2023 The Year of the Yin Water Rabbit

Page created by Allen Snyder
2023 The Year of the Yin Water Rabbit
2023 – The Year of the Yin Water Rabbit

After the dramatic and often turbulent energy of the Yang Water Tiger in 2022, the Year of the Yin Water Rabbit, also known
as the Black Water Rabbit, promises to bring a gentler energy; a time of healing, of regaining inner balance, of serenity and of
tolerance. It will be a time of taking stock of our goals and making plans for a better future, of focusing on inner alchemy,
creating peace, harmony and balance.

According to Chinese astrology, Water, especially Yin Water, brings sensitivity, instinctive wisdom, lucidity and the
opportunity to really look inwards and learn from past experiences - to have an intuitive reawakening. It will be a year of
refinement, of softening and creating inner and outer peace, of new ways of healing and even a little magic!

However, in its negative form Yin Water energy may lean towards melancholic feelings, anxiety, even a touch of hypocrisy.
This negativity may also occasionally seek to escape difficult or frustrating situations by retreating from reality or abandoning
its natural moral integrity.

The Rabbit's temperament is peaceful, curious and patient. Sensitive, intuitive and adaptable, they are also very often more
than a little psychic. Rabbits, being peacemakers, healers and homebodies, like to face and express their emotions, which
bodes well for our own self-care and wellbeing, as well as for the wider world around us.

Rabbit energy will encourage us to avoid being too impulsive or foolhardy whatever situation we find ourselves in, and to be
altogether kinder, allowing our innate wisdom to come to the fore and for fairness to prevail – Rabbits dislike conflict of any
kind and will go out of their way to diffuse any tricky situations. The Rabbit's gentle, forgiving and tolerant nature will
encourage us to progress smoothly and steadfastly along our own spiritual journey and be tolerant of others who might be
less enlightened - if past challenges or long buried emotions reappear, Rabbit's compassion will support us as we work to
finally resolve and transcend our issues, allowing our health to shine and our compassionate nature to radiate.

However, with their keen perception and usually solid sense of fair play, if Rabbits are faced with danger, intentionally cruel or
unkind people, or situations they are uncomfortable with they can become rather superior, imperious, or impractical.

The overriding energy of Yin Water will support and encourage us as we learn from our past challenges, allowing our inner
wisdom and guidance to steer us. The determined, yet fluid, nature of Water, coupled with the adaptable and creative Rabbit
will enable us to work smarter, not harder, helping us to concentrate on the task in hand, yet allowing time for precious self-
care such as meditation or spiritual practices. As Rabbits are renowned for taking care of, and even attracting money, we may
well also find that finances are a little easier during 2023.

The Yin Water Rabbit energy will encourage togetherness and family, a recognition and an appreciation that we are all,
indeed, connected. 2023 will be a year to welcome the opportunity of healing and rejuvenation of all kinds – personal,
domestic, even global.

As 2024 will be the year of the favourable Wood Dragon, where we will again experience the high energy of expansion,
growth and karmic retribution, 2023 will be the ideal year to rest, to heal and to recharge.

How the Yin Water Rabbit may influence
other Chinese Zodiac Animals
Wood Element Zodiac Animals

                                             An easier year, less intense, happier, more restful with time for
                                             some much needed relaxation. You should be able build on the
                                             successes of 2022, professionally and personally. A natural
                                             leader, this Rabbit year will attract support where you need it
                                             most – you will not be alone. 2023 will be a good year to
                                             launch new projects and plans but make sure that you prepare
                                             properly and avoid cutting corners or you could find that you
                                             need to go back to the beginning and start over.

TIGER                                        February, June, October and November will be particularly
                                             good for you – with Tigers born in 1962 and 1974 being the
Birth years: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962,   luckiest throughout 2023.
1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
                                             The next Tiger year will be in 2034.

The start of your new 12-year cycle, this year, especially, will
                                             empower you to encourage others to share your love of peace,
                                             tranquillity and harmony. You will find many new opportunities
                                             coming your way, whether it be a new home, starting a
                                             business, getting married or starting a family.You are likely to
                                             be successful and happy. As one of the best years in your 12-
                                             year cycle, think big, and forge the path you truly desire.

                                             March, July, October and November will be particularly good
RABBIT                                       for you – with Rabbits born in 1963 and 1975 being
                                             particularly fortunate.
Birth years: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963,
1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023                 The next Rabbit year will be in 2035.

Fire Element Zodiac Animals

                                       Intelligent, cultured, elegant and refined, as a Snake you
                                       resonate with Rabbit’s delicate energy.You will enjoy a year of
                                       creativity, beauty, even indulgence. 2023 will be a time for you
                                       to find contentment and relaxation both in the home and in
                                       your social sphere. You can be assured of good times ahead.

                                       January, April, May and September will be your best months,
                                       with Snakes born in 1953 and 1965 being the most fortunate
                                       this year.
                                       The next Snake year will be in 2025.
Birth years: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953,
1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

2022 was likely to have been a good year for you, highlighting
                                       what needed to be cleared away, therefore 2023 will be the
                                       year to consolidate and carve out the path you truly want to
                                       be on. Business and personal endeavours will flourish. Aim to
                                       make deeper, more meaningful relationships, rather than the
                                       sometimes superficial friendships that Horses are inclined to

                                       February, June, July and October will be particularly good for
HORSE                                  you, with Horses born in 1942, 2002, 1954 and 2014 being
                                       the most fortunate.
Birth years: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954,
1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014           The next Horse year will be in 2026.

Earth Element Zodiac Animals

                                      Gentle and solid, you appreciate peace and harmony in all of
                                      your connections, so the Rabbit energy of 2023 will be very
                                      welcome; soothing and calming any relationships that need a
                                      little TLC. Both your health and your life should improve as the
                                      year progresses and you face fewer of the obstacles you
                                      experienced in 2022.

                                      January, May, September and December will be your best
                                      months with Ox born in 1973 and 1985 being particularly
OX/BUFFALO                            fortunate.

Birth years: 1913, 1925, 1937,1949,   The next Ox year will be in 2033.
1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

With few problems to contend with during 2023, you will find
                                 peace and harmony after the trials of 2022 and the turbulent
                                 Tiger energy. This peace will bring good fortune and stability
                                 to your life, allowing you to enjoy good friends, social
                                 situations and most of all, calm. Make the most of the relaxed
                                 and serene energy of this year and good care of your health as
                                 you prepare for the start of your next 12-year cycle which
                                 begins in 2024.

DRAGON                           April, August, September and December will be especially
                                 good for you with Dragons born in 1952 and 1964 being the
Birth years: 1928, 1940, 1952,   luckiest during 2023.
1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
                                 The next Dragon year will be in 2024.

As highly compatible bedfellows, the Rabbit year will be
                                       especially fortunate for you – in fact it is likely to be one of the
                                       best years of your 12-year cycle. Focus on self-care and
                                       healing, making sure that you don’t succumb to melancholy
                                       during the Winter. You may be inspired to launch a new
                                       project or business, or plan a major life move such as marriage
                                       or children.

                                       March, June, July and November will be your best months but
GOAT/RAM/SHEEP                         take care in Winter. Goats born in 1943, 2003, 1955 and
                                       2015 will be particularly fortunate in 2023.
Birth years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955,
1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015           The next Goat year will be in 2027.

Expect a year of ease and contentment when you can heal
                                       and rest. Rabbit’s peaceful influence could encourage you to
                                       settle down, to move into a new home or into a new
                                       relationship. You may have had opportunities during 2022
                                       that you weren’t able to act upon, so now will be the ideal time
                                       so that you can keep a low profile during the 2024 Dragon

                                       February, March, June and October will be your best months,
DOG                                    with Dogs born in 1982, 1934 and 1994 being the most
Birth years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970,
1982, 1994, 2006, 2018                 The next Dog year will be in 2030.

Metal Element Zodiac Animals

                                       Your diplomatic efforts and teamwork will be rewarded under
                                       the guidance of Rabbit, although you need to make sure that
                                       your rather direct approach doesn’t cause you to become
                                       frustrated with Rabbit’s gentle, daydreamer energy. Be careful
                                       not to engage in teasing or banter that might cause offence as
                                       the heightened sensitivity of the year may cause you to be

                                       January, April, May and September will be the best months for
ROOSTER                                you with Roosters born in 1933, 1993, 1945 and 2005
                                       experiencing the most luck.
Birth years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957,
1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017           The next Rooster year will be in 2029.

A very good year! You will be supported as you regroup after
                                       the trials and tribulation of the Tiger year. Rabbit energy will
                                       bring a harmonious influence on your life, helping you to
                                       succeed, particularly in the business world. Take care, though,
                                       that your bold Monkey energy doesn’t overwhelm the gentle
                                       Rabbit or you could lose support just when you need it.

                                       April, May, August and December are your best months
                                       during 2023 with Monkeys born in 2004, 1992 and 1944
MONKEY                                 being the most fortunate.

Birth years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956,   The next Monkey year will be in 2028.
1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Water Element Zodiac Animals

                                       Analytical, insightful and clever, you are a natural planner so
                                       Rabbit’s intuitive and emotional energy may baffle you,
                                       causing you to criticise others less decisive or direct than you.
                                       Keep your cool, stick to your plans and lay the groundwork for
                                       an extremely lucky year in 2024 when you may launch a
                                       business or embark on a significant project.

                                       January, April, August and December are most favourable for
                                       you, with Rats born in 1972 and 1984 being the most
RAT                                    fortunate.

Birth years: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948,   The next Rat year will be in 2032.
1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Extremely compatible with the Rabbit, you can expect a calm,
                                      peaceful and fulfilling year. A good year to move home,
                                      express your creative side, and socialise. Naturally kind-
                                      hearted and generous you will enjoy much well deserved
                                      appreciation by others this coming year.

                                      February, March, July and November will be your most
                                      favourable months with Pigs born in 1983, 1935 and 1995
                                      being the most fortunate.
                                      The next Pig year will be in 2031.
Birth years of the Pig: 1935, 1947,
1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Chinese Zodiac Animal Characteristics
Characteristics of the Tiger:
Wood Element Zodiac Animals                  Generally rather dynamic, impulsive, even reckless on occasion,
                                             powerful Tigers rarely sit still, preferring to be on the move, seeking
                                             challenges and using their sharp senses and energetic disposition to
                                             forge ahead and mark their territory. With a strong will, Tigers will
                                             rarely change their mind once made up and don't believe in regrets -
                                             they exude confidence and authority and are adept at gaining the
                                             trust of others. Very often a character of extremes, Tigers are usually
                                             either too loud, too talkative or too opinionated - or they remain
                                             silent, mysterious, even a little inscrutable. Born leaders, due to their
                                             natural charm and charisma, Tigers are tenacious in their endeavours
                                             and even if their projects fail they will bounce back undeterred.
TIGER                                        Tigers can be tender, even sentimental and emotional, but can also
                                             anger easily which may impact their Liver health. Interestingly, a
                                             Tiger's might will often shield a soft, vulnerable, even misunderstood
Birth years: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962,   side and they thrive with understanding and love.
1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
                                             As a Tiger your two best friends are the Dog and Horse and your
                                             enemy is the Monkey.
Characteristics of the Rabbit:
                                             Characteristics of the Rabbit:
                                             Usually soft, tender and refined, Rabbits are intuitive, sensitive and
                                             even psychic. Mild mannered generally, they are quickly roused if
                                             they sense injustice, pain or cruelty in the world around them, feeling
                                             this very deeply. They will always seek to right any wrong, restoring
                                             harmony and balance. Rabbits have a strong sense of responsibility
                                             and are natural people pleasers although their innate honesty can
                                             occasionally come across as a touch arrogant. Although they
                                             sometimes appear to be nervous or hesitant, this natural caution is a
                                             strength, allowing them to weigh up a situation, find the truth within
                                             it, and act appropriately so that they can maintain a peaceful
                                             existence. Rabbits are sentimental, they can wear their hearts on
                                             their sleeves which can occasionally cause issues such as insomnia
                                             or depression. They would be well advised to care for the emotional
Birth years: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963,   aspect of their heart health.
1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
                                             As a Rabbit your two best friends are the Pig and Goat and your
                                             enemy is the Rooster.

Characteristics of the Snake:

Fire Element Zodiac Animals
                                       Often with a bit of a bad press, Snakes, rather than being sly,
                                       insidious or cruel, can be extremely wise, well-organised and witty,
                                       rarely becoming angry and always thinking carefully before acting.
                                       Others usually feel very comfortable and relaxed talking to a Snake
                                       personality due to their calm yet humorous disposition. However, if a
                                       Snake senses a weakness in themselves they will go to great
                                       lengths to hide this from others, meaning that they have few real
                                       friends. Although sometimes they can seem a little languid, even
                                       lazy, often they are in the thinking phase of a project and once they
                                       start, they will find the most efficient ways to get things done. A
                                       Snake's element is Fire, relating to the Heart in the physical body, so
SNAKE                                  Heart issues such as palpitations, arrhythmia or insomnia are not
                                       uncommon. With a natural inclination towards irregular sleeping
Birth years: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953,   patterns, they would be well advised to stick to a set bedtime
1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013           routine.

                                       As a Snake your two best friends are the Rooster and the Ox and
                                       your enemy is the Pig.

Characteristics of the Horse:

                                       Typical of a Fire element, Horses can be boisterous, enthusiastic and
                                       positive. Cheerful and straightforward, Horses love to engage with
                                       people and usually have plenty of friends. Their open, warm-hearted
                                       nature can make them the life and soul of the party, which they love.
                                       However, if they find that attention is drawn away from them,
                                       Horses can become bored and a little petulant. Always frank and
                                       straightforward, you know where you stand with a Horse and they
                                       will do all that they can to support and encourage their friends. With
                                       a great deal of vitality and drive, and not a little stubbornness,
                                       Horses will never give in or give up easily but will occasionally
                                       succumb to their inherent need to run free and be independent,
                                       which can sometimes come across as bolting from a difficult
                                       situation. With the Horse's fiery nature symptoms such as thirst,
Birth years: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954,   constipation or a racing pulse could be an issue. If so, yin-nourishing
1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014           foods such as honey, dates and black beans are recommended.

                                       As a Horse your two best friends are the Dog and the Tiger and your
                                       enemy is the Rat.

Characteristics of the Ox/Buffalo:

                                      Rather conservative and traditional in nature, the Ox is the typical
Earth Element Zodiac Animals
                                      gentle giant - solid, dependable and stoic, always keen to do
                                      things the right way. With their inherent sense of routine,
                                      organisation and determination an Ox will rarely let you down,
                                      taking their responsibilities very seriously. However, Oxen do like
                                      to be appreciated for their hard work and conscientious
                                      behaviour and can become upset or a little moody if they are
                                      ignored, or worse, laughed at. Their straightforward nature simply
                                      doesn't understand this and it can cause them to become
                                      introverted and suffer from irrational fears. Surprisingly sensitive
                                      and tender, the Ox is peace loving and patient, striving always to
                                      treat everyone equally. However their innate stiffness and rigidity
OX/BUFFALO                            can sometimes come across as stubbornness or an inability to be
                                      flexible. Generally the Ox will have a good, strong constitution,
Birth years: 1913, 1925, 1937,1949,   however if their desire for unhealthy food choices gets the better
1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021    of them they may develop Spleen or Stomach issues, so a light
                                      diet including plenty of fresh, seasonal fruits, vegetables and fish
                                      is ideal.

                                      As an Ox your two best friends are the Rooster and the Snake
                                      and your enemy is the Goat.
Characteristics of the Dragon:

                                 The Dragon, the only mythical animal in the Chinese Zodiac, really is
                                 a larger than life character, bright and bold with a seemingly endless
                                 supply of enthusiasm. Dragons are auspicious creatures, symbols of
                                 good luck and considered to be noble and mysterious. Often having
                                 a powerful and compelling demeanour, Dragons inspire confidence,
                                 even adoration, and make excellent leaders. However, they really do
                                 breathe fire, so anger a Dragon at your peril! Dragons love to seek
                                 out new things, new experience, even new friends but often their
                                 fickle and erratic nature means that they can tire of them quickly.
DRAGON                           Quick tempered, Dragons should ensure they don't let their temper
                                 flare up and cause stomach issues. Easily digested foods, light,
                                 seasonal and organic will be the most beneficial for their systems.
Birth years: 1928, 1940, 1952,
1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012     As a Dragon your two best friends are the Monkey and the Rat and
                                 your enemy is the Dog.

Characteristics of the Goat/Ram Sheep:

                                       Goats, although often appearing meek and obedient, are actually
                                       strongly independent and resilient. Of all the zodiac animals, Goats
                                       are the most likely to be content living in the moment and enjoying
                                       the life they have - neither dwelling on the past nor worrying about
                                       the future. Peaceful, gentle and friendly, Goats like to mix with other
                                       people, relaxing and enjoying life; their curious nature always
                                       seeking new experiences. However, occasionally their accepting
                                       nature can turn to pessimism. Eating is extremely important to
                                       Goats, they eat when they are happy and they eat when they are
                                       sad but they do not, generally, eat at regular times – which can
                                       impact their health. They are also rather sensitive to changes in the
                                       weather and susceptible to colds so are strongly advised to care for
Birth years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955,   their immune systems.
1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
                                       As a Goat your two best friends are the Pig and the Rabbit and your
                                       enemy is the Ox.

Characteristics of the Dog:

                                       Always eager to please, Dogs are the friendliest of the Chinese
                                       Zodiac animals - loyal, affectionate and kind with a good sense of
                                       humour. Hard working and honest, Dogs love being useful and
                                       are usually very tolerant of others. They like to be given a job to
                                       do but if left to their own devices may run a little wild. They are
                                       deeply faithful; however they can sometimes develop a bit of a
                                       victim mindset, feeling put upon or taken for granted, and if this
                                       happens they may appear cold or aloof – a bit “hang-dog”. Dogs,
                                       although immensely energetic, are susceptible to fatigue which
                                       may result in blood or immunity issues, so plenty of sleep would
DOG                                    be recommended as well as making time for a nap during the
Birth years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970,
                                       As a Dog your two best friends are the Horse and the Tiger and
1982, 1994, 2006, 2018                 your enemy is the Dragon.

Characteristics of the Rooster:

Metal Element Zodiac Animals
                                       Confident, intelligent, and always ready to be noticed, Roosters take
                                       pride in themselves - their appearance, their capacity for learning,
                                       their ability to communicate. With outgoing and easy personalities,
                                       Roosters are entertaining, friendly and great storytellers - although
                                       often their stories are about themselves and their achievements!
                                       Despite this seemingly outgoing, even eccentric personality,
                                       Roosters are actually far more sensitive and insecure than people
                                       realise and can be deeply wounded by criticism. Roosters are deep
                                       thinkers, they love to learn new things, master new skills and will
                                       usually excel at anything they turn their hand to. The Rooster's
ROOSTER                                meticulous attitude towards work can sometimes lead to burn-out,
                                       low immunity or poor digestion so they would be well advised to
                                       make time for quiet contemplation, to just be and allow their nervous
Birth years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957,   system to relax.
1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
                                       As a Rooster your two best friends are the Ox and the Snake and
                                       your enemy is the Rabbit.

Characteristics of the Monkey:

                                       Inquisitive, bright and competitive, Monkeys are usually very clever -
                                       though not always wise! Their sharp wit and energetic demeanour
                                       make them engaging leaders but their daring, even hair-brained
                                       schemes can sometimes leave colleagues baffled or exasperated.
                                       Monkeys are extremely sociable and have a great sense of
                                       community; family and friends are very important to them and
                                       children love their entertaining and mischievous ways. Although
                                       Monkeys will always rise to a challenge, if they lose interest in a
                                       person or sense conflict or failure in a situation they will simply move
MONKEY                                 on without a second thought. The Monkey's high-octane lifestyle
                                       can sometimes cause mental stress, anxiety or gastric issues if they
                                       don't make time for proper rest and a balanced diet.
Birth years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956,
1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016           As a Monkey your two best friends are the Rat and the Dragon and
                                       your enemy is the Tiger.

Characteristics of the Rat:

Water Element Zodiac Animals
                                       Practical, industrious and self-motivated, Rats are cheerful souls
                                       who readily bounce back from any setback, preferring to always look
                                       forwards. Sometimes Rats can be a little misunderstood, even
                                       mistrusted, due to their inclination to put themselves and their needs
                                       first - but this is because they are very family-minded and will do
                                       everything they need to in order to provide and care for their own
                                       clan. With their adaptable and flexible nature the Rat will fit in with
                                       almost everyone and every situation, although they can occasionally
                                       be a little critical of others if problems occur. Rats are very hardy and
                                       usually enjoy good health, however if they do become ill they may
RAT                                    struggle to recover quickly. They would be advised to strengthen
                                       circulation to avoid toxicity and keep their immunity strong.
Birth years: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948,
                                       As a Rat your two best friends are the Monkey and the Dragon and
1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020     your enemy is the Horse.

Characteristics of the Pig/Boar:

                                      Pleasure loving Pigs are clean in their habits, moral in nature and
                                      very diplomatic. Pigs love being at home and their big hearts make
                                      them generous and indulgent hosts, and usually excellent cooks.
                                      However, they can sometimes be a little naive, putting too much
                                      trust in people and getting a little hurt as a result. If this happens
                                      they can become introverted, but this is something that the Pig will
                                      handle well, using the experience as an opportunity for self-
                                      examination so that their inner balance is restored: above all, Pigs
                                      want harmony and peace in their lives. Pigs, being social creatures,
                                      can sometimes find that their dietary habits are extreme so they
                                      should aim to avoid excessive drinking and keep their diet balanced
                                      and seasonal so that they can avoid the respiratory and digestive
Birth years of the Pig: 1935, 1947,   issues that can sometimes plague them.
1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
                                      As a Pig your two best friends are the Goat and the Rabbit and your
                                      enemy is the Snake.

Want to know more?
We will be delighted to support you as you continue along your Yang Sheng
journey. The following will get you started:

‘Yang Sheng: The Art of Chinese Self-Healing’ available on Amazon, Waterstone and www.hayoumethod.com

            Buy Yang Sheng Book

Qigong Healing classes (3 x each week) for a more in-depth and healing practice – full details on www.hayoufit.com

Free Masterclass “Master Your Health” – understand the 3- step plan for preventative health. Find more Qigong
Masterclasses here.

Free self-care weekly content @katiebrindle on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Free regular gua sha demonstrations on @thehayoumethod Instagram & the opportunity to purchase the
accompanying tools from www.hayoumethod.com

Please note that any of these Yang Sheng techniques are designed to support your overall self-care and wellbeing and
should not be used as a substitute for any Western medical advice or treatment that you may be receiving. You should not
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