4-H Fortunes - MSU Extension

Page created by Dorothy Morales
4-H Fortunes - MSU Extension
4 -H Fort une s
     Prairie County MSU Extension Service * 217 West Park * PO Box 7 , Terry, MT 59349 * 406-635-2121 * sackman@montana.edu

                                                                                          January 2020
The 4-H year is well underway! Hopefully you have received your 4-H project books by now. If not, please con-
tact the Extension Office at 635-2121 and we can make arrangements to get them to you. If you have your books
and either have the wrong book or need a different book, please let us know. You can also pick up record book
forms at the office or download them online at http://montana4h.org/projects/support/record_books/index.html.

Former 4-H member Randee Shannon traveled to Finland and Germany with the International Program for Young
Adults (IPYA) from June to December. We will be hosting Randee in Terry on March 8-9 to talk about her expe-
riences with this 4-H sponsored program. She will do a community presentation on March 8th and give presenta-
tions at the school on March 9th. Mark the dates on your calendar and be on the lookout for more information.

Upcoming county-wide 4-H events include 4-H project workshops for those enrolled in 4-H foods projects on
February 10 and March 2, the 4-H Fruit Sale beginning on March 2, and the Oreo Ski Trip February 21-23 for 4-
H members in grades 7 and 8. Read this newsletter for more details.

Please feel free to contact the Extension Office any time with your 4-H questions. We are happy to help you!

Sharla Sackman
Prairie County Extension Agent

       Hello 4-H Family Members,

         I wanted to touch base with all of you about the
fruit sale. For some of you this is old news but for many
new families this year this will help give some information
on the fundraiser. We sell apples, oranges, grapefruit &
pears, as well as cheese sticks and beef sticks and new
this year, beef jerky.

        The annual 4-H Fruit Sale will begin on Monday, March 2nd. I will have the sales packets available for
club leaders on Monday the 2nd after 3:30. Members will need to pick up their sale packets from their leader
(Kristy Shannon with Cougar Creek is at the Sheriff’s Office) after school. Each member is required to sell at
least 3 boxes of fruit to be eligible for awards and 4-H Council support for trips. Please note that 3 boxes is a
minimum number, if every member ONLY sold 3, there wouldn’t be enough money to operate the 4-H pro-
gram! Streets in Terry are assigned by members for door-to-door sales for 2 days & that info will be on your
packet -- after that, members may sell anywhere in Terry. Members may sell anywhere outside of Terry for
the whole duration of the Sale. Members must deliver all fruit they sell!
                                                                                                          Continued on next page

  The Montana State University Extension Service is an ADA/EO/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and educational outreach provider.
4-H Fortunes - MSU Extension
Page 2                                                                                                     4-H Fortunes

       Clubs will receive $1 commission for each box sold and the member selling the most will receive a
cash prize from the 4-H Council. Cloverbuds are not required to sell fruit but are also not discouraged from
doing so, we want them to be as involved as they want to be.

       Your leaders will let you know when they want the club orders turned in to them. Orders will need to
be turned into the Extension Office by noon on March 11th but remember, your orders need to go to your club
leader first. Fruit delivery is tentatively set for April 6 th. Leaders and parents will be needed to help sort
and pack fruit boxes that day, it usually takes a few hours to get this task completed.

                              If you have any questions, please call us at the Extension Office @ 635-2121.

                              Good luck with your sales!

                                      Prairie County 4-H Council Minutes
                                                     January 14, 2020

The regular meeting of, the Prairie County 4-H Council, was called to order by President Holly Eaton on Tuesday, January 14,
2020. Those present included Sharla Sackman and Amy Lewis; Dawn Olson, Kristy and Randee Shannon, Marnie Smith, and
Hatty Eaton, Cougar Creek; and Chay and Christa VanDyke (by phone) and Christine Keltner, Cabin Creek.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:       Checking                  $ 2,996.10
                          Livestock                      586.04
                          Savings: Memorial            2,535.75
                                    General            9,343.66
                                                    $ 15,461.55


Thank you notes from Matty Sackman and Chay VanDyke were read and passed around.


Sharla reported that 9 Market Steers were weighed in. It was a nice afternoon and all went well.

Sharla reviewed the Winter Workshop. 16 kids attended the workshop. The group sewed tissue package covers, made 2
crafts, did a STEM project led by Chay, and made snacks.

Randee gave a mini report on her IPYA trip to Finland and Germany.

Chay reported on his trip to Atlanta, Georgia, to attend National 4-H Congress.
4-H Fortunes - MSU Extension
Old/Unfinished Business:

The Year End Financial Audit needs to be completed. Christine has completed the first review. Holly and Marnie will set up a
time to do the next review.

A Food Booth review meeting was set for February 10th, at 4:00pm.

New/Ongoing Business:

It was decided to give Randee $50.00 toward her IYPA travel expenses, when she comes to Terry to speak about her trip, in

The Prairie County Grazing District has given the 4-H program a $5,000 donation. Improvements to the 4-H Building Kitchen
and Livestock Barn were discussed. Prices will be gathered and ideas will be discussed more, at later meetings.
Marnie agreed to be the Fruit Sales Chairperson. She will check with Town Hall to see if we can use one of the Firetruck bays
to sort fruit and with Farmer's Union to see if someone can help unload the fruit. It was decided that we would try selling Jerky
this year instead of the Smokey Snack Sticks. Fruit Sales will start on March 2nd, with orders due to leaders on March 20th, and
deliveries on April 6th.

All Events Day dates and times were discussed. It was decided that All Events Day will be June 1 st, with Stir-Ups starting at

The Constitution and By-Laws were reviewed, with the suggested wording change being accepted, regarding spayed heifers in
the market beef class

Upcoming workshop ideas were talked about. Robotics, Foods, Gardening, and maybe something International with Randee
were suggested.


        Feb 1            People Partner Grant Applications Due
        Feb 3            OREO Registration due
        Feb 21-22        OREO Ski Trip
        March 16         Camp Counselor applications due
        April 1          4-H Scholarship Applicaitons due
        April 24-26      REC Lab, Hobson, MT
        June 9-11        4-H Camp
        July 8-11        Montana 4-H Congress
        Aug 7-9 Prairie County Fair 2020

Next Meeting:             Date: March 9th           Time: 5:00pm

                                                     Check Club Mailboxes

                    Fund raisers must be approved by the County Extension Agent.

Kristy Shannon
For members that are interested in filling out record book forms on the computer, the forms are located at the
www.montana4h.org. Go to the “Resources” tab, then to “Forms” and at the bottom of the page “Record Books”. Save the form
to your computer to fill out at your convenience.
4-H Fortunes - MSU Extension
under the 4-H heading!
website! Just look on the Left Hand Side
4-H resources that are available on our
Don’t forget all the great Prairie County
                         Who: 7th & 8th graders
                          What: OREO SKI TRIP
                             Where: Red Lodge
                          When: February 21-23
                   Registration DUE February 3
                    Let us know if you need a registra-
      tion form, we have them here at the Extension
4-H Fortunes - MSU Extension 4-H Fortunes - MSU Extension
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