2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township

Page created by Norman Dixon
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
Reaching the Community Together!
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities
           A look at the Sponsorship Opportunities available to
        local, regional, and national businesses and organizations
      through the Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department.

     State Recognized Events!

301 Iven Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087  610-688-5600  www.radnor.com/events
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
►   Enhance your recognition, public image, and good will in Radnor Township
►   Provide great quality of life opportunities for members of the community
►   Increase awareness of your products and services and overall marketing strategy
►   Make connections and interact with people while you reach various markets
►   Promote your business or organization to numerous people
►   Assist the Parks & Recreation Department in meeting its mission
The Parks & Recreation Department strives to provide a range of activities that appeal to all ages and
segments within our great community. Activities are carefully designed to bring people together, promote
healthy and active lifestyles, stimulate social interaction, boost mental health and well being, strengthen the
community, and celebrate the natural environment. Sponsors play a vital role in achieving these goals and
maintaining Radnor Township as a premier community in the Philadelphia region. Through sponsorships,
we develop partnerships, and our goal is focused on your success as much as it is on our own. This
translates into exceptional visibility and success for everyone! Thank you for taking the time to review what
we have to offer. We sincerely appreciate your consideration in working with us!

     What you would like to                   Tammy Cohen                   To maximize your visibility,
    sponsor and at what level         Director of Parks & Recreation         commit early. Even if you
      Community Events                      By email or phone:                   don't, sponsorship
          Programs                         tcohen@radnor.org               commitments are accepted on
     Radnor Activity Center                    610-688-5600                  a rolling basis and we will
                                                                           work to ensure you gain all the
                                                                              benefits that are offered!

Sponsorships can take the following forms and are also fully customizable:
►   Monetary Contribution through any desired amount
►   In-Kind Products, Supplies or other items
►   Gift Cards for participants or to use towards event planning
►   In-Kind Services through volunteer efforts or other support
►   Discounted Products, Supplies or other items

Your ability to reach the community is important to us, and we pride ourselves on developing a partnership
that is mutually beneficial. Being creative to this effort is essential and is not always a one-size fits all
approach, therefore, working together through the process is very important. This document provides an
outline of the opportunities and corresponding benefits available this year. If you have additional ideas not
featured, we would like to discuss them. Contact us today to get started!
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
Sweetheart Valentine’s Dance
Event Summary                                           Benefit Levels
                                                        Event Presenting Sponsor $2,500
Friday, February 11, 2022                               Currently: Villanova University & The Inn at Villanova University
(Inclement Weather Date: 2/12)                          Harmelin Media
The Inn at Villanova University                         • Presenting sponsor of event with name and/or logo appearing at
6:30 to 8:30 PM                                            the top of event promotional materials
The annual Sweetheart Valentine's Dance is a truly      • Name included in event communications
unique event that takes place with elegance at The      • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
Inn at Villanova University. This special evening       • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your
provides an unforgettable experience for family            website
'sweethearts' featuring music and dancing, light hors   • Social media spotlight with tag to your social media page
d’oeuvres and refreshments, photos and caricatures         (1,200+ followers)
to capture the memories, special themed take-home       • Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
crafts, and a memorable rose ceremony at the end of
                                                        • Name announced during the event
the night. The Sweetheart Valentine's Dance has
                                                        • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
been a huge hit with a history of being a sell-out
                                                           signage or a banner, distribute promotional materials, and make
event with over 200 guests. There is a nominal fee to
                                                           an announcement
attend this highly-anticipated and sought after
tradition! Sponsorships for this event cover the many   • Opportunity to provide marketing materials in participant bags
fun activities that make it great.                      • Four complimentary tickets to event (two couples)

Click here for the Sweetheart Dance website              Special Memories Sponsor $500
                                                        • Name and/or logo on event promotional materials
                                                        • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your
                                                        • Social media spotlight with tag to your social media
                                                        • Name announced during the event
                                                        • Two complimemtary tickets to event (one Daddy/daughter couple)

                                                        Rose/Flower Sponsor $300 (equivalent item cost and/or in-kind
                                                        • Name and/or logo on event promotional materials
                                                        • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt
Event Summary                                     Benefit Levels
Flashlight Egg Hunt                               Event Presenting Sponsor $2,500
Friday, April 1                                   • Presenting sponsor of event with name and/or logo appearing at the top of
(Rain Date: Saturday, April 2)                       event promotional materials
Radnor Trail (entrance at Wayne Art Center)       • Name included in event communications
8:00 PM                                           • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
                                                  • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your website
Hey Teens! Hop on over to the Radnor Trail
for this exciting annual spring event that has    • Social media spotlight with tag to your social media page (1,200+
become a really big hit! Bring a flashlight and      followers)
venture down the Trail at night to find lots of   • Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
fun goodies and gift card prizes geared           • Name announced during the event
towards teens! This is a free event for grades    • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
6 and up only and is free to attend.                 signage or a banner and distribute promotional materials
Registration has maxed out each year with         • Opportunity to provide marketing materials in participant bags
100 teens in attendance.
                                                  Product/Prize Sponsor $250 (or equivalent item cost - includes monetary
Click here for the Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt
                                                  and/or in-kind products/prizes/services)
                                                  • Name and/or logo on event promotional materials
                                                  • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your website
                                                  • Opportunity to provide marketing materials in participant bags
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
Wheels of Wayne Car Show
Event Summary                                          Benefit Levels
                                                       Best of Show Event Presenting Sponsor $5,000
Wheels of Wayne Car Show                               • Presenting sponsor of event with name and/or logo appearing at the top
Sunday, May 15, 2022                                      of event promotional materials
(Rain Date: 5/22)
                                                       • Name included in event communications including notification letter that
North Wayne Avenue/West Avenue, Wayne
                                                          is distributed to Wayne businesses
1:00 to 4:00 PM
                                                       • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
                                                       • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your website
The Parks & Recreation Department teams up
with the Wayne Business Association to deliver         • Social media spotlight with tag to your social media page (1,200+
Wheels of Wayne, a car, truck and motorcycle              followers)
show featuring a wide variety of great activities in   • Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
downtown Wayne. 'WOW' is for all members of            • Name announced during the event
the community and is family-friendly too! See a        • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
unique display of cars, trucks, and motorcycles,          signage or a banner, distribute promotional materials, and make an
visit with Wayne and area businesses and                  announcement
organizations, experience live entertainment,          • Opportunity to distribute materials to vehicle registrants in their dash
enjoy great food featuring BBQ pulled pork and            plaque packets
pizza contests, and awesome prizes. This               • Two complimentary registrations to event (two vehicles)
annual tradition is met with huge success with
3,000+ in attendance. The event is free to attend      Classic Sponsor $2,500
with costs for food, drinks, and to register for the   • Name and/or logo appearing on event promotional materials
show.                                                  • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
                                                       • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your website
Click here for the WOW website
                                                       • Social media spotlight with tag to your social media page (1,200+
                                                       • Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
                                                       • Name announced during the event
                                                       • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
                                                          signage or a banner, distribute promotional materials, and make an
                                                       • One complimentary registrations to event (one vehicle)
                                                       Hot Rod Sponsor $500
                                                       • Name and/or logo appearing on event promotional materials
                                                       • Promotion on Township website with link to your business website
                                                       • Opportunity to attend event with a table, display signage or a banner,
                                                          and distribute promotional materials
                                                       Vehicle Dash Plaque Sponsor $1,000 (or cost of dash plaque)
                                                       • Add on to any sponsorship level above
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
Great American Backyard Campout
Event Summary                                         Benefit Levels
Radnor's Great American Backyard Campout              Rations Sponsor $500
Saturday, June 18, 2022                               (Covers costs of S'mores Station along with Water & Food for
(Rain Date: 6/25)                                     Scout Leadership)
The Willows Park                                      • Name and/or logo appearing on event promotional materials
Campers arrive and check in at 6:00 PM                • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your
Celebrate Great Outdoors Month this June with
Radnor's Great American Backyard Campout! The         • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
Parks & Recreation Department, in cooperation with        signage or a banner and distribute promotional materials
the Radnor Scouts bring you Radnor's Great            • Opportunity to provide marketing materials in participant bags
American Backyard Campout free to the community!
This is your chance to camp out under the stars and   Activity Sponsor $ cost varies
experience the Willows Park in the dark! Take part    (Covers costs of activities associated with the event that change
in camping 101 led by the Radnor Scouts with a        annually; ask about this sponsorship opportunity)
how-to on setting up your camp site and starting a
campfire, various demonstrations and shows, a
night hike through Skunk Hollow, yummy s'mores
then cap the night off with songs and skits around
the campfire! This event requires pre-registration
with over 350 campers taking part each year!
Click here for the Great American Backyard
Campout website
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
Summer Concerts in the Park
Event Summary                                           Benefit Levels
                                                        Event Presenting Sponsor $2,000 (per concert)
Radnor Summer Concerts                                  Event Presenting Sponsor $5,000 (per concert and movie)
July Dates and Locations to be determined
6:30 to 8:00 PM                                         •   Presenting sponsor of event with name and/or logo appearing at the
                                                            top of event promotional materials
Annual summer favorites that have been around           •   Name included in event communications
for decades, Radnor Township's annual summer            •   Name featured on event promotional lawn signage
concerts are free for all members of the community      •   Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
to attend. Grab your blanket and lawn chair and         •   Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your
sing along to local bands belting out new and               website
familiar tunes! Other activities at our concerts have   •   Social media spotlight with tag to your social media page (1,200+
varied over the years and have included interactive         followers)
vendors, activities, food and refreshments, and
                                                        •   Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
even a movie under the stars after the concert!
                                                        •   Name announced during the event
Locations change each summer but the musical
energy is always the same! Past locations have          •   Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
included Bo Connor Park, Clem Macrone Park, and             signage or a banner, distribute promotional materials, and make an
Odorisio Park. Our concerts have been attended              announcement (additional announcement for movie events)
by upwards of 500 and more.                             •   Name and/or logo and video on movie screen for movie events

Click here for the Summer Concerts website              Music Note Sponsor $500
                                                        • Name and/or logo on event promotional materials
                                                        • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your
                                                        • Name announced during the event
                                                        • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
                                                           signage or a banner, and distribute promotional materials
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
Night at the Ball Park/Wiffleball Classic
Event Summary                                            Benefit Levels
Night at the Ball Park/Wiffleball Classic and            Presenting Event Sponsor/ Fireworks Sponsor $5,000
Fireworks Finale...all rolled into one event!            • Presenting sponsor of event with name and/or logo appearing at the
Wednesday, July 20, 2022                                    top of event promotional materials
(Rain Date: Thursday, July 21)                           • Name included in event communications
Encke Park at 5:30 PM                                    • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
We’ve combined our annual Night at the Ball Park         • Recognition on ballfield banner at Encke Park
Event with the Wiffleball Classic, AND a powerful        • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your
fireworks finale to cap off the evening! A variety of       website
exciting activities will take place at Encke Ball Park   • Social media spotlight with tag to your social media page (1,200+
including visits with mascots, bounce houses and            followers)
games, concessions cooked up by Radnor Wayne             • Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
Little League, and attendance by other community         • Name announced during the event
organizations and businesses. Participate in the
                                                         • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
Wiffleball Classic that raises funds for the Delaware
                                                            signage or a banner, distribute promotional materials, and make an
County Special Olympics by joining with a team of
players and stick around, you won’t want to miss
                                                         • Two team registrations to play in event
the Fireworks at dusk! You don’t have to be a
baseball fan to take part in this fun outdoor event
                                                         Home Run Sponsor $2,000
that celebrates the sport and our great park! This
event is free to members of the community with           • Name and/or logo appearing on event promotional materials
minimal costs for concessionary food and drinks.         • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
                                                         • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your
Click here for the Wiffleball Classic website               website
                                                         • Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
                                                         • Name announced during the event
                                                         • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
                                                            signage or a banner, and distribute promotional materials.
                                                         • One team registration to play in event

                                                         Triple Play Product / Prize Sponsor $250 (or equivalent item cost -
                                                         includes monetary and/or in-kind products/prizes/services)
                                                         • Opportunity to attend event with a table, display signage or a banner,
                                                             and distribute promotional materials
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
Fall Harvest & Great Pumpkin Patch
Event Summary                                      Benefit Levels
                                                   The Great Pumpkin Presenting Sponsor $8,000
Fall Harvest & Great Pumpkin Patch Event           Currently taken by Bryn Mawr Hospital/Nemours DuPont Pediatrics
Sunday, October 2, 2022
                                                   • Presenting sponsor of event with name and/or logo appearing at the top
(Rain Date: Sunday, 10/9)
                                                       of event promotional materials
The Willows Park
                                                   • Name included in event communications
1:00 to 4:00 PM
                                                   • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
                                                   • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your website
A traditional October favorite, this free, fall event
is for all members of the community including      • Social media spotlight with tag to your social media page (1,200+
families and children. It features all that’s great    followers)
about the season in the dynamic, bucolic Willows   • Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
Park setting! Jump on the back of one of our       • Name announced during the event
Public Works Department's hay wagons pulled by     • Name/Logo on signage that is placed at event
a tractor and venture into the Skunk Hollow        • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
pumpkin patch to pick up your very own                 signage or a banner, distribute promotional materials, and make an
pumpkin! Enjoy great activities such as pony           announcement
rides, pumpkin painting, live music, harvest crafts,
                                                   • Opportunity to provide promotional banner for hay ride tractors
food, refreshments, and more. Past activities
have included the famous Helicopter Pinata and Harvest Sponsor $3,000
Haybale Scramble! The Fall Harvest & Great
                                                      • Name and/or logo appearing on event promotional materials
Pumpkin Patch Event averages 4,000+ in
                                                      • Name included in event communications
attendance each year!
                                                      • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your website
Click here for the Fall Harvest website               • Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
                                                      • Name announced during the event
                                                      • Opportunity to attend event with a table in a prime location, display
                                                        signage or a banner, and distribute promotional materials

                                                   Hay Bale Sponsor $500
                                                   • Name and/or logo appearing on event promotional materials
                                                   • Promotion on event website name and/or logo with link to your website
                                                   • Opportunity to attend event with a table, display signage or a banner,
                                                      and distribute promotional materials

                                                   Treat Product / Prize Sponsor $250 (or equivalent item cost - includes
                                                   monetary and/or in-kind products/prizes/services)
                                                   • Opportunity to attend event with a table, display signage or a banner,
                                                      and distribute promotional materials
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - Reaching the Community Together! - Radnor Township
Santa’s Delivery
Event Summary                                        Benefit Levels
Santa’s Delivery Event                               Although there are no detailed benefit levels that currently exist for this
Delivery Event - Sunday, December 4, 2022            event, the Radnor Township Recreation & Community Programming
Santa’s Delivery Gift Drop off                       Department is willing to discuss your desired support or contributions that
Saturday, November 26, 2022                          would help to cover costs and services associated with event delivery. In
                                                     addition, we are willing to accept in-kind support or contributions as fit for
(Day After Black Friday!)                            the event and in exchange, participating contributors will receive negotiated
Santa’s Delivery was nothing short of AMAZING        advertising benefits and in most cases, presence at the event.
again in 2019! Santa makes special stops at your     Items include:
home spreading holiday cheer and bringing gifts
to families who pre-register them on our drop off    •   Contribute candy canes that are handed out along each route
day, the day after Black Friday. You can also        •   Sponsor our promotional magnet that is handed out along each route
make a special contribution to Toys for Tots and
                                                     Your public support in cooperation with our Department will help to promote
other available charities. Santa arrives in style,   a positive image for your business and increase awareness of your
blasting     his   way      through      Township    products and services.
neighborhoods with a dazzling motorcade of
flashing lights and sirens aboard a fire engine      All of our sponsorship opportunities take an approach that is focused on the
                                                     participating business or organization and your visibility, outreach, and
and with police escorts! Everyone shares in the
                                                     ability to build relationships with members of the community is very
awe and excitement with a candy canes special        important to us! We also like to be creative in all that we can offer through
greeting from Santa Claus! Over 1,400 gifts were     our community events!
delivered by Santa to children this past year!
Click here for the Santa's Delivery website
Radnor Champions Programs
Program Summary                                      Benefits
Year-round programming offered includes, but         As a sponsor of Radnor Champions, you will receive visibility among our
is not limited, to:                                  program families, staff, and other integral members of the community that
                                                     contribute to the program. Your public support will promote a positive
Basketball              Soccer                       image and increase awareness of your products and services.
Wiffleball              Trail Hiking/Nature
Yoga/Mindfulness        Swimming                     Radnor Champions sponsors at select levels are invited and encouraged to
Radnor Champions Programming started as a            attend games, events, and activities to distribute information or other items
partnership with the Radnor Committee for            agreed upon or just to hang out with these great participants.
Special Education with great success in 2017.
Programming is designed specifically for children    Benefits include the following, depending on your contribution:
with developmental differences and special           • Name and/or logo appearing at the top of Radnor Champions
needs. Through a structured environment,                promotional materials
activities emphasize teamwork, social skills         • Name and/or logo appearing on shirts or jerseys (for applicable
development, enrichment, and having fun with no         sponsorship)
pressure and low-competition. Unique program         • Name included in Radnor Champions communications with program
opportunities are designed for participants of all      participant families
ability levels with special attention given to       • Promotion on Radnor Champions website name and/or logo with link to
participants who may have differences when it           your website
comes to large crowds, loud sounds, or social        • Opportunity to provide marketing materials to program families
situations. Our professional coaches, with the
help of volunteers work together to create a
friendly, positive, and inclusive environment for
everyone who participates.

Click here for the Radnor Champions website

Sponsorship Opportunities
To offset the following costs of our Champions
Programming, we welcome sponsorship
contributions for the following:
Program Shirts $300
(per program for applicable programs only;
above cost or equivalent cost and/or in-kind
Program participants and coaches receive a shirt
or jersey for applicable programs. For example,
our basketball participants receive a reversible
player jersey for practice and game days.

Program Equipment and/or Facility Rental
Costs $300 and up -
Any contribution defrays these costs
Champions programming often relies on special
equipment and/or rental facility space that comes
at a cost to the program. In order to keep program
costs as low as possible for participants, your
sponsorship contribution will go a long way
towards this goal!
Radnor Day Camp
Program Summary                                      Benefits
Radnor Day Camp                                      As a sponsor of Radnor Day Camp, you will receive visibility among our
Monday, June 27 to Friday, August 5                  camp families, staff, and other integral members of the community that
6 Weeks                                              contribute to the delivery of camp. Your public support will promote a
Radnor Day Camp (RDC) is hailed as the longest       positive image and increase awareness of your products and services.
running day camp in the country! RDC operates
for six weeks for children entering grads 1 to 9     Benefits include the following, depending on your contribution -
with full and half day attendance options, and is    many benefits below are for t-shirt sponsorship:
an all-inclusive camp that strives to meet the       • Name and/or logo appearing at the top of RDC promotional materials
needs of every camper. Activities include sports     • Name and/or logo appearing on camp shirts
and games, arts and crafts, performing arts,         • Name included in RDC communications with camp families
aquatics, field trips, special events, and more.     • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
Over 150 children participate each summer.           • Promotion on RDC website name and/or logo with link to your website
Click here for the Radnor Day Camp website           • Social media spotlight with tag to your social media page (1,200+
Sponsorship Opportunities                            • Township Building Lobby Sign Spotlight
To offset the following costs of Radnor Day          • Name announced during the camp events where families are present
Camp, we welcome sponsorship contributions for       • Opportunity to provide marketing materials to camp families
the following that make our camp special:
Camper Sponsorships
Any amount defrays these costs
Ensuring all children who wish to experience
camp is an important part of RDC's mission. You
have the opportunity to be part of this mission by
helping kids grow, learn, and flourish in a fun
environment that promotes positive mental,
physical and social development while making
great memories along the way! Campers in need
of financial assistance are encouraged to apply
for scholarships each summer and we work very
closely with Radnor Township School District to
identify these situations and work with families.
Camp and Staff Shirts $1,200 (or equivalent
item cost and/or in-kind contribution)
All our campers and staff members receive a
unique camp shirt each summer. As a symbol of
camper unity and an identifying marker on camp
field trips, during special visitor days, and at
special events, these shirts are also seen
throughout the year on our campers and staff!
Camp Special Events
$300 (per event; or equivalent event cost and/
or in-kind contribution towards event)
Special Event Days build excitement at camp!
Annual event traditions have been taking place for
decades and include a creative dance
performance in the school theatre for families,
camp's special twist on the Olympics, a carnival
celebration, and other weekly themed parties and
special days that bring camp together!
Radnor Activity Center
Facility Summary                                    Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities
Radnor Activity Center                              Advertising Opportunities and Program/Event Sponsorships are
125 South Wayne Avenue, Wayne                       available at Radnor Activity Center
                                                    Why Radnor Activity Center?
Radnor Activity Center at Sulpizio Gym (RAC) is
                                                    Throughout the year, thousands of people in the community utilize the RAC
an indoor, community space and gymnasium
                                                    through community programming such as basketball, soccer, camps,
available for permitted usage as well as
                                                    pickleball, and a host of other popular seasonal activities. The facility has
participation in a variety of programs and events
                                                    also hosted a gamut of functions such as American Red Cross Blood
organized by the Parks & Recreation Department.
                                                    Drives, Radnor Township and School District events, community business
The building was part of the former Radnor Middle
                                                    and organization trainings, and it serves annually as a community polling
School and through a lease agreement with
Radnor Township School District, the Department
oversees the operations and maintenance.            You can experience ongoing significant visibility and repetitive exposure of
Located in beautiful downtown Wayne directly        your products and services to a highly active and diverse community that
behind Radnor Fire Company, the RAC was             uses the facility year-round. This is a unique opportunity to target your
renovated in 2009 and serves the community with     marketing while demonstrating your commitment to community recreation!
a dynamic space that adds to the quality of life!
                                                    Advertising Options include gymnasium wall banners and signage
The RAC was named in honor of Louis J.              (designed, purchased, and provided by you).
Sulpizio, a former educator, coach, and             *See enclosed application for more information.
administrator for Radnor Township School
                                                    Benefits include the following:
District. Mr. Sulpizio was born and raised in
Wayne and was a graduate of Radnor High             • Name and/or logo and information appearing on signage that is placed
School. He joined the school district in 1951 and      on the wall inside the gymnasium
during his tenure, he taught history, coached all   • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
sports, and retired as the Radnor Middle School     • Promotion on Radnor Activity Center webpage with name and/or logo
Assistant Principal in 1983.                           with link to your website

Click here for the Radnor Activity Center website   Sponsorships include contributions that enable us to offer free
                                                    community recreation experiences such as open gym nights and other
                                                    free program or event-specific opportunities to the community.
                                                    (developed in collaboration with our Department)
                                                    *See enclosed application for more information.
                                                    Benefits include the following, depending on your contribution:
                                                    • Name and/or logo on any promotional materials that are developed for
                                                       the program or event
                                                    • Name included in any communications program or event participants
                                                    • Recognition in e-newsletters (5,000+ recipients)
                                                    • Promotion on Radnor Activity Center webpage with name and/or logo
                                                       with link to your website
Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
                                      Sponsorship Opportunities Application
                                       Reaching the Community Together!
     Thank you for your interest in sponsoring one of the many great community events coordinated by the
 Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department! We strive to provide our residents with endless recreational
  opportunities that focus on building our community and strengthening its spirit. With the combination of our
    expertise and the valued partnerships of our local businesses and organizations, our vision comes to life!
     Through a partnership, we have the ability to build relationships with the community in so many ways.
                         We sincerely appreciate your consideration in working with us!

Business/Organization Name:___________________________________________________________________
Contact Name & Title:_________________________________________________________________________
Contact Name & Title for Event Day: _____________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________________________
City:___________________________________ State:________________________ Zip:____________________
Contact Phone Number(s):______________________________________________________________________
Email Address(es):_____________________________________________________________________________

Event Name(s):_______________________________________________________________________________
Sponsorship Contribution Details:_________________________________________________________________
      Monetary Amount: $_______________                       Product Description              Services Description

• Radnor Township, at its discretion, reserves the right to reject any submitted sponsorship or advertisement application that is not in
  compliance with its Sponsorship Policy (see website for Policy).
• Sponsorship and advertising applications do not imply endorsement of sponsor goods or services by Radnor Township.
• For events or programs that are altered or cancelled, Radnor Township will work with Sponsor/Advertiser on alternative opportunities.
• Sponsor/Advertiser warrants that it has the legal authority with regard to the material submitted, is the owner of any trademark,
  tradename, service mark, copyright, or other intellectual property contained therein.
• Radnor Township reserves the right to use the submitted logo for material as indicated by the application or written authorization
  provided by the Sponsor/Advertiser. Please notify us of any logo use restrictions. All sponsor logos preferred in PDF or JPEG file format.
• Sponsor/Advertiser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Radnor Township, its officers, representatives, employees,
  and assigns from any and all losses, claims or causes of action and damages, judgments, fees and costs of any nature whatsoever arising
  in any way, including the omissions of Radnor Township with respect to content printed.


                               Please return completed form and sponsorship amount to:
                                    Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
                                            301 Iven Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087
                    Tammy Cohen, Director - tcohen@randor.org / 610-688-5600, x 141 / www.radnor.com
                                     Radnor Township Tax ID Number is 23-6000-200
Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
                                                                            Radnor Activity Center
                                                                   Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities
                                            Organization/Business Name:
 Contact Information

                                            Contact Name/Title:
                                            Mailing Address/City/State/Zip:
                                            Phone Number:

                                                                                      Why Advertise at Radnor Activity Center?
                                            Throughout the year, thousands of people in the community utilize the RAC through community programming such as
  Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities

                                            basketball, soccer, camps, pickleball, and a host of other popular seasonal activities. The facility has also hosted a gamut
                                            of functions such as American Red Cross Blood Drives, Radnor Township and School District events, community business
                                            and organization trainings, and it serves annually as a community polling location. You can experience ongoing
                                            significant visibility and repetitive exposure of your products and services to a highly active and diverse community that
                                            uses the facility year-round. This is a unique opportunity to target your marketing while demonstrating your
                                            commitment to community recreation!
                                            Gymnasium banner (designed, purchased, and provided by you; limited availability)
                                                Vestibule Wall             Front Wall             Back Wall             Side Wall

                                            Term of Advertisement
                                                 1 Year - $2,000              2 Years - $3,500         3 Years - $5,200
                                                 Program or Event Sponsorship Contribution as outlined - requires pre-application submission development.

• Radnor Township, at its discretion, reserves the right to reject any submitted sponsorship or advertisement application that is not in
  compliance with its Sponsorship Policy (see website for Policy).
• Sponsorship and advertising applications do not imply endorsement of sponsor goods or services by Radnor Township.
• In the event of facility closure, Radnor Township will work with Sponsor/Advertiser on alternative opportunities or prorated refund.
• Sponsor/Advertiser warrants that it has the legal authority with regard to the material submitted, is the owner of any trademark,
  tradename, service mark, copyright, or other intellectual property contained therein.
• Radnor Township reserves the right to use the submitted logo for material as indicated by the application or written authorization
  provided by the Sponsor/Advertiser. Please notify us of any logo use restrictions. All sponsor logos preferred in PDF or JPEG file format.
• Sponsor/Advertiser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Radnor Township, its officers, representatives, employees,
  and assigns from any and all losses, claims or causes of action and damages, judgments, fees and costs of any nature whatsoever arising
  in any way, including the omissions of Radnor Township with respect to content printed.


                                                                   Please return completed form and sponsorship amount to:
                                                                        Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
                                                                                301 Iven Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087
                                                        Tammy Cohen, Director - tcohen@randor.org / 610-688-5600, x 141 / www.radnor.com
                                                                         Radnor Township Tax ID Number is 23-6000-200
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