28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School

Page created by Kent Long
28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School
Community Notices


                                                                                                                              28 June 2021

                                                                                                                 Learning Through Play in Trafalgar
                                                                                                Trafalgar Class have been focussing on collaboration and negotiation through
                                                                                                play. We have been practicing having conversations to join in playing with
                                                                                                others and also learning how working together as a team can mean we have
                                                                                                more fun. We have picked up a few new block sets and some old pots and pans
                                                                                                which have been used to make potions, drum sets, and race tracks among
                                                                                                other things. We are always on the hunt for new loose parts to bring into our
                                                                                                play! Trafalgar you are awesome with how much effort you put into your mahi.
                                                                                                Ka pai!
28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School
Principals’ Pen                                                                                  Things to Remember
                                                                                                          Assemblies are on Mondays & Fridays at 9.10am in the hall. As we continue to be in Alert
Tena koutou katoa, Namaste, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia orana, Bula, Guten tag, Hallō, Bonjour,       Level 1 whanau are welcome to come and share in this and enjoy a coffee or tea from 8.40
Ni hao, Hola, Whanau,                                                                                                     until 9.00am as part of our ‘Whanau Cafe’ on Fridays.
Welcome to Week 9 of Term 2. This term has raced away and looking back we have achieved a lot.
Our tamariki have been involved in a wide range of learning and the buzz in the classrooms is exciting
to hear and see. Our Creatives in Schools project concludes at the end of this term and our weekly                                          Terms 2 & 3 2021 Dates:
work with Whaea Katrina and our sculptor Maia will end on July 9th. Every class has enjoyed their
                                                                                                          Friday, 2 July 2021                          - Matariki begins
weekly lessons with them and they have learned new techniques using a range of visual art media
                                                                                                          Friday, 9 July 2021                          - Last Day Term 2
and for the senior classes using ‘Tinkercad’ a 3D design app that has enabled our ākonga to create
                                                                                                                                                         APS School Matariki Celebration -9.10am
their own digital ‘Atua’ .We have some amazing budding graphic designers amongst us!.
                                                                                                                                                       - Students’ Mid Year School Reports distribution
The progress of our work can be viewed on the walls in the hall. There is a lot to see and you are
                                                                                                          Saturday, 10 July 2021                       - Matariki ends
encouraged to come and take time to enjoy it.
                                                                                                          Wednesday, 18July 2021                       - Tennis in schools lessons begin
                                                                                                          Monday, 26 July 2021                         - First Day Term 3
We are currently preparing for our Matariki Celebration in the school hall on Friday 9th July at
                                                                                                          Tuesday, 27 July 2021 5.30pm                 - BOT Meeting
9.10am. We will have time in the hall, sharing our learning, waiata and presenting the weekly and
                                                                                                          Friday 27 August 2021                        - Kahui Ako Teacher Only Day (NO SCHOOL)
termly awards. Following that we will head outside for our lantern parade and then back for soup in
                                                                                                          Sunday, 5 September 2021                     - Fathers Day
the hall. We would love our whanau to come and share in this with us.
                                                                                                          Tuesday, 7 September 2021                    - Winter Tournament Senior School only
                                                                                                          Friday, 1 October 2021                       - Last Day Term 3
On Friday 9th July your child will bring home their mid-year progress report. Teachers are currently
                                                                                                          Monday, 18 October 2021                      - First Day Term 4
finalising these. Assessments that have been carried out throughout this term will be reflected in
                                                                                                          Monday, 18 October - Friday, 22 October 2021 - Nile Tahi & Nile Rua Camp
these reports and they will show where your children are currently achieving. Next term at 3-Way
-Conferences you will be able to discuss these outcomes and plan for the next steps in their learning
journey for this year.                                                                                                                         APS School Uniform
                                                                                                         Reminder to our APS whānau that it is expected your child/ren wear their school uniform to school
Thank you all for your support of our learning and school life so far this year. We are half way
                                                                                                         each day. We are proud of our school and its values and wearing the uniform is a big part of this. We
through our school year already. We begin preparation for our school production next term and
Whaea Mickey is beginning the audition process this term. The musical production is entitled ‘Sweet        are so lucky to have a school uniform that is unique, with is choice of amazing bright colours and
As’ and is set in the year 3021. The children in this story go on a school trip back in time to trace                   people from outside our community are often very complementary of it.
their roots/ whakaapa. They have a BIG adventure ahead of themselves.                                                Please see Deb at the school office if you require a school hoodie or polo shirt.
The Show will be staged in Term 4. There is lots to practise and learn over Term 3.                                                                Hoodies $40 each
Best wishes for a happy end of term break with your tamariki.
                                                                                                                                     (Navy Blue with Pale Blue, Yellow or Red lining)
Ngā mihi nui,                                                                                                                                    Polo Shirts $22 each
                                                                                                                                 (Orange, Pink, Green, Purple, Blue, Yellow & Turquoise)
Sonya                                                                                                                                               Hats $14 each
                                                                                                                                                 Required in Terms 1 & 4
                                                                                                                                          (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow & Purple)
Soft Drink Bottles needed…
To make our Matariki lanterns we are in urgent need                                                                      TSUNAMI DRILL AT AUCKLAND POINT SCHOOL
of plastic soft drink bottles. If you have any of these at
                                                                                                           On Tuesday we had a Tsunami Drill at APS. The entire campus was involved,
home please could we have them as soon as you can
bring them and by Friday this week.                                                                        including the Kindergarten & Young Parents’ School. It is a requirement we
Big thanks.                                                                                               conduct various and regular drills at school so our staff and tamariki are fully
Ho                                                                                                       prepared in the event of an emergency. Parents/Caregivers can be very proud
                                                                                                                of how well our tamariki conducted themselves when they followed
                                                                                                                   instructions to take the walk up to high ground on Maori Hill.
28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School
                                                Drains to Harbour
            Nile Classes and St Vincent 1 are continuing to enjoy their learning about the environment.
            They had their second visit out on Thursday, 24 June to the Brook Wāimarama Sanctuary
            where we were split into three groups that rotated around activities. These activities included
            a bush and bird walk, identifying river creatures, along with checking the clarity, speed and
            temperature and studying and creating our own river maps. The tamariki thoroughly enjoyed
            the day trip with an added highlight of catching lots of eels and koura while learning about this
            amazing ecosystem on our doorstep.

                                                       foam off, leaving the marbled effect behind.
            ‘Creatives’ with the Juniors               We are going to cut one of our nine Matariki
            On Friday, 12 of June we began our stars out of this card.
            learning about Matariki. The Junior
            Classes listened to the version of the
            Matariki Pūrākau by Xoe Hall. Then we
            made marbled paper with Maia using
            shaving cream and food colouring. First
            we mixed the primary colours up using a
            wooden stick, then we pressed a piece of
            card on top to make the colours adhere.
            After that we peeled the card off the foam
            and Maia helped to scrape the shaving

            Impressive Crane works at APS
                                                    Yesterday a crane came to school to lift the shade
                                                    sail framework into place over our pool. This
                                                    summer we will have the choice of swimming with or
                                                    without shade & have shade over some of the pool
                                                    yard too. What a big job to get it into place. The
                                                    crane operator was pretty skilful in getting all the
                                                    steels over Nile Classrooms and into place. Big
                                                    thanks ET Engineering, LiftnShift and Atlas Builders.
28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School
BE YOU. BE GREAT. AWARDS                                                                    BE YOU. BE GREAT. AWARDS
                                     Term 2 Week 7                                                                               Term 2 Week 8

Trafalgar Room                                                                               Trafalgar Room
Hakaraia Hēmi: For growing his confidence in all areas of school life. Tū meke!              Halo van Boxel: For taking her time and producing fantastic writing. Ka pai to mahi Halo!
Jason Qu: For his focus and care with his presentation of his school work. Tino pai!         Sefera Thompson-Vercoe: For showing teamwork and collaboration at Learning Through
                                                                                             Play time. Kia whētu koe.
St. Vincent Tahi Room
Harno Brens: For trying hard at everything and playing nicely with others.                   St. Vincent Tahi Room
                                                                                             Paegan McMahon: For trying really hard and explaining her thinking in Maths.
Alyssa-May Maddock: For being helpful in class and kind to Rosie.
                                                                                             Rosie Riley: For riding the ramp and showing ‘The APS Way’!

St. Vincent Rua Room                                                                         St. Vincent Rua Room
Leonel Bojorquez: For engaging and completing writing tasks using voice typing on a          Dy-mon Valentine: For creating a great piece of writing about his Maitai River experience.
device.                                                                                      Lochlan Yurjevic: For always displaying empathy and being a great friend to others.
Fiaseu Dempsey: For displaying outstanding reading fluency and decoding with NiLukshi
this week.
                                                                                             Nile Tahi Room
                                                                                             Azariah O’Donnell-Carter: For showing responsibility and teamwork at the Brook
Nile Tahi Room
                                                                                             Waimārama Sanctuary trip.
Shayna Freeman: For her commitment and effort when working collaboratively with her
peers. Tino pai rawa atu Shayna! Excellent!                                                  Nivea Peeti: For her confidence in asking good questions and sharing her knowledge on our
Kyle Lumsden: For his positivity and enthusiasm during our field trip to the Maitai River.   trip to the Brook Waimārama Sanctuary.
Koia kei a koe Kyle! You’re awesome!
                                                                                             Nile Rua Room
Nile Rua Room                                                                                Cheyton Makao: For participating in all learning experiences we had at the Brook
Ike-Mari Breet: For her dedication and hard work towards her learning, especially when       Waimarama Sanctuary, both independently and in a team.
completing her Drains to Harbour mahi. Haere tonu! Keep going!                               Khloe Solloway-Sigley: For always showing ‘The APS Way’ inside and outside the classroom.
Etelisa Laban: For alway helping our Kura by taking on responsibilities and always being
willing to help. Ngā mihi nui ki a koe! Huge thanks to you!                                  Fair Play:
                                                                                             Jimmy Johnson: For demonstrating kotahitanga in the playground.
Fair Play:
Fiaseu Dempsey: For going above and beyond in tidying up after our school lunches.           Leading Light:
                                                                                             Jasper Hall: For showing teamwork in our trip to the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary.
Leading Light:
Dy-mon Valentine: For his great cooperation and collaboration skills in Maths.
28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School 28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School 28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School 28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School 28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School 28 June 2021 - Auckland Point School
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