Page created by Tyrone Harrison


O FFICE OF R EGISTRATION AND R ECORDS : 830‐372‐8040 ● F AX : 830-372-8179

       The information in this schedule is for planning purposes only
        and is subject to change at the discretion of the university.

              1000 W. Court St. ● Seguin, Texas 78155 ● www.tlu.edu
                                       SUMMER 2022
                                  GENERAL INFORMATION

   Class Offerings – TLU offers 3 summer terms, May Term, Summer A, and Summer B. The terms
    begin in May and continue through July. Registration and meeting dates for each term are listed
    below and in the academic calendar. Texas Lutheran University reserves the right to set a
    minimum enrollment for a course to be held. The schedule is subject to change without notice at
    the discretion of the university.

   Tuition– Tuition is $390 per semester hour. There are no student fees. Tuition for
    independent/directed studies and internships is $390 per course.

   Payment ‐ Students who register in April for summer courses will receive a billing statement
    reflecting charges and available financial aid credits for summer terms. For students who
    preregister in April, payment must be made in full for ALL summer terms by May 9th. Students
    who register after May 9th will be required to pay in full for courses on the day they register.

   Registration for Current TLU Students – Currently enrolled TLU students should register for
    summer courses during preregistration, April 4‐8, or during makeup registration, April 27‐28.

   Check‐in/Schedule Confirmation for Current TLU Students – Students in face‐to‐face courses
    must confirm their registration in the Office of Registration & Records on the first day of class of
    each term in which they are registered or they will be assessed a $50 cancellation charge as a
    “no‐show.” Students in online courses will automatically be checked in if tuition has been paid
    for the term. Students enrolled in online courses who decide not to attend must notify the Office
    of Registration & Records prior to the first day of the term. Otherwise, they will be subject to the
    normal tuition refund schedule and grading policies.

   Registration for Transient Students – Students who are currently attending another institution and
    plan to attend TLU only for summer terms should submit a Transient Student Application
    (https://my.tlu.edu/ICS/Public/Registrar.jnz) to the Office of Registration and Records. Payment is
    required at the time of registration.

   Registration for Recent High School Graduates – High School graduates entering the university for
    the first time who are not remaining at TLU for the fall semester must submit an official high school
    transcript and complete a special student application (available on the web at
    https://my.tlu.edu/ICS/Public/Registrar.jnz or in the Registration and Records Office). High school
    graduates who plan to continue at TLU in the fall must have completed the TLU admissions
    process. Payment is required at the time of registration.

   Financial Aid –Students who are interested in taking summer classes should contact Student
    Financial Services to determine summer financial aid eligibility at 830‐372‐8010. In general, only
    student loans are available.
   Housing and Meals – Want to live close to class and not have to worry about driving or fighting for
    a parking spot? Live on campus! An apartment is $200 for a double, and $400 for a single per
    summer term. Come experience campus life over the summer. Housing is in the TLU‐owned south
    apartments and is by application only. For information on the summer housing process, visit the
    Campus Living portal page and click on the Summer Housing link. April 29, 2022 is the priority
    deadline for summer housing applications. Please note, there will be no housing offered after July
    30, 2022. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the Campus Living
    office at campusliving@tlu.edu or by calling (830) 372‐8065.

   Holidays – no holidays for summer 2022.

   Grades – Grades will be available via myTLU at the end of each term. Official transcripts can be
    ordered by visiting the TLU website (www.tlu.edu), clicking on Academics/Registrar, and following
    the Transcript Request link.

   Schedule Changes – See the academic calendar for information on when a student can add a class
    or the last day to drop a class.

   Building Codes ‐ ATT = AT&T Science , BECK = Beck Center , FITC = Fitness Center, JONC = Jones
    Complex, KROS = Krost Science, LNGH = Langner Hall, MOOD = Moody Science, TSCH = Tschoepe
    Hall, WEB = internet course, WST = Weston Center.

   Library Information – The library will be open on a limited basis during the summer terms. The
    library’s homepage can be accessed at http://www.tlu.edu/library. All students must have a valid
    TLU ID card and be enrolled in summer school in order to check items out of the library and access
    online resources from off campus.

   Computer Labs – The computer labs will be open on a limited basis during the summer terms. All
    students must have a valid TLU ID card and be enrolled in summer school in order to use the
    computer labs.

   Independent & Directed Studies, Internships – Only TLU students are eligible to register for a
    directed study or internship. Students must complete all necessary forms with all required
    signatures and turn the forms into the Registration & Records Office at the time of registration.
    Forms are available on the web at https://my.tlu.edu/ICS/Public/Registrar.jnz or in the Office of
    Registration & Records. If the study or internship is off‐campus, students must complete payment
    prior to departing. On‐campus studies/internships must have payment completed by the first day
    of the term for which the student is registered. Tuition for independent/directed studies and
    internships is $390 per course.
                                         SUMMER 2022 SEMESTERS

May Term (May 12–May 25)
Thur‐Fri, May 12‐13 Registration & schedule confirmation, 8:30 a.m.– 4:30p.m.,
                    Office of Registration & Records. Late Registration fee of $25 applies.
Thursday, May 12    First day of class.
Friday, May 13      Last day to register.
Friday, May 20      Last day to drop a May Term class with a “W”.
Wednesday, May 25   Last day of class.

May Term Refund Schedule
Students who drop a class on or before Wednesday, May 11th receive 100% refund of tuition.
Students who drop a class on Thursday, May 12th receive 75% refund of tuition.
Students who drop a class on Friday, May 13th receive 50% refund of tuition.
After May 13th at 5:00pm, there is no refund for dropping a May Term class.

Summer Term A (June 1–June 28)
May 12‐May 27         Students can preregister online for summer classes in April. After preregistration,
                      registration for summer classes is 8:30a.m.– 4:30p.m. in the Registrar’s Office. Payment is
                      due at the time of registration.
May 31‐June 2         Late registration, 8:30a.m.– 4:30p.m., Office of Registration & Records. Late registration
                      fee of $25 applies.
Wednesday, June 1     Classes begin. All students must check‐in to confirm their schedule.
Thursday, June 2      Last day to register or add classes.
Friday, June 17       Last day to drop a Summer Term A class with a “W”.
Tuesday, June 28      Last day of class for Summer Term A.

Summer Term A Refund Schedule
Students who drop a class on or before Tuesday, May 31st, receive 100% refund of tuition.
Students who drop a class June 1st or June 2nd receive a 75% refund of tuition.
Students who drop a class on June 3rd , 6th, or 7th receive a 50% refund of tuition.
After June 7th, there is no refund for dropping a Summer Term A class.

Summer Term B (July 5–July 30)
 May 13‐July 1         Students can preregister online for summer classes in April. After preregistration,
                       registration for summer classes is 8:30a.m.– 4:30p.m. in the Office of Registration &
                       Records. Payment is due at the time of registration.
 Tuesday, July 5       Late registration, 8:30a.m.‐4:30p.m., Office of Registration & Records. Late registration fee
                       of $25 applies.
 Tuesday, July 5       Classes begin. All students must check‐in to confirm their schedule.
 Wednesday, July 6     Last day to register or add classes.
 Thursday, July 21     Last day to drop a Summer Term B class with a “W”.
 Saturday, July 30     Last day of class.

Summer Term B Refund Schedule
Students who drop a class on or before Monday, July 1st, receive 100% refund of tuition.
Students who drop a class July 5th or 6th receive a 75% refund of tuition.
Students who drop a class July 7th, 8th, or 11th receive a 50% refund of tuition.
After July 11th, there is no refund for dropping a Summer Term B class.
Summer Courses 2022

  Course Modes: ASY = online, no meeting times unless otherwise specified; SYN = online with synchronous online meetings at
  scheduled times; F2F = face-to-face in a classroom at scheduled times.

  May Term (May 12-May 25)
     Course                        Title                   Mode       Days        Begin        End       Bldg      Room    Instructor
BIOL 235.01        Principles of Nutrition                 ASY        WEB                                                 Wilson, B
BUSI 373.01-Z      Principles of Management                ASY        WEB                                                 Garza, F
BUSI 377.01-T      Business Finance                                                     cancelled                         Fard, A
BUSI 477.01-Z      International Business & Multinat’l Ops ASY        WEB                                                 Garza, F
COMM 374.01-C      Professional Speaking                   SYN        MTWRF        1:00PM       5:00PM    WEB      SYN    Vrooman, S
COMM 377.01-C      Gender                                  SYN        MTWRF        1:00PM       5:00PM    WEB      SYN    Bollinger, C
ECON 237.01-T      Principles of Economics                                              cancelled                         Birch, M
ECON 374.01-T      Intermediate Microeconomics             ASY        WEB                                                 Birch, M
EDUC 272.01        Classroom Applications of Tech          ASY        WEB                                                 Kubena, D
GEOG 231.01-Z      World Regional Geography                                             cancelled                         Seal, K
KINS-379.01        Motion Analysis                         F2F        MTWRF        8:00AM      12:00PM    KIEF     Lab    Newberry, J
NURS 479.01        Transplant Nursing                      F2F          TW         8:30AM       4:30PM    NURS     201    Salinas, D
                       meets 5/17-5/18 8:30am-4:30pm then online for the remainder of the term
POLS 231.01-T      American Politics I                     ASY        WEB                                                 Braaten, D
PSYC 379.01        Sleeping & Dreaming                     ASY        WEB                                                 Czuchry, M
                       optional (but recommended) synchronous meetings 5/13, 5/17, & 5/24 from 9:00-11:00am
READ 332.01        Foundations of Literacy                 ASY        WEB                                                 Jones, J

  Summer A (June 1-June 28)
     Course                        Title                   Mode       Days        Begin        End       Bldg      Room    Instructor
ATHL 530.01        Athletic Training Concepts              ASY      WEB                                                   Coulombe, B
BIOL 242.01        Microbiology                            F2F      MTWRF          8:00AM      10:00AM     MOOD    203    Jonas, R
BIOL 242L.01       Microbiology Lab                        F2F       T R           1:00PM       4:00PM     MOOD    213    Jonas, R
BIOL 245.01-T      Human Anatomy & Physiology I            ASY      WEB                                                   Wilson, B
BIOL 245L.01       Human A&P Laboratory I                  ASY      WEB                                                   Wilson, B
BUSI 372.01-Z      Advertising & Promo Strategies          ASY      WEB                                                   Briney, A
BUSI 378.01-C      Business Communications                 ASY      WEB                                                   Garza, F
BUSI 486.01-E      Business Ethics                         ASY      WEB                                                   Garza, F
CHEM 147.01-T      Principles of Chemistry                 F2F      MTWRF         10:15AM      12:15PM     MOOD    303    Hefner, J
CHEM 147L.01       Principles of Chemistry Lab             F2F      M W            1:00PM       4:00PM     MOOD    325    Hefner, J
COMM 231.01-T      Intro to Communication & Culture        ASY      WEB                                                   Bisha, R
COMM 236.01-E      Public Relations                        ASY      WEB                                                   Bisha
EDUC 334A.01-E     U.S. Schools                            ASY      WEB                                                   Bleidt
EDUC 373.01-Z      Survey of Special Populations           ASY      WEB                                                   Kubena, D
EDUC 375.01-Z      Teaching ESL in Content Areas           ASY      WEB                                                   Kubena, D
EDUC 573.01        Comparative Curric & Intl Contexts      SYN       T            9:30am       12:00PM      WEB    SYN    Jones, J
EDUC 579.01        Curriculum & Instruction Topics         SYN           R        9:30am       12:00PM      WEB    SYN    Kubena, D
EDUC 582.01        Instr Strat for Students w/Disabilities SYN       T            9:30am       12:00PM      WEB    SYN    Belfi, M
EDUC 589.01        Special Education Topics                SYN           R        9:30am       12:00PM      WEB    SYN    Kubena, D
ENGL 379.01-C      Food Writing                            ASY      WEB                                                   Johnston, P
ISYS 231.01        Intro to Information Systems            ASY      WEB                                                   Hijazi, S
ISYS 232.01-Z      Business Spreadsheet Apps               ASY      WEB                                                   Hijazi, S
KINS 335.01-T      Physiology of Exercise                  ASY      WEB                                                   Short, E
KINS 433.01-T      Measurement & Evaluation                ASY      WEB                                                   Newberry, J
MATH 133.01        College Algebra                                                     cancelled                          Clark, R
MUSI 130.01-C      Music Appreciation                      ASY      WEB                                                   McElhaney, C
NSCI 140.01-T      Science & the Global Environment        ASY      WEB                                                   Bray, A
NSCI 140L.01       Science & the Global Env Lab            ASY      WEB                                                   Bray, A
PHYS 141.01-T      General College Physics I               F2F      MTWRF         10:15AM      12:15PM      ATT    102     Staff
PHYS 141L.01       General College Physics I Lab           F2F      M W            1:00PM       4:00PM      ATT    102     Staff
PSYC-131.01-T      Intro to Psychology                                                 cancelled                          Czuchry, M
                       optional (but recommended) synchronous meetings 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, & 6/23 from 10:30-11:45am
PSYC 234.01-E      Introduction to Social Psychology       ASY      WEB                                                   Czuchry, M
                       optional (but recommended) synchronous meetings 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, & 6/23 from 9:00-10:15am
SISE 333.01-E      Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship   ASY      WEB                                                   Briney, A
SOCI 130.01-T      Introduction to Sociology               ASY      WEB                                                   Daniels, C
SPAN 131.01-Z      Spanish I                               ASY      WEB                                                   Varela, F
THEO 133.01        Introduction to Theology                                            cancelled                          Beck, N
Summer Courses 2022 continued
  The following is a tentative list of course offerings for summer 2022.

  Course Modes: ASY = online, no meeting times unless otherwise specified; SYN = online with synchronous online meetings at
  scheduled times; F2F = face-to-face in a classroom at scheduled times.

  Summer B (July 5-July 30)
Course             Title                                   Mode     Days       Begin       End       Bldg   Room   Instructor
ATHL 570A.01       Assessment of Athletic Injuries I         F2F     MTWRF        8:00AM   10:00AM   ATHL    Lab   Kent, T
ATHL 570B.01       Assessment of Athletic Injuries II        F2F     MTWRF       10:15AM   12:15PM   ATHL    Lab   Kent, T
ATHL 574.01        Summer Clinical Practice                  ASY     WEB                                           Matocha, M
BIOL 140.01-T      Basic Biology                             F2F     MTWRF        8:00AM   10:00AM   MOOD    203   Springs, R
BIOL 140L.01       Basic Biology Lab                         F2F     M W          1:00PM   4:00PM    MOOD    224   Springs, R
BIOL 233.01        Pathophysiology                           ASY     WEB                                           Tate, K
BIOL 246.01        Human Anatomy & Physiology II             ASY     WEB                                           Wilson, B
BIOL 246L.01       Human A&P Laboratory II                   ASY     WEB                                           Wilson, B
BUSI 337.01-Z      Principles of Marketing                   ASY     WEB                                           Briney, A
BUSI 377.01-T      Business Finance                          ASY     WEB                                           Fard, A
COMM 373.01-T      The Horror Film                           ASY     WEB                                           Vrooman, S
EDUC 371.01-Z      Intro to Early Childhood Education        ASY     WEB                                           Kubena, D
EDUC 432.01        Instrnl Strat Sec & All Lvl               ASY     WEB                                           Kubena, D
EDUC 437.01        Classroom Mgmt EC-6 (Post Bac)            ASY     WEB                                           Kubena, D
EDUC 438.01        Class Mgmt Sec & All Lvl (Post Bac)       ASY     WEB                                           Kubena, D
EDUC 471.01        Classroom Mgmt 4-8 (Post Bac)             ASY     WEB                                           Kubena, D
EDUC 572.01        Social Foundations & Ed Trends            SYN          R       9:30AM   12:00PM   WEB     SYN   Kubena, D
EDUC 575.01        Capstone Curriculum & Instruction         ASY     WEB                                           Staff
EDUC 583.01        Beh Strat for Students w/Disabilities     SYN       T          9:30AM   12:00PM   WEB     SYN   Belfi, M
EDUC 585.01        Capstone Special Education                ASY     WEB                                           Staff
HIST 270.01-Z      Texas and the Borderlands                 ASY     WEB                                           Lannon, D
KINS 382.01        Methods of Teaching Phys Ed Activities    ASY     WEB                                           Staff
KINS 476.01        Biomechanics                              ASY     WEB                                           Cereceres, P
MATH 136.01-T      Business Calculus                         F2F       T    F     2:00PM   4:00PM    TSCH    103   Abbasian, R
                       meets Tuesdays & Fridays face-to-face on campus; asynchronous MWR
MUSI 130.01-C      Music Appreciation                        ASY     WEB                                           McElhaney, C
PHYS 142.01-T      General College Physics II                F2F     MTWRF       10:15AM   12:15PM    ATT    102   Staff
PHYS 142L.01       General College Physics II Lab            F2F     M W          1:00PM    4:00PM    ATT    102   Staff
SISE 231.01-Z      Intro to Social Entrepreneurship          ASY     WEB                                           Briney, A
SPAN 133.01-Z      Spanish for Health Professions            ASY     WEB                                           De Villa, A
STAT 374.01-T      Statistics                                F2F       T    F    10:15AM   12:15PM   TSCH    103   Abbasian, R
                       meets Tuesdays & Fridays face-to-face on campus; asynchronous MWR
THEO 133.01        Introduction to Theology                  ASY     WEB                                           Kaminski, A

  Summer B Short Term (July 5-19)
Course             Title                                   Mode     Days       Start       End       Bldg   Room   Instructor
COMM 374.01-C      Professional Speaking                                            cancelled                      Vrooman, S
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