                   If you’re buying or selling property, please
of individual taxpayers over $180,000. Currently                                                         pandemic, Inland Revenue increased the fixed         has been put in place over the last decade (or so)
                                                   contact us to discuss incorporating specific
the top rate is 33%. There is no change to the                                                           asset threshold value from $500 to $5,000. This      are a number of amendments to the Income Tax
                                                   values into the agreement for commercial
income tax rates for companies and trusts.                                                               means that fixed assets purchased over the last      Act that effectively tax the gain on property sales
                                                   buildings, dwellings and associated curtilage.
                                                                                                         year with a cost of $5,000 or less (excluding GST)   in certain circumstances.
Government statistics suggest that the 39%
                                                   These values often have significant income            can be written off for income tax purposes in the
rate will apply to only 2% of taxpayers, so we                                                                                                                The most recent of these is the Brightline Test
                                                   tax and GST implications and it is important          year of purchase rather than being capitalised
won’t have many clients that will experience                                                                                                                  which taxes the gain on residential property,
                                                   that both vendor and purchaser agree in               and depreciated over time.
the additional 6% charge.                                                                                                                                     including sections, that has been owned for less
                                                   writing on the specific values to be used.
                                                                                                         This change was implemented to encourage             than five years and has not been used as the
However, we’ll be talking with our clients that    Inland Revenue expects that both parties will
                                                                                                         businesses to continue to invest in capital assets   primary residence of the owner. Sharon Coombe
may be affected by this change, but in most        use the same values for tax purposes and
                                                                                                         during the Covid-19 lockdown period and beyond.      covers this in more detail in her “Sharon Says”
cases it will be difficult to dodge the increase   having the values stated in the agreement
                                                                                                                                                              column in this edition.
thanks to the broad range of anti-avoidance        avoids any potential confusion.
                                                                                                         The threshold has now dropped to $1,000 for
tax legislation currently in place.                                                                      fixed assets purchased after 17 March 2021.          There are a number of other measures that
                                                                                                                                                              can tax the gain on sale of not just residential
                                                                                                                                                              property, but farm and commercial property,
                                                                                                                                                              depending on the circumstances. In fact, it can
INLAND REVENUE                                      FILING NIL                                                                                                be easy to assume that sale of property has no
TO TARGET REAL                                      GST RETURNS                                                                                               income tax or GST implications when that is not

ESTATE AGENTS                                       Inland Revenue has indicated that they will be
                                                                                                                                                              the case.

                                                    making contact with the agents of taxpayers                                                               We recommend to clients that they contact us
Inland Revenue have advised tax agents that                                                                                                                   when contemplating the sale of property to check
they believe real estate agents are claiming a      who have filed NIL GST returns for more than
                                                                                                                                                              whether there is a potential income tax or GST
high level of expenses relative to their income.    six months to discuss whether the taxpayer
Where this is the case, they plan to ask for        should be deregistered. Deregistration can           “Death, taxes and                                    issue. The legislation is varied and complex on this
                                                                                                                                                              matter, but as Inland Revenue receives details of
records to support the expenses claimed.            be an expensive process, especially where        childbirth! There’s never                                all property sold in New Zealand, it is better to be
We’re thinking that a common example will be        land and buildings are the major asset of the
claims for motor vehicles where the log book        business.                                         a convenient time for                                   aware of any tax implications before the sale.

requirements have not been properly followed.
                                                    If you are contacted by Inland Revenue,                any of them.”
If Inland Revenue contact you directly, please      please let us know.
refer them to our office.                                                                                 Margaret Mitchell
                                                                                                             (Gone with the Wind)

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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
“IT’S A BRIGHT LINE!”                                                                           HR NEWS
Inland Revenue’s been very active
recently on non-compliance with
the “bright-line” property test.
So what is the bright-line test
                                              Residential property includes any land:
                                              • with a house on it, or
                                              • a section on which the owner will (or may)
                                                                                                & ADVICE
                                                 build a house in the future
and how does it work?
                                              There are three exclusions where the              ACC COVERPLUS                                      RECEIVE ACC
The test taxes gains on the sale of
“residential property” and applies to any
                                              bright-line test does not apply:                  EXTRA POLICY                                       INVOICES VIA EMAIL
taxpayer that sells a residential property:
                                              1. I f the property is the main home of the      RENEWALS                                           You can elect to receive ACC invoices
                                                 owner. A taxpayer can only have one main
                                                                                                Clients on Cover Plus Extra (CPX) ACC              and other correspondence by email.
• Within two years (if purchased between        home. Residential properties held in a trust
                                                                                                policies should have received their renewal        For most clients, this will be a preferred
   1 October 2015 and 28 March 2018)             can use the main home exclusion if the
                                                                                                notices from ACC for the year commencing           option. To set this up, please contact our
                                                 property is the main home of a beneficiary
• Within five years (if purchased between                                                      1 April 2021.                                      HR Manager Angela Millward on Ext 816.
                                                 of the trust or the principal settlor of
   29 March 2018 and 26 March 2021)
                                                 the trust
                                                                                                If you are happy with the level of cover
• Within ten years (if purchased on or
   after 27 March 2021)
                                              2. I f the property has been inherited           indicated on the renewal notice, no action
                                                                                                is required on your part and ACC will
                                                                                                                                                   MINIMUM WAGE
For all new builds, a concessionary
                                              3. If the taxpayer is the executor of a
                                                                                                invoice you automatically for the renewal.         HITS $20
                                                  deceased estate.
five-year period applies.                                                                       Please remember that the premium must              From 1 April 2021 the minimum adult wage
                                              You can only use the main home                    be paid, or a written payment arrangement          rises from $18.90 to $20.00 per hour. This
                                              exclusion twice over any two-year period.         set up, by the due date, otherwise ACC will        applies to employees aged 16 years and over.
                                              The exclusions are only available for             cancel the CPX policy.
                                              individuals and trusts.                                                                              The “Starting-Out” and “Training”
                                                                                                If this happens, the existing guaranteed lever     minimum wage rates also increase from
                                              For any property sold that is subject to          of cover no longer applies. To restore the         $15.12 to $16.00 per hour. For information
                                              the bright-line test we need to complete          CPX cover, the full application process must       on when these rates apply, go to
                                              a ‘Property Sale Information’ form (IR833)
                                                                                                be repeated, and it may not be possible to
                                              as part of your income tax return, and will
                                                                                                reinstate the existing level of cover. Until the
                                              need information from you regarding the
                                                                                                CPX policy is reinstated, the default Cover
                                              purchase and sale of the property and any
                                                                                                Plus policy conditions apply, under which
                                              improvements carried out while owning
                                              the property.                                     there is no guaranteed level of cover and
                                                                                                you will need to prove loss of earnings at the
                                                                                                time of the accident.

                                                                                                If you have moved in the last year, you will
                                                                                                need to advise ACC of your new address.

                                                        “Don’t wait to
                                                       buy real estate.
                                                       Buy real estate
                                                          and wait.”
                                                                 Will Rogers
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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
COMING EVENTS                                                                                            STAFF NEWS
ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF FARM BUDGETING                                                                     KAYAKING                           IT’S A LITTLE MR ED!
Our resident banking and             to prepare budgets, forecasts     concept are more likely to
                                                                                                         THE WAIHOU                         It’s a big “Congratulations” from all of us to
farm finance expert Fraser           and scenario comparisons that     get the results they want and     Our busy Social Club               director Ed Wagstaff on the arrival of son Finn
Belgrave, together with              will help farmers see the way     have control of the process       organised a kayak trip down        in early February. Both Finn and Mum Hayley
Associate Melissa Slattery,          forward. It will also provide     along the way.                    the Waihou River at the end        are doing well. Finn is a brother for 4-year old
will be hosting a presentation       a valuable insight into what                                        of February. The enthusiastic      Isla, so it’s all go in the Wagstaff house.
for interested clients on 11         banks are looking for when                                          paddlers were cast adrift at
                                                                                                         the Mace Road bridge and
May on important aspects of
farm financial planning. Fraser
                                     assessing applications for term
                                     loan and seasonal finance.                                          took their time to meander                        NAKITA                   THE NEW
is an ex-ASB Rural Manager
                                     A comprehensive forecast
                                                                                                         downstream with the                               MAKES                    MRS ORR
and Melissa has significant
                                     allows farmers to properly
                                                                                                         current to Te Aroha.
                                                                                                                                                           THE                      SIDESTEPS
experience with forecasting
and financial planning in her
                                     plan for capital expenditure,                                       Waiting at the finish line                        GRADE                    LOCKDOWN
                                     income tax payments, loan         The presentation will be held     was a burger buffet dinner
own farming operation.                                                                                                                      Nakita McNab has passed                 From the good news file, we say
                                     repayments and personal           in the Te Aroha Boardroom         prepared by Diane Cooper,
                                                                                                         with Murray Whittaker              the final exam required for             “congratulations” and best wishes
The presentation will focus          spending. It is clear from our    at 6pm. To register for this
                                                                                                         manning the BBQ. A very            “Accounting Technician”                 from all the team here at Diprose
on the benefits of using Xero        experience that farmers who       event, email Fraser at
                                                                                                         pleasant evening, with             (AT) status with CAANZ, our             Miller to staff member Nicole
in conjunction with Figured          embrace the forecasting 
                                                                                                         on-water entertainment             governing professional body.            Robinson who took the plunge
                                                                                                         provided by Steven Eccles,         It’s been a tough road for Nakita,      and married long-time partner
                                                                                                         who had an unplanned               juggling family and Diprose Miller      Stefan Orr in early March.
LET’S GO PAPERLESS WITH HUBDOC!                                                                          dip while attempting the           obligations while completing her        Fortunately Nicole and Stefan
                                                                                                         Warrior III yoga manoeuvre         qualification. She fully deserves
Operating your business              Many businesses are now           the relevant information into                                                                                just missed the Covid-19
                                                                                                         on his paddleboard. This was       our congratulations.
without printed records is now       issuing invoices to our clients   the Xero accounting software.                                                                                lockdown restrictions and were
                                                                                                         followed by an unexpected,
a reality for many clients. This     via email. Rather than printing   It will even automatically read                                      She’s thinking that she now has         able to have the wedding
                                                                                                         but amusing, eskimo roll by
process is made easier with the      these, Hubdoc provides an         invoices and input details        Deborah Young and husband          enough qualifications in the            exactly as planned at “The Hall”
Hubdoc product now available         easy way to store these in a      such as supplier name, invoice    David, who upset their             accounting field. She holds a           near Te Aroha. Workmates
to our Xero users.                   structured manner and import      number and invoice values.        double kayak by laughing so        Bachelor of Business degree             Anne Mohring, Jeanette Clubb,
                                                                                                         much at Steve’s soaking. Who       from AUT that she completed             Nakita McNab and Rae Brus
                                                                       To make things even easier,
                                                                                                         says you need television to        back in 2012, so she’s looking          were on hand to witness the
                                                                       Hubdoc has a mobile app
                                                                                                         have a good time?                  forward to spending more time           happy event. We’ll try to get
                                                                       that allows clients to
                                                                                                                                            discovering what life without           a photo of the newlyweds for
                                                                       photograph printed invoices
                                                                                                                                            study and exams has to offer.           the next edition.
                                                                       and receipts that are
                                                                       automatically uploaded into
                                                                       the Xero accounting software.
                                                                                                         NETBALL TEAM                           skills to the test, along with
                                                                                                                                                a few “hangers-on”. Lyn Miller
                                                                       As with Xero itself, invoice
                                                                                                         Some of our staff put together a       was the team umpire.
                                                                       information held in Hubdoc
                                                                                                         team for the Te Aroha Summer
                                                                       is stored in the cloud and                                               It was a much-improved result
                                                                                                         Netball League held over the
                                                                       available from any device.                                               from last year, with the team
                                                                                                         last six weeks. Sharon Coombe,
                                                                                                                                                actually winning a couple of
                                                                       To find out more about the        Steven Eccles, Fraser Belgrave,
                                                                                                                                                games and losing a few more
                                                                       Hubdoc option, contact your       Nakita McNab, Jeanette Clubb
                                                                                                                                                by only small margins.
                                                                       Client Account Manager.           and Anne Mohring put their

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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
298 Thames Street
Morrinsville 3300
PO Box 323 | Morrinsville 3340
P 07 280 5519

FP 0800 888 055

53-61 Whitaker Street
Te Aroha 3320
PO Box 290 | Te Aroha 3342
P 07 884 8055

Every effort is made to provide accurate and complete information in this newsletter. However, Diprose Miller
makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the contents of
this newsletter and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents.

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