31 Your Complete CPD Guide Make the Wise Choice - Legalwise Seminars

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31 Your Complete CPD Guide Make the Wise Choice - Legalwise Seminars
Make the Wise Choice

   Your Complete
   CPD Guide
   Choose the best CPD content                          FEBRUARY - MARCH 2022
   Choose in person, online or recorded
   Choose the #1 CPD Provider


EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Register and Pay by 23 DECEMBER 2021 and Save 30% off everything
31 Your Complete CPD Guide Make the Wise Choice - Legalwise Seminars
10 POINTS                                                                                 FINANCIAL SERVICES
10 Points in a Day                                                                 10     Financial Services in 2022                                                              7
10 Points in a Day - Your Last Chance                                              41     IMMIGRATION
ADMINISTRATIVE & PUBLIC SECTOR LAW                                                        Immigration Law Conference                                                          28
Administrative Decision Making: Review and Error                                   39     INSOLVENCY
Government Law Conference 2022                                                     14     Insolvency in 2022: Key Issues in Corporate & Personal Insolvency                   33
Government Litigation: Preparation and Management                                    8    PPSA Fundamentals & Strategies                                                      35
Regulatory Decision Making: Back to Basics                                         23
                                                                                          INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
Statutory Interpretation: Core Principles and Recent Decisions                     24
                                                                                          Intellectual Property Symposium 2022                                                12
BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION                                                                 Intellectual Property: Commercialising IP and Licensing                                 8
Building & Construction Review 2022                                                30
                                                                                          LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION
CONTRACTS                                                                                 ‘How To’ Skills for Litigators                                                      11
Contract Law Conference                                                              9    A Mediation and Dispute Resolution Masterclass                                      42
Contract Law Masterclass: Cases, Terms & Damages                                   38     Class Actions: The Latest Concerns Unravelled                                       40
International Contracts, Business Deals & Disputes                                 13     Commercial Litigation Conference: New Risks & Claims                                29
CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL                                                                    Contemporary Forensics: Digital, DNA and Neuropsychology                            38
Business Sales: Legal & Commercial Strategies                                      20     Discrimination and Adverse Action Claims                                            42
Financial Statements & Business Valuation Workshop                                   7    Litigation Skills: Disclosure,Evidence & Advocacy                                   21
Franchising Law: New Law and Current Concerns                                      39     Litigation: Dealing with Unreasonable Costs                                         40
PPSA Fundamentals & Strategies                                                     35     MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT
Preparing Shareholder Agreements Workshop                                          33     Film and Television Law Conference                                                  22
Trusts Masterclass: Asset Protection and Taxation Of Trusts                        32
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE & IN-HOUSE COUNSEL                                                   Mining and Resources Law Review                                                     15
Director & Officer Risks & Liabilities Forum                                       12
                                                                                          NATIVE TITLE
In-House Counsel Conference: Legal & Commercial Imperatives 25
                                                                                          Native Title Intensive 2022                                                         24
                                                                                          PERSONAL INJURY & NDIS
CPD Compulsory Units Over Lunch, Over 3 Weeks                                        3
                                                                                          Abuse Law Symposium                                                                 34
CPD Compulsory Units for all Lawyers – 3 March 2022                                11
                                                                                          NDIS Law Conference                                                                     6
CPD Compulsory Units for all Lawyers – 8 March 2022                                13
                                                                                          Personal Injury Conference                                                          19
CPD Compulsory Units for all Lawyers – 18 March 2022                               30
                                                                                          Personal Injury: 3 More Strategies for Maximising Damages                           43
CPD Compulsory Units for all Lawyers – 22 March 2022                               32
                                                                                          Total and Permanent Disability Claims                                               37
CPD Mandatory Core Areas for Commercial Litigators                                 29
CPD Mandatory Core Areas for Criminal Lawyers                                      31     PROPERTY LAW
CPD Mandatory Core Areas for Family Lawyers                                        26     Conveyancing Conference                                                             18
CPD Mandatory Core Areas for Government Lawyers                                    14     Property Law Forum                                                                  37
CPD Mandatory Core Areas for In-House Counsel                                      25     Retail and Commercial Leasing Roundup                                               27
CPD Mandatory Core Areas for IP Lawyers                                            12     SUPERANNUATION & TAXATION
CPD Mandatory Core Areas for Lawyers and Migration Agents                          28     Family Law: SMSF's, Defined Benefits Super and Tax                                      6
Costs and Billing Forum                                                            36     SMSFs Summit                                                                        36
CRIME                                                                                     Trusts Masterclass: Asset Protection and Taxation Of Trusts                         32
Criminal Law Symposium 2022                                                        31     WILLS & ESTATE PLANNING
ENVIRONMENT & PLANNING                                                                    Will Drafting Workshop for All Lawyers                                                  3
Water Symposium: Spotlight on Legal and Regulatory Reforms                           5    Wills and Estates Summit 2022                                                       17

FAMILY LAW                                                                                WORKPLACE RELATIONS & OHS
Drafting Family Law Agreements                                                     35     Discrimination and Adverse Action Claims                                            42
Family Law Conference                                                              26     Employment Law Workshop: The Basics for All Lawyers                                     4
Family Law Financial Settlements: Key Issues                                       15     Work, Health & Safety: The Urgent Issues to Address                                 23
Family Law Parenting and Children’s Matters                                        43     Workplace Law Summit: The Key Issues                                                16
Family Law: SMSF's, Defined Benefits Super and Tax                                   6    MISCELLANEOUS
The FCFCOA Regime: Insights from the Court                                           4    Women in Law: Successful, Sensational & Strong                                      27

  TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                    credit will be issued. On Demand recordings are non-refundable from date of
  For Full Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy please visit                           purchase. To claim a refund, or credit or for further information please email
  www.legalwiseseminars.com.au. Live Online and On Demand recordings:                     info@legalwiseseminars.com.au Variation of Program: Legalwise Seminars
  Prices are per person viewing only. You may not distribute to another person, nor       intends to run live programs as advertised but reserves the right to change the
  may you use for group viewings. Cancellations: If you notify us in writing more         program without notice which includes to be conducted online and to cancel if
  than 3 working days before a seminar or event (including Live Online) that you          insufficient registrations. In the event of a cancellation a refund will be provided.
  are unable to attend, you may choose to have a credit note, refund issued or            Privacy: Legalwise Seminars protects the privacy and security of information
  nominate a replacement delegate to attend. All credit notes are valid for a period      provided by you. By registering, you agree to the use of your personal information
  of 12 months from the date of credit note. If you notify us in writing 3 working days   by Legalwise Seminars to process your registration, to contact you about products,
  or less before a seminar or event (including Live Online) that you are unable to        services and events, and to provide to all presenters prior to the event. Early bird
  attend, you may nominate a replacement delegate to attend. No refund or                 offer: Register and pay by 23 December 2021 to receive the early bird price.
CPD COMPULSORY                                                                WILL DRAFTING
UNITS OVER LUNCH,                                                             WORKSHOP FOR
OVER 3 WEEKS                                                                 ALL LAWYERS
14 & 21 FEBRUARY, 1 MARCH 2022                                        $405   15 & 22 FEBRUARY 2022                                            $840
12:00PM TO 1:00PM                                                WEB222N02   8.00AM TO 12.20PM                                           WEB222N09

    Earn your CPD compulsory units for the year with this convenient,          Perfect for all lawyers looking to begin or build their wills and
    efficient & practical lunchtime web series running once a week             estates practice, this comprehensive & practical workshop
    at lunchtime and online. Sharpen your communication skills,                will give you the knowledge and skills needed to effectively
    boost your personal productivity and stay updated on new                   and efficiently draft a will in a variety of circumstances and in
    disciplinary cases.                                                        relation to a number of asset classes. Using concrete examples,
                                                                               legislation & cases, experienced accredited specialists will guide
                                                                               you through the strategies, procedures & requirements you need
    PERFORMING IN HIGH PRESSURE SITUATIONS:                                    to develop a toolkit for your practice.
    MONDAY, 14 FEBRUARY 2022 $155                                            Over two half days, work through step by step guides for every
    12.00PM - 1.00PMWEB222N02A                                               stage of the will drafting process. For each stage you will gain high
                                                                              level guidance on:
Chair: Katie Innes, Director, Bradley Allen Love Lawyers;
Accredited Specialist in Business Law                                           In-depth strategies to elevate your drafting
                                                                                Example clauses to take away & utilise in your drafting
     Professional Skills                                                        Example clauses to avoid & what to do differently
·    Embracing fear and uncertainty in high-stakes communication                Case studies into how these concepts play out in practice
·    The 3-way model around connection
                                                                              Throughout this comprehensive workshop across two days
·    Understanding & using body language to improve influence
                                                                              you will examine:
·    Shifting mindset around communication
                                                                              · Taking effective instructions and conducting client meetings
·    Pitching for business: using the best communication style
                                                                              · Identifying and dealing with issues relating to testamentary
·    Delivering key messages virtually or face-to-face
                                                                                capacity and undue influence
    	Presented by Tony Sloman, Director, Passion and Purpose                 · Urgent wills
                                                                              · Essential clauses and will structure
                                                                              · Common pitfalls and how to avoid them
                                                                                                                                    IN 2022 BY
                                                                              · Family provision considerations                      POPULAR
    MONDAY, 21 FEBRUARY 2022 $155                                            · Dealing with digital assets                          DEMAND!
    12.00PM - 1.00PMWEB222N02B                                               · Estate and non-estate assets
                                                                              · Wills in anticipation of marriage and divorce
Chair: Katie Innes, Director, Bradley Allen Love Lawyers;
                                                                              · Wills for blended families and vulnerable beneficiaries
Accredited Specialist in Business Law
                                                                              · Drafting issues around particular gifts and testamentary trusts
     Practical Legal Ethics                                                   · Your legal professional responsibilities
· Recent interesting disciplinary decisions of the tribunals & courts          	Presented by Josephine Pignataro, Solicitor, Josephine Pignataro;
· Learn from the lessons arising and the key takeaways                           Accredited Specialist in Wills and Estates Law; Recommended Wills &
    	Presented by Jennifer Shaw, Partner, Bartier Perry; Panel Member,          Estates Litigation Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2020; Adjunct Lecturer, College of
      Law Society of NSW Professional Conduct Advisory Panel,                    Law. Marie Brownell, National Manager Estate Planning, Equity Trustees;
      and Katherine Ruschen, Partner, Bartier Perry                              Accredited Specialist in Wills and Estates Law; Lecturer, University of
                                                                                 Western Sydney; Lecturer, College of Law

    TUESDAY, 1 MARCH 2022 $155
    12.00PM - 1.00PMWEB223N02C
                                                                              Testimonials from Josephine and
Chair: Katie Innes, Director, Bradley Allen Love Lawyers;                     Marie’s Prior Will Drafting Workshops:
Accredited Specialist in Business Law

     Practice Management and Business Skills                                                   One of the best of its type of
· Understand Personal Prioritisation: learn how to prioritise all your                          seminars I have attended
· Time boxing: learn how to effectively manage emails; create space
  for the most important activities; limit time spent on distractions                                 Insightful, practical
· Reminder flags: step-by-step method to setting up reminder flags                                      drafting advice
  that actually work
· Monthly Matter Milestones: learn about the importance
                                                                                                        Very clear and
  of a monthly matter milestone list and how to avoid common
  mistakes to give you visibility of deadlines                                                        very detailed paper
· Daily Book: simple techniques to identify & prioritise work
  in a few minutes every day
    	Presented by Therese Linton, Founder and Principal, Basalt Group

    3      ATTEND AND EARN                                                      8    ATTEND AND EARN
           1 CPD unit in Professional Skills                                        4 CPD units in Legal Knowledge
           1 CPD unit in Practical Legal Ethics                                     3 CPD units in Professional Skills
           1 CPD unit in Practice Management & Business Skills                      1C PD units in Practical Legal Ethics                                3
THE FCFCOA REGIME:                                                                EMPLOYMENT LAW
INSIGHTS FROM THE                                                                 WORKSHOP: THE BASICS
COURT                                                                            FOR ALL LAWYERS
THURSDAY, 17 FEBRUARY 2022                                        $405           THURSDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2022                                     $490
1.00PM TO 4.15PM                                             WEB222N11           8.00AM TO 12.15PM                                         WEB222N05

 Take the opportunity to hear directly from the FCFCOA on how                      What happens when a client asks you an employment law
 the regime is operating. Hear from Senior Judicial Registrars                     question and it’s not your area of specialty? This all new
 and the Court Children’s Service about the Court’s expectations,                  program will be your guide. Exclusively designed for lawyers not
 where they see common mistakes and misinterpretations by                          specialising in the workplace space, take the time to attend this
 practitioners. Explore how new case management pathways                           important webinar that addresses key employment law issues
 have been received, how FDR Court Conferences have been                           such as post-employment restraints, redundancies, disciplinary
 operating and implementation of the new Court Lists.                              matters, conducting effective investigations, and discrimination.

Chair: Maurice Edwards, Special Counsel, Rafton Family Lawyers;                   Chair: Adrian Barwick, Solicitor Director, WilliamsonBarwick;
Accredited Specialist in Family Law; Nationally Accredited Mediator               Accredited Specialist in Employment & industrial Law
and Accredited Arbitrator
                                                                                                  HIRING AND FIRING FUNDAMENTALS
New Case Management Pathway and Practice Directions:
Review 7 months on
                                                                                  Post-Employment Restraints
· Focusing on offers, compliance with the rules and pre-action
                                                                                  · What are they and why use them
                                                                                  · Drafting effective restraint terms in commercial and
· What is different?
                                                                                    employment contracts
· How is it been approached
                                                                                  · Proceedings for enforcement
· Interim Hearings: expectations, insights and common mistakes
                                                                                  · Restraints in jurisdictions outside NSW and internationally
 	Presented by Senior Judicial Registrar Andrea Evans, Executive Director -
                                                                                   	Presented by Dominic Russell, Special Counsel, Coleman Greig
   National Registrar Operations, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

                                                                                  The Meaning of Redundancy and How to Make a Role Redundant
FDR Court Conferences: How Are They Operating?
                                                                                  · What constitutes a genuine redundancy
· What are the differences?
                                                                                  · An employer’s obligation to consult
· How will the courts be approaching these new mediations – FDR
                                                                                  · Exceptions to the obligation to pay redundancy
· What documents do you need to file?
                                                                                  · Calculating redundancy and termination entitlements
· What are the expectations?
                                                                                  · Risks arising from a disingenuous or procedurally
· Internal dispute resolution in parenting and financial matters
                                                                                    flawed redundancy
  - Offers for parenting matters: tips and taps
  - Settling and striking a deal for financial matters                             	Presented by Dean Tolkin, Consulting Principal, Keypoint Law
· Examine how the Registrar/Court Child Expert partnership operates
   and brings value to the process                                                  UNDERSTANDING THE ESSENTIALS OF WORKPLACE DISPUTES
 	Presented by Senior Judicial Registrar Anne-Marie Rice, Executive
   Director – Dispute Resolution, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
                                                                                  Managing Grievances and Conducting Effective Investigations
   and Clare Swetenham, Director (Vic/Tas) - Court Children’s Service             · Receiving a complaint
                                                                                  · Investigation principles
Role of the Court Child Expert                                                    · Investigations best practice
 	Presented by Janet Carmichael, Executive Director –                            · What happens if it goes wrong?
   Court Children’s Service                                                        	Presented by Alina Kaye, Partner, The Workplace Employment Lawyers

New Specialist Lists and Other New Court Initiatives                              Performance Matters and Disciplinary Actions
· National Contravention list: non-compliance with financial and                  · Managing work performance, targets and hours
  parenting orders                                                                · Performance management: best practice
· COVID- 19 List                                                                  · Navigating the obstacles during counselling
· Lighthouse Project
                                                                                   	Presented by Nick Chadwick, Principal, Chadwick Workplace Law
 	Presented by Senior Judicial Registrar Brett McGrath, Federal Circuit and
   Family Court of Australia                                                      Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment
                                                                                  · What workplaces will be exposed to liability for bullying?
                                                                                  · Process for handling a complaint
                                                                                  · When will an employer be liable for an employee’s conduct?
                                                                                  · What damages might be awarded or negotiated?
                                                                                   	Presented by Alex Grayson, Principal Lawyer, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers
                     ANNUAL CPD
                     Only $960 for 10 CPD points
                     (or $672 with the Early Bird Offer)                                           ALL NEW PROGRAM
                     Sign up today!                                                                For Non-Employment Lawyers
                                                                                                   and Those New to Employment Law

    3   ATTEND AND EARN                                                             4    ATTEND AND EARN
        3 CPD units in Professional Skills                                               4 CPD units in Legal Knowledge

WATER SYMPOSIUM: SPOTLIGHT ON                                                                                                13TH
FRIDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 2022                                                                                                                        $770
8.00AM TO 4.15PM                                                                                                                           WEB222N01

 The law, science, economics, indigenous knowledge and the environment, come together to create and implement reforms in the
 management of water. Gain an update on current prosecutions of non-compliant participants and indigenous water knowledge. Learn
 about stakeholder response to the reforms and gain insights into the health of the Murray Darling Basin, the future at a re-imagined
 National Water Initiative and the politics of water.

Water Allocation, Compliance and Enforcement                                  Connection Not Conflict: Moving Towards a Sustainable Future
Chair: Professor Rosemary Lyster, Director, Australian Centre for             · Moving from a ‘war’ over water policy to a ‘win-win’ outcome
Environmental Law                                                             · The role of modified eco-systems to support the environment
                                                                              · Irrigated agriculture as part of the solution for healthy rivers
                                                                              · Innovative projects that demonstrate co-beneficial private land & water use
                              OPENING ADDRESS
                                                                               	Presented by Claire Miller, CEO, NSW Irrigators’ Council
 Strengthening Compliance and Enforcement
   	Presented by The Hon. Troy Grant, Interim Inspector-General of Water     Water, Science and the Law
                                                                              Chair: Ballanda Sack, Special Counsel, Beatty Legal
Compliance, Enforcement and Prosecution for Unlawful Water
Take in NSW
                                                                                                        INSIGHTS FROM THE PANEL
· Update on NRAR regulatory priorities
· Outline of recent compliance campaigns and monitoring                        Q & A with the Experts
· Outcomes in recent NRAR Court cases                                          Facilitator: Ballanda Sack, Special Counsel, Beatty Legal
 	Presented by Kirsty Ruddock, Director Water Enforcement Taskforce,           	Panellists:
   Natural Resources Access Regulator, Department of Planning, Industry           Richard Beasley SC, 9 Wentworth Chambers,
   and Environment                                                                Professor Richard Kingsford, Professor of Environmental
                                                                                  Science, Director of Centre for Ecosystem Science, School of
Transforming the Water Story                                                      Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New
· Challenging settler-colonial water narratives                                   South Wales, Emma Carmody, Managing Lawyer - Freshwater,
· Speaking as Country                                                             Environmental Defenders Office
· Embedding First Nations knowledge and management systems
                                                                                Professional Skills
 	Presented by Grant Rigney, Chair, Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous
   Nations MLDRN                                                              The Health of the Rivers of the Murray Darling Basin
                                                                              · Ecological health of floodplains
                                                                              · Management accountability for delivering environmental water
                                PANEL ANALYSIS
                                                                              · Measuring changes in rivers
 Commonwealth and NSW Regulators: Putting the Pieces of the                    	Presented by Professor Richard Kingsford
 Regulation Puzzle in the Right Place
 Facilitator: Professor Rosemary Lyster, Director, Australian Centre          Re-imagining the National Water Initiative (NWI)
 for Environmental Law                                                        · Over allocation and unsustainable water management across
  	Panellists:                                                                 different Australian jurisdictions
    The Hon. Troy Grant, Inspector-General of Water Compliance,               · Analyse the impact of water markets on Indigenous water
    Grant Barnes Chief Regulatory Officer, Natural Resources                    dispossession in the Murray-Darling Basin
    Access Regulator                                                          · Evaluate the Productivity Commission recommendations made in
                                                                                2021 regarding the next generation of the NWI
Industry Perspective                                                          · Achieving sustainable water management and water justice
Chair: Ilona Millar, Partner, Baker McKenzie                                   	Presented by Emma Carmody,

Law, Society and Water: The Role of Local Government in
                                                                                                            CLOSING ADDRESS
National Reform
· Defining ‘Basin Governments’                                                 What to Do With a Problem like NSW? Water Law Reform in the
· Legitimising diverse water uses for a sustainable future for rural and       Lead up to 2023
  regional Australia                                                           · What can Parliament do when the Government is a bad
· Policy frameworks to create aligned benefits across all jurisdictions          faith actor?
· The future of water sharing in Australia                                     · Where to with Floodplain Harvesting reforms?
 	Presented by Emma Bradbury CEO, Murray Darling Association                  · How will water shape a pre-election year
                                                                                 	Presented by Justin Field MLC, Independent Member,
                                                                                   NSW Legislative Council

Endorsed by

       6 CPD units in Legal Knowledge
       1 CPD unit in Professional Skills
NDIS LAW                                          2ND                             DEFINED BENEFITS
CONFERENCE                                                                       SUPER AND TAX
WEDNESDAY, 23 FEBRUARY 2022                                      $770            FRIDAY, 25 FEBRUARY 2022                                       $405
8.00AM TO 4.15PM                                            WEB222N03            1.00PM TO 4.15PM                                          WEB222N08

 Examine the strategies you should have in place to ensure you                     Gain a new found clarity and depth of knowledge on how
 are not caught out and can assist your clients. Learn from the                    to deal with SMSF splitting. Examine how to value and
 latest cases, understand assessing capacity and restrictive                       treat defined benefits superannuation funds and the tax
 practices, discover steps for self-advocating at the AAT and                      consequences of 3rd party loans, trusts and company when
 analyse appropriate business structures for NDIS providers.                       divorcing a spouse from a company or a trust. This must attend
                                                                                   advanced intensive will provide you with a new level of insight
                                                                                   on these significant and complex issues.
                                                                                  Chair: Susan Pearson, Partner, Pearson Emerson; Accredited
 8.00AM - 12.15PM                       WEB222N03A                       $490    Specialist in Family Law; Collaborative Lawyer; Preeminent, Family &
                                                                                  Divorce Lawyer and Family Lawyer (High-Value & Complex Property
Chair: Kim Boettcher, Barrister, Frederick Jordan Chambers                        Matters), Doyle’s Guide 2021

Assessing Capacity of a Participant                                               SMSFs: What are the Latest Issues? An Update
 	Presented by Asheetha Jelliffe, Partner, Bridges Lawyers; Accredited           · Valuation and SMSF splits
   Specialist in Wills & Estates Law                                              · Third parties in the SMSF and the new six member rule
                                                                                  · The SIS obligations under Part 7A
Restrictive Practices: Law and Case Update                                        · Designing the splitting order and Bulow’s case
 	Presented by Rodney Lewis, Senior Solicitor, Elderlaw Legal Services           · Splitting orders in a falling market
                                                                                  · Taxation issues:
    Professional Skills                                                             - CGT rollover relief
Step-by-Step Guide to Running a Review at the Administrative                        - Low rate threshold and superannuation agreements
Appeals Tribunal                                                                    - Transfer balance caps
 	Presented by Fiona Meagher, Deputy President and Division Head                   - Non-compliance penalties
   for the National Disability Insurance Scheme Division, Administrative          · Death and super in a settlement
   Appeals Tribunal
                                                                                   	Presented by Stephen Bourke, Director, SuperSplitting; Accredited
                                                                                     Specialist in Superannuation; Accredited Specialist, Self-Managed
Service Agreements: Entering into a Contract with DSPs
                                                                                     Superannuation Fund Association; author, Super Splitting for Family
and Unfair Contract Terms
                                                                                     Lawyers, Certus Law
 	Presented by Martin Koshy, Partner, Tang Law
                                                                                  Valuation and Treatment of Defined Benefit Superannuation Funds
 SESSION 2: LEGAL ISSUES IMPACTING DISABILITY                                     · Understanding Defined Benefit Super and how it is valued
 SERVICE PROVIDERS                                                                · Public sector vs public offer superannuation funds
                                                                                  · How can they be treated in proceedings?
 1.00PM - 4.15PM                        WEB222N03B                    $405       · Case example: dealing with Military Super
                                                                                  · Recent cases
Chair: Andrea De-Smidt, Senior Solicitor, Queensland Advocacy                      	Presented by Peter Crump, BDO Adelaide, Financial Adviser and Actuary
                                                                                  Dealing with the Tax Consequences of 3rd Party Loans, Trusts and
Self-Advocacy through the NDIS Process: Initial Access, Internal                  Company in a Family Law Split: Refresher, Traps and Case Studies
Reviews and AAT Appeals
                                                                                  · Taking assets out of a family company or trust, managing the
 	Presented by Amanda Brickwood, Manager Advocacy, Disability Advocacy
                                                                                    income tax, CGT, GST and duty aspects to ensure the best outcome
   NSW and Kylie Hyde, Senior Disability Law Solicitor, Mid North Coast
                                                                                    for clients
   Legal Centre
                                                                                  · How Division 7A can lead to nasty tax consequences and how these
                                                                                    consequences can be avoided
    Professional Skills
                                                                                  · Alternative asset splits where trusts and companies are involved
NDIS Support Coordinators: Service Agreements, Third Parties
                                                                                  · Dealing with 3rd party loans where an entity is to be transferred to
and NDIA
                                                                                    one spouse and the tax consequences of such dealings
 	Presented by Deborah Frith, CEO, My Voice
                                                                                  · Case studies: How you might manage the tax consequences in
NDIS Compliance Obligations and Regulatory Powers of the                            certain circumstances
NDIS Commission                                                                   · Drafting orders: what tax consequences to consider
 	Presented by Kai Sinor, Senior Solicitor, Terri Janke and Company and           	Presented by Dung Lam, Principal, West Garbutt; Chartered Tax Adviser,
   former Assistant Director of Compliance, NDIS                                     Accredited Specialist in Taxation Law

Business Structures for NDIS Providers: Sole Trader or Proprietary
Limited Company? The Risks and Rewards
 	Presented by Clifford Hughes CTA, Principal, Clifford Hughes & Associates;
   Accredited Specialist in Taxation Law, Business Law & Wills and Estates Law,
   SMSF Specialist Adviser

    7     ATTEND AND EARN                                                           3    ATTEND AND EARN
          5.5 CPD units in Legal Knowledge                                               3 CPD units in Legal Knowledge
          1.5 CPD units in Professional Skills
& BUSINESS VALUATION                                                           FINANCIAL SERVICES
WORKSHOP                                                                      IN 2022
1, 15, 29 MARCH 2022                                             $405         1, 8, 15, 22, 29 MARCH 2022                                    $590
12.00PM TO 1.00PM                                           WEB223N30         12.00PM TO 1.00PM                                         WEB223N60

    The ability to understand financial statements & the mechanics              Stay at the cutting edge of the financial services sector with a
    of a business valuation is an essential skill for lawyers that you          timely series covering the critical legal & commercial issues you
    can’t ignore. By the time a large pile of financial documents is            need to be across in 2022.
    dropped on your desk or a client asks for advice on a business
    valuation, it’s already too late to get up to speed. This in-              Chair: Andrea Beatty, Partner, Piper Alderman
    depth, practical workshop is your chance to develop these
    indispensable skills now with a master practitioner who will                WHAT 2022 LOOKS LIKE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES
    share all the information, strategies and insights you need.
                                                                                TUESDAY, 1 MARCH 2022                                           $155
                                                                                12.00PM - 1.00PM                                         WEB223N60A
In a competitive market lawyers with astute skills in understanding the
ins and outs of financial statements and the inner workings of business        · Hayne recommendations, upcoming reforms, industry codes
valuations will be in higher demand as these skills cannot be overlooked.      · Patterns emerging in disputes, enforcement and the economy
With this 3-part workshop you will hone these skills so you can:                	Presented by Ian Lockhart, Partner, MinterEllison and Steven Klimt,
     UNDERSTAND the essentials of forensic accounting and tax                     Partner, Clayton Utz

     CONSIDER the key considerations of different business structures
     and entities                                                               BREACH REPORTING: LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE
     ANALYSE financial statements, balance sheets, tax returns, profit         FIRST 6 MONTHS
     & loss statements & more
                                                                                TUESDAY, 8 MARCH 2022                                           $155
     NAVIGATE the business valuation process from beginning to end              12.00PM - 1.00PM                                          WEB223N60B

                                                                               Analyse how the regime is playing out in practice, the implications,
    ACCOUNTING BASICS: AN INTRODUCTION TO TAX AND                              and how to minimise risk going forward.
    ACCOUNTING                                                                  	Presented by Craig Hine, Special Counsel and Jason Shailer,
                                                                                  Special Counsel, Clayton Utz
    TUESDAY, 1 MARCH 2022                                         $155
    12.00PM - 1.00PM                                       WEB223N30A
                                                                                RG 271 INTERNAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION UPDATE FROM AFCA
· Cash versus accruals
· The balance sheet and profit and loss statements explained                    TUESDAY, 15 MARCH 2022                                          $155
  & their relationship                                                          12.00PM - 1.00PM                                         WEB223N60C
· Double entry bookkeeping
· Goods and services tax; income tax                                           · Background to regulatory change
                                                                               · Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) landscape at AFCA
                                                                                	Presented by Diana Ennis, Executive General Manager – Operations, AFCA
                                                                                TREASURY REVIEW OF THE AUSTRALIAN PAYMENTS
    TUESDAY, 15 MARCH 2022                                        $155         SYSTEM
    12.00PM - 1.00PM                                        WEB223N30B
                                                                                TUESDAY, 22 MARCH 2022                                          $155
·    Entities: a focus on structure and purpose                                 12.00PM - 1.00PM                                         WEB223N60D
·    Constitutions, trust deeds and shareholder/partnership agreements
·    Financial reports explained and common types of financial records         · Key developments since the Final Report & the impact on the sector
·    Identifying irregularities in financial reports                           · Domestic payments; international payment challenges & FUD
·    The valuation process and valuation approaches                            · The gap post NPP and CDR; CDBC influence
·    When are valuations required? What is value? What is being valued?         	Presented by Nikesh Lalchandani, Chartered Banker, Innovations
                                                                                  Accelerated, Michael Bacina, Partner and Joshua Annese,
    VALUATION OF A BUSINESS: KEY PROCESSES & ISSUES                               Partner, Piper Alderman

    TUESDAY, 29 MARCH 2022                                        $155
                                                                                FINANCIAL HARDSHIP PRACTICES & EMERGING ISSUES
    12.00PM - 1.00PM                                       WEB223N30C
                                                                                TUESDAY, 29 MARCH 2022                                          $155
·    What is a business worth?                                                  12.00PM - 1.00PM                                          WEB223N60E
·    The valuation process and approaches
·    Total intangibles, personal and residual goodwill                         · The latest statistics on financial hardship assistance
·    Capitalisation of future maintainable earnings                            · Update on the latest regulatory changes and developments
·    Issues in valuation                                                       · Where things stand & guidance for navigating the area going forward
    	Presented by Lauren Cusack, Founder and Director, Cusack Forensics and    	Presented by Fiona Landis, Executive Director, Policy, Australian Banking
      Business Valuation                                                          Association, Karl Turner, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director,
                                                                                  Policy and Risk Management, Australian Financial Industry Association and
                                                                                  Karen Cox, CEO, Financial Rights Legal Centre

    3     ATTEND THE FULL SERIES AND EARN                                        5    ATTEND THE FULL SERIES AND EARN
          3 CPD units in Professional Skills                                          5 CPD units in Legal Knowledge

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:                                                         GOVERNMENT LITIGATION:
COMMERCIALISING IP &                                                           PREPARATION &
LICENSING                                                                     MANAGEMENT 
WEDNESDAY, 2 MARCH 2022                                            $490       WEDNESDAY, 2 MARCH 2022                                           $405
9.00PM TO 1.15PM                                                 223Q02       2.00PM TO 5.15PM                                                223Q01

 Commercialising their IP is really what your clients care about.               Attend and you will come away with a renewed understanding of
 Attend this seminar to decode the issues of commercialising                    the ethical parameters of the Model Government litigant; how to
 IP, including how the unfair contract terms legislative changes                draft and perfect admissible, persuasive, and effective affidavits
 impact on your clients. Deep dive into considerations when                     and witness statements; and how to meet your obligations in
 conducting IP due diligence & negotiating an international                     producing documents by government departments. Spend an
 patent license. Uncover the traps of business structuring on IP &              afternoon with this exceptional panel and take away with you all
 how to commercialise a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform.                  important practical insights, tips and traps for those working in
                                                                                the public sector.

Chair: Ben Coogan, Partner, Thomson Geer; Deputy Chair,                        Chair: Moira Tucker, Director, Advice & Litigation, In-house Legal,
Technology and IP Law Committee, QLS; Best Lawyers 2022,                       Department of Resources
IP, Entertainment Law, IT, ADR, Defamation & Media Law
                                                                                 Professional Skills
Unfair Contract Terms in an IP Context Examined                                Affidavit Drafting and Taking Statements:
· How is the unfair contract terms regime relevant in an IP context?           Guidance for Government Lawyers
· What consequences/penalties apply?                                           · Admissible, persuasive, & effective witness statements & affidavits
· How to mitigate the risk of unfair contract terms                            · Ethical considerations
 	Presented by James Cameron, Special Counsel, Corrs Chambers                 · Perfecting your drafting style
   Westgarth; Best Lawyers 2022, Life Sciences Practice, Biotechnology         · Managing practical issues for government deponents
   Law; Recommended IP Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2021                               	Presented by Katherine McGree, Barrister, Murray Gleeson Chambers

IP Commercialisation: Key Issues                                                 Professional Skills
· IP and business structuring; The pitfalls of joint ownership
                                                                               To Produce or Not to Produce: What are Your Obligations?
· Special considerations for exclusive licences;
                                                                               · Production of documents by government departments by court &
   Using IP assets as security
                                                                                 statutory orders
 	Presented by Cameron Gascoyne, Partner, Clayton Utz; Best Lawyers           · Reasons not to produce: privilege, cabinet in confidence, privacy
   2022, Intellectual Property Law, Information Technology Law; Leading        · Duty of confidentiality vs legal professional privilege
   TMT Lawyer & Recommended IP Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2021                      · Government departments & agency communications
How to Negotiate an International Patent License                                	Presented by Ian Bloemendal, Partner, Clayton Utz; Leading Commercial
                                                                                  Litigation & Dispute Resolution Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2021
· International issues and differences; Choice
  of law and dispute resolution
                                                                                 Practical Legal Ethics
· Royalty clauses and term of the license
· Enforcement of the patents; Risk mitigation                                  Model Litigant Guidelines Refresher
                                                                               · Duties of government legal representatives
 	Presented by John Swinson, Professor - School of Law, The University of
                                                                               · Practical effect of model litigant principles
   Queensland; Best Lawyers 2022, Intellectual Property Law, Commercial Law,
                                                                               · Consequences if principles are infringed
   Information Technology Law, Biotechnology Law, Telecommunications Law
                                                                               · Case examples and ethical considerations
Commercialising Software as a Service (SaaS) Platforms                          	Presented by Patrina Clohessy, Deputy Crown Solicitor and Chief Counsel
· Cloud based platform vs traditional on premise software                         Constitutional and Advocacy Branch for Crown Solicitor, Crown Law
· How SaaS is ‘licensed’; platform commercialisation models
· IP ownership and negotiation strategies for platform contracts
 	Presented by Bill Singleton, Partner, HWL Ebsworth; Best Lawyers 2022,
   Commercial Law; Recommended TMT Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2020

IP Due Diligence Issues                                                                                ANNUAL CPD
· The Checklist and due diligence considerations                                                       SUBSCRIPTION!
   with respect to personal information
· Common problems and how to fix them
                                                                                                       Only $960 for 10 CPD points
· How do you adequately transfer title to business
                                                                                                       (or $672 with the Early Bird Offer)
   IP when purchasing business assets?                                                                 Sign up today!
 	Presented by Katrina Chambers, Special Counsel,
   Thomson Geer; Best Lawyers 2022


    4   ATTEND AND EARN                                                          3     ATTEND AND EARN
        4 CPD units in Legal Knowledge                                                 1 CPD unit in Practical Legal Ethics
                                                                                       2 CPD units in Professional Skills
WEDNESDAY, 2 MARCH 2022                                                                                                                          $770
9.00AM TO 5.15PM                                                                                                                              223Q03

 Gain the information, strategies & tools needed to navigate the many legal and commercial realities that have been pushed to the limits
 over the past 2 pandemic years. Obtain in-depth guidance on the latest in preliminary agreements, ethics, negotiation, online contracting
 & IP clauses. Gain effective techniques when dealing with unfair contracts, risk allocation, insurance & indemnities, and dispute resolution.

 AND KEY CONTRACT TERMS                                                       CLAUSES
 9.00AM - 1.15PM                      223Q03A                        $490    2.00PM - 5.15PM                     223Q03B                       $405

Chair: Dr Adrian McCullagh, Principal, ODMOB Lawyers                         Chair: Petrina Macpherson, Special Counsel, MinterEllison

Starting on the Right Foot: Drafting Preliminary Agreements                  Contract Law Recent Case Update
· Strategies for when and why to enter into preliminary agreements           · Key hotspots and emerging trends
  - When: partially concluded transactions; many industries/sectors          · Recent and upcoming decisions to have on your radar
  - Why: time pressures; risk management; business planning                  · Lessons learned: minimising the risk of disputes & prevailing
· What are the risks & when should preliminary agreements be avoided?          when a dispute does arise
· Different types of preliminary agreements                                   	Presented by Robert Quirk, Barrister, Bay Street and Higgins Chambers
· Drafting guide: checklist of tips to elevate your preliminary
  agreement drafting                                                         Unfair Contracts Alert: Recent & Upcoming Reforms
                                                                             & the Latest Cases
 	Presented by David Pearce, Partner and Allie Flack, Senior Associate,
                                                                             · The impact of the genesis of unfair contracts legislation
                                                                               in unconscionability
  Practical Legal Ethics                                                     · The legal development of unfair contracts law and
Contract Negotiation, Management & Practical Legal Ethics                      where it currently stands
                                                                             · Key takeaways and updates of the latest legislative reforms
· Ethical considerations in drafting, tendering & negotiation
                                                                             · Practical analysis and implications of the latest unfair contract cases
· Interface of legal ethics and contracting parties' obligations
· Communications with other parties & issues with sophisticated clients       	Presented by Sally Armitage, Barrister, Inns of Court
· Issues in operational phases; cross-jurisdictional considerations
· Legal ethics in contractual disputes                                       The Interplay of Contractual Warranties, Insurance,
                                                                             Indemnities & Limitation of Liability
 	Presented by Colin Harris, Partner, HWL Ebsworth
                                                                             · Strategies & drafting tips to utilise each of these
                                                                               tools to minimise risks
Implied Terms: How do They Arise and how do You Prove Them?
                                                                             · Insurance: navigating insurance obligations in contracts
· Categories of implied terms in fact and law
                                                                             · Indemnities: utilising the different types & their benefits and
· Duty of co-operation and reasonableness
· Is there a universal contractual duty of good faith?
                                                                             · Limiting liability: an examination of limitation of liabilities
· Exclusion of implied terms
                                                                             · Examples and lessons from the case law
· Update on the recent cases
                                                                              	Presented by Dane Jones, Barrister, Alfred Lutwyche Chambers
 	Presented by Joseph Manner, Barrister, Level 18 Chambers
                                                                             Contract Disputes and Dispute Resolution Clauses
Essential Contracts & Contract Terms for e-Commerce & Online
                                                                             · Selecting the appropriate dispute resolution method
Business Ventures
                                                                             · Drafting an effective dispute resolution clause
· Internet and e-commerce: critical law, business and policy issues
                                                                               - Should you always have one?
· E-contracts: checklist of key contracts and contract terms for online
                                                                               - Should dispute resolution be mandatory?
  business ventures
                                                                               - The effect and enforceability of dispute resolution clauses
· Business terms and conditions (customer-facing agreements)
                                                                               - Example clauses & strategies for your contracts
· Signatures and authentication
                                                                               - Challenging dispute resolution clauses:
· Privacy policies, confidentiality issues, & website terms of use
                                                                                 common errors & weaknesses to attack
· Liability issues; online dispute resolution
                                                                              	Presented by Brett Heath, In-house Advocate, Carter Newell Lawyers
 	Presented by Dr Anne Fitzgerald, Barrister, QLD Bar

IP Clauses in Contracts: Getting it Right and How it can go Wrong
· Common mistakes in IP clauses in commercial contracts
· Rules of ownership; navigating join IP ownership
· Assignment of IP; express or implied licence of IP
· Enforcement concerns; liability considerations
· Confidentiality vs privacy
 	Presented by Dr Dimitrios Eliades, Barrister, The Room

        6 CPD units in Legal Knowledge
        1 CPD unit in Practical Legal Ethics
                                                                                     POPULAR PROGRAMS FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS
THURSDAY, 3 MARCH 2022                                                                                                                                   $770
7.30AM TO 6.30PM                                                                                                                                      223Q04

 It’s been a busy year so we’ve included 11 timely topics in a range of areas of law for our 15th Annual 10 Points in One Day program in
 Brisbane. Come and see why this unique program is always highly anticipated. Attend the full day and complete your CPD for the year in
 one go or just register for the sessions that interest you. Attend in person, online or watch the on-demand recording at your convenience &
 claim all your points.

                                                                                       Practical Legal Ethics
 SESSION 1: FAMILY LAW AND WILLS AND ESTATES                                        Legal Ethics and Lessons from the Latest Cases of Misconduct
 7.30AM - 10.30AM                      223Q04A                      $405           · The intersection of legal ethics and legislation
                                                                                    · Where are lawyers getting themselves into
Chair: Neil McGregor, Barrister, Brisbane Chambers                                    trouble: study on recent cases
                                                                                    · Emerging trends; appeals
Latest Updates in Wills and Estates                                                   	Presented by Jens Streit, Barrister, 11 Quay Chambers
· Informal Wills; statutory wills
· Establishing a de facto relationship                                                 Professional Skills
· Offers to settle and costs                                                        Maintaining Privilege when Briefing Experts
 	Presented by Anand Shah, Barrister, Brisbane Chambers                            · Overview of privilege when briefing experts
                                                                                    · Maintaining privilege when communicating with experts
Family Provision Claims                                                             · What to do; What not to do
· Time limits & the old chestnut ‘family farm’ scenario                               	Presented by Sean Reidy, Barrister, Chambers at 32
· Standing to bring a family provision claim
  - Spouse, including de-facto; child; dependant
· Necessity for de-factos to also prove living                                        SESSION 3: PROPERTY, COMMERCIAL AND
  together for 2 unbroken years                                                       EMPLOYMENT LAW IN 2022
· Costs update in family provision cases
                                                                                      2.15PM - 6.30PM                    223Q04C                        $490
 	Presented by David Topp, Barrister, Bank of New South Wales Chambers
                                                                                    Chair: Angela Laylee, Barrister, 15 Inns Court
Recent Family Law Cases
Join a leading family law barrister as he takes you through recent                  Property Law Update: Latest Issues & Disputes
cases in respect of parenting, property matters and costs.                          Presented by Leone Costigan, Executive Counsel, Herbert Smith Freehills
 	Presented by Guy Waterman, Barrister, Brisbane Chambers
                                                                                    Misleading & Deceptive Conduct Claims
Practicing in the New Family Court                                                  · Maximising prospects of a successful trial or settlement
· The new Court: What’s really changed?                                               in misleading & deceptive conduct litigation
· Practice directions and pre-action procedures:                                    · What to be aware of in particularising a claim
  what you need to know                                                             · Common errors in identifying the misleading conduct
· Review of the new court processes and specialised lists                           · The role of reliance in misleading and deceptive conduct claims
· Cost orders against practitioners: Are you at risk?
                                                                                      	Presented by Joseph Manner, Barrister, Level 18 Chambers
 	Presented by Genevieve Dee, Partner, Lander & Rogers
                                                                                    Employment Law: Employee vs Contractor
                                                                                    · A look at the High Court’s approach to determining the difference
 SESSION 2: CPD MANDATORY CORE AREAS FOR ALL                                          between an independent contractor and an employee
 LAWYERS                                                                            · A look at the impact of the Rossato decision on the
                                                                                      way we view casual employees in the workplace
 10.45AM - 1.45PM                      223Q04B                      $405
                                                                                    · An examination of how the High Court has changed
                                                                                      the approach to contracting of employees
Chair: Karen Carmody, Barrister, Win Paten Chambers
                                                                                      	Presented by Mitch Rawlings, Barrister, Griffith Chambers
  Practice Management & Business Skills
Digital Forensics in Disputes: The New Normal                                       Mediation in Business Disputes
· The rapid adoption of collaboration tools & cloud                                 · How to engage with the directors/shareholders/
  storage across corporate Australia                                                  partners at an early stage
· Remote investigations; custodians at home                                         · Processes required to engage an appropriate
· Mobile device investigation trends                                                  mediator and to prepare for the mediation
· Security, governance, and privacy of investigation data                           · Addressing the emotional and other non-
· Electronic discovery and review                                                     financial aspects of the dispute
                                                                                    · Review of the alternatives to the mediation process
 	Presented by Christopher Hatfield, Managing Director, FTI Consulting
                                                                                      	Presented by Derek Cronin, Partner, Cronin Miller Litigation

        7 units in Legal Knowledge                               1 unit in Practice Management & Business Skills
        1 unit in Practical Legal Ethics                         1 unit in Professional Skills
‘HOW TO’ SKILLS                                                           UNITS FOR ALL LAWYERS
FOR LITIGATORS                                                           3 MARCH 2022
THURSDAY, 3 MARCH 2022                                            $490   THURSDAY, 3 MARCH 2022                                            $405
8.00AM TO 12.15PM                                            WEB223N06   1.00PM TO 4.15PM                                             WEB223N07

 Join an impressive panel including the Registrar in Equity and            It’s no secret that being a successful lawyer takes more than just
 Corporations Registrar, Supreme Court and walk away with                  knowing the law. Learn from industry experts and practitioners
 practical insights on key skills for litigators. Everything you need      about some of the best practices that can make or break a
 is here: upskill yourself on pre-trial procedures and evidence            career or practice. From managing valuable, profitable client
 management in your matters, examine how to work best with                 relationships and raising your profile, to negotiating the best
 barristers for success and gain winning techniques to succeed in          deal and managing conflicts of interests, this seminar is crucial
 your interlocutory applications. Plus learn how to best manage            to setting you up for success now and for the years to come.
 your file to optimise costs in your favour.

Chair: Linda Clarke, Barrister, Second Floor Wentworth Chambers           Chair: Aileen Challinor, Principal Lawyer, Pivotal Lawyers

                                                                            Practice Management & Business Skills
                                OPENING ADDRESS
                                                                          Selling to a Friend: How to Maintain Great Client Relationships
 Leonie Walton, Registrar in Equity and Corporations Registrar,           that Create Real Value
 Supreme Court of New South Wales                                         · The key to managing valuable, profitable client
                                                                            relationships: knowing how and when to sell
  Professional skills                                                     · Overcoming hurdles: why lawyers are afraid of sales and
Pre-Trial Procedures and Evidence Management: Tips and Traps                what to do about it
· Evidence gathering preservation: What can be done pre-trial?            · The 5 keys to effectively influencing client relationships
· Issuing and resisting subpoenas                                         · Articulating value: how to define your personal brand
· Powerful allies: notices to admit facts and documents                     and share your message without being salesey
· Use of pleading tables and chronologies in case preparation             · Purposeful pitching: how to build a sales process that attracts
· Expert evidence: briefing and protecting                                  and retains clients
 	Presented by Bede Haines, Partner and Sam                               	Presented by Sam Burrett, Client Relationship Manager, Clayton
   Darwish, Solicitor, Holding Redlich                                       Utz; Podcast Host & Content Creator, The Leading Lawyer
                                                                             Project; Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Legal Innovation
  Professional Skills
                                                                            Professional Skills
Working with Barristers to Achieve Success
· Understanding a barrister’s role as an advocate                         Negotiating the Best Deal: Observations and Lessons
  and the importance of the art of persuasion                             from the Trenches
· When to involve counsel and how to brief them                           As a mediator, Steve Lancken has had the ‘best seat in the
  to promote strong and efficient advocacy                                house’ to observe lawyers negotiate for the past 22 years.
· Preparing the brief: what to include and what to discuss                Lawyers share with mediators their strategies and tactics.
· Trial preparation: adding value through                                 Steve will share with you his unique observations (and many
  investigation, planning and support                                     stories) from thousands of mediations, including:
                                                                          · How to set the scene and what works pre-negotiation: creating
 	Presented by Florence Mitchell, Partner, FM Legal;
                                                                            a ‘position’ for the negotiation, not the case for the Court
   Accredited Specialist in Commercial Litigation
                                                                          · Strategies for working with the other lawyer
  Professional Skills
                                                                            (even when they are ‘wrong’)
                                                                          · Concessions: making the most of a thoughtful and
Dealing with Interlocutory Applications
                                                                            well-timed acceptance
· Understanding the common types of interlocutory applications
                                                                          · It is the war you want to win, not the battle! Separating
· Preparing and analysing applications and supporting materials             being right from getting what your client wants
· Understanding what’s admissible, relevant, persuasive and effective     · What to do if they won’t compromise?
 	Presented by Karen Ingram, Partner and Roxana                          · The power of walking away: how and when to use it
   Carrion, Special Counsel, Clayton Utz
                                                                           	Presented by Steve Lancken, Managing Director,
                                                                             Negocio Resolutions; Mediator
  Practice Management & Business Skills
Managing Files to Optimise Costs and Other Issues                           Practical Legal Ethics
· Costs agreements and billing                                            Dealing with Conflicts of Interest
· Solicitor/client costs: complying with all requirements                 · Legal and commercial conflicts: What is a conflict?
  and the consequences of non-compliance
                                                                          · Can I ever act against a former client?
· Best practices and common mistakes
                                                                          · Lessons from key cases featuring conflicts of interest
· Cost compliance issues in multi-jurisdictional practices
                                                                           	Presented by Angela Djukanovic, Barrister, Chalfont Chambers
· Crash course in costing: costs orders and
  an overview of costs assessments
 	Presented by Charles Ackroyd, Principal, Pattison Hardman

  4     ATTEND AND EARN                                                     3     ATTEND AND EARN
        1 CPD unit in Practice Management & Business Skills                       1 CPD unit in Practice Management & Business Skills
        3 CPD units in Professional Skills                                        1 CPD unit in Professional Skills
                                                                                  1 CPD unit in Practical Legal Ethics                          11
INTELLECTUAL                                                                DIRECTOR &
PROPERTY                                      10TH                          OFFICER RISKS                                 15TH
                                             ANNUAL                                                                      ANNUAL
SYMPOSIUM 2022                                                             & LIABILITIES
TUESDAY, 8 MARCH 2022                                              $770    TUESDAY, 8 MARCH 2022                                          $490
8.00AM TO 4.15PM                                              WEB223N13    8.00AM TO 12.15PM                                         WEB223N55

 Gain insights to the latest on trademarks proceedings, informal             The risk profile for liability & litigation against directors, officers,
 copyright licenses and brand jamming. Brush up on deciphering               in-house counsel is rapidly changing. Stay on top of the latest
 a patent specification, uncover strategies for protecting                   trends in health & safety prosecutions & emerging cyber security
 indigenous knowledge, and then delve into inventorship and                  liabilities. Consider increasingly significant climate change risks.
 ownership of patents.                                                       Examine direct personal liability for directors, insurance risks &
                                                                             disclosures. Finally, put it all into practice with a session offering
                                                                             key strategies to balance modern legal and commercial risks.

                                                                            Chair: John Edstein, Chair, Macquarie Investment Management
 SESSION 1: TRADE MARKS, PATENTS & COPYRIGHT UPDATE                         Limited; Director, Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited;
 8.00AM - 12.15PM                     WEB223N13A                    $490   Director & Counsel, Walsh Bay Partners Pty Ltd; former Partner,
                                                                            King & Wood Mallesons

Chair: Paula Adamson, Deputy Director General Customer Services             Directors and Officers: Recent Trends in Health &
Division, Commissioner of Patents, Registrar of Designs, Trade Marks        Safety Prosecutions
and Plant Breeders Rights, IP Australia                                     · Investigation approach of regulators
                                                                            · Typical questions asked of directors and officers
Trade Marks: The Role of Reputation in Prosecutions, Oppositions
                                                                            · Recent prosecutions of directors and officers
and Infringement Proceedings
                                                                            · Focus on procurement
 	Presented by Shauna Ross, Barrister, Nigel Bowen Chambers
                                                                             	Presented by Katherine Morris, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright
Update on Inventorship and Ownership of Patents
                                                                            Cyber security and Incident Response
 	Presented by Angus Lang SC, Tenth Floor, Selborne/Wentworth
                                                                            · Cyber security landscape and key risks to organisations
Deciphering a Patent Specification                                          · Ransomware as an attack of choice: what boards need to know
                                                                            · Regulatory and claims risk updates
 	Presented by Joseph Seisdedos, Director – Patent Attorney, Auctus IP
                                                                             	Presented by Richard Berkahn, John Moran, and Reece Corbett-Wilkins,
Current State of the Law in Relation to Indigenous Cultural and                Partners, Clyde & Co
Intellectual Property
                                                                            Climate Change Risks for Directors & Officers
 	Presented by Marion Heathcote, Principal, Davies Collison Cave
                                                                            · Climate change litigation trends in Australia and internationally
Copyright, IP Licensing and Confidential Information                        · What these litigation trends mean for boards
 	Presented by Alison Jones, Special Counsel, Corrs Chambers Westgarth
                                                                            · Practical measures for dealing with the risks
                                                                             	Presented by Sandy Mak, Partner & Head of Corporate and Julia Green,
                                                                               Special Counsel, Corrs Chambers Westgarth
 1.00PM - 4.15PM                      WEB223N13B                    $405                            INTERACTIVE PANEL DISCUSSION

                                                                             Matt will lead a discussion by a panel of directors and in-house
  Practice Management & Business Skills
                                                                             counsel who will share their experience and insights from balancing
Tips for Building and Enhancing Your Practice as a Trusted IP                legal and commercial considerations in the boardroom.
                                                                               Professional Skills
 	Presented by Odette Gourley, Partner, Corrs Chambers Westgarth
                                                                             Balancing Legal Risk & Commercial Considerations in the
  Practical Legal Ethics                                                     Real World
Attorney Competency and Communication: It’s All About the Client             Examine legal risk and commercial considerations in a number of
 	Presented by Paul Whenman, Partner, FB Rice
                                                                             key spaces including:
                                                                             · Personal director liability: increased direct personal liability
  Professional Skills                                                        · The board as compliance committee: how increased legal risk
New Product Entry: The Process, Protection and Relevant Cases                  and compliance burdens are frustrating modern directors
                                                                             · Smaller listed companies: Is the cost of compliance
 	Presented by Melissa McGrath, Principal Lawyer, Coleman Greig Lawyers
                                                                               encouraging shortcuts?
                                                                             · M&A: how warranty & indemnity insurance is affecting M&A
                                                                               risk discussions
                                                                             · Continuous disclosure: how class action funders and firms are
          WANT MORE IP CONTENT?                                                affecting legal risk discussions in board rooms
                                                                             · Distressed companies: difficulties in attracting directors to join
              SEE THE COMMERCIALISING IP                                       distressed boards
           & LICENSING PROGRAM ON PAGE 8!                                      	Presented by Matt Egerton-Warburton, Partner, Gadens

  7     ATTEND THE FULL DAY AND EARN                                          4    ATTEND AND EARN
        4 CPD units in Legal Knowledge                                             1 CPD unit in Professional Skills
        1 CPD units in Practical Legal Ethics                                     3 CPD units in Legal Knowledge
12      1 CPD units in Practice Management & Business Skills
        1 CPD units in Professional Skills
CPD COMPULSORY UNITS                                                       INTERNATIONAL
FOR ALL LAWYERS -                                                          CONTRACTS, BUSINESS
8 MARCH 2022                                                              DEALS & DISPUTES
TUESDAY, 8 MARCH 2022                                              $405   TUESDAY, 8 MARCH 2022                                            $405
1.00PM TO 4.15PM                                              WEB223N12   1.00PM TO 4.15PM                                            WEB223N14

 Practicing in an increasingly hybrid workplace comes with a unique            Effectively manage risk and ensure you’re across the legal
 set of challenges & risks. Minimise the vulnerabilities of your               issues unique to an international deal with this deep dive into
 systems to protect yourself from cyber attacks. Understand your               cross-border business deals, international contracts, overseas
 ethical & professional responsibilities online & out of hours. Finally,       transactions, jurisdiction, choice of law, dispute resolution,
 learn how to grow & build your brand & profile in a digital world.            arbitration, judgments and enforceability.

Chair: Katherine Hawes, Principal Solicitor, Digital Age Lawyers                DEVELOP essential strategies for completing successful
                                                                                cross border business deals
  Professional Skills
                                                                                PERFECT your contract drafting strategies involving foreign
Protecting Your Firm from Cyber Attacks and                                     entities to minimise risk
How to Respond when Attacked                                                    S TRATEGISE on how to navigate disputes with
· The evidence: cyber attacks against law firms that become claims              cross-jurisdictional parties
· Typical attacks and identifying vulnerabilities                               ANALYSE the best tactics for securing & enforcing judgments
· Implementing your critical cyber incident response plan                       after a dispute arises
 	Presented by Malcolm Heath, Practice Risk Manager,
   Lawcover Insurance Pty Ltd                                                             KEYS TO SUCCESS IN CROSS BORDER DEALS

  Practical Legal Ethics                                                   · Execution strategies and dealing with roadblocks
Navigating Ethical Dilemmas Online and Out of Hours                        · Asset / Share (regulated and unregulated) and hostile /
· Professional conduct online (don’t email the                               friendly deals
  judge, and don’t tweet at them, either)                                  · Cultural issues and regulatory risks
· Professional conduct ‘out of hours’ (When does conduct                   · Sovereign risks, corruption and bribery
  ‘outside’ practice imperil your right to practise?)
· Using the Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules to                                             CONTRACTING STRATEGIES:
  understand (and navigate) ethical dilemmas                                              DOCUMENTING THE DEAL TO MINIMISE RISK
 	Presented by Angus Macinnis, Director of Dispute
   Resolution, StevensVuaran Lawyers                                       · Jurisdiction
                                                                             - Anticipating cross border disputes
  Practice Management & Business Skills                                      - Establishing jurisdiction: over the parties & over the subject matters
Building Your Brand and Profile in a Digital World: An                       - Restraining proceedings: interstate & international cases
Essential Business Development Skill for Lawyers                           · Choice of Governing law
· How to build your brand in a digital world                                 - Do you know what laws may apply? Are there traps in foreign law?
· The importance of writing and content development                          - Can you make an election? What issues require consideration?
· How to highlight your skills and experience to your audience               - Anticipating and dealing with conflict of laws principles
· The benefits of business development and                                 · Securitisation in an international context
  the key to attracting new clients                                        · Dealing with privacy and data issues
 	Presented by Julian Brophy, Director, Perception Partners
                                                                                    NAVIGATING DISPUTES INVOLVING FOREIGN ENTITIES

                                                                           · The dispute resolution clause
                                                                           · Choice of court process and arbitration: advantages and
                                     Gain all                                - Denying jurisdiction; security for costs; money &
                                                                               non‑money judgments
                                     your 3 CPD                              - Suing outside the Foreign Judgments Act 1991 (Cth)
                                     core areas                            · Practical guidance on drafting arbitration clauses & navigating
                                                                              through the process

                                                                                         DEALING WITH JUDGMENTS & ENFORCEMENT

                                                                           ·    Australian recognition of foreign judgments
                                                                           ·    Foreign recognition of Australian judgments
                                                                           ·    registration of judgments: interstate & international
                                                                           ·    Identifying overseas assets
                                                                               	Presented by Dirk Feinauer, Director, Feinauer Commercial Lawyers

                                                                           The session will be run by Dirk Feinauer, a leader in navigating cross-
                                                                           border business dealings, contracts and disputes, with decades of
                                                                           experience spent honing his expertise in this increasingly critical area
                                                                           of practice for Australian businesses and commercial lawyers.

  3     ATTEND AND EARN                                                        3     ATTEND AND EARN
        1 CPD unit in Professional Skills                                            3 CPD units in Legal Knowledge
        1 CPD unit in Practical Legal Ethics
        1 CPD unit in Practice Management & Business Skills                                                                                          13
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