28 30 MAY 2020 www.bathandwest.com - GREAT BRITISH AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT FOOD & DRINK - The Bath & West Showground

Page created by Brett Adams
28 30 MAY 2020 www.bathandwest.com - GREAT BRITISH AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT FOOD & DRINK - The Bath & West Showground

28 - 30 MAY 2020
28 30 MAY 2020 www.bathandwest.com - GREAT BRITISH AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT FOOD & DRINK - The Bath & West Showground
Entries for classes will only be accepted On Line at www.bathandwest.com
           with a closing date of 20 May which will be strictly adhered to.

                                E-tickets and passes will be issued.

Entries in ALL Classes are confined to registered horses and to be ridden by members in
accordance with British Showjumping Rule 77.

No Rider may ride more than two horses per class, with the exception of Classes SJ14 &
SJ15, or at the organiser's discretion.

SJ3 will be limited to the first 12 entries.
SJ8 – SJ11 (Just for Schools) will be limited to 50 Entries (each team member = 1 entry)

                                 In the event of insufficient entries
                              lower prizes may be withheld – Rule 76.6

STABLES:         Limited numbers of stables are available, and it is recommended stables are
                 booked when making entries. Availability cannot be guaranteed if trying to
                 book stables upon arrival.
                 An empty stable does not mean it is available.

HORSE GATE: Closed between 10:00pm and 5:00am unless by prior arrangement.

 JUDGES:                                                        COURSE DESIGNERS:
 Anne Newbery (Chief Judge)                                     Mathew Hoskins (Advanced)
 Gail Baker
 Helen Barber                                                   Assisted by:
 Julia Down                                                     Claire Forgas
 Teresa Tanner                                                  Glen Mac Robert Smith
 Gill Walker                                                    Sarah Whittington
 Suzanne Webb                                                   Kathy Willard

                          STEWARD: Mrs S Trim (Declaration/Results Steward)

28 30 MAY 2020 www.bathandwest.com - GREAT BRITISH AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT FOOD & DRINK - The Bath & West Showground
                         STABLE TYPE                               FEE PER NIGHT
                  Initial straw bedding provided.

                  Stallions 3yrs old and over should be stabled in stallion boxes.

                  Stables available from 5:00pm until 5:00pm the following day.
                  Stables are limited and booked on a first come, first served basis.

                  Normal                                 £45.00

                  Stallion                               £45.00

                         VEHICLE PASS                       DAY TICKETS
                                                                                            TENT PASS
                  Admits horse carrying vehicle                                      Free of Charge.
                  only any day during the Show.       Exhibitors are reminded        Exhibitors sleeping in horse
                                                      to check enough tickets
   All Sections

                  Does NOT admit the driver who                                      boxes do not need this pass
                  must hold a valid day ticket.       will be received for all       which is intended for
                                                      competition days.              motorhomes, or caravan
                  Passengers must hold a day
                                                                                     towing vehicles.
                  ticket.                             Additional tickets can be
                                                                                     Does not admit the driver
                  Additional passes are available     purchased at the
                                                                                     who must hold a day ticket.
                  upon request, for vehicles          reduced exhibitor rate of
                  carrying horses/ponies only         £17.                           Space is limited, and
                  NOT private cars.                                                  requests must be made
                                                                                     direct to the Entries Office
                                                                                     Accommodation vehicles

                                                      3 x tickets – first entry.     without the necessary pass

                  1 x Free of Charge vehicle pass     1 x day ticket for each        will not be permitted into
                  (excludes driver)                   subsequent entry (max          the Horse Vehicle Parking
                                                      total of 8 tickets)            Area but will be directed to
                                                                                     the public car park.
                                                                                     Valid admission tickets will

                                                      2 x tickets per team
 Just for

                                                                                     be required to gain access
                  1 x Free of Charge vehicle pass     member (2 children also        from the public car parks
                  (excludes driver)                   gain access if with a          into the showground.
                                                      ticket holding adult)

28 30 MAY 2020 www.bathandwest.com - GREAT BRITISH AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT FOOD & DRINK - The Bath & West Showground

Thursday 28 May 2020
Class 1 – not before 12:55pm - Accumulator
Rule 274. Table A. Speed 375mpm. Start Height 1.30m. DRAWN ORDER
In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6
The order of starting must be drawn.
This competition takes place over six, eight or 10 obstacles which are progressively more difficult. No combination
obstacles are allowed. The progressive difficulty is not solely due to the height and spread of the obstacles, but also
to the difficulty of the track.
Points are awarded as follows:
One point for obstacle No. 1 cleared, two points for No. 2, three points for No. 3 etc. with total of 21, 36 or 55
No point is awarded for an obstacle knocked down. Faults other than knock-downs are penalised as for Table A and
any of these faults, including time faults, are converted into points and deducted from any jumping points scored.
In the event of equality of points for first place, there will be a jump-off against the clock over a shortened course,
over obstacles that may be increased in height and/or spread. The obstacles in the jump-off must be jumped in the
same order as in the first round and retain their respective points allotted in the first round.
This competition may also take place directly against the clock.
For the last obstacle of the course, an alternative obstacle may be provided, of which one part may be designated
the Joker. The Joker must be more difficult than the alternative obstacle and carry double points. If the Joker is
knocked down, the points must be deducted from the total.
Prizes: 1st: £400.00 and The Nuttall Cup (H43),
        2nd: £350.00, 3rd: £300.00, 4th: £250.00, 5th: £225.00, 6th: £175.00
Entry Fee = £40.00 (Pre-Entry £40.00

Class 2 – not before 1:55pm - National 1.40m Open
Rule 301. Table A7. Speed 375mpm. Start Height 1.40m.
In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6
For registered horses to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members.
Qualifies for: National 1.40m Championship at the British Showjumping National Championships.
Qualifying period: 1st July - 30th June
Numbers to qualify: Two double clears to qualify to the final. Also, any two double clears from any International
Trial or Area Trial or classes 1.40m or above in the qualifying period will qualify for the Final. Double clear
qualifications will not be obtained from one round competitions (e.g. Table A4 or Table A (1 Round))
Prizes: 1st: £600.00, 2nd: £500.00, 3rd: £300.00, 4th: £220.00, 5th: £110.00, 6th: £70.00
Entry Fee = £50.00 (Pre-Entry £50.00)

28 30 MAY 2020 www.bathandwest.com - GREAT BRITISH AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT FOOD & DRINK - The Bath & West Showground

Friday 29 May 2020
Class 3 – not before 11:05am - Jockey Challenge Relay
A show jumper will be teamed with a jockey and horse (pairings to be drawn by the Show).
A course of jumps (1.2m for the show jumper and 1.0m for the jockey) will be jumped as a
relay. The time will be taken from the first member of the team crossing the start and the
last member of the team crossing the finish line. the two fastest teams will jump off over a
shortened course. Show Jumper - registered horses ridden by an Adult, Associate or Junior
Member. Table C with five seconds added per knock down.
Prizes: 1st: £650.00, 2nd: £400.00, 3rd: £300.00, 4th: £150.00                                 Paul Nicholls Racing
Entry Fee = £40.00 (Pre-Entry £40.00)

Class 4 - 1:45pm - 1.30m Open Against the Clock
Rule 306. Table A4. Speed 400mpm. Start Height 1.30m.
In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6
Open to registered horses to be ridden by Adult, Associate and Junior Members.
Qualifies for: The British Showjumping National Championships.
Qualifying period: 1st July-30th June.
Numbers to qualify: Two double clears to qualify to the final. Double clear qualifications will not be obtained from
one round competitions (e.g. Table A4 or Table A (1 Round))
Against the clock. Competitors placed on faults and time.
Prizes: 1st: £600.00 and The Hobley Perpetual Challenge Trophy (H20),
        2nd: £500.00, 3rd: £300.00, 4th: £220.00, 5th: £110.00, 6th: £70.00
Entry Fee = £50.00 (Pre-Entry £50.00)

28 30 MAY 2020 www.bathandwest.com - GREAT BRITISH AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT FOOD & DRINK - The Bath & West Showground

Friday 29 May 2020
Class 5 - 2:45pm - Area Trial
Rule 293. Table A9. Speed 375mpm.
Start Height 1.50m. DRAWN ORDER
In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6
For registered horses in Grades A & B to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior members. This competition may not
be restricted to invited riders or limited to less than 40 entries.
Qualifies for: The Queen Elizabeth II Cup at the Longines Royal International Horse Show.
Numbers to qualify: The top 20 riders on the Area/International Trials points list, for the period 1 April - 30
Points will be awarded to riders placed 6th= or higher in Area Trials on the following scale; riders placed equal will
share equally the total points attributable to the combined placings (for example, four riders placed 4th equal
receive: 8+4+2+0 divided by 4 = 3.5 points each).
1st 64 points
2nd 32 points
3rd 16 points
4th 8 points
5th 4 points
6th 2 points
Points are awarded to each rider as the result of his/her best six results on points in Area Trials held during the
qualifying period. Visiting Members are eligible to compete in Area Trial competitions but will not be awarded
For the purposes only of calculating points, the placings of Visiting Members will be disregarded, and points will be
awarded to the remaining competitors according to their adjusted placings once this has been done.
Rule 290.15 - Pre-Entry Drawn Order
Entries may possibly be accepted before 9.00am providing that the number of entries are less than 60 (with the
exception of County shows). Once entries reach 60 before 9.00am the class will be closed. Any entries taken on the
day must compete first in the drawn order.
Prizes: 1st: £1,000.00, 2nd: £700.00, 3rd: £550.00, 4th: £400.00, 5th: £200.00, 6th: £150.00
Entry Fee = £65.00 (Pre-Entry £65.00)

28 30 MAY 2020 www.bathandwest.com - GREAT BRITISH AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT FOOD & DRINK - The Bath & West Showground

Saturday 30 May 2020
Class 6 – not before 12:00noon - Speed Stakes
Table C. Start Height 1.30m. DRAWN ORDER
In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6
Faults and time faults are not incurred under Table C. Time penalties of four seconds are
incurred for each knock down and for landing in the water or on the tape of the water jump.
First disobedience during the round are not penalised, second disobedience during each
round anywhere on the course incurs elimination.
Prizes: 1st: £500.00, 2nd: £375.00, 3rd: £275.00, 4th: £150.00, 5th: £125.00, 6th: £100.00
Entry Fee = £40.00 (Pre-Entry £40.00)

Class 7 - 1:00pm - Royal Bath & West Grand Prix
Table A9. Speed 375mpm. Start Height 1.45m. DRAWN
For registered horses in Grades: A, B & C. Ridden by Adult, Associate or
Junior Members who will be aged 12 years or over in the current calendar
year. In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule -
Prizes: 1st: £1,500.00, 2nd: £1,000.00, 3rd: £750.00, 4th: £650.00,
                 5th: £350.00, 6th: £250.00
Entry Fee = £70.00 (Pre-Entry £70.00)

    A pair of Fairfax & Favour boots to the winner

28 30 MAY 2020 www.bathandwest.com - GREAT BRITISH AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT FOOD & DRINK - The Bath & West Showground

Thursday 28 May 2020
Open to teams and individuals aged between 5 and 19 years old (the years in
which the rider turns 5 and 19). In case of teams, this class cannot run as a
Two-Phase competition (only Table A7 and Single Phase).
Team and individual points are awarded on the following basis:
1st – 12 points, 2nd- 10 points, 3rd – 8 points, 4th – 6 points, 5th – 4 points,        An individual style prize of a
6th – 3 points. 3 points will be allocated to all those who achieve double clear.        training day with Harriet
For a team to get double clear points at least 3 team members need to be clear             Nuttall, International
in both rounds of a competition. The 3 highest team scores count.                               Showjumper

Qualification period July to June:
Qualifies for British Showjumping National Championships. Numbers to qualify: The top 8 teams and top 10 individuals
from the league tables will qualify in up to two consecutive height categories. Riders can qualify as an individual and as
part of a team. Qualifications will also pass down the leagues with regards to teams and individuals that have already
Qualification period July to January:
Qualifies for Winter Championships. Numbers to qualify: All riders with points on the ‘Just for Schools’ league tables by
the end of January will be invited to compete in the Winter Championship classes.
Please always enter with yours and the horse/pony’s membership number. To ensure you have these details, team and
individual forms need to be filled and sent to British Showjumping before the competition.
British Showjumping Boots / Leg Protection Ruling applies to this class, in accordance with Rule 102.15. Failure to
comply will incur disqualification.

Class 8 & 8a - 9:00am - Schools 70cm League Class
Schools (Single Phase). Speed 300mpm. Start Height 70cm. DRAWN ORDER
Entry Fee = £40.00 (team) Class 8                     £12.00 (individual) Class 8a

Class 9 & 9a – approx. 10:00am - Schools 80cm League Class
Schools (Single Phase). Speed 300mpm. Start Height 80cm. DRAWN ORDER
Entry Fee = £40.00 (team) Class 9                     £12.00 (individual) Class 9a

Class 10 & 10a – approx. 12:00noon - Schools 90cm League Class
Schools (Single Phase). Speed 300mpm. Start Height 90cm. DRAWN ORDER
Entry Fee = £40.00 (team) Class 10                    £12.00 (individual) Class 10a

Class 11 & 11a – approx. 2:00pm - Schools 1.00m League Class
Schools (Single Phase). Speed 300mpm. Start Height 1.00m. DRAWN ORDER
Entry Fee = £40.00 (team) Class 1                     £12.00 (individual) Class 11a


Friday 29 May 2020
Class 12 – not before 9:30am – Lord & Lady Equestrian Senior Newcomers
                          - First Round/1.10m Open
Rule 312. Single Phase. Speed 325mpm. Start Height 1.10m.
First place rosette kindly sponsored by Lord & Lady Equestrian In the event of
30 or more starters the class will be split, and two sets of prize money awarded.
Horses (or ponies in pony competitions) may compete in one section only. In
the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6
(a) For registered horses in Grade C that have not won a total of 375 points. Four double clears will qualify - in
accordance with Rule 312.6
(b) For all horses born on or after 1st January 2014, irrespective of Points. Horses will only be eligible for double clear
qualification to Second Rounds if they reach the age of six years or under in the same calendar year as the Newcomers
Final - in accordance with Rule 312.6.
Four double clears will qualify for the Senior Newcomers Second Rounds. Qualifying period 1st June - 31st May
1.10m Open:
For registered horses ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members.
If combined with an open: In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split with two sets of prize money.
Prizes: 1st: £100.00, 2nd: £75.00, 3rd: £60.00, 4th: £45.00, 5th: £40.00, 6th: £35.00
Entry Fee = £25.00 (Pre-Entry £25.00)

Class 13 - 11:05am – Equitop GLME Senior Foxhunter
                   - First Round/1.20m Open
Rule 310. Single Phase. Speed 350mpm. Start Height 1.20m.
First place rosette kindly sponsored by Equitop GLME In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split and two
sets of prize money awarded. Horses (or ponies in pony competitions) may compete in one section only. In the event of
insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6
Foxhunter section:
(a) For registered horses in Grade C that have not won a total of 700 points. Four double clears will qualify - in
accordance with Rule 310.6
(b) For all registered horses born on or after 1 January 2013, irrespective of points. Horses will be eligible for double
clear qualification to attend second rounds providing they reach the age of seven years or under in the same calendar
year as the Foxhunter Final - in accordance with Rule 310.6 Four double clears will qualify.
Four Double clears will qualify for the Senior Foxhunter Second Rounds. Qualifying period: 1st June-31st May inclusive.
Those horses that have qualified for the Senior Foxhunter Championship in 2019 are not eligible for qualification to the
2020 Championship.
Open section:
For registered horses ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members.
If combined with an open: In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split with two sets of prize money.
Prizes: 1st: £200.00, 2nd: £150.00, 3rd: £125.00, 4th: £100.00, 5th: £75.00, 6th: £50.00
Entry Fee = £30.00 (Pre-Entry £30.00)


Saturday 30 May 2020
Class 14 – 10:00am - National 1.30m Open
Rule 306. Table A7. Single Phase. Speed 375mpm. Start Height 1.30m. DRAWN ORDER
In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6
Open to registered horses to be ridden by Adult, Associate and Junior Members.
Qualifies for: The British Showjumping National Championships.
Qualifying period: 1st July-30th June.
Numbers to qualify: Two double clears to qualify to the final. Double clear qualifications will not be obtained from one
round competitions (e.g. Table A4 or Table A (1 Round))
Rule 290.15 - Pre-Entry Drawn Order
Entries may possibly be accepted before 9.00am providing that the number of entries are less than 60 (with the
exception of County shows). Once entries reach 60 before 9.00am the class will be closed. Any entries taken on the day
must compete first in the drawn order.
Prizes: 1st: £400.00, 2nd: £300.00, 3rd: £200.00, 4th: £150.00, 5th: £100.00, 6th: £75.00
Entry Fee = £40.00 (Pre-Entry £40.00)

Class 15 – 2:00pm - British Horse Feeds Speedi-Beet
     Horse of the Year Show Grade C Championship Qualifier
Rule 305. Table A7. Speed 350mpm. Start Height 1.35m. DRAWN ORDER
Rosettes kindly sponsored by British Horse Feeds Speedi-Beet In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be
withheld. Rule - 76.6
For registered horses in Grade C as at 1 April 2020, to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members.
Qualifies for: British Horse Feeds Speedi-Beet Horse of the Year Show Grade C Championship Final.
Numbers to qualify: Top three horses, disregarding those already qualified.
Qualifying period: April to September.
Rule 290.15 - Pre-Entry Drawn Order
Entries may possibly be accepted before 9.00am providing that the number of entries are less than 60 (with the
exception of County shows). Once entries reach 60 before 9.00am the class will be closed. Any entries taken on the day
must compete first in the drawn order.
Prizes: 1st: £400.00 and The BSJA West of England Grade C Championship Trophy (H44),
        2nd: £300.00, 3rd: £200.00, 4th: £150.00, 5th: £100.00, 6th: £75.00
Entry Fee = £40.00 (Pre-Entry £40.00)

                             These regulations are supplementary to those contained in the current
                       Bath & West Shows Limited Equine Schedule and British Showjumping Regulations.

1.       Entries – on line only.
2.        The Show Jumping competitions will be carried out in accordance with and judged under the rules of
British Showjumping. Owners entering their horses do so entirely at their own risk, and it is a condition of entry
that no liability of any kind attaches itself to British Showjumping, its Committees or Members, or to Bath &
West Shows Limited, its Committees or Members in any respect whatsoever other than the liability for the
refund of entry fees in the event of abandonment of the Competition.
3.      Should classes become over-subscribed, the Society reserves the right to refuse to accept entries
without giving a reason.
5.       Competitors requiring stables on the Showground must make application at the time of entry,
otherwise it will be impossible to guarantee accommodation. The charge for stables is £45.00 (inc. VAT) per
stable per night. Please advise if a Stallion Box is required. Horses having stables booked on the Showground
cannot be guaranteed accommodation until 5pm on the day for which the stable is booked.
         The Show will provide the initial bedding. There will not be additional straw or shavings available and
Exhibitors will be expected to bring their own supply.
6.      Numbers will be issued by the Show Jumping Declaration Steward at the Declaration Office (next to the
Horse Stewards' Office) and must be worn on the back so as to be visible to the public.
7.       Substitutions will only be permitted in accordance with British Showjumping Rule 79.4 (1-6).
8.        The full entry fee must be remitted at the time of entry. Refunds will be made in accordance with
British Showjumping Rule 79.5 (1-7). Stabling fees will not be returned. All refunds will be sent by post after the
9.       Tickets will be allocated on the following basis:
         First Entry                  Lorry Pass (does NOT admit the driver) and 3 x Adult Tickets
         Subsequent Entries           1 additional Adult Ticket (maximum total of 8 tickets)
         School Teams                 Horse Carrying Lorry Pass (does NOT admit the driver) and
                                      2 x Adult tickets per team member (2 children may also gain access
                                      with a ticket holding adult)

         Please ensure competitors have adequate tickets. Additional tickets may be purchased at the time of
         entry at a reduced rate.
10.     Times of Classes are only approximate and are subject to alteration. Please check the final timings on
the show programme which is available at the Horse Stewards Office.
11.      Competitors are required to declare starters at the Declaration Office. Declarations will close ONE
HOUR before the advertised time for the commencement of the Class in the Show Programme. Registration
cards will be required in the case of a substitution.
12.      An order of jumping will be drawn and displayed in the Collecting Ring and in the Horse Stewards'
Office. Any rider missing his/her turn will be eliminated from that competition.

13.      Adequate space with a practice jump will be available to competitors within easy reach of the Collecting
Ring for warming up, but it will be the competitors' own responsibility that he/she does not miss his/her turn in
the Order of Jumping. Practicing in the Main Ring or Ring 2, at any time, is strictly prohibited.
14.     The right is reserved to cancel, add to or amend any of the Competitions, as necessities of the
programme may require and to preliminary judge in the morning or at any other time all or any of the
Competitions if it is considered necessary to do so.
a)      CONTROL OF STALLIONS. British Showjumping Rule 102.13 will be strictly adhered to and British
        Showjumping 82.19 that states that no member of British Showjumping shall "allow a stallion for which
        he/she is responsible as owner, lessee, Authorised Agent, or rider to attend a show, compete or be
        prepared to compete, in any showjumping competition without taking adequate precautions to ensure
        other horses/ponies, competitors and members of the public are not put at risk of injury."
b)      To comply with Health and Safety Executive guidelines the Society has provided horse walks. It is a
        condition of entry that all exhibitors keep within these designated routes; that all reasonable
        precautions are taken to prevent accidents and that guidance is taken from Officials or Stewards at
        crossing points etc.
c)      All exhibitors should read, understand and adhere to the common code or practise for Equine Viral
        Arteritis (EVA) as published by the Horse Race Betting Levy Board.
d)      Exhibitors are responsible for providing their attendants with the necessary equipment to control their
        stock at all times whilst on the Showground. Exhibitors of loose animals may be liable to incur an on-
        the-spot fine of £50 at the discretion of the Stewards.
e)      Protective head gear must be worn at all times whilst mounted on the Showground. It is mandatory for
        all riders to wear a protective headgear, as listed in British Showjumping Rule 101.3.
        Such headgear must be worn with the chin strap correctly and securely fastened at all times whilst
        mounted on the Showground. Hats or helmets requiring covers must be worn with a plain, dark
        coloured silk.
        The Show shall not be liable for any loss including (whether for death or personal injury or for any
        consequential or indirect loss suffered) in relation to the protective helmets worn by riders and in
        particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any failure by riders to wear protective
        helmets to the recommended standard.
f)      The Society and its representatives reserve the right to refuse admittance to any vehicle that is
        considered unclean and a possible risk to Health and Safety.
g)      If you are transporting animals over 65kms you may require an Animal Transporter Authorisation and as
        from January 2008 it is a legal requirement to have a Certificate of Competence for transporting animals
        over 65kms (please check with your local authority).
16.      MOTORBIKES, SCOOTERS AND QUADS. The use of motorbikes, scooters and quads on the Showground,
by exhibitors, is prohibited.

                            New or amended regulations are marked in the margin

By Order of the Show                                                                  Telephone: (01749) 822200
Chief Executive                                                                           www.bathandwest.com
Bath & West Shows Limited
The Showground,
Shepton Mallet BA4 6QN
                                                                       Registered in England & Wales No. 8680261

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